NationStates Jolt Archive

Pacitalia and Roach-Busters announce expansion of the G-4

14-01-2005, 05:54
The Group of Four (G-4) Economic Alliance
Pacitalia, Roach-Busters, Holy Paradise and Anubisyrria

The G-4 is looking to expand to six members. This peaceful but selective economic alliance is one of the oldest and most historic alliances in NationStates.

However, I must say there will be three spots available as Anubisyrria will no longer be a member of this alliance as of this Monday, the 17th of January.

Conditions of Entry
- Population higher than 1 billion people as of January 1, 2005
- An economic rating of All-Consuming or Frightening
- A GDP per capita constantly on or above $30,000 (see this link ( to find out)
- You must be a respected, well-rounded RPer and nation

Post-Acceptance Conditions
- At least 10% of your exports must go to the countries of the Group
- At least 10% of your imports must come from the Group countries
- You must donate at least $100,000 US/month to the alliance aid fund in case of international humanitarian or economic emergencies which the Group will respond to

Benefits of joining
- Increased and guaranteed trade with other members
- Economic support from the other members if needed
- Improved ties with member nations
- Your nation will become a greater part of the global economic picture

Of course, we will consider any nation that comes here, but obviously will not take you seriously if you do not fit the conditions of entry. We are willing to consider you if your GDP per capita is slightly under $30,000, but anything less than $25,000 we will most likely not consider.

I must stress though that even if you are an ally of one or more of the existing members of this group, it doesn't not necessarily mean you will be allowed entry.

Another point I must stress is that we are a peaceful, non-military alliance. We are strictly an economic co-existence entity, nothing else. We do not channel hostilities towards other nations through the G-4.

And finally, I also must say that if you are not accepted, it is definitely nothing personal against you OOC. It will probably be a reservation we hold against your country IC which has caused us to deny your application.

New Accepted Members of the G-4
1. Hamptonshire
2. Liebermonk
3. Parthia

Candidates for Entry so far
New applications are no longer being accepted at this time.

And with all three members coming in, the G-4 will become the G-6 when the three new members are sworn in on February 1st, 2005.

Thanks for reading this!

Timothy Ell
Prime Minister of the Republic of Pacitalia
Chairman of the Group of Four
14-01-2005, 06:08
OOC: If you have 4 and you are G4 and you are accepting 3 it should be G7. 4 + 3 = 7.

OOC: Heh, you have to read my post again. I said Anubisyrria would no longer be a member effective Jan. 17

4 - 1 = 3, THEN 3 + 3 = 6
14-01-2005, 06:24
Queen Lerathen paced her office while in preparations for her coronation ceremony. "Mam', may I have a minute?" Economic minister Sprint asked patiently.
"What is it?! Please, I am too busy to think of anything for the next few days."
"May I have your permission to attempt to enter a new economic alliance?"
"Until the coronation ceremony is complete, I trust your decisions to do whatever you wish with our economy and alliances based upon it."
"Yes, my queen."

Liebermonk would like to officially apply to become a member of the G-4 (or G-6 as it may be called.) Our nation's populations is 1.732 billion people. Our GDP per Capita is $38,956.71. Our economic rating has been solid at All-Consuming.
We would be willing to conform to standards and rules set forth by this economic alliance.
Thank you and we hope you decide wisely.
- Economic Minister Sprint, Liebermonk
14-01-2005, 06:30
Your application will be seriously considered, I will communicate with my friends in Roach-Busters and Holy Paradise on the subject of your admission. Thanks for your interest!

Timothy Ell
Chairman of the G4
14-01-2005, 06:45
Ministry of Economics
Imperium, Commonwealth Republic of New Britain

Alexei Lavarov breezed through the message; the point of a non-military alliance seemed most interesting. For a long time, the Commonwealth had prided itself on entering non-military alliances and had consequently joined very few international alliances. For a brief time it had been a member of the Ur Trade Pact and had fortunately entered a period of isolationism and therefore withdrawing before the un-pleasantries of war worked their way upon those members. And given the current situation of the Commonwealth economy after the recent war in Lindim, it might be most beneficial to the overall economic security of the Commonwealth. He pulled the small paper from the file and placed it in his folder with other documents on which to brief the Emperor.

