War On Rome And Death To The Pope
Much happiness
13-01-2005, 21:44
In an attempt to distroy the catholic church much happiness pushes all of its troops(give or take a few hundred conscripts left behind to defend the motherland) towards the vatican and pleeds for support along the way. The forces I am sending consist of 15000 basic foot troops ,equipt with ak-69s and basic survial kit 1000 workers of the union (to build bases etc) the entire A.F.W core (armored fighting walkers)(about 500),1000 of my elite force the red guard and 10 intention craft, flying machines that can carry huge guns
Vestern States
13-01-2005, 22:01
Vestern States is condeming this act of destroying religion.
Therefor, Western States High Command is dispatching 4th, 99th, 7th and 84th army corpses (15000 soldoers each)
Along with this force, 4tha and 90th Figtercommand vill provide cover.
The forces will deploy in a perimiter of 100 km from the Vatican.
Any attack om Vestern States forces will be cinsidered as an direct act of war
Drum Gods
13-01-2005, 22:06
As a declaraton of intent we are currently mobilising the 9th, 11th and 16th Airborne Divisions to prepare an intense bombardment of the nation of so called "Much Happiness". These attacks will then render the nation helpless should it continue in its intent to destroy the Vatican.
Further to this we must state that following this the nation of Much Happiness will be annexed for the purpose of 'Imperial cleansing'.
Bureaucrat of the Drum God Empire
A January 2003 Nation
13-01-2005, 22:09
We will happily assist our ally of the Drum Gods in cleansing of these heretics.
Whatever happend in the past between Dumpsterdam and Drum Gods, is in the past and there it shall stay.
Special Forces teams have been made available to DG military high command and will be tranfered from Colonial Command in Aruba.
Colonial High Command,
Roman Republic
13-01-2005, 22:19
In an attempt to distroy the catholic church much happiness pushes all of its troops(give or take a few hundred conscripts left behind to defend the motherland) towards the vatican and pleeds for support along the way. The forces I am sending consist of 15000 basic foot troops ,equipt with ak-69s and basic survial kit 1000 workers of the union (to build bases etc) the entire A.F.W core (armored fighting walkers)(about 500),1000 of my elite force the red guard and 10 intention craft, flying machines that can carry huge guns
Could I join in.. I want to destroy Chatholics,
Borman Empire
13-01-2005, 22:37
Official Response from Pope John XVIII:
Why do you attack us? We have done nothing to you.
Official Imperial Response:
As our nation occupies Italy and vatican City this is a direct assault on us. 5,000 Dinosaurs are mobilizing to destroy this false attack you are attempting to launch. These men can easily destroy you, and with the assistance they will have it will be a much easier task.
Much happiness
14-01-2005, 21:39
In a statement released today comrade general jimmy otherwise know as st jimmy :on behalf of chairwoman shinty of much happiness I would like to deny charges of distroying all religion we are mearly trying to distroy all organised religion that has oppressed so many for thousands of years.
meanwhile several air bases are built aproximately 120 miles away from the vatican well in range of our MiG-35s and our bias-85 heavy bombers,air and ground support is promised to aid the defence of much happiness by neighbours coral fang and the red guard standby forsneak raids into the vatican.Any air craft that get in our way get a fistful of MiG
Roman Republic
14-01-2005, 21:42
Official Response from Pope John XVIII:
Why do you attack us? We have done nothing to you.
Since Borman Emp. Is my friend. I will not attack him. I have many ties to him.
Much happiness
14-01-2005, 21:45
assitance is very gratefully exepted we will pay you off in the long run,roman republics
Much happiness
14-01-2005, 21:53
bugger d'nt read that well could you at least supply our troops or we will get minced (possibly)?
Much happiness
14-01-2005, 21:58
as well as suporting M.H,with the whole of the air force , the republic shall send 20,000 men armed with the same weponary as M.H and 50000 tanks
Roman Republic
14-01-2005, 22:00
I can help but I'll be fighting an illegal War. but I will do it. If you want to command my troops!!
Much happiness
15-01-2005, 12:55
sorry that last post was a little unclear: I am the republic and the new troops are mecenarys
roman republics I would prefer it if you would command the troops but if you can give me control of even only a few of your regiments
at the momant the red guard (about 300 of the finest troops we have,a direct equvilent of the marines or the paracorps )have been parachuted about 30 miles from the city and are cutting powerlines and capturing radio stations broudcasting messages to the marxist,anachist,protistant and punk minorities of the city to distroy the city from the inside and join us
Roman Republic
15-01-2005, 19:19
For an Illegal War, I'll send 4000 Guerrilla Troops
Here is the Stats:
Basic Guerilla:
1 AR-42/M203
1 M9
1+1 Sword/Knife
6 Stinger Missile
11 Frags
3 Sarin Gas Grenades
I'll let you command 1000 of my RAF Guerrilla troops.
Borman Empire
15-01-2005, 20:13
sorry that last post was a little unclear: I am the republic and the new troops are mecenarys
roman republics I would prefer it if you would command the troops but if you can give me control of even only a few of your regiments
at the momant the red guard (about 300 of the finest troops we have,a direct equvilent of the marines or the paracorps )have been parachuted about 30 miles from the city and are cutting powerlines and capturing radio stations broudcasting messages to the marxist,anachist,protistant and punk minorities of the city to distroy the city from the inside and join us
OOC: First off, how did you build air bases inside my country with out me noticing, stopping you from getting supplies, taking time to build it, getting supplies to build it, getting men to build it, and having me kick the crap out of you as you tried to enter the med?
Second how did you parachute into my country without me destroying your men, destroying your planes, seeing you come, or your lakc of planes.
Also there are no marxists, anarchists, protistants or punk minorities in my empire, let alone Vatican city.
IC post soon.
Borman Empire
15-01-2005, 20:24
OOC: This computer had no word processer so bare with me
"Sir, we're gettign readings of enemy transport planes coming in."
"Are you kidding, what kind of an...wow, you're right. They're trying to get planes into us! Have the defences take 'em down, bring up three wings of F/25s to take care of them."
As much-happy planes began to near France, U.K., and Spain AA defenses opened up. Hundreds of AA stations fired as missiles, tracers, and more were shot up into the air. Wall mounted defenses joined in the fire as holes were literally pumped into the poor enemy assault. Cannons, artillery, machine guns and more pounded whatever was still flying after the first wave. Within minutes the entirty (sp?) of much-happy planes were destroyed.
As the wrecks slowly sank into the ocean A/25s shot into the air and began to do flybys of the wall to see if any survivors washed up.
By the wrecks GI-1s and GI-2s flew over low with men manning the mounted guns. Guns opened up to the pound the water where there was the slightest ripple or sign of life. For assurance the helicopters made several flybys pumping hot lead into the ocean as F/25s flew over last and released a small payload sending waves up to the shores.
