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FT General's Store

11-01-2005, 03:15
Welcome to the

General Products storefront

We're glad to have you here!
Our company is here to bring you quality products at a reasonable price.
At the moment we sell spacecraft, dropships and land vehicles. But we hope to soon be selling everything from pistols, to powered armor, and all of it will be future tech.
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---------Special- Next to post will recieve a FREE AFS-40 Ceres Class Assualt fighter---------

Capital Ships, Space

Note: Protection is based on a system of 1-10, 1 being the lowest, and 10 the highest.

HCS-7 Alpine Class Heavy Carrier
Length: 2,500 ft
Width: 531 ft
Height: 587 ft
Protection: 6
Armament: Class 1 CQDS
Speed: 7685 miles per second
Fighters: 600 fighters (about 60 ft long)
Crew: 250
Warp: 7
The Alpine Class is the heavy carrier of General Product’s fleet. Its huge bays can carry any size fighter, including the Ceres class assault fighter. To make room for the docking bays the Alpine carries no offensive weapons, relying on its fighters for attacking. It does have the small class of Close Quarters Defense System (CQDS) for defense from missiles and lasers.
Price: $80 billion

ACS-5 Cedar Class Assault Class Carrier
Length: 2,000 ft
Width: 750 ft
Height: 437 ft
Protection: 6
Armament: 1 heavy plasma turret, 3 blaster turrets, 5 laser turrets, 4 missile launchers, Class 1 CQDS
Ammo: large recharging batteries, 30 large missiles
Speed: 7685 miles per second
Fighters: 470 fighters (about 60 ft long)
Crew: 250
Warp: 7
The Cedar class is a versatile carrier, able to do many jobs. Although the docking bays are smaller and fewer than in the Alpine class carriers, the Cedar class can still carrier all sizes of fighter, including the Ceres. And with the extra room, we were able to add a large amount of weaponry and armor, including the heavy plasma turret. Because of this, the Cedar class requires fewer escorts, can attack on its own, and does well at patrol duty.
Price: $60 billion

DNS-11 Dragon Class Dreadnought
Length: 3,200 ft
Width: 600 ft
Height: 800 ft
Protection: 9
Armament: 2 heavy plasma cannons, 10 laser cannons, 10 laser turrets, 8 broadside guns, 4 missile launchers, class 2 CQDS
Ammo: giant recharging batteries, 30 large missiles, 40 “Tubes”
Speed: 7700
Fighters: 10 Ant light fighters
Crew: 500
Warp: 7
If colossal machines of destruction are your, thing then you’ll like this ship. The Dragon class is one of the largest ships we offer, and has the biggest/most guns of any of our offered ships. The two heavy plasma cannons are the biggest non-projectile weapon we have, and will sear through even heavy armor. The ten laser cannons are also hard hitting, but are aimed more at destroying shields. Also, the missile launchers and laser turrets are really for protection from fighters. Even so though, its large size and slow speed may keep it vulnerable to fighters. But what makes the Dragon class the heaviest hitting ship we offer is the four broadside guns. Each of these gun ports, located with four on each side, fire a huge 25 foot long “Tube”. The “Tube” got its name from its tubular shape. Although they are fairly slow, and have no self correction, just one can take out a small destroyer sized vessel. This makes them excellent at taking out space stations. Includes bays for 10 Ant fighters, or similarly sized fighters.
Price: $100 billion

BCS-9 Diamondback Class Battle Cruiser
Length: 2,800 ft
Width: 500 ft
Height: 600 ft
Protection: 9
Armament: 1 heavy plasma turret, 10 laser turrets, 4 broadside guns, 8 missile launchers, 6 Blaze launchers, 4 Plasma Torpedo launchers, Class 2 CQDS
Ammo: giant recharging batteries, 12 “Tubes”, 60 large missiles, 30 Blaze Missiles, 20 Plasma torpedoes
Speed: 7700
Fighters: 8 Ant light fighters
Crew: 450
Warp: 7
Although some would call it a Dreadnought based on its firepower, we call it a Battle Cruiser. This is because it is too small to be a Dreadnought. Even so, it has the firepower to make to make up for it. As this was more a missile based platform, we gave it the smaller heavy plasma turret, and only ten laser turrets. Also there are two broadside guns on each side. The rest of its firepower comes from the missiles it carries. The large missile blast apart fighters, while the Plasma Torpedoes take out capital ships. Meanwhile the Blaze missiles carry out long range strikes and support. Includes bays for eight Ant fighters, or similarly sized fighters.
Price: $90 billion

FCS-14 Gator Class Cruiser
Length: 2,400 ft
Width: 210 ft
Height: 400 ft
Protection: 8
Armament: 2 plasma turrets, 10 laser turrets, 3 laser cannons, 4 missile launchers, Class 2 CQDS
Ammo: giant recharging batteries, 20 large missiles
Speed: 7715 miles per second
Crew: 400
Warp: 7
The Gator Class ships might look odd, but they are scrappy fighters. With the same CQDS as that of a Battle Cruiser or Dreadnought, but more speed and maneuverability, it is a great ship. Therefore, even with less firepower, it can still take on larger ships. Of course the Gator’s firepower is not exactly small. The two plasma turrets and three laser cannons can really deal out the damage to other capital ships. Plus the missiles and laser turrets will keep the fighters at bay. Definitely a part of any strike force.
Price: $85 billion

RCS-16 Snapper Class Cruiser
Length: 2,360 ft
Width: 1,600 ft
Height: 600 ft
Protection: 8
Armament: 2 plasma beam guns, 10 laser turrets, 4 laser cannons, Class 2 CQDS
Ammo: giant recharging batteries, 20 large missiles
Speed: 7715 miles per second
Crew: 470
Warp: 7
If the Gator Class is the all around cruiser, then the Snapper is the raider. Sacrificing the fighter destroying missiles, and the longer range plasma turrets, it gains a whole different type of armament. First are the forward mounted plasma beam guns that are almost as powerful as the heavy plasma turrets, but are much lighter. Also, it gets an extra laser cannon to enhance its firepower. And with a smaller length, it has slightly more maneuverability and speed than the Gator Class. This means it can swing in, unleash its weapons, and get out.
Price: $83 billion

