SECRET IC: Chronosian, Malkyerian, RALM Summit at Charlie Site
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 02:45
Charlie Site, Europe and Eurasia- 1200 ZULU
The sky was dark. Construction was going on, arms caches were being made and things were going smoothly.
There was word on the street.........word that called for the King of Kahta's head. Now, three nations would meet, and dicuss things. Things that obviously would shake the world, but how, it was unclear for now.
The guards, in E&E uniforms, aewaited the arrival of the Chronosian and Malkyerian delegates. Shogun Ayasugi was not able to come, but she instructed Michele Gincarelli, manager of Charlie, to act in her name.
A message was sent to the Chronosian and Malkyerians:
The Shogun has called for a meeting at the base at Veritus Aurus, known to us as Charlie Site. Though she will not be able to come herself, her second, Daimyo Michele Gincarelli will be empowered to act in her name.
17-01-2005, 02:54
A ship descended through the gloom of twilight; and the vast doors slid open, revealing the lone emmisiary, orbed in light from the glimmering screens behind him. He stumbled forward; shambling in his powerarmor, adorned with chains and other decorations; as he slowly lumbered forward. He more no helmet; for his face was terrifying enough.
Scars in the shape of runes covered his neck and face; his eyes were sewn shut, teased with stitches to the point where he could hardly see; a small river of blood flowing through tubes and other devices that entered his spine. He twitched lightly, wincing at the pain and pleasure, as he glanced around him.
"My Master; Daemon Emperor Marcus De Drakan, sends his greetings. I am his Emissiary. I am the Voice; of Chronosia; of the Emperor; of the Dark Gods..."
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 02:58
A ship descended through the gloom of twilight; and the vast doors slid open, revealing the lone emmisiary, orbed in light from the glimmering screens behind him. He stumbled forward; shambling in his powerarmor, adorned with chains and other decorations; as he slowly lumbered forward. He more no helmet; for his face was terrifying enough.
Scars in the shape of runes covered his neck and face; his eyes were sewn shut, teased with stitches to the point where he could hardly see; a small river of blood flowing through tubes and other devices that entered his spine. He twitched lightly, wincing at the pain and pleasure, as he glanced around him.
"My Master; Daemon Emperor Marcus De Drakan, sends his greetings. I am his Emissiary. I am the Voice; of Chronosia; of the Emperor; of the Dark Gods..."
Mr. Gincarelli, looking like Christopher Walken, bowed and said, "Good evening, sir. Welcome to Charlie Site. Please, come on in."
He motioned to a castle that was on the site. "We will talk there."
17-01-2005, 03:01
The Voice nodded and moved towards the castle. "My master wishes me to aid you in any way we can'; as you know...we share a common foe" he chuckled; a dry and hissed sound.
"I sense we have much to discuss; and know that all the might of the Imperium stands ready to aid you"
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 03:07
The Voice nodded and moved towards the castle. "My master wishes me to aid you in any way we can'; as you know...we share a common foe" he chuckled; a dry and hissed sound.
"I sense we have much to discuss; and know that all the might of the Imperium stands ready to aid you"
Gincarelli said, "My good sir, I will let you know we will accept any aid you have to offer....we will wait to see if Malkyer decides to join us. If not, then oh well. I have some ideas in mind..."
A lone Comanche stealth helicopter approached Charlie Site. Lieutenant James Fuller turned to face Major Forsythe, the mission commander. "Sir, we're approaching the camp. Should I broadcast the IFF beacon?"
"Yeah, go ahead, Fuller. We don't want to get shot down accidentally. Then the kingdom might actually have to fight the Real ALM to avenge us. That would be ironic, wouldn't it?"
Fuller nodded, and flipped the switch to turn on the beacon.
"Attention Charlie Site. This is Lieutenant James Fuller, Malkyeri Air Force. Request permission to land."
He waited for a response, then flew in low over the camp to the helipad where he saw the other delegates. Once the chopper landed, Major Forsythe hopped out of the helicopter to greet his host and the Chronosian delegate.
"Howdy. I'm looking forward to this, but you have to remember, my presence here, and any asistance I offer is...unofficial at best."
Fuller got out of the vehicle, and and camp around to stand behind the Major. I hope this doesn't take long, he thought, I have to pee.
OOC: sorry about the delay, but I type slow. bear with me :rolleyes:
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 03:13
A lone Comanche stealth helicopter approached Charlie Site. Lieutenant James Fuller turned to face Major Forsythe, the mission commander. "Sir, we're approaching the camp. Should I broadcast the IFF beacon?"
"Yeah, go ahead, Fuller. We don't want to get shot down accidentally. Then the kingdom might actually have to fight the Real ALM to avenge us. That would be ironic, wouldn't it?"
Fuller nodded, and flipped the switch to turn on the beacon.
"Attention Charlie Site. This is Lieutenant James Fuller, Malkyeri Air Force. Request permission to land."
He waited for a response, then flew in low over the camp to the helipad where he saw the other delegates. Once the chopper landed, Major Forsythe hopped out of the helicopter to greet his host and the Chronosian delegate.
"Howdy. I'm looking forward to this, but you have to remember, my presence here, and any asistance I offer is...unofficial at best."
Fuller got out of the vehicle, and and camp around to stand behind the Major. I hope this doesn't take long, he thought, I have to pee.
Gincarelli said to the Voice, "Excuse me."
He went to meet Major Forsythe and Lieutenant Fuller. "Welcome to Charlie Site.......I am your host, Mr. Michele Gincarelli, please, follow me."
He led them to whjere the Voice was standing, and the resumed their walk to the Castle.
Major Jeremy Forsythe raised an eyebrow as he saw the castle. Isn't that a little pretentious for a terrorist training camp? Well, he thought, it wasn't his camp. He hoped this meeting went well. Like most Malkyeri, he didn't like institutional racism, nor did he particularly care for the Fabus name. He had to remain objective though, or he risked allowing his emotions to take over and jeopardize the mission. He changed the mental subject and glanced over at this Voice fellow, whom he presumed was from Chronosia. Creepy looking guy, mental note: do not piss him off.
17-01-2005, 03:21
The loathsome creature turned towards them.
"It is an honor to be here...Our legions hunger for war; and I assure you, they shall serve their purpose well. We have resources that would allow a protracted war....Thus; let us, gentlemen, get down to business..."
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 03:33
The loathsome creature turned towards them.
"It is an honor to be here...Our legions hunger for war; and I assure you, they shall serve their purpose well. We have resources that would allow a protracted war....Thus; let us, gentlemen, get down to business..."
Gincarelli said, "Yes....for starters, I propose that the war against Kahta be fought using Chronosian troops and RALM Mercenaries and Tokko disguised as Imperial Scouts, RALM attacks on Kahtan shipping and property abroad, and once the Chronosians invade, on Kahtan soil to aid the effort, and whatever Malkyer can scrape up, after all, you did say whatever aid you could give was unofficial. After the war, we let the Chronosians do what they will with the Czar, and the RALM will conduct counter insurgency."
Forsythe thought for a moment. Then an idea clicked.
"If you could come up with some legitimate incident, maybe something like a video of Kahtan soldiers exceuting prisoners, or something like that, then Malkyer could act openly to help Chronosia, and continue with clandestine aid to the ALM. What do you think?"
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 03:49
Forsythe thought for a moment. Then an idea clicked.
"If you could come up with some legitimate incident, maybe something like a video of Kahtan soldiers exceuting prisoners, or something like that, then Malkyer could act openly to help Chronosia, and continue with clandestine aid to the ALM. What do you think?"
Gincarelli said, "Yes....Kahtan uniforms, and equipment would make a nice video.....perhaps we can stage an incident?"
"Perhaps..." Personally the idea digusted the Major, but sometimes these things had to be done.
17-01-2005, 13:33
"Indeed. Such subterfuge is often the way to justification. However; we would need more details on the Kahtan border; defences, things like that; before we commit to such...dangerous ideals" The Voice chuckled.
"Tell us all we must know..."
Major Forsythe nodded slowly, this plan could work. He waited to hear the information from the ALM representative.
OOC: I'm going to be gone for most of the day, and won't be able to post anything until late this afternoon, so you can assume I go along with what you decide. You can also assume that I'll give money that you need, of course a reasonable amount. I look forward to seeing what develops.
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 17:23
Major Forsythe nodded slowly, this plan could work. He waited to hear the information from the ALM representative.
OOC: I'm going to be gone for most of the day, and won't be able to post anything until late this afternoon, so you can assume I go along with what you decide. You can also assume that I'll give money that you need, of course a reasonable amount. I look forward to seeing what develops.
Gincarelli said, "My men can makethe uniforms, we have the labor pool to do so, and we have the whites to do so, plenty of ex-IRA and Stasi men here who can speak like New Englanders....however, procuring Kahtan guns will be another matter. We need somebody that can get us some Kahtan standard issue weapons, and we need somebody to reconstruct a Kahatn military prison."
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 17:48
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 19:09
A guard walked in, saying, "Mr. Gincarelli, a man from the E&E government, Major Andreus Draco of the Imperial Army, he wishes to observe the proceedings, for security reasons."
Gincarelli rolled his eyes and went, "Very well.....tell the Major he may sit in and join us, but he is not to divulge anything we say it?"
The guard said, "Yes sir."
The guard left to tell Major Draco that he was welcome to come in.
Europe and Eurasia
17-01-2005, 21:17
Major Draco walked into the meeting chamber and knew from the start that he was getting a cold reception "greetings, I'm Major Andreus Draco of the Imperial Army high command staff, I've been sent here under orders from Imperial Marshall Gioias to act as a liason officer for the Imperial government at this facility for the duration of the RALM presence here, which we hope will be for many years to come" Andreus said, adding the last part to attempt to curry favor with his uncomfortable and quite threatening looking host "part of my orders is to observe this and all future summit meetings held here to insure no harm, intentional or otherwise, will be inflicted on Europe and Eurasia by the RALM or its allies"
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 21:21
Major Draco walked into the meeting chamber and knew from the start that he was getting a cold reception "greetings, I'm Major Andreus Draco of the Imperial Army high command staff, I've been sent here under orders from Imperial Marshall Gioias to act as a liason officer for the Imperial government at this facility for the duration of the RALM presence here, which we hope will be for many years to come" Andreus said, adding the last part to attempt to curry favor with his uncomfortable and quite threatening looking host "part of my orders is to observe this and all future summit meetings held here to insure no harm, intentional or otherwise, will be inflicted on Europe and Eurasia by the RALM or its allies"
Gincarelli nodded and said, "Please, sit down....if am coming off as threatening, I apologize, years of experience hardened me a bit."
17-01-2005, 21:23
The Voice watched as this new man entered.
"And who is this? and what does he bring to our plans? What possible use would you offer us......friend?" He chuckled wryly; hissing lightly as his eyes glimmered in the shadow.
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 21:28
The Voice watched as this new man entered.
"And who is this? and what does he bring to our plans? What possible use would you offer us......friend?" He chuckled wryly; hissing lightly as his eyes glimmered in the shadow.
Gincarelli answered the Voice, "Forgive me, good sir, this is Major Andreus Draco....the liason officer to the RALM forces here from the Imperial government....he will not divulge anything we say here, I can gaurantee that. He is here for security reasons, his government wants to ensure that we aren't plotting against him, which after all, is not our intention. We are plotting agaisnt Kahta."
Europe and Eurasia
17-01-2005, 21:32
Major Draco eyed the Chronosian delegate with curiosity "interesting powered armor you have on, similar to our own Mk III only more embellished" he noted before turning to the question at hand "whilst in the hall outside I overheard that you were in need of Kahtan weaponry, well you are in luck, one of Europe and Eurasias arms manufacturers, Armacor Ltd. makes assualt rifles and handguns identical to Kahtan military models for collectors. I'm sure they would be pleased to sell you some"
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 21:40
Major Draco eyed the Chronosian delegate with curiosity "interesting powered armor you have on, similar to our own Mk III only more embellished" he noted befor turning to the question at hand "whilst in the hall outside I overheard that you were in need of Kahtan weaponry, well you are in luck, one of Europe and Eurasias arms manufacturers, Armacor Ltd. makes assualt rifles and handguns identical to Kahtan military models for collectors. I'm sure they would be pleased to sell you some"
Gincarelli smiled. "This would be most, we need a site where we can stage the Kahtan prisoner abuse. Perhaps a section of this castle?"