It was impossible for anything to have survived.
OOC: As it stands you have nothing in Europe, no bases or men. You sent planes to bring supplies and men, but it was foolish as everything was lost to the sea.
Official Imperial Communique:
To: Much happiness
From: Chancellor Licinius
All your base are belong to us.
OOC: RR, I presume it is not public you are sending guerillas, otherwise I would make a response.
Roman Republic
15-01-2005, 20:34
OOC: RR, I presume it is not public you are sending guerillas, otherwise I would make a response.
NO, I'm talking to Much happiness, secretivly. You just can't find out about my operations
Borman Empire
15-01-2005, 21:25
OOC: Did you read what I had said?
Roman Republic
15-01-2005, 21:31
OOC: Did you read what I had said?
Very Sorry.
Borman Empire
15-01-2005, 21:57
Very Sorry.
OOC: Its fine
Roman Republic
15-01-2005, 22:01
OOC: Its fine
I won't attack you, I promise. Could you help me. Hataria has gone crazy. He is launch a super Naplm, and he is going to kill me and his soldiers. Do you find that Crazy?? He is creating a mass sucicide, and treating his soldiers badly. Will you help me. http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=385398
Borman Empire
15-01-2005, 23:23
OOC: I can't, I am kinda spent and have alot to do.
See if you can join them or call some of your allies
Roman Republic
16-01-2005, 19:49
OOC: I can't, I am kinda spent and have alot to do.
See if you can join them or call some of your allies
I'll pay for the expenses. I'll give you 50 billion USD
Borman Empire
16-01-2005, 19:57
OOC: ITs not that, I have the money. But I don't have RL time. If you could get them to wait till the 24th I could help. I have two trips and midterms, I shouldn't be on right now.
Roman Republic
16-01-2005, 20:07
OOC: ITs not that, I have the money. But I don't have RL time. If you could get them to wait till the 24th I could help. I have two trips and midterms, I shouldn't be on right now.
Just check out my storefront. I understand you have tests, I have midterms too.
Borman Empire
16-01-2005, 20:15
Just check out my storefront. I understand you have tests, I have midterms too.
OOC: I looked but, why did you want me to? If you want some money I'll gladly give you some.
Roman Republic
16-01-2005, 20:24
OOC: I looked but, why did you want me to? If you want some money I'll gladly give you some.
No thank you. Thats hy I have gold, Platium, silver, and pericious gem, to get me out of debt. I just need Allieship. If your in debt, I'll pay for your debts.
Borman Empire
16-01-2005, 21:00
No thank you. Thats hy I have gold, Platium, silver, and pericious gem, to get me out of debt. I just need Allieship. If your in debt, I'll pay for your debts.
OOC: Im not. If you really need help get them to wait to the 24th, I can't help till then.
If you anna continue take this to TGs.
Stellar Nations
16-01-2005, 21:18
The Federation of Stellar Nations is displeased with the notion of destroying a religion.
We offer an Aliance to the Roman Empire.
In adition, we send 20 Sheldon-class Tanks, 150,000 men (With 150 portable lasers), 3 Victor-class bombers, 12 Hellhound-class Air/Space fighers, and 5 Gemini-class Ground-to-space shuttles. 550 Standard Missiles are also sent (What use are bombers without their payload?)
Roman Republic
16-01-2005, 21:22
The Federation of Stellar Nations is displeased with the notion of destroying a religion.
We offer an Aliance to the Roman Empire.
In adition, we send 20 Sheldon-class Tanks, 150,000 men (With 150 portable asers), 3 Victor-class bombers, 12 Hellhound-class Air/Space fighers, and 5 Gemini-class Ground-to-space shuttles. 550 Standard Missiles are also sent (What use are bombers without their payload?)
I'll accept. I will pay for the weapons for the men you sent.
Stellar Nations
16-01-2005, 21:26
Click the link in my sig for info on the stuff
Borman Empire
16-01-2005, 21:28
Roman Republic
16-01-2005, 21:29
Click the link in my sig for info on the stuff
You must be shitting me. My military is MOdern and post mordern tech. Your Technology is Future.
But I would like a space Stataion for mantaining my Satellites and for space Exploration.
Stellar Nations
16-01-2005, 21:33
OOC: ACtualy, the only thing that's really futurisitic is the Devastator Itself. And the fuel. The EMCs are possible, the lasers are possible, the craft are possible. I now they are possible because i can design them. I'vedesigned the EMC, and the engines for the crafts. And it's not like the craft are VTOL, and the tanks are still treaded. So it's all post-modern, within about 10 years or so
Roman Republic
16-01-2005, 21:44
OOC: ACtualy, the only thing that's really futurisitic is the Devastator Itself. And the fuel. The EMCs are possible, the lasers are possible, the craft are possible. I now they are possible because i can design them. I'vedesigned the EMC, and the engines for the crafts. And it's not like the craft are VTOL, and the tanks are still treaded. So it's all post-modern, within about 10 years or so
Okay I'll buy 3 Space stations
Borman Empire
16-01-2005, 21:54
OOC: Could you guy atake this to TGs?
Roman Republic
16-01-2005, 21:58
OOC: Could you guy atake this to TGs?
THe deal is done.
Stellar Nations
16-01-2005, 23:51
Yes, it is
The Plutonian Empire
17-01-2005, 00:17
In an attempt to distroy the catholic church much happiness pushes all of its troops(give or take a few hundred conscripts left behind to defend the motherland) towards the vatican and pleeds for support along the way. The forces I am sending consist of 15000 basic foot troops ,equipt with ak-69s and basic survial kit 1000 workers of the union (to build bases etc) the entire A.F.W core (armored fighting walkers)(about 500),1000 of my elite force the red guard and 10 intention craft, flying machines that can carry huge guns
The Plutonian Empire is greatly pleased with this idea, and wishes to offer some help. TG me for more info. ;)
Borman Empire
17-01-2005, 03:29
where'd he go?
Holy Paradise
17-01-2005, 03:36
Its against the rules of war to attack the Vatican. I'm ignoring this topic.
Borman Empire
17-01-2005, 03:39
OOC: People don't have to follow the rules of war.
Holy Paradise
17-01-2005, 03:41
OOC: That's true. Very well then.
IC: Holy Paradise has now launched 15 ICBMs loaded with nuclear payloads at Much Happiness for attacking the Catholic Church, which Holy Paradise's population is majorly comprised of.
The Plutonian Empire
17-01-2005, 08:53
**Nikolas Yushneko, commander of the fleet that help defended Nueve Italia, was in his PlutoCon, waiting in orbit, when the computer beeped.**
Computer: BEEP!
Yushneko: Computer?
Computer: Satellite 3280 has detected 15 ballistic missiles headed for the nation of Much Happiness.
Yushneko: [expletive deleted]!
