NationStates Jolt Archive

The Reforms Crisis –Quiet Rebellion (Invited Rp)

Ottoman Khaif
09-01-2005, 20:24
The Reforms Crisis –Quiet Rebellion (Background Rp)

The Ottoman Government was about face its greatest threat to its very being; the rival between the Doves and Hawks was about to boiled over into massive crisis for the Ottoman Empire.

0900 Hours Meeting of the House of Parliament

The Ministers were having heated arguments over the matters of policy of the empire.

Here is what they were augmenting about

“ The massive grow of the Ottoman Confederation which support by the War Hawks and other hawk supporting, is madness. The process of Ottomanizie these new lands, is too much for the state to handle. Should have never allow the nations within our protectorate of West Africa (the nations are Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Mali, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Burkina Faso) to join the Union so early, we have not even the resource to stabilize these region, let alone the other regions under the banner of Confederation which we are trying to stabilize for the well being of the empire. We must stop the annexing new lands, in till we can stabilize these regions, and most speed the process of the reforms for the Empire. We must act in the best interest of the Empire. For the good of the empire, we must stop the expanding the our lands for now, and began turning more of our attention to our stabilize and Ottomanize of the lands that we have so far.” Said Minister Fred Sinowatz (

Praetor Neil Sedaka
( rose up to counter Minister Sinowatz claims, he got up and began to speak” Sir, we can handle to growth of the Ottoman Empire wisely and this does not mean we must stop annexing or allowing nations to join the Confederation, our government can handle the massive expansions of the Empire and we make still be able to make Ottomanize work. Its in our best interested to crush the Manchu-China Empire now when they are weak with civil war or will we pass up this chance to crush our foes for once and for all. Also we must maintain a hawkish stance against our foes and the stabilize can be done as we fight our foes.”

Minster Lisa al Aziz Disraeli (Sister to Foreign Minister Dr. Alice al Bin Umayyad) ( rose counter his statement” A Hawkish stance eh Praetor? .. Your Hawkish is made the Government pass two acts which is enlarging our Army, Air force and Navy by two fold, we can’t maintain this rate of expansion, we must stop for a period to allow us to stabilize our lands and continue the reforms at a faster pace then it is now to aid the Ottomanize of the new lands within the confederation. Yet the Manchu do look weak but we have reports that they are crush most of their rebel forces and their army is at strongest it has ever been. I am strongly against this idea of war against the Manchu-China Empire.”

Ministers Antónios Papandreou II (
) rose to add his view on the matter “ I agree with most of what Minister Disreali said about the expansionist policy of the empire. We most not be so hawkish in relating to other nations. We have enlarged the army in Peacetime, which is unheard of for our government. How do we justly this enlargement of the Arm forces, which we were in the work in reducing to peacetime standing. We were told by our Preator that there is a threat to the east from the Manchu-China Empire, which in a state of civil war.Yet the risk of attacking China is to great for our nation to withstand. Therefore we must not go to war against Manchu-China, it is not in our best interest to do so.”

Minister Franjo Tudjman ( ) rose up to speak “ We must not risk a very bloody war against the Manchu-China, we cannot a fight all these wars. It’s taking a total on our people moral. We must not got to war at all cost. The Manchu’s are busy with their own affairs, and we have our own major affairs to attend to. We must not waste our forces in a pointless war against the Chinese. We can use the money that would be needed to fund the war to fund public welfare or other public programs for the good of the people.”

Praetor Neil Sedaka
( spoke again “ This may be our only chance to remove a powerful foe, The Manchu are in a weak state, if we attack them now. We will be rid of the greatest threat to the Ottoman Confederation. If we don’t act now, we will regret not taking them out at now. We must maintain our hawkish stance toward them for the good of the state!”

Minister Viktor Klima
( rose to support the Praetor” I agree with the Praetor, if don’t react now. We will later on pay for it. With a long cold war what of matter, where both states will have a massive war which will led to many deaths, But if we attack now. We can cut our losses by 90 percent and knock the Manchu-China for good!”