MCS-19 Stingray Class Cruiser
Length: 2,380 ft
Width: 2,000 ft
Height: 400 ft
Protection: 8
Armament: 2 laser cannons, 10 laser turrets, 4 missile launchers, 3 Blaze launchers, 4 Torpedo launchers, Class 2 CQDS
Ammo: giant recharging batteries, 20 large missiles, 15 Blaze missiles, 20 enhanced Anti-Cap Torpedoes
Speed: 7715 miles per second
Crew: 410
Warp: 7
The third cruiser offered is the Stingray Class. This class is designed as they support craft of the three. Therefore, we cut back on the beam and plasma weaponry. Instead, it carries a number of longer range missiles. These include large missiles for fighters, Blaze missiles for extreme range, and enhanced Anti-Cap Torpedoes for other capital ships. A good backup ship, especially for supporting Snapper class ships on their raiding runs.
Price: $80 billion

ADS-42A/B Hatchet Class Destroyer
Length: 1,960 ft
Width: 540 ft
Height: 552 ft
Protection: 7
Armament: A= 3 laser cannons, 7 laser turrets, 2 missile launchers, Class 3 CQDS
B= 7 laser turrets, Fury Anti-Air Defense system, Class 3 CQDS
Ammo: A= large recharging batteries, 10 large missiles
B= large recharging batteries, 100 Fury AA ammo
Speed: 7730 miles per second
Crew: 300
Warp: 8
The Hatchet Class version A is our standard purpose destroyer. Its armament might not seem like much, but it can accomplish a lot with those weapons. Although it can take on other capital ships, and it does take out fighters well, it is best at patrol or escort duties. Fast enough to patrol a large area, and with enough armor to survive a confrontation, it can even use its guns to hold the enemy until help arrives. On patrols it also excels, as it is fast enough to keep up with almost all ship, can scout ahead, and still protect its charges.
Then there is the B version. Its role is Anti-Air support. It protects itself and surrounding ships with our new Fury AA Defense system. This is a system of missiles and laser designed specifically to take out fighters. It also uses an advanced Battle A.I. combined with human intelligence to quickly select and destroy targets. Unfortunately, it is poorly defended against other capital ships and therefore requires an escort or two.
Price: $75 billion

FDS-44 Ranger Class Destroyer
Length: 1,600 ft
Width: 800 ft
Height: 460 ft
Protection: 7
Armament: 2 missile launchers, 7 laser turrets, SensorScout launcher, 2 particle accelerators, Class 3 CQDS
Ammo: 10 large missiles, large recharging batteries, 4 SensorScouts, recharging generator
Speed: 7800 miles per second
Crew: 260
Warp: 9
The Ranger Class is our long range ship. It has very large fuel tanks for its size giving it the longest range in our fleet. It also has newer drives that make it our fastest capital ship in normal space. It can manage the same speed in hyperspace as our Dragon class Dreadnought. The downside is its lack of any heavy weaponry. The weapons it does have are mainly for defense. So it does better at patrol, and especially, scouting duties. It also has a launcher for our SensorScout recon drones. They are programmed to patrol a system and relay back data about planets and vessels.
Price: $75 billion

SDS-47 Comanche Class Destroyer
Length: 1,200 ft
Width: 400 ft
Height: 200 ft
Protection: 7
Armament: 5 Stealth cannons, 1 mine layer, Class 3 CQDS
Ammo: recharging batteries, 10 mines
Speed: 7730 miles per second
Crew: 280
Warp: 8
Here it is folks! It’s our newly designed stealth destroyer. Engineered using active and passive stealth techniques, it takes a close active scan to even notice this craft. Of course, this doesn’t mean it can’t be detected. A true sentry ship could find it with a little work, and bad timing on your firing could reveal it. But it is still extremely stealthy. We even made sure it’s weapons were stealthy to reduce their firing signature. It also has a mine layer to wreak havoc on enemy trade lanes or patrol routes. In fact, the Stealth cannons are almost as powerful as a laser cannon, but with a much shorter range. The Comanche’s are excellent choices for spying or raiding. Just don’t try to take on a battle group with this as it is pretty lightly armed.
Price: $79 billion

Fighters, Space

AFS-40 Ceres Assault Fighter
Length: 100 ft
Width: 56 ft
Height: 28 ft
Protection: 5
Armament: 2 S-rated Rail guns, 2 laser turrets, 4 Missile launchers, and 2 Torpedo launchers
Ammo: 50 Rail Gun Bullets, 20 missiles, 4 Anti-Cap Torpedoes, recharging batteries
Speed: 7745 miles per second
Warp: none
The Ceres is the standard assault fighter. With its Anti-Cap Torpedoes, heavy hitting S-class rail guns, and fairly large amount of missiles, it really packs a punch. This Assault fighter excels at attacking Capital ships with its heavy weaponry. But lower speed, lack of forward mounted anti-fighter guns, and slow reloading weapons keep it from doing well against smaller fighters. But it can still get in there and really slug it out with other ships right on the front line.
Price: $45 million

AFS-20 Syrnx Assault Fighter
Length: 80 ft
Width: 50 ft
Height: 60 ft
Protection: 5
Armament: 2 S-rated rail guns, 2 small particle accelerators, 2 missile launchers, 2 blaze launchers
Ammo: 50 rail gun bullets, recharging generator, 10 missiles, 2 Blaze Missiles
Speed: 7745 miles per second
Warp: none
A newer design, the Syrnx is more of a multi-role fighter than an assault fighter. Although it is slightly smaller than the Ceres, has fewer missiles, and has a shorter range rail gun, it is still an excellent design. With fewer missiles, it can carry two of the long range Blaze missiles, and the rail gun is faster firing and the small particle accelerators are forward mounted for taking out fighters. Thus it is able to attack capital ships with its Blaze missiles and s-rated rail guns, and take on fighters with its missiles and small particle accelerators.
Price: $45 million