Europe and Eurasia
17-01-2005, 21:45
"That can be arranged" Major Draco said "this castle has an extesive dungeon and prison in the underground levels"
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 21:51
"That can be arranged" Major Draco said "this castle has an extesive dungeon and prison in the underground levels"
Gincarelli smiled. "I'm glad to hear that.....we have the labor, we can turn it into a Kahtan prison within weeks, days even. We wil need intellegence on you have acess to spy sattelites?"
Europe and Eurasia
17-01-2005, 22:05
"Our Navsat network conceals an extensive surveillence system that can be trained on Kahta in no time. Also, may I say that since we have an extremely large military and that we have waged no wars in over 58 years, the Emperor and his Imperial Marshalls are very much wanting to commit heavy offensive forces to this action"
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 22:10
"Our Navsat network conceals an extensive surveillence system that can be trained on Kahta in no time. Also, may I say that since we have an extremely large military and that we have waged no wars in over 58 years, the Emperor and his Imperial Marshalls are very much wanting to commit heavy offensive forces to this action"
Gincarelli said, "Excellent......see if the Navsat network can be used to pinpoint their defenses. Also, I am intrigued by this prospect."
"What should I use for the video? Pictures of Kahtans abused because they liked anime, or pictures of RALM men beign abused by Kahtans?"
Europe and Eurasia
17-01-2005, 22:14
"As inflaming as the first option is, I think that the latter will get the desired results faster"
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 22:19
"As inflaming as the first option is, I think that the latter will get the desired results faster"
Gincarelli said, "Thank you, that was a vexing question indeed. I think the Shogun should be informed of this plan, she will love it."
17-01-2005, 22:23
The Voice chuckled. "Relics of the old Imperium. Our master, the Daemon Emperor has improved upon the design. The dark taint of Chaos brings innovation and ingenuity. We have spread throughout the galaxy, and we are the only ones who remain on the homeworld; relics of the ancient times. We are prepared to act in anyway we are needed..."
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 22:28
The Voice chuckled. "Relics of the old Imperium. Our master, the Daemon Emperor has improved upon the design. The dark taint of Chaos brings innovation and ingenuity. We have spread throughout the galaxy, and we are the only ones who remain on the homeworld; relics of the ancient times. We are prepared to act in anyway we are needed..."
Gincarelli continued, turning to the Chronosian Voice. "As mentioned before, we are using sattelites to collect intel on the Kahtans, thus providing us with needed intellegence. Of course, it it not just necessary to take pictures of their military sites, but also, it is needed to intercept their codes and transmissions, to further collect data. Do you have anything that can do that? Because as mentioned before, we need intel."
Europe and Eurasia
17-01-2005, 22:31
"Uh-huh" Andreus said reacting to the Chronosian delegates comment, just then a guard came in and handed a series of documents to Major Draco "the shots of Kahtan defenses has arrived" the Major said in a tone of triumph just before handing the photographs to Gincarelli "I think you will find these to be quite detailed"
Europe and Eurasia
17-01-2005, 22:35
"Data collection is not one of the stong suits of the Imperial intelligence services, but we do have a fairly advanced signals interception facility south of here. I'm sure they can provide Kahtan transmissions, but you will have to do your own decoding"
Europe and Eurasia
17-01-2005, 22:37
"I butted in then, sorry"
Europe and Eurasia
17-01-2005, 22:59
The Real ALM
17-01-2005, 23:00
Gincarelli said, "Well, that is fine.....anyway, my legit company, KSC Enterprises, could get the needed decrytion computers. And you butted in a little, I still await what the Voice has to say."
Major Forsythe arched an eyebrow.
"I hate to get off-topic, but what about the people we have acting as Kahtan soldiers? I know you said you had ex-IRA and Stasi people who could do the job, but therein lies the problem. Accents. If we have people in Kahtan uniforms who don't speak with a Kahtan accent, people will know it's a fraud. And we can't have them go through with it silently. They'd need to boast, or make demands or something. Hmm, perhaps I can have the Royal Intelligence Agency recruit a few Kahtans who hate the government...if any suhc people exist in that brainwashed country. What do you think?"
The Real ALM
18-01-2005, 00:46
Major Forsythe arched an eyebrow.
"I hate to get off-topic, but what about the people we have acting as Kahtan soldiers? I know you said you had ex-IRA and Stasi people who could do the job, but therein lies the problem. Accents. If we have people in Kahtan uniforms who don't speak with a Kahtan accent, people will know it's a fraud. And we can't have them go through with it silently. They'd need to boast, or make demands or something. Hmm, perhaps I can have the Royal Intelligence Agency recruit a few Kahtans who hate the government...if any suhc people exist in that brainwashed country. What do you think?"
Gincarelli said, "That is the thing...many Kahtans seem to be from New England, so we have a few that can speak like Boston Irishmen. Still, I will look into that, and keep that as a reserve."
18-01-2005, 00:51
The Voice twitched, his teeth tightened as fluid flowed through the tubing in and out of his armor; before steadying himself; grunting audibly.
"There can be no flaw....No failure. You must create the justification for us to act; we must know the specifics of their defences...We must know their strength and their weakness. We will not cast our troops as sea against rock with no hope of victory!" A strangled hiss rose from his lips. "We will accept no failure"
The Real ALM
18-01-2005, 00:55
The Voice twitched, his teeth tightened as fluid flowed through the tubing in and out of his armor; before steadying himself; grunting audibly.
"There can be no flaw....No failure. You must create the justification for us to act; we must know the specifics of their defences...We must know their strength and their weakness. We will not cast our troops as sea against rock with no hope of victory!" A strangled hiss rose from his lips. "We will accept no failure"
"Very well, good sir. Forsythe, put that plan you suggested into action."
Europe and Eurasia
18-01-2005, 01:04
"Good, now that we have gotten the planning of the fake video sorted for now we can concentrate on more important matters" Major Draco told the rest of the group "satellite surveillence of the Kahtan border has revealed a distinct lack of anti-air defences, the Imperial Air Force is one of the largest in the region, we could launch massive bombing raids on Kahtan cities and military positions in the hours leading up to the invasion with impunity" Andreus suggested, a wry smile showing on his face.
The Real ALM
18-01-2005, 01:28
"Good, now that we have gotten the planning of the fake video sorted for now we can concentrate on more important matters" Major Draco told the rest of the group "satellite surveillence of the Kahtan border has revealed a distinct lack of anti-air defences, the Imperial Air Force is one of the largest in the region, we could launch massive bombing raids on Kahtan cities and military positions in the hours leading up to the invasion with impunity" Andreus suggested, a wry smile showing on his face.
Gincarelli smiled with glee.
"Very well, good sir. Forsythe, put that plan you suggested into action."
"Right then, if you gentlemen will excuse me for a moment," he replied, and walked a few meters away. He took out a comlink device and spoke into it for a moment in a hushed whisper. He then turned it off, walked back over the group, and said, "The RIA's on it. Give them a few days and they think they can have someone for us."
The Real ALM
18-01-2005, 01:42
"Right then, if you gentlemen will excuse me for a moment," he replied, and walked a few meters away. He took out a comlink device and spoke into it for a moment in a hushed whisper. He then turned it off, walked back over the group, and said, "The RIA's on it. Give them a few days and they think they can have someone for us."
Gincarelli smiled and said, "Excellent......"
Europe and Eurasia
18-01-2005, 01:59
"I take it by your gleeful smile that our offer has been accepted" Andreus said to Gincarelli "in that case, we would like to take the oppertunity to test two new superweapons our scientists have developed in real battle conditions" the Major pulled two large files out of his breifcase, both stamped with big red TOP SECRET and CLASSIFIED stamps "now I need to tell you that this is absoulutely top secret, not even our closest allies know about these projects or their creations yet" Major Draco told the group as he laid the files on the table, the other summit members looked down to read the names on the files, PROJECT: DRAGONSLAVE and PROJECT: GIGASLAVE
Dragonslave? Gigaslave? Intriguing, Forsythe thought to himself. He smiled inwardly. This could be profitable. He was an intelligence officer by training, and knew that this would be big. Possibly bigger than Operation Guinievere. He derailed that thought train immediately. GUINIEVERE was so secret he wasn't even supposed to think about it.
The Real ALM
18-01-2005, 02:11
"I take it by your gleeful smile that our offer has been accepted" Andreus said to Gincarelli "in that case, we would like to take the oppertunity to test two new superweapons our scientists have developed in real battle conditions" the Major pulled two large files out of his breifcase, both stamped with big red TOP SECRET and CLASSIFIED stamps "now I need to tell you that this is absoulutely top secret, not even our closest allies know about these projects or their creations yet" Major Draco told the group as he laid the files on the table, the other summit members looked down to read the names on the files, PROJECT: DRAGONSLAVE and PROJECT: GIGASLAVE
Gincarelli siad, "I am inrigued, please, continue...if you can."
Europe and Eurasia
18-01-2005, 03:04
"Very well, for many years the scientific establishment of Europe and Eurasia has known the secret of generating massive amounts of power by inducing Quantum nucleonic reactions in a special isomer of the radioactive element Hafnium, these reactions would cause a massive burst of gamma radiation and we use it in peaceful applications like power generation, but we also used it as a weapon, an uncontrolled mass of Hafnium would explode violently, showering the surrounding area in gamma rays, although the gamma rays dissapated after a few days, at first the Hafnium bombs had a very low explosive yeild for their power like the ones we gave you, Mr. Gincarelli, but our scientists discovered a way to increase the explosive yeild of the Hafnium bombs dramatically by using an energy focusing matrix in the bombs core, after five years of work the first Dragonslave bomb was tested successfully and the bomb was quickly put into mass production at secret manufacturing plants in a military base near Eureka City. Soon after the bombs were perfected the scientists started work on a delivery system for the bomb, the design chosen was designed to maximize the destructive power of a single missile strike, powered by a compact Hafnium reactor, the missile would fly at supersonic speeds and at low altitiude over enemy territory to evade enemy radar, the missile would fly a zig zag pattern over a pre programmed area and drop Dragonslave bombs all over the target area, completely killing off all life in it, then the missile would climb to high altitude and then plunge at hypersonic speeds into a final target, detonating the missiles larger and more purified main warhead, that combined with the missiles own reactor would make the area all around the final target completely antiseptic as not even bacteria would survive the onslaught, for obvious reasons, the missile was dubbed Gigaslave" Major Draco finished his description of the superweapons and watched as the other summit members stared at him, speechless.
Forsythe gulped. The time he talked with the RIA, he needed them to talk to the Defense Department about some serious ABM equipment.
Europe and Eurasia
18-01-2005, 03:59
The Real ALM
18-01-2005, 05:25
"Very well, for many years the scientific establishment of Europe and Eurasia has known the secret of generating massive amounts of power by inducing Quantum nucleonic reactions in a special isomer of the radioactive element Hafnium, these reactions would cause a massive burst of gamma radiation and we use it in peaceful applications like power generation and we also used it as a weapon, an uncontrolled mass of Hafnium would explode violently, showering the surrounding area in gamma rays, although the gamma rays dissapated after a few days, at first the Hafnium bombs had a very low explosive yeild for their power like the ones we gave you, Mr. Gincarelli, but our scientists discovered a way to increase the explosive yeild of the Hafnium bombs dramatically by using an energy focusing matrix in the bombs core, after five years of work the first Dragonslave bomb was tested successfully and the bomb was quickly put into mass production at secret manufacturing plants in a military base near Eureka City. Soon after the bombs were perfected the scientists started work on a delivery system for the bomb, the design chosen was designed to maximize the destructive power of a single missile strike, powered by a compact Hafnium reactor, the missile would flay at supersonic speeds and at low altitiude over enemy territory to evade enemy radar, the missile would fly a zig zag pattern over a pre programmed area and drop Dragonslave bombs all over the target area, completely killing off all life in it, then the missile would climb to high altitude and then plunge at hypersonic speeds into a final target, detonating the missiles larger and more purified main warhead, that combined with the missiles own reactor would make the area all around the final target completely antiseptic as not even bacteria would survive the onslaught, for obvious reasons, the missile was dubbed Gigaslave" Major Draco finished his description of the superweapons and watched as the other summit members stared at him, speechless.
Gincarelli simply said, "My God....this is amazing, to say the least."
Europe and Eurasia
18-01-2005, 09:00
"The Imperial government has been looking for a suitable way to reveal the weapon systems existance to the world, and they think that an attack on Kahta with it is as good a way as any" Andreus addressed the summit members "We will launch 3 missiles on Kahta's interior to knock out most military installations and cities, the radiation will take about two weeks to dissapate so the targets will have to be fairly far back from the point of entry into the country so our troops won't get there too early"
The Real ALM
18-01-2005, 18:12
"The Imperial government has been looking for a suitable way to reveal the weapon systems existance to the world, and they think that an attack on Kahta with it is as good a way as any" Andreus addressed the summit members "We will launch 3 missiles on Kahta's interior to knock out most military installations and cities, the radiation will take about two weeks to dissapate so the targets will have to be fairly far back from the point of entry into the country so our troops won't get there too early"
Gincarelli then said, "Not a problem....."
