NATO/WEC AMW Discussions regarding this Congregation of Western Nations
Quinntonian Dra-pol
11-01-2005, 19:58
This is going to be a thread for the ambassadors to the alliances of NATO and WEC, so far the membership includes:
Quinntonia NATO/WEC
Roycelandia NATO/WEC
Hudecia NATO/WEC
The British Federation NATO/WEC
1.The first would entail a full military alliance. This would include all territories that are currently being claimed as naturalised by the member nations. This would not include territorial colonies, protectorates or teritories, but only provinces and states of said member nation.
This would give the member nations involved one vote on a security counil. This security council would discuss and vote on matters pertaining to joint military efforts included but not limited to, peacekeeping in non-member nations; joint defense of an invaded or attacked member nation; foriegn deployment of pre-emptive defensive forces.
Any ties would be decided by a single vote by a chairman, an ambassador that is appointed on a two-year rotating basis to Chair the Security Council, his only power would be to cast a vote in the event of a tie.
This alliance would be called the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and would be built on the principle of mutual self-defense.
The British Federation
2.The Economic Alliance would be called the World Economic Council (WEC) and would be a platform to stimulate POSITIVE trade within member nations, this allinace could theoretically be broadened to include an indefinate amount of nations. It would offer preffered status to member nations, and member nations would have to approve new members unanimously.
As part of this economic alliance, each member nation will provide 1 billion dollars a year to use for investments by the WEC as investment fund for underdeveloped economies, ie.Third World, etc. The interest and returns from thsi fund will be used for charitable means in said underdeveloped regions. This is fairly optomistic, because it is thought that a profit will most likely not be made by this fund in these economies.
Quinntonia-1 billion/year approved
Hudecia-1 billion/year approved
Roycelandia-1 billion/ year approved
The British Federation-1 billion/year approved
Quinntonian Dra-pol
19-01-2005, 16:22
Should we discuss the Estenlandian/French problem? The Quinntonian government is surprised that no one has brought this up.
((No, I dont think that needs discussing! After all, well, ::Points a finger:: its none of your business! Western Imperialists! Youd be better served bombing hostile nations like Beth Gellert and LRR, and leaving your French ancestors well alone. Ciao!))
The British Federation
21-01-2005, 10:19
(And a, "Don't make me take-back the west coast!" from the Prime Minister, to you! The UK hasn't faced hostilities from India in generations.)
Bull's government views the French restoration as a gigantic pain in the arse. And that may be an under-statement. Nobody is sure what to do, though French citizens in the UK -many thousands strong- are increasingly being refered to as the Free French, and critical comment of the regime, originating amongst them, is rarely short of sponsorship from British business keen to see France brought back into the modern age and opened-up on fair and safe terms once again.
The Estenlands is spoken of in harsh terms, but a BBC2 series of note is currently exposing the fact that nobody actually cares, it's just the Estenlands, and the opposition is just making a fuss because Bull isn't doing anything about it, while BID is making a fuss because it's nice to have bogeymen from which to protect people. Even if the bogeymen are hundreds and hundreds of miles away and taken seriously primarily by one of the eight or nine people who still legally own live firearms and also have a cold war bunker in operation. The programme scorned the opposition's hyping of Kiev's nuclear capacity, noting that it was almost certainly in gradual decline, and that the Tsar would never use nuclear weapons offensively, knowing for a fact that it would mean an end to his power. Nobody who lives for power creates enemies with an excuse to take it from him.
That known, the BID government would still enjoy a good thwarting of a tyrant here or there, provided they're not doing too much business with his loud, Hawaiian-shirted self, especially since Bull's first term is already three years old, and he is yet to deliver any white-horse-riding St.George moments.
After early government pushing of a pro-Lavragerian media angle, the force and pace of the invasion wrong-footed London somewhat, leading to down-playing of Britain's interest. It had been hoped that diplomatic pressure could settle the matter, making Bull look terribly good, possibly even deploying a few troops only to bring them home without a one having to get killed. Now, though, governmental speeches on the issue are being repeated by opposition politicians, and John Bull is not well enjoying Prime Minister's Question Time.
In short, high-level diplomats are begining to make (quiet) noises about the war in Eastern Europe in meetings with representatives of fellow NATO states in hopes of encountering similar unease and interest in some sort of response. MI6 and other intelligence services are certainly in touch with allies with view to sharing scant data on the involved nations and factions.
British warships meanwhile continue to steam back and forth through the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, flying anti-submarine patrols, and generally ...being Type 45 destroyers and Queen Elizabeth II Class aircraft carriers, and other proud and intimidating things of the sort.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
21-01-2005, 16:39
TBF will find that officially, the Quinntonian government has nothing to say on the matter one way or another. Though Estenlands does not have a very good view in the public eye, there is definately a feeling among the average people of "who cares?" Estenlands seems so far away and removed from everything. However, there is a decided split in opinion over the French regime, as many are glad to have a western power openly support the Christian faith, and with the recent opening of Protestantism in France, Louis XX is fairly popular in some circles. Though, his involvement in this war is a huge bone of contention within some other circles.
Basically, when The Council of Bishops comes back with their decision, people will do pretty much what they are told about the matter.
But secretly, when the Quinntonian CIA, FBI or the infamous and not-even-sure-they-exist-except-among-other-spy-agencies "Men of Mesada" all have copious amounts of sattelite, spy plane and on the ground information to sgare about the happenings in Estenlands and Lavrageria, as well as Russian and possible Dra-poel involvement. This somehwat tips the fact that they have fully infiltrated the area and are keeping an eye on things.
So, TBF, are you saying that your government is not prepared to do anything major, at least not involve NATO?
Hudecia proposes that NATO focus on the issue of Russia (Armandian Cheese) and President Putin.