*Yushneko acted quickly. The PlutoCon rushed away from a nearby Plutonian satellite, and headed for the salvo. Within moments, he had the salvo in range, and fired the plane's chronoscepter at the ICBM's.*
Weapon Profile: Chronoscepter
The chronoscepter is a high tech gun of sort, using a diamond at the tip to shoot "chronoballs," deadly balls of blue energy containing the power of a nuclear weapon in a much more localized/focused fashion. The concept of this weapon was taken from an old video game, and brought up to the next level. Chronoscepter technology is also what powers practically everything in our empire, and is also used as a form of propulsion in our planes and rockets. Without those, we'd never be able to travel as fast as we can.
Borman Empire
18-01-2005, 01:55
*cough* Future tech *cough*
*cough* ignore *cough*
18-01-2005, 02:05
Mungeria is disgusted by these actions against the vatican. However, our small military would hardly contribute. However, we are willing to donate food to feed the soldiers and refuge to any refugees.
The Plutonian Empire
18-01-2005, 02:13
*cough* Future tech *cough*
*cough* ignore *cough*
What's wrong with me entering the war?
Borman Empire
18-01-2005, 03:05
What's wrong with me entering the war?
OOC: Nothing, excpet your technology
The Plutonian Empire
18-01-2005, 03:28
OOC: Nothing, excpet your technology
OOC: There are no rules against FT vs. Modern tech. Is it something personal you have against my tech?
Stellar Nations
18-01-2005, 03:42
"SIR! 15 ICBMs launched.... Headed for Much Hapiness!"
"Good. leave them be."
"SIR! a Plutonian Anti-missile satelite is traking them.."
A few moments later, the EMCs lashed out at the satelite...
Borman Empire
18-01-2005, 04:00
OOC: Ummm...yes there are. I and anyone else can choose not to RP, its horribly unfair.
The Plutonian Empire
18-01-2005, 04:03
OOC: Where in the rules does it explicitly state that FT can't interact with Modern tech, and can you give me a link?
The Plutonian Empire
18-01-2005, 04:07
"SIR! 15 ICBMs launched.... Headed for Much Hapiness!"
"Good. leave them be."
"SIR! a Plutonian Anti-missile satelite is traking them.."
A few moments later, the EMCs lashed out at the satelite...
OOC: What is an EMC?
Borman Empire
18-01-2005, 04:09
OOC: Check the stickies, and No I can't, im too lazy. Its my choice and I can do what I want and I dont like RPing MT against FT.
Stellar Nations
18-01-2005, 13:16
OOC: What is an EMC?
oops.. so used to calling them that.
Electromagnetic canon. Uses electromagnets to accelerate a shell to hypersonic velocities.
The Merchant Guilds
18-01-2005, 13:25
OOC: General rule is FT can't declare war on MT, but MT can on FT. Unless of course you get prior agreement or something, you can't just enter an MT RP with FT.
Borman Empire
18-01-2005, 13:28
OOC: General rule is FT can't declare war on MT, but MT can on FT. Unless of course you get prior agreement or something, you can't just enter an MT RP with FT.
OOC: Thanks
The Plutonian Empire
18-01-2005, 13:47
OOC: General rule is FT can't declare war on MT, but MT can on FT. Unless of course you get prior agreement or something, you can't just enter an MT RP with FT.
OOC: I had no problem when I came to Nueve Italia's aid... :hmm:
Roman Republic
18-01-2005, 21:40
OOC: I had no problem when I came to Nueve Italia's aid... :hmm:
Because Nueve Italia was pumped up to defeat me and the rebal and had not time to pay attenion to weapon stats.
Stellar Nations
18-01-2005, 22:15
I shall ignore that...
The Plutonian Empire
18-01-2005, 22:16
OOC: General rule is FT can't declare war on MT, but MT can on FT. Unless of course you get prior agreement or something, you can't just enter an MT RP with FT.
OOC: Ahhh... I think I get it now: If I want to enter a war with MT nations, the best way would be for me to go into orbit, and request permission to enter the war, rather than just going after nuclear missiles?
Stellar Nations
18-01-2005, 22:27
for you nonscience people let me clear something up
1. Antimatter is real. Antielectrons are called positrons. Everything else is the same but the anti is in front of the word
Yes, we know anti-matter is real. But that much antimatter would destroy a goddamned planet
2. Nothing can survive annihilation. If a positron hit an electron lets say at least one person will die. It is highly efficient
True there. No contesting from me
3. Annihilation is the process where antimatter hits matter.
Annihilation is morre than just matter-antimatter collisions and explosions
4. Your damnable future tech and modern tech stand no chance against the Neo Prussians
Fucking godmodding
5. The Neo Prussians gave the Vatican a technology that will allow them to passivly quantum teleport if they are in trouble. A single bullet heading in their direction will set the device off if it gets within 100 feet.
There is no difference between passive and active teleportaion, it's all the same. And besides, it's most likely impossible
6. Neo Prussians are ruled by me the invincible. They cant be defeated by outsiders and there are no defectors.
Godmodding anyone?
7. You have no clue how to fight in a war.
That very well may be, but this isn't a real war
8. I am a tatical genius.
Seriously? Go join the fucking army then. You won't have time for us if you truely are a tactical genus.
9. I already one.
And WHAT do you mwan by that?
I highly sugest you read this thread: http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=367578&page=1
Or leave. Or better yet, both
didnt see that. Ill delete above posts
Stellar Nations
18-01-2005, 22:30
ok probably the last time since i read and respond after about each page
Emc is not electromagnetic cannon
It is an electrical pulse cannon
is simple terms you fire it, it disables all electronics
Railguns are the ones that send the shells at high velocities. KNOW YOUR WEAPONS.
Actualy, EMP is electromagnetic pulse.
Railguns are an entirely differnt story. the actualy have contact with the shell.
And I can call the EMC whatever da,mned well please, as I designed it!
Know YOUR weapons
And anialation is FT, as it requires antimateter, and antimatter production is FT, as we can't make enough AM, and keep it contained (Magneticly, of course) to kill a damned bug
Stellar Nations
18-01-2005, 22:30
didnt see that. Ill delete above posts
Meh, don't bother. It's fine. as long as you don't do it again
antimatter exists already and getting it is simple and also how u kill black holes
a is anti
m is matter
a is the virtual pair of m
m gets sucked into blackhole
a turns real since there is no balance
a goes inside of blackhole
blackhole is matter
blackhole looses matter equvilalent to a
It is said that it takes 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years (1 followed by 66 zeros)
Stellar Nations
18-01-2005, 22:39
Yes, i know AM exists, but it needs to be contained somehow, which is the hard part.
and that's a long time. a VERY long time
The Plutonian Empire
19-01-2005, 12:26
OOC: Holy Paradise, I'm still waiting for you to respond to Yushneko's firing upon your nukes. Or are you Ignoring me?