Minister Mohammed bin Omar
( ) rose up to speak” We must this hawk wars, how many must die before we finally stop this these wars against other nations. Many of us want peace, how many more wars must we fights to please our imperialist madness. Our people tire of these endless wars of conquest. We want peace for the people, no more wars.”

Now everything go insane and crazy, the Unionist, Refromist and other ministers saw their chance to began a attack on the Hawkish views

Minister Alija Izetbegovic
( ) jump out of his seat to state his mind. “ What have all the Hawks have done for our empire? Well what have they done for the empire beside cause us to fight pointless bloody wars, which took many lives of our men? What have they done for the empire beside war? What have they done to improve the peoples life’s , they did nothing! All they did was nothing for the people! All they done for our people were to give them hardships and more taxes to fund their bloody wars of expansion. They leave it to use to manger these new lands and make things work. They had done nothing for our people beside to hardship for our people. This madness must stop the imperialist expansionist wars, for the good of the people. We must stop these insane ideas of hawkish expansion. All our people want is peace and happiness, yet all we give them is more hardship. All we bloody give our people is hardship. No more of this madness! Come to your senses O members of Parliament, for the good of our people we must stop this madness before our children will have to pay for misguided ideas!” He said with a very passionate voice

Minister Juan Negrín
( rose to speak his mind” I agree with Minister Izetvegovic, we must this wars of expansion. If kept on adding more land at this rate, we will be unable to maintain our control over these new lands… We must stop now or we will pay the price later on… for being overextended, its time for the blood wars to stop for the good of the state we must stop for the good of the state. If we don’t stop now, we will pay for it with the fall of the state and chaos to all the Ottoman lands.”

One minister rose up not to defend the Hawks, yet what he will said will go down in history, as the start of most infamous events for the Ottoman Empire.
Minister Hiren Tiberius Claudius
( A Minister from Ottoman Austria raised up to make his statement to the parliament.

“ I think we seen how the Hawks handle the affairs of the empire, I said they have done poor job running the polices of the empire. They failure to improve the life of our people, all they have done is make fight wars, they the ignore the issues of the empire, and said that they will fix themselves. Well members of Parliament, I do not believe these policies of always being at war and letting the affairs of the state be ignore is not best for the state. These ideas of Imperialist are more problematic then their worth. This leadership of the hawkish party in the Ottoman Empire as cause most of the problems for our people. Peaceful expansion policy we had before the Hawks came into majority in the Parliament, work perfectly for the state. We were able to maintain the rate of growth and stabilize these new regions that join the Empire, yet the Hawks believe that we must do wars to expand our empire, they forces the Sultan hands by having the hawkish Viziers their supporters to threaded to walk out of the government and start a civil war! He pause for a moment

“These hawks must be stop from ruining and corrupting our people, I call upon the Parliament to have a no confident vote on the hawkish Praetor Neil Sedaka for leading the to compete damnations of the Ottoman Empire with the support of his party.”

There was a state of complete shock from every minister in Parliament

One of the Hawkish minister rose up to try to stop the vote of no confident on the Praetor

Minister Pedro Santana Lopes
( he still was in total shock from idea of no confidant, but he manger to speak ” This is madness… O members of the Parliament do not second these ideas of no confidant we can work this out. Please O members of the Parliament, are sensible we can work out our different then to going down this paths of madness. I appeal to your senses to not to second these ideas of madness. If we do this things will only go worse then for the better of the Empire, please do not go down this path!”

Others minister that were supporters of the Hawks, try to plead to the Parliament

Minster Mahommed Khosrev ( rose up and said “ In the best interest for the empire, we must not do this. This will destabilize the government and have many more destabilizing after effects for us. For the stake of unity I call upon the ministers not to second this idea of no confidant for stake of the unity of the empire. We must not do this for the stake of unity we must not do this madness.”

Praetor Neil Sedaka remains in his seat, his hands cover his faces, and he knew this was the end of his Praetorship.