Although Putin has been involved in the war defending Lavrengia, his own nation seems woefully ill-equipped to fend off interanal enemies.
"To allow a nation to succumb to the wishes of criminals and murderers is unthinkable." President MacNally stated in a recent interview.
In more secret talks with TBF and President Bull, MacNally states that it has evidence that Elkazor is meddling in Russia's internal politics and insinuates that a NATO movement to defend that nation would give it the victory that it needs.
To Quinntonia a different tack is taken. Rather than playing up the French angle, Hudecian diplomats suggest that a friendly Russia could play an important role in maintaining peace in Korea. As well, a nation at peace with itself allows for greater opportunities in the ministry of the Word.
((I wanted to make a point. France is in the Modern Age, in every aspect but government. Its economy has grown since the Restoration, even if the lions share of the rewards have gone to Aristocrats. Nonetheless, the avergae French subject enjoys much more leisure and Elan since the Bourbons returned, France is rising again, and their King is a tangible symbol of their glory.))
British hostility, and their wanton harboring of active revolutionaries wanted for justice in King Louis Court, only moved the French to engage in stronger attempts at courting Quinntonnia, and firming up relations with Hudecia. Roycelandia had been sent a Special Envoy, and there was every hope that Royce and Louis might come to some agreement on their "Imperial" roles in the Indian Ocean.
The Protestant Minority in France, the voice of the Third Estate, proves to be solidly behind His Majesties government. The exiles are portrayed as rapists (which a few are) and malcontents, desperate to gain the help of Britain in their continued exploitation of France.
The Foreign Ministry downplayed Lavrageria, assuring the Western Powers that the liberation of that troubled land was at hand. Indeed, French contribution to the war effort had been mostly material, with only small military actions.
Louis men would not say anything about Russia, France had more than enough on their plate right now without commenting on that chaotic cocophany.
The Ahzad 'crisis' was also played down, except where a conspiracy between the Elians-British-Communists could be drawn. Rumors are circulated that PM Bull 'whored" 'Liz III out to the Elian High Command and Lavragerian rebels, to show them the warmth of Britian and to seduce them to his perverted dreams. (Indeed, this follows along well with The Limes of Winter, which will soon expect a sequel. And of course, everyone except the plebs know its BS, but the French are dman good at satire.)
Also, British (and allied) Satellites would no doubt reveal the construction of a massive sister ship to the Cherbourg Class Battleship Mark II Louis-Auguste: HMS La Reine (as a gift to the Queen for her birthday). The keel had been laid, and work was underway in that die hard Royalist port. One thing Louis was determined to do was to steadily expand France's Naval power, a thing that must be done to secure open French mercantile lines in the Indian Ocean and the Med. So when British ships 'did their thing' of Sardinia and Corsica, they would be steaming alongside the great white behemoths, the Cherbourg Battleships, flying the Fleur-de-lys high and proud.
The British Federation
22-01-2005, 03:43
The British position, though as yet kept rather behind the scenes and within the confines of NATO leaderships, may be found quite supportive of action on Putin's behalf. PM Bull -though London hasn't got very far into the business of increased relations or trade with Moscow- has generally spoken favourably of the new Russian leader, apparently viewing him as a strong figure -as required by the Russian premiership- whose force is finally directed in a forward-looking manner. The Prime Minister has hoped that Putin's strength of character might lead Russia finally down a more stable path, and one on which the west may finally come to terms with the massive country.
A side benefit of bringing stability to Russia would be in freeing-up Moscow's considerable potential to influence Kiev and look-after the brand new democratic ambitions of Lavrageria.
British reaction, then, to Hudecian approaches regarding Russia is agreeable, and, in talking to the Quinntonians, Bull's use of the religious card is perhaps somewhat more ham-fisted, as befits a patriotic characature of a man who defends the idea of the Church of Engalnd with all kinds of vitriol, but only actually attends services when he wants to get on the better side of Her Majesty.
"The Tsar forcing it on Lavrageria when they've never even considered the idea of a deity, let alone the deity will only lead to resentment! And do y... we really want the world to see ours as an imperialist faith, like it was for the Romans, and, dare I say, our own grand old empire?" He would say.
As to the Roycelandians, Admiral Sir Brendan Whyte, First Sea Lord, and one remarkably young for his post, tried to broach the idea of a Roycelandian fleet presence in the Mediterranean, or at least the eastern Atlantic, possibly for joint exercises, or, failing that, just because, well, wouldn't it look grand? Put the wind up the Frogs, or, er, the Estenlanders, or whoever's the enemy, these days, without actually sending any troops into action anywhere.
On an unrelated matter, London has reportedly been attempting to secure slightly increased Hudecian oil imports to balance the potentially tempremental Middle Eastern source. This could of course be an attempt to assure the Hudecians that Britain's interest in Russian stability won't end with London trying to gobble up Russian exports at the expense of Canadian products. BP has apparently expressed an interest in investing in the refining of Hudecia's unusual crude source.
The British Federation
22-01-2005, 03:46
The Royal Navy has reacted to continued French fleet re-building by stepping-up recruitment drives, with yet more posters featuring PM John Bull going up all around the nation.
Armandian Cheese
22-01-2005, 03:55
I would very much wish to see immediate action on behalf of NATO in the defense of our country. Our forces march on Orel as we speak, to do battle with the Tsarist insurgency. Any military aid, especially in the form of air power. (as our air force has "mysteriously experienced several freak accidents") (OOC: Translation: Shot down in covert action over Lavrageria.)
----President Vladimir Putin
2 Hudecian F-22 fighters illegally land in Russia after their wings froze in a routine patrol of the arctic. Russian government 'impounds' the warplanes claiming they violated Russian territorial soveriegnty.
Hudecia decries the action and demands compensation or the return of their planes. Opens a dialogue with Putin to secure their eventual return.
