Royalist Rebbelion in No_State_At_All (Open RP)
17-01-2005, 12:35
I have just had my nation resurrected after leaving it a bit too long over the summer holidays and then not being bothered to re-join. I thought it would be a good idea to rejoin in a way that explains an absence from the world of NS so here you go:
BTW, the king is with the rebels. It’s a royalist rebellion remember.
(IC from now on unless otherwise stated)
++General Press release from NSAA government++
Last week, the entire northern sector of our nation revolted against our benevolent rule for reasons unknown to us, and the rebels have taken control of several other towns outside that area from their rightful owners (us) by force. The situation is out of hand, our military is unable to cope with the rebellion and we ask for military aid from any world powers that are interested in stability throughout the world. We also request any mercenaries not already under contract to other world powers to help. We will reward any who help us with access to normally restricted first-line NSAA military technology. Please, help us defeat those who would destroy all we have worked for. Please.
++Message Ends++
Secret IC from The Palace, Black Mountain City, Central (rebel held) NSAA:
"Sir, we just intercepted a message from the imperialist leaders in Tauros. It seems they are asking for military aid from the rest of the world, and calling in more mercs." Reported the communications watch officer to the officer in charge of the palace guard command post.
"Hmmm. I had better inform the King. Get the throne room on the telephone." Ordered the officer in charge.
(the throne room is rung and the King informed. This next happens in the throne room)
"Damn them, that release makes them sound like the good guys." Said the king "We'll have to step up our efforts. Order all the units we can spare from the northern garrisons to move to the eastern and western regions. If we can push the isolationists back into only the southern region, we'll have them at our mercy. If they don’t get much outside help then I doubt they'll be able to maintain control in the southern citys, and if they lose the citys, they should surrender. Go. Give my orders to the comms people. Go on, MOVE"
All across the northern region of NSAA, military units that had chosen to fight with the rebels (99% of the northern and central garrisons joined the rebels immediately, and about half the forces in the eastern and western regions followed soon after) moved out to the eastern and western regions, where they added to the rebel forces there and laid out battle lines against the isolationist forces who were (by the time the fighting started) reinforced by units from the south and some new mercenaries.
List of forces, eastern front:
Rebels: 25 army legions, 5 air legions, Navy Task Force Dignity.
Isolationsists: 45 army legions, 12 air legions, Navy task force 2, ~2000 Mercenaries.
List of forces, Western front:
Rebels: 25 Army legions, 5 air legions, navy task force Liberty.
Isolationists: 45 army legions, 10 air legions, navy task force 1, ~5000 mercs.
List of forces, Southern front:
Rebels: 50 army legions, 8 air legions.
Isolationists: 60 army legions, 15 air legions, navy task force 3, ~2500 mercs.
List of forces, Northern region (rebel held):
50 army legions, 3 air legions, navy task force Freedom, ~30.000 civilian volunteers.
This is an open RP for all modern or near-future tech nations. Please feel free to join in on either side, but please don’t just land forces in the north, and please do post a list of your forces as they arrive.
17-01-2005, 15:39
Come on people, if anyone wants to take over RPing the isolationists, TG me, and everone join. Please.
18-01-2005, 12:00
The Merchant Guilds
18-01-2005, 13:43
OOC: Im happy to jump in if you like.
I assume the Royalist's are the Right Wingers and the Government the Left?
What kind of forces would you like commited? I can always aid them subversively if you like.
Also, how many men to one of your legions?
19-01-2005, 11:41
ooc:Actually, royalists are left wing, benevolent dictatorship style, isolationists triggered the rebellion by being evil to the citizenry. you're welcome to join in on either side. (legion is 10,000 men, so there are huge numbers of people on both sides, could make for chaos trying to RP them all, so my plan is just RP selected incidents, and have the fighting going the same way everywhere) Anyway, if you want to take over the isolationists to RP them, just TG me, and i'll try to send you info on their military stuff.
The Merchant Guilds
19-01-2005, 12:49
OOC: Well, I will RP the Isolationists then. Would it be ok, if I had some involvement with my Talon (External Secret Service) sort of 'guiding' their hand so to speak. It gives you a lot of scope to have a larger IC Rivalry with me.
TG me any Info you wish or feel you have to give about your military and the principal characters on the Isolatonist side.
I suggust we take an overall approach to the war and then just go into a few major confrontations in detail. :)
19-01-2005, 14:38
OOC: you want to have any military involvement?
IC: Royalist forces in the Eastern region move out of their base positions and move towards the northernmost town occupied by the isolationist forces, a seaport called Reho.
The Merchant Guilds
19-01-2005, 14:39
OOC: Nah, I'll just pull the strings in the background.
19-01-2005, 14:46
ooc: right. i'll send you details of forces (as much as i can be bothered to invent tonight, and we can start the fighting.
Easy green
19-01-2005, 15:58
Occ: hey NSAA long time no c, ill be happy to jump in , i got alot stuff going on atm but ill try and post once every day. if i dont post for a bit though sorry.
Im a 2 billion pop nation now... horay so i can chuck some mega millitary might in if thats ok, if you want me to ill make up some reasons for a limited deployment if you wanna keep it small scale.
Dont suppose you could make a rough map to work from?
20-01-2005, 12:03
ooc:Hey easy green, just sent you a TG, ignore it now if you want, hadnt seen you here when i sent it. goo to be back.
anyway, pick a side, any side, and step right on in. (preferably on the side of the royalists but its up to you)
IC from NSV Dignity, flagship of TF Dignity:
"Admiral, we're recieving orders from high command" reported the flagship communications officer
"Very well, decode them and then read them out" replied Fleet Admiral Benson, commander of task force dignity, the biggest and best of the NSAA naval fleets.
"sir, the orders read that we are to put to sea immediatly and support an attack by the ground forces on Reho. We are to be prepared to engage a significant portion of the isolationist fleet as they will probably try to stop us"
"very well. Send to all ships in the task force that they are to prepare to heave anchor at 0900 hours tommorow. order the subs out at 0600"
"yes sir."
on time at 0900 the next day, the task force sailed with the tide, heading out to sea and thence to the target town.
OOC: i've got a hand-drawn map at home, i'll scan it for you and if you give me an e-mail address i'll send it to you. Also i'll get a list of major characters and their personalitys for you TMG.
20-01-2005, 12:11
OOC: If it's not too late I can send two regiments of infantry (10,000 soldiers.) who will fight for the Isolationists.
I may be able to send more later.
Easy green
20-01-2005, 22:56
well suppose ill throw my millitary might behind the royalists, soon as you have a map ill sort out what im gonna send and to where
20-01-2005, 23:37
The two-story house in Dny was like many others around it. Made of locally obtained bamboo, surrounded on all sides by lush rainforest, a single, dirt path leading away towards the main center of town.
A computer screen flickered to life in one of the upper rooms, followed by a loud "You've got mail!" announcement. Groaning, a female Neko rolled out of the bed, putting a hand to her head. "Ubah saccyka. Nayt ed du sa." She spoke in her native language.
To: Kami Lynx (Lynx2Pasts@EHAV.Kami.gnu)
From: Tom Sunder (TSun@EHAV.MercOps.gnu)
Subject: Got a job for you.
Hey Kami. How ya doing babe? Glad to hear your trial went favorable. Would hate to lose a good merc like you to something as trival as excessive collateral damage. Anyways, I just found this message. I think it might be something you'd like to do. Here's a forward of the orginal message...
"Last week, the entire northern sector of our nation revolted against our benevolent rule for reasons unknown to us, and the rebels have taken control of several other towns outside that area from their rightful owners (us) by force. The situation is out of hand, our military is unable to cope with the rebellion and we ask for military aid from any world powers that are interested in stability throughout the world. We also request any mercenaries not already under contract to other world powers to help. We will reward any who help us with access to normally restricted first-line NSAA military technology. Please, help us defeat those who would destroy all we have worked for. Please."
That's it. If you're interested, reply to me and I'll give you the contract information.
The EHAV Group. Ahnelrehk ouin meva.
The catgirl brushed a strand of long, blue hair out of her face, sitting up on the bed and staring at the computer screen. "Fryd dra Ramm. Sekrd yc famm."
She sat and typed out a reply to Tom, who then turned around and told her where to go, who to meet, and what to bring. Meanwhile, her contrat seeker sent a reply to NSAA.
To: Contract Issuer (Email Unknown)
From: Tom Sunder (TSun@EHAV.MercOps.gnu)
Subject: Re: Aid Required
Salutations. I am Tom Sunder, a Contract Seeker with the Gnufasur EHAV Group. I have lined up two Mercenaries willing to render aid to your nation. One is Kami Lynx (Lynx2Pasts@EHAV.Kami.gnu), a bold Neko without fear and a lightening quick trigger finger. She's one of our best right now.
