New Stamford seeks to control newly abandoned lands in Africa
New Stamford
15-01-2005, 22:17
From the New Stamford Courant
The Courant's Sunderbeian office in the capital city of Bissau was in chaos today as all valuables and important documents were hastily loaded onto a plane bound for the Stamfordean city of Bridgeport. This scene has been replayed over and over all over Sunderby ever since the Sunderbian government has officially declared to the people that it was unable to protect them in any way, shape, or form.
Said former soldier Kunta Kinte (OOC: this is the only name from the Gambia that I know, and yes, it is a real name) "Our pay has been cut to the bone, and now they say 'Go home. We don't need you anymore. Go help your family.' They give us a few dalasi (Sunderbian currency), let us keep our weapons, and then all the important people left."
Allowing the soldiers to keep thier weapons may have been a bad idea. Gunshots echo throughout the city, and several explosions have been heard. What few policemen who continue to work instead of desert have commented that the military weapons cache outside of the city has been raided, and that rebels are running rampant.
A bleak future might be in store for the former nation of Sunderby unless New Stamford follows through with its pledge to annex the turmoiled area. Mayor Steven has assigned Colonel Sanders to this task, although there has been some protest that he is more experienced in Arctic combat rather that in the fetid swamps of Sunderby. The Mayor has responded, saying that New Stamford's military commanders are expert in all battlefields, and that he thinks the Colonel will do very well. New Stamford's embassy has been declared the reigonal capital, and marines guard it very carefully. No attavks on it have been reported yet.
The New Stamford Courant is devoted to bringing the news to the people of New Stamford at any cost, so several newsmen will be staying in the Guinea-Bissau reigon of Sunderby for as long as possible. We will only dring the clearest, most unbiased reports possible for New Stamford's annexation of this land, and we hope it will be a peaceful one.
OOC: Sunderby claimed Guinea - Bissau and the Gambia, two small countries in Africa. However, Sunderby has retracted these claims, and I will invade to keep the peace. I'll TG him to make sure I get the OK, though. Sorry for the writing, but I made this up off the top of my head and I'm not much of a newsman.
New Stamford
16-01-2005, 01:30
Colonel Sanders' emotions upon hearing that he would be redeployed after barely a month in peacetime Greenland fluctuated wildly; proud that he had been chosen again for such an important, but angry that he was not allowed any peace.
No matter. The task at hand would not be completed if he dwelled too much on his personal problems.
For the Gambian part of Sunderby, there would not be much problem. Banjul had practically rolled out a red carpet for the suprised marines who first came to the city, and all the government facilities were turned over to New Stamford's army.
Banjuli police had stayed on as a makeshift posse during the two weeks of anarchy, and most of the city was intact. Worldbank had re-opened its doors in the city, albeit with 50 infantrymen guarding it at all times. The sound of construction could be heard in the Colonel's office. One of the first Orders of State had been to construct a paved runway for Stamfordian airplanes to land on. Before that, there had only been unpaved dirt runways, no better than long dirt roads.
This sense of peace and order lasted up to 100 miles into the Gambia. The other half of the river was controlled by feirce miliatry commanders who had refused orders to disband by both Sunderbeian and Stamfordian command. The few Sunderbian officals they could get thier hands on were embarrased to admit that they had been planning an invasion of Senegal for several years. Now, die-hard rebels had control of the interior of The Gambia and large portions of Guinea-Bissau.
The larger portion of the navy/marine advance force had headed on down to Guinea-Bissauan citie of Cacheu. Although entering the city was easy enough, the same problem that existing in The Gambia existed in Guinea-Bissau, except here they had given a portion of the weapons caches scattered around the nation to rabid Zoroastrians. The former capital Guinea was sunken deep into chaos, and marines had only managed to secure a small portion of it. The main army had not arrived yet, nor had the airforce ships. The airforce's aircraft carriers had been delayed due to bad weather, and the Colonel could only hope that Green Sun would offer some assistance with its airplanes. Otherwise, this would remain a ground war against a well armed, well-supplied, crazy enemy.
The Colonel had a headache.
16-01-2005, 02:07
Which earth is this?
New Stamford
16-01-2005, 05:24
This is Earth III
16-01-2005, 07:43
This is Earth III
ok, cause I am annexing parts of africa in earth v. Earth III, I am annexing latin american nations.