Armandian Cheese
22-01-2005, 07:55
We are extremely disturbed by this violation of our sovereignty. However, we shall do nothing. Yeah...And on a completely unrelated note, two crates of the finest Russian vodka have "mysteriously" appeared on the doorstep of the Hudecian President...
OOC: I guess they must have fell out of a passing wine truck.. umm.. yeah.. that's how they got there ;)
IC: Hudecian fighters would continue to experience 'technical' difficulties over the arctic forcing by the end of the week over a dozen F-22s and F-18s into landing inside Russia. Of course, after the first event, none of this would be publicly admitted.
Armandian Cheese
23-01-2005, 04:25
Ah, and will their pilots be temporarily held in the country, as "political prisoners" as well?
Their ethnic Russian families will be outraged and will tell reporters through a Russian translator that they hope for a quick return of their sons and daughters.
Lunatic Retard Robots
23-01-2005, 05:43
((No, I dont think that needs discussing! After all, well, ::Points a finger:: its none of your business! Western Imperialists! Youd be better served bombing hostile nations like Beth Gellert and LRR, and leaving your French ancestors well alone. Ciao!))
What are you talking about!? Since when do I have the resources to be hostile? Yelling and swearing yes, naval blockades no.
And plus, if any one of you even so much as looked at India funny in military terms, we'll cut you up so bad you'd'd wish we'd never cut you up!
"gotta launch long way
fight a long time
get to travel over mountains
got to travel over seas
we gonna fight your brother
we gonna fight til you loose
we gonna raise trouble
we gonna raise hell
we gonna fight your brother
we gonna raise hell"
Yeah, so you better watch yourself.
23-01-2005, 07:35
((This may be a slight slant away from the intended subject matter, I'm not sure, but I don't think it deserves its own thread, so here goes))
Prime Minister Ivan Gukov flies to Britain to meet NATO representatives
Having fled Lavrageria Retpvblika after its illegal invasion by the Estenlands and France, PM Gukov has been encouraged in turn to leave Russia, which seems hardly in better shape. One hopes that his anti-Midas touch will not afflict the United Kingdom!
Gukov is a jittery man, though it is unclear whether this is simply a result of what has recently befallen his homeland, but none the less hope-filled as he looks to negotiate with NATO governments.
"I know" he says, "that your honourable organisation may have already taken a protective interest in Russia's condition, which I find commendable. However, I know also that some in your governments and populations may be at least cautious of Moscow after so much traditional conflict of interests and ideals. My hopeful nation has committed to give much of herself to Russia in exchange for the aid received from Moscow in our fight against totalitarian domination. I can imagine how this may, in spite of your reconcilliations, cause unease in certian parts of NATO as Moscow's sphere of influence consumes whatever may survive of the Lavragerian Republic.
"I wish to make similar extensions to your nations as my government has already to Russia's. If your nations too can aid Lavragerians in defending their democratic ambitions, as Prime Minister elect [here Gukov could be said to be lying, as he was appointed by President Aidarov, not elected] I promise that Lavrageria will be opened to trade with the west as well as with Russia, and will award re-generation contracts to NATO-approved firms as well as to Russian, at the exclusion of nations that stood by and watched Lavrageria's struggle without lifting a finger. Of course, if you simply aid our friends the Russians, you still do us a service by extension."
((Sorry LRR. I always seem to use you as a foil somehow. It must be some political Freudian thing.))
His Most Christian Majesties Foreign Ministry released the following statement:
"Sub-Commander Ivan Glukov, who claims a legitimate post of Lavragerian diplomatic authority, is wanted by HMCM Louis XX for Crimes against Humanity: The crucifixion of hundreds in a cruel and brutal manner, prior to the liberation. He is a rebel leader, and should be treated as a professional terrorist. Russia, however, desperatley needs Western assistance. His Majesty encourages the NATO Allies not treat Russia in a military manner, but rather send voting specialists to reoroganize their troubled government, and give all factions a voice---surely, that is better than a brutal and grotesque civil war, one that Putin is pathetically powerless to even retard. And, despite the best efforts of terroristic pagans and cloakroom populists Lavrageria will have the order and direction it so craves."
Truly, with the prospect of major wars, MAJOR, breaking out in China, (Hudecia was, bravely, taking the lead in aiding the troubled area) Lavrageria ought to seem small time to NATO. Indeed, from latest media reports, China was in pure upheaval.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
23-01-2005, 08:10
All of the Hudecian problems horrify the Quinntonaina government. Of course, the evengelical broadcast, The Tonight Chapel, with Pastor Jay Leno lampoons the whole thing, making fun of Canadian planes that weren't designed to handle the cold.
And, the Quinntonian government offers to replace the lost airpower with their own planes, so that Hudecia will not be missing any protection. At our own expense of course.
(But try and keep the number down, we do have reporters in the field, and they have a nasty habit of telling the truth)
The Quinntonians also kind of give a condescending smile to the obviously unchurched PM Bull, and explain that they would never force their faith on anyone, and beleive that the war in Lavrageria has very little to do with religion.
OOC: Just wait till Hudecian ships begin to sink in Russian harbours, forcing the Russian navy to 'acquire' them ;) just kidding.
In the Parliament of Hudecia, the President is forced to defend his air force and their use of F-22s to patrol the wintery north.
"Why does this government continue to short change the air force? Our airmen and women deserve better!" - LDP member of Parliament
Armandian Cheese
24-01-2005, 05:00
OOC: Maybe a few tanks will get "lost in the cold", forcing the Russian government to "take them in" so they may "recover from the cold." ;)
OOC: A Hudecian tank division will end up stranded in Russia after missing Beijing by about 1000 km.