HFS-25 Piranha Heavy Fighter
Length: 60 ft
Width: 15 ft
Height: 59 ft
Protection: 4
Armament: 1 UF Laser, 3 Small Plasma Guns, 1 Turreted Laser
Ammo: recharging batteries
Speed: 6
Warp: none
The Piranha is an odd looking fighter. But that doesn’t stop this heavy fighter from dealing out a lot of damage. The UF Lasers quickly breaks through shields, while the 3 Plasma guns melt through the armor. Meanwhile the turreted laser, which is equally good against shields and armor, will automatically fire at other targets. Although its larger design slows it down, it is well protected and can take on just about any other fighter. In fact, with the weaponry it packs, very few fighters can take it on and win.
Price: $30 million

HFS-10 Eagle Heavy Fighter
Length: 60 ft
Width: 60 ft
Height: 15 ft
Protection: 4
Armament: 1 UF laser, 2 Laser, 1 Missile Pod, 1 Blaze launcher
Ammo: recharging batteries, 10 fast launch missiles, 1 Blaze Missile
Speed: 7760 miles per second
Warp: none
The Eagle is the standard heavy fighter of the GP fleet. Equipped with enough standard lasers to take on most fighters, it gets a boost of strength from the fast launch missile pod. This pod can quickly fire off all of its missiles in dumb mode to slam into a capital ship, or they can be fired one at a time as smaller homing missiles for enemy fighters. But the special weapon of the Eagle is its Blaze Missile launcher. The Blaze is a fast, long range standoff missile good for large fighters or capital ships. And when all this comes together, you get a fighter that is excellent for escort or attack duty.
Price: $30 million

MGS-15 Thunderbird Missile Gunship
Length: 63 ft
Width: 10 ft
Height: 60 ft
Protection: 3
Armament: 1 Laser turret, 4 missile launchers, 2 Blaze launchers
Ammo: recharging battery, 20 small missiles, 3 Blaze missiles
Speed: 7775 miles per second
Warp: none
The Thunderbird is a mid-sized fighter equipped mainly with missiles. The small missiles carried are a little slower than the fast launch missiles, but are also larger. Because of their armor, they can get right on the front lines, but are best deployed a little behind heavier fighters to support them. The 2 Blaze launchers give them excellent standoff capabilities, able to fire at targets even beyond their own sensor range.
Price: $27 million

MFS-30 Talon Medium Fighter
Length: 50 ft
Width: 45 ft
Height: 20 ft
Protection: 3
Armament: 3 lasers, 2 missile pods
Ammo: recharging batteries, 20 fast launch missiles
Speed: 7775 miles per second
Warp: none
Faster than a heavy fighter, yet more armored than a heavy fighter, the Talon is a good all purpose fighter. With three lasers, a lot of fast missiles, and good maneuverability, it can even take on an Eagle heavy fighter and still come out on top. Plus, being smaller, you can carry more of them. This can give your fleet the edge of fighter superiority. And that means you can use heavier hitting ships that would normally require an escort with impunity.
Price: $25 million

LFS-50 Ant Light Fighter
Length: 40 ft
Width: 10 ft
Height: 7 ft
Protection: 2
Armament: 1 UF Laser, 1Lasers, 1 EM Clinger Launcher
Ammo: recharging batteries, 4 EM Clingers
Speed: 7790 miles per second
Warp: none
Being the lightest armored fighter, we decided to make it good. First, to cut down on weight we removed the pilot. It can be run by either a limited A.I. computer designed to use multiple fighters to attack in a swarm. Or it can be remotely piloted from its home carrier. We ensured it could take on bigger fighters by giving it a UF laser, 2 standard lasers, plus our new EM Clinger Launcher. Since EM detonators disable your ship along with the enemies, and an EM beam is hard to create, we came up with the Clinger. This small self-propelled mine like object is shot at the enemy, and attaches itself to the enemy. Then it quickly detonates the limited area EM, disabling the fighter. The limited area makes it poor against larger ships.
Price: $15 million

Miscellaneous, Space

SIC-105 Shadow Class Stealth Infiltration Craft
Length: 100 ft
Width: 97 ft
Height: 28 ft
Protection: 5
Armament: 2 laser turrets, 4 Missile launchers, 1 Disruptor Beam
Ammo: 12 missiles, recharging batteries
Speed: 7745 miles per second
Warp: 7
A more advanced class, the Shadow is excellent for infiltrating. Utilizing a highly advanced sensor suite it is able to manipulate a range of sensors. We also employed some specialized materials in the construction of this unit to make it harder to detect. Finally, a layer of LightBend makes it almost impossible to detect visually in space. And because this is an advanced class, we decided to add some other special features. One was a digital cockpit that displays the outside to the pilot as a hologram instead of using a canopy. This gives the pilot more protection, and allows for a sort of all encompassing HUD display. Another feature is a single disruptor beam. This is a powerful weapon that fires a fusion beam, and is seldom employed on smaller ships like the Wasp class. Of course we also included some less high tech weapons like laser turrets and missile launchers. One last feature that might be useful for infiltration is an extended cockpit that can carry one or two extra people, and is hooked up to a hatch that can create a sealed door in a ships armor by blasting a hole that it then fills. This can be put to some interesting uses.
Price: $100 million