The Citadel
Imperium, Commonwealth Republic of New Britain

Emperor Mikhail Barin listened intently to Lavarov. The new loans and grants to Lindim, combined with the domestic problems from the utter destruction of Carthage were certainly affecting the state of the economy. And yet while it had not collapsed, and not even entered any sort of regression, the possibility of a future decline still loomed on the horizon. Any sort of guarantee for the Commonwealth would be most welcome. “Alexei, what did you say were the obligations of this group?”

Lavarov nodded and looked back at the paper, “Primarily limitations on export and import quantities, your majesty. Aside from that just a small amount of monthly donations to a group relief-fund.” Looking back up at the emperor he paused, “In fact, given the situation in Lindim and Juristan we can most certainly afford any such minor burden. The private corporations may not like the restrictions on foreign trade directions, but then again, they are not the government. You are.”

Barin nodded, for now he was – but that was immaterial in this conversation with his Minister of Economics. “Alexei, I thank you for your time and opinions. I will write a communication personally and hand it off to Ivan to dispatch. However, with a GDP below 30k I would not get your hopes up.”

“Thank you, your majesty.” Lavarov collected his papers and departed, thankful that the Emperor would even listen to his advice since it was well-known that Lavarov was no longer a personal favourite of the Emperor’s. But no matter, he still held the post.

Prime Minister Ell

The reason for this communication from a nation you have likely never heard of regards the admittance openings in the Group of Four Economic Alliance. On the behalf of the Emperor, I have drafted this petition in a hope to secure a place in this alliance for the benefit of the Commonwealth, your nation, and the others in this alliance.

Of course, the Commonwealth understands the requirements of your alliance, and I will address them in a most swift and concise fashion as we are both men of importance and have many demands upon our time. The Commonwealth has a core of nearly 1.9 billion citizens, scattered throughout lands laying mainly in the Pacific. Given the nature of the Commonwealth several republics therein experience less-than-favourable economic positions, but the whole of the Commonwealth, well can be quite frightening if I do say so myself. However, given the diverse nature of our state and the large, poor, native populations our GDP per capita finds itself at approximately 28,000 per individual. I fully understand your lower-bound of 30 thousand, but I do entreat you to continue listening to our petition and to take us under serious consideration.

We offer the alliance many goods and services, as a maritime nation we have large and powerful maritime corporations from shipbuilding to merchant trade to simple pleasure cruises. However, as our nation expands into space we believe that within the next fifty years entire new industries and markets will open to the Commonwealth, and thus the alliance as new colonies and resource posts are established. In the meantime, we offer more than 100 thousand US dollars per month. We could be willing to donate up to 1 million, totaling around 12 million per annum. And although we currently are suffering from a slight crisis involving a nuclear-armed terrorist we would ask for no assistance from any member for any crises that existed prior to our admittance.

If there are any questions you may have for me, or my colleagues, please feel free to ask and we will assist you in whatever capacity we can.

Ivan Valovich
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Alexei Lavarov, Minister of Economics
Mikhail Barin, Emperor of the Commonwealth of Azazia
14-01-2005, 06:53
Of course, you have already brought up the fact that your GDP per capita is below our low limit. As well, it is more that one nation has a population of 1 billion, not a commonwealth of nations having a total population. I am grateful of your extensive interest in joining our alliance, but I must press that one nation on its own must have a GDP per capita minimum of $30,000 and on its own have one billion citizens. Unfortunately, it appears none of your nations fit this qualification and thusly I regretfully decline your request for acceptance. I hope maybe in the future when one of your nations grows past this population minimum and your GDP per capita recovers, we can continue our discussion on your admittance, in a future second or third wave of new admissions.