The other is Leo JanaKin (JanaJana@EHAV.Leo.gnu), a master of the Claw of the Goddess fighting techinque. I am postive that both will be insurmountable in aiding your nation.
The Contract fee for both is £175,000, or roughly $69,000 each per week in your service, to be wired directly into their corrasponding EHAV Bank accounts. The account numbers will be provided by the Mercenaries themselves.
Each will provide their own equipment and transportation. EHAV Certitifies all it's members as being the best our nation can provide.
Please respond with where our Mercenaries are to meet for assignment.
Tom Sunder.
The EHAV Group. Enriching your Life.
21-01-2005, 10:43
ooc: TMG, you wanna take the RP or not?
out of interest, Gnufasur do those mercs work alone, or with teams?
DAMN, sorry EG, forgot that map, and i wont be on till monday, so i'll have it for you then. if you want to get in now, just deploy stuff to your choices of eastern and/or western regions and, if you want, join that navy task force.
21-01-2005, 15:31
ooc: okay, TMG's out. Khwarezmia, you wanna take over?
BTW, for anyone who doesnt know, this is near-future tech.
21-01-2005, 15:40
ooc: okay, TMG's out. Khwarezmia, you wanna take over?
BTW, for anyone who doesnt know, this is near-future tech.
Nr Future, excellent.
Take over the Isolationists?
21-01-2005, 15:45
OOC: yeah, sorry, shoulda said. feel free, any time.
22-01-2005, 00:15
((OOC: Alone. If two are supplied, they will, 90% of the time, work together. The EHAV Group is a private organzation which recieves only small government funding, and has maybe a total of... 100 to 150 members. They can't really afford to send large groups of mercs to any one place. They're meant mainly for character RPs. lol If you had plan for me to like... Supply 1K+ soldiers to the cause, Gnufasur isn't that type of nation, and I'm not that type of player. :P So umh... How do you wanna proceed with this?))
25-01-2005, 10:25
OOC: well, if everyone wants to move whatever forces their nations will have involved in the figting to their sides landing zones (isolationists = Rekos/Royalists = Nordheim) and any navies to their choice of fronts, and we can start fighting.
BTW, 1 army legion = 10,000 men, 1 airforce legion = 500-1000 planes.
25-01-2005, 10:32
Im sure you are a better RPer than me judging by your Age but id like to join.
This will be edited out into my forces list.
Made you id have to actually find out what my armed forces currently are seeing as the only way for me to know is to look at all the store fronts ifrequented and my comp died on the24 of december. :(
25-01-2005, 10:39
OOC: anybody is welcome to join at will, just as long as you play near-future tech.
BTW, i aint been on in ages so i've lost most of my RPing skill.
25-01-2005, 11:41
What are the balance of forces? Just wondering if I should include the Khwarezmian Army on the side of the Isolationists.
BTW, what kinda mechanised armour and equipment do the Isolationists have?
25-01-2005, 12:04
OOC: forces are about even without outside help, with the forces from other nations such as easy green and Gnufasur's mercs, it may no longer be balanced. the isolationists have less territory and are not as used to their weapons, so they will get beaten in straight combat. both sides use gauss weapons, tanks with gausscannon, warships with small-bore fast-firing gausscannon, and mechanized armour. G2G now. cya.
Easy green
25-01-2005, 20:56
Ooc: i have no idear where to send my fleet ill post up that its on the way and ill say where its going once NSAA has given me a couple of places i could anchor fleets.
Admiral Robertson looked out over the fleet before him, Easy Green had heard of the rebellion and was on her way to help the royalist forces (we had ties with NSAA before she went out of use for a bit)
A large fleet had been readied to sedn to the aid of NSAA, it had been a long time since a situation called for a forced reactiona and the generals had jumped at the chance to show of the full force of Easy Greens armed forces.
They aslo hoped an extreame show of force would convince the rebles to back down instead of fight.
The fleet streched out from horizon to horizon a sight to behold even for the Admril himself. New Triton frigates were being sent out in mass numbers for the first time and they themselfs formed a formidable surface fleet.
25 Tritons lead the fleet with 30 type 22 and 23 frigates these provided a very powerful surface combat fleet for both sea offence's and land.
The 10 new type 45 destroyers had begun to take the place of the type 42 destroyers in the fleet (although the latter still had 20 places in the fleet), their new missiles and radar systems put them in the top class of Anti aircraft and missile defence ships giveing the fleet air protection which was second to none.
20 Aircraft carriers filled out the fleets air arm needs, F35 JSF's made up the complement of fixed wing aircraft. these were suppoted by 10 Hellecopter support ships, each holding AH-64 apaches, Merlins and chinooks.
Beneath the waves 15 tridant subs patrolled for enemy subs and ships, this fleet was truly a sight to behold.
Along with thses the suppost ships of the fleet carried 200,00 men to the front line, large cruise linner like ships carrier most of the men whilst cargo ships carried 5000 challenger 3's and 4000 warriors.
The fleet would be a NSAA in 3 rl days where on its arival will make the reasons know and give the rebles forces 1 rl day to reply or face the rath of the fleet
(edit changed tank numbers they were a tad low for the amount of men being sent in)
25-01-2005, 22:02
Three heavy lift aircraft slowly came into land in quick succession, they seemed like graceful birds, their size defying gravity. The arrival of these mechanical birds signed the arrival of the last of the 3rd and 4th Khwarezmian Regiments arriving to aid the Isolationists in quelling the Royalist upstarts. Most of the Khwarezmians had come by ship, and were moving from the port to the airbase on the Eastern Front.
OOC: Could I have a map?
Roman Republic
25-01-2005, 22:08
Finally.A king who loves REbellion.
I sending:
4000 MV-22 Ospreys with 25 RAF Guerrilla Whiteskulls
The 5th-15th 2nd Marine Expitionary Regiments
the 1st-5th Armored Regiment
The Stat I will post later if I'm in.
26-01-2005, 11:07
I actually better pull out my military is a shambles. :(
The government of The Confederacy Of Harlesburg is prepared to send $14 Million Dollars to help combat the Royalist insurgency we may be able to send the 6th(Taureg) Division at a later date but at present no transport of any type is available to land any force of significance and our force of Air Transport is currently unavailabe bar 2 Hercules which may be able to drop 40 Paratroopers and their light equipment into any area's of your choosing
26-01-2005, 15:14
Khwarezmian Task Force.
3rd Khwarezmian Infantry Regiment - 5,000 elite infantry
4th " Infantry Regiment - 5,000 infantry
6th Airborne Regiment - 2,500 airborne infantry (brought in by VTOL gunships.)
2nd Armoured Division - 925 tanks
3rd Artillery Division - 925 howitzers
30 Basilisk Ground Attack Helicopters
3 Flights of Lightning II interceptors - 27 aircraft
3 Flights of Peregrin Fighter-Bombers - 27 aircraft
Easy green
26-01-2005, 15:23
To: Harlesburg
From: The Armed United States of Easy Green
We have heard you have a problem with mobilizing your armed forces, we would like to offer you some help in their transport.
We currently have our 1st combat fleet on route to NSAA and may in time send our 2nd and 3rd fleets to asisst you would be more than welocme to use some of our ships to transport your men.
Please get back to us as soon as possible so we can make the arrengments for this joint opp.
27-01-2005, 10:45
OOC: Easy Green, land your navy at nordheim. (its on the western front).
All NSAA forces on both sides are in a standoff along a front all the way accross the country, from a small village on the west coast to the seaport of Reho on the east coast.
27-01-2005, 11:15
To: Harlesburg
From: The Armed United States of Easy Green
We have heard you have a problem with mobilizing your armed forces, we would like to offer you some help in their transport.
We currently have our 1st combat fleet on route to NSAA and may in time send our 2nd and 3rd fleets to assist you would be more than welocme to use some of our ships to transport your men.
Please get back to us as soon as possible so we can make the arrengments for this joint opp.
Harlesburg would be greatly honoured by this offer from Easy green.
The 6th Division is a largely infantry based Division based around 9 Battalions around 800 men each formed in 4 companies.
Harlesburg Divisions would normally have supporting units in the form of regiments of Armour and Artillary but these are largely unavailable at present.
The Taureg Sabres Regiment is able to be deployed and consists of 70 Tanks mostly Scorpions.
Minsiter OF Defence Rupert The Red Duke Of York
In Honour Of Edward The Phoenix Duke De Harlesburg
Lord Of The Confederacy OF Harlesburg
(OOC)Around 9000-10000 men
ill be able to Para-drop one company now and maybe 4 tanks to a selected position ive activated 10 Hercules and one Galaxy to do this.