Borman Empire
19-01-2005, 19:44
Much happiness
20-01-2005, 20:05
Despite the loss of the red guard we are still several 100,000 strong The chairwoman wishes it to be known that she condones the killing of civilians and as such none will be harmed if this conquest suceeds,that means no raping burning or pillaging we also ask that you do the same in return
the reason I want to distroy the caltholic religion is that it has oppressed millions and particually women .Me being a woman does not help me to stop this war we will fight on until all of us are enslaved
Roman Republic
20-01-2005, 22:18
Despite the loss of the red guard we are still several 100,000 strong The chairwoman wishes it to be known that she condones the killing of civilians and as such none will be harmed if this conquest suceeds,that means no raping burning or pillaging we also ask that you do the same in return
the reason I want to distroy the caltholic religion is that it has oppressed millions and particually women .Me being a woman does not help me to stop this war we will fight on until all of us are enslaved
Speak for yourself. what were you going to reward me if I helped you and won??
Stellar Nations
20-01-2005, 22:57
Due to concerns elsewhere, the Federation of Stellar nations is withdrawing support from this conflict.
OOC reason: I'm going from semi-modern tech to future tech, and this is a modern tech RP
The Plutonian Empire
20-01-2005, 23:08
Despite the loss of the red guard we are still several 100,000 strong The chairwoman wishes it to be known that she condones the killing of civilians and as such none will be harmed if this conquest suceeds,that means no raping burning or pillaging we also ask that you do the same in return
the reason I want to distroy the caltholic religion is that it has oppressed millions and particually women .Me being a woman does not help me to stop this war we will fight on until all of us are enslaved
The plutonian Empire wishes to aid you in your war. Do you accept?
EDIT: However, for the first few RL days, we may be unable to as an earthquake is about to destroy the capital city, but we WILL come to aid.
Borman Empire
20-01-2005, 23:41
...that means no raping burning or pillaging we also ask that you do the same in return...
Official Imperial Statement:
Much happiness
22-01-2005, 12:09
Plutonian empire your support is needed now more than it ever has been
roman repubics: For a start I am distroying catholics secondly if you really need some compensation then you can have 10,000 facist prisoners that I have captured in a botched facist coup happy? look basically you are already in you will get a reward as promised but for the moment I would like to concentrate on fighting the faith
the army has been moved up to the perimiter and are digging trenches the intentioon craft are preparingto fire apon anything that moves within 20 miles
The Plutonian Empire
22-01-2005, 12:13
Plutonian empire your support is needed now more than it ever has been
Excellent! We will gladly come to your aid :)
Right now, I'm still waiting for Holy paradise to post the number of ICBM's he has lost when Yushneko attacked. Should I continue to wait for him, or can I go ahead and call up some reinforcements?
Borman Empire
22-01-2005, 15:33
the army has been moved up to the perimiter and are digging trenches the intentioon craft are preparingto fire apon anything that moves within 20 miles
OOC: What perimiter? You do realize you have to cross the atlantic to get to me. And that I controll every European nation facing the med up untill Belgium. THats where my allies start controlling it.
You have to sail or fly your men to the med or Spain, Portugal, or France.
Much happiness
24-01-2005, 21:03
We are an easten european country, a perimiter was agreed god knows what it was but some one said I was to stay a certain distance from the vatican
Borman Empire
25-01-2005, 02:05
We are an easten european country, a perimiter was agreed god knows what it was but some one said I was to stay a certain distance from the vatican
OOC: My friend has been advising me to ignore this, I don't want to becuase it might be fun, but I may soon.
So you know I occupy all of Europe except Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Germany, Poland, Denmark, Belarsus, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. All nations except those east of Poland are controlled by allies. For the purpose of this RP I will let you use one of the nations I am not occupying regardless of if an ally is occupying it. I have been RPing it like you were not in Europe as you had been strongly implying that.
Lets get some OOC information down: Where is your nation?
If you give me the basics I cna RP it better.
The Plutonian Empire
27-01-2005, 00:31
OOC: Where the heck is Holy Paradise?
Oh, yeah, I forgot....
Roman Republic
27-01-2005, 21:49
I am going to help my dear friend Borman Empire.
Borman Empire
28-01-2005, 01:39
I am going to help my dear friend Borman Empire.
OOC: thanks, and do you still need help? If so can I have the link.
The Necro-Omar
28-01-2005, 01:59
The Necro-Omar race is disgusted by this barbarus Human act. Our ancestors were Catholic and we view this attack as an attack on our ancestors. The Omar may be a trader race but we are not defenseless people. We will supply Viral Missles to all allys of his Holiness. Our own missles are now ready to launch for your capital. If you keep pushing into Italy terrorist attacks will be carried out upon your nation for many generations.
Borman Empire
28-01-2005, 02:05
We thank you for your support.
The Necro-Omar
28-01-2005, 02:14
Despite the loss of the red guard we are still several 100,000 strong The chairwoman wishes it to be known that she condones the killing of civilians and as such none will be harmed if this conquest suceeds,that means no raping burning or pillaging we also ask that you do the same in return
the reason I want to distroy the caltholic religion is that it has oppressed millions and particually women .Me being a woman does not help me to stop this war we will fight on until all of us are enslaved
Enslaved. Yes the Omar would love to enslave your nation. If the vatican succeeds the Omar will humbly ask that 1/3 of Much Happinesses population be givin to us as slaves. They will make fine test subjects.
Hard Rock Beyond
28-01-2005, 02:17
Since I favor Catholics heavily, an attack on the Papi is an inexcusable act of war. Therefore, I am deploying my small ammount of forces... 10,000,000 foot soldiers... armed with G36 rifles, M203 grenade launchers, M9 Beretta sidearms, and 5 frag, 5 flash, and 5 smoke grenades. Also, 23,500 F-14E2 Stealth-Version Hyper Tomcat's are deployed along with a force of 13 Super Aircraft Carriers, 41 Super-Battleships, and about 4 more battlegroups, 2 of submarines, one of a landing force, and 1 of a Helicopter/Aircraft Carrier battle groups.
Basically... this is not a uber-army... I am not a godmod... this is an effective ammount of troops, as my own Papi's nation is attacked... this is from my ammount of a little more then about the 7 billion people in my nations (they're all in my region). So, this force is about 0.1482% of my total population... and thats from my normal 210,000,000 soldiers.
Borman Empire
28-01-2005, 02:18
Enslaved. Yes the Omar would love to enslave your nation. If the vatican succeeds the Omar will humbly ask that 1/3 of Much Happinesses population be givin to us as slaves. They will make fine test subjects.
Official Imperial Response:
Unfortunately we can not honour that request. We enslave ourselves and 1/3 would be a great loss. We are however willing to offer at most 2 million of what is captured.
The Necro-Omar
28-01-2005, 02:31
“Sir, we have been allowed into the war.”
