NationStates Jolt Archive

Terrorist Attacks in the Empire of Risban

10-01-2005, 23:46
Monday, January Tenth....
A normal morning in the Empire of Risban. Cars drove back and forth; a group of radical animal rights protestors had just been dragged away in a black van; Parliament was meeting to pass some new laws; tourists were flocking all around the Empire.
Business as usual in the Empire of Risban.

8:19 A.M., Risban City: Imperial Mall
A man dressed in blue jeans and a dark blue shirt, wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap, emerged from a Risban-Auto Pick-Up Truck outside of the Imperial Mall, carrying a backpack like many others around the area; mostly tourists. Imperial High Guards and the Risban Police patrolled the mall, keeping an eye on things as it opened up and the first wave of people entered the massive structure. Video cameras were everywhere; the Emperor had made Parliament pass laws to put cameras on every street corner to watch everything.
This man in the baseball cap strolled into the Imperial Mall, surrounded by a crowd of tourists, most from nations that were Risban's allies.

8:36 A.M., Imperial Palace: Parliamentary Chambers
Lord Richard Gaius Zorag, the leader of the Zorag Company and a member of the Imperial Parliament, sat in the Parliamentary Chambers, listening to the proceedings. The Parliament was just passing a law to put taxes on all churches except the Church of Risban.
Upon reaching a concensus to pass the tax law, Countess Nora Courtney, head of Parliament, thanked the other Risban nobles and went to give the bill to the Emperor.
Lord Zorag stood, exiting the Chambers and going to his office, watching his watch carefully.
It would all begin soon.

8:45 A.M., Shadow Society Headquarters (Somewhere in the City of Copmol)
Lt. Colonel James Ledgar of the Risban Imperial Army paced back and forth in an underground bunker, watching nineteen people work at computers. The Society of Shadows, one of the most secretive yet most powerful organizations in the world, had a very large and intricate super-computer and its disposal. And, right now, that super-computer was being used to prepare an attack on Risban's Internet and disable it, severing communications in Risban abd between Risban and other nations.
The attack would take place soon.

9:02 A.M., Risban City: Imperial Palace Courtyard
The Imperial Palace Courtyard.... Much had happened in such a place. This is where the Emperor and other Imperial officials delivered speeches and made announcements. It is where the Empire was rumored to have been founded. It was where the current emperor, Robinson Antares Scorpius, had publicly executed the former corrupt emperor.
Thus, many people lurked about the courtyard. Some were tourists, other were government workers, and several were regulars. Imperial High Guards stood at every entrance and exit, watching carefully for anything suspicious. After the rebellion of General Charles Lucas and Colonel Antonin Steele, security had been bumped up around the palace greatly. It was made quite sure that no one would be able to sneak a bomb in from the outside.
The Order of the Imperial High Guard did not, unfortunately, expect the attack to come from the inside.
Joseph Aeneas, an assistant to Lord William Plutus, the Imperial Minister of Finance, came from an old, honorable family in Risban. He was connected through blood with various members of Parliament, and was pretty well off financially. It was said that one day he might even hold the position of Imperial Minister of Finance for the Empire of Risban.
That was, of course, before January the Tenth.
Joseph Aeneas strolled out of the Finance Ministry in Imperial Palace, walking into the courtyard, apparently to have some lunch. He was carrying a small garbage back, as what usually held his lunch, and was where his usual green trenchcoat, despite the fact that the sun was now shining in through the fog.
But, Joseph Aeneas was a respectable member of the Imperial Administration, however slightly odd, so the High Guards paid no special attention to him.
He walked over to the wall beneath the Emperor's Balcony, where the members of the empire met to deliver their speeches to the public of Risban City. He sat against the wall, glancing around at the many people lurking about. He looked up at the massive stone structure towering above and behind him. He sighed, removing what seemed to be an I-Pod from his pocket.
He stood up, lifting his lunch bag into the air.
"SIC SEMPER TYRANUS! Death to the Empire of Risban!"
This caught the Imperial Guards by surprise. They responded by raising their pistols and beginning to move past befuddled tourists, nearing the assistant. One guard yelled something about a remote, but it was too late.
Joseph Aeneas, Senior Assistant to the Imperial High Minister of Finfance, pressed a button on the "I-Pod". The garbage back, having been thrust to a corner of the well, exploded instantly, causing part of the wall to crumble down and all of the people to duck, including the guards. Several of the more-hardened guards opened fire on Aeneas, but missed on account to the black smoke and dust that had engulfed the air.
Joseph Aeneas pressed another button, and the C4 wrapped around his body exploded, taking out the wall behind him. The Emperor's Balcony fell one hundred feet, crashing onto the smoldering remains of Joseph Aeneas.