I personally love Paradroping Heavy equipment . ;)
Creating a Whole Division soon the Airbourne Armour part of 2nd Airbourne Corp
Easy green
27-01-2005, 19:46
The wheels of Easy Greens war machine had begun to wind up to full speed now, men and armour moved from areas to form up to areas to arm up to a final holding area before they would be moved out.
A small fleet had set sail from Torento (the main millitary port for Easy Green forces) to go and pick up the forces from Harlesburg. They would join up with the newly created 1st battle fleet.
For a long time there had been plans to for a new battle fleet to put into full use the size of the Easy Green navy and the top brass had decided this would be the perfect time to put the plans into effect. The 1st 2nd and 3rd combat fleets would be merged into one super fleet which could be split into 10 seperate force to deal with any type of mission presented.
Robertson would be incharge of the new fleet once it met up with the 1st of the coast of NSAA.
The fleets ranks would be filled with a further 53 Triton frigates, 60 type 22s, 45 type 23s, 30 type 45, 30 type 42 AA destroyers and 42 carriers
Once the fleet was assembled it would be nothing short of unstopable
This fleet would however take a long time to be sorted out and move to NSAA. (7 rl days gives plenty of time for things to get goin)
Roman Republic
27-01-2005, 21:40
Am I in your war or not??
28-01-2005, 10:27
OOC @ RR: havent noticed you yet, but you're welcome to join if you want to.
@Easy green: Dude, your fleet is gonna be HUGE. Dont see how anything either of my sides have around at the moment could do much too it, we'd run out of ammo before you ran out of ships so (even though you're on their side)
IC: the Royalist Government sends a general message, in NSAA code 7, to every single submarine and surface craft that declared for the royalists to return home at full speed, except for the missile submarines, which are to head for home but avoid detection.
The Isolationists followed suit about 30 minutes later.
Easy green
28-01-2005, 12:40
The upside of havein a 2 billion pop and a frighten economy.
It wont stay that size ill porb pull stuff out for other operations.
Icc: The 1st set anchor off the shore of Nordheim, Aircraft had been roaming over the area for hours now chekcing the shore like for any sign of hostile forces.
Robertson looked out from the bridge of his flagship EGS Easy Green as the land before im, all around him support ships began to load up landing craft in perperation to move men and armour onto land He walked into the radio room and called one of the operators to send a message to the royalist command.
To: NSAA royalist command
From: Admiral Robertson 1st comabt fleet
The first combat fleet is now of the coast of Nordheim the 2nd and the 3rd fleets will be with us soon, My fleet and my ground forces are at your command. we will do our best to support you in removing these rebles from yoyur lands.
i would like to ask your permission to land on your soil?
Admiral Robertson out
28-01-2005, 13:36
OOC: Hey No State At All can I have a map of your nation? It'll make it a lot easier for me.
IC: Khwarezmian Air patrols have joined the Isolatonist patrols.
28-01-2005, 16:17
To: Admiral Robertson 1st combat fleet
From: NSAA royalist command
You Are welcomed to our country. We thank you and your government for your assistance, and ask that you move your ground forces south along the coast to the front line, where they can free up our forces there to start assaulting the enemy positions. please have your advance units contact the regional commander, Major Jackson, on radio (frequency will follow) to advise him of when you can take over his defensive duties.
Secret IC:
To: Royalist Field Command, West Coast, Major Jackson
From: NSAA Royalist Command
Please Prepare for an assault upon the isolationist lines south of your position. Your defensive duties will be taken over by the forces deployed by easy green.
Secret IC From Isolationist Command Centre in Rekos, South-Eastern NSAA:
"Sir, we have just recieved confirmation that the Easy Green force has docked at Nordheim."
"Very well, prepare the battle lines for heavy assaults, and order the new 1st submarine fleet in against the easy green fleet.
OOC: Easy Green, you look like you're a bit weak on ASW stuff with that fleet, so i'm going to hit you with a big force of submarines. How good are your underwater detection systems? i need to know so i can tell if i can get into firing range for the subs before they go active. (BTW, you will get some ASW support from the nordheim defences.
28-01-2005, 20:55
What is the position of Royaist forces are they in control of the country facing rebellion or are they they trying to regain their country?
To:Esy Green
From:Air Marshal Tedder
Greetings from Air Marshal Tedder commander of Harlesburg airforces in this
Our Transport Aircraft are preparing to drop off their cargo if any air protection is available it would be most welcome
Awaiting your reply
Air Marshal Tedder
In Honour of Edward The Phoenix Duke De Harlesburg
Lord Of The Confederacy OF Harlesburg
28-01-2005, 23:35
In the command bunker of the Khwarezmian Task Force, an klaxon bleated. In the centre of the main room a red stylised symbol representing cargo aircraft appeared on the 3-D display.
There was quiet as the commander appeared; he peered over the display.
"Show the nearest air and land units to the target please."
On the map, two units began to flash. One of which was aircraft.
"Scramble 033 and 034 squadrons, orders are to intercept aircraft. Straight in, straight out." he ordered, "and have the rest of the Interceptors stand by. It is time to make our presence felt ladies and gentlemen."
The room exploded into bustling activity.
Three minutes later six Lightning II Interceptors lined up on the runway of the Khwarezmian's garrisoned airfield. One by one they took off.
Five minutes later the six Interceptors skimmed at three hundred feet above ground level at Mach 2.5, flying low to avoid detection. Soon, they would rise up suddenly, their twin engines catapulting them skywards, and towards their targets.
29-01-2005, 10:50
Captain Patrick Jones "Dammit man where is that air support"
Co-pilot Sean O'Rourke "It was promised to us we need it now i dont like the look of this we're 142km from the drop zone and naked."
"Get Tedder Harris."
Harris the radio man sends comunicade to Harlesburg High Command
We need friendlies now
Repeat we need friendlies
coming over drop zone in 15 minutes.
Easy green
29-01-2005, 21:14
Occ: well im not to hot on how gd the ASW stuff is on my fleet but i use the current Royal navy type 22 and 23 frigates and the proposed Triton frigate fraid i cant say how gd all their kit is but it cant be bad, iv also got my own subs in the area. its up to you what happens mate ill go with it.
Flight leader smilth: " This is a call to Harlesburg Transport Aircraft from Flight leader Smith of the Easy Green Royal Airforce expected ETA 10 minutes i repeat 10 minutes hang on in there guys!!"
2 flights of F35 JSF's (15 per flight) scorched across the sky in an attempt to catch up with the Harlesburg Transport Aircraft. It would be a little while yet before the flights manages to make up for their headstart.
With the main fleet men had begun to poor ashore, Advanced units of Warriors moved ahead with the commander of the land forces Field marshel Adams to make contact with Major Jackson.
Once this was done he could move is forces to fill in the gaps and to bulk up the royalist front line.
Above him cruise missiles began to streak from the Triton frigates to soften up any key targets in preperation for the assault.
AH 64 Apaches swung low over the advanced party helping to provide a further layer of protection, this all happening under the watch of "The eye in the sky" and 3 flights of F35s (A converted 777 used to organise and direct land froces)
Out at see the rest of the new 1st battle fleet steamed on, inside the outer protective layer of ships huge trantspot ships moved man and machine to NSAA, fighters circled overhead makeing far sweeps out to see in search of aircraft as did the subs bellow.
(still 5 days until it reaches NSAA
30-01-2005, 01:37
The cargo planes didn't have ten minutes.
"Red Squadron break and shadow. Blue, engage." ordered the Flight Leader.
Three of the Lightnings dropped back, as the other three burst forward, afterburners on. They rose into the sky, headed straight for the cargo planes.
They came into range. Each aircraft fired, two missiles, half its compliment of weapons.
Six white trails speared out towards their targets.
30-01-2005, 06:32
(OOC)Dammit I was posting about 7 hours ago and the comp craps out :sniper:
"Damn it bogeys theyve poped out of nowhere."Patrick Jones exclaimed as the first signs of enemy fighters appeared out of the blue
"Drop altitude and release chaff now boys.
were going to have to break and drop cargo now get those Paras out of here."
As he said this 4 of the Herc's were hit 2 critically, exploding instantly with a small trial of airbourne units appearing from each one.
The other 2 were in a bad state one missing a large section of the left wing and struggling for height flames licking the one remaining engine on that side.
The other had been lanced thru the guts a hole the size of a car appearing thru one side and out the other debre streaming out most of it the much needed food supplies set for the recon force.
"Dammit where are the fighters."? Captain Hayden Roawley said
Then out of the sun were seen a few specs of unknown origin.