"Are you sure this is the path we were supposed to take?" -Corporal
"The orders say second star to the right and straight on till morning" - Captain
Quinntonian Dra-pol
24-01-2005, 16:52
The Council of Bishops in Quinntonia is still investigating and looking over the problem of Lavrageria, but sees the war in China as far more dangerous, seeing as that it could be far more tragic if WWIII broke out in Asia.
Also Russia should be our next priority, if nothing else, because of their massive WMD programs.
Should we force an international team of peacekeeprs into Russia to take and secure, with force if necessary, all the nuclear silos and WMD?
I heartily suggest it ::says a man with a cheap moustache and French accent:: Why your at it, why not secure the Kremlin as well? Surely that would go a hundred times further in stabilizing and demilitarizing Russia. Coalition government!
Armandian Cheese
24-01-2005, 22:11
Coalition government? No, we prefer our two party congress. And we will welcome any assistance from Quinntonia.
Better watch out... Drapol is bearing his fangs... again...
Quinntonian Dra-pol
26-01-2005, 03:27
Give us the thread.
North Yaman
26-01-2005, 04:03
And, the Quinntonian government offers to replace the lost airpower with their own planes, so that Hudecia will not be missing any protection. At our own expense of course.
OOC:You know, nations should be allowed to react to all this hardware moving around. Intelligence agencies will know when battleships suddenly appear in foreign ports; when a small nation that is involved in a Major war suddenly has a lot more aircraft and Canadian tanks go missing somewhere in Russia.
Armandian Cheese
26-01-2005, 04:19
Hey, they just got lost, dammit! Mind your own business! Nothing suspicious here!
Quinntonian Dra-pol
26-01-2005, 16:58
I don't think anything but a few planes have gone missing so far.
And the Hudecian troops involved are all ethnic Russians.
I am just supporting my closest ally.
The Estenlands
26-01-2005, 20:55
How about spending your 4 billion/year on the impoverished nation of Estenlands/Ukraine? Or, next year, on Lavrageria/Belarus? Or just give it all to the Tsarists in Russia? I think these would all be good ideas.
King Wingert I of The Village of Farrah.
To the Secretariat of Nato
From HMCM Louis XX's Minister of State
M. de Vergennes
"His Most Christian Majesty implores the NATO-nic powers to look into the disturbances in China. No doubt all of us have learned of the troubles arising there, and now talk of WMDs! If Quinntonnia is not able to pacifiy the situation, all Western Nations wills face massive trade problems, and the possibility of a massive war in Asia."
((Honest concern here. I mean, Louis would love to go battle "the Eastern lackeys", but the Kingdom of France, rising again though it may be, is not in any shape to threaten Chinamen at this point. Still, Marimaia is one of my closest allies, and a Asian War would cripple the French Economy vis a vis maritime trade. And lets face it fellas, if this situation ignites, AMW itself might devolve into one massive World War, but with the mentality of a Thirty Years War. Louis is as an Absolute Monarch all for limited war for limited gains, but this is another kettle of fish entirely. Save us, Quinntonnia! Only you can defeat the Chinese madmen from their quest to conflagrate the world!))
Armandian Cheese
27-01-2005, 02:05
Talk of WMDs? Why are the French so concerned with WMDs in China, but do not care about the five nukes in Romanov's posession? Hmmm?
Quinntonian Dra-pol
28-01-2005, 00:03
Who let those two in here?
*Estenlandian and French ambassadors are told to wait outside-where there is no vodka nor champagne.
The British Federation
28-01-2005, 07:07
With some of the best domestic security and internal (if perhaps not always foreign) intelligence services on earth sweeping appropriate areas for any signs of continental or other espionage, Bull's government rolls on with its NATO-related talks and activities.
With BBC teams filming on both sides of the Russian/Lavragerian borders since before Russia erupted into the current level of chaos, and ITN crews actually embedded with foreign volunteers and mercenaries (or private security teams as they're usually being called) in the Lavragerian Republic, the BID Party has been utterly unable to dismiss the war there any longer. Normally, a conflict in eastern Europe would be a concern, and one watched closely by government and public, but it would probably not be considered a major emergency unless major powers or trade routes were threatened. The state of disorder in Russia combined with the much more stomach-churning brutality of the invading forces in Lavrageria has been compared to the worst moments of famine and civil war in parts of Africa, to Mergui in South Asia, and the dark days of war in Korea, and to memories of western forces standing by as Yugoslavia tore itself apart to the tune of countless massacres.
Reports of civilian casulaties easily in the tens of thousands and set to climb as more cities are cut-off and bombarded, and with Russia largely unable to help, Deputy PM Alice Meadows has announced Britain's intention to act. Ships were assembling in the Channel ports and Scotland as men and vehicles were sent to the coast in significant quantity.
A small number of Type 23 and Type 22 Frigates and Type 45 Air Defence Destroyers loomed off shore, protecting Royal Fleet Auxiliary Mounts Bay and RFA Lyme Bay, HMS Albion and Bulwark, and HMS Ocean. Little Hunt and Sandown Class mine countermeasure vessels were also visible as, at Plymouth, 42 Commando and, at Arbroath, 45 Commando Royal Marines hauled thier kit aboard the big LPDs and Auxiliary ships awaiting them.
NATO allies were told of Britain's intention to join already deployed assets in Russia before negotiating access to embattled Lavrageria. PM Bull hoped to secure organisaitonal support for an official peacekeeping deployment to what remained of the Republic, in order to save countless thousands of lives that were being lost simply because good men had previously stood by... the despots of the continent, he said, were little more than bullies in the devil's playground.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
28-01-2005, 16:44
OOC-Whoa, nelly!
IC-TBF is asked to consider carefully what they are doing, and perhaps inform/talk about this with their allies, who could all be affected by this, as Estenlands is a major nuclear power and has reported ICBM and submarine platform firing capabilities.