Forsythe nodded again. "Sounds like an excellent plan. Do you wish to keep it between yourselves or shall I inform my government? I understand if you wish to keep it secret, although I think the operation would be smoother if there was a full sharing of information."
Inside, his mind was racing through possible outcomes of such a conflict. My God, what have we gotten ourselves into? The slaughter...
Europe and Eurasia
19-01-2005, 00:11
"His Majesty and the Imperial government are...apprehensive about letting too much information away too early, but I'm sure that if you were to give your government a simple overview of the weapons and not tell them anything too specific, then they would be satisfied that their element of surprise would be intact. Soon, this will all be out in the open"
"I see," the intelligence officer replied. "I can write a report to send to them and have you check it, if you wish."
The Real ALM
19-01-2005, 00:33
"I see," the intelligence officer replied. "I can write a report to send to them and have you check it, if you wish."
Gincarelli said, "If you wish, I just remembered something, the nation of Upper Xen has headcrab bombs. Granted, they cannot be shipped out unless specially authorized......however, I can contact my Russian Mafiya friends for you, they can get them ready for this operation."
Europe and Eurasia
19-01-2005, 00:42
"The Imperial government would be pleased to know that you were so cooperative" Major Draco said to Major Forsythe before turning to Gincarelli "Headcrab bombs? I don't believe that the Imperial government has heard of them before, tell me, how do they work?"
Forsythe began mentally composing his report, thinking of codes he could use. His training prevented him from focusing completely on that, though. He reserved part of his attention to listen in on the explanation of this "headcrab" bomb.
The Real ALM
19-01-2005, 00:47
"The Imperial government would be pleased to know that you were so cooperative" Major Draco said to Major Forsythe before turning to Gincarelli "Headcrab bombs? I don't believe that the Imperial government has heard of them before, tell me, how do they work?"
Gincarelli said, "I have the Press Release right here."
"Ladies and Gentlemen of Upper Xen, the world-
Headcrabs. The very name conjures images of fear, terror, and devastation, brought about by in both physical and psychological form by the effects that they have on human beings. Introduced by the Great Lord Nihilanth after he conquered all of the lands of Japan and China in the 1200's partly as a weapon of terror and partly by accident, they are alternatively symbols of oppression and a living plague, taking human beings and turning them into ravenous creatures, and feasting on our crops and our livestock greediliy like common rats.
Now, however, we have redeemed these creatures. We have turned them to a higher goal. After extensive testing in the Xinjiang region against Uygur fundamentalist rebels and on violent offenders that were truly unreformable by means of psychological and hard-labor rehabilitation, we can now safely turn them against the human terrors that lurk among us: tyrants, terrorists, and those who would threaten the rights of man, wherever they would be.
Project Ravenholm, the project to create this weapon, has bore fruit. That fruit will now feed and nourish those who support liberty, the rights of man, and law and order, and poison the tyrants and terrormongers of the world that would threaten the peace and stablility of the world.
Therefore, it is with great pleasure and security that we can now definetly say: We Have The Headcrab Bomb."
We have developed two ways to deploy Headcrabs:
1. An indeginously developed three stage rocket, to be dubbed 'Parasite Munition-Rocket Based Mk. 1.' This rocket, meant to become a medium-range strategic rocket with ranges of up to 800-1,200 nautical miles, can carry up to 500-700 Headcrabs, and is comparable to a Scud. However, with newly developed Point Defense Lasers, ECM jamming, Shock-absorbing structure and materials, such as a specially designed flexible cage for the crabs and newly tested nano-carbon chainmail and foam shock linings for the main carrier pod, and a proprietary engine that is 60% more efficent than that of the Scud and goes to Mach 3.5 make this weapon very competitive.
The Mk. 1 works in that the initial booster lifts it off of the launching platform, and after the first stage disengages, another booster, this one a solid -fuel booster, moves the payload towards its final destination. After this, the second-stage booster falls off, and the main carrier pod, goes to the ground, aided by an integral drag chute and steering jets. Once on the ground, the pod opens, and the Headcrabs are free to wreak havoc.
2. The Headcrab Munition-Air Dropped Mk. 1- this system is a conventional 5,000lb bomb, with integrated point defense lasers, a GPS guidance system, and more shcok-absorbing materials, along with a drag chute, retrorockets and fins to aid in its descent and accuracy. The HMAD-1 can deploy 800-1,300 Headcrabs, unlike the Rocket, and is equipped to be deployed from most types of aircraft, such as the B-52, the Vulcan, and even more advanced aircraft like the B-2 and the Tu-167 Blackjack. It is also specially modified for use with the B-70mk1, produced by Excelsior Military Industries.
The HMAD-1 is deployed on top of its target by a bomber, and using its guidance systems and retrorockets, aims and falls to Earth. Once at about 15,000-8,000 feet, a drag chute is deployed to help slow the bomb, and get the Headcrabs safely to Earth. For low-altitude missions, a special version of the chute may be mounted, or the retrorockets may be used instead."
Why Headcrabs, you might ask? After at least five to ten years of testing, they have proven to be a weapon with strong effects, having a 95% zombification rate wherever they are deployed. Unlike conventional nuclear and biological weapons, these weapons do not last for generations-they can be killed when they are no longer needed during cleanup, or simply starved into nonexistence. Also, Headcrabs are naturally fast, agile, and strong, enabling them to penetrate through even the toughest of armor. And, once zombified, the subjects enjoy enhanced strength, an intense rage and hunger thanks to the natural predatory instinct of the headcrab, and begin to emit a moaning, weeping noise that, during extended tests, proved to be a devastating psychologcal weapon. When zombie armies were pitted against SOG troops and Home Guardsmen, they (the SOG and Home Guard) were bogged down, confused, and frightened by the zombies at every turn. They may have lacked tactics, but the zombies' sheer physical power and the incessant moaning proved to be a huge stumbling block for many SOG troops, even those from our shirt Ninja program. And these were our best."
Mai Nomura
Chief of Staff/Deputy Sec. of Defense
Rep. of Upper Xen
19-01-2005, 00:55
"Our war must come swiftly. The enemy must be overwhelmed before they have a chance to rally against us" The Voice hissed and leaned forward; almost threateningly. "In the end, they will face the fury and the wrath of the Chronosian wave....In the end; they will meet doom against our alliance."
Europe and Eurasia
19-01-2005, 00:56
"Hmmm...interesting, however, I am concerned about the victims of these parasites, if what they say is true, then the victims of headcrab attacks could put up quite a fight"
The Real ALM
19-01-2005, 00:58
"Our war must come swiftly. The enemy must be overwhelmed before they have a chance to rally against us" The Voice hissed and leaned forward; almost threateningly. "In the end, they will face the fury and the wrath of the Chronosian wave....In the end; they will meet doom against our alliance."
Gincarelli said, "Indeed, good sir, we should begin this war soon as we can get those rogue Kahtans, we can stage the video and begin. By the way, do you like the Headcrab Bomb?"
Europe and Eurasia
19-01-2005, 01:00
"And they will be overwhelmed, our new weapons will make sure of it"
The Real ALM
19-01-2005, 01:10
"And they will be overwhelmed, our new weapons will make sure of it"
Gincarelli pulled out a phone. "I will call my Russian Mafiya friends, as promised, and see about the Headcrab Bomb."
Gincarelli called an unknown number. He began speaking Russian.
After several minutes, he hung up. "That was Sergei, my supplier....he will have the Headcrab Bombs smuggled here in about several days, they will be the airdropped version, he has to buy or steal them from a military site, rest assured he will have them here, along with some more Headcrabs to begin a breeding program."
"As for your concerns, we can use them in an urban area as part of our initial assault, or in an agriculutral area.....anyway, we can stop them using shotguns and regular pistols, the secret is to not be scared, and use earplugs....." soon as we can get those rogue Kahtans, we can stage the video and begin.
Forsythe looked at his watch. "I think, give the RIA until this time tomorrow and they should have at least one agent for us. After all, one is all we really need. They could act as the officer, and do the talking."
OOC: I'll have at least one Kahtan defector for us hopefully by tomorrow RL. These things take time ;) . Anyway, right now the RIA is searching for Kahtan immigrants in Malkyer, then soon they'll move on to trying to find a contact in Kahta itself.
Europe and Eurasia
19-01-2005, 02:06
"I'll contact Imperial Marshall Gioias and inform him of our plans, the Imperial government can have all that they have promised in place by the end of the week. I shall also contact Armacor and procure the weapons for the video, they should be here by tomorrow" Major Draco told the summit members then quietly steped out of the room to make the calls.
Europe and Eurasia
19-01-2005, 04:56
The Real ALM
19-01-2005, 21:12
"I'll contact Imperial Marshall Gioias and inform him of our plans, the Imperial government can have all that they have promised in place by the end of the week. I shall also contact Armacor and procure the weapons for the video, they should be here by tomorrow" Major Draco told the summit members then quietly steped out of the room to make the calls.
Gincarelli said, "Good...what of Tyrandis? He has joined the RALM in jihad. We know not of what he is doing, but I think we should invite him in, and let him know what we are doing to help smooth things out."
"I'm for bringing him in. It's always good to have as many allies as possible, I think. Indeed, they could serve our cause well."
Forsythe's phone beeped. He excused himself, and stepped outside the room. As he listened, a smile grew across his face. He thanked the man on the other end for his help, and stepped back into the meeting room.
"Gentlemen, I have good news. The Royal Intelligence Agency has obtained two agents for us, both Kahtan expatriates living in Malkyer. Because the were pressed for time, they were unable to establish proper contacts within Kahta itself, though I think these two will serve nicely. They emigrated a few years ago, when Kahta was still a democracy. However, we don't really need them to be up-to-date, we just need believable Kahtan accents and mannerisms. We can have extras act as other soldiers. The RIA will make these men available when you need them, Mr. Gincarelli."
The Real ALM
19-01-2005, 22:00
"I'm for bringing him in. It's always good to have as many allies as possible, I think. Indeed, they could serve our cause well."
Forsythe's phone beeped. He excused himself, and stepped outside the room. As he listened, a smile grew across his face. He thanked the man on the other end for his help, and stepped back into the meeting room.
"Gentlemen, I have good news. The Royal Intelligence Agency has obtained two agents for us, both Kahtan expatriates living in Malkyer. Because the were pressed for time, they were unable to establish proper contacts within Kahta itself, though I think these two will serve nicely. They emigrated a few years ago, when Kahta was still a democracy. However, we don't really need them to be up-to-date, we just need believable Kahtan accents and mannerisms. We can have extras act as other soldiers. The RIA will make these men available when you need them, Mr. Gincarelli."
Gincarelli said, "Excellent, I will begin work now on the fake prison in the dungeon, and make it look authentic, and call Executor Davidson. Then, the plan will begin...."
Gincarelli said, "Excellent, I will begin work now on the fake prison in the dungeon, and make it look authentic, and call Executor Davidson. Then, the plan will begin...."
"Just a reminder, though I'm sure you've already thought of it. We should wait until after hostilities have commenced; why would the Kahtan military have prisoners during peacetime?"
The Real ALM
19-01-2005, 22:20
"Just a reminder, though I'm sure you've already thought of it. We should wait until after hostilities have commenced; why would the Kahtan military have prisoners during peacetime?"
Gincarelli said, "Good point. We should wait until we begin attacks."
20-01-2005, 02:28
[classified location], Europe and Eurasia
"Charlie Site"
1400 hrs ZULU
The flight of Tyrandisan aircraft cut through the midmorning skies, a sum of just five planes, four TSF-28 Seraph Air Superiority Fighters and a single E-2E Hawkeye AWACS plane. The jets were first to land at Charlie Site's airfield, followed by the E-2E, trailing dust in its wake as the propeller driven craft slowed to a stop.
Praetor Conrad Maxwell unbuckled his safety restraint, then waited patiently for stairs off the aircraft to set up. He was young by any standard, just twenty eight years old, but the man had a razor-sharp mind for military affairs. Having fought in the Great War of Independence, Maxwell originally warred against Xavier on behalf of the Communists, before he was passed over for promotion in favor of a political hire. Disgusted, the Praetor resigned his commission and joined the reactionaries.