New Stamford
17-01-2005, 07:32
Colonel Sanders grimaced at the report. Stamfordian forces had been pushed back several miles West along the Gambia, and small groups of militants had been attacking marines in Catcheu for days now. Fortunately, automated armored vehicles (robot tanks) had been sent with the marines there, and all seven of them were in working order, although they could take only so many RPGs and landmines before something in the AI screwed up. The only good news was that the aircraft carrier New Haven had arrived in Guinea, and they were giving marines some much-needed help in that city.
He hoped that the rest would come soon.
19-01-2005, 03:29
“Just what the hell is going on, Viceroy?” A cold sterile voiced questioned through the telephone.
“It appears New Stamford is annexing nearby The Gambia, as well as Guinea-Bissau” The Viceroy replied, trying his best to sound confident to the Emperor.
“This will not be tolerated, Viceroy”
“Of course your Holiness, I know what is to be done”
~~~~~~BREAKING NEWS!!~~~~~~
In a press conference just minutes ago in the Senegalese capital of Dakar, African Imperial Viceroy Claude Sauniere ( expressed outrage at the news of New Stamford’s plans to annex neighboring The Gambia as well as Guinea-Bissau, demanding that New Stamford withdraw its military presence from the area immediately. “This is a severe threat to our security and will not be tolerated!” The Viceroy also declared that he will take “All necessary measures” to safeguard the security of SYT Senegal, ordering the mobilization of 750,000 SYT troops, as well as 100,000 native Senegalese auxiliary units ( , though he warned that many more will be alerted should the situation intensify. "New Stamford must stand down!"
Imperial Directive #6789B was signed by African Imperial Viceroy Claude Sauniere, authorizing the use of military force against aggressors in both The Gambia and Guinea-Bissau if The Viceroy required it. Martial law was instated in the Senegalese cities of Kaolack, Tambacounda, Siguinchor, Kolda, Bignona, and Kedougou. Troops were sent to maintain order and defend Senegal from hostiles, brutally quelling all resistance (passive or otherwise). Some (though they dare not show their faces) have gone so far as to claim that this action by Sauniere had more to do with cementing SYT dominion in the slightly less jingoistic areas in Southern Senegal, though these people are probably communists, and rarely bathe. Across the nation the military was put on high alert, and military strategists drew up their plans.
edit: adjusted troop numbers.
New Stamford
21-01-2005, 04:29
In a secret location
The Mayor had been ranting to the General Superior and assorted Cab-Net for several members about the inferiority of the African governments when a technico came into the room and told the G.S. that they were ready.
"I don't see why a shitty robot needs millions of dollard for funding. Our machinated tanks are more than a match for those stupid SYTers. I think we need to be investing in improving those hovercrafts.""
The G.S. smiled and said "Mr. Mayor, sir, when you see what we have built, you won't believe your eyes." The technico lead them to a viewing room, which looked down on a massive white room whose sole occupant was a cow. Steel doors were on the far end. The mayor grinned at the Mayor and leaned into a small microphone. "Let it out, technicos!"
The Mayor had assumed that this was another justification for the massive budget that the military had been getting since the Greenland liberation, so he wasn't paying attention when the doors opened. But his eyes focused when he heard a familiar humming, and the thumping of massive footsteps. "No way" the Mayor said, reverting to his childhood mannerisms. "Is that ED 209?!"
Sure enough, it was. The ED 209 shone like it had in the classic movie, Robocop. "Mr. Mayor, Omni Consumer Products and North Central Positronics have built about thirty of these. They are cheap, easy to build, and hardy. Our strategians think that, with about two hundred or so of these, that we could turn the impending war in our favor."
Suffice it to say that the Mayor has comissioned about one hundred of them (OOC: no more time to use the PC, sorry).
21-01-2005, 06:29
ooc: cheap and easy to build? hmm. do you have any specs? it seems like a well placed Spike missile, or RPG, would have little trouble disabling it.
"New Stamford has refused to respond to our reasonable demands" Sauniere aticulated on the steps of the capital building, cameras focused. "We do not wish war upon New Stamford, but we will not hesitate to defened and protect what is rightfully ours.". He cleared his throat. "I am hereby ordering the mobilization of an additional 1,250,000 SYT military personnel, as well as 200,000 supplementary Senegalese auxiliary units. New Stamford MUST remove all military presence from The Gambia and Guinea-Bissau immediately. Make no mistake, once total war is declared we will pursure these villains without mercy or compassion. The fate of this region, rests ultimately in their hands".
New Stamford
21-01-2005, 19:22
OOC: Anyone familiar with the Robocop movies (I have the Trilogy on DVD. I will kill anyone who maligns the first Robocop. The third is up for ridicule.) knows what the ED 209 can do. It is about 8 feet tall, has high caliber machine guns on each arm (30mm) and has one smart missile in the left arm. ED 209 is too heavy to stand in most buildings, weighing four tons. Its armor plating makes it impervious to conventional arms, but an EMP or any tank buster will destroy it.
