Nation of ARC declares its presence
16-01-2005, 20:30
We are a quiet peaceful region, and are dedicated to our little pastime of model-building, and it's requisite by-product, glue-sniffing. We request that we be considered as isolationists and not subject to being declared war on. However if anyone does declare war, be aware that two nations in that group Rottweilan and the Armed Republic of Windolene have NUCLEAR weapons and will not hesitate to use them. :)
Thank you for your cooperation.
The High Dictator of the Armed Republic of Rottweilan.
16-01-2005, 20:35
No nation in your region is larger than 8 million people right now, there is no way any of you could possess nuclear arms. You need to wait at least a month real time before you can have them.
16-01-2005, 20:46
And where exactly do I find these rules? :confused:
One of Rottweilan's primary industries is Uranium mining and my neighbor's into Arms production.
Well i guess your a n00b so you just have to learn the rules from other more experienced nations. The rules aren't really stated anywhere.
16-01-2005, 20:53
OOC: They're not rules, regardless of what people say. But most people won't accept that you have nuclear weapons if you don't RP them well. For example, if you come along and give a believable account of acquiring/developing the weapons, only a few stick-in-the-muds with no imagination will ignore you. However, if you just appear on the scene shouting 'Imma n00k j00s!!!1', then pretty much everyone will ignore you.
The stickies on II are good for readin', but remember they're only guidelines. Following them will get you more respect, however. And hi, by the way :D.
16-01-2005, 20:58
Population-wise, we may be small, however, our region is what we consider an alliance, which means we share technology, and each one of our countries specializes in a different aspect. P40Aces has Technology, background, Windolene has Arms Production, and both P40Aces and I have Uranium Mining as an industry. Therefore we could potentially up the production quite a significant amount as opposed to a nation that had to come up with this all on its own.
Our region protects its own and that's the prime reason why we are considered as isolationists. :)
I have looked at my tertiary industry...It's hilarious... Care to buy some cheese for exchange for some fighters? ROFL
I'm taking the time to assess our regional strengths...and try to develop a gameplan that is hopefully you won't consider this as some weirdo noob going "I GOT NUKES...AND I'M GONNA BOMB THE LIVING HECK OUT OF EVERYONE ELSE!!!" We use our strengths to try to combine our industries to the betterment of all of our countries in our region. I'm just trying to warn off the people who make a habit out of picking on the weaker nations...and letting them know that "we're not as weak as you think...pick on one of our nations in our region, we defend our own...the aggressor will have a FULL scale war on their hands..."
16-01-2005, 21:48
The Region of ARC is a mutual aid region, which means that the eight/nine member nations are mutually obligated to help each other if one of their member nations is attacked. Which means, that if any of those war-hungry players in this sim are intent on attacking us, you will not be taking on just one weak nation, you will be taking on the WHOLE region. Keep that in mind before you attack.
Mutual aid also means a sharing of industry which means that we have at our disposal the means and the wherewithal to create nuclear weapons within a short period of time. (if you do not believe us, take a look at the region and at our combined industries). We are not about to invade other nations at will. Our armed forces policy is a policy of defence, not aggression.
Our foreign relations policy is isolationist which means we do not share outside our regional sphere of influence unless the nation has extended an invitation under peace treaty to open up negotiations. Peace treaty means that under no circumstance will we be open to attack from the treatied nation.
Our policy has been worked out...through careful negotiation with the charter members of our region and as such, we would appreciate that other players recognize us as isolationist.
Roman Republic
16-01-2005, 21:53
For being very Arrogant. Why don't I just Nuke you to bits. With my Soviet SS-39 Nuke launching Satellite(In Ghost Recon 2), and my Peacekeeper and my Nulear bombs launched from aircraft.
Stellar Nations
16-01-2005, 21:59
hey, aqt least he's not trying to attack people.
I have no nukes, as much as I would like them. It's just not right right now. and i've bene playing for a small while (a week or two i think)
18-01-2005, 10:06
For being very Arrogant. Why don't I just Nuke you to bits. With my Soviet SS-39 Nuke launching Satellite(In Ghost Recon 2), and my Peacekeeper and my Nulear bombs launched from aircraft.
Arrogant? How is this arrogant? We are simply stating our terms up-front, incase anyone gets some bad ideas.
So far, we have been a very peaceful region and have not started any wars or so attempted to do so. All we are asking is that we be left alone to make models and sniff Tenax and glue.
We don't go looking for trouble, but if trouble comes looking for us, we will do whatever necessairy to protect our region and our nations from harm.
18-01-2005, 10:39
Yes, we in the Nation of ARC Region are a united people. We do not wish to make enemies, but as P-40Aces said, we will defend the Region.
I would, on behalf of the Region, like to invite those who are like-minded....those who are into the hobby of model building to come and explore our Region and see what it has to offer.
President of Kunkelstania
Founder NoARC Region
The Imperial Navy
18-01-2005, 10:58
GMC has explained this soooo many times.
THERE IS NO AGE LIMIT ON NUCLEAR WEAPONS. All that matters is how you RP them. It's called Free-form role play.
18-01-2005, 11:03
Yes, we in the Nation of ARC Region are a united people. We do not wish to make enemies, but as P-40Aces said, we will defend the Region.
I would, on behalf of the Region, like to invite those who are like-minded....those who are into the hobby of model building to come and explore our Region and see what it has to offer.
President of Kunkelstania
Founder NoARC Region
I would also like to invite anyone who is interested in our hobby to come and join us.
18-01-2005, 11:07
GMC has explained this soooo many times.
THERE IS NO AGE LIMIT ON NUCLEAR WEAPONS. All that matters is how you RP them. It's called Free-form role play.
Who is GMC?
The Imperial Navy
18-01-2005, 11:08
Who is GMC?
A Mod.
18-01-2005, 11:10
For being very Arrogant. Why don't I just Nuke you to bits. With my Soviet SS-39 Nuke launching Satellite(In Ghost Recon 2), and my Peacekeeper and my Nulear bombs launched from aircraft.
*Writes Roman Republic into 'McLeod's Lil' Book O' War' as a potential target*
18-01-2005, 11:14
*Writes Roman Republic into 'McLeod's Lil' Book O' War' as a potential target*
hehehehe :)
18-01-2005, 11:19
A Mod.
Ok, thanks.
The Imperial Navy
18-01-2005, 11:22
Ok, thanks.
no probs. ;)