NationStates Jolt Archive

[Earth III] Baltimore Convention - Pact of North American States Proposed!

Taiwanese Islands
13-01-2005, 04:08
The Baltimore Convention on Partitions and the Pact of North American States

Details on the Convention:

Location: Baltimore, Maryland, Commonwealth of Taiwanese Islands
Hosting Nation: Taiwanese Islands
Invited Nations: Sharina, West Cedarbrook, Green Sun, Chimaea, New Stamford, Nutropinia and Vastiva
Primary Purpose: Discussing the terms for the Pact of North American States, and Partitioning North America

Terms of the Pact (Third Draft):

Article 1. The Peoples of North American States, with promoting Peace, Prosperity and Happiness across our nations in mind, to Defend our Sovereignty and Continent from foreign powers, put forth this pact

Article 2. Any aggression against any nation within the Americas by foreign powers shall be considered an attack upon all member-states of this Pact

Article 3. A Council of North American States shall be established; a.) to examine issues of common interest mediate in disputes; b.) to approve by a 2/3 majority of amendments to the Charter of the Pact as necessary; c.) the authority of which to be determined by the member-states of the Pact as they see fit; d.) participation in which shall be allowed for all current members of PNAS with the exception of those suspended

Article 4. Armed conflict amongst American nations is not prohibited but: a.) shall only be used as a last resort; b.) 48 hours notice must be given to all members of the Pact before the attack; c.) the neutral member-states of the Pact must hold an emergency session of the Council to discuss action

Article 5. Trade across the American Continent shall be promoted

Article 6. Citizens of each member-state shall be given the rite of passage without hinderance throughout the territories of other member-states, under the conditions that: a.) necessary and reasonable security measures may still apply; b.) member-states of the Pact shall coordinate border control efforts to combat the flow of illegal goods; and c.) member-states may rightfully detain anyone who has engaged in unlawful activities within their territories

Article 7. Equal respect shall be accorded to each member-state regardless of size and power

Partition Plans for North America (Fourth Draft):

This is the plans according to which lands will be recognized as belonging to a particular nation. However, those nations still have to bring those regions under control. That is, the member-states of the Pact of North American States will recognize these claims, but it is up to them to exert physical control over their claimed regions.

Signatory States of Pact of North American States (Fourth Update):

16-01-05 - Commonwealth of Taiwanese Islands, 3:27 AM GMT
16-01-05 - Kramden of West Cedarbrook, 10:56 PM GMT
17-01-05 - Free Land of New Stamford, 6:12 AM GMT
29-01-05 - Commonwealth of Chimaea, 9:11 AM GMT
29-01-05 - Technocracy of Sharina, 2:07 PM GMT
29-01-05 - Republic of Green Sun, 4:23 PM GMT
31-01-05 - Sultanate of Vastiva, 3:16 AM GMT
Green Sun
13-01-2005, 04:22
OOC: Woah. Trippy. Well, this is a bit of a surprise.
I cannot accept Massachusettes as my own. New Stamford is going to claim it and therefore it is rightfully his and the PNASP should recognize this as such. Otherwise I have no problems with it.
Taiwanese Islands
13-01-2005, 04:26
OOC: um.... I thought he was claiming Rhode Island and Connecticut? Or is he claiming all three?
West Cedarbrook
14-01-2005, 00:05
Our delegation is enroute to BWI Airport. It is headed by Secretary for External Affairs Ernest Klein.

The delegation will include three Senators (2 majority Libertarians, 1 opposition Conservative) and the Army Chief of Staff.

The Senate leadership in conference with the Administration have reviewed both the charter and proposed territorial division and look very favorably on this.

Joining the delegation as guests are:
From West Virginia:
Mayor of Wheeling
City Council President, Weirton
Mayor of Huntington
President, Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad
- These entities have repeatedly requested West Cedarbrook's assistance in transportation and commerce maintenance, and in protection from piracy for their waterborne commerce on the Ohio River. On their petition, West Virginia accession into the Kramden has been placed on the agenda in the West Virginia Assembly, and is under consideration in the Kramden.

From Iowa:
Directory of Development, University of Iowa

From Minnesota:
Athletic Director, University of Minnesota

These guests are eager to reconstitute the Big Ten conference on Earth III.