For his efforts, Maxwell received the prestigious post of Praetor of the Nation, making him second-in-command of the armed services. Due to the state of alert, Executor Xavier Davidson himself was organizing the submarine blockade of Kahta while the Praetor was sent to coordinate the eventual land offensive at Charlie Site. After disembarking, the pilots of the TSF-28 Seraph fighters quickly went to the nearest bathroom to shower, while Maxwell was transported to the conference room by automobile.
Praetor Conrad Maxwell made his entrance quietly, and sat down. After the pleasantries were exchanged, the final solution to the Kahta problem would be resolved in the secure halls of Charlie Site...
OOC: A photo of the Praetor:
The Real ALM
20-01-2005, 03:11
Gincarelli got a call.
"Excuse me," he said.
He went outside to meet the new arrival. He saw his auto driving up.
Extending his hand, he said, "Hello, I am Michele Gincarelli, acting on behalf of the Shogun for this meeting. You must be Praetor Maxwell."
20-01-2005, 03:18
Gincarelli got a call.
"Excuse me," he said.
He went outside to meet the new arrival. He saw his auto driving up.
Extending his hand, he said, "Hello, I am Michele Gincarelli, acting on behalf of the Shogun for this meeting. You must be Praetor Maxwell."
The Praetor shook Gincarelli's hand, and replied in a neutral voice, "That is correct. I have been directed by Executor Davidson to share with the assembly the current Tyrandisan war plans, and adjust them accordingly. Mr. Fabus dies soon, and his family will be eviscerated and sold for dog food."
OOC: Don't ask.
The Real ALM
20-01-2005, 03:23
The Praetor shook Gincarelli's hand, and replied in a neutral voice, "That is correct. I have been directed by Executor Davidson to share with the assembly the current Tyrandisan war plans, and adjust them accordingly. Mr. Fabus dies soon, and his family will be eviscerated and sold for dog food."
OOC: Don't ask.
Gincarelli said, "Please, come in, we have much to discuss."
Leading him into the castle meeting room, he began revealing the effort:
"So far, we intend to begin hostilties first, using an amphibious assault on Kahta and a massive attack on Kahtan Air Installations and Military sites, and then release a phony video of Kahtan Soldiers abusing and murdering RALM prisoners to boost public support. We also intend to use some new superweapons, I will let my friends from the Europe and Eurasia government explain."
OOC: My guy's pic, in exchange:
20-01-2005, 03:30
Gincarelli said, "Please, come in, we have much to discuss."
Leading him into the castle meeting room, he began revealing the effort:
"So far, we intend to begin hostilties first, using an amphibious assault on Kahta and a massive attack on Kahtan Air Installations and Military sites, and then release a phony video of Kahtan Soldiers abusing and murdering RALM prisoners to boost public support. We also intend to use some new superweapons, I will let my friends from the Europe and Eurasia government explain."
The Praetor spoke up. "Gentlemen, let me show you our current active operations against Kahta." Conrad set his briefcase on the table and opened it up. Inside were several documents marked [CRITICAL] in blood-red ink. Picking up one of the manila folders, titled "Operation Silent Assassin", Maxwell laid out a number of papers and maps, detailing the covert Tyrandisan involvement against Kahta.
"As you see here, gentlemen," gestured the Praetor, "we have a sum of sixteen Submarine Task Forces in the area, each composed of two Gladius-class fast attack submarines and one Pilnum SSBN or SSGN. These groups have orders to disrupt any and all Kahtan commercial shipping." He paused for a moment, to take questions.
The Real ALM
20-01-2005, 03:38
The Praetor spoke up. "Gentlemen, let me show you our current active operations against Kahta." Conrad set his briefcase on the table and opened it up. Inside were several documents marked [CRITICAL] in blood-red ink. Picking up one of the manila folders, titled "Operation Silent Assassin", Maxwell laid out a number of papers and maps, detailing the covert Tyrandisan involvement against Kahta.
"As you see here, gentlemen," gestured the Praetor, "we have a sum of sixteen Submarine Task Forces in the area, each composed of two Gladius-class fast attack submarines and one Pilnum SSBN or SSGN. These groups have orders to disrupt any and all Kahtan commercial shipping." He paused for a moment, to take questions.
Gincarelli said, "I must say, this is quite an operation, the Kahtans are boating they can outlast this, but if the English example in WWI, and the Confederacy and the Germans in WWI are any case, submarines and blockades are worth something. One thing? How will this be coordinated with our present operations? We are planning an assault, so we were wondering if they could provide some support."
20-01-2005, 03:54
Gincarelli said, "I must say, this is quite an operation, the Kahtans are boating they can outlast this, but if the English example in WWI, and the Confederacy and the Germans in WWI are any case, submarines and blockades are worth something. One thing? How will this be coordinated with our present operations? We are planning an assault, so we were wondering if they could provide some support."
Maxwell smiled. "These submarines currently have a rule of smashing any and all traffic coming in and out of Kahta. Once we have effectively strangled their economy, Tyrandisan military forces based in an anonymous nation bordering Kahta will sweep into the border and begin an attack. Once the focus of the Tyrandisan submarines has been accomplished, the Pilnus-class SSBNs will assist in coastal bombardment of the Kahtan shore to open up a two-front offensive.
The Kahtan military, already hit hard by our economic blockade, will be caught between two pincers, one from the eastern shore and the other from the southwest. Within a month, the country will collapse and the destruction of the Kahtan nation will be completed."
The Real ALM
20-01-2005, 04:09
Maxwell smiled. "These submarines currently have a rule of smashing any and all traffic coming in and out of Kahta. Once we have effectively strangled their economy, Tyrandisan military forces based in an anonymous nation bordering Kahta will sweep into the border and begin an attack. Once the focus of the Tyrandisan submarines has been accomplished, the Pilnus-class SSBNs will assist in coastal bombardment of the Kahtan shore to open up a two-front offensive.
The Kahtan military, already hit hard by our economic blockade, will be caught between two pincers, one from the eastern shore and the other from the southwest. Within a month, the country will collapse and the destruction of the Kahtan nation will be completed."
Gincarelli said, " do we get involved? My friends and I have too been planning an amphibious assault on the shores of New England, which they command. And we did say we'd be faking Kahtan prisoner abuse, I was wondering, would you allow me to fake abuse of Tyrandian prisoners of war by Kahtan infantry?"
20-01-2005, 04:16
Gincarelli said, " do we get involved? My friends and I have too been planning an amphibious assault on the shores of New England, which they command. And we did say we'd be faking Kahtan prisoner abuse, I was wondering, would you allow me to fake abuse of Tyrandian prisoners of war by Kahtan infantry?"
"As I said previously, our submarines will aid your amphibious invasion by bombarding coastal positions, ascertained via spy satellites in geosynchronous orbit, with cruise missiles. Your forces will be able to land and attack the New England shores, while our own armies based in a nation that wishes to remain unnamed will strike from the southwest, carving the country in two.
The decision to permit faked torture is not mine to make, but I would certainly argue against it. While we do have very little respect for international law, like our undeclared blockade of the Kahtan shore, there are certain boundaries that Tyrandis refuses to cross."
Europe and Eurasia
20-01-2005, 06:16
Major Draco walked back into the room to find a new delegate at the table "Greetings, I'm Major Andreus Draco of the Imperial Army high command staff" he said whilst offering his hand in greeting "I have and will be coordinating the Europe and Eurasian presence in this campaign" he said to the new man before turning to Gincarelli "Armacor says that the weapons will be here in a few hours, and the Imperial government says that they can commit the 3rd and 1st battle legions as well as the Imperial Dawn fleet. However, Emperor Alexius says that he will not deploy the Gigaslave missiles as discussed until the leaders of all nations participating in the campaign give permission to do so"
Europe and Eurasia
20-01-2005, 19:00
"We shall also commit the 2nd Bomber and 1st Fighter wings to the invasion"
(OOC:Oh and BUMP)
The Real ALM
20-01-2005, 20:59
Gincarelli said, "Excellent, I can have von Esling deploy the 1st and 2nd Tokko-Rikkusentai Forces, basically, they are field units of the Tokko. They will number about 5,000 althogether."
Gincarelli got a call, answering it, he hung up.
"The Headcrab Bombs are here, five of them, the Vahkulinchuk Mob went to great lengths to get them....Upper Xen keeps the Bombs in a secure spot, it took them a very long time to get...."
20-01-2005, 21:07
The Voice chuckled; "Excellent, then let us begin....We have to do this soon and quickly; lest we ruin the element of surprise. In that vein; I suggest you enlighten us to any other plots you are running; so that this may be at the same time as them; all geared towards shock and awe; before we crush them" He chuckled. "Let slip your secrets; and we will plan a grand death"
The Real ALM
20-01-2005, 21:12
The Voice chuckled; "Excellent, then let us begin....We have to do this soon and quickly; lest we ruin the element of surprise. In that vein; I suggest you enlighten us to any other plots you are running; so that this may be at the same time as them; all geared towards shock and awe; before we crush them" He chuckled. "Let slip your secrets; and we will plan a grand death"
Gincarelli turned to the Voice. "Do you have any bombers? We need somebody to deploy the Headcrab Bombs, preferably in the countryside."
20-01-2005, 21:15
"We do indeed have bombers; yet I find myself unconvinced. Tell me what I need to know; all of it, everything; and we shall see. I will not work where there is no openness; I will not act where there is no trust or reassurance....Now....Shall we?"
Europe and Eurasia
20-01-2005, 21:17
"We could also commit a force of the Invincible Guard. They are the elite force in all of the Europe and Eurasian military, they are the Emperors personal bodyguard and they are the ultimate interdiction force, they are trained from birth to be extremely strong, intelligent and loyal to the Emperor and the Supreme Chancellor. They wear heavy suits of liquid metal armor that they can easily bear for long periods of time and are armed with heavy Anti-material rifles, the Emperors bodyguard regiment are even armed with advanced railgun rifles, although they are experimental and aren't completely reliable yet"
The Real ALM
20-01-2005, 21:36
Gincarelli said to the Voice, "Again, the Press Release, they were very honest about this."
"Ladies and Gentlemen of Upper Xen, the world-
Headcrabs. The very name conjures images of fear, terror, and devastation, brought about by in both physical and psychological form by the effects that they have on human beings. Introduced by the Great Lord Nihilanth after he conquered all of the lands of Japan and China in the 1200's partly as a weapon of terror and partly by accident, they are alternatively symbols of oppression and a living plague, taking human beings and turning them into ravenous creatures, and feasting on our crops and our livestock greediliy like common rats.
Now, however, we have redeemed these creatures. We have turned them to a higher goal. After extensive testing in the Xinjiang region against Uygur fundamentalist rebels and on violent offenders that were truly unreformable by means of psychological and hard-labor rehabilitation, we can now safely turn them against the human terrors that lurk among us: tyrants, terrorists, and those who would threaten the rights of man, wherever they would be.
Project Ravenholm, the project to create this weapon, has bore fruit. That fruit will now feed and nourish those who support liberty, the rights of man, and law and order, and poison the tyrants and terrormongers of the world that would threaten the peace and stablility of the world.
Therefore, it is with great pleasure and security that we can now definetly say: We Have The Headcrab Bomb."
We have developed two ways to deploy Headcrabs:
1. An indeginously developed three stage rocket, to be dubbed 'Parasite Munition-Rocket Based Mk. 1.' This rocket, meant to become a medium-range strategic rocket with ranges of up to 800-1,200 nautical miles, can carry up to 500-700 Headcrabs, and is comparable to a Scud. However, with newly developed Point Defense Lasers, ECM jamming, Shock-absorbing structure and materials, such as a specially designed flexible cage for the crabs and newly tested nano-carbon chainmail and foam shock linings for the main carrier pod, and a proprietary engine that is 60% more efficent than that of the Scud and goes to Mach 3.5 make this weapon very competitive.
The Mk. 1 works in that the initial booster lifts it off of the launching platform, and after the first stage disengages, another booster, this one a solid -fuel booster, moves the payload towards its final destination. After this, the second-stage booster falls off, and the main carrier pod, goes to the ground, aided by an integral drag chute and steering jets. Once on the ground, the pod opens, and the Headcrabs are free to wreak havoc.
2. The Headcrab Munition-Air Dropped Mk. 1- this system is a conventional 5,000lb bomb, with integrated point defense lasers, a GPS guidance system, and more shcok-absorbing materials, along with a drag chute, retrorockets and fins to aid in its descent and accuracy. The HMAD-1 can deploy 800-1,300 Headcrabs, unlike the Rocket, and is equipped to be deployed from most types of aircraft, such as the B-52, the Vulcan, and even more advanced aircraft like the B-2 and the Tu-167 Blackjack. It is also specially modified for use with the B-70mk1, produced by Excelsior Military Industries.