EPCS-60 Bat Class Extended Patrol Craft
Length: 985 ft
Width: 300 ft
Height: 415 ft
Protection: 7
Armament: 3 laser cannons, 7 laser turrets, 2 mine layers, Class 3 CQDS
Ammo: large recharging batteries, 20 mines
Speed: 7730 miles per second
Warp: 6
Built on a destroyer-sized hull, the Bat is designed specifically for patrol duty. Fast enough to get around a system fairly quickly, it is also well protected. Its armament also ensures it can take on any opposition it finds. Plus it has two mine layers to create a defense barrier in your system. Also, it is designed to carry several sensor satellites to build an early warning system with. We even made sure it was very comfortable for those stationed on a long patrol. But its best asset by far is its sensor suite. Designed specifically to fit this ship, it turns it into a moving early warning sensor. Able to detect ships at extremely long ranges, it can also find stealthy ships that are normally hard to detect. This also makes it an excellent support craft. Unfortunately, it has a slower FTL drive, as it is mainly for defense.
Price: $70 billion

TSS-88A/B Humpback Class Supply/Troop Ship
Length: 1,500 ft
Width: 400 ft
Height: 500 ft
Protection: 3
Armament: Class 2 CQDS
Speed: 7700 miles per second
Cargo Area: 1,000ft long, 490ft wide, 389ft tall
Dropships: 30 50ft long Dropships (B version only)
Warp: 5
The Humpback version A is the supply ship of our fleet. With a huge cargo capacity it can carry almost anything. That includes ammo, food repair supplies, and even wounded. As most fighting takes place light years from home, and may drag on for a long time, your shipboard supplies become low. Instead of having to send back ships, or give up, you can now ration out supplies from a dedicated supply ship. Also, because we knew it would mainly be used in out of system battles, we made sure it’s hyper drive could keep up with the rest of the fleet. Plus there are plenty of docking points for smaller ferry vessel like our Beluga ships. Meanwhile, the B version is tasked with troop transport, deployment, and medical care. The cargo area is split up to carry troops and to hold the dropships for them. It also has room to treat any injured troops, including sailors on other spaceships.
Price: $65 billion

SFVS-18 Beluga Supply Ferrying Vessel
Length: 120 ft
Width: 40 ft
Height: 110 ft
Protection: 2
Armament: 1 laser turret
Ammo: recharging battery
Speed: 7730 miles per second
Cargo Area: 100ft long, 40 ft wide, 110 ft tall
Warp: none
Just as no man is an island, no ship is an island either. Even for extended patrol duty in its own solar system, a ship will need to be supplied more than once with goods. And as ships partake in battle farther and farther from home, these needs increase. This is what the Beluga class was created for. It can easily take supplies to ships anywhere in its solar system. During battle away from friendly systems, it can carry goods, ammunition, and wounded from one ship to another. Or it can be used to pick up escape pods after a battle. The best idea though, is to use them in junction with the Humpback class ships to ration out needed supplies and ferry back the wounded.
Price: $40 million

DTS-12 Paris V.I.P. Transport
Length: 120 ft
Width: 60 ft
Height: 60 ft
Protection: 7
Armament: 6 laser turrets, class 3 CQDS
Ammo: recharging batteries
Speed: 7760 miles per second
Warp: 6
The Paris was designed with one purpose. To safely transport important people such as national leaders, corporate heads, or the very wealthy. And it carries this out in style. With 2 suites, 3 lounges, an exercise room, and other amenities, this is a very comfortable ship. Also, to ensure the guests safety, a class 3 CQDS is installed, along with heavy armor and six laser turrets , to give this ship essentially the same protection as that of a destroyer. Finally, we installed one of our latest drives, which is an assault class sized engine with a hyperspace generator that can smoothly and quietly reach speeds usually only obtained by heavy fighters. Although due to certain drawbacks, it is unfit for use as a military vessel.
Price: $40 million

MDVS-45 Montezuma Class Marine Deployment Vessel
Length: 200 ft
Width: 50 ft
Height: 50 ft
Protection: 5
Armament: 1 laser turret
Ammo: recharging battery
Speed: 7730 miles per second
Pods: 6
Warp: 5
The Montezuma class is a specialty ship with a very important task. It is tasked with transporting our Space Marines, or the equivalent, to disabled enemy ships. The Montezuma class ships use their good protection and their laser turret to safely transport the pods near the disabled ship. Then the ship fires off the pods at a weak point in its defense.
Price: $60 million

MPS-3 Privateer Marine Pod
Length: 50 ft
Width: 50 ft
Height: 50 ft
Protection: 5
Armament: none
Speed: 7715 miles per second
Marines Carried: 10
Warp: none
The Privateer pod begins by being fired by the Montezuma class ship. It then zooms to the disabled ship, and attaches itself to it using magnets and drills. Next it quickly blasts a hole in the ships wall, and disgorges the suited Marines into the ship. It can then wait for the Marines to take control of the ship, or evacuate the Marines if they aren’t successful. If you can take control of a ship, you could use its weapons on your enemies or evacuate it and or its technology back to a secure location.
Price: $2 million

JVS-1 Weasel Jamming Vessel
Length: 30 ft
Width: 30 ft
Height: 30 ft
Protection: 1
Armament: None
Speed: 7805 miles per second
Warp: none
The Weasel class Jamming Vessel uses special jamming technology that renders enemy passive sensors unable to detect the jamming unit. Along with its shielding and high power jamming devices, it can easily infiltrate enemy lines to jam a wide number of communication frequencies and even disrupt some missiles.
Price: $7 million

RVS-3 Synth Repair Vessel
Length: 20 ft
Width: 20 ft
Height: 20 ft
Protection: 1
Armament: None
Speed: 7715 miles per second
Warp: none
If you have ever needed to repair a fighter, but couldn’t get in the docking bay, or if you needed more repair capabilities than your nanites offered, the Synth repair vessel is for you. Due to its small size it’s easily stored aboard any ship with minimal modifications. Then when needed, it can be deployed to zoom to the damaged area to directly apply nanites, weld breaks together, or apply new sheets of armor. A must for any capital ship!
Price: $7 million


