NationStates Jolt Archive

Peace Talks (Intelligent Neighbors, Neuvo Rica and Psychopathic Warmonger)

Intelligent Neighbors
12-01-2005, 19:43
Meeting Hall

Jupp Link sat on his plush chair, and waited for the other diplomats to enter the room. He would of course salute the Psychopathic Warmonger man, but the Neuvo Rican would not recieve this honour.
Neuvo Rica
12-01-2005, 21:43
The first problem to be bought up was decided by the Neuvo Rican representative. That was what each nation wanted out of a peace treaty.
Neuvo Rican terms -
No Land Loss.
Military arms reduction
Free elections.
The Removal of all IN and PW forces from Neuvo Rica. ( Each nation may maintain a base in Neuvo Rica)

If both other nations place terms then agreements can be reached.
Intelligent Neighbors
12-01-2005, 22:06
Jupp Links response to the terms:

No Land Loss: Drakkensburg is fiercely anti-communist, and pledges have been made to them to defend them from the NR government. The city will need to remain in the care of IN and PW forces. The city could be seen as compensation for the people you murdered.

Military Arms Reduction: Your army shall not exceed 1 million armed men (frontline troops).

Free Elections: The first 5 elections will be overseen by IN and PW forces, to ensure fairness.

The Removal of all IN and PW Forces: Because of the need to protect Drakkensburg and oversee the elections, forces will need to remain. Maximum of 200,000 men each.
Psychopathic Warmonger
13-01-2005, 09:54
The PW delegate, Chief Ambassador Heinrich Spahr, remained silent as the first points were put forward by the Neuvo Rican delegate:

"No Land Loss.
Military arms reduction
Free elections.
The Removal of all IN and PW forces from Neuvo Rica. ( Each nation may maintain a base in Neuvo Rica)"

He moved slightly in his plush seat and pondered, thinking about his governments position on these terms. However the Intelligent Neighbors delegate was first to speak:

"No Land Loss: Drakkensburg is fiercely anti-communist, and pledges have been made to them to defend them from the NR government. The city will need to remain in the care of IN and PW forces. The city could be seen as compensation for the people you murdered.

Military Arms Reduction: Your army shall not exceed 1 million armed men (frontline troops).

Free Elections: The first 5 elections will be overseen by IN and PW forces, to ensure fairness.

The Removal of all IN and PW Forces: Because of the need to protect Drakkensburg and oversee the elections, forces will need to remain. Maximum of 200,000 men each."

Now the terms were clear and Spahr spoke to his colleagues.

"The terms put forward by the IN candidate are similar in the stance taken by my country. Drakkensburg must be kept seperate to avoid any repitition of the violence seen before. The reduction in troops is a sensible suggestion but my leader feels that a reduction in vehicles and materiel is also required if another war is to be stopped.

The free elections match my governments view and as for the Removal of IN and PW troops, we feel that this is unacceptable due to the high feelings and potential enemies still roaming NR. We propose that forces must remain in Neuvo Rica to oversee elections and the rebuilding of the country but may be removed slowly at a later date once NR has regained its stability.

However, we must insist of a setting up of a trade/protection pact between our three nations and the continuing friendship between our nations leaders."

Having stated his terms, Spahr leaned back and listened to his counterparts feedback.
Neuvo Rica
13-01-2005, 19:41
In the hall...

After putting forward enemy demands to Sierra Argento the Neuvo Rican representative stands:

These terms are mainly acceptable. There are however two queries, how long shall the army reduction remain in practice? and What political parties are allowed in the "free" elections?

1 further demand is that southern drakensburg is retained under Neuvo Rican control. The southern half (or the Nibelheim) region is an area traditionally loyal to the Neuvo Ricans. Unlike its northern neighbour (Drakensburg itself) it remained loyal throughout the conflict. It is the home of the Eston - i - an soviet and an area with strong ties to Neuvo Rica. It was the earliest area to support communist uprising.
Intelligent Neighbors
13-01-2005, 21:13
"The arms reduction will remain in place for 20 years, to ensure that no extreme governments come to power by force. Any parties may participate in the elections, provided that there is no violence commited or endorsed by them."

"If you so demand that South Drakkensburg be kept, then there will have to land elsewhere that will be taken. I suggest either Seirra Argento or Veracruz, whichever our PW friends feel most comfortable with."
Psychopathic Warmonger
14-01-2005, 12:03
Spahr leaned back in his chair and mused.