In the first Robocop movies, ED 209 could not walk down stairs. During the movie, it fell down, and rolled down about ten stairs before landing on his back. I am happy to say that the AI in N.S.'s ED 209 was not build by OCP but by North Central Positronics. Stairs are no match for ED 209.
IC: The G.S. sighed. The Mayor had been ranting about the "savage Africans" for... he checked his watch. Forty minutes! He had to do something. "Mr. Mayor," he cut in. "I suggest that we hold a peaceful transfer of power. Let the SYTers take on the rebels. We can even give them weapons so SYT can have fun."
With the Mayor's consent, the G.S. went to draft a Letter of Proposal that would be relayed to the Colonel within the hour.
New Stamford
21-01-2005, 19:54
A Letter of Proposal
With the power of the Mayor of the Free Land of New Stamford, I, the General Superior, lay out a proposal to the Emporer of the nation of Sloatyourthrit.
We Stamfordians are a people who believe in the goodness and superiority of our government. New Stamford is, however, often a place that bites off more than it can chew, as is the case here. New Stamford has streched its resources far before, but we cannot rish another war with a civilized government.
So here is the proposal. I propose that the territory of Gambia be divided: everything West of fifteen degreed latitude be ceded to me, while everything East can go to you. Guinea-Bissau will be vacated of all Stamfordian soldiers.
What think ye?
-General Superion David Gasalt
22-01-2005, 03:19
Sauniere read the letter once more, there was no need to disturb the Emperor for a response. He already knew what was to be done, clicking his pen several times he began to draft what would be the official response.
We are pleased to record that your nation is willing to negotiate and avoid a possible escalation of this situation. However, we cannot agree to allow any foreign military presence in The Gambia, as it is of imperative strategic importance to Senegal. We mean no offense, but we simply cannot allow a government that has invaded an independent sovereign nation on the basis of disliking a musical genre, to take control of such a significant strategic position. We hope that with continued peaceful negotiation this situation can benefit both parties.
In optimism,
-African Imperial Viceroy Claude Sauniere
New Stamford
22-01-2005, 07:38
Colonel Sanders felt weary. Just a few days ago he had gotten the telegram that said nothing but "War possible. Prepare Gambian troops, bring G-B troops to Gambia. Reinforcements arriving shortly."
And so they had. 40,000 infantrymen with 10,000 coming to reinforce the scant 20,000 already in Africa. Two aircraft carriers had docked in Banjul, and there were a number of transport vessels carrying everything from food to arms to portable generators. And, best of all, 20 brand-new ED 209 robots had been brought to the Gambia via the new space transport vessels that cost so much. Considering how much each ED 209 weighed, he thought it must have cost a fortune.
Additional telegrams said that the penninsula that Banjul rested on had to be held at all costs. If war came. The rumor was that neogtiations were still in the works.
The Colonel was rightfully pissed. His marines had finally repulsed the Zoroastrian rebels from the city of Guinea, but when he had been ordered to withdraw all troops in Guinea-Bissau to the Gambia, the rebels uesd it as a huge P.R. boost, declaring a victory for them.
Damn politics.
New Stamford
22-01-2005, 07:48
From the Desk of The Mayor
I, the Mayor of New Stamford, ask the Emporer to reconsider a peaceful separation of the former nation of Sunderby. Although I have not actually read your response, my secretary did, and I believe she summed it up well enough to know how you feel on this subject.
Therefore, I have come up with a soloution superior to the one before. I propose that we create a jointly-controlled puppet government that controls the former nation of Sunderby.
(OOC: we can decide who maintains the puppet via TGs. The main question here is yea or nea.)
- Steven Oliveira, Mayor of New Stamford
22-01-2005, 09:53
Ze secret laboratory!
"Is that what I think it is?" Sauniere asked the man in the labcoat.
"It sure is sir..." The scientist-looking man continued "it's a lemur with Clint Howard's head on it ("
"Oh my god" The Viceroy gasped.
"We could like, put a bomb in it or something..."
A few moments later...
Surrounded by his top aids Sauniere sat as his desk playing minesweeper and carefully planning his next move.