HDS-24 Harpy Heavy Dropship
Length: 100 ft
Wingspan: 80 ft
Height: 50 ft
Armor: Heavy
Speed: 500 mph
Armament: 1 small Plasma Turret, 2 AG missile pods, 2 heavy Gatling laser guns
Ammo: recharging batteries, 12 AG smart missiles
Crew: 4
Cargo: 80 ft long x 50 ft wide x 40 ft high
The Harpy may not be very pretty, but it gets the job done. In fact, it is one of the best dropships for any mass invasion, or landing in hotspots. Being our biggest dropship, it can haul quite a load. For instance, you can haul multiple vehicles plus troops to support them. But that’s not the only reason that it is a good craft. It is also very well armored, and has quite a load out of weapons. First is a small plasma turret on the top, packing enough punch to take out an entire gun emplacement. Next are two air to ground missile pods that fire guided missiles for taking out vehicles. Also, there are two heavy Gatling laser guns mounted on the sides to provide covering fire for the exiting troops. Unfortunately it is somewhat slow, and doesn’t maneuver well during entry. But that’s why we made sure it has plenty of armor.
Price: $40 million

MDS-28 Dragonfly Medium Dropship
Length: 50 ft
Wingspan: 40 ft
Height: 38 ft
Armor: Medium
Speed: Mach 2
Armament: 2 Gatling laser guns
Ammo: recharging batteries
Crew: 3
Cargo: 40 ft long x 25 ft wide x 30 ft high
The Dragonfly may be just a basic dropship, but don’t underestimate it. This ship is one of our most widely used products. Starting with an ample hold we made sure that there was plenty of access. We also placed two Gatling laser guns at the doors to protect the exiting troops. Next, medium armor was added to give the ship survivability. Finally, a fine-looking aerodynamic skin was placed that enables this craft to reach speeds of up to Mach 2. The dropships bay is also easily modified to carry anything from troops to cargo. It is also good at maneuvering.
Price: $35 million

CDS-27 Wasp Commando Dropship
Length: 30 ft
Wingspan: 15 ft
Height: 10 ft
Armor: Light
Speed: Mach 4
Armament: 2 Gatling laser guns, 4 AG missile launchers
Ammo: recharging batteries, 4 AG smart missiles
Crew: 2
Cargo: 15 ft long x 10 ft wide x 9 ft high
Although the Wasp could be classified as a light dropship, the term commando applies to it better. Using an advanced electronics suite, special materials, and an outer layer of LightBend (an active camouflage skin), the Wasp is a highly stealthy unit. It is also extremely fast and maneuverable. Another reason it is suited for commando exercise is the small carrying capacity. It can really only carry a small number of troops, or maybe a small scout vehicle. And lastly, it is quite well armed for its size, with two Gatling laser guns to protect the doors, and 4 AG missile launchers.
Price: $36 million

Vehicles, Land

MHT-5 Wolverine Modular Heavy Tank
Height: 8 ft
Width: 23 ft
Length: 37 ft
Speed: 97 mph
Armament: Depends
Armor: Heavy
Crew: 3
The Wolverine is GP’s MBT. What is interesting about the Wolverine though, is its modular weapons design. It has four hard point slots to load a variety of weapons (see below). This allows it to carry out many missions, from anti-air, to taking out other tanks.

Simple, reliable, and effect these energy based weapons are standard armament for many vehicles. Lasers are highly effective against shields, but do moderate damage to most types of armor. The pinpoint targeting capability of the weapon compensates for a lack of raw hitting power in the hands of a skilled pilot.
Hard Point Size: 1
Ammo: None

A blaster is a hybrid laser plasma weapon with increased hitting power. They deliver a somewhat larger energy packet than the standard laser and are more effective against armor.
Hard Point Size: 2
Ammo: None
Recycle time: 1 sec

Sparrow Missiles
The Sparrow missile is the standard General Products anti-vehicle missile. It is a maneuverable weapon with moderate hitting power capable of engaging a wide variety of ground targets and low-flying aircraft.
Hard Point Size: 1/2
Ammo: 6 or 10
Recycle time: 1.0 sec

Blast Cannon
The blast cannons occupy the high end of the ballistic weapons spectrum in terms of hitting power. Firing a single armor piercing high-explosive shell, the standard blast cannon is a potent weapon against large vehicles and buildings at close range. The weapon is limited by a small ammo capacity and degradation in accuracy at longer ranges, especially against fast moving targets.
Hard Point Size: 3
Ammo: 20
Recycle time: 2.0 sec

These weapons are ballistic weapons which fire a short burst of projectiles at a target. After firing, the weapon requires a brief reload and recycle period. The more powerful autocannons inflict greater damage, but carry less ammo and require a longer period of time to recharge. The lead distance on an autocannon is accounted for by the targeting computer, but windage must be manually compensated for by the pilot at longer ranges.
Hard Point Size: Small
Ammo: 750 Rounds
Recycle: .3 sec
Price- $4 million

HT-1 Grizzly MBT
Height: 8 ft
Width: 8 ft
Length: 30 ft
Speed: 105 mph
Armament: 120mm Gauss Cannon, 20mm Machinegun,
Ammo: 20 rounds (all normal types), 800 rounds
Armor: Heavy
Crew: 3
The HT-1 doesn’t have any bells or whistles. It doesn’t have any fancy energy weapons. It does have a hover propulsion unit. Other than that it has nothing fancy. But it’s still the favorite MBT of the General Products lineup. This is mainly due to its reliability. Strong armor and dependable parts keep it from breaking down often. This means that they spend more time in the field doing what they do best. Annihilating other tanks. Our specially tuned Gauss cannon can fire most round types, and can rip through armor quite well. The Grizzly is definitely a strong investment, and the mainstay of any armored force.
Price- $3.5 million

MT-3 Bull Medium Tank 8 ft
Width: 23 ft
Length: 25 ft
Speed: 120 mph
Armament: 105mm Plasma Cannon, 20mm Machinegun, 4 Grenade Launchers
Ammo: Recharging Batteries, 800 rounds, 12 Smoke or HE Grenades
Armor: Medium
Crew: 3
Designed to fill the gap between smaller scout tanks and larger Main Battle Tanks, the MT-3 Bull is a multi-role tank. Using newer hover technology, it has a much greater speed than that off the heavier tanks allowing it to scout on ahead. Plus it has a good-sized plasma cannon mounted to allow it to participate in heavier firefights than lighter tanks. Also equipped is a fast firing 20mm cannon along with grenade launchers for unarmored vehicles or troops. The medium armor affords better protection than that on a smaller tank, but is weak against mines, due to lack of armor on its belly. This is because of the hover propulsion unit it uses.
Price- $3 million