Quinntonian ambassadors are asking TBF to slow down, and says that though Quinntonia would love help in peacekeeping efforts in Russia, supporting the pro-west Putin government, asks that TBF troops do not cross the Lavragerian border. This is something that needs to be discussed and decided between all of NATO.
And, since Quinntonia has more than 2/3 of its navy and 3/4 of its air foce still in the South Pacific, it would be hard to deploy anything more than it already has to the region, and what little more would talke quite some time.
However, in response to this, the Quinntonian North Atlantic Fleet has been mobilised, and leaves have been cancelled.
OOC- We may want to ask what Putin wants, he is the predominant pro-western power in the region.
By order His Most Christian Majesty Louis XX, His Minister of War M. de Saint-Germain drew up plans for emergent and complete mobilization of the French Military. There would be no limie surprises. The Admiralty was drawing up plans for an ocean war, and the Arsenal was preparing the logistical roster of a general mobilization of the Royal Armed Forces. The French Battlegroup in the Back Sea was recalled, and ordered to make all possible speed to Marseilles.
Crude propiganda against the British was turned out copiously, playing day and night in French cinema. The British was dehumanized, led by the anthropomorphicized hog, PM Bull. True Anglophobia swept France, in small villages the Union Jack was burnt and spit upon. In the Cathedrals, St. Joan of Arc was called upon to intervene, to dissuade the evil British from their course. When PM Bull was the one accused of financing revolutionary activity in France by the captured Malcom T, HMCM would pump the bona fide video worldwide, hoping to dissuade the West from what His Majesty called "God-demmed Limie interventionism!"
Secret ODSL Agents were dispatched at once to Ireland. They would do there what the ODSL had done in Russia, make contact and turn sleeper, but when the time was right, the IRA flag would be raised high. Meanwhile official French television would ask "If TBF has a right to interfere in Lavrageria, the Kingdom of France has every right to liberate Ireland from British opression".
His Majesty was a King, and as such was in no real touch with reality. He feared the Imperializing English would gain Quinntonnian support, democracies always eager to upset proper government. His Majesty would stoke his courage: It would take all the Nato Allies to bring France down, over what was trivial British pretention; however, secretly he prayed...Louis did not want a war, he wanted a happy Kingdom. But British pretentions would not be paid for in French blood, by God! The British had tried to rape France before, they failed, stopped by His Most Christian Majesties ancestors. He would live by the commandments his sainted scions had set down.
The White Houses phone would be ringing off the hook, Versailles was desperate to secure PM Jesses Obeds censure of TBF. Hudecia was implored to quiet the situation, Roycelandia was begged.
It was in this mood, of Anglophobia and desperate loyalty to the King, that French Subjects raised a massive equestrian statue of Louis XX in the Place de Louis XV, formerly the Place de Revolution, in Paris. It was a proud bronze statue, the symbol of authoritarian rule. A idealized Louis, represented as Apollo, sat on the great war horse, hands on his hips.
All the preparations and actions were committed in secret, HMCM Louis XX had no desire to war, but he knew the British wanted him out of power, sooner or later. If violence came, they would find the French like lions, stoked by vile propiganda and hundreds of years of Britain-hating.
The British Federation
28-01-2005, 23:34
In the UK, the previous preparations continued to plan, with a middling portion of Britain's relatively small armed forces preparing to ship out in defence of firstly democracy, but more to the point, innocent lives.
London barely gave five minutes to dismissing cautions it took to be less than serious, given their absurdity in context, and life in the UK went on exactly as normal. There were no signs of siege mentality weighing on the British people, and modest BID Party plans for military recruitment increases continued at the very gradual pace set a couple of years earlier.
If anyone in the British government or military were seriously pushed to treat the possibility as a serious issue, they would respond generally in about the same way. The Tsar was Tsar because he wanted power and because he knew how to get and to keep it. If he initiated a nuclear exchange he would be assuring the total loss of all his power, and possibly his death. The idea of nuclear war existed only in the minds of members of the public taken-in by the propaganda of administrations less confident than the current British government, which, like the Tsar, wanted a way to cling to power.
"Avoiding nuclear obliteration" said Bull, "was not something for which anyone should ever have been awarded a citizen's vote. It would take the world's biggest idiot to lose a nuclear war."
The idea of the French trying to start a conventional war wasn't taken much more seriously, and for about the same reason. If it came to war between France and the UK, the French could hide in their bunkers, hurling slander and funding terror all they liked, but their elite would be fighting not only the United Kingdom, but the British people, and the under-lying sense of liberties in their own population. The French monarchy wouldn't start a war that might end with them being deposed, and would certainly entail the crippling of their economy (and as such, again, their collapse as a government).
Lavrageria was not French or Estenlandic territory, and no reasonable person on earth was going to contest that. The British forces being deployed were requested by the first democratic government in the history of Lavrageria, and prompted by Russian approaches. Details remaind far from clear, but, in all seriousness, London didn't have much time for silly games.
The British Federation
28-01-2005, 23:44
Dublin (in the absence of the EU) had, for years before the French restoration, been forced to look often to London for funding and for diplomatic support and for defence. Bull's increased devolution on county level as well as between England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland had done extremist causes on both sides no good as democracy and self rule noticibly increased. Northern Irish industry had been on the rise for years, especially as concerned shipbuilding and defence industries, with Shorts working hard in Belfast, as was to be expected under the British Industrial Democratic Party. The return home of most British troops from Ulster had gone smoothly quite some time ago. Signs referencing Eire-UK co-operation would be noted around various projects, from public roads surfaced with subsidies from London to longer-term employment opportunities backed by the British government and largely supported by British tourism and trade.