10:13 A.M., Risban City: Imperial Mall
The man in the baseball cap with the backpack sat outside of a small pastry store inside the mall, sipping some coffee, his free hand in his backpack. He was beginning to sweat slightly, as if nervous, but no one noticed, for the Imperial Guards and police around the mall, it seemed, had just had a major problem. Their computer-based communications were done, and video cameras around the city were going out.
The Internet was down.
The man in the baseball cape stood, as many others were doing, and looked around. He was just about in the center in the mall, near the gigantic tree that marked the spot. He looked down at the backpack and the hand inside of it.
Malls didn't have metal detactors... Nor did they have the anti-terrorist security around. Yet, they were always crowded.
The man in the baseball cap closed his eyes and pressed a button in his backpack.
Moments later, an entire section of the Imperial Mall of Risban City was nothing but a pile of rubble and bodies, engulfed in fire.

10:24 A.M., Underground of Risban City
The subway/train station was backed up with angry commuters, complaining about cellphones not working and the digital train schedule being broken. Not to mention that police were running around fantically and not telling anyone what was going on.
A well-known lawyer got out of a non-moving subway train, looking as annoyed as most and carrying his briefcase. He walked to the main lobby of the subway, where the angry commuters were gathering to listen to a magistrate who was about to tell them all what was going on.
That's when this lawyer opened his briefcase, ducking beneath the crowd, and set his bomb.
At 10:28 A.M., the subway station had been enfulfed by an explosion and collapsed.

Shadow Society Headquarters
Lt. Colonel James Ledgar spoke into his cellphone. "Yes, m'lord. The subway, courtyard, and mall have all been destroyed. Our attack on the Internet was perfect. Everything is done."
"Good," came the cold, malicious reply from the other end. "Very good..."
Green Sun
11-01-2005, 00:10
Yillik Kort had over three hundred troops ready. He was glad Tyrone Montoya was out of the country, otherwise Green Sun would have launched a full-fledged attack on the Terrorists, which Yillik didn't want. The word of the attacks spread quickly and Yillik was able to respond just as.

Techs had already been sent to dozens of goverment buildings to connect Risban with Green Sun's internet servers, but there were some major problems with just hooking them up with it. Green Sun had put a lot of time and money into making sure their internet could only be accessed from locations provided with it. It went into the World Wide Web at very secure locations, but otherwise it was its own Net.
11-01-2005, 02:49
((Meant for the first post to be under the Shadow Society screenname...))

11:39 A.M., Imperial Palace: Command Centre
Emperor Scorpius sat in the command centre, looking quite speechless. Around the table was Parliamentary Chancellor Countess Nora Courtney, Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Perkins, Financial Affairs Minister Lord William Plutus, Grand Admiral Eric Tarda, Grand General Charles Skops, Defence Minister Colonel William Graffias, Cardinal James Kliptnock, Colonel Ryan Biggs of the Imperial High Guard, Lord Richard Gaius Zorag of Parliament, Lord Magnus Scorpius of the Scorpius Corporation, Doctor Sandra Nrevan of Parliament, and Duke Richard Lawson of Parliament.
Emperor Scorpius looked around at the faces of these government heads.
"How did this happen?" he asked after a while.
"Well," began Dr. Nrevan. "It began with a combined attack on our Internet. Their hackers, whoever they are, managed to bring it crashing down, destroying everything we have that runs on the Internet. Then they disabled our cameras and began the attacks..."
"They had people on the inside and out," said Colonel Graffias. "Aeneas blew up your balcony, a lawyer blew up the Underground, and some unidentified tourist took out the mall."
"HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!?" asked the Emperor again.
"W-....We don't know, sir," said Colonel Graffias, bowing his head. "We did not expect such an attack."
Countess Courtney stood to go take a call.
"Can we expect anymore?" asked Duke Lawson.
"Yes," said Colonel Graffias. "Most definately."
"Put all police and military on alert...... I'm declaring martial law for now. Find out who did this and stop them," ordered Emperor Scorpius.
Countess Courtney returned, her face pale. "Gentlemen and lady, I'm afraid that another place has been attacked. Cardinal Kliptnock, the St. Joseph's Cathedral was just destroyed."
The Cardinal's eyes widened. "My God, my God...."
Emperor Scorpius ran his hand across his face. "We need to stop this...Now!"

1:21 P.M., RIIN Brief
Pictures of what remained of the four attacked structures were shown on the Risban International News Network, along with amatuer video of the actual attacks.
"Now, some of these scenes are quite disturbing; you may want to turn away from your screens," said the anchorman. "No terrorists have yet claimed responsibility for the attacks, and the Ministry of Defence has yet to announce any leads. So far, the death toll has climbed to 934, though it is expected to rise past 2,000. The Saint Joseph's Cathedral, Imperial Palace Courtyard, Imperial Mall, and the Risban City Underground were all hit and destroyed. Crews are beginning to try get through the rubble and reach survivors, while the Imperial Military has been deployed. The Emperor has declared full martial law until he deems things are safe again. The Republic of Green Sun has helped Risban restore its Internet, which was back up and running fourty-eight minutes ago. Now, most of the international world is just learning of this tragedy, for our communications have just be restored."