"We are happy with all of the conditions so far, as for the land elsewhere we put forward Veracruz seeing as it is still in PW/IN hands."
Neuvo Rica
14-01-2005, 20:09
Very well then, take veracruz, it is a ghost town anyway. Sierra Argento refuses to sign a trade pact with PW and IN.As interim leader Matyas Kadar has drawn up plans for elections, the following parties shall run:

The Neuvo Rican Workers Front
Status: Extreme Left
Focuses: Industrial Buildup
Candidate: Tempestro Mephiston
Background: This is a communist party, however this is more extreme than either of the two previous leaderships. With plans to turn Neuvo Rica into an economic superpower, this is popular with the working classes.

Republican Party
Status: Centre
Focuses: Stabilising NR, Making a Wealthy Nation, Increasing foreign investment.
Candidate: Inheim Razenburg
Background: Heavily oppresed under the Communists, this party aims to turn Neuvo Rica into a fair capitalist state. This party is unpopular with some Neuvo Ricans due to its lack of having a plan to build up power.

Neuvo Rican Nationalist Front
Status: Right Wing
Focus: Making Neuvo Rica powerful and re - exerting influence over puppet states.
Candidate: Klanas Rakosi
Background: This party is the representative wing of a Wehrmacht styled paramilitary force known to be operating in Drakensburg. With strong focuses on the buildup of Neuvo Rican power.


If the IN and PW leaders feel that any specific parties have been left out of these plans, then please do not hesitate to make your own entries. PUPPET RULERS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, you must remember that this peace has been reached out of our own choice and if necessary we are capable of returning to war.


ooc: How long is 20 NS years in RL time?
Neuvo Rica
15-01-2005, 12:54
After debating, the neuvo rican representative stands...

"Then may each nation agree on these terms, and there shall be no going back or changing these:
- Army size 1000000 front line fighters
- North Drakensburg and Veracruz ceded
- Free Elections
- A IN and PW peacekeeping force shall remain in the following areas: Nordangger, Santiago and Rakvere.

Here are the terms, once each nation has agreed a new age of peace may begin".
Intelligent Neighbors
15-01-2005, 12:59
Jupp Link thinks for a while, before exiting the room and reporting to his superiors.
Psychopathic Warmonger
17-01-2005, 09:41
As the IN party leave to consult with their government, the PW delegate turns to speak more directly with the Neuvo Rican candidate.

"I am puzzled at your government's refusal to sign a trade pact with us, surely it can only benifit our three nations. I must ask that you explain yourself"

Spahr looked across the room at the NR man as he waited indignantly for an answer.
Neuvo Rica
17-01-2005, 21:16
There was a perfectly good answer to the question placed before the NR delegate:

"The nations of IN and PW have caused enough trouble, we want no further dealing with these nations. We would be obliged if each nation could comply with the terms laid down. These are what we deem to be fair, and the wishes of both IN and PW have been taken into account, maybe then we can move onto elections".
Psychopathic Warmonger
18-01-2005, 09:44
IC: The PW candidate listened to the answer and nodded gradually as he digested the words.

"Although I am powerless to change your mind, I cannot say I share the same view. However this is the wish of your government and that shall be grudgingly respected.

On the subject of elections, I am concerned at the lack of democratic parties applying for the leadership. You appear to have 2 extreme parties and only 1 middle party. I know my nation is not one to shout about fairness but, given the trouble extreme governments have recently given you, doesn't this concern you? I'm sure the last thing your people want is another oppressive government causing more problems."

OOC: I don't know how long 20 NS years is in RL, sorry :(
Intelligent Neighbors
18-01-2005, 14:05
OOC: 20 years = about a month.

IC: Jupp Links walks back into the room and announces his news:

"We have no problem with the agreement, but we would like to propose an arms reduction to 500,000 armed troops until the elections have ended, and 1 million thereafter. Also, no mor than 1,000 tanks and 200 aircraft shall be used. No ICBM missiles or MRBM missiles shall be owned.

The cities of Veracruz and Drakkensburg will become property of Intelligent Neighbors and Psychopathic Warmonger permanently. Our troops will be allowed to move through the entire nation freely to ensure no insurgents attack us, and that the arms reduction is fair."