Until then, the best of luck with the terrorist and with the rehabilitation of your slightly-damaged economy as a result of your recent conflicts involving Lindim.

Sincerely in good faith,
Timothy Ell
Chairman of the G4
14-01-2005, 06:57
ooc: it isn't a commonwealth per se... that's more of a semantics issue, it's more like an empire with fancy window dressings, including the name... but if not, that's cool too...
14-01-2005, 07:01
ooc: it isn't a commonwealth per se... that's more of a semantics issue, it's more like an empire with fancy window dressings, including the name... but if not, that's cool too...

OOC: Lol, I understand what you meant and I see that you saw the loophole but I would rather have ONE economically-powerful nation accepted than a collection of smaller, economically-strong-but-not-QUITE-powerful nations on my hands. Thanks for the application though.
14-01-2005, 07:13
Bump for the night
14-01-2005, 07:27
Statement from the Office of the Acting Finance Minister

The Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire and the her Protectorates would like to apply for membership in your fine organization. Hamptonshire itself has a population nearing 2 billion without even considering the Protectorates. Our economy is world class and among the strongest in the world. The Grand Duchy's record on the internation scene speaks for itself. We don't hide what we've done or what we plan to do.

As for your post-acceptance conditions, our nation has a strong history of traditional laissez-faire economics. While we can issue minor regulations, we cannot mandate export or import minimums; the Free Market drives itself. However, if we do become part of the G6 that will mean that our goods will have ready markets and that as long as your goods are competative in quality and price, you are free to enter into the Hamptonian economic scene. We have no problems with the monthly donation.

We await your response. Rest assured that no matter your decision, the Grand Duchy hopes that our two nations will only grow closer as time progresses.
Alan Bluebridge
Acting Finance Minister
Chairman, Royal Central Bank of Hamptonshire
Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire
The Parthians
14-01-2005, 07:44
The Shahdom of Parthia has a population of 2.1 billion and a GDP per capita of $43,000. We sit on large reserves of oil, and as such, we are prepared to offer to G-6 members that oil at less than market price, that is if our industries agree to. We are extreme lassez faire capitalist state, and we are home to a variety of heavy industries and are one of the best places to outsource to.

-Shah Khosru III
15-01-2005, 00:32
The applications of both Hamptonshire and Parthia will be seriously considered. Thank you very much for your interest in the G-4(G-6)!

Timothy Ell
Chairman of the G4
15-01-2005, 04:00
15-01-2005, 04:20
We would like to join. Doomingsland has a GDP per capita of 31,000 and a population of 1.3 billion.
15-01-2005, 04:40
Doomingsland will be considered for membership as well.
15-01-2005, 07:52
16-01-2005, 00:10

(OOC: RB, if you have anything to add, you can go right ahead)
16-01-2005, 00:14
OOC: You list all the obligations that member nations are under, but you dont list any advntages. Why exactly should people join this?
16-01-2005, 02:00
OOC: You list all the obligations that member nations are under, but you dont list any advntages. Why exactly should people join this?

They were there, I just didn't make a title for them - see benefits of joining.
17-01-2005, 03:43
Doom and Parthia are allies of mine, so I have no problem with them joining. I've always gotten along well with Hamptonshire, so he can join too, if you'd like. I don't know the others well enough to decide, though.
17-01-2005, 03:48
Doom and Parthia are allies of mine, so I have no problem with them joining. I've always gotten along well with Hamptonshire, so he can join too, if you'd like. I don't know the others well enough to decide, though.

We should discuss this in Yahoo! IM. Which you conveniently STILL don't have, Josh. ;)
17-01-2005, 04:41
Final deliberations are being made now. Anybody else that wants to put their country forward may still do so, as we're only going to choose one country at the moment.
17-01-2005, 06:26
I am pleased to announce that the following three nations will become members of the Group of Six on February 1st.