“Thank you muth-sera”
“By your command.”
Nevar’s cold robotic eyes gazed upon Earth. They had barely begun to learn the secret of Divine Metaphysics when they heard of this attack on the Pope. His database pulled up a file of the Pope:
*Pope: Leader of Holy Catholic Church.*
*Holy Catholic Church: Religion of our ancestors*
Yes. The Omar would give full support to this war. He had downloaded a file on the Romans and learned as much as he could. They were a fine people and he could see why the proud people of Green Moon had idolized them.
Interruption of thought processes.
“We have entered our request for slaves after the war”
“My internal databases say they will allow us. After all the invaders leader is a horrible specimen of the human species.”
“How so?”
“Our spies have discovered her father was a Marxist. When he would get angry at the church he would abuse his daughter.”
*Searching torture databases*
“I cannot wait to pull out her entrails.”
“By your command.”
The Necro-Omar
28-01-2005, 02:32
2 million will do but may we have the leader?
Hard Rock Beyond
28-01-2005, 02:38
Necro-whatever... basically you cannot have 2 million troops... 180,000 would be the biggest stress your nation could take, and that would absolutely crush your entire nation's economy down to a basket-carrying one... 2 million would throw you into an unrecoverable depression, resulting in about 6 million peopple out of a job, and out of a nation... basically, you are too young to do anything big...
Despite the loss of the red guard we are still several 100,000 strong The chairwoman wishes it to be known that she condones the killing of civilians and as such none will be harmed if this conquest suceeds,that means no raping burning or pillaging we also ask that you do the same in return
the reason I want to distroy the caltholic religion is that it has oppressed millions and particually women .Me being a woman does not help me to stop this war we will fight on until all of us are enslaved
OOC: Perhaps you mean "condemns"? Condone: To overlook, forgive, or disregard (an offense) without protest or censure.
Anyway, exactly who is RPing the Vatican? There are several nations who each consider themselves the Vatican, and I believe the nation Holy Vatican See is considered to be the official NS Vatican, due to his excellent roleplaying. I'm going to warn against trying to get that nation involved however, because it's supported by many nations, including a few FTers with substantial amounts of Catholics in them, who would get involved.
The Necro-Omar
28-01-2005, 02:49
Necro-whatever... basically you cannot have 2 million troops... 180,000 would be the biggest stress your nation could take, and that would absolutely crush your entire nation's economy down to a basket-carrying one... 2 million would throw you into an unrecoverable depression, resulting in about 6 million peopple out of a job, and out of a nation... basically, you are too young to do anything big...
Did I say we had 2 million troops. We said we wanted 2 million prisioners.
Borman Empire
28-01-2005, 02:51
OOC: The two million are slaves I'm willing to give him.
I'm RPing the Vatican as I control it. Also I've never heard of this nation supposedly the official NS Vaticna and so you know there is none, too many people; you may but no one else has to. If I seem angry it's becuase you seemed to be implying I couldn't RP.
Official Imperial Response:
Unfortunately (sp?) we can not do that. Our killing of the leader in a...unpleasant way is traditional and marking our conquest of their nation.
The Plutonian Empire
28-01-2005, 02:52
OOC: What do I do if someone takes forever to respond, or doesn't respond at all? I attacked Holy Paradise's ICBM's that were launched against Much Happiness on page 3 (if memory serves), and he hasn't responded to it.
The Necro-Omar
28-01-2005, 02:53
OOC: The two million are slaves I'm willing to give him.
I'm RPing the Vatican as I control it. Also I've never heard of this nation supposedly the official NS Vaticna and so you know there is none, too many people; you may but no one else has to. If I seem angry it's becuase you seemed to be implying I couldn't RP.
Official Imperial Response:
Unfortunately (sp?) we can not do that. Our killing of the leader in a...unpleasant way is traditional and marking our conquest of their nation.
Fine. At least send us parts of her body so we may clone that and kill the clones.
Borman Empire
28-01-2005, 02:57
Fine. At least send us parts of her body so we may clone that and kill the clones.
Very well.
The Necro-Omar
28-01-2005, 02:58
OOC: What do I do if someone takes forever to respond, or doesn't respond at all? I attacked Holy Paradise's ICBM's that were launched against Much Happiness on page 3 (if memory serves), and he hasn't responded to it.
If he doesnt answer imagine the attack succeded
Borman Empire
28-01-2005, 02:59
If she doesnt answer imagine the attack succeded
OOC: Actually you just have to ignore it all together.
The Necro-Omar
28-01-2005, 03:00
OOC: Where are her troops current positions?
The Plutonian Empire
28-01-2005, 03:01
OOC: Actually you just have to ignore it all together.
Ah. So if a certain amount of time has passed since an attack, Much Happiness and I can ignore the nuke attack?
OOC: The two million are slaves I'm willing to give him.
I'm RPing the Vatican as I control it. Also I've never heard of this nation supposedly the official NS Vaticna and so you know there is none, too many people; you may but no one else has to. If I seem angry it's becuase you seemed to be implying I couldn't RP.
He's a far older nation, just over two billion population, and I'm just pointing out that more players would recognize his control of the Vatican over yours. And I'm not saying you can't RP, just that his posts are virtually short stories in each one.
Borman Empire
28-01-2005, 03:30
He's a far older nation, just over two billion population, and I'm just pointing out that more players would recognize his control of the Vatican over yours. And I'm not saying you can't RP, just that his posts are virtually short stories in each one.
OOC: Plenty of people RP contorl of the Vatican, I am for this, I doubt anyone would recognize anyone. And it just seems like your justifying your insults towards me.
OOC: Plenty of people RP control of the Vatican, I am for this, I doubt anyone would recognize anyone. And it just seems like your justifying your insults towards me.
Actually, my initial comments were more directed towards Much Happiness, pretty much an OOC warning to not try and make a crusade against Catholicism.
Anyway, I'll leave you to your RP.
The Holy Republic will assist the offensive forces with a handful of my elite airforce, be warned if the enemy refuses to surrender they will be the first subjects to my super weapon which my fighters have.
Borman Empire
28-01-2005, 04:00
Actually, my initial comments were more directed towards Much Happiness, pretty much an OOC warning to not try and make a crusade against Catholicism.
Anyway, I'll leave you to your RP.
OOC: Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. Thanks anyway.
IC: Your superweapons will find our defenses welcomign them and your nation will find our ICBMs giving revenge.
You will wish to reconsider your missile strikes our elite air force will protect the republic from the missile without doing harm. But we will not send out our fleet to prevent an international incident between our 2 nations
The Plutonian Empire
28-01-2005, 05:34
You will wish to reconsider your missile strikes our elite air force will protect the republic from the missile without doing harm. But we will not send out our fleet to prevent an international incident between our 2 nations
OOC: Who's side are you on? Much happiness' or the Pope's?
