Martial Arts RP (Ooc Signup/Discussion)
17-01-2005, 16:26
This is an RP based on a martial arts film, set in China (or any other place on Earth, your call, but it at least starts in China). The time is 1 A.D, the Han Dynasty rules China. Meanwhile, in true martial arts movie fashion (i'm adjusting history a little bit here) everyone wields a weapon and knows how to use it at least somewhat.
Meanwhile, i'll be posting my character up later, maybe tommorow.
17-01-2005, 16:27
Oh by the way, you can start anywhere you want to on earth at that time (1 A.D) provided you make your way back to East Asia.
Fimble loving peoples
17-01-2005, 16:33
Could I be a time travelling monk with a flame thrower?.
Or failing that. A little bald man who wields words of wisdom. And also has a tendancy to kill anyone he doesn't like and their whole village. He's a pretty nice guy really. Just a bad temper.
17-01-2005, 16:34
2nd guy, sure.
Fimble loving peoples
17-01-2005, 16:37
But no appearence from the monk?. That sucks.
17-01-2005, 16:39
no, no flamethrowing monk.
Fimble loving peoples
17-01-2005, 16:46
Fine. It's your RP.
Can I be a drunk Irishman who knows cool moves and somehow gets involved in this?
Fimble loving peoples
17-01-2005, 17:34
Well this died. I thought it had potential.
18-01-2005, 01:08
Siap, why not.
(a bunch of people have already signed up, i'm liking the sound of this though, very Kung Pao: Enter the Fist style)
Fimble loving peoples
18-01-2005, 01:11
Yeah. That film owns.
Armandian Cheese
18-01-2005, 02:04
Can I be in? I shall be the evil martial arts master...with a sensitive side. And my name shall be...Betty. Nyaaa.
Fimble loving peoples
18-01-2005, 10:23
I think someone took Betty/ Master Pain in the other thread.