Hamptonshire (
Parthia (
Liebermonk (

We send our thanks to Doomingsland for their request for admission - we invite you to come back again when the G-6 expands in the not-too-distant future.

Sincerely in good faith,
Timothy Ell
Chairman of the G4
17-01-2005, 06:47
Official Joint Statement from the Government of the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire

The Government and Citizens of the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire at this time would like expresses our deepest thanks to Pacitalia and the others members of the organization currently known as the G-4. It is our sincere hope that our membership in this fine organization will better the lives of all Hamptonians, Pacitalians, and all other peoples blessed enough to live in our great nations.

This is truly a historic day; a time of new beginnings.

Dr. Chester Olendorf, Ph.D (
Prime Minister
Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire

Senator Mel Ziller (
Foreign Minister
Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire

Daniel Pederson (
Commerce and Transport Minister
Deputy Prime Minister
Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire

Alan Bluebridge (
Acting Finance Minister
Chairman, Royal Central Bank of Hamptonshire
Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire
17-01-2005, 06:51
Despite her pleas to be left alone, James interupted her preparations for the speech she would give that night. She had been working on it for days, and it was just not right yet.
"My Queen, I know you asked.."
"not to be disturbed," Lerathen finished his sentence. "What do you need?"
"I would like to inform you that we were accepted to an alliance, one that can help us very much I believe."
"Is it the one you were speaking of the other day?"
"Yes, the G-6 as it is now called. It is comprimised of the economically powerful nations. It would be perfect to help cultivate and grow our economy."
"Well, I love the thought of doing that. Anything to help us economically, helps each and everyone of our citizens."
"Exactly what I thought"
"Oh no.."
"What's wrong my Queen?"
"Now I'm going to have to write another speech."

Queen Lerathen began writing furiously once James left, one speech for her coronation that night, and one for the acceptance of Liebermonk into the G-6.
17-01-2005, 06:54
The official new logo of the G-6:

To: The Government of the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire
From: Prime Minister Timothy Ell

You are more than welcome. Your long-standing reputation of friendliness towards both Pacitalia and Roach-Busters was, along with your fantastic example of a strong, positive economy enough to get you into this alliance. We thank you for expressing interest in the G-6 and hope that your time in this alliance will be more than pleasant.

Prime Minister Timothy Ell
Republic of Pacitalia
17-01-2005, 06:58
Dear Member Nations of the G-4,
Liebermonk is extemely pleased to be joining your organization. We recognize the abilities that Liebermonk has to grow economically, and hope that we may be able to contribute to this organization as well. This day will mark a brighter future for us all, and will forever be remembered in Liebermonkian history. Thank you for giving us the great opportunity to join the G-4 to form the G-6.
Queen Lerathen, Liebermonk
17-01-2005, 21:48
New Group of Six Forums
Canad a
17-01-2005, 21:52
The Federal Republic of Canada is interested in being apart of the expansion of the G-4 group.

Secretary Darren Temple, State Secretary
State Department, Federal Republic of Canada
17-01-2005, 22:01
The Federal Republic of Canada is interested in being apart of the expansion of the G-4 group.

Secretary Darren Temple, State Secretary
State Department, Federal Republic of Canada

Use the link to the forums and apply for membership.
17-01-2005, 22:06
The official new logo of the G-6:

17-01-2005, 22:17
Thanks :)

If somebody wants to make a website for the G-6 they can do that. Just make sure that logo is on the front page. ;)
The Parthians
17-01-2005, 22:18
The Shahdom is greatly pleased with permission to enter this coalition of economically powerful states. We hope that this organization can help bring about a new age of free trade between nations and an exchange of ideas and products to better all our nations.

-Shah Khosru III, King of Kings, Celestial Seed of the Gods.
18-01-2005, 02:15
Argh - take a look at the topic in General Discussion on the G-6 forums. :(
18-01-2005, 02:39
Moved to new boards as a result - check your TGs, guys.