An older man stepped forward and addressed the Viceroy "Sir, it's anarchy in Guinea-Bissau, New Stamford has sent all of their troops to reinforce their positions in The Gambia" The man coughed several times, and after regaining his breath continued "If we do nothing a populist regime may take power, and well, we can't have that kind of influence near our borders. As you well know"
"What do you suppose we do, Marty?" The Viceroy spoke, alt-tabbing his game of minesweeper.
"Well, we could move in now, but that could backfire real quick" Marty replied "I say we bomb the rebels to keep the populace fragmented, then, after a while, we occupy under the guise of restoring order... Our order of course"
"I like it, commence the operations as soon as you can" The Viceroy spoke, gazing off into the distance. "Be sure to keep civilian casualties to a minimum though, okay?"
The room roared with laughter.
Some time later over Guinea-Bissau
The A-10s flew low over the city of Farim, raining sweet merciless death upon the inhabitants. Farim, like countless cities across Guinea-Bissau, was experiencing what would be a prelude to the further destruction it would experience. From the cockpits the pilots could not see the chaos below, hundreds of bodies lay twisted and mutilated, streets drenched in crimson. The city was on fire.
At about the same time, a telegram was sent to the mayor of New Stamford...
We are most intrigued by your proposal for a jointly controlled puppet nation and are taking it into serious consideration. However, we are wary of foreign influence in these strategic imperatives. You will be contacted once we have reached our decision. It is our highest wish that this end peacefully.
In optimism,
-African Imperial Viceroy Claude Sauniere
ooc: They're pretty much stalling at this point, trying to buy some time until the invasion of Guinea-Bissau is under way and they are in a better position to negotiate.
23-01-2005, 22:19
"Sir" Marty spoke, stepping forward "The Stamfordians have blinked, now is our chance to blitz Guinea-Bissau. The people don't have the spirit to combat another invasion with the same ferociousness as they did the last. With Guinea-Bissau in our possession the Stamfordians will lose a vital bargaining chip"
"So be it" The Viceroy replied "I want 300,000 men laying waste to the country by this time tomorrow"
"As you wish"
"I want the remainder reinforcing positions around The Gambia, this could escalate"
"Of course sir"
"The balls on these guys!" General Ptolemich exclaimed "The Stamfordians just withdrew!" He read the order again Units in Ziguinchor, Bignona, and Kolda, move Southeast into Guinea-Bissau immediately. Make an example of them. He sighed once more, and grudgingly picked up the telephone to give the order. "I hope they know what they're doing"
New Stamford
26-01-2005, 02:37
The NSC (New Stamford Courant) reporters gathered in a small bar in Banjul to discuss further coverage of the invasion. At first, they thought that it would be a quick, simple conquest of a primitive country, but it had become a conflict between New Stamford and the primitive empire of Sloatyourthrit. They were sure to earn a reward from the head office.
The two cameramen were eager to cover epic battle scenes (especially with the photogenic ED 209) but they thanked all the gods in the Grand Pantheon that no war had broken out.
New Stamford was debating wether or not they should send more troops (those for it were suceeding) and the area around Banjul was filled with MPs and armored units. Three more ED 209s had arrived by more conventional means, along with 4,000 soldiers. If those in power got to send more troops, the size of the new force would number around 150,000.
However, war might be avoided. The Mayor himself was said to be having second thoughts about the invasion. If the Mayor was swayed, then all the troops would be withdrawn, and the reigon would be left in chaos. Either way, it was going to be good news.
26-01-2005, 06:23
All resistance was silenced under the black boots of SYT troops. In 12 hours the Northern third of Guinea-Bissau had fallen. The soldiers were greeted with sighs from the natives, at least the firebombings are over they had thought. General Ptolemich stood in a tent near Safim, planning the assault on the capital city of Bissau that would take place next morning. He presumed the invasion would be finished in approximately three days. The resistance had been erratic, but deadly. Twelve careless soldiers had died when one stepped on a landmine in a field while chasing some chickens near Cacheu. Another four perished from unidentified sniper fire from rooftops in Bissora. But there were many incidents across the nation. In total, over seventy SYT soldiers and three private contractors had died since the invasion had began. Ptolemich had just got of the telephone with the Viceroy, who told him that he would need to "wrap things up quickly" because he would probably be needed near the Gambia very soon. The Viceroy had spoken of a new Stamfordian weapon, some kind of mechanized robotic contraption. The Satellite had gotten some pictures of them being loaded into a Banjul dock. Hrmph, let them waste their money on toys he had thought. He focused back to the task at hand, and staring down at the map began to plan the assault.