The HMAD-1 is deployed on top of its target by a bomber, and using its guidance systems and retrorockets, aims and falls to Earth. Once at about 15,000-8,000 feet, a drag chute is deployed to help slow the bomb, and get the Headcrabs safely to Earth. For low-altitude missions, a special version of the chute may be mounted, or the retrorockets may be used instead."
Why Headcrabs, you might ask? After at least five to ten years of testing, they have proven to be a weapon with strong effects, having a 95% zombification rate wherever they are deployed. Unlike conventional nuclear and biological weapons, these weapons do not last for generations-they can be killed when they are no longer needed during cleanup, or simply starved into nonexistence. Also, Headcrabs are naturally fast, agile, and strong, enabling them to penetrate through even the toughest of armor. And, once zombified, the subjects enjoy enhanced strength, an intense rage and hunger thanks to the natural predatory instinct of the headcrab, and begin to emit a moaning, weeping noise that, during extended tests, proved to be a devastating psychologcal weapon. When zombie armies were pitted against SOG troops and Home Guardsmen, they (the SOG and Home Guard) were bogged down, confused, and frightened by the zombies at every turn. They may have lacked tactics, but the zombies' sheer physical power and the incessant moaning proved to be a huge stumbling block for many SOG troops, even those from our shirt Ninja program. And these were our best."
Mai Nomura
Chief of Staff/Deputy Sec. of Defense
Rep. of Upper Xen
"This submarine stuff is pure gold," Forsythe muttered under his breath. He rubbed his right temple, concentrating.
"I have an idea. What if we can feed the Kahtans false information concerning these attacks, maybe they will lash out against some other nation. That would provide enough of an excuse for the Kingdom to enter the fight without our people worrying about supporting terrorists," he said, trying his best not to look at Gincarelli. "Of course, I'm just thinking in terms of Malkyer's involvement; the RIA does not often conduct joint operations. What do you men think?"
The Real ALM
21-01-2005, 00:02
"This submarine stuff is pure gold," Forsythe muttered under his breath. He rubbed his right temple, concentrating.
"I have an idea. What if we can feed the Kahtans false information concerning these attacks, maybe they will lash out against some other nation. That would provide enough of an excuse for the Kingdom to enter the fight without our people worrying about supporting terrorists," he said, trying his best not to look at Gincarelli. "Of course, I'm just thinking in terms of Malkyer's involvement; the RIA does not often conduct joint operations. What do you men think?"
Gincarelli had an idea, at that point. "Perhaps we can blame an ally of the Fabus Bloc and try to divide them?"
"There is a problem with that, though. The Czars Fabus have no reason to attack one another. They share the same name, the same views on life, and to an extent the same family. The Fabus formerly known as MacDonald married a relation of Roger's, if I'm correct. No, the families and nations are two close. We can't even suggest some rogue submarine; Tyrandis' attacks have been too numerous for one, or even two or three subs. Perhaps we could place the blame on some left-wing alliance?"
21-01-2005, 00:16
"Indeed; play the left against the right and watch the fireworks. They will suspect each other and fall upon them like wild dogs; and the ensuing tumult will shatter them. A destructive war that neither began; and then...we end it"
21-01-2005, 00:19
OOC: Do you guys have MSN or AOL? or something?
The Real ALM
21-01-2005, 00:34
"Indeed; play the left against the right and watch the fireworks. They will suspect each other and fall upon them like wild dogs; and the ensuing tumult will shatter them. A destructive war that neither began; and then...we end it"
Gincarelli said, "How about a war between the Fabus Bloc and the Comintern, led by Communist Louisiana? Not the International.......that is different, led by DPUO."
21-01-2005, 00:56
"There is a problem with that, though. The Czars Fabus have no reason to attack one another. They share the same name, the same views on life, and to an extent the same family. The Fabus formerly known as MacDonald married a relation of Roger's, if I'm correct. No, the families and nations are two close. We can't even suggest some rogue submarine; Tyrandis' attacks have been too numerous for one, or even two or three subs. Perhaps we could place the blame on some left-wing alliance?"
"As tempting as that would sound, it would be a stretch for sure. The Comintern's leader, Louisiana sheltered Mississippi and Kahta before, and would likely do so again. It would be unwise to attempt such a manuver.
I digress, however. The primary problem with an invasion of the Kahtan mainland will be their ally of Decisive Action. While Tyrandis is capable of fighting a two front war, it would be preferrable not to. Thus, we should rally more allies to our banner by drawing on the widespread hatred of the Fabuses.
However, word of the Tyrandisan attacks must be kept confidential. No one outside these walls must know of our activities."
The Real ALM
21-01-2005, 01:03
"As tempting as that would sound, it would be a stretch for sure. The Comintern's leader, Louisiana sheltered Mississippi and Kahta before, and would likely do so again. It would be unwise to attempt such a manuver.
I digress, however. The primary problem with an invasion of the Kahtan mainland will be their ally of Decisive Action. While Tyrandis is capable of fighting a two front war, it would be preferrable not to. Thus, we should rally more allies to our banner by drawing on the widespread hatred of the Fabuses.
However, word of the Tyrandisan attacks must be kept confidential. No one outside these walls must know of our activities."
Gincarelli said, "That is true, nothing will leave these walls. How do we rally more allies?"
21-01-2005, 01:05
"Nor must Chronosian influence be known. The Imperium is far stretched; much of our strength lies with our homeworld and colonies; the Chronosians of Earth cannot stand against the united hatred of the bastard lineage" He spits. "The Fabuses will unite if one is threatened; scuttling like cockroaches and hiding from our wrath, while their fascist troops do all the work. We do indeed need far more allies; to wipe them from the Earth"
The Real ALM
21-01-2005, 01:17
"Nor must Chronosian influence be known. The Imperium is far stretched; much of our strength lies with our homeworld and colonies; the Chronosians of Earth cannot stand against the united hatred of the bastard lineage" He spits. "The Fabuses will unite if one is threatened; scuttling like cockroaches and hiding from our wrath, while their fascist troops do all the work. We do indeed need far more allies; to wipe them from the Earth"
Gincarelli said, "We need to find those nations who oppose the Fabuses with every ounce of their soul. Perhaps we could start with Guffingford, and his allies, he was reported to have backed whoever did the sinkings."
21-01-2005, 01:20
"Very good. Contact him at once; we shall spread our cause like wildfire; and it shall be as poison to our enemies. Once we are united; they will cower and wilt before our show of might." He leaned forward. "We must strike swift; as the serpent..."
"Very good. Contact him at once; we shall spread our cause like wildfire; and it shall be as poison to our enemies. Once we are united; they will cower and wilt before our show of might." He leaned forward. "We must strike swift; as the serpent..."
Poetic fellow, isn't he, Forsythe thought.
"What of predominately black nations? Surely they will rally against the Fabuses? Jewish nations too, though I don't think there are very many of those."
Europe and Eurasia
21-01-2005, 04:05
"If the Fabus bloc does rally, then the Mabus reigime is more than capable of fighting a two front war. our military is ample and we can institute conscription at any time. However, my Emperor has expressed concerns over logistics, Tyrandis may be terrorising Kahtan shipping now, but if Decisive Action and other Fabus bloc nations do enter the war then their combined naval strength could strain supply lines to Imperial troops"
The Real ALM
22-01-2005, 02:23
Gincarelli said, "Hmm.......this presents a very interesting puzzle. Perhaps we must finish Kahta before the Decisive menace can act. By then, it will have been too late to act, and any anti-Fabus nations, like The Burnsian Desert can and will intervene. We can start with the Empire of One Alliance, they hate Fabus, we must get them behind us, and the First Communist International. Upper Xen will have to be neutral, they cannot break a Non-Aggression Pact with the ink so fresh."
22-01-2005, 02:33
"Did it ever occur to you that the weapons we will be using are from Upper Xen; the Enemy would know this; and Upper Xen itself would be implicated. Perhaps our choice of weapon itself will seal our enemies doom...As they reel and strike out"
22-01-2005, 02:35
ooc: i'll just comment, (i'm not IC'ing) this. Should I ask Xeraph or TBD about the Empire of One Joining? If the Empire of One Joins on the RALM side, i'm bound by their laws to actually HELP you.
The Real ALM
22-01-2005, 02:36
"Did it ever occur to you that the weapons we will be using are from Upper Xen; the Enemy would know this; and Upper Xen itself would be implicated. Perhaps our choice of weapon itself will seal our enemies doom...As they reel and strike out"
Gincarelli smiled and said, "Intriguing.....this will cause quite the Apocalypse."
Gincarelli smiled and said, "Intriguing.....this will cause quite the Apocalypse."
"But is that really our aim?" Forsythe inquired. "We're trying to bring down the Kahtan Regime, not end civilization." I think, this could get ugly if there isn't a voice of moderation. Problem is, why do I have be that voice?
22-01-2005, 02:46
"Fabus civilisation is not civilisation" The Voice hissed; leanign forward. "We must rid the world of its disease before it spreads and consumes us all. When you suffer under the iron hand of one of their bastard lineages; when your people are purged and catalouged by race and color; what then? Would you rather this cancer live on? We must not only annihilate Kahta; but bring about the end of the Fabus line...For...peace" He hissed; a dry chuckle echoing. "We Chronosians are beings of Chaos; but we will not allow our own demise to grow about us. This is the new order; that threatens us all"
The Real ALM
22-01-2005, 02:56
"Fabus civilisation is not civilisation" The Voice hissed; leanign forward. "We must rid the world of its disease before it spreads and consumes us all. When you suffer under the iron hand of one of their bastard lineages; when your people are purged and catalouged by race and color; what then? Would you rather this cancer live on? We must not only annihilate Kahta; but bring about the end of the Fabus line...For...peace" He hissed; a dry chuckle echoing. "We Chronosians are beings of Chaos; but we will not allow our own demise to grow about us. This is the new order; that threatens us all"
Gincarelli mused. "Perhaps the Headcrab Bombs will not be used. Perhaps instead, the Empire of One and getting the other anti-Fabuses alliances to cut each other's throats will be sufficent. Anyway, we have plenty of gas."
The Real ALM
22-01-2005, 02:56
ooc: i'll just comment, (i'm not IC'ing) this. Should I ask Xeraph or TBD about the Empire of One Joining? If the Empire of One Joins on the RALM side, i'm bound by their laws to actually HELP you.
OOC: Bring 'em in.
"I understand what you're talking about, and believe me I hate the Fabus family as much as you do, but drawing every military power into this conflict is something we must avoid; surely some of them will join Fabus, if only to preserve the status quo."
22-01-2005, 02:58
ooc: how do i make a side switch look convincing.... :headbang:
22-01-2005, 02:59
"Fabus civilisation is not civilisation" The Voice hissed; leanign forward. "We must rid the world of its disease before it spreads and consumes us all. When you suffer under the iron hand of one of their bastard lineages; when your people are purged and catalouged by race and color; what then? Would you rather this cancer live on? We must not only annihilate Kahta; but bring about the end of the Fabus line...For...peace" He hissed; a dry chuckle echoing. "We Chronosians are beings of Chaos; but we will not allow our own demise to grow about us. This is the new order; that threatens us all"
Maxwell snickered. "The Fabuses, a threat? When they aren't fucking their sisters or thinking about it, perhaps. But then again, when isn't that the case?
It is true that Kahta is a massive nation. I will concede that. However, according to TNIA intelligence analysis, their leadership and economy is so terrible that they will fall at the first sign of the struggle. As for Mississippi, we have other plans. Our armies based in a neighboring country will crush them like the roaches they are."
22-01-2005, 03:01
"Excellent. I did not class them as a threat as such; more as a disease...A filth that must be washed away. They would infest nations like roaches as you termed them....But I would be glad to have place in these future plans...Now all we need, is more support"
However, according to TNIA intelligence analysis, their leadership and economy is so terrible that they will fall at the first sign of the struggle. As for Mississippi, we have other plans. Our armies based in a neighboring country will crush them like the roaches they are.
"Please, allow me to play devil's adovcate. Kahta will fall at the first sign of struggle? A man named Hitler said the same thing about the Soviet Union, and that belief lead to his eventual demise. I am not saying we must be overly cautious, but it never hurts to overestimate an enemy's ability to fight. As for the support, I agree we need all we can get."