These are our terms.
Psychopathic Warmonger
18-01-2005, 14:54
Heinrich Spahr stood as the Intelligent Neighbors ambassador returned to his seat, only settling once his friend and ally had sat down.

As the Neuvo Rican envoy pondered his previous question he nodded in agreement as the terms were read out, speaking when they had been finished.

"On behalf of the Fourth Reich of Psychopathic Warmonger, I agree to the terms hereby laid out, they are deemed to be fair by my government"

Once again the room fell silent as the response was thought about by the NR party.
Neuvo Rica
18-01-2005, 21:26
The Neuvo Rican delegate radios the Terms to Sierra Argento...

Delegate: They want a 500 000 man reduction until elections are over. ICBMs are to be gotten rid of, they want us to reduce tanks and airforce size".

Radio:"WHAT!? Are they crazy!? How in gods name are we to control a nation this size with 200 aircraft and 1000 tanks!?"

Delegate: It is what they want

Radio: We cant, further arms reductions are out of the question, we shall get rid of the ICBMs, we'll send them to the puppet states, for safe keeping.

Delegate: Yes, and the terretorial demands?

Radio: Let them have it, we dont need those 2 ghost towns, as long as it keeps them happy.

Back in the hall...

"No, the Neuvo Rican army shall remain at 1000000 front line soldiers. The Number of tanks used shall stay at 5000 and there shall be no airforce restrictions. We shall comply with your ICBM and MRBM demands, all Neuvo Rican Nuclear weapons shall remain without missiles to carry them".

"The IN and PW delegates must understand that Neuvo Rica is a huge country, very difficult to control, and with an army of 500 000 we will lose control of Northern regions".
Intelligent Neighbors
18-01-2005, 21:39
"You will not lose control of those regions, as our forces are here to keep the peace. You will turn over all nuclear weapons to us for safekeeping, otherwise we cannot be sure that none will be used. You will reduce your tank and airforce size, in compliance with our wishes. We will keep the items for safe keeping. Your manpower will be reduced to 750,000, a compromise.

In addition, we are worried about your purchasing of new weapons from known communists, for example:

The people's republic of Neuvo Rica wishes to make a second order:

2000 T -94
2500 T - 95

This, with your existing number of tanks makes for a number over 5,000, which is your proposed amount. This will not stand, please reconsider your hasty and provocative actions.
Psychopathic Warmonger
19-01-2005, 14:32
Spahr shuffled uneasily in his chair as the hall became more agitated.

"The Fuhrer is equally worried about the purchases of new weapons and the refusal to meet our terms. We understand the concerns about the safety of your nation but, as Mr Link so rightly says, we will maintain peace-keeping forces ready until stability is restored.

We, in particular, feel that if one of the more extreme parties were to take power then these weapons and extra men would not be used in a sensible manner"
Neuvo Rica
19-01-2005, 21:39
"The Weapons transferred to us by the Communist nations shall remain unmanned until restrictions are lifted.

We shall not transfer any nuclear weapons to you. We cannot trust you with them, they shall be given to puppet states. These countries are neutral and have little to do with Neuvo Rica.

We agree with the compromise of 750 000 men, however, to reduce the size of our armoured corps as much as you are requesting, is madness. 1000 tanks are nowhere near enough support for an army of 750 000 soldiers.

We shall reduce our airforce size as you wish, however once elections are over it shall increase in size. 200 planes is not enough to defend Neuvo Rica.

These terms are deemed fair by Neuvo Rica".
Psychopathic Warmonger
20-01-2005, 09:45
"Neuvo Rica, your terms are unnacceptable to our government, and we refuse to sign it. The idea of the arms reduction is to ensure the future safety of your people and others and NOT so you can just re-build your armed forces once we have left.

And as for the nuclear weapons and ICBM's, they will not be handed over to any 'puppet' states but will be destroyed and your nation prevented from acquiring anymore for 20 NS years.

The terms set down by Intelligent Neighbours and Psychopathic Warmonger are as follows:

-750,000 armed troops until the elections have ended, and 1 million thereafter. No more than 1,000 tanks
-No more than 200 aircraft shall be used.
-No ICBM missiles or MRBM missiles shall be owned.

The cities of Veracruz and Drakkensburg will become property of Intelligent Neighbors and Psychopathic Warmonger permanently. Our troops will be allowed to move through the entire nation freely to ensure no insurgents attack us, and that the arms reduction is fair.