French hopes of stirring trouble in Ireland were little less naive than a famous Argentine's revolutionary adventures in Africa and Boliva. With Dublin-London relations far from frosty, and MI5's presence in Ireland would probably leave French agents under unwitting observation quite quickly.
((I hope you appreciate that I am not a jingoist. Your government is a very difficult thing for me, so close to the vulnerable coast. That, and I have gotten nothing but negative signals, threats, and harboring of fugitives by your administration since I came to power. If you make a stroke into Lavrageria, it could be nothing else than a declaration of war. What I hope is that the war you seem to desire is absolutley limited. I trust we are both gentlemen, I think a few naval and air battles will settle it. I understand your posistion, believe me. But even though our countrys were rivals, they fought with courtesy and noblesse oblige. I hope we could do the same. A few shots, some boistering, and its over. No economic damage, no one else gets involved. I dont want conflict at all, mind you, but if you invade Lavrageria there is no alternative. You know very well what you are doing, to your credit it is a classic British operation. Nevertheless, our governments will have to do some posturing sooner than later. I could never invade you, with the NATO agreement, and you would find invading France a daunting task. So, like gentlemen, let us determine this in a classic manner. I would suggest a Line Battle, probably in the North Sea. Like the gentlemen we are, we each get a fleet, no dirty tricks. I would like to incorporate 18th Century war and diplomacy into our RP MO, as I have nothing but respect for the Anglais, and think we could have a very small level of limited rivilary, once in a while. If I retire, I will be force to grant your unhindered transit to Lavrageria, however you might try to get there, barring you attacking French subjects again directly. If you retire, you must forswear not to send any troops to battle in Lavrageria. Just a thought. Seems fun though, and might even improve relations between us from where they are no, eh?))
Lunatic Retard Robots
29-01-2005, 05:57
Certainly didn't act very honorably to your colonies, did you?
The English in India, the massacres, the oppression, the division...and France! Don't get me started about France!
I'll hit you both with an armed insurrection right in the kissah!
*Waves Ak-47 threateningly*
Armandian Cheese
29-01-2005, 08:02
((OOC: Ah, Britain, note that a certain T may be willing to come to "visit" your country in the near future...He needs to clear his name, after being forced to confess to working for the British (when he was actually working for me, Russia).))
The British Federation
29-01-2005, 10:21
(Well, Britain isn't actually doing anything that anybody there can see as cause for war. What we were getting at is that it doesn't seem to make sense for France or the Tsar to declare war, since war between developed nations with tens of millions of subjects and nuclear arsenals, on the same continent, are going to be hard to keep low-key. Time was we'd have sent a gunboat to rattle Sevastopol or Odessa and left it at that, alas, but no longer. If the British enter Lavrageria, it will be into Republican-controlled territory, and no one on earth will actually support the Estenlands and France in seeing it as an act of war (though if you can root out some puppet regimes around the world they might be convinced to pretend it (which seems unlikely in light of NATO)). Bull has no intention of ordering his forces to attack the French or Estenlanders, but if they get to the Lavragerian border while it still has Republican troops on it, you can't directly stop them, and once they're in, they'd have got there without firing on you, and you'd have to start the war. There after, British forces in Lavrageria would defend themselves aggressively, but even after being fired on first, it is hard to imagine that London would be first to spread the war. If the French chose to make something other than Lavrageria a war zone, then that would be it, the only gloves left on would be the nuclear, it'd be total war short of that.
I would have thought that was all fairly obvious though- surely, if it even comes to armed conflict between us, it would be in everyone's interests to treat Lavrageria as the warzone, because trying to spread it beyond that would presumably make Britain's cause regime change in Paris and Kiev- if we're being attacked, we can't just say, "oh well, we'll just let them attack us where they will and fight the battles they choose" beacuse we'd lose.
And you! Don't you like your new destroyers, Hindustan? [shakes fist] India wasn't united before Britain got there, anyway, and the French were already mucking it up, and Clive was outnumbered and didnt' outgun native armies. Don't make us come back! :) )
Armandian Cheese
01-02-2005, 01:37
After hearing Britain's intentions of peacekeeping in Lavrageria, the House has approved allowing them passage from Russia into Lavrageria, and the Senate is expected to confirm this within hours. How the British deal with the Ukrainian border blockade is up to them, however. We urge them to stay away from St. Petersburg and Bryansk, as those are under the control of Tsarist rebels that may fire upon your forces.
The British Federation
01-02-2005, 23:36
As the fleet carrying the BEF began to move east, assembling in the North Sea en route to Russia via the Gulf of Finland, London was still trying to confirm the details of little matters such as its port of destination! Presently, the hope was to put in at Vyborg near the Finnish border before taking troops on a long trek around the north of Lake Ladoga in order to avoid St.Petersburg. This depended on Vyborg being relatively safe in itself, as London did not want to initiate hostilities with any of the conflicting factions in Russia, but the British did state a preparedness to call up Royal Marine Auxiliaries to be brought in a second deployment to keep the port secure in the long term.
PM Bull had, of course, words to spare for the worries of Estenlandic blockade across the great extent of Lavrageria's sovereign border with Russia. "How we deal with the Estenlanders on the border? We're a civilised people, we'll make sure that their Lavragerian prison guards treat them in a dignified fashion!" He said.
Armandian Cheese
02-02-2005, 01:12
Seeing as we are officially uninvolved with this war, but also acknowledging that the British Federation has legitimate reasons to go to war, we will allow them passage onto our nation. We shall soon submit two proposals of where your "peacekeeping forces" could land.
(OOC: Check your TGs.)
The Estenlands
02-02-2005, 21:38
OOC-Just FYI, as previously agreed on by the AMW group, we are keeping out all NPC nations, which would leave you Russia as a nation to allow you entry into Lavrageria, and you will be marching into a fully-blockaded border of Tsarist troops, all Tsarist controlled territory, to the tune of several hundred thousand men. To get through that border, you will have to fight, and there will be war, a damn near total war.