Dependign on the faction who attempts to strike missiles at me I will join the nation opposition.
The Plutonian Empire
28-01-2005, 05:38
Dependign on the faction who attempts to strike missiles at me I will join the nation opposition.
Neutral until attack. I like that :)
And a question I have that I posted on the previous page but never answered:OOC: Actually you just have to ignore it all together.
Ah. So if a certain amount of time has passed since an attack, Much Happiness and I can ignore the nuke attack?
Hard Rock Beyond
28-01-2005, 21:46
I'm for the my Papi...
And anyone have comments about my attacking force? I consider it "1st Dan" force... in Japanese martial arts, that means first degree black belt, as all of the men, but officers, are a first degree black... officers are second degree black belts...
IC: The base fleet has arrived, after a short while of time from launching. All ground troops are on shore, and have set up mortar fire areas as well as bases to protect my Papi in his city.
Roman Republic
28-01-2005, 21:47
OOC: thanks, and do you still need help? If so can I have the link.
THat would be great. I need to defeat Hataria. His crown must have melted and asorbed to his brain. We can begin a joint invasion.
Jibea sends the vatican reinforcements of 100,000 people.
10,000 as snipers
10,000 as unterseeboots (you don't stand a chance)
10,000 as flugzeug (Looks funny no?)
10,000 as machine guns
50,000 in panzers (Not the type but in name)
Now for what the Jibeans do best.
Jibeans send 650,000 people into much happiness
1,000 as snipers
1,000 as unterseeboots (you don't stand a chance)
1,000 as flugzeug (Looks funny no?)
1,000 as machine guns
1,000 in rail tanks
5,000 in panzers (Not the type but in name)
5,000 as terrorists in important buildings
10,000 in bombers carrying radiated sand
10,000 in bombers carrying nukes
10,000 in bombers carrying bioweapons
10,000 in bombers carrying chemical weapons
10,000 in artillery
10,000 assassins
15,000 sabatours
15,000 spies
150,000 building underground passages
150,000 using radiation weaponry
250,000 in underground tunnels
The rest thinking its over kill go to help defend the vatican
Standard Weapons:
gun: XM-29 (Ha not on the market yet)
Amor: Zylon (Best developed
Rations: Standard American
gun: Gewher
sights: Heat, gieger, night
Guns:15 cm (Big eh)
Armor: 15 inch side 10 inch front and back
Weight: 50 tons
Speed: 15 mph
Special: Parithean Tatics
Rail Tank:
Guns: Rail
Armor: 15 inch side 10 inch front and back
Weight: 35 tons
Speed: 25 mph
Special: Parithean Tatics
Guns: 10 mm sub on wings
Wings: ?
Load: See description
Speed: 15,000 mph
Special: Austrian design during WW2. Rejected by Hitler. Flies in the lower atmosphere. Too advanced for its time. Requires 9 Vengence two booster rockets.
Weapon: Vengence two torpeodoes. Various rockets including small nuclear warheads
Load: See Weapon
Speed: Varies. 20 knots above water 40 knots below
Special: Stealth. Also got the U in Uboat
Weapon: 15mm nose cannon. Ten aa missles and two emps.
Speed: Mach three
Special: Stealth. Similar to the American stealth fighters but much more stable.
Defences set at Vatican:
EMP: Electromagnetic pulse missle. Tanks beware.
SAM: Surface to Air missles. Bye bye birdy.
EMPSAM: A SAM but instead of a missle it shoots and EMP
Machine guns
Rail Platforms
Barbed Wire
Surrounded Rome with a large Bermease Tiger Trap (Probably spelt wrong)
Surrounded Bermease Tiger Trap with Bouncing Betties, Shoe Box and Claymore.
Escorting Pope out of the Vatican to neutral territory.
A lollipop (I need to eat too.)
Bomber loads and Brief description:
Radiated Sand: During WW2 after the German nuclear bomb was sabatoged the Germans had a plan to send radiated sand to NYC by the stealth fighter. The stealth fighter was successful at first but it was to unstable and to difficult to control and they abandoned the plan. The radiated sand will stay in the dropped areas until the wind blows it away. The citizens would inhale and exhale the sand making the city affected a quarintine zone.
Nuclear Bombs: Of the fussion variety. An experimental new weapon in Jibea inwhich the uranium undergoes fission heating the area and the hydrogen fuses together releasing a hell lot of more energy then any fission reaction. Developed by Jibea's finest.
Biological: Uses pestilence to devestate an area and spread unless quarintined. Type varies. Only used by Jibea when pissed off. Normally involves a painful death.
Chemical: Developed by Germans in WW1. Uses various substances to destroy the oppents. Very effective and painful. Most common used by Jibea is Mustard Gas.
Experimental developements used to protect my region:
Killer ants: Taken from Africa and under selective breeding developed ants a little stronger then average. Very painful and worse then killer bees but luckily it can not leave Africa. Might go horribly wrong. Shut up okay!? Now I wish they had kept that new punctuation that was a question mark and exclamation point together.
Turd Warfare: Generously given enough turd by my ally I devolped new weapons. Basically the same thing as putting Mustard Gas in with Anthrax but probably weaker and with desired results. Plus it will annoy the hell out of them and they will waste all their precise water on showers.
Radiation: Using elements with a middle half-life to insure best results. Used to mess with the enemies blood activating various results such as an abnormally low amount of white or red blood cells. Unknown results.
Most weapons were made by America or Germany and modified by Jibea.
Tanks: See above
Infantry: Varies
Snipers: Aim at enemy snipers first. Aim at defensive structure crew. Kill officiers then attack the little moralled soldiers who are virtually defenceless. Shoot tankers when they peek out. In order from top priority to lesser.
Fighters: Pyramid around bomber. Parithean tatics.
Bombers: Attack most important places or most destructive.
Submarines: Enemy boats, troops and finally cities in that order.
Tatics are mostly taken from Ghengis Kahn and modified by Jibea.
I think it's safe to assume Much Happy or whoever he is, is doomed eh.
OOC: Perhaps you mean "condemns"? Condone: To overlook, forgive, or disregard (an offense) without protest or censure.
Anyway, exactly who is RPing the Vatican? There are several nations who each consider themselves the Vatican, and I believe the nation Holy Vatican See is considered to be the official NS Vatican, due to his excellent roleplaying. I'm going to warn against trying to get that nation involved however, because it's supported by many nations, including a few FTers with substantial amounts of Catholics in them, who would get involved.