LT-7 Lynx Light Tank 7 ft
Width: 7 ft
Length: 19 ft
Speed: 135 mph
Armament: 30mm Plasma Auto-Cannon, Laser, Mine Layer
Ammo: recharging batteries, 10 Anti-Personnel or Anti-Tank mines
Armor: Light
Crew: 2
When you need an armored presence to scout up ahead, or fast recon in a dangerous situation, the Lynx is there. Using its very fast hover propulsion unit, it can out maneuver heavy tanks with ease. Also it has a newer Plasma Cannon for use on smaller vehicles. By reducing the size of the cannon, we were able to make it fully automatic, with a recycle rate of 1 second. Unfortunately, this means it sometimes has trouble firing fully auto while moving. To alleviate this, we included the option to change the fire mode, like an assault rifle. It also has a minelayer on the back to disrupt enemy movement. Altogether, it makes an excellent raider, especially against unarmored vehicles.
Price- $2.5 million

LT-9 Ferret Scout Tank 10 ft
Width: 8 ft
Length: 16 ft
Speed: 138 mph
Armament: 20mm Cannon, Laser
Ammo: 600 HE bullets, recharging battery
Armor: Light
Crew: 2
At first glance, the LT-9 doesn’t look like much of a tank. Its small, lightly armed, and has less armor than a LT-7 Lynx. But this tank isn’t meant for full frontal attacks. It’s bred for scouting. With one of our fastest tank hover propulsion units, it can cover a lot of ground fast while avoiding the enemy. Between the 20mm Cannon and the laser, it can protect itself from troops and unarmored vehicles. It’s also small enough to avoid being seen. But its real secret is its electronics suite. First is a high power comm unit that is difficult to jam. Next is a finely tuned sensor array that can detect stealthy enemy movements at long ranges. Last is a limited jamming system that can break up enemy communications, which is always good. Just remember that the cockpit is lightly armored.
Price- $2 million

AAT-12 Archer Anti-Air Tank 8 ft
Width: 23 ft
Length: 26 ft
Speed: 123 mph
Armament: 20mm FastFire Laser, Haze Anti-Air Missile Launcher
Ammo: Recharging Battery, 8 Missiles
Armor: Light
Crew: 3
Built after the LT-9 but on a medium sized body, the Archer is a specialty tank. It is specifically designed to take out aircraft. And we built it from the ground up to do that. We began with a platform big enough to hold the weapons and sensors. Then we used design ideas from the LT-9 to make a speedy vehicle using hover technology. Then we gave it a sensor suite for strictly air targets. We then enhanced the sensors with computer-guided control, and over the horizon Remote Fire. Finally we armed it with a special anti-air laser gun and Haze anti-air hyper missiles. And what we ended up with was a tank that can hold its own against the deadly aircraft of today. And with a good gunner, it can even take down a dropship.
Price- $2.7 million

APC-3 Rhino Armored Personnel Carrier 8 ft
Width: 6 ft
Length: 23 ft
Speed: 100 mph
Armament: 2x 20mm Machine guns, .50 cal. Machine gun, 3 Grenade Launchers
Ammo: 800 rounds, 300 rounds, 9 Smoke or HE Grenades
Armor: Medium
Crew: 2 crew members, 11 passengers and their gear
Although this design is nearing the end of its service, the Rhino is still not to be messed with. With three different machine guns covering a wide area, the Rhino can plow its way into the thick off battle to deliver its troops. The grenade launchers also aid this process. It can also haul more troops than the APC-6, and has slightly more armor. Plus, the simple parts it’s built from are easy to maintain, and cheap to replace. Built along tried and true principles, the Rhino carries large masses of troops into battle for very little money.
Price- $500,000

APC-6 Panther Armored Personnel Carrier 10 ft
Width: 18 ft
Length: 24 ft
Speed: 125 mph
Armament: 20mm Cannon, sealed gun ports for passengers
Ammo: 700 rounds
Armor: Medium
Crew: 2 crew members, 8 passengers and their gear
Due to the advancing age of the Rhino APC, we have come up with a new design for an APC. Although the Panther hauls fewer passengers and only has one main gun, it can still carry out its mission quite well. With a higher top speed than the Rhino, it needs less protection. Also included are experimental gun ports, which protect the passengers, while letting them fire while in the vehicle. And, a high stealth-rating make it well equipped for stealthy insertions. In fact, commanders have found that the Panther is best equipped for Special Forces or other secretive missions, while the Rhino is best for large troop movements.
Price- $2 million

MAT-5 Elephant Mobile Artillery Tank 12 ft
Width: 8 ft
Length: 38 ft
Speed: 98 mph
Armament: 155mm RA Howitzer, 2 Plasma Mortars
Ammo: 25 rounds, Recharging Batteries
Armor: Medium
Crew: 4
Whether fighting offense or defense, long-range artillery is a must. And that is what we made the MAT-5 for. Its huge 155mm Rocket Assisted Howitzer can fire extremely long ranges to deliver large explosions with the utmost accuracy. It is equipped with an average long-range sensor suite, but can directly tie into other units’ sensors. Plus, for closer ranges, it comes with 2 Plasma mortars. These also have good accuracy, and cause quite an explosion. Although the Elephant uses a hover propulsion unit, speed is limited due to high weight. So just make sure to protect it well.
Price- $1 million