And about the nuke thing, if you come here in force, Ukraine probably can't win. If Ukraine loses their first major conflict, then the Holy League and our governments are in jeopordy. That could mean that both Louis and Wingert could lose their power, especially in the international community. So, by this line of logic, a defeat in Lavrageria must be staved off at ALL COSTS. If I lose there, I have nothing to lose. The nuclear threat to Britian is very real. Wingert would survive the counter-attack, and he cares nothing for the peasants that won't.
King Wingert I of The Village of Farrah.
02-02-2005, 21:51
Not nessicarily so...
Britian does have a very nice line in deep penetration conventional weapons to soften your bunkers up with...
Even if you were to totally decimate the british isles msot of the UKs nuke force would survive and noone really knows how good at penetrating the warheads on the tridents might actually be. While Wingert I might not care about his citizens, he's not going to enjoy being locked in a bunker under a radioactive wasteland for a good 50years with the rest of the commonwealth (or thier AMW versions) waiting for him to come out...
Lunatic Retard Robots
03-02-2005, 02:39
OCC: I thought that we agreed to allow interaction with NPC nations because of the fact that they are such a huge element of the world.
After all, AMW isn't built upon strict interpretations and inflexible roleplaying.
And as for a nuclear threat, well...given the inevitable state of the Ukrainan armed forces, I don't think its beyond the abilities of the Royal Navy to destroy two Los Angeles class submarines. Either that or promise that Wingert will be hanging from a lamppoast by his toenails should things get out of hand...
Armandian Cheese
04-02-2005, 23:01
Well, Estenlands, maybe you could consider Aidarov's compromise. And Britain does not have to move through Russia's western border...I cannot say more, however....
Armandian Cheese
06-02-2005, 23:46
The British Federation
07-02-2005, 02:15
"I would still be surprised" mumbled Bull through a mouthfull of his Sunday roast, "if the Tsar were stupid enough to treat any British intervention short of an invasion of his home territory as an act of war. If his government is that weak so as its very basis can't survive -or disguise- a military set-back that any self respecting leader would have anticipated in advance then I don't think any British intervention will be required before his deployed troops start deserting in droves... and even joining the Republican cause."
The British flotila was en route at the moment, but its embarked troops still didn't necessarily expect to fight. They, like the Lavragerians, take the border to be anything but closed and laugh almost as heartily at the implication, being in contact with Republican officials over seeing tens of thousands of soldiers protecting its really quite vast extent against an over-manned, under-capable enemy. The much more mobile BEF had no intention of allowing the Tsarists or their allies prior knowledge of any cross-border deployment's location or direction, something for which they were tentatively planning even as their ships cut the Baltic waves.
Closer to home, as -more heavily- over the Med, Nimrod flew intensified anti-submarine warfare patrols in search of increasingly aged Russian nuclear vessels, hopeful of catching the enemy carrying-out hostile activity while British Vanguard SSBNs stood in the Atlantic and the North Sea, Kiev well within range of their Trident D5 missiles. Needless to say, Gibraltar and Cyprus saw more than the usual degree of British military activity as London determined to prevent the Estenlands from getting many of its missiles into the open sea.
"I assume" said the First Sea Lord, "that I'll have that information, soon..." speaking of satellite reconniassance that he hoped would tell him wether, as expected, one of the Tsar's two known SSBNs was still at anchor, as was HMS Vengeance, under-going regular maintenance checks. If this were the case, there existed the very real possibility, London hoped, of locating all of the enemy's serious nuclear deployment capability in the confines of its home ports and the Med at least.
British diplomats hoped to gain more serious backing from NATO allies in making Kiev and Paris understand that the world was against their kind of imperialism (if not so much Roycelandia's, which was different for all sorts of good reasons).
Lunatic Retard Robots
07-02-2005, 02:42
England recieves Hindustan's full support for any intervention in Lavrageria. While this, in reality means very little in the way of material support, the government has considered distributing some of the military's load of surplus equipment to Lavrageria.
Also, anything that keeps France out of Africa is a good thing.
The government probably also hopes that this show of support will put Hindustan in line to recieve some of the next round of decomissioned warships, and naval commanders have reportedly been eyeing the Type 22 frigate as the HN's next major foreign purchase, presumably to facilitate the retirement of Godavari class frigates.
Armandian Cheese
07-02-2005, 02:49
Russia stands by, having already given the British permission to engage in what Moscow treats as a "peacekeeping operation in the remaining Lavragerian Republic." British troops will be given a hero's welcome when they arrive, giving the populace an excuse to crack open the vodka cabinet (as if they needed one!) and share it with the British forces.
Armandian Cheese
08-02-2005, 01:09
Bump For The Loooooord Jeeesus!
The Estenlands
08-02-2005, 21:38
The Russian government has just recognised Tsar Igorij Romonav as ruler of a soveriegn and independent nation, and that nation spans the entire length of the Lavragerian border on the Russian side, so, TBF troops will actually have to inved a soveriegn nation that is in no way a part of the Lavragerian war before it can get into Lavrageria.
King Wingert I of The Village of Farrah.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
18-05-2005, 23:33
WEC is asking all nations that are interested in entering into an economic trade alliance with the current WEC nations to state their applications there. Obviously, this will be open only to mostly capitalistic nations.
Current membership and obligations are listed on the first page of this thread.
The Estenlands
11-06-2005, 05:42
Estenlands, Tsarist Russia and Tsarist Lavrageria would all like to be members of WEC. (Realistically, only Estenlands could afford it, though).
Tsar Wingert I.
Li Mei Chen would like to formally begin negotiations regarding the entrance of China into the WEC.