OOC: Outstanding job on the cartography!
Green Sun
14-01-2005, 01:38
((OOC: No, just Massachusettes. Please invite him to attend.))
Taiwanese Islands
14-01-2005, 04:38
OOC: Massachusettes will be given to New Stamford.


In light of the emergence of the new member, Taiwanese Islands proposes that the states of Rhode Island and Connecticut be given to New Stamford, in addition to its homeland Massachusettes.
14-01-2005, 19:10
~Official Sharina TAG of approval~

I'm quite interested in this RP, and I shall affix the Earth III stamp of approval on this RP.

I will post something IC in this RP within this weekend, rest assured. :)
14-01-2005, 19:50
OOC: Mind if I add those maps to my Incidents thread?
New Stamford
14-01-2005, 20:56
OOC: Sorry, I had computer trouble. All the data on my computer was lost, including all my music, which hurts the most of all.

New Stamford reigns over the former American states of Rhode Island, Connecticut, and (hopefully) Massachusetts, as well as the newly liberated island of Greenland (OOC again: I'm going to wrap that up as soon as I can).
Taiwanese Islands
14-01-2005, 22:55
updates; New Stamford added to map
Taiwanese Islands
14-01-2005, 23:01
OOC: Mind if I add those maps to my Incidents thread?

OOC: Not at all; but what are you using them for?

To New Stamford: Most heartfelt sympathy for your music files......
15-01-2005, 00:25
I feel I need to bring something up that is very important.

I need to know about inactive RP'ers in Earth III. So far, I haven't seen RP'ing or even comments from a few Earth III "players". Some of them include Casana.

One thing has been bothering me quite a bit in my time here. In all the practical Earth's, namely Earth II through V, there are a good number of people who just walk in, claim land, then never RP these lands or participate in these Earth's.

I want to avoid this, so if Casana doesn't post something, even a OOC reply to Earth III RP's within a week or two, then I will eliminate him from Earth III.

I'm going to eliminate inactive RP'ers off my Earth III listings once every month, and I will start my first round of eliminations by Valentine's Day (not counting Casana, as he is supposedly an important part of this RP).

Does this sound fair to you, guys?
15-01-2005, 00:47
OOC: Not at all; but what are you using them for?

To New Stamford: Most heartfelt sympathy for your music files......
OOC: Keeping track of who owns stuff in Earth III.
Green Sun
15-01-2005, 01:48
I feel I need to bring something up that is very important.

I need to know about inactive RP'ers in Earth III. So far, I haven't seen RP'ing or even comments from a few Earth III "players". Some of them include Casana.

One thing has been bothering me quite a bit in my time here. In all the practical Earth's, namely Earth II through V, there are a good number of people who just walk in, claim land, then never RP these lands or participate in these Earth's.

I want to avoid this, so if Casana doesn't post something, even a OOC reply to Earth III RP's within a week or two, then I will eliminate him from Earth III.

I'm going to eliminate inactive RP'ers off my Earth III listings once every month, and I will start my first round of eliminations by Valentine's Day (not counting Casana, as he is supposedly an important part of this RP).

Does this sound fair to you, guys?

I'm plenty active in NationStates, so I can stay active in this.
Also, have you mentioned Planets I in the E3 update, Shar?
Taiwanese Islands
15-01-2005, 09:47
I feel I need to bring something up that is very important.

I need to know about inactive RP'ers in Earth III. So far, I haven't seen RP'ing or even comments from a few Earth III "players". Some of them include Casana.

One thing has been bothering me quite a bit in my time here. In all the practical Earth's, namely Earth II through V, there are a good number of people who just walk in, claim land, then never RP these lands or participate in these Earth's.

I want to avoid this, so if Casana doesn't post something, even a OOC reply to Earth III RP's within a week or two, then I will eliminate him from Earth III.

I'm going to eliminate inactive RP'ers off my Earth III listings once every month, and I will start my first round of eliminations by Valentine's Day (not counting Casana, as he is supposedly an important part of this RP).

Does this sound fair to you, guys?

Seems quite fair to me. But I don't think you should exempt Casana; he apparently hasn't been to NS for 20 days..... Probably can't get my hopes high for Heosonfru either.
New Stamford
15-01-2005, 22:27
The New Stamford delegate's name is Graglox the Soul-Crusher. He was formerly Donovan Thurgan, but the Mayor changed it in the hopes that it might intimidate some people. However, he is having trouble leaving the Bridgeport airport because New Stamford had declared that it will annex the nation of Sunderby, whose government has collapsed, and the nation needs intervention soon. New Stamford is only too happy to help, because it kills two birds with one stone: One, we help some people; tow, we gain territory in Africa.