Futher compromises may be reached but these are the basic terms"
Neuvo Rica
20-01-2005, 10:00
"The People's Republic of Neuvo Rica agrees with these terms, all nuclear weapons will be handed to puppet states for 20 years, they shall not be destroyed, they are an integral part of Neuvo Rican defense".
Intelligent Neighbors
21-01-2005, 12:34
"No, we demand that the weapons be handed over to us, if they are not they will be destroyed. We will keep the weapons safe for you until it is deemed necessary and you have proven your nations reformation."
Psychopathic Warmonger
21-01-2005, 14:37
Spahr nodded his head and grunted to signal his agreement with the Intelligent Neighbors ambassador.

"The terms we have set out are very clear. There will be no deviations"
Neuvo Rica
22-01-2005, 11:37
"and may we ask why it is you want these weapons so much?"
Intelligent Neighbors
24-01-2005, 13:23
We do not want these weapons for ourselves, we only seek to prevent rebelious members of Neuvo Rica harming others with them. You will get them back when the nation is stable.
Psychopathic Warmonger
24-01-2005, 15:33
The PW candidate added to the conversation,

"The Neuvo Rican Government really must understand the motives behind our terms. Although there is no denying the recent history between our nations, we are seeking only to prevent a flare-up of hostilities with us or any other nation.

I'm sure you'll agree that in a volatile environment such as your nation, where armed insurgents still terrorise and threaten to 'tip the apple-cart' so to speak the last thing that should be done is to make available WMD's.

The weapons we speak of will be safeguarded BUT NOT USED, and kept until an atmosphere of calm prevails over your nation and the recent violence and anger stops clouding your judgement"
Neuvo Rica
25-01-2005, 21:03
"We can assure you that our judgment is not clouded in any way. By handing weapons to our puppets the same results will be achieved, without us having to give huge numbers of weapons to our former enemies".

"These nations have the judgment to know when peace has prevailed in Neuvo Rica, and only then would they give them back. The nations are not puppets in a literal sense (only that I run them on NS), and Neuvo Rica is in no position to order them".

"You must understand that the people of Neuvo Rica would rather see them in the hands of a neutral nation than in the safekeeping of a nation that It had recently been engaged in a bloody conflict with".

"Whilst we are certain that you would remain true to your word we do not want to hand over all our WMDs to you".
Psychopathic Warmonger
27-01-2005, 09:48
"Very well, we do not wish to stir things up again but you can be sure that we will be monitoring your weapons with the greatest suspicion.

Are there any other points to be discussed or shall we begin drawing up the final document?"

The final question was addressed to everyone in the hall.
Neuvo Rica
27-01-2005, 20:29
"That is all, now work may begin on the final document, at least as far as Neuvo Rica is concerned".
Psychopathic Warmonger
28-01-2005, 12:51
Spahr left the room for a few minutes to radio back his progress in the negotiations to CoP HQ before returning promptly and retaking his seat.

"Our government is also ready to begin work on the final treaty"

All eyes were now on the IN man.
Intelligent Neighbors
28-01-2005, 14:10

I just wrote a huge post for an hour, then deleted it!

Here is a summary:

-750,000 men, 1,000 tanks, 200 Aircraft for 20 years.
-The cities of Veracruz and Drakkensburg will become property of Intelligent Neighbors and Psychopathic Warmonger permanently.
-Our troops will be allowed to move through the entire nation freely for 20 years.
-Our troops will be allowed access to anywhere in NR, and can arrest and detain anyone indefinately if they pose a threat to us or free elections.
-The three parties running for election are: Democrat, Republican and Labour. No extremes.... more later.
Neuvo Rica
28-01-2005, 20:10
ooc: 1 hr? ... That is a bummer...

Ic: The Neuvo Rican representative stands to acknowledge the terms laid down by the foreign representatives:

"The Nation of Neuvo Rica will agree to these terms laid down by the representative from Intelligent Neighbours".

"The Nation of Neuvo Rica shall abide by these terms, and upon the acknowledgement of these by both the IN and PW delegates, all Neuvo Rican troops shall be withdran from frontline positions".