The Admiral looked down from his binoculars to view the mouth of the Gambia river with his own eyes. His forces poised in SYT Senegalese waters on either side of the Gambia. He hadn't slept in thirty hours, he needed to be awake if central command sent the order to seal off any escape route. He had been informed that many ships were entering and leaving the capital of Banjul, but he was ordered not to interfere. He walked out onto the deck for a smoke, and as he stared out at the F-35 JSFs on a nearby Nimitz class, he prayed that they would never be needed to fulfill their purpose.
New Stamford
26-01-2005, 15:44
OOC: Just posting to reming you that my troops are fortified on the peninsula that Banjul is on. I don't have time for a IC response right now, I'll do one tomorrow.
28-01-2005, 05:43
"Sir, we have several reports that the Stamfordian parliament is debating whether or not to send additional troops to The Gambia" said the director of the Sloatyourthrit Intelligence Consortium (SYTIC), "If they agree, up to 150,000 men could be sent!"
The Viceroy raised an eyebrow "Keep tabs on the situation, if they decide to send more troops I want the whole country blockaded, we can't have any of that"
"Yessir" One of them spoke, immediately leaving the room to inform his subordinates.
ooc: I presumed that it was being debated publicly in parliament, if this is not the case just disregard this post.
28-01-2005, 06:15
Nearly 75% of Guinea-Bissau had fallen now, all that remained were the Southern corner and the Bijagos islands. There had been much death in the capital city of Bissau. The fighting had raged on for eight hours straight, the city was in ruins. Apaches were now patrolling triumphantly around the outskirts of the city, not hesitant to unleash unspeakable death upon anything that even looked like a possible target. Now the SYT were amassing in the capital for the takeover of the Bijagos islands, and in Xitole where they were resting for what would be the final big push into Guinea-Bissaun(?) territory. High above the soldiers B-2s were clearing the way for the onslaught. The men had seen much death in recent days, but they all knew that this was pale in comparison to a possible SYT-Stamfordian conflict in The Gambia. They all prayed it would never come, but many secretly wished to punish the Stamfordians for their arrogance and presumption. The future was unclear.
New Stamford
28-01-2005, 19:37
OOC: Yes, it was being publicly debated.
IC: The Colonel looked up as an attendant came into the office. The attendant held in his hand a blue envelope (sp?) which was the kind used by the Stamfordian Special Courier, which meant it was important news.
To the Colonel of the Gambian Control Forces (that was the Colonel's new title)
Due to the political turmoil in Brazil and the nessecary conquest of Massachusetts, we cannot continue this conflict. Offer a peace treaty that would set permenant borders immediatley or withdraw from the reigon. Repeat: withdraw. Of greater importance is Southern Brazil and Massachusetts.
The Colonel smiled to himself. If he was still in the military when they invaded Brazil, he would have a much better time of it there than in The Gambia.
OOC: As you can see, I need to be ready to grab a chunk of Brazil if Sharina decides that Communist Brazil is gone, and I need to establish my dominance in Massachusetts. The Mass. one is impending, and I need opposition there. The Brazilian one is up for question.
29-01-2005, 00:36
General Ptolemich smiled, all of mainland Guinea-Bissau was now under SYT control. His forces were now exterminating the last of rebel forces scattered across the swampy western coast and island hopping in the Bijagos. In total, 277 SYT soldiers died in the invasion, and untold thousands of Guineans lost their lives at the cruel hands of SYT forces. The order on his desk would effectively hand over control of Guinea-Bissau to the Ministry of Assimilation and Harmonization and free up his forces to fortify positions near The Gambia. He deftly signed the paper and leaned back in his chair staring out the window and onto the streets of the capital, They will learn to love us, he thought.
New Stamford
30-01-2005, 07:40
The Banjuli airport was as chaotic as the entire nation had been when Sunderby collapsed. People rushed randomly across the airfield, unless an aircraft took off (with very little notice) in which case they all parted like the red sea. God forbid a military bomb goes off, the Head o' the Port (traditionally the head guard of ports, thier job field has been expanded to airports) thought worriedly. There were at least 300 people down there, many of them civilians.
The order had come to all Stamfordians in the Banjuli area: Evacuate immediately. The few civilians in The Gambia flooded to the capital, and most had already left. There had been a lot of yelling and breaking (of things mostly, although a few arms had been broken in the resulting fights) in the military bar that the Guard was in when the order was read aloud. War was looming over the horizon for these soldiers, but not here.
The ED 209s were all loaded onto the carrier ships and heading back to Bridgeport and Providence for minor repiars before they go off to whatever battle was awaiting them. Soon, New Stamford would leave The Gambia to the SYTers, whose leaders were rumored to encourage cannibalism. Sadly, the Gambian people were not as important as Brazilians and Massachusttesmen.
