NationStates Jolt Archive

Colonizers Wanted, OOC thread

Verdant Archipelago
13-01-2005, 06:54
Hello all, formerly, I was Chardonay, but I got fed up with the lack of internal RP opertunities, so I let it die. Now I'm back, and I need someone to make contact with my nation. Here's the situation.

A very very long time ago, an advanced civilization inhabited an archipelago... we aren't sure if they were human or not. No biological data has survived, and very few structures... the reason for this I'll get to later. This advanced civilization was particularly adept at genetics and biotech, and created a number of bioweapons and gen-engineered critters and plants based on Nationstates Earth's flora and fauna. For some reason, accident or war, we aren't sure which, these weapons were released onto the archipelago and completely destroyed the civilization (in reality, a biowarefare plague killed everyone before a phage could nail it, and the plants and animals escaped). These plants and animals completely displaced local species and moved in... they evolve very quickly and are all hostile. Fortunately, they were designed to require a specific nutrient produced by a single fungus that only lives on the archipelago, so none of these species ever escaped into other waters. Occasionally a kraken washes up somewhere, but not often.

Fastforward to the mid 1700s. A expedition of four ships discovers the islands. One ship survives to return the news. Several nations, none of them wanting the others to gain a piece of valuable if deadly territory, establish colonies with a great deal of effort. The colonies survive, and begin to spread and prosper, though conditions are terrible. There are many goods produced by the island that are in great demand... spider silk is shipped out to the mother countries, processed into cloth, and sold back to the colonists as protective clothing. Some industry gets set up, as trips in and out are getting increasingly dangerous. In the late 1800s, all traffic in and out stops entirely due to large sea creatures hunting in packs. The colonies are cut off entirely, but are largely self sufficient by this point, and have surprisingly large populations (they were used as penal colonies). They develop a little further, but not much.

In 1930 the mother countries, who had advanced nuclear research available to them because of uranium deposits in the archipelago, blow themselves up.

In 1970, an ironclad steam vessel from the archipelago makes it out and reports back that the mother nations are gone. Since then, reports have drifted in about the outside world, and rumors abound regarding the lost colony.

OOCly, there are large oil and uranium deposits in the islands, along with a bunch of pharmaceuticals and materials that can be refined from the wildlife. Eventually, we'll even excavate some of the original owner's facilities.

If you are interested, post here, I'll check out your writing and get back to you. Please, only serious RPers with a good grasp of grammar and story building need apply. Spelling is less important, but grammar and characterization are a must.
13-01-2005, 07:03
Why hello there, I'm not entirely sure where you want this story to go, so I was wondering if you could expand upon your basic ideas just a little bit.
13-01-2005, 07:12
Also, what tech level were you thinking?

If you check out my history (website) you might get an idea or two..
Verdant Archipelago
13-01-2005, 08:49
We are a collection of steam tech city states, and are looking to be rediscovered by a modern/near modern nation. Preferably, some researcher will discover evidence of the colony's existence, intelligence gets wind of it, and they send off an expedition. Luckily, they encounter one of our fishing vessel (with 75mm cannons and depth charges and explosive harpoons to deal with the prey such as krakens, hive squid, and leviathans) which escorts them into a safe (netted off and mined) port. After that, there will be technical transfer and resourse exploitation contracts. And the occasional war.
13-01-2005, 09:37
it sounds interesting, how much detail would you be looking for in a post or whatever... and i'm trying to make my country be one shifting from modern tech to post modern...
Verdant Archipelago
13-01-2005, 09:46
Very detailed, and this would be the begining of an extended semi-closed RP and relations between our nations. The disciovering power would obviously be the senior member in any agreement, but the citizens of Verdant Archipelago aren't pushovers and you will need their help to even survive on the islands. Aditionally, there is a great deal of opertunity for trade. We'll want to purchase technology, robust machinery, incendiaries, defoliants, and neutron bombs if you'll let us have them (all for dealing with the wildlife... you can't underestimate how deadly this place is) which we will buy with contracts to exploit our mineral and oil resources... the few diamond mines will be kept under municipal control, but we will need factors and transportation. Aditionally, there are materials and drugs we can produce quickly: in particular, we have domesticated a species of spider that actually lives in communes, and so while we can't mass produce spider silk, we can harvest large amounts. It is a better material for ballistic vests than kevlar.
13-01-2005, 12:46
Well, I would have to bow out because I am future tech.