"We are now happy for elections to be planned".
Intelligent Neighbors
30-01-2005, 12:32
... no extreme governments will be allowed to run.
-War Crime Trials will be held immediately, the people involved are:
Military Leaders
The brother of the ex leader (who executed rebels)
Matyas Kadar (killed rebels)
Neuvo Rican Northern Army command officer (ordered execution of civilians)
All Jagerkommando men involved in the execution of captured men.
Jager Leaders
Jager Officers
Government Members involved in executions/sending people to other nations against their will.
-Punishments include detention, execution and fines. The judges will be three people, one from Intelligent Neighbors, one from Pschopathic Warmonger and General Q' atana from Neuvo Rica.

^Completed summary. Do yuo still agree?
Neuvo Rica
30-01-2005, 18:44
"Neuvo Rica complies with these further terms, there are 2 problems however, the brother of the ex - leader fled the capital with 60 000 men, of whom 52 129 are still loyal to him. He is still in hiding in the north of the country, reaking havoc and attempting to incite rebellion".

"Furthermore, we request that although Matyas Kadar is awaiting trial, he is not sentenced to execution, if it were not for this man it is likely there would still be fighting".

"Otherwise we respect the terms laid down by Intelligent Neighbours".
Intelligent Neighbors
31-01-2005, 11:07
It is good to see your government acting fairly upon our terms. We wish to assure you that Matyas Kadar will not face execution, as he has done a great deal to help end this war. He will still stand trial for war crimes however.

The rebels you speak of in the north will be destroyed by our forces as soon as we have a chance to under this agreement. The brother of the ex-leader (name please?) will be captured and executed. Any aid from your legitimate government that supports the planned reform as to the wherabouts of these rebels, will be rewarded.

Our thanks to Neuvo Rica,
Intelligent Neighbors

OOC: Just waiting for PW to agree then. When he has posted, I will create a new thread about what is happing in the post-war Neuvo Rica, for example the trials and arrests.
Neuvo Rica
31-01-2005, 12:45
ooc: Sorted...

"Upon the agreement of PW we shall despatch 20 000 Troops to help deal with the communists in the north ( Alejandro Mephiston is the leader). Although exact whereabouts are unknown, there have been rumours of terror brigades striking villages north of Concepcion, in the Talavera moutains".

Now the Neuvo Rican delegate turned towards the PW representative, who had yet to agree upon the plans...
Psychopathic Warmonger
01-02-2005, 09:45
OOC: Sorry 'bout the break - I started my weekend job again so getting online at the weekends is a bit harder :)
Btw, could someone remind me of how many troops PW and IN were allowed to keep in Neuvo Rica? Thanks.

IC: The PW guy sat back in his high backed chair and remained oddly quiet as the terms were read out and only looked up and thought about answering when the room was completely silent and it became apparent that they were waiting for his final agreement.

Spahr mentally went back over the terms hammered out over the course of the meeting and the brief given to him by his government prior to this gathering before making his choice.

"The Fourth Reich of Psychopathic Warmonger formally agrees with all of the terms hereby laid out and will do everything it can to abide by them."

Spahr looked around at the other nations representatives as they gathered for the signing of the treaty.
Intelligent Neighbors
01-02-2005, 12:20
OOC: 200,000 men each I think. NR, when will you have carried out the disarmament by?

IC: Jupp Link smiled inside, the agreement had been signed. Now it would be time to report to his masters back in Intelligent Neighbors.
Neuvo Rica
01-02-2005, 13:22
"Disarmemant will be completed in about three days time, all aircraft apart from the 200 are either being destroyed or converted for civil use".

"We are ready to hold elections now that every nation has agreed on the treaty".

ooc:BTW what is this treaty called?
Psychopathic Warmonger
01-02-2005, 15:31
OOC: Thanks, IN. :) Hmmm, the treaty name??? I'm not sure it has one at the moment but one could be easily made up. *Moves off to think. . . *

IC: Spahr also took this break to report back to his superiors and to put in motion the plans for the occupation of Veracruz and Drakkensburg and the evacuation of the remaining forces etc. He left the room empty except for the Neuvo Rican.
Neuvo Rica
01-02-2005, 20:30
ooc: Lets call it the Santiago treaty ... seeing as that was a flashpoint for all 3 nations... I think the new thread should start shortly unless there is anything that remains to be discussed?
Intelligent Neighbors
02-02-2005, 14:10
Neuvo Rica
02-02-2005, 20:10
ooc: Right then... this is my last post on this thread then...