"...and this is the telescoping lens. Any questions?" The rebels had none. Good. The military trainees were eager to leave the Gambia with the rest of the military. They were leaving 40,000 outdated AK-47s that they had stored in a facility in Suffolk County, back in New Stamford. They also had a few dozen Soviet tanks of various design, as well as three Black Hawk helicopters armed with the old Hellfire missiles and several automated tanks which all had minor problems (the biggest of which was that they had all been antiquated by the ED 209) and hundreds of thousands of rounds of every conceivable type of ammunition. In short, New Stamford had cleaned out its closet and given the rebels the junk it found.
They might not repel SYT, but they would give them a hell of a bruising. and, hey, if they did, they had a buddy in Africa.
OOC: If you (SYT) want, we can continue with me as a rebel force and you as the invaders, or I can just cede the rest of the Gmabia for you. If you just want me to cede, ignore the middle part of this post.
30-01-2005, 22:46
"Extraordinary!" The Viceroy bellowed at the news of the Stamfordian withdrawal. "They are wise, however it is a pity we won't be able to fight those robot things, oh well"
"Shall I notify the MAH, (Ministry of Assimilation and Harmonization) sir?" An aid queried.
"Yes, the Stamfordians have probably left some equipment for the rebels, I want The Gambia crawling with CQ (Civil Quarantine (, I want strict curfews, the works"
"The ratio, sir?"
"27 to 1, (Twenty-seven Gambian civilians for every one CQ unit, in this instance approximately 58,000 CQ) the insurgency will suffocate"
"Of course sir"
"And let's get a message to the Stamfordians, I want a peaceful handover of all major institutions"
The aid nodded, and left the room.
Thirty minutes later a communique was sent to the Stamfordian high command:
We are delighted to view your commitment to peace in this region, and are extremely pleased to avert a costly and unnecessay war. Do not be alarmed by our imminent incursions into the eastern portion of the country and eventually the entirety. We are bringing about order to the unfortunate citizenry of The Gambia and would appreciate a peaceful handover of all major institutions to SYT officials. It is our hope to create a peaceful and stable region for these people to live happy and productive lives, we are thankful you feel the same.
ooc: I was hoping for both an official cession and a rebellion, with my forces controlling the country and fending off a guerilla insurgency (think Iraq).
New Stamford
31-01-2005, 22:53
From the Desk of the Mayor
I, Steven Oliveira, Mayor of New Stamford, cede this territory of The Gambia to you, the Emporer of SYT. Govern it wisely and peacefully. God bless.
"We will not be stopped. We will continue until all of The Gambia is freed from SYT agressors. The Red Revoloution is an immensley powerful organization, and we are not afraid to use this power. That is why we order all SYT forces from the reigon and command the SYT Emporer to step down from the throne. He is a tyrant of the worst kind, and he must be deposed. This is the Red Revoloution."
The tape was aired all across the Afracian continent and throughout New England because of suspected government aid to the Rebels.
Around 3 o'clock at night a person with a large bag ran in the dark and stopped next to a few dozen SYT military vehicles parked near a camping area. Slowly, he took out ten small objects, fiddled with each of them, then put each one in a separate vehicle. Then he ran off to watch.
At the crack of dawn the next day the owners of the vehicles went to them and got in. Almost simultaneously, all ten vehicles blew up in an enormous fireball. Although the man watching didn't know this, almost thirty soldiers had been killed. He left as stealthily as he could to inform his superiors.
The Red Revoloution had begun.
01-02-2005, 01:52
ooc: It's considered godmodding if you post another's losses, no worries though :)
The Minister of Assimilation and Harmonization paced in his new temporary office in the former Gambian capital of Banjul. The recent bombing had sent shockwaves across the Gambia and the Viceroy wanted answers. Sloatyourthrit prided itself in it's low crime rate, so an example needed to be made to keep would-be terrorists in their place. Just then the intercom on his desk blinked to life.
"Mr. Helmholtz" His secretary chimed "Viceroy Sauniere is on the line, he says it's important"
The order was final. Anyone who had at one point in their life attended a political event, gave money, or actively supported one or more of the 88 political parties that had been banned by the Ministry of Domestic Tranquility were to be detained indefinately by the Civil Quarantine squads and sent to several camps along the Gambian river for questioning. None would make it out alive. In all, some 120,000 people were to be detained, though since many had gone underground long before the order, the roundup was expected to bring in a significantly smaller amount, around 100,000.