"Too soon" people might say, but the Mayor says "too sexy".
Taiwanese Islands
16-01-2005, 04:27
bump..... has anyone decided to sign yet?

The Taiwanese Senate has officially ratified the treaty.
New Stamford
16-01-2005, 18:38
I object to Article Two of the Pact which reads...

Any attack on any nation within the Americas shall be considered an attack upon all member-states of this Pact

The extra security of all of North America is nice, but I don't want to be dragged into a war over something that I don't care about. How about something like:

American nations who choose to go to war are required to temporarily ally themselves with other American nations participating in the war. If several nations are fighting on different sides, a meeting must be held, and a single side will be chosen. Nations are in no way required to go to war.

That sounds better to me.

Oh, and the maps in the Earth III news center show an entirely different American continent!
West Cedarbrook
16-01-2005, 21:36
I agree with New Stamford about Article 2.

I also recommend that we get this thing signed, or restrict the scope of the pact to inland and Atlantic North America. It appears other powers have designs on Pacific North America, per this thread:
Taiwanese Islands
16-01-2005, 23:37
Article two applies only when a foreign power invades America. The idea is that when an American nation went to war with someone else, PNAS is not required to give aid in anyway; but when a foreign power tries to move in, PNAS will push it back out.

At the moment none of us actually controls the partitioned territories, and to prevent other nations from claiming lands here I think it is an important function. I agree that we shall ratify this as soon as possible. May I suggest that we work out finer details later?
West Cedarbrook
16-01-2005, 23:56
Secretary Klein addresses the meeting:
"I have just gotten word that the Senate in Emergency Session has ratified the Pact. I will sign this on behalf of West Cedarbrook. Our guests from West Virginia need to return home. Accession of West Virginia to the Kramden is now on the fast track."

Klein walks to the podium, signs the treaty, shakes hands all around, and leaves.
Taiwanese Islands
17-01-2005, 00:07
updates; added signatory states section
Taiwanese Islands
17-01-2005, 00:15
Commonwealth Senator Robert Juns thanked West Cedarbrook Secretary Klein. Picking up a mobile, he relayed the good news to the Senate.

"The Pact of North American States is now officially formed," he told his colleagues. The Commonwealth had ratify the treaty earlier in the day, when he was told to urge other nations to to the same. "We may now send out our teams."

The Commowealth expects that all the states accorded to it will accept, if only after some negotiations. For this purpose 11 teams, each led by a senator and accompanied by 2 NSA analysts, 5 guards, 1 general and 3 ambassadors, have been sent to each state.

The integration of North America has begun.
New Stamford
17-01-2005, 07:12
The Mayor had a big celebration planned for the signing of the Pact, but several mysterious explosions in the capital made him decide not to. Instead, he signed it in the privacy of his office, with two witnesses.
17-01-2005, 11:28
OOC: I don't think I've yet officially been accepted to Earth III (I think Sharina missed out on putting my claim down) but I'll pretend here that I have. And umm... could you put those maps as links instead of images in the thread? It's just that they're soundly tearing up my borders =/


The Commonwealth of Chimaea is debating the treaty as of this moment. For the time being, please consider us as a friendly party to the Pact, pending a decision by her Ladyship Tanya Bryce, the Governor of Chimaea.

~Chimaean Foreign Ministry
17-01-2005, 17:10

I'll sign this North American charter in a couple of days for a few reasons.

1. See if Hefronosu will come back.

2. Update Chimea's claims into my Earth III listings (And a discussion with him regarding good claims)

3. A couple of people have asked to claim land in Western USA, namely Oregon and some other state, probably Nevada or Washington. I have to look through this as Taiwanese Islands would control both Western and Eastern seaboards of the USA.

Also we need to hammer out the final details of this pact, seeing that we'll need to modify it because of Heofnesu, Chimea, and the couple of new North American players.

At any rate, I'll IC'ly and OOC'ly sign this charter by Wed. making it official in Earth III after we work out these details that need to be fixed.
Taiwanese Islands
17-01-2005, 22:26
OOC: I don't think I've yet officially been accepted to Earth III (I think Sharina missed out on putting my claim down) but I'll pretend here that I have. And umm... could you put those maps as links instead of images in the thread? It's just that they're soundly tearing up my borders =/


The Commonwealth of Chimaea is debating the treaty as of this moment. For the time being, please consider us as a friendly party to the Pact, pending a decision by her Ladyship Tanya Bryce, the Governor of Chimaea.