I wish you the best of luck in your RP.
13-01-2005, 12:51
Dam, i'm FT to...
13-01-2005, 14:15
I know. My history could have been used as part of the background of this RP too! Damn, damn, damn.
Verdant Archipelago
14-01-2005, 05:38
SIgh... I know... I do have several good reasons for requesting modern or near modern. FIrst of all, you would simply roll over the wildlife with futuretech. If people with technology roughly at the 1890 level can hold off the plants, people with tailored viruses and plasma cannon will simply ignore it. Secondly, I have extreme reservations about FT RPing. It's not the people who do it that I object to, it's the entire concept. techologies are so different that it's impossible for, say, an Honor Harrington based dreadnaught to mix it up with a star trek ship. All though startrek techology is much flashier, the dreadnaught will simply launch at one million kilometers. It's incompatable.

14-01-2005, 06:03
Slinao might be interested in it. Currently we are advanced modern tech. We had some battles with future tech empires, and from the left over aftermath we have upped some things. We have basic shielding, something that could take some hits from something like a cannon shot, but only one or two shots before the shielding brakes. We have a "plasma" cannon, which is like a super heated metal round, a 9mm round hits like a 30/30 rifle round, only with more heat. We also have a metal that is half the weight of titanium, and just as strong and mild energy hover engines.

here is an example of our tanks.

Though if anything appears too strong for your idea, I can limit what type of help is sent.
14-01-2005, 06:10
I think I'd be interested, of course with school starting back up it might limit the quantity of posts per day, but then again, I've always believed in quality of quantity... and besides, it could be a great reason to expand my nation's territory... where in the world is carmen sandiego... i mean... these colonies
14-01-2005, 06:49
That's OK, I understand.
Verdant Archipelago
14-01-2005, 08:39
Azazia, I read the Philosophical War thread and was really impressed by the knowledge and writing, even though you used trimarines (shudder, I can't stand trimarines). If you're interested, first contact is yours. Since you're in southeast asia, it won't even be that long a trip... I sort of figured we'd be in the middle of the Indian Ocean. We may even apply for limited protectorate status since you already are an empire. In any case, we can discuss the meat of the first encounter once you've confirmed. If possible, TG me your MSN. AIM will work too, but I would greatly prefer MSN.
14-01-2005, 08:46
I just TGed you my AIM and such, so I should be around and such... MSN I don't have, although I can figure it out if needbe... as for first contact, I have a small colony/military post in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, so that would work logistically...
14-01-2005, 09:13
eh, I'm dropping any interests in this thing, could have at least said something about my comment of joining, rather then the person who said something afterwards, eh, oh well.
Verdant Archipelago
14-01-2005, 11:06
Sorry Slineao... but azazia was actually the first person to post. Aditionally, I mentioned I didn't want futuretech. Energy shields are definately futuretech.
14-01-2005, 13:16
Sorry Slineao... but azazia was actually the first person to post. Aditionally, I mentioned I didn't want futuretech. Energy shields are definately futuretech.

He did post first, yes, as in asking for further information about it. As for the Energy Shields as future tech, I don't think you read my post very well since I was talking about having limited advances do to combatting ft nations. As well as pointing out that if you felt any of the techs I listed as being too strong or advanced it wouldn't be used.

I will leave now, feeling a bit better, due to my understanding of the situation. You failed to discribe why I would not be picked to fulfill on the idea to play, and you failed to fully comprehend my statements. So I would be afraid of any further comprehensions on your part.

I hope your RP goes well, and I hope that you find the "future" for your nation as you have searched for.
09-02-2005, 21:07