It was dark. The diesel roar of the Wolf LAV could be heard throughout the housing development. Normally used to transport soldiers, the MAH had modified their's for transportation of a much less appreciative crowd, dissidents. Commander Wizbang's orders were clear to him as the monstrous vehicle parked in the street and he stepped out the passenger's side. He looked over the list again and checked to see if they were at the correct place. They were. He gazed over to his men who were clicking the magazines of their rifles into place and straightening their sights. A block away he could see another CQ squad dragging several long-haired, tied and blindfolded men into the side of the vehicle. He turned back to his men, who by now were standing at attention, awaiting his order.
"5676 Mgunte road, apartment three!" he shouted to them "All inhabitants are to be detained by order of Minister of Assimilation and Harmonization Martin C. Helmholtz. If any resistance on the part of the detainees occurs, law enforcement is compelled to use deadly force to maintain public safety"
The reading was just a formality, they knew what was to be done. While apartment three was the official target, CQ had authorization to enter into any private residence regardless of suspicion, and they would.
New Stamford
03-02-2005, 21:02
The rebels waited in silence as the SYT tanks (two of them, plus what looked like a WW II-era Jeep) turned the corner. The street split into two forks, like a Y. They were located at a three story condominium at the point where the Y split. There were, in total, about fifty men hidden in the buildings, all armemd to the teeth with weapons supplied by New Stamford.
The leader, a young man named Micheal (OOC: Hell, I'm not looking up new names) hefted an RPG, aimed at the tank in the front, and fired. The tank took damage to the treads, but it was still in working condition.
After that, the dozen men or so who had rockets let them loose, and the smoke obscured his vision. What he could tell was that at least three rockets had missed and hit buildings opposite that contained other rebels.
A constant rat-tat-tat from the jeep and thunderous BOOMS could be heard from the street now. Smoke still obscured Micheal's vision, but he was sure that reinforcements would be arriving soon.
He radioed for other troops stationed in Banjul to come to his aid.
OOC: The ball's in your court, SYT.
04-02-2005, 03:39
Chaos erupted around him in a sudden violating flash of fire and smoke. The roar of gunfire was omnipresent, he took a knee and sprayed his clip at several hazy yellow flashes near the top of a building. Behind him a wounded soldier was crawling out of the top hatch of one the MBTs with enormous struggle, he wouldn’t make it. He discarded his spent clip and made a run for the alleyway, the bullets whizzed by, he was thankful the insurgents never had any formal training. He made his way down the alley and ducked behind a dumpster to reload his rifle. He glanced out onto the street in time to witness the main gun of the MBT fire at the second story of the middle building, pieces of concrete hurled skyward came down around the square. He grabbed for the radio on his belt and pulling it up to his face screamed into the receiver “This is Rocha! Enemy ambush in sector 13, we need backup immediately, anything you can spare!”
Several minutes later reinforcements sped toward Sector 13, their triggers itched.
04-02-2005, 07:44
In black uniforms they swarmed like locusts. Within fifteen minutes of the distress call they had surrounded most of the area. Over 100 troops, 13 MBTs, and 28 urban combat vehicles sat poised, waiting for the signal to move in. In several seconds that signal would come in the form of numerous mortar attacks and a quick run-through by the apaches. Word of the attack had not yet been relayed to the high command, though everyone knew Sauniere would take sweeping measures to punish the resistance. Surely they know where these insurgent scum are getting their equipment a young Corporal thought, imagining the Stamfordian flag was still on the RPGs that had been used to kill his comrades a few minutes earlier, The cowards.
New Stamford
05-02-2005, 02:46
The thirty or so rebels who responeded to the distress call moved quickly through the twisting streets of Banjul. Twenty of them were armed with old AK - 47s, cheerfully supplied by New Stamford's military. Two others carried RPG rockets with few rounds each, one well trained, the other a recent recruit. The rest carried a varied assortment of black market arms.
The two advance troops went around the corner, then skidded back. "Armors!" they yelled, the street slang for armored vehicles. A moment afterward, a mortar shell fell from the sky and landed in the next street over.
More shells rained down. The conflict zone couldn't have been more than one hundred yards away, but with the shells and armors, they would not be able to proceed.
One armor clanked and wheezed around the corner, and a hatch popped open. A man dressed in SYT garb looked out at the rebels. He shouted, first in suprise, than to his mates deeper within the vehicle. The turret swervew twoards the rebels smoothly, and the man in the hatch pulled out a pistol and began emptying his clip in the general direction of the rebels.