22-01-2005, 03:17
"Please, allow me to play devil's adovcate. Kahta will fall at the first sign of struggle? A man named Hitler said the same thing about the Soviet Union, and that belief lead to his eventual demise. I am not saying we must be overly cautious, but it never hurts to overestimate an enemy's ability to fight. As for the support, I agree we need all we can get."
The Praetor smiled. "Consider our submarine blockade. At this time, the only action the Kahtan government has done to stem the flow of our attacks was deployment of a few hundred P-3C Orions deploying antiquated SONAR buoys. If their other responses are as impotent as this one, I would stake my life on the ultimate victory of Tyrandis.
Our submarine fleet has trashed their economy to the point of virtually no return. They have no money, meaning no way to effectively defend themselves.
Once the first shots of war are fired by the 22 inch guns of our battleships, the Kahtan nation will be like a helpless lamb, ripe for the picking. We will slaughter them to the man, woman and child, resting only when the last Fabus lies dead on the ashes of our victory fires."
22-01-2005, 03:21
The Voice chuckled. "You know; I do like this one more than any of the other two." He smirked lightly. "He has drive, ambition; a plan matched in its ruthlessness only by its effectiveness. The Emperor would extend his hand in friendship; if not brotherhood; I am sure.."
The Praetor smiled. "We will slaughter them to the man, woman and child, resting only when the last Fabus lies dead on the ashes of our victory fires."
"Surely, you don't mean genocide? Kahta has done terrible things, no denying that, but can we really blame the people for the actions of a brainwashing totalitarian regime?"
The Real ALM
22-01-2005, 03:40
"Surely, you don't mean genocide? Kahta has done terrible things, no denying that, but can we really blame the people for the actions of a brainwashing totalitarian regime?"
Gincarelli chimed in, saying, "Exactly, the main military and political leaders are to be purged, the people we can deprogram, my friends at the Tokko are experts at that."
22-01-2005, 03:43
"I don't think you understand Tyrandis; he wishes to kill every last man woman and child of the regime. And I would be more than happy with that. As long as the Kahtan state lives; they will be a threat to you...And we cannot have that; can we ALM? Can we afford to show mercy?"
"I don't think you understand Tyrandis; he wishes to kill every last man woman and child of the regime. And I would be more than happy with that. As long as the Kahtan state lives; they will be a threat to you...And we cannot have that; can we ALM? Can we afford to show mercy?"
"The Fabus family, we will not mourn. But the wholesale slaughter of three billion people? My friends, that is not something people like us would do. It is a crime worthy only of one name, the name Fabus. Do you see? What good is it to destroy evil if in doing so, you become evil yourself. Fight dragons long enough, and you become one. Stare into the abyss, and the abyss wll stare back at you. I am sorry, but I must put my foot down. We must find another way to deal with the innocents."
22-01-2005, 03:52
"Surely, you don't mean genocide? Kahta has done terrible things, no denying that, but can we really blame the people for the actions of a brainwashing totalitarian regime?"
Maxwell nodded. "It is a sad state of affairs indeed that the wholesale slaughter of innocents must come to pass, but my orders are that none of these... subhumans must live to see the dawn. Tyrandis will contribute the bulk of materiel and manpower, and the Executor intends to bring the festering Fabus organization and their supporters to the executioner's block."
"But if we overthrow the Fabus regime, we can show the people how the Fabuses were wrong. Would it not be better to bring three billion people into the light, rather than killing them because they are kept in the dark?"
The Real ALM
22-01-2005, 03:57
"I don't think you understand Tyrandis; he wishes to kill every last man woman and child of the regime. And I would be more than happy with that. As long as the Kahtan state lives; they will be a threat to you...And we cannot have that; can we ALM? Can we afford to show mercy?"
Gincarelli said, milling this over, "We can show no mercy to the leaders of the Kahtan regime definetly, we can show no mercy to the military leaders."
"The people, they must be taught a lesson. I think its time for another March to the Sea, from Boston all the way across Kahta. And while I do not agree with genocide, I certainly agree they must be starved, beaten, and terrified into submission. If any killing must occur, let it be of police and collaborators that still love the regime when we are done. The rest, we can use for hard labor, slavery will fix them."
This is going to be bad, Forsythe thought. He wanted to spit. Perhaps I can try to get Malkyer a large occupation zone. That way there is hope for at least a few.
"Beating them, starving and torturing them? This will turn people against us, people would normally try to get on with their lives, or maybe even join us. We must not drive the Kahtan people to unite as one against us. Our strength lies in their weakness. If their is division amongst them, our goals will be that much easier to achieve. If we are seen as cruel invaders, we drive people to fight against us, rather than with us. We must be seen as liberators, not barbarians."
The Real ALM
22-01-2005, 04:06
This is going to be bad, Forsythe thought. He wanted to spit. Perhaps I can try to get Malkyer a large occupation zone. That way there is hope for at least a few.
"Beating them, starving and torturing them? This will turn people against us, people would normally try to get on with their lives, or maybe even join us. We must not drive the Kahtan people to unite as one against us. Our strength lies in their weakness. If their is division amongst them, our goals will be that much easier to achieve. If we are seen as cruel invaders, we drive people to fight against us, rather than with us. We must be seen as liberators, not barbarians."
Gincarelli said, "Okay, forget the hard labor, can we try to restore the Republic? The different factions inherent in a republic may very well create what we seek. Or perhaps we can exploit differences between the Kahtan states? We could try to revive old sectional hatreds, like between New Yorkers and New Englanders."
22-01-2005, 04:10
"But if we overthrow the Fabus regime, we can show the people how the Fabuses were wrong. Would it not be better to bring three billion people into the light, rather than killing them because they are kept in the dark?"
"The problem's heart lies in the fact that extensive propaganda has run its course through the populations of Kahta and Mississippi. While it would be preferrable to win the hearts and minds of the masses, it would be far too costly in terms of time and manpower.
We would end up with several million troops bogged down in a lengthy occupation, resulting in a weaker fighting force, and thus a window for the Fabuses to strike through. It would be much simpler if our armies stormed through the countryside, killing, looting and pillaging. Our goals would thus be accomplished within the year, and the lives of hundreds, perhaps thousands of OUR soldiers would be saved."
"Restoration of the Republic sounds like a good idea. But, we must remember, what use is it to save our soldiers lives in the frontlines if they are killed fighting an insurrection behind the lines?"
The Real ALM
22-01-2005, 05:44
Gincarelli said, "We need to restore the republic most importantly, and nevermind the fact propaganda has infected the populace, if we do a Sherman-type operation, it will bring their propaganda to naught."
Gincarelli said, "We need to restore the republic most importantly, and nevermind the fact propaganda has infected the populace, if we do a Sherman-type operation, it will bring their propaganda to naught."
"Exactly," Forsythe agreed, "We must show the Kahtan people that their racial mystique is just that: mystique."
Europe and Eurasia
22-01-2005, 14:35
"They are both convincing arguments to be sure" Draco said after a long silence "I think we should try a compromise, first off, the campaign must be executed swiftly, the sooner we can disconnect the people from Fabus propaganda the better. Second, we must make grusome public specticals of the executions of the Fabuses and their supporters to show the people we mean buisness. Third, we must give aid to the populace that were most oppressed by Fabus rule, such as blacks and asians (if there are any left) to get their support quickly. And last of all, we must spread our own messages to the section of the populace who were biased neither way, use any means necissary, even our own propaganda if required, to get them to decide that we were liberating them from a dangerous regime and that our invasion is best for them in the long run"
The Real ALM
22-01-2005, 16:55
"They are both convincing arguments to be sure" Draco said after a long silence "I think we should try a compromise, first off, the campaign must be executed swiftly, the sooner we can disconnect the people from Fabus propaganda the better. Second, we must make grusome public specticals of the executions of the Fabuses and their supporters to show the people we mean buisness. Third, we must give aid to the populace that were most oppressed by Fabus rule, such as blacks and asians (if there are any left) to get their support quickly. And last of all, we must spread our own messages to the section of the populace who were biased neither way, use any means necissary, even our own propaganda if required, to get them to decide that we were liberating them from a dangerous regime and that our invasion is best for them in the long run"
Gincarelli said, "You hit the nail right on the head. Again, we must do something to shatter the Fabus mythos of invincibility, I personally endorse a March to the Sea, but this sounds like a good idea, too."
The Real ALM
22-01-2005, 17:44
"They are both convincing arguments to be sure" Draco said after a long silence "I think we should try a compromise, first off, the campaign must be executed swiftly, the sooner we can disconnect the people from Fabus propaganda the better. Second, we must make grusome public specticals of the executions of the Fabuses and their supporters to show the people we mean buisness. Third, we must give aid to the populace that were most oppressed by Fabus rule, such as blacks and asians (if there are any left) to get their support quickly. And last of all, we must spread our own messages to the section of the populace who were biased neither way, use any means necissary, even our own propaganda if required, to get them to decide that we were liberating them from a dangerous regime and that our invasion is best for them in the long run"
"Brilliant," Forsythe agreed. "Perhaps executions of some high-ranking officers of their intelligence service or secret police?"
The Real ALM
22-01-2005, 18:50
"Brilliant," Forsythe agreed. "Perhaps executions of some high-ranking officers of their intelligence service or secret police?"
Gincarelli said, "Definetly, that is part of the plan. And, any secret policemen and intellegence men with lots of blood on their hands."
Europe and Eurasia
23-01-2005, 06:51
"Certainly, we must execute all of those who have helped the Fabuses gain power and hold onto it"
"A thought just occurred to me," Forsythe said. "We have been trying to think of reason for going to war that would make the international community rally behind us. So far, we've come up with executing prisoners. Many may protest such an action, but aside from some vague humanitarian alliance, I don't see many of the world powers going to war over the execution of some POWs.
What if we had a military provocation? Malkyer, or Chronosia, or Tyrandis, or whoever could conduct naval excerises in international waters near Kahta, and perhaps a plane or something of that nature could stray into Kahta airspace. From there, I see one of two outcomes: they either shoot down the plane and we have a legitmate reason to go to war, or, they forgive us but the incident strains relations to a breaking point, and then anything could set off hostilities. What do you men think?"
The Real ALM
23-01-2005, 18:33
"A thought just occurred to me," Forsythe said. "We have been trying to think of reason for going to war that would make the international community rally behind us. So far, we've come up with executing prisoners. Many may protest such an action, but aside from some vague humanitarian alliance, I don't see many of the world powers going to war over the execution of some POWs.
What if we had a military provocation? Malkyer, or Chronosia, or Tyrandis, or whoever could conduct naval excerises in international waters near Kahta, and perhaps a plane or something of that nature could stray into Kahta airspace. From there, I see one of two outcomes: they either shoot down the plane and we have a legitmate reason to go to war, or, they forgive us but the incident strains relations to a breaking point, and then anything could set off hostilities. What do you men think?"
Gincarelli said, "Hmm...we could wait for DA to attack Sevaris, then things would get set in motion. Perhaps a naval exercise is in order, that will encourage that conclusion."
Europe and Eurasia
23-01-2005, 18:40
"No, it is too risky, what if they do not react to provocation, it might strain relations but not to the point of war. What we need is a real outrage to blame Kahta, although I don't really think we need to fabricate one, did you not hear that Czar Fabus has decreed that all Asians in his country are not to be classified as human? I think that would be a good reason to go to war for most countries"
The Real ALM
23-01-2005, 18:45
"No, it is too risky, what if they do not react to provocation, it might strain relations but not to the point of war. What we need is a real outrage to blame Kahta, although I don't really think we need to fabricate one, did you not hear that Czar Fabus has decreed that all Asians in his country are not to be classified as human? I think that would be a good reason to go to war for most countries"
Gincarelli said, "I have heard of that, quite a disusting act. My wife, she is Chinese, and I myself am a fan of Chinese cuisine....the expulsion of Chinese and other Asians is good reason to fight, but seeing them kill Asians actively would give people a really good reason.....perhaps our fabrication efforts can concentrate on this."
Europe and Eurasia
23-01-2005, 19:19
"Definitly, thats why we should continue on with our plan to stage an execution of POWs by Kahtan troops, the use of Asian victims will add a tinge of Kahtans racist ways to the whole act and will make the film even more outrageous"
"Agreed. Should we begin to plan out our operations now that we have a general idea of what we're going to do?"
The Real ALM
24-01-2005, 02:01
"Agreed. Should we begin to plan out our operations now that we have a general idea of what we're going to do?"