1:48 P.M., RIIN
Pictures of a 42-story hotel with smoke and flames emerging from several windows filled the screen.
"Hotel Janlton in Risban City has just suffered an internal explosion. Imperial forces are moving in to help evacuate the building and-----............ Three more explosions have just rocked the hotel, and a car bomb has gone off outside of it. People are running... jumping out of the hotel.... It is slowly beginnig to collapse..... Imperial forces are moving everyone away from it.... Oh no..... Hotel Janlton has just collapsed. I repeat: the hotel has just collapsed."
Green Sun
11-01-2005, 03:05
8:19 A.M., Risban City: Green Sun embassy
The soldier fidgeted with his Laser Gun. What a boring job. Gaurding the Embassy. It was an insult. His uncle was General Homer! He should be in the Air Force helping him take New Hamshire and Vermont, not standing here like a mindless drone!
But at the corner of his eye, he saw a car being driven on the sidewalk and it was headed right for the Embassy! He raised his weapon and aimed, but he wasn't quick enough. The car drove through the gate and right into the Embassy. The car exploded, taking the building with it.
"Aw, hell...Uncle Homer's going to beat me with a damn toaster..."

12:45 P.M., Green Sun Risbanian outpost, on the jungle road
General Yillik felt the bumpy road in his body while the Armored vehicle drove towards Risban City. Terrorists are rebels, and Green Sun hates rebels. He studied his weapon. It was a new Laser Gun with rotating chambers for automatic fire. It would prove useful in the fighting to come.

Suddenly there was a loud explosion. He peaked his head out with his helmet on to see a large cloud of smoke coming from the from of the Caravan. He hopped out and ran to see what happened. The Humvee in front was demolished by a roadside bomb. He raised his weapon, makinghis way back to the armored vehicle. He saw a figure run by in the woods. Yillik immediately responded by firing his rifle, blowing holes in the thick jungle.
11-01-2005, 03:20
Shadow Society Headquarters
Lt. Colonel Ledgar grinned to himself. They were affecting Risban's allies now. They had people inside every embassy in Risban, and now was time to set them all off.

2:01 P.M., RIIN
"Wait... We have reports that the Green Sun Embassy was hit thismorning, and a Green Sun caravan was blown up a couple of hours ago," reported the anchorman. The Emperor is now positioning troops around all foreign embassies in Risban and pleas that our allies please be on their guard."

2:09 P.M., Federation of Aligned Planets Embassy to Risban
Risban Imperial Soldiers took up positions around the Embassy, and several soldiers holding some very heavy equipment walked into the embassy to meet with the Ambassador.
Unfortunately, these soldiers weren't Risban Loyalists.
As soon as they passed through the gates and approached the steps to the embassy, right before the metal detectors, they all hit little remotes, causing bombs around them and their equipment to go off, damaging the front of the embassy and killing several people.

2:11 P.M., Republic of Upper Xen's Embassy to Risban
A black limosuine approached the embassy from Upper Xen quite quickly, driving right towards the gates, followed by two black humvees. They picked up speed as they ran towards the gates, causing the Xenizen guards at the gate to back up slightly and shout.
An Risban Imperial tank fired perfectly, blowing up the limo shortly before it reached the gates. The humvees behind it crashed, being destroyed in a large explosion.
Only the gates to the Upper Xen embassy were damaged, and one of the guards had died.
Green Sun
11-01-2005, 03:25
12:45 P.M., Green Sun Risbanian outpost, on the jungle road
"Clear the road! Get these men's bodies back to the base! Step on it! Put all Green Sun building on full alert! Scramble, scramble!" General Yillik shouted. The men ran as fast as they could, moving the destroyed Humvee out of the way and removing the bodies. The caravan went full speed onto the Military highway. But at the end of it was a roadblock with men armed with RPG's and black masks. Infering that they weren't Risbanian soldiers, they opened fire, leveling them all. The road blocks were removed and they went on their way to Risban City.

But the highway wasn't completely controlled yet...
Green Sun
11-01-2005, 20:49
Green Sun
13-01-2005, 02:42
Green Sun
18-01-2005, 01:51
Green Sun
02-02-2005, 02:02
02-02-2005, 02:25
OOC: Whoops! Forgot to wrap this up, didn't I?


It tooks three days for everything to be contained within the Empire of Risban. In total, 1,104 were killed in the terrorist attacks on the Empire of Risban that day.
Imperial Shadow Forces were able to trace where the Internet attack came from, but found only one person there, who proceeded to blow himself up. Two troops were killed in the explosion.
The Empire of Risban has no leads on who was responsible for the attack, and no one has claimed responsibility.
The Empire of Risban is now undergoing new security measures to stop future attacks.
Green Sun
02-02-2005, 02:27
Green Sun reports that Black Sun, now a Terrorist organization, helped fund and and arm the terrorists. They have been exterminated from our soil, but their whereabouts are unknown.