One man was hit in the knee, and he fell to the ground. The rest of the men ran for cover. The RPG men hid behind a low cafe wall, took aim, and fired.
05-02-2005, 22:56
The rockets had caused the gunner in the tank to twitch violently and the shell from the main gun had blown a gigantic hole in an apartment building several stories above the rebels in the alley. Everyone in the armor was now dead, the tank irreparably damaged. The reinforcements had heard the explosions and the ones that were closest turned to see the rebels running down an alleyway. They radioed the rest of the squad, crouched down and made their way to the mouth of the alley, peering over the wall. The mortars and apaches had softened up the area, and now it was the soldier's time to sweep up.
"Eight, six, seven!" The commander shouted.
Two flashbangs were hurled into the alley, and they charged in.
05-02-2005, 23:01
Söze was furious. The Viceroy had notified the ministries of A&H and DT of the decision, they were somewhat taken aback by the audacity of the order, but in retrospect no one was surprised.
“Tell me Sauniere” Söze had spoken “Where did the rebels acquire their armaments?” He inquired, knowing the answer.
“The Stamfordians, sire” Sauniere had replied “But it is still unclear as to”
“How unclear is it, Viceroy?”
“Precisely” Söze interrupted again “We are experiencing almost no resistance in Guinea-Bissau, a nation we obtained by force, yet in Gambia, a peaceful transfer of power has resulted in a sizeable uprising that is both well motivated and well armed”
“Well certainly there are other factors one must take in to account”
“Like what?”
“There is no other explanation” Söze’s calm voice cutting the silence “The Stamfordians are cowards, they haven’t the stomach to fight us so they give their surplus arms to some rag-tag group of rebels. I want every Stamfordian citizen under surveillance, make sure no one leaves the country”
“Sir, I highly doubt any remaining Stamfordians have anything to do wi-”
“I WILL NOT HAVE CHAOS IN MY LANDS VICEROY” The severity of his tone had startled Sauniere, “There are numerous connections between New Stamford and these terrorists. Soldiers are dying and I simply will not have it. If these attacks continue to escalate… detainment will be considered”
“Yes sir”
New Stamford
07-02-2005, 21:29
At the Y street, machine guns tore through the rebels, who had plenty of weapons, but little armor. The original thirty men had been reduced to ten. SYT soldiers kept coming, and the rebels had been forced into a single building. The tanks which had come into range had all been destroyed, but only a few rockets remained. The commander had to consider wether or not he should surrender. He prayed that he didn't have to.
he didn't think long. The SYT troops used thier own RPGs, and that whole section of wall was destroyed in a blaze of fire. The few survivors limped out of the rubble, and one man said to the SYT in thier language: "We surrneder. Please have mercy on us few." A few SYT soldiers sneeres, and a corporal took out a pistol and cried "Fire!"
The rebels sent out when the call for assistance had been made were pinned down by machine gun fire. The tank had been missed by the rocketeers, and it sat quietly. The soldiers were toying with them.
Finally, the rebel leader could take it no more. "We surrender!" he yelled over the din. The enemy fire slowly died down.
As they filed out of thier hiding placed in the surrounding buildings, the SYT soldiers gave then kicks to the shins. "Why should I not kill you?" the leader commanded. The rebel who was in charge said nothing. "Okay, then. Kill them." he called to the men. "No, wait! I know where the command center and the cache is!"
The SYT commander looked back and smiled. "Kill all of them except this one. Bring him to headquarters."
The traitor was led away. Behing him, he heard gunshots.
08-02-2005, 05:49
The inquisitors had acquired all the information they needed, and the rebel commander was sent away for evaluation and processing. The rebel's headquarters was ingeniously located in an abandoned series of warehouses near the Banjul docks. The tunnels that had been dug allowed the insurgents to move freely throughout the city without being spotted by SYT forces. The decision to raid the HQ in broad daylight was the Minister's idea. He hoped the brutal slaughter would send a message to the citizenry, and it did.
The choppers had thoroughly pounded the warehouses for several minutes when approximately 700 Civil Quarantine officers swarmed the compounds, killing any low-ranking rebels, and detaining any remaining rebel commanders. The rebel commander had drawn a diagram of the tunnel network, and CQ was able to detain and eliminate a huge percentage of rebels fleeing through the tunnels.
In a live television address Sauniere proclaimed that nearly all rebel forces had been captured or killed, "Glorious citizens! There is now a new future of peace and order in Gambia! Hail Söze!"
New Stamford
09-02-2005, 22:04
09-02-2005, 22:54
hehe, thanks for the RP