Easy green
30-01-2005, 16:49
The first flight of F35s screamin into the carnage of the first strike on the transport planes.
The second flight roared over head watching for an support for the attackers.
The F35s split into 5s, Each set going after one aircraft there was going to be no doubt on what the out come of the dog fight was going to be.
Back with the 1st fleet Chinooks were scrambeld to pick up any baillers from the striken aircraft
30-01-2005, 18:29
Para's and their equipment streamed out of the back of the transports the heavy equipment coming out last their position 20km south east of the beachead looking to make a link up with Royalist forces.
Now with friendly aircraft approaching the scene things would be easier but with the 2 Herc's in such a bad state they may need to crash land could they find a spot?
30-01-2005, 19:27
"Flight; Break and Scram, Break and Scram!" shouted the Flight Leader.
All of the aircraft suddenly split, Red Squadron switching on afterburners, their aircraft characteristically jumping forward as they powered away from the scene. None of the aircraft had enough fuel to stay in the area and fight, and none wanted to, the Lightning was not built for maneouvrability.
"HQ this is Roulette Flight, engaged targets, four hits. Requesting support, bandits on tail, over." the Flight Leader relayed to Air Command.
"Roger that, over Roulette."
The Pilots of the Lightnings grimaced in their seats as they dropped to one thousand feet and rocketed towards Isolationist lines at close on mach 3, their aircraft groaned under the pressure. They would not remain at that speed for long, either the aircraft would burn up, or the fuel would run out.
On the border where the Lightnings were to fly over, AA units watched the skies waiting to engage Roulette Flight's tailgaters.
Easy green
30-01-2005, 20:26
"Their makein a break for it lock on and fire!"
5 of the F35s managed to get off 2 missiles a piece at the fleeing craft before they screamed out of range for the others to lock on.
"This is Smith to the remainin aircraft follow me as best you can we have an area we can secure for you to land at."
Closer to the royalist lines the chinooks set down in a huge area of fields and begant o secure the area for the landing aircraft, overhead AH 64s kept a watchful eye on the whole operatioin
30-01-2005, 21:36
The Flight Leader couldn't see any of the other aircraft, not that he was looking. He was concentrating on staying alive. He'd had to drop back his speed to conserve fuel, and he was flying at 200 hundred feet. It was below recommended operational height, but Lightning Pilots were not known for their orthodoxy.
He had dropped in height when he'd seen one of his wingmen being hit by a missile. It had gone straight into the second engine and detonated. The whole sequence of the wings slicing sideways, and the fuselage splitting in two, then flipping over itself had played over in his mind. At that speed the pilot hadn't a hope.
Another of his wingmen had been taken out when his aircraft had fallen apart. The pressures on the plane had been too much, and it had literally disintegrated, the wings fell off, and the fuselage jumped forwards, metmorphosing from a plane to a rocket, just engine and cockpit. Sky Spearing they called it. The Pilot might have survived, if he had managed against the huge G-forces to pull the cord.
He could only see two dots on the radar, so he could have lost a third. The eastern front line appeared, and he could see the soldiers holding their hands over their ears to block them from the terrific amount of noise the twin engines made. Safe, he smiled, dropping back his speed.
31-01-2005, 11:46
the Lightning was not built for maneouvrability.
Stating the obvious HE HE-Sorry
As the troops glided down to the ground they could see the wreckage of one of the two shot down Hercules aircraft not much could be made of it was all a tangled mess charred beyond recognishen to anyone who had not been part of the chaos moments earlier.
Most of the vehicles had made it out safely now it was only to see if they would land safely and more importantly not in enemy hands.
6 objects which appeared to be the Hummers were floating down,3 of the 4 Scorpions were seen and one of the two RADAR comunication Trucks was coming down of the rest it could be assumed they were in the 2 struggling craft unable to be removed or that they were in the now non-existent Herc's.
Of the 200 men in the Company 140 men had made it down safely and 12 were wounded.
Patrick Johnson was struggling to keep his plane under control with half its wing in tatters and disintergrating as the minutes went by he was slowly bringing the plane down using a lose arc pattern to decrease altitude and acceleration at the same time.
While George Roberts in his plane was fearing no better he was in a steeper dive than he would have liked he needed to make a landing and soon.
He got control of the plane and was leveling it he contacted Johnson.
"George Roberts Here we need to land first anymore of this and well lose the fuselage."
Patrick Johnson "Roger that your in a better position to land than me right now there is a paddock 200m east of your position get to it and youll be fine Over."
George Roberts moved the Hercules towards the open field making sure to keep the speed in check and to lower the plane gently into the decent he did not know the size of the hole on the side or of the fate of his passengers and cargo he knew it would be big and couldnt make radio contact with the cargo hold.
The plane made contact with the make shift Tarmac and as it did this the reverburations cleved the plane in two sending both parts into a wild spin across the field....
31-01-2005, 14:14
OOC:Yike, not on over the weekend, sorry.
got to be quick, short post for now.
IC: from royalist command post
"Sir, friendly transport planes have taken fire, enemy fighters falling back over enemy lines, friendlys are going to have a run-in with the isolationist Ocelots."
"Damn, we're going to lose some good guys, scramble a wing in on flak supression, get the west coast assault going, and mobilize the navy, pronto."
Minutes later, a wing of 10 XT-7915 attack fighters lifted from an airbase near the fleeing lightnings (they'll reach the position 2 minutes after the friendlies go over).
OOC: map will be in for tomorrow, royalist/isolationists in lines just out of firing range. got 2 go.
01-02-2005, 10:31
Patrick Johnson was coming in to land no he hadnt seen what had happened to the other Herc but he was prepared to make this landing.
He slowly brang the plane down making sure that the plane was level while doing this, to have it leaning to the left would have been the worst thing he could have done it as that wing was already unstable.
He touched down and after some brief jolts off the ground had settled the plane downand now all he had to do was bring her to a halt.
Ground Activity
Captain Colin Handel of C Company 1st Para Regiment had hit the dirt hard after his quick bailout from the Herc that had exploded not many men had got out alive from this and 1 Hummer and food supplies had been lost in the plane.
Captain Handel looked around for his 2nd Lieutenant Will Williams and quickly found him 20 meters away with a broken leg.
"How are you chief."Williams asked inquisativly
"Better than you you sorry case. hows the leg?"
"Not to good i tried to walk before its broken.
I sent some men to retrieve the Vehicles and bring them here and another party to help any survivors of the emergency landing."
"Good when theyre here well setup a perimeter around the two parts of the downed Herc we dont know whats out here so well need some cover."
The Scorpion Tanks were quickly manned as well as the Hummers and 2 of each were dispatched to Recon.
01-02-2005, 13:45
It was quiet on the area of disputed land between Royalist and Isolationist held land. Morning had just taken hold as fresh light cast long shadows over the dewy ground. A bird twittered in the undergrowth.
Then from Isolationist land, there was a *thump* sound, the bird stopped twittering. Then there was a split second sound of incoming shells, before they detonated. The ground shook as the 3rd Khwarezmian Artillery Division began firing.
Four hours later, the area fell silent again. The once peaceful site was now deadly silent. The silence was broken as the sound of tanks filled the air, followed by hundreds of infantry.
2nd Armoured Division and 4th Infantry Regiments are on the move, accompanied by air support, on the Eastern Front.
01-02-2005, 14:06
OOC: heres that map, done in paint and very poor, but hey.
Solid lines show interface from land to sea and from the general run of territory to the 10 mile high plateau known as the black mountain in the centre of NSAA, dotted lines are regional boundaries, couloured line is the front lines now, the squares are cities, the arrows show:
1, Nordheim
2, Naha (major northern fleet base)
3, Rekos (isolationist new base city, as secure as they have)
and 4, Black Mountain city (the royalist capital and centre of NSAA military research and training.
IC post coming later. No time now, got some electronics work to do. :headbang: :mad:
Easy green
01-02-2005, 23:39
Claxans began to sound at the make shift bases along and behind the the Royalist front, men scrambled to their equipment as troops began to form up for transport.
The same was happening out at sea on the Easy Green helecopter transports as AH 64s began to lift of the deck, these met up with the choppers from the land bases to create a froce of 50 AH 64s and headed towards the front line, The great bodys hugged the floor keeping well below radar, splitting into groups of 5 they split up to cover the area of the main attack on the lines and hovered behind trees 5km off the front line.
Under them Challenger 3s and warriors movbed into defencive possitions as men began to form up to lay down as much fire as possible, 380 challengers lined this area along with 400 warriors and 20,000 men. On the way another 50 Ah 64s we're screamin to the front line with another 200 Challengers 100 warriors and many thousands of men.