~Chimaean Foreign Ministry

OOC: half the time they showed up as links and the other half of the time as images.............
18-01-2005, 02:05
2. Update Chimea's claims into my Earth III listings (And a discussion with him regarding good claims)

That sounds ominous o.O I'll telegram you after posting this.

Taiwanese Islands: do they use the [img] or the [url] tags?
Taiwanese Islands
18-01-2005, 06:29
[img], but I've changed them to [url] now
Taiwanese Islands
29-01-2005, 00:26
gee..... I guess I'll assume that everyone has signed.....?
29-01-2005, 00:44
gee..... I guess I'll assume that everyone has signed.....?

I wanted to resume this RP. But there's a problem or two.

1. Vastiva claimed Alaska.
2. Casana is inactive.
3. Hefronsu is inactive.
4. New player in Hefronsu's place (roughly same holdings).

So we need to RP it out, make modifications and such.
West Cedarbrook
29-01-2005, 03:08
Is Green Sun going to join? It looks like another RP is possible in Canada, and sounds pretty gory, too.
29-01-2005, 08:07
Article 2. Any attack on any nation within the Americas shall be considered an attack upon all member-states of this Pact

Recognising the nature of Article 2, in that it's directed towards a foreign power interfereing with a North American nation, Chimaea ratifies this without reservation.

Article 3. A Council of North American States shall be established and examine issues of common interest for the member-states of the Pact, or mediate between disputing states

Chimaea accepts Article 3, but needs more information concerning the powers of the Council in a practical context before ratification.

[OOC: like will it have authority and power to enforce a decision, or take two parties forceably to the negotiating table and so forth]

Article 4. War amongst American nations is not prohibited but shall only be used as a last resort

Chimaea requests clarification on the word 'war'. The Chimaean Constitution enables the Commonwealth to take whatever actions necessary to secure and protect Commonwealth interests and defend the Commonwealth against threats, external and internal. This might provide a clash with Article 4, and Chimaea may have to place a reservation on this Article.

Article 5. Trade across the American Continent shall be promoted

Chimaea accepts and ratifies this Article without reservation.

Article 6. Citizens of each member-state shall be given the rite of passage without hinderance throughout the territories of other member-states

Chimaea needs more information on this Article before ratification. We feel that the article should be more clear and limitting than the current text provides.

Article 7. Equal respect shall be accorded to each member-state regardless of size and power

Chimaea accepts and ratifies this Article without reservation.

OOC: The way it works is this. When it comes to international treaties or whatever, Chimaea can ratify the treaty but it needs to be enacted into domestic legislation before it becomes effective. I modelled Chimaea's Parliamentary and legal system losely on Australia's.
Taiwanese Islands
29-01-2005, 08:11
Okay, I've updated the maps again, to include the two new comers. So far we are waiting for Green Sun, Vastiva, Sharina and Nutropinia.
Taiwanese Islands
29-01-2005, 08:30
OOC: I'm changing the wording of the charter a bit to make the meanings more clear.


Taiwanese Islands Delegation to Chimaean Representatives:

1. For article 3, Taiwanese Islands suggests that the Council of North American States be a loose organisation that provides a forum for the member-states of PNAS, the authority of which may or may not be accepted by each member ,depending on circumstances.

2. For article 4, Taiwanese Islands intends that PNAS members may legally take military actions against each other whenever they want, but that hopefully conflicts can be straightened out thorugh diplomatic channels

(OOC: it is well and fine to say 'only as a last resort', but a nation can claim that war is the only option any time they want....)

3. For article 6, Taiwanese Islands considers that such a treatment is standard for nations with friendly relationships; the intention being that citizens of PNAS nations will not be unnecessarily detained, though the usual security measures will of course stukk apply

(OOC: a bit like the sort of thing New Zealand and Australia has.... and I think you can see similar phrases in just about any passports anyway)

We hope that these will answer your questions. For the meantime, we will consider Chimaea as having signed the Pact.
29-01-2005, 08:45
Article 1. The Peoples of North American States, with promoting Peace, Prosperity and Happiness across our nations in mind, to Defend our Sovereignty and Continent from foreign powers, put forth this pact

I have no reservations regarding this. This article has passed the Hall of Logic without opposition, and final ratification has just been passed by yours truly.