Gincarelli said, "I propose assaults on Cape Ann and Cape Cod, in Massachusetts, on Newport and Misquamicut Beach in RI, and on Montauk Point and Long Island in NY. We must also attack from Maryland, and dominate the Great Lakes, to prevent movement of men and materiel. We must move to surround Boston, and take it ASAP. Any campaign must involve a campaign also to take the Hudson and Mohawk Valleys in New York, to cut them off......and we have to take all major arteries of travel, like I-95 and Metro North...."
"Cape Cod should be a primary target. The main source of Kahtan oil is there (OOC: :rolleyes: ), and taking it away will be a huge blow to their economy and military. After that, I think we can cut them off from the coast easy enough, given the success of Tyrandis' submarines. The problem as I see it is Decisive Action. We have to cut Kahta off from that crutch, or he could stand forever.
I think the first step needs to be a massed assault on Massachusetts, specifically Cape Cod, because of the oil. However, I am concerned about us being able to mass enough troops in Maryland to attack successfully without alerting Kahta to our plans. Ah, I'm just a major, that stuff is for the generals," he said, grinning. "After that, we must head west to cut them off from Mississippi. Once we have taken the border regions, we can sit behind prepared defensive lines while the Mississippians bleed themselves to death attacking us and the Kahtans starve from lack of supplies. Oh, I'm sure the Mississippians will be able get some supplies through via the Great Lakes, but not enough to keep Kahta from collapsing. Then we can move north, and northwest to the Great Lakes. How does that plan sound?"
The Real ALM
24-01-2005, 02:26
"Cape Cod should be a primary target. The main source of Kahtan oil is there (OOC: :rolleyes: ), and taking it away will be a huge blow to their economy and military. After that, I think we can cut them off from the coast easy enough, given the success of Tyrandis' submarines. The problem as I see it is Decisive Action. We have to cut Kahta off from that crutch, or he could stand forever.
I think the first step needs to be a massed assault on Massachusetts, specifically Cape Cod, because of the oil. However, I am concerned about us being able to mass enough troops in Maryland to attack successfully without alerting Kahta to our plans. Ah, I'm just a major, that stuff is for the generals," he said, grinning. "After that, we must head west to cut them off from Mississippi. Once we have taken the border regions, we can sit behind prepared defensive lines while the Mississippians bleed themselves to death attacking us and the Kahtans starve from lack of supplies. Oh, I'm sure the Mississippians will be able get some supplies through via the Great Lakes, but not enough to keep Kahta from collapsing. Then we can move north, and northwest to the Great Lakes. How does that plan sound?"
Gincarelli said, "Nice, that is why we must take the Hudson Valley and New York City. Definetly a massed attack on Massachusetts from Cape Cod and Rhode Island would demolish the center of Kahtan power. Definetly, we have to get air superiority. Tyrandis should extend his submarine blackade to North and South Carolina, in the event of hostilities. And to stop DA, we must take Ohio......then we can get defensive."
"Agreed, now if you'll excuse me for the moment, I have an idea I want to clear with my government," Forsythe said, and thenwalked outside the room and turned on his secure-unit phone.
OOC: signing off for the night, I'll get back to you sometime tomorrow.
Europe and Eurasia
24-01-2005, 07:06
"I like this plan, however, you are forgetting the use of the Gigaslave missiles that I offered earlier, they can be used to knock out large areas of land, once we have gotten permission to use them simply tell me where you think they could be most effective. Also, our troops are always eager to go for the most dangerous actions, we can take the Hudson valley and New York for you, we shall also send our other legion to the south of the country to take that area quickly and cut off DA reinforcement"
The Real ALM
24-01-2005, 15:52
"I like this plan, however, you are forgetting the use of the Gigaslave missiles that I offered earlier, they can be used to knock out large areas of land, once we have gotten permission to use them simply tell me where you think they could be most effective. Also, our troops are always eager to go for the most dangerous actions, we can take the Hudson valley and New York for you, we shall also send our other legion to the south of the country to take that area quickly and cut off DA reinforcement"
Gincarelli said, "We should use the Gigaslave missiles on major Kahtan bases and missle silos to eliminate them quickly, and we should use them on New Jersey and Western Massachusetts, to reduce resistance. I might consider using them to aid our initial invasion, as well, theough I wonder what everybody else in our group will say. Definetly, I would welcome your intervention in NY City and the Hudson River Valley. RALM Regulars and anybody willing will aid you by attacking Long Island."
I might consider using them to aid our initial invasion, as well, theough I wonder what everybody else in our group will say. Definetly, I would welcome your intervention in NY City and the Hudson River Valley. RALM Regulars and anybody willing will aid you by attacking Long Island."
Forsythe stepped back into the room, and heard that last bit of conversation.
"I think we should use restraint concerning these missiles of yours. There is no need to put our own troops in unecessary danger."
He then scribbled a note and handed it to Gincarelli. It read: Political insurance. I have to say this to protect the Kingdom.
"I also want to make absolutely clear that Malkyer is participating here to help bring down the criminal regime of Kahta, not to support the terrorist organization RALM." He nodded at Mr. Gincarelli to make sure he understood.
"Concerning my plan, I haven't heard from the RIA yet, but I think it's worth the wait. Once I get a confirmation, I'll outline the details."
The Real ALM
25-01-2005, 00:34
Forsythe stepped back into the room, and heard that last bit of conversation.
"I think we should use restraint concerning these missiles of yours. There is no need to put our own troops in unecessary danger."
He then scribbled a note and handed it to Gincarelli. It read: Political insurance. I have to say this to protect the Kingdom.
"I also want to make absolutely clear that Malkyer is participating here to help bring down the criminal regime of Kahta, not to support the terrorist organization RALM." He nodded at Mr. Gincarelli to make sure he understood.
"Concerning my plan, I haven't heard from the RIA yet, but I think it's worth the wait. Once I get a confirmation, I'll outline the details."
Gincarelli said then to Forsythe, in a hushed tone, "Well, I understand where you are coming from...we wouldn't want any entanglements."
"We need accurate information concerning Kahta's borders as well. What nations do they share a border with that may be sympathetic to our cause?"
Inside, he was furious. What is taking Graves so long? It's a simple yes or no question!
The Real ALM
25-01-2005, 02:33
"We need accurate information concerning Kahta's borders as well. What nations do they share a border with that may be sympathetic to our cause?"
Inside, he was furious. What is taking Graves so long? It's a simple yes or no question!
Gincarelli smiled. "Kahta shares a border with the Canadian Union, but that is the extent of my far, the rest of Pennsylvania is neutral and so is Virginia. Sevaris is close though."
"Hasn't there been some tension between Kahta and Sevaris lately? Would it be possible to recruit them?"
The Real ALM
25-01-2005, 03:03
"Hasn't there been some tension between Kahta and Sevaris lately? Would it be possible to recruit them?"
Gincarelli said, "Well, it might be, Alice Fabus complained of foreign troops in Sevarin territory, they may already be in our camp. If not, we must have them join us."
25-01-2005, 03:08
Gincarelli said, "Well, it might be, Alice Fabus complained of foreign troops in Sevarin territory, they may already be in our camp. If not, we must have them join us."
Maxwell laughed. "Those troops are of Tyrandisan origin. Sevaris was the anonymous nation that our forces are based in, preparing for the invasion of Kahta."
"Really? Fascinating," Forsythe made another mental note of this.
The Real ALM
25-01-2005, 03:49
Maxwell laughed. "Those troops are of Tyrandisan origin. Sevaris was the anonymous nation that our forces are based in, preparing for the invasion of Kahta."
Gincarelli said, "Will your troops be willing to aid in our attempts to take the Hudson Valley and, when needed, Ohio?"
Europe and Eurasia
25-01-2005, 15:43
"If the use of the Gigaslave missiles is not wanted by your nations then we will not force them on you, we will be fine using our conventional bombs. The Imperial Air Force can use its super heavy bombers to conduct high intensity bombing raids in the hours leading up to the invasion in all major coastal cities and military bases, then we will have our 1st Legion storm New York City, if all goes well we can take the city by noon on the first day. Then we will march up the banks of the Hudson smashing all opposition in our way untill we reach the end of the valley, then the legion will fortify the conquered territory by establishing firebases and logistics centers as well as subduing the local populace, then the Legion will fan out and take as much territory as possible. Our 3rd Legion will land at the southern most point available and march quickly to capture and fortify the southern border, cutting off reinforcements from Decisive Action"
"That sounds like a good plan. Fast, efficient. Our own little blitzkrieg, if you will. Seeing as Malkyer is the smallest nation to contribute regular troops in this endeavor, I recommend that the Royal Army spearhead the drive inland to the Great Lakes. Kahtan forces will be divided between New York and the Mississippian border, and won't be able to effectively resist us there.
What should we do about Boston and Cape Cod? Kahta will, unless they are absolutely stupid, defend Cape Cod to the last man, because without that oil their military becomes paralyzed. I suggest landing troops to the north and south, and pinning them in Boston and the Cape. We don't need to waste men and resources taking the field as long as we can deny it to the Kahtans. And it is cold this time of year in New England. I'm sure that a siege will work just as well as conquest, and be cheaper for us."
The Real ALM
25-01-2005, 21:49
"That sounds like a good plan. Fast, efficient. Our own little blitzkrieg, if you will. Seeing as Malkyer is the smallest nation to contribute regular troops in this endeavor, I recommend that the Royal Army spearhead the drive inland to the Great Lakes. Kahtan forces will be divided between New York and the Mississippian border, and won't be able to effectively resist us there.
What should we do about Boston and Cape Cod? Kahta will, unless they are absolutely stupid, defend Cape Cod to the last man, because without that oil their military becomes paralyzed. I suggest landing troops to the north and south, and pinning them in Boston and the Cape. We don't need to waste men and resources taking the field as long as we can deny it to the Kahtans. And it is cold this time of year in New England. I'm sure that a siege will work just as well as conquest, and be cheaper for us."
Gincarelli said, "Boston will not be easy to besiege or will have plenty of people defending it. Perhaps an assault from Rhode Island and Cape Ann, to the North of Boston, and a seige from there, plus an attempt to gain air superiority, which will be crucial, will force the Kahtans to surrender. The snows will hurt us too, keep in mind, so fast movement and winterization is essential. And Forsythe, tell your government that you may spearhead the drive to the Great Lakes. We can attach some Omnitsu Field Divisions to join you. The government of Upper Xen is neutral, but many anti-Fabus forces have banded together to form a volunteer force called the 'Liberty Brigades,' some 250,000 have escaped to Mexico, where they train and wait for war."
Gincarelli said, "Boston will not be easy to besiege or will have plenty of people defending it. Perhaps an assault from Rhode Island and Cape Ann, to the North of Boston, and a seige from there, plus an attempt to gain air superiority, which will be crucial, will force the Kahtans to surrender. The snows will hurt us too, keep in mind, so fast movement and winterization is essential. And Forsythe, tell your government that you may spearhead the drive to the Great Lakes. We can attach some Omnitsu Field Divisions to join you. The government of Upper Xen is neutral, but many anti-Fabus forces have banded together to form a volunteer force called the 'Liberty Brigades,' some 250,000 have escaped to Mexico, where they train and wait for war."
"I will tell them that, as soon as they contact me again. A few hours, I think. Oh, and don't worry about the snow. Malkyeri High Command learned the hard way a while back that winter can be murderous on modern armies. After fighting in Siberia in negative forty degree weather, I don't think New England will phase us," he said, grinning again.
The Real ALM
26-01-2005, 00:00
"I will tell them that, as soon as they contact me again. A few hours, I think. Oh, and don't worry about the snow. Malkyeri High Command learned the hard way a while back that winter can be murderous on modern armies. After fighting in Siberia in negative forty degree weather, I don't think New England will phase us," he said, grinning again.
Gincarelli said, "I lived in Rhode Island for a while, I understand New England. The winter is bad, but I would think that it is much easier to take than Siberia...."
Europe and Eurasia
26-01-2005, 13:11
"The Imperial Air Force can launch air strikes on Boston and Cape Cod to soften up defences for you, a few Hades bombs should make the defending forces very 'compliant'. Also, we are also commiting the Imperial Dawn Fleet, our flagship naval group, to assist in the action, I'm sure that they could also offer assistance by bombarding any enemy strongholds that are giving you trouble"
The Real ALM
26-01-2005, 15:48
"The Imperial Air Force can launch air strikes on Boston and Cape Cod to soften up defences for you, a few Hades bombs should make the defending forces very 'compliant'. Also, we are also commiting the Imperial Dawn Fleet, our flagship naval group, to assist in the action, I'm sure that they could also offer assistance by bombarding any enemy strongholds that are giving you trouble"
Gincarelli said, "Good idea..the Hades bombs can be used when we advance through Cape Ann and Rhode Island. See if the Imperial Dawn Fleet can aid in the destructin of their refineries along with their shore forces and installations, we must render any forces around Boston useless and cowed."
