18-01-2005, 00:41
Secret IC:
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Please enter name of file(s) you wish to access: Kormoran, Chameleon
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Project Kormoran
Named after the Kriegsmarine cruiser Kormoran (http://www.german-navy.de/kriegsmarine/ships/auxcruiser/kormoran/) which was disguised as a freighter, Project Kormoran currently consists of twenty seabourne large-scale missile-launch platforms disguised as freighters and other large civilian ships (none of which are Kordoan in origin). This program is designed to allow Kordo to strike with impunity at any country it wishes without a threat of the ships being discovered or Kordo being implicated in the attack. Ten of these ships are currently capable of holding ten Chameleon Class ICBM’s per ship along with other standard missles, while the rest are to have the said capablitiy by the end of 2005. (See Project Chameleon for details of Chameleon Class ICBM’s)
Project Chameleon
Project Chameleon, begun in late 2004, is a project whereby Kordo Nuclear Missile Command cloned nuclear ICBM’s and other nuclear devices of various countries, both friendly and hostile. This has been done so by combining nuclear materials from said nations, along with missiles designed to their specific specifications. This project has been designed to allow Project Kormoran to fire nuclear ICBM’s that do not have any connection to Kordo, or its armed forces. While the use of these weapons, or their creation, would have severe consequences on the Kordoan political landscape if discovered, it has been deemed an acceptable risk by President Jack Kordo II and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Accessing Kordo Intelligenzdienst Files……..
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Please enter name of file(s) you wish to access: Kormoran, Chameleon
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Access Granted.
Project Kormoran
Named after the Kriegsmarine cruiser Kormoran (http://www.german-navy.de/kriegsmarine/ships/auxcruiser/kormoran/) which was disguised as a freighter, Project Kormoran currently consists of twenty seabourne large-scale missile-launch platforms disguised as freighters and other large civilian ships (none of which are Kordoan in origin). This program is designed to allow Kordo to strike with impunity at any country it wishes without a threat of the ships being discovered or Kordo being implicated in the attack. Ten of these ships are currently capable of holding ten Chameleon Class ICBM’s per ship along with other standard missles, while the rest are to have the said capablitiy by the end of 2005. (See Project Chameleon for details of Chameleon Class ICBM’s)
Project Chameleon
Project Chameleon, begun in late 2004, is a project whereby Kordo Nuclear Missile Command cloned nuclear ICBM’s and other nuclear devices of various countries, both friendly and hostile. This has been done so by combining nuclear materials from said nations, along with missiles designed to their specific specifications. This project has been designed to allow Project Kormoran to fire nuclear ICBM’s that do not have any connection to Kordo, or its armed forces. While the use of these weapons, or their creation, would have severe consequences on the Kordoan political landscape if discovered, it has been deemed an acceptable risk by President Jack Kordo II and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.