Article 2. Any attack on any nation within the Americas shall be considered an attack upon all member-states of this Pact

Again, I have no reservations regarding this. We need to protect North America aganist possible Superpowers in Europe, Asia, Africa, or Australia. Ratification has been passed.

Article 3. A Council of North American States shall be established and examine issues of common interest for the member-states of the Pact, or mediate between disputing states

I must propose that a council of no less than four members shall be established, to avoid favoritism, and to represent North America more fully. Once this is added, ratification is guanatreed by me and my Hall of Logic.

Article 4. War amongst American nations is not prohibited but shall only be used as a last resort

I agree to this with several exceptions.

First, should a nation degenrate into anarchy and chaos, we must restore order to it to avoid anarchy spreading to other nations in North America.

Second, if two nations disagree in politics and ideologies so strongly that it becomes a Vendetta, or any type of Vendetta occurs, then a Council must be held to discuss action.

Once these issues are addressed, and the resolution is satisicatory, then I shall ratify this.

Article 5. Trade across the American Continent shall be promoted

Ratified without question.

Article 6. Citizens of each member-state shall be given the rite of passage without hinderance throughout the territories of other member-states

I have one concern to address with this issue.

Potential spies or smuggling. We need some kind of control or at least some kind of monitoring system to ensure that spies don't cross borders with state secrets, or smugglers cross borders with illegal drugs or contraband.

Once this issue is addressed within my satisifcation, then it shall be ratified.

Article 7. Equal respect shall be accorded to each member-state regardless of size and power

Ratified without question.

Once all my concerns raised above have been dealt with, then Sharina shall ratify this Pact fully. As it stands, Sharina has ratified points #1, #2, #5, and #7. Points #3, #4, and #6 needs to be addressed in more detail.

I look forward to contributing Sharina strength to the unity of North America.

Live well and prosper,
~President Rand Veristek
29-01-2005, 09:37
Ab-shalom and greetings;

We thank Sharina for its kind invitation to this discussion.

For the time being, we will trust to their judgement, mirror their acceptances and reservations on articles 3, 4, and 6.

We would like to add, a plan for a transcontinental highway and rail system to go along with article 5 should be pursued at a later time.

It is not that we have no interest in attending, but rather we trust their judgement in these things and do so without reservation. The discussion to follow should be more then sufficient for us to place a physical signator in your presence.

Go in Peace,

Governor Cellis Maraque von Iblis
Nunam Iqua, colony of Alaska III
Humble Servant of His Magnificence, the Sultan of Vastiva
29-01-2005, 10:11
In regards to the revised Pact:

Article 2. Any aggression against any nation within the Americas by foreign powers shall be considered an attack upon all member-states of this Pact

Chimaea agrees and ratifies Article 2 without reservation and will adopt it into our Defence policy.

Article 3. A Council of North American States shall be established to examine issues of common interest and mediate in disputes, the authority of which to be determined by the member-states of the Pact as they see fit

Chimaea agrees and ratifies Article 3 without reservation. Legislation concerning Chimaean participation is being developed.

Article 4. Armed conflict amongst American nations is not prohibited but shall only be used as a last resort

Chimaea agrees and ratifies Article 4 without reservation.

Article 5. Trade across the American Continent shall be promoted

Chimaea had ratified Article 5 without reservation and is working on drafting a Bill for the next sitting of Parliament so that this Article may be enacted under domestic law.

Article 6. Citizens of each member-state shall be given the rite of passage without hinderance throughout the territories of other member-states, though necessary security measures may still apply

Chimaea agrees and ratifies this Article, although we reserve the right to maintain the security of the Commonwealth as per the Constitution, with all due sensitivity to the Pact and its member-states. Any domestic legislation enacted on this Article will reflect this.

Article 7. Equal respect shall be accorded to each member-state regardless of size and power

Chimaea has ratified this Article and will adopt this policy through its diplomatic and governmental channels.