Bouchard and the new government seem content to remain in the WEC, but there is some thought that Quinntonia may push for Hudecia's expulsion. (OOC: how would that happen though?)
11-06-2005, 14:16
The British Federation
11-06-2005, 14:54
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Daniel Lee, in an effort to radically trim the annual budget has reportedly made comments in reference to the nearly £600,000,000 annual contribution to the WEC. The new government's fiscal policy, which has resulted in large reductions in nearly all forms of taxation has meant that 'tough and disciplined cuts must be made to state expenditure.' Apart from Defence, and Law and Order, nearly all government Departments have had their budgets slashed in an attempt to recover from a huge budget deficit with government sector net borrowing in excess of £60 billion, bult up under Prime Minister Bull. According to the Chancellor, this may mean that the substantial international development budget which 'brings no benefit to the UK economy' will have to be temporarily frozen, especially the WEC contribution. A Treasury Spokesman also said that talks would begin to try and renegotiate the contribution for a period of several years, to allow the UK economy to recover.
The Shadow Chancellor, Arthur Henderson of the British Industrial Democrat party has condemned the measure and blames the government's 'wreckless system of tax rebates' accusing the Chancellor Lee of 'putting the wealthy before the needy.' The policy of using immediate tax cuts to increase growth and therefore tax revenue in the long term was a key part of the Conservative's election manifesto, and a policy that is set to continue in this new parliamentary term.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
11-06-2005, 19:29
It is hoped that the UK will see the wisdom in helping to improve troubled nations, and that being a part of this alliance will pay major dividends indeveloping and opening markets in third world nations.
It is also hoped that the UK government will see that cutting help from the needy and starving people of the world is the last place that should be considered, showing the compassion of the Bristish peoples.
Dai Nippon Koku
11-06-2005, 21:40
As part of the reopening of the Empire, Japan officially applies for membership of the WEC. The WEC is seen in Japan as yet another means of economic growth, as well as a way to contribute to the development of less fortunate nations; yet another sign of Japan's commitment to peace and prosperity.
There is some concern about competing with China with such a free environment, but these concerns are kept behind closed doors.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
12-06-2005, 00:20
Tsarist Lavrageria and Tsarist Russia are both refused immediatley. Estenlands is told that negotiations will have to wait unitl after they prove that they are peaceful in intention.
Japan is accepted right away, provided that they understand the fiscal responsibilities that this involves. And also provided that the currentl members also agree to admit them, but they have full Quinntonian support.
As for China, negotaitions can begin right away, though some concerns as to the other controlling parties in China are raised.
Dai Nippon Koku
12-06-2005, 10:06
Tsarist Lavrageria and Tsarist Russia are both refused immediatley. Estenlands is told that negotiations will have to wait unitl after they prove that they are peaceful in intention.
Japan is accepted right away, provided that they understand the fiscal responsibilities that this involves. And also provided that the currentl members also agree to admit them, but they have full Quinntonian support.
As for China, negotaitions can begin right away, though some concerns as to the other controlling parties in China are raised.
OOC: One billion dollars a year for the development fund and preferred trade status for WEC members, right? The Japanese economy can spare a billion dollars every year for the fund; if necessary Shinseiki will provide a billion dollars for the government out of his own pocket for a few years.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
13-06-2005, 20:56
Outsnading, you have my full support, it will take a little time to TG the other members, though, so please be patient.
The British Federation
16-06-2005, 14:22
The British delegation at the WEC expresses no objection to Japan's application, especially at a time when its own status in the group is unclear.
At a meeting of the Prime Minister, the Governor of the Bank of England and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, it is indeed decided that Britain must suspend its payments for a period of five fiscal years in order to help balance the budget, and the Treasury has stated that cuts on state expenditure that are not injections to the UK economy must be drastically reduced.
An open letter is sent to all member nations that the UK apologises for letting down those who need it most, but that in order to be a force of good of any consequence Britain must regain its status as an economic powerhouse. It is left to the member states whether Britain, despite not meeting the requirements, is allowed to remain in the WEC, and hopes that it will not affect relations between the UK and the other member states.
Foreign Affairs Minister, Li Li Shan, or Lily, has proposed a Pacific Rim Union to better communicate with neighboring countries in Asia. A government invitation is sent to Japan, Dra-Pol, Russia, and Oceania. If enough countries reply with a positive side of such an organization, China will host a preliminary conference.
China is interested in joining the WEC, with Li Mei Chen already appointed by the Emperor of China, she is ready begin full discussions on WEC policy and the interests of China.
The Chinese government, backed by an ever stronger economy is planning to organize a Pacific Rim Economic Network which is suppose to be headed by the Pacific Rim Union which is China is presenting to the world.
Armandian Cheese
25-06-2005, 12:48
While Russia would absolutely love to enter the WEC and the proposed Chinese Pacific Rim Trade Organization, we would find it difficult, considering that both Hudecia and China are placing full trade embargoes on our nation, and both are key components of the WEC and PRT, respectively.
Now, if those embargoes (which severely damage the Russian and Chinese economies, and harm the Hudecian one) were removed....
China will stand firm in the trade embargo until the war is over.
Armandian Cheese
25-06-2005, 19:08
OOC: You do realize that I could very well seize Chinese assets in Russia? Considering the massive investment you made...And of course, the loss of oil and natural resources for you must also make it painful. China can't just shrug off the trade of its northern neighbor without feeling pain. Besides, it's the Baltics. They are tiny, so the war should be over quickly, but hard feelings over the embargo will remain.
You do know China's military is capable of seizing Siberia? We are trying to tell you, surrender the Baltics, and China will treat you like a brother.
Freezing Chinese assets will do more harm to Russia than China. China manages to buy oil from the Middle East, and has a great advantage in the China seas and within China itself. China does feel pain, but so do the Baltics.