As the ememy tanks broke into the clearing before the Royalist front line all hell was let lose, the noise could be heard over a 2 miles away, Just as the first rounds began to hit the Ah 64s roared up, within 28 seconds each had identified up to 200 targets on the battlefield, prioritised the top 16 of them and fired their hellfires at them, within 30 seconds they we,re going hell for leather with their chain guns and their rockets.
Flames erupted from tanks all across the line as shells, missiles, rockets and cannon rounds ripped into them, this was carnage on a scale never seen before
02-02-2005, 11:34
What are the rough dimensions of your nation?
Out of Harlesburg's second largest port Kingston has emerged an Armada of vessels of various sizes andtypes.
Currently no one is certain of their destination but with recent involvement in NSAA much is being thought of this as a local.
The size of the flotila is around 42 cargo ships and a dozen Destroyers.
With the troops on the ground forming a defensive sector it was now time to reinforce the company with their sister companies and so once again they would be airlifted in.
5 Hercules and 2 Galaxys were assigned to bring in the 600 more troops with more equipment.
The defensive positions were built up around the wrecked Hercules with weapons pointing in 360 degress of view.
Now with this part of the plan completed the small Recon group had sped out towards the centre of the country.They were looking for a Railway station which would be able to transport large amounts of men forward quickly and allow genuine communication with both landing beach and NSAA higher command.
02-02-2005, 11:57
Just as the AH-60s engaged, Peregrine fighter/bombers flew in, creating a large dent in their numbers, although not enough for huge casualties. There were simply not enough Peregrines.
AA gunfire licked up from the infantry and tanks, as they engaged with the Easy Green forces. The numbers of Khwarezmian tanks were beginning to tell, as their combined firepower ripped holes in the line. Like two immovable forces the two sides engaged.
02-02-2005, 12:12
OOC: Just seen the word thousands for infantry.
The number of tanks on the Khwarezmian side was the only thing keeping them in the game. In the Command HQ, the Khwarezmian situation was beginning to show.
"Send in the 3rd, and scramble the Airborne, and I want full artillery support."
Communiqué to Isolationist army.
Any spare air support in our sector would be greatly appreciated.
Marshall J. Onshen.
Movements: 3rd Infantry Regiment moving in to back up 4th, and the Armoured. Airborne consists of 2,500 VTOL mounted light infantry (well trained, but lacking experience in combat) and supported by 30 Ground Attack Helo's. Howitzer artillery is now supported by light helo spotters, and ground spotters for pin-point firing.
Easy green
02-02-2005, 12:25
Just as the AH-60s engaged, Peregrine fighter/bombers flew in, creating a large dent in their numbers, although not enough for huge casualties. There were simply not enough Peregrines.
Where the hell did they come from? also the AH 64s are 5km away id like to see some dude open up with a gun and hit them at that range (be thankful i didnt say they were 8km away coz they could have been)
And how many tanks do you have coz if my maths is correct 50 x 16 (hellfires dont miss and even if they do now and then) is 800... do you have 800 tanks??
sorry to be pickie but im usein current and real tech, and this is a current and near future tech war just like to make sure people relise the power of weapons already available
02-02-2005, 15:02
OOC: the country is about 1250 miles across.
IC: the isolationist forces deploy a wing of XT7915 attack fighters to assist.
02-02-2005, 17:02
2nd Armoured Division and 4th Infantry Regiments are on the move, accompanied by air support, on the Eastern Front.
Air Support, I did mention it. 925 tanks in all, I'm deploying the entire division. They won't advance very far, because that many tanks needing fuel and ammo is a logistical nightmare. They're just giving the Royalists something to think about. Although there doesn't seem to be many left.
So in theory I've got about 125 tanks left.
I'm aware of your tech level. BTW, this is about three quarters of the Khwarezmian task force being committed.
Easy green
03-02-2005, 10:21
im just sayin you never said they were involved in the whole attack.
03-02-2005, 11:48
The rest of the Regiment was droped onto the staging point
600 men
Supported by 9 Hummers,6 Scorpions and 2 more artillary pieces
1 Hercules landed to pickup the dead and wounded 43 casuties having been sustained all up.
After the last attempted interference the enemy had backed away.
03-02-2005, 12:09
They are supporting them, they see helicopters -> oh shit, air support needed. Should have said that in the RP, :( my apologies.
03-02-2005, 14:43
A unit of Royalist power armour deploys towards the engagement.
The isolationist XT fighters sweep in on the battle and launch missiles at the AH-64s, 2 apeice from each of the 25 fighters. They then come around and attack the ground units.
Easy green
03-02-2005, 18:28
15 AH 64s go down in the first pass, crashing to the gound sending flames high into the air.
F35s scrammble from the carrier decks out at sea but its already to late for those men. On the ground the extra armour and infantary had arrived and beefed up the lines of dfence to the max, Under the leadership or Major Lee they began to advance takeing the advantage of the now weak opossition to gain some land tanks rolled forward as warriors followed behind loaded with men ready to drop out on oposition strong holds.
Out at sea the 2nd and 3rd fleet hand arrived now the 1st combat fleet was assembled and ready for action.
Admiral Robertson called all men to arms and began to plan his next move, Now Easy Green and Royalist forces would use this faultering attack to their advantage
Roman Republic
03-02-2005, 21:46
I am helping the King.
Sending the 30th-35th Marine Expiditionary Regiment and the 62nd-65th Airborne Regiment
Each Airborne Regiment:
3 Paratrooper Regiments( 2200 per regiment)
3 Artillery Battalions:
(18 artillery batteries per battalion)
HIMARS (Truck version of the MLRS or "Steel Rain")
5-ton trucks (Resupply)
1st Aviation Brigade:
20 RAH-66 Comanche
2nd Aviation Brigade:
A platoon:
15 MH-60 BlackHawk (11 soldiers each)
15 V-22 Osprey (25 troops each)
B Platoon
15 MH-60 BlackHawk (11 soldiers each)
15 V-22 Osprey (25 troops each)
C Platoon (Medevac)
6 V-22 Osprey
3 EH-60 Quick Fix
Support Command Brigade:
5 Logistic HERMIT trucks
Signal Battalion:
50 soldiers
Engineering Battalion:
50 soldiers
2 Bulldozers
4 Dumptrucks
5 five-ton trucks
Military Police Battalion:
600 MP soldiers
120 HMMWV for MPs
Armored Brigade:
16 M1A2 Abrams
16 Predator LOSAT
16 M113A3 APC (12 soldiers each)
2 Close Air Support Squadron:
50 F-35 JSF each
Each of the 2nd MEU-SOC Regiment:
1 LHD-8 Wasp Class
20 MV-22 Ospreys
10 CH-53 Super Sea Stallion
8 UH-1Y Huey
12 RAH-66 Comanche
15 F-35 JSF
Landing Craft:
Well Deck:
20 M1A2 Abrams
12 five-ton trucks
10 Logistic Trucks
25 LAV-25
10 Crusader Artillery
20 Avenger HMMWV AD
Embarked Marines:
1894 Marines
1 LSD-49 Harpers Ferry
2 CH-53 Super Sea Stallion
Landing Craft:
Well Deck:
25 AAV
Embarked Marines:
620 Marines
4 DD(X) Destroyer
2 Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer
1 CVN-21 George H. W. Bush Aircraft Carrier:
55 F/A-18E Super Hornet
32 F-25 JSF
4 F/A-18G Growler
5 Common Support Aircraft
6 SH-60 Seahawk
2 HV-22 Osprey
04-02-2005, 08:03
((OOC: Well, you never really made a reply to my post, but you did include the Mercs when asked about Iso fources. So, I'm going to introduce my two characters now, and try to see if a small, Character RP element would work here.))
International Waters, Beyond NSAA's Borders.
The large cargo jet flew over the ocean, travelling at a good clip. It's distination, Rekos, NSAA. HeadQuarters for the Isolationist Party.
It was painted in all tan, and bore no markings of any sort. Whoever this plane belonged to, didn't want others to know...
Within it's cargo hold...
A pair of Nekos waited, sitting across from each other in pull out Jumper Seats. Besides these two, a pair of odd pod-like devices sat in upright postions towards the rear of the Cargo hold.
One was female, wearing a pair of Midnight black BDUs, her hair long to her mid-back, and blue like Sapphire. Her eyes matched her hair, and were distinctly feline: narrow slits for pupils. Nestled to her body were a pair of Machine Pistols, with extended mags. Her uniform bore no rank insignia, name badge, or nationality identifier. Her cat ears were covered in soft, tan colored fur, as was her tail.