MAT-12 Crocodile Mobile Artillery Tank 10 ft
Width: 9 ft (Blockades closed)
Length: 37 ft
Speed: 88 mph
Armament: 2x 105mm Alternating Howitzer
Ammo: 45 rounds
Armor: Heavy
Crew: 4
Most artillery just can’t handle the front lines. But sometimes you need artillery that works from far back, and up front. That’s where the MAT-12 comes in. With 2 105mm Howitzers that alternate fire a shot every four seconds, and heavy armor, it can take on both jobs. An interesting feature is the blockades that flip out from the sides. They can be used to protect the tracks, or troops can line up behind them for added protection. We even included firing ports. Because of the features, many commanders have found the Crocodile to work well in urban areas, or in fights where there is no solid front line. The artillery gunners have also found that the turrets can even be lowered to fire like a tank.
Price- $1.2 million

RC-14 Puma Raider Car
Height: 12 ft
Width: 14 ft
Length: 20 ft
Speed: 130 mph
Armament: Small Plasma Cannon, .50 cal. Machinegun
Ammo: Recharging batteries, 500 rounds
Armor: Heavy
Crew: 1 driver, 3 passengers, 2 gunners
The Puma is another multipurpose vehicle. It can carry a number of passengers, its small and fast enough to perform scouting missions, and carry out attacks. Its weapons include a forward mounted Plasma Cannon controlled from up front, and a .50 .cal machine gun fired by a gunner facing backwards. It has a good comm. system, high top speeds, and can handle rough terrain. It’s just an all around good vehicle.
Price- $100,000

GEV-20 A/B Viper Ground Effect Vehicle
Height: 20 ft
Width: 45 ft
Length: 43 ft
Speed: 200 mph
Armament: (B version only) 2x 105mm Howitzer, 4x Mid size lasers, 25mm Gatling gun, 8 Razor Missile launchers
Ammo: 50 rounds, Recharging batteries, 700 rounds, 16 missiles
Armor: Light
Crew: 2
Cargo: (A version only) 15 ft high x 38 ft long x 22 ft wide
The Viper is one of our more innovative designs. We know that with the limited space on starships, vehicles that can accomplish multiple missions are appreciated. And the Viper is one such vehicle. It comes in two versions: A, the cargo design, and B, the gunship design. Both are ground effect vehicles augmented with hover propulsion units. This means that they can move very fast over ground and water. This makes the A version excellent at moving cargo, as it can go virtually anywhere. Also, it lets the B version attack targets almost anywhere. And with the weaponry on the B version, it is quite good at attacking targets. Even though the armor is very light, the vehicles high speed makes up for it.
A version Price- $400,000
B version Price- $3 million

HSS-21 Scimitar High Speed Skimmer
Height: 5.7 ft
Width: 15 ft
Length: 17 ft
Speed: 300 mph
Armament: 2 laser cannons, Tag Missile launcher
Ammo: recharging batteries, 2
Armor: Light
Crew: 2
The HSS-21 is an offshoot of the technology used in the GEV-20. It uses a tuned version of the propulsion system used by the Viper. But we designed the Scimitar to be essentially a fighter jet for the ground. It is extremely fast, able to reach 300 mph without much strain. It’s also very stealthy. Combined, this means it is nearly impossible to kill. We then armed it with 2 laser cannons for attack and a Tag missile launcher. The Tag missile is fired in two sequences. First, a fast and sticky projectile is fired to stick to the target. The Tag missile then homes in on this, and is very rarely deflected. It can penetrate armor quite well, and also take out “soft” targets. Armed with this, the Scimitar is a force to be reckoned with. Just remember that it has a harder time on rough terrain.
Price- $400,000

MPT-2 A/B/C/D Clydesdale Multi-Purpose Truck
Height: 8 ft
Width: 12 ft
Length: 30 ft
Speed: 60 mph
Armament: (Version D only) Lance artillery pod
Ammo: 16 Lance missiles
Armor: none
Crew: 1
Cargo: (A version only) 8 ft high x 26 ft long x 12 ft wide, or 17 troops
This is it folks. It’s the standard truck. And it’s the epitome of versatility. We so far have come up with four versions. And you can probably find even more. Our A version is the cargo hauler. It can haul troops, supplies, medical care, and repair personnel. Version B is a mobile command center. It has high power comm. systems, large displays, and a large computer system. Version C is the Mobile Electronics Vehicle. It can relay communications, jam enemy communications, and detect even the stealthiest units at long range. Finally version D is the rocket artillery. It is equipped with a Lance artillery pod firing 8 semi-seeking missiles at a time. The Clydesdale is truly the workhorse of any army. With its large tires, it can even take on rough terrain to complete its mission.
A version Price- $30,000
B version Price- $900,000
C version Price- $800,000
D version Price- $1.1 million
11-01-2005, 03:37
[space reserved]
11-01-2005, 03:38
[reserved space]
East Coast Federation
11-01-2005, 03:54
I'm trying to think what game you got these out of?

But I might make an order, what does the house reccomend.

This is just for fun, and slighty pity.
11-01-2005, 04:02
Yes, alot of these ships are from Freelancer. I would recomend our Cedar class carrier with some Hatchet class destroyers for escourt, with some Piranahs and Thunderbids. Or a Diamondback battle cruiser with some Ant fighters, and some Gator cruisers for a strike force.
11-01-2005, 04:22
The Confederacy wishes to purchase the production rights for the hull designs of the BCS-9 Battle Cruiser and the ADS-42A/B Destroyer. Numerous methods of payment are available.
13-01-2005, 01:54
After some deliberation, General Products has decided to allow the plans for our designs to be sold. You may use these to produce your own models of our designs on one condition. You may not sell exact copies of our designs. If you would like to sell knockoffs of them, then at least change them a little. So we would be pleased if you would like to make an offer on our plans, as we are unsure of the worth of these two designs. Thank you.
13-01-2005, 02:27
After some deliberation, General Products has decided to allow the plans for our designs to be sold. You may use these to produce your own models of our designs on one condition. You may not sell exact copies of our designs. If you would like to sell knockoffs of them, then at least change them a little. So we would be pleased if you would like to make an offer on our plans, as we are unsure of the worth of these two designs. Thank you.