I am not the Vatican just defending it. Any way 2/3 of the world are catholic
I would like to extend my alliance to Broman or Borman whoever that is and the Roman Republic. I also would like to ask plutonian empire if you wish to tempt my patience. I am the modern Ghengis Kahn and like him I will never loose a battle. I use the same basic techniques and face it you civilized fools don't stand a chance against us "Barbarians." Plus I like explosions and the Catholic church. Why don't you invade america instead. Or better yet Canada or Sweden. They hate explosions and religion. Minamal opposition and you won't be destroyed. Plus i would help you since they betrayed me (don't ask). Now for Much Happiness i would like to ask you for your unconiditional surrender (I may be a great tatician but i cant spell)
The Plutonian Empire
28-01-2005, 23:32
I also would like to ask plutonian empire if you wish to tempt my patience.
What would you like to ask us?
To ask you simply to invade a nation i really don't like instead of insulting me and at least 1/3 of the world. You could invade any nation east or the rhine or west of porugal. Besides think how much you would gain from conquering a country instead of attacking a poor virtually defenceless old man about to die anyway besides your poor and would loose many money
well actually i am an agressive individual but i draw the line at attacking religious figures. I know me and a few of my friends will destroy africa and reeducate and reconstruct in my image. It would be called Jibea II the lesser or NeoAfricia yes. Forget my african plans. You didnt hear it from me.
The Plutonian Empire
28-01-2005, 23:51
Unfortunately, the Plutonian Empire has chosen to side with Much Happiness. It is plutonian foreign policy to side with the weaker, and fight with the stronger. *Ahem* Of course, there are always exceptions, such as the weaker one being the religious zealot rather than the larger one. This is not the case with the nation of Much Happiness, so therefore, Much Happiness is not one of the exceptions. We also side with them because their reasons for attacking are similar ours: we do not like religion, and wish to exact vengeance on behalf of all those who have been oppressed by this evil entity you call "religion."
Also, we are very future tech, and our mainland is 3228 light years away, and it takes only one day for our planes to travel to Sol.
Finally, we will ignore your Africa plans, per your request.
What else happens when a psychotic tactician and an evil liberator of equal strength go to war.
Well I have forces farther then anyone can see. I have several vassels and very powerful allies.
You are a rouge with no known vassels.
We both enjoy future tech and i was told you can't unleash it unless it was stated above. My technology is nothing like yours. You may be involved in weapons fine and dandy but I do manipulation of space and time itself. Besides i can afford a bigger army and the Catholic oppression stopped in the counter revolution. The oppressing group is now america and capitalist.
You my "friend" have made yourself a powerful enemy. I in all my power will annihilate* you
Now i bid you farewell. We shalt meet again.
*eventually. Damn present tech. I can't use my positron based arsenol or any antiweapons or any dangerous elements. NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Ooooo a penny.
*Jibea returns to their homebase
*The Jibea's forces pull out but the reinforcements are still intact.
The Plutonian Empire
29-01-2005, 00:23
OOC: Why am I suddenly nervous when I should feel safe and secure about the Empire being 3228 light years away? :(
Borman Empire
29-01-2005, 00:54
OOC: If much Happiness doesnt post I'm dropping this like a hot potato.
The Plutonian Empire
29-01-2005, 00:57
OOC: If much Happiness doesnt post I'm dropping this like a hot potato.
OOC: Relax, she probably has pressing issues in RL, or is pretty busy with something in RL.
Jibea sends the vatican reinforcements of 100,000 people.
10,000 as snipers
10,000 as unterseeboots (you don't stand a chance)
10,000 as flugzeug (Looks funny no?)
10,000 as machine guns
50,000 in panzers (Not the type but in name)
Now for what the Jibeans do best.
Jibeans send 650,000 people into much happiness
1,000 as snipers
1,000 as unterseeboots (you don't stand a chance)
1,000 as flugzeug (Looks funny no?)
1,000 as machine guns
1,000 in rail tanks
5,000 in panzers (Not the type but in name)
5,000 as terrorists in important buildings
10,000 in bombers carrying radiated sand
10,000 in bombers carrying nukes
10,000 in bombers carrying bioweapons
10,000 in bombers carrying chemical weapons
10,000 in artillery
10,000 assassins
15,000 sabatours
15,000 spies
150,000 building underground passages
150,000 using radiation weaponry
250,000 in underground tunnels
The rest thinking its over kill go to help defend the vatican
Standard Weapons:
gun: XM-29 (Ha not on the market yet)
Amor: Zylon (Best developed
Rations: Standard American
gun: Gewher
sights: Heat, gieger, night
Guns:15 cm (Big eh)
Armor: 15 inch side 10 inch front and back
Weight: 50 tons
Speed: 15 mph
Special: Parithean Tatics
Rail Tank:
Guns: Rail
Armor: 15 inch side 10 inch front and back
Weight: 35 tons
Speed: 25 mph
Special: Parithean Tatics
Guns: 10 mm sub on wings
Wings: ?
Load: See description
Speed: 15,000 mph
Special: Austrian design during WW2. Rejected by Hitler. Flies in the lower atmosphere. Too advanced for its time. Requires 9 Vengence two booster rockets.
Weapon: Vengence two torpeodoes. Various rockets including small nuclear warheads
Load: See Weapon
Speed: Varies. 20 knots above water 40 knots below
Special: Stealth. Also got the U in Uboat
Weapon: 15mm nose cannon. Ten aa missles and two emps.
Speed: Mach three
Special: Stealth. Similar to the American stealth fighters but much more stable.
Defences set at Vatican:
EMP: Electromagnetic pulse missle. Tanks beware.
SAM: Surface to Air missles. Bye bye birdy.
EMPSAM: A SAM but instead of a missle it shoots and EMP
Machine guns
Rail Platforms
Barbed Wire
Surrounded Rome with a large Bermease Tiger Trap (Probably spelt wrong)
Surrounded Bermease Tiger Trap with Bouncing Betties, Shoe Box and Claymore.
Escorting Pope out of the Vatican to neutral territory.
A lollipop (I need to eat too.)
Bomber loads and Brief description:
Radiated Sand: During WW2 after the German nuclear bomb was sabatoged the Germans had a plan to send radiated sand to NYC by the stealth fighter. The stealth fighter was successful at first but it was to unstable and to difficult to control and they abandoned the plan. The radiated sand will stay in the dropped areas until the wind blows it away. The citizens would inhale and exhale the sand making the city affected a quarintine zone.
Nuclear Bombs: Of the fussion variety. An experimental new weapon in Jibea inwhich the uranium undergoes fission heating the area and the hydrogen fuses together releasing a hell lot of more energy then any fission reaction. Developed by Jibea's finest.
Biological: Uses pestilence to devestate an area and spread unless quarintined. Type varies. Only used by Jibea when pissed off. Normally involves a painful death.
Chemical: Developed by Germans in WW1. Uses various substances to destroy the oppents. Very effective and painful. Most common used by Jibea is Mustard Gas.
Experimental developements used to protect my region:
Killer ants: Taken from Africa and under selective breeding developed ants a little stronger then average. Very painful and worse then killer bees but luckily it can not leave Africa. Might go horribly wrong. Shut up okay!? Now I wish they had kept that new punctuation that was a question mark and exclamation point together.