The other was a male, his hair sandy brown and short, in a razzled hairstyle, matching his ears and tail. Like the female, he too wore midnight black BDU lacking any form of identification. Unlike the female, he wore some molded armor plating over his chest, groin, shoulders, and kneecaps. On his lower forearms, he wore a pair of oversized gauntlets, where deadly wristblades waited. He keapt glancing at the female every so often, not saying anything, until finally she spoke.
"WHAT?!" She demanded, her eyes narrowing.
"Hudrehk, Kami... Zicd, fuhtanehk fro Tom cahd y muuca lyhhuh mega oui vun drec secceuh." He replied, causing Kami to growl at him.
"E's HUD y muuca lyhhuh!" She retorted, her face a sneer.
"ETA Drendo sehidac!" The pilot's voice came over the cargo jet's speakers. "Oui dfu kad nayto yht kayn ib."
Leo sighed, unbuckling himself from the Jumper Seat. "Well, might as well better get used to speaking english again, eh?"
Kami followed likewise, standing and streaching her arms and legs. "Puh. Whatever. Can't believe Tom choose an uptight jackass like you to be my partner."
"You know you love me. Let's see what presents EHAV gave us for this mission." Tom walked over to a cabinet set next to his seat, and opened it. Inside were two military grade backpacks, each marked with a name. Leo, and Kami. Leo grabbed the one marked Kami and flung it to the other girl, then proceeded to open his own.
Inside each were a small collection of C4 remote charges, a couple Landmines, frag grenades, and five spare magazines for a G-34SD Combat Rifle, which were currently being stored in a separate cabinet.
Smirking as she pulled out a frag gernade, Kami proceeded to toss it up into the air and catch it a few times. "I love these things. Hey, if we make it out of this alive, I'll buy ya a couple for your next birthday, okay?"
Leo raised an eyebrow at the girl, then shook his head. "You're such a kid." He moved to the cabinet near Kami, and opened this too, producing the two Combat Rifles, handing one to Kami, and using the shoulder strap to sling his around one shoulder.
Kami grabbed a magazine from the backpack, and tapped it against the side of her head, before loading it into the compact Combat Rifle. "Wished they had given us some Anti-Tank weapons, or rockets, or more C4."
"Not everything can be solved by high explosives, you know." Leo said, flexing his wrists forward, causing a set of three, narrow wristblades to pop out of his bracers. He took a couple test swings, then flexed his wrists again, retracting the wristblades.
"Hmph. Yeah, let's see you say that when we're going up aganist a tank."
"Fa yna ybbnuylrehk NSAA fydanc. Ymsucd desa." The pilot's voice came again...
The Cargo Jet was nearing the borders of NSAA, approaching from the south. Others with Radar would begin to see them now.
04-02-2005, 11:34
With the Airborne unit safely on the ground the troops began the long trek towards the east the armour and Hummers leading the force with the M-200 Artillery and 2 M-56 Straight-Flush Mobile Radar just in front of some more Hummers bringing up the rear.
The use of Chinooks would preserve the mens strength which would be necasary for the upcomming battle.
All the fit men got into the choppers bar the ones riding the vehicles,while the wounded lifted off in the Hercules.
The need for more transport had been apparent and this would have had to be airlifted in continuosly for the next couple of days but now with Easy Green Chopper to use things could be easier.
They now took off to secure a vital pass
Reports of the Harlesburg Taureg Division finally arriving in NSAA was pleasing to hear for many.
Easy green
04-02-2005, 12:57
With the Airborne unit safely on the ground the troops began the long trek towards the east the armour and Hummers leading the force with the M-200 Artillery and 2 M-56 Straight-Flush Mobile Radar just in front of some more Hummers bringing up the rear.
The columns of Infantry marched in at the rear the small amount of vehicles could only manage to cram about 250 of the men inside them or on their canopies and fronts leaving nearly 450 men to trudge behind.They were quicly left in the dust of the Panzer force and every now and the a portion would stop to regroup.
A force of about 50 had been left at the landing ground and with a Scorpion as its only support would stay for 2 days.The need for more transport was apparent and this would have to be airlifted in continuosly for the next couple of days.
Reports of the Harlesburg Taureg Division finally arriving in NSAA was pleasing to hear for many.
You know i posted up sayin i had a load of chinooks comein to meet you and that they had set out a landing area for your damaged aircarft?
04-02-2005, 13:39
The Khwarezmian Force's advance halted, taking heavy casualties. Infantry, including the elite 3rd entrenched in the new line, as tanks used dozer blades, or bulldozers to emplace themselves along the line.
Spotters had moved into postion, and they began a steady relay to the Howitzer artillery, using laser designators to give the shells a pin-point target. The barrage was nothing compared to the previous assault, however this time, they were aiming.
50 Miles West of engagement
The Airborne Regiment flew close to the ground, keeping away from RADAR. The Airfleet consisted of thirty Basilisk Heavy Ground Attack helo's and 125 VTOL gunships. Each Basilisk carried two tons of weaponry, and the gunships carried rocket pods for covering fire.
High above, flight and the remains of Roulette flight were shadowing ready to intercept incoming fighters.
Such a large force could not hide for long, and the pilots kept a weather eye out as the Airborne fleet closed in on the LZ, an area of meadow farmland.
Sergeant Mikhail Jenson triple checked his gear, ready to pile out of the VTOL. Around him, his squad and three others also checked their gear, murmured quietly to themselves, fiddled with keepsakes, or in one case slept, waiting to land.
The Sergeant roughly shook the sleeping soldier, who looked around wildly, attempting to jump out of his seat.
"Dozey! We're not there yet! Calm it!" he growled. The soldier calmed, apologising and pulling out a pack of cards.
"No time for cards mate." said Helan, another of his squad.
"Oh." said Dozey, and he checked over his light MG.
04-02-2005, 14:46
IC: Ramrod Flight, Isolationist air wing above combat zone:
"lead, this is two, i see a whole shitload of choppers coming up, bearing 217 from me"
Ramrod lead:"ramrod two, thats a roger, which side are they on?"
Two: "look like Khwarezmian markings, those guys are on our side"
Lead: "Right, leave 'em alone then"
Suddenly another voice broke in on the channel: "Lead, Lead, Ramrod 5 is hit, Ramrod 5 is hit, Royalist triple-A unit, moving down from the north, i'm bailing out"
Lead: "Ramrods, roll off south, repeat roll off south." and then on a different channel: "Orbit Command, This is Ramrod Lead, requesting Flak supression support at my location"
Orbit Command: "Ramrod, this Orbit, We're sending two wings now"
Two more wings of XT fighters move into the area, callsigns Hawk and Eagle.
Also, the royalists send two wing from their nearby airbase.
04-02-2005, 20:12
You know i posted up sayin i had a load of chinooks comein to meet you and that they had set out a landing area for your damaged aircarft?
I guess it would be the following?
"Their makein a break for it lock on and fire!"
5 of the F35s managed to get off 2 missiles a piece at the fleeing craft before they screamed out of range for the others to lock on.
"This is Smith to the remainin aircraft follow me as best you can we have an area we can secure for you to land at."
Closer to the royalist lines the chinooks set down in a huge area of fields and begant o secure the area for the landing aircraft, overhead AH 64s kept a watchful eye on the whole operatioin
I must have misinterpreted it.
So what do you want to do pick up my troops and move them somewhere with my mobile units heading back to the beach?
Attack the enemy in the rear?
i think ill have to edit my post.
Tell me what you think is best.Ive stuffed up bad
04-02-2005, 20:22
With the Airborne unit safely on the ground the troops began the long trek towards the east the armour and Hummers leading the force with the M-200 Artillery and 2 M-56 Straight-Flush Mobile Radar just in front of some more Hummers bringing up the rear.
The use of Chinooks would preserve the mens strength which would be necasary for the upcomming battle.
All the fit men got into the choppers bar the ones riding the vehicles,while the wounded lifted off in the Hercules.
The need for more transport had been apparent and this would have had to be airlifted in continuosly for the next couple of days but now with Easy Green Chopper to use things could be easier.
They now took off to secure a vital pass
Reports of the Harlesburg Taureg Division finally arriving in NSAA was pleasing to hear for many.
(OOC)New Post Edit
06-02-2005, 18:29
Just in case you havent died *Whistles*
Roman Republic when is your fleet expected?
08-02-2005, 11:05
OOC: I'm Still here, not sure about the rest of you
IC: As Ramrod flight broke away from the combat, Eagle Wing swept past them, heading towards the location of the SAM launch.
Eagle lead "Eagle wing, break formation and go low and fast. sweep and destroy all AA that fires at you."
OOC: Got 2 Go, back in a bit to finish this.
08-02-2005, 12:03
The Harlesburg force had now reached the Royalist strong point now it asked to land.