Furthering Vastiva's suggestion of a transcontinental transport network, Chimaea suggests a standardisation on civilian communications and transport infrastructure to fascilitate the Pact.
Taiwanese Islands
29-01-2005, 10:31
The Charter of PNAS has been revised again. Please check if the new terms satisfies the concerns of your nations.
Taiwanese Islands
29-01-2005, 10:36
OOC: sorry about the changes..... they are mostly just more clarification, though

IC: in response to Vastiva's proposition, Taiwanese Islands suggests that we raise the issue in the Council after the Pact has been concluded.
29-01-2005, 10:44
Article 4. Armed conflict amongst American nations is not prohibited but: a.) shall only be used as a last resort; b.) 48 hours notice must be given to all members of the Pact before the attack; c.) the neutral member-states of the Pact must hold an emergency session of the Council to discuss action

Chimaea has reservations for Article 4. b.) and Article 4. c.). We feel that 48 hours notice will be strategically and tactically unsound in many military operations [OOC: unless you meant an OOC notice, of course] and we need further clarification of the emergency session clause: what avenues of 'action' could be taken by these neutral member-states within the Council, and whether this means that the Council is in fact not a "loose organisation that provides a forum for the member-states of PNAS" with authority being optional to the nations involved, but something akin to NATO or the UN.
Vastivan Alaska
29-01-2005, 11:34
OOC: When in doubt, make a puppet.
Taiwanese Islands
29-01-2005, 11:39
We felt that a notice is apporpriate for such situations. However, it is true that 48 hours may be too long. What about adjusting it into giving notice any time prior to the actual attack?

For the emergency session, our position is that article 3 still applies and the member-states can accept jurisdiction voluntarily. But the clause was put forth by Sharina, and we do not fully understand their opinion on the matter. We do suggest, however, that the clause be modified into "...emergency session of the Council to discuss responses".
29-01-2005, 15:07
I find the new revisions to #3, #4, and #6 more acceptable. I shall personally ratify #3 and #6 immediately, and for issue #4, it shall be ratified with the stipulation that it be modified and put into more detail as the Pact gets underway.

Sharina shall thereby ratify the North American Pact immediately, with a slight delay in Issue #4.

Vastiva's idea of an integrated highway and railroad system for clause #5 is seconded by Sharina.

Live well and prosper
~President Rand Veristek
Green Sun
29-01-2005, 17:23
Article 5. Trade across the American Continent shall be promoted
Green Sun will provide this for ALL nations that have signed this pact.
It's really pointless to disagree with it, really. It was his idea, we're just agreeing to it.
West Cedarbrook
29-01-2005, 21:18
West Cedarbrook is pleased with the activation of the Pact. The clarification of the articles is in line with our view of the agreement, and with our Civil Law.

We will be moving soon to organize territories assigned to us under the pact. These are:

Western Territory:
Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana (OOC: including dang quesedillas!)

Southern Territory:
Kentucky, Tennessee

We also request that Nutropinia join the pact as soon as possible. There is concern over the possibility of conflict in Canada, with whom we share a large border.
Taiwanese Islands
30-01-2005, 03:56
Green Sun will provide this for ALL nations that have signed this pact.
It's really pointless to disagree with it, really. It was his idea, we're just agreeing to it.

um..... its not like I'm actually forcing anyone......

this is like, a typical international thing..........
Taiwanese Islands
30-01-2005, 08:08
New Stamford
30-01-2005, 08:23
I would just like the North American community to know that the Mayor has just finished a speech in Boston urging the Massachusetts Council to allow New Stamford to peacefully annex them.
West Cedarbrook
31-01-2005, 00:25
West Cedarbrook is assuming suzerainty over Kentucky and Tennessee.
31-01-2005, 01:10
OOC: So, done deal?
31-01-2005, 02:45
OOC: So, done deal?

Pretty much, yeah... except need to discuss Issue #4 some more but that's for later as we can RP conferences and the like.
31-01-2005, 04:16
OOC: In that case...


Howdy, Y'all!

Attached is a copy of Vastiva's signatory to the Baltimore Convention, with the caveats that (1) Article 4 will be discussed in further depth at a later time, and (2) active pursuit of Article 5 will be undertaken by all nations, with the construction of international (a) highways; (b) railroads; and (c) pipelines all taking precedence in the signatory nations.

We'll be sendin' roun' some Alaskan Smoked Lager to all capitals as a sign of our earnestness. Drinks is on us!