Turd Warfare: Generously given enough turd by my ally I devolped new weapons. Basically the same thing as putting Mustard Gas in with Anthrax but probably weaker and with desired results. Plus it will annoy the hell out of them and they will waste all their precise water on showers.
Radiation: Using elements with a middle half-life to insure best results. Used to mess with the enemies blood activating various results such as an abnormally low amount of white or red blood cells. Unknown results.
Most weapons were made by America or Germany and modified by Jibea.
Tanks: See above
Infantry: Varies
Snipers: Aim at enemy snipers first. Aim at defensive structure crew. Kill officiers then attack the little moralled soldiers who are virtually defenceless. Shoot tankers when they peek out. In order from top priority to lesser.
Fighters: Pyramid around bomber. Parithean tatics.
Bombers: Attack most important places or most destructive.
Submarines: Enemy boats, troops and finally cities in that order.
Tatics are mostly taken from Ghengis Kahn and modified by Jibea.
I think it's safe to assume Much Happy or whoever he is, is doomed eh.
OOC:Jibea are you sure you have the funds to arm about 40000 fighters with WMDs. Also it expose you to Anti Aircraft fire.
IC:I will side with the Plutonians and will supply them with the firestream Laser assistance droids to arm his squadron. I now wait his command
The Necro-Omar
29-01-2005, 01:11
The cold air swept across Nevar’s drop ship. His internal sensors indicated it was 20 degrees Celsius. He didn’t mind. Once again he reloaded the plan in his mind. He would land approximately 20.4 miles away from the Pope’s exact location. He would then take an escort to the center of the Vatican. He would meet with the Pope and would see if His Holiness would take mercy on the Omar for their sins of mechanization. Then he would humbly request that archaeologists be allowed into the city. Of course a few spies would be masked as those of the scientist caste and set up camp. It would be from here that they would discreetly learn what was driving the Vatican’s political ideas. And perhaps they would finally find the ancient relic their ancestors worshipped so long, long ago.
The Bible.
Borman Empire
29-01-2005, 14:40
Much happiness
31-01-2005, 21:31
I was under the impression that the nukes where all distroyed however there have been reports of glowing 3 foot frogs with faces like kurt cobain hopping around the capital I will look in to it .Of course my father was a marxist we are a marxist nation but this has nothing to do with political status (exept if you are a fundimentilist nation)well plutonia I need food supplyed to my troops and the motherland we are currently trying to transport an army of raw recruits but they are traped due to anti air missiles etc also plutonia I need more medics the health in the trench is currently very bad
we would like to know if there is an opposing ground force or not other wise we will simply walk in
Much happiness
31-01-2005, 21:47
may I remind my opposing forces that if anyone attempts to fly an aircraft within 50 miles 0f the trench they will be shot down instantly the number of planes needed to get past the intentioncraft would be a practically imposible to amount the guns have a firing rate of 20 per minuite and have a range of 200 miles and no plane could fly though the 50 mile zone without geting hit unles there where a huge amount of them
Borman Empire
31-01-2005, 22:14
OOC: This is bullshit. You're saying its impossible to go within 50 miles of your border (Do you know how big that is?) or else an amount of guns that you have not disclosed will open fire. You have also ignored to tell me where the hell you are. You have untill 8:00 PM tonight untill I Ignroe this and you.
Much happiness
01-02-2005, 20:27
look lads can we give this a break for about 6 days it looks like one of me parents have cancer and I have to travel down there to see them sorry if this upsets you but you know its real life over computer sh!t
Much happiness
01-02-2005, 20:29
300 miles from the vatican happy?
01-02-2005, 21:14
One of the Swiss Guard officers in charge of mail sorting was disturbed from his nap by a knocking at his door. Two junior officers burst in, one carrying a laptop computer.
"What's this all about?" inquired the senior officer.
"Sir, this arrived ten minutes ago from Freudotopia...we think it may carry a hidden explosive device."
"Unlikely. Freudotopia has not often stooped to such cowardly tactics. Open it."
The man in question laid the laptop on the small clear space on the officer's desk and booted the computer up. In thirty-nine seconds, they were confronted with a horrifying message.
"Sir, I believe that this is a threat that cannot be ignored. Perhaps you should alert the security center?"
"Perhaps nothing, sergeant. This is clearly a shameless bluff."
At that instant, the laptop did indeed explode, taking with it most of the desk. A shaken sergeant had the nerve left to reply,
"Sir, I believe you are mistaken"
"Yes, Sergeant, and I believe you're right. Get me major Abelard immediately."
The Plutonian Empire
02-02-2005, 00:58
look lads can we give this a break for about 6 days it looks like one of me parents have cancer and I have to travel down there to see them sorry if this upsets you but you know its real life over computer sh!t
OOC: Sorry to hear about your parent. Hope they get better :)
Borman Empire
02-02-2005, 04:25
OOC: Sorry about your parent. When you do get back make an IC post so I can combat.
(An Ally of mine is doing somethign in this thread and I wanna stick around to see it)
Much happiness
09-02-2005, 20:18
anyway on we go
The Plutonian Empire
09-02-2005, 23:20
anyway on we go
Glad to see you're back, MH. :)
Borman Empire
10-02-2005, 03:59
OOC: Glad to hear she's ok. Now, if you don't make a good at least somewhat clear IC post I'm out.
The Scandinvans
10-02-2005, 04:47
I have ordered two million troops, 10,000 Crusader Tanks, 2100 F-18s, and 4000 Hellfires to support and to help defend the Vactian and will also donate 12 nuclear warheads.
Borman Empire
10-02-2005, 13:31
Thanks but, aren't you the guy I conquered? *hint**hint*
Much happiness
16-02-2005, 20:47
right OUR troops are staioned in an 125km trench streching from Turin to 50 miles outside of millan we have not formally captured either town but they are more or less under our control in the trenches we have all of the men I ave told you bout earlier and artillary every 50km or so
do you control genoa and what is your navel standing?
Borman Empire
22-02-2005, 18:14
Right. Im ignoring and un-subscribing from this thread. If you want to RP read the stickies and all the links in them.
22-02-2005, 20:52
right OUR troops are staioned in an 125km trench streching from Turin to 50 miles outside of millan we have not formally captured either town but they are more or less under our control in the trenches we have all of the men I ave told you bout earlier and artillary every 50km or so
do you control genoa and what is your navel standing?
"What is your navel standing? Hilarious pun, my friend. Naval vs. navel. I love it. Oh, wait, that was just you being stupid. Never mind.
The Plutonian Empire
23-02-2005, 01:01
Crap. This thread now appears dead. Should we just let it go, Much Happiness?
Liberated New Hope
20-03-2005, 06:44
Whatever happens, it looks as though Much Happiness was going to get it's ass pounded judging just by numbers.