He then continued, his voice turning slightly impassionate: "When you use your navy to attack, I want you also to see if you can work in a blockade. We will be doing the same thing on land. Once we seal off Boston and hopefully trap the Czar, we will then bomb the shit out of the city and put it in a state of siege that will make Leningrad look like an Indian raid."
Gincarelli then said, "I made up names for the various operations we are doing, just for organization. Draco, the Kahtans command New Jersey, for reference, if you wish to begin at the Southernmost point, Atlantic City might be a good place to start."
He presented a list to the group.
It read:
Operation FAMILYGUY- Attack on Rhode Island, blitz to Boston
Operation INNSMOUTH- Attack on Cape Ann, blitz to Boston
Operation YANKEE ROSE- Attacks on Cape Cod from the air
Operation EMMERICH- Assault on NYC, Long Island- blitz to the Hudson Valley
Operation DEERSLAYER- Hudson Valley Campaign
Operation ALLENTOWN- Assault on New Jersey, and campaign to Kahtan Penn.
Forsythe's phone beeped as he was reading the list. That had better be them, he thought. He haded the note back to Gincarell, and excused himself from the room.
A few minutes later, he re-entered the room, with a huge smile on his face. "My friends, as you know, the Grand Duchy of Yafor 2 has some territory very close to Kahta, in fact they border each other in the northwest of Kahta if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, I've just recieved confirmation that the Yaforian government has granted Malkyer permission to construct a military base in that country. A small base, but a military presence nonetheless, and one Kahta cannot ignore, as it lies directly to their rear. Even though the one brigade or so that will be stationed there will not be able to initiate a signifcant attakc of its own into Kahta, it will force them to relegate forces to defend that frontier, forces that would be better served by fighting our main thrust in the east. I am told the base construction is to begin immediately, and soldiers will be there within the coming days."
The Real ALM
27-01-2005, 03:05
Forsythe's phone beeped as he was reading the list. That had better be them, he thought. He haded the note back to Gincarell, and excused himself from the room.
A few minutes later, he re-entered the room, with a huge smile on his face. "My friends, as you know, the Grand Duchy of Yafor 2 has some territory very close to Kahta, in fact they border each other in the northwest of Kahta if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, I've just recieved confirmation that the Yaforian government has granted Malkyer permission to construct a military base in that country. A small base, but a military presence nonetheless, and one Kahta cannot ignore, as it lies directly to their rear. Even though the one brigade or so that will be stationed there will not be able to initiate a signifcant attakc of its own into Kahta, it will force them to relegate forces to defend that frontier, forces that would be better served by fighting our main thrust in the east. I am told the base construction is to begin immediately, and soldiers will be there within the coming days."
Gincarelli smiled and said, "This will be good, it may draw some forces away. Perhaps we should place missiles there to provide more of a lure for Kahtan troops?"
"I'm afraid thats impossible, at least for the moment. The agreement with Yafor was to station a brigade. I don't want to push our luck here, I'm sure you understand."
The Real ALM
27-01-2005, 03:53
"I'm afraid thats impossible, at least for the moment. The agreement with Yafor was to station a brigade. I don't want to push our luck here, I'm sure you understand."
Gincarelli said, "I understand.....agreements are binding. We should get our forces into position ASAP."
27-01-2005, 04:19
Gincarelli said, "I understand.....agreements are binding. We should get our forces into position ASAP."
Maxwell shrugged. "Tyrandis has our forces in position on Sevarian territory, a full Army Corps to be precise. We will launch an invasion of Kahta from the south as you pound on his northern and western borders."
The Real ALM
27-01-2005, 04:31
Maxwell shrugged. "Tyrandis has our forces in position on Sevarian territory, a full Army Corps to be precise. We will launch an invasion of Kahta from the south as you pound on his northern and western borders."
Gincarelli said, "We will have landing ships ready for combat soon, and about 150,000 men for this endeavor. Did you see the list?"
He smiled. "Let the games begin...."
Europe and Eurasia
27-01-2005, 13:06
"Our forces can be deployed immediately, I will call the Imperial Marshall Gioias right now and he will begin the operation. The Imperial Dawn Fleet can be on station off the Kahtan coast within 12 hours of departure, and our troop carrier Zeps will accompany them with an equal swiftness"
27-01-2005, 13:10
"We shall engage from the west and shatter his defences; we shall tighten our noose around Kahta; but what if DA interferes; we must have some way of compensating our gains and defending our flanks against our foe."
The Real ALM
27-01-2005, 15:47
"We shall engage from the west and shatter his defences; we shall tighten our noose around Kahta; but what if DA interferes; we must have some way of compensating our gains and defending our flanks against our foe."
Gincarelli said, "Importantly, Kahta goes first. We can try to distract him by attacking from Sevarin lands, but there must be a strategy. We have the men and the guns to take him on, especially from the Liberty Brigades in Mexico, but he will be a tough nut to crack."
He continued: "We definetly need air superiority, we might want to use a few Gigaslaves and Headcrab Bombs versus those regions, and any other WMD's we can spare, and try and sweep his and Kahta's aircraft from the air using our fighters while using bombers to attack his airbases and strategic installations. After we frag them, we hunker down, and attack in Ohio and make landings in The Carolinas. Until then, we must play defense, raids on Georgia and Fabus Island would help to distract him."
Forsythe nodded his agreement. With luck, and the bases being built in Yafor 2 and the Canadian Union, they would be able to overwhelm Kahta quickly.
and we need to decide on a plan of action.
The Real ALM
29-01-2005, 05:48
and we need to decide on a plan of action.
OOC: Well, again, I made up a list of targets.
Still, here it goes.
Gincarelli said: "The RALM Field Divisions and the Chronosians are to land in Rhode Island and Cape Ann. Tyrandisian and Malkyerian forces are to spearhead the campaign to take the Hudson Valley. Malkyerians will also spearhead the campaign along with the RALM Field Divisions to the Great Lakes via NJ and Penn. The Imperial Fleet of E&E will bombard the enemy with Gigaslave missiles as part of a bombing campaign against major installations. We will try to besiege Boston. Air superority is key. When DA intervenes, we go defensive, and then attack Ohio, and North Carolina. Use some Gigaslaves on him when the time comes, we will need them."
OOC: Well, again, I made up a list of targets.
Still, here it goes.
Gincarelli said: "The RALM Field Divisions and the Chronosians are to land in Rhode Island and Cape Ann. Tyrandisian and Malkyerian forces are to spearhead the campaign to take the Hudson Valley. Malkyerians will also spearhead the campaign along with the RALM Field Divisions to the Great Lakes via NJ and Penn. The Imperial Fleet of E&E will bombard the enemy with Gigaslave missiles as part of a bombing campaign against major installations. We will try to besiege Boston. Air superority is key. When DA intervenes, we go defensive, and then attack Ohio, and North Carolina. Use some Gigaslaves on him when the time comes, we will need them."
OOC: I meant as in a timetable and schedule for attack.
Forsythe nodded again. "Yes, of course. Sounds like a good plan."
The Real ALM
29-01-2005, 17:08
OOC: I meant as in a timetable and schedule for attack.
Forsythe nodded again. "Yes, of course. Sounds like a good plan."
OOC: Oh....okay. I don't know what NS Year it is....
IC: Gincarelli said, "We attack all of these fronts similtaneously, preferably, at night. We must choose January 31st as the day of attack. We go at midnight, all over, hitting Rhode Island and Cape Ann first, then New York and the Hudson Valley later. These strikes must come within at least two hours of each other, the quicker the better. We commence with a massive aerial bombardment of the target zones and major installations, and we move in. The Imperial Guard will be tough, we must not waste time on them, they are to be destroyed with force. We must get to Boston quickly, the most a week to two after initial landings, and start besieging it from all sides. All the while, we keep up the air attacks. It is cold, and there will be snow. They will have to surrender, we wil encourage them to do so, some of the Liberty Brigadiers have Headcrab Bombs."
He continued: "When Boston falls, probably by mid-to-late February, if not by March, we move west from there, not sparing any time for them to regroup, and sweep Kahtan forces from west Massachusetts. We will then meet with Tyrandian and Malkyerian forces at the Hudson River Valley by the beginning of March or April, join up, and storm upstate NY. All the while, we will do behind the lines suppression, doing what we agreed upon to keep things quiet."
"All the while, Tyrandisan and Malkyerian forces will take New York City, this will have to be done at the same time as Boston, thought the nature of NYC leads me to give you some leeway. Once it is taken, move north up the Hudson, by March or April, again, we will meet."
"Allied forces in NJ wil be moving at a different pace. They wil be responsible for storming NJ and taking it by March. Then, after it is taken, New Jersey will be used as a staging point for a blitz into Pennsylvania, and we have to move quickly, DA by now will have intervened. The most wil be two days for you to get to Kahtan Pennsylvania, near Lake Erie. Take that, and hold it, we will aid you using air support and whatever we can spare. Then, we focus on DA, spending the summer taking Ohio and NC, and moving quickly to invade the rest of MS and take it proper."
Europe and Eurasia
30-01-2005, 06:49
"Ofcourse suggestions as to where our ground forces would be best deployed would be appreciated"
Europe and Eurasia
31-01-2005, 04:34
01-02-2005, 14:55
188 post and your still just sitting around and talking :)
The Real ALM
01-02-2005, 20:58
188 post and your still just sitting around and talking :)
OOC: This is a Secret IC thread. This means only me and anybody else I invite. I didn't invite you, so get out. :sniper:
The Real ALM
01-02-2005, 21:01
"Ofcourse suggestions as to where our ground forces would be best deployed would be appreciated"
Gincarelli said, "Perhaps using Sevarin and Canadian lands would be our bbest option. Things may have cooled down, but if I know Fabus, he'll find some way to insult Yuna Mannerheim and put the world close to the brink. Otherwise, the only nation close by is Camel Eaters, he may not consent to us basing men and munitions on his property."
OOC: I may have to ask for a postponement (sp?) of our plans, as I'm involved right now in an RP with Dracun Imperium and Zanziik; but I'll still check back here to see what we decide in the end.
OOC: methinks this idea is dead, no?
The Real ALM
03-02-2005, 00:25
OOC: methinks this idea is dead, no?
OOC: Well, I'll keep it on life support, but things seem to be calming down.... :( A shame, I wanted a World War.
The Real ALM
06-02-2005, 22:23
Gincarelli then said, "Praetor, can we assume that this plan will somehow cross with your nation's crusade? I have heard much of such a thing in recent days."
06-02-2005, 22:54
Gincarelli then said, "Praetor, can we assume that this plan will somehow cross with your nation's crusade? I have heard much of such a thing in recent days."
Maxwell nodded. "The Almighty God and his vicar on Earth has demanded that the Imperium make war on the heathens of Kahta. This plan for the invasion will tie in quite nicely with our goals of total destruction."
The Real ALM
06-02-2005, 23:26
Maxwell nodded. "The Almighty God and his vicar on Earth has demanded that the Imperium make war on the heathens of Kahta. This plan for the invasion will tie in quite nicely with our goals of total destruction."
Gincarelli said, "Very well, I can have the newly subverted Liberty Brigades and our Field Divisions ready now. Where do you want them?"
06-02-2005, 23:31
Gincarelli said, "Very well, I can have the newly subverted Liberty Brigades and our Field Divisions ready now. Where do you want them?"
"I believe they will prove useful as an infiltration unit, operating behind enemy lines. The main issue with an invasion of Kahta is their massive population, not to mention nuclear arsenals.
Also, we have developed laser-based infantry weapons, enough to arm your troops. We will supply them at no charge, provided they be used against the Kahtans in our battle."
OOC: Check my storefront link, in my sig. It's MT, so it should be acceptable.
The Real ALM
06-02-2005, 23:55
"I believe they will prove useful as an infiltration unit, operating behind enemy lines. The main issue with an invasion of Kahta is their massive population, not to mention nuclear arsenals.
Also, we have developed laser-based infantry weapons, enough to arm your troops. We will supply them at no charge, provided they be used against the Kahtans in our battle."
OOC: Check my storefront link, in my sig. It's MT, so it should be acceptable.
Gincarelli smiled, he had been smiling a lot, but he was partibularly happy now when he said, "You are a true friend indeed......we accept your offer, we will not forget this. Perhaps we can be of continued service later on?"
Forsythe stood quietly, watching the exchange. If this mess with Dracun clears up, we may be able to help Tyrandis. I won't tell them that just yet, though.