Permission to land
Repeat we need permission to land
was what went over the radio to the Royalist commanders.
The Paratroopers wanted to meet up with the Royalist high command to set about some Strategic goals.
08-02-2005, 13:36
OOC: I'm still in, I'm waiting for Easy Green to respond to my Airborne landing behind his lines.
The Khwarezmian Commander stood on the raised platform that overlooked the Command. Everyone was quiet, the Commander seemed to be breaking under the pressure. His assault had gone horribly wrong, his eagerness to take the battle to the enemy had cost him dear, as the small Khwarezmian Taskforce was all but entirely committed.
Suddenly the doors to the command room opened. And three men walked in. One showed the insignia of a General. The other two were in the uniform of the Commissariat. Behind them two more Commissariat Enforcers came in.
The leading Commissar walked up to the platform. The General looked down on him in height, but that was all.
"You are know longer deemed worthy of your position, you have caused unnecessary loss of The Director's resources." spoke the Commissar hands clasped tightly behind his back.
The Commissar nodded and the two Enforcers stepped forward. They took hold of the Commander's arms and lead him away.
The new General took the old Commander's place, flanked by the two Commissars. Had the Command HQ not been sound proofed, the occupants of the room would have heard a single barking gunshot.
Communiqué to Isolationist Commander.
Request for a force of 4 legions, and 2 armoured divisions to bolster the Khwarezmian held line.
08-02-2005, 15:38
OOC: Khwarezmia, which behind the lines strike, i could respond for EG if he's busy cos my units are all over the place.
IC: (cont from earlier post)
Eagle two "Sir, I see a legion standard moving down from the north, breaking high to see which one it is."
Eagle Lead "Roger that eagle two, Eagle 4, move to cover for two."
Eagle Two "Sir, Legion standard looks like the second, maybe the 12th."
Eagle Lead "No way its the 12th, theyre on our side and they're over on the far west coast. Got to be the Second"
Eagle Two "the second is just about the best unit in the army. We dont stand a chance"
Eagle lead "thats too true, contine mission while i call for heavyground force assistance." And on the general regional ground forces frequency: "any recieving units, this is Eagle flight leader, at co-ordinates 201.3-85, requesting any available ground unit support at my location to resist incoming forces. Over"
As the isolationist command center had recieved the Khwarazmian support request, they deploy all the 5 legions they have in the area to the engagement area.
OOC: the royalist force is actually two legions, the 2nd, best in the NSAA army apart from the 1st (which is only used as palace guard) and the 32nd, just any old legion, nothing special.
BTW, a legion is 5.000 men, 2.500 powered armours, 500 tanks, and assorted support vehicles and other units like arty.
Back to IC: off the coast at nordheim
Slowly, so slowly that they could not be noticed, a large force of isolationist submarines sneaked past the DEW network around the great Royalist naval base at Nordheim and crept towards the anchored Easy Green and royalist ships.
OOC: those subs will get noticed in my next post unless you want to find them by accident, easy green, if you do, i'll post from there, if not, they'll crash into a dredger or something like that and start firing. dont know how much damage they can do, but the fighting could be interesting.
09-02-2005, 10:37
OOC: Bump. Where is everyone?
Easy green
09-02-2005, 15:15
occ:sorry iv been really busy recently, im not to worried bout the subs just play it out as you want il go with it, could have 2 of our subs bump into eachother rise and suddenly relise what theyve just hit something stupid and maybe a bit funny.anyway back to war.
The now full 1st combat fleet was ready to go to work, Robertson had taken the faultering Khwarezmia attack and decided to turn the tables the huge armies of Easy Green would smash down the Eastern front before swinging left just before Rekos in an attemp to surround any forces on the western front and to bi-pass the front lines in the west and attack them from the rear.
nearly 300,00 men would be involved in the main attack or smaller skirmishes along the rest of the front, these would be supported by nearly 13,000 challenger 3s, 10000 warriors, 2100 Ah 64s, 6000 lynx and chinook transporters with full air cover from nearly 5000 F35s.
On the ground the man in charge was General john hammond or whisky due to his love for the drink, he stood 6 ft 2 high and was an old school war hero who had fought his way up the ranks in every major conflic Easy Green had been in, he believed in giveing the enemy no quater and making sure they went home with their tales between their legs.
The attack was opened by a deep strike from F35s and ship launched missles, pathfinders of the Black watch regiment moved in anhead of the main body of men and armour spotting targets and scouting out areas of possible heavy resistance and calling in airstrikes on them.
On the western front the huge air armarder had been spotted a small number of ship and ground lauched AA missiles we're launched at the armarder as it went, bellow them ground froces began to ready for the drop of the trnasport aircraft where ever it may be, Out at see 20 F35s were scrambled and held possition just off from the armarder waiting for the perfect time to strike as the aircraft unloaded their cargo
10-02-2005, 10:20
OOC: on half term from tomorrow, wont be able to post. sorry. better not start anything new cos i wont be able to carry it on. :sniper:
14-02-2005, 12:28
(OOC)Sorry been wasting time in Forums.
(IC)The 6th Taureg Division has landed and the 1st Armoured Brigade has also arrived preparing to disembark on the Left flank of the invasion force.
(OOC2)Really crap going to bed
16-02-2005, 12:13
The 6th Division had finanly gotten off the beaches now with its Armoured Brigade finanlly in order after it had struggled in the hospitable sands.
It raced south trying to get deep into the nation and once a large enough gap had been created it could swing round and cut off any escape routes of isolationist or Khwarezmia forces trapped in the gap.
The 1st Armoured Brigade independant of the Taureg was holding back after only managing to get 2 Regiments off the beachead.
21-02-2005, 13:44
OOC:Right, i'm back, back to the RP. where has everone been? anyway, where are those units landing harlesburg?
23-02-2005, 10:57
OOC:Right, i'm back, back to the RP. where has everone been? anyway, where are those units landing harlesburg?
Both landed at the northen port with Easy greens main force.
The second force had my own convoy including destroyers and Helicopters with anti sub equipment.
With the question of them and the surprise of finding them i think my Choppers could locate them while searching the area.
Obvioulsy i cant post much more.
24-02-2005, 10:20
OOC: well, not many people seem to be on here, so i'm going to TG all the ex-active posters, and then i'll post later on. might be a while before my IC post turns up
Easy green
24-02-2005, 19:53
well im waitin for you lot to reply about my attacks and so on so its up to you lot
25-02-2005, 23:11
well im waitin for you lot to reply about my attacks and so on so its up to you lot
Thats how i felt.
Its struggling along.
26-02-2005, 22:18
OOC: Easy Green, you haven't responded to my airborne landing.
IC: The Khwarezmian line began to faulter under the weight of fire, rents appeared in the line. Then holes. Suddenly the call for a retreat came.
The whole line collapsed, falling apart as the Khwarezmian Army fell into a disorderly rout. Or so it seemed. They headed for a ridge several miles behind the lines.
Easy green
27-02-2005, 17:59
On the western front the huge air armarder had been spotted a small number of ship and ground lauched AA missiles we're launched at the armarder as it went, bellow them ground froces began to ready for the drop of the trnasport aircraft where ever it may be, Out at see 20 F35s were scrambled and held possition just off from the armarder waiting for the perfect time to strike as the aircraft unloaded their cargo
Therers my reply i posted it ages ago
28-02-2005, 11:48
OOC: Hmm, struggling is the word. sorry, couldnt post over the weekend. on today, tue, thur, and Fri though.
IC: Marching south towards the (Now collapsed) khwarazmian lines came the entirety of the NSAA 2nd legion, battle flags flying proudly at the head of each unit. When they reached a position where they were able to join the fight, they deployed forward in a wide, sweeping, line formation and advanced towards the retreating Kwarazmian forces, flags still flying.
Over their heads swept two wings of XT fighter planes, heading to a position above the Khwarazmian forces to supress any artillery that might start firing on the advancing infantry and armour.
OOC: just to get this war over with:
IC: Communique from Chief of Clan MacArdry to all involved powers:
We hereby officially declare that the Clan MacArdry are no longer supporting the Isolationist government, we are changing sides to join the royalists, taking with us the 50 legions who are under the direct command of our clansmen and the entirety of the naval force that chose to support the isolationists.
*Message Ends*
OOC: not the best post ever, but i had to write it fast. Those 50 legions control the entire western front, and all sea power is now under royalist control.
28-02-2005, 14:24
((OOC: I wasn't sure if you all wanted me in. >_> Well, here's my post. Directly interacting with the Isolationist commander.))
Nearing the Rekos Airport.