We wish only to use the hull of the two specified designs as we find their designs aesthetically pleasing. We will outfit them with our own technology and will not offer their designs for re-sale.

What do you wish for payment?
Ulntran warriors
13-01-2005, 02:54
Hello, could we purchase:
2 SDS-47 Comanche Class Destroyer w/bays for 4 LFS-50 Ant Light Fighters each
1 DNS-11 Dragon Class Dreadnought

we will wire the payment as soon as confermation is recieved.
Yafor 2
13-01-2005, 03:39
We'd like to buy 1,000 AFS-40 Ceres assault fighters. Payment will be wired upon confirmation.

OOC:Too lazy to do a full IC post
13-01-2005, 06:58
To Xessmithia: As you will olny be using the hull designs, how does $80 billion sound?

To Ulntran warriors: We are sorry to inform you that your nation doesn't seem to have the money to make this purchase. You can check at If you can prove you have the money we will gladly send your order. Or you may try buying less at one time.

To Yafor 2: We would like proof that you can afford this purchase also. After reviewing your GDP at we doubt you can afford this purchase. But if you can, please inform us, and we will send your order.
13-01-2005, 07:08
*Land Vehicles added*
Wolf America
13-01-2005, 08:13
The United States of Wolf America would like to order this:

1,000 AFS-40 Ceres Assault Fighters - 45000000000
1,000 AFS-20 Syrnx Assault Fighters - 45000000000

Total =$90,000,000,000

The cash will be wired upon confirmation of this order.

-Supreme Leader of the United States, the Emperor of Moldovia, the Haunt of The Banat, a Sorcerer of The Night, the Demon of The Balkans, the Haunt of The Steely Moon, and a Jedi Master
Lord JWolf (
The Head Chairman of the United States Alliance (U.S.A)
A Charter Member of the Xeraphian Federation (AXE)
A Member of the ISEC
A Member of the United Space Federation (USF)
A Member of the Ottoman Alliance
Yafor 2
13-01-2005, 22:57
Dear Korep,

We have set aside much of our budget for this; we need them for a war.

Guillermo Vicente
Chief Minister of Yafor 2.
14-01-2005, 01:54
To Wolf America: Your order of 1,000 AFS-40 Ceres Assault Fighters and 1,000 AFS-20 Syrnx Assault Fighters is confirmed. Thank you for ordering from General Products. The fighters will arrive on a company carrier in 1 year (NS).

To Yafor 2: We will take your word on this order. Order of 1,000 AFS-40 Ceres Assault Fighters for $45 billion confirmed. Thank you for ordering. Your fighters will also arrive on a company carrier in 1 year (NS).
14-01-2005, 02:38
Eighty billion is perfectly acceptable. Money will be wired upon receival of the hull schematics.
14-01-2005, 06:29
The plans have been sent to you. They should arrive within a NS month. Thank you for your order.
15-01-2005, 00:21
The money has been wired to your account. It's been a pleasure dealing with you.
Killer herbavores
18-01-2005, 02:28
The Republican Space Kingdom of Killer herbavores will order.......

4 ACS-5 Cedar Class Assault Class Carriers = 240000000000
4 DNS-11 Dragon Class Dreadnoughts = 400000000000
1,880 HFS-25 Piranha Heavy Fighters = 56400000000

Total = $696,400,000,000

- The True Supreme Leader of the Republican Space Kingdom of Killer herbavores
High Priest King Chairman Duke Bobby Booger
18-01-2005, 05:50
The Republican Space Kingdom of Killer herbavores will order.......

4 ACS-5 Cedar Class Assault Class Carriers = 240000000000
4 DNS-11 Dragon Class Dreadnoughts = 400000000000
1,880 HFS-25 Piranha Heavy Fighters = 56400000000

Total = $696,400,000,000

- The True Supreme Leader of the Republican Space Kingdom of Killer herbavores
High Priest King Chairman Duke Bobby Booger

Your purchase is confirmed. The ships will arrive in 2 years (NS). Thank you for ordering.
The Shadow Dogs
19-01-2005, 02:51
The Shadow Phoenixs]Good day I represent Gamorrah Mall that already holds several storefronts in my lovely mall. I am seeking storefront owners wishing to join in for a more better and faster way for customers to get to your store. This also will help promote your store. Please consider my offer. Gamorrah Mall (

We already have obtain several stores in are mall and would hope that you would also join in on the benifits.[/
22-01-2005, 07:18
-Special offer posted-
23-01-2005, 04:08
-Added dropships and stealth spacecraft-
Cyrian space
23-01-2005, 23:24
Cyrian space would like to buy 4 DNS-11 Dragon Class Dreadnoughts for a total of 400 billion dollars. We wish to use these ships to defend each of our homeworlds (Cyrian space consists of three species) and the wormhole leading into our system. Also, Am I correct in assuming that the ships come with schematics for the creation of ammunition used?
24-01-2005, 01:08
Your order is confirmed. The ships will arrive in 1 NS year. Yes, the ships come with manuals explaining the operation and maintinance of the ships. As a side note, all our capital ships are capable of using wormholes. Thank you for purchasing.
25-01-2005, 01:55
Advertisement to all from General Products:

Hey there! Have you ever wanted to take over the galaxy? Well you can! Remember, the most important step is to build a fleet of ships like the ones we sell. But also remember that it takes more than a fleet of super-hyper-destruct-o-matic uberships to dominate the galaxy. You need tanks, trucks, dropships, ect. And you can find it all here! Thank you for your time, you may now return to your regulary scheduled program. :D
04-02-2005, 06:07
*Special offer changed again*
05-02-2005, 06:19
Doesn't anyone want free stuff?
10-02-2005, 07:13
Well i was hoping to not have to-
but oh well.
11-02-2005, 04:40
Wow! No one seems to even view this thread.
08-03-2005, 06:11
a hopefilled