Governor Cellis Maraque von Iblis
Nunam Iqua, colony of Alaska III
Humble Servant of His Magnificence, the Sultan of Vastiva
Taiwanese Islands
31-01-2005, 09:41
OOC: Phew, glad we've finally sorted it out

IC: With the ratification of the treaty by almost every North American State, Taiwanese Islands declares the Baltimore Convention to be a complete success. A team will still stay behind for another month or two, in case Nutropinia will send representatives, but the bulk of the Commonwealth delegation are going off to New Zealand for a well deserved holiday.

Meanwhile, Taiwanese Islands military prepares to secyre the nation's newly acquired lands on the East Coast. Despite wishes to make the process peaceful, the Commonwealth does not want to take chances, and Congress has finally approved military plans for a 30 division strong Land Force.

Its only a matter of time before the recruits finished training.........
31-01-2005, 14:22
We are sorry but we were just informed of the conference. We will be sending a team of delegates immediately via private plane to Baltimore in order to ratify the treaty. We will ratify the treaty as it is but would it be possible to add a section affirming the right of every country in North America to possess Nuclear weapons. Thank you. If not the treaty will be ratified nonetheless.
Taiwanese Islands
31-01-2005, 15:29
Taiwanese Islands suggest that the issue of nukes be raised in a meeting of the Council at a later date. The addition of such a section may unnecessarily cause more complications.
01-02-2005, 00:07
That is fine with us.

OOC: Does anyone want to do an RP with me concerning Nuclear Testing in the Canadian Tundra/Sea?
01-02-2005, 00:13
01-02-2005, 06:08
01-02-2005, 09:47
That is fine with us.

OOC: Does anyone want to do an RP with me concerning Nuclear Testing in the Canadian Tundra/Sea?

OOC: You shoot off nukes in our waters, we're going to be a might upset with you. We fish there!
01-02-2005, 13:50
OOC: Does anyone want to do an RP with me concerning Nuclear Testing in the Canadian Tundra/Sea?

OOC: I'd love to RP it with you, but it would mean:

a) Chimaea would be against it and will sanction you for it;

b) Chimaea will be taking it as a thread to our stability and enter into a nuclear arms race (ooh this sounds good!);

c) Chimaea will ignore it/create a nuclear alliance with you. This is probably the least likely one lol.

Keep in mind I have an idea for an RP to do with the Canadian tundra on our side (a secret testing fascility and so forth) so this might tie in with b). If you want to go ahead with it, I'll chose one of these three options, depending on the kind of relations we'll have. Telegram me about it, if you like.
New Stamford
01-02-2005, 19:08
That is fine with us.

OOC: Does anyone want to do an RP with me concerning Nuclear Testing in the Canadian Tundra/Sea?

If you do, I suppose I will have to get involved due to Greenland's (I own Greenland) proximity to the area and the effects it might have on fishing.
01-02-2005, 19:09
OOC: I am pretty sure I am going to conduct the tests on land as they will harm my fisheries as well if I do not. But, the fallout might harm Greenland and you might have to get involved. I am not sure where this RP is going yet, I am waiting for Chimaea to telgram me back.
New Stamford
01-02-2005, 19:16
OOC:What is the purpose of this test? If it is to create weapons, at the least I'll insist on having a few observers. Also, if an alliance is forged I'd like to get in on that, too. New Stamford owns a few old Atom Bombs, but nothing modern.
01-02-2005, 19:18
OOC: I have no idea yet. I still have to discuss this with Chimaea. And yes it would be to create new weapons, but no we do not let observers in.
01-02-2005, 22:51

It'd be best if you guys conducted nuclear tests underground, as it has far less impact on the enviroment, much less radiation contimating the air and water, etc.
02-02-2005, 12:26
OOC: Sorry to keep you waiting... it was so hot today I kind of blacked out or something. Was asleep right through the afternoon =/

Anyways. Against all probability, I support option C) now. I've TGed you, Nutropinia. As for the rest of you, we could totally get a good RP out of this--it'd be the biggest threat to North American stability yet :)
West Cedarbrook
03-02-2005, 13:41
OOC: Sorry to keep you waiting... it was so hot today I kind of blacked out or something. Was asleep right through the afternoon =/

Anyways. Against all probability, I support option C) now. I've TGed you, Nutropinia. As for the rest of you, we could totally get a good RP out of this--it'd be the biggest threat to North American stability yet :)
OOC: Sounds like a good RP. TG me when this is about to start.
New Stamford
03-02-2005, 20:36
TG me, too.