A surprise to both pilot and co-pilot, the large cargo jet seemed to have slipped by the southern coastal defenses without being challenged, and procceded up towards Rekos, broadcasting a Communiqué to the Isolationist command headquarters.
"Please be advised. This is Cargo Carrier GNU-356. We are bringing in the requested EHAV support options. I repeat, the EHAV Support Options are on board. Requesting clearance to land and offload cargo." The pilot had referred to the two Mercenaries as cargo, in a semi-vain attempt to throw off any evesdropper. If given clearance, it'd land and remain on stand by to extract the Mercenaries as well as Isolationist Top Brass should a retreat be put in order. If not, then they'd pull a U-turn, fly to a friendly airbase, refuel and return home...
01-03-2005, 10:49
Message from Isolationist command to Aircraft GNU-356:
You are cleared to land at the Rekos Central Command Post Airstrip Over.
IC from frontline (for want of any posts opposing the troops):
When no hostile fire appeared, the troops of the 2nd legion advanced southwards, with the armoured support units following along behind to provide heavy support if any units start taking fire.
OOC: khwarazmia, are you gonna stand and fight on that hilltop or are you just going to run?
IC: The entire NSAA navy, now re-joined together as one, has sailed off to gather off the naval base at nordheim, to sail south and blockade all of isolationist NSAA. (they'll be there by thurs or the next time i post after that).
01-03-2005, 14:21
OOC: Sorry guys, I'm being given a fair bit of work from college at the mo.
My forces are going to stay and hold the hilltop to hold back the Easy Green forces to give the Isolationists time.
The Airborne Unit that landed will continue to fight it out, Pegasus Bridge style until reinforcements arrive, which they won't.
01-03-2005, 22:49
Clearance granted, the Cargo Jet lowers it's landing gear, preparing to land at Rekos.
The jet touches down without event, taxing toa halt. A small welcoming party had gathered, consisting mostly of airport hands and the odd Army regular.
The rear cargo hatch began to lower...
Leo glances towards his partner, balancing his GN-11 Combat Rifle on one shoulder. "You ready Kami?"
"Five by five." the catgirl replied. The sun light rushed in to greet them, the rear ramp lowering completely to the ground. "I'll handle the natives. You get the HALO Drop Pods." She said, striding out on the ramp to greet the NSAAians.
Meanwhile, Leo went by the two pods, quickly typing in a series of keys on the keypad on the first. A handle pops out of the side, and this he grasps with both hands, pushing the pod. Set on a pair of ball bearing rollies, the three ton drop pod moved slowly, with much effort on Leo's part.
Each Pod was large enough to hold one person and a small armory stashed in various removable panels, Gnufasurian lettering etched on one side. The pods were sleek and dark in colour, vaguely bullet shaped with with sharp angular corners, the top slightly wider then then bottom. At a glance, it appears to be made of a Radar absorbing material.
((OOC: The High Altitude, Low Opening (HALO) Drop Pods are designed to be dropped by either a helicopter, or a High Altitude bomber. Each is customized to the preferences of the user. Namely, Leo's Drop Pod has different gear and weapons then Kami's.))
03-03-2005, 11:29
OOC: nobody seems to be playing the isolationist side anymore, so...
official communique from commander of the isolationist aligned NSAA regulars to the NSAA Royalist command:
Following the defection of clan macardry, the isolationist government executed 22 women of clan macardry that were being held secretly here in rekos. as a result of this we no longer support the isolationist government and therefore have surrounded the building being used as isolationist HQ and army units are on the way to the airport in pursuit of their top command staff who are heading there to flee the country. There is a small group of troops at the airport but they will probably not be able to stop the fleeing leaders. The HQ building is garrisoned by some mercenaries and will have to be assaulted. also, 2000 mercenaries have fled to join the khwarazmian forces.
All troops in the field are hereby placed under your command and the officers who made up my command staff here (and I) will freely accept responsibility for any actions carried out by forces under our command.
***Message Ends***
OOC: khwarazmia, if you're playing at all, i advise you have your trops surrender and they will then be allowed to leave. if you dont post by friday, i'll cosider you said yes.
06-03-2005, 12:24
The Harlesburg force which had been picked up by Easy green Choppers had now reached the main Royalist base.
Major William Lacksand who had landed in the second group was present and immediatly went up to the closest guard demanding he speak to who was in charge.
IS ther any isolationist or Khwarezmia presence in the North?
Ill have to read back a lot to understand whats going on.
The small force of 200 or so men had reached ther destination holding high ground to be able to signal the 6th Division and the 1st Panzer Brigade forces which were now truely off the beach head to the North.
The Panzer Brigade on the left flank had travelled 60 miles south while the 6th Division was 42 miles into the landscape.No real resistence had been eet yet.
All in all the 20,000 men were in high spirits.
07-03-2005, 11:57
OOC: basically, the isolationists surrendered and they only have their HQ guarded by a few mercs and their top staff doing a runner towards the plane of gnafasaurs (sorry if i cant spell your name). thats mainly because theres nobody but me on the isolationist side so i cant be ars*d any more. plus i want to be able to actually act in other RP threads.
08-03-2005, 07:14
((OOC: THANK you for giving me something to reply to. lol You definately need some pointers in RP.))
No sooner then Kami step out to greet the Isolationists, then several high ranking members of Isolationist party storm past her into the cargo jet. Cursing as a few Army regulars shot at her, Kami drops to one knee, bringing her rifle up to her shoulder. "Leo! They're shooting at us! I'm laying down some cover fire now!" She looked through the scope of the rifle, picking her targets and firing in short, controlled five round bursts.
Leo glanced at the Command Staff as they entered, frowning. "Well, this is an unexpected twist." He pulled out his radio, and spoke into it. "Fa kud Bumedelym Navikaac. Dyga ic cusafrana namydejamo cyva yht calina." He said, an affrimative sounding reply returning to him. The jet's turboprops began to rev back up.
Glancing at the command staff who made it, "You know, for this extraction, we're going to need to be paid. Otherwise, we'll have no problems dumping the whole lot of you off on some deserted island." He tapped his rifle against his shoulder, then went to Kami's Drop Pod, pulling out one of the side panels. In it were assorted explosive weaponry. He grabbed one of the Gnufasurian Folding RPGs, and a snatchel of rockets for it. Unfolding the launcher, he slammed home a rocket, then moved to Kami's side. "Fire in the hole!" He aimed the rocket towards a particular tight packed group of soldiers and fired.
Next to him, Kami smirked as the Rocket Propelled Grenade soared through the air. "Didn't know you had it in you. We're charging them for Political Extraction, right?"
"Of course." The jet began to taxi itself onto the airstrip, then began to gain speeds. The pilot's voice came over the cargo hold's PA system.
"E's lmucehk dra Lynku Pyo tuun! Lmayn dra nysb!" The voice boomed, prompting both Leo and Kami to fall back some ways as the loading ramp retracted. Bullets spanged off the metal, it seemed that they were going to try and shoot the jet down.
The Jet itself didn't sport any defensive gun ports for Kami and Leo to return fire through, so all they had to do was take a seat in one of the many Jumpseats, and pray to Goddess Cori to deliver them safely...
Amid a hail of small arms fire, the Cargo Jet takes off successfully from Rekos Airport, fleeing south across the border towards International Waters...
((OOC: I'll let you decide how many of the Command Staff got on. Oh, if you want to continue this small bit of RP, please say so. Otherwise, it's assumed the jet takes them to a friendly airbase, where the command staff renders payment for the extraction, and the Jet returns to Gnufasur.))
Easy green
08-03-2005, 09:45
occ: damn it another rp dies in its prime.
IC: The Easy Green forces had been streaming forward for many days now, destroying any pockets of resistance as they went the first men began to arive at the isolationist HQ just as the cargo jet began to take off.
Most just looked at the plane and decided it wasnt worth it whilst others began to open up on the craft with small arms, the clatter was cut short though by a defening roar as a single linebacker fierd off 1 missile at the cargo plane from about 10 ft behind the men.Needless to say the gunner got a long reply of verbal abuse from the men whos ears were ringing from the noise of the missile.
occ: thats all im gonna shoot at you im not worried about what it does just cant be seen to let you run off lol.
08-03-2005, 13:07
IC: NSAA army units surround the Isolationist HQ and request the surrender of the merc defenders. after this is accepted, they discover that the isolationist command staff have all gotten away on the plane out. 5 minutes later a pair of interceptor rigged XT fighters are in the air streaking after the escaping plane.
OOC: Well, there was nobody fighting on the isolationist side and they were about to be flattened, and i want a good quality army not the remmanants of a civil-war-bashed bunch of militiamen that would be all that was left of my army if they did fight on. end of story. sorry about killing it, but hey.