A minster rose up,everyone had their eye glue to he Minister
Minister Ahmad Shah ( rose to second the vote of confident “ I Minister Ahmad Shah of Bilid al Sham, here by second the vote of no confidant.”

Those words will remembers in the history books of the Ottoman Empire

There was complete silent in the Parliament no dare said a word

Prime Minister Uthman Bin Bashir
( silent and rose from his seat” The No confidents vote may began now, the vote as been seconded by another minister of Parliament. The Parliament will now began the vote of confidant against Praetor Neil Sedaka.” Prime Minister said

The Members of Parliament began the voting on the no confidant vote
301 votes for the No confidant
299 votes against No confidant

Minster Alexander Alexandrovich ( was handle the paper of the results, he rose up to report them to the Parliament. He began to speak” The results for the No confidants vote are 299 votes against, and 301 vote for No confidant.”

There was a massive uproar in the Parliament from the Hawkish ministers, one of them rose up

Minister Asharf Jehangir Qazi (” We will call the JAG courts in to overturn this vote on the ground this will destabilize the Ottoman Government!”

Other hawk ministers yell out in support for the JAGs to be call in this matter.

Then all at once all the Hawkish Ministers go up and began leaving the House of Parliament, they march to the JAG court to make their case to heard.

The Prime Minister yell out “Order in the Parliament go back to your seats!”

Yet none of the Hawks heard the PM cries to return. They were marching to the JAGs to get their case heard.

The JAGs were given notice on the matter and were waiting for the Hawks to come.

Sultan and Grand Vizier call a meeting of the House of Viziers on this matter.

Stay tune for part two: The JAGs

OOC:Note this is not yet know the Public

The lands that make up the Ottoman Empire
The Lands that make up the Ottoman Empire- Note I my rp claims are only good within my rps,I know they overlap with others, I willing to work with others when rping with them on claims, to a point. Plus I do not have any claims on Earth I, Earth II or Earth III so I live in my own little mirror world where I own these lands.

Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Serbia, Romania, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Cyprus, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia and Ottoman part of Italy, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Tranjodan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, Oman, Untied Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Western Sahara, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Sir Lanka, Spain, Portugal, , Kazakhstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan , Kygyzstan, Khanate of Crimea, Podolia, Ukraine, Czech Republic,Slovakia,Georiga,Armeia,Azerbajian,Dagestan,Chechnya,Alania.Kabardino-Balkaria,Ingushetia,Karachay-Cherkessia,Adygea,Krasnodar,Stavropol,Kalmykia, Astrakhan, Mauritania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya, Burma, Malaysia, Ottoman Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Mali, Senegal ,The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau ,Burkina Faso And Southern Poland
Ottoman Khaif
09-01-2005, 21:02
This open for Tags and OOC comments
Ottoman Khaif
12-01-2005, 01:03
bump and the Part II is coming soon
Ottoman Khaif
12-01-2005, 02:18
1200 hours Meeting of the JAGs

JAG Court Judges were called into meeting, due the call by Ministers of Hawk Faction. In their hope of over turning the No Confident vote. The JAG began reviewing the case in the court in the present of the Ministers of the Parliament. After hearing the two sides of argument, they went for recess to decide what will be their judgment on the matter. The JAGs walked back into the courtroom, everyone had their eyes on them as walk to their stands.

The JAGs were
JAG Court Head Judge: Saad Al Hafez(45 year old, IQ 178) from Damascus ,Ottoman Bilad al Sham.
JAG Court Judge: Fazıl Mustafa Köprülü(50 years old,IQ 170)from Eskisehir,Ottoman Turkey,
JAG Court Judge: Nevsehirli Damad Ibrahim Pasha(53 years old,IQ168) from Konya, Ottoman Turkey
JAG Court Judge: Mehmed Sadik Pasha (56 years old, IQ 156), from Al-Basrah, Ottoman Mesopoiamia
JAG Court Judge: Turhan Pasha Permeti(61 years old, IQ 161),from Tirana, Ottoman Albania
JAG Court Judge: Mehmed Pasha Sokolović (52 years old, IQ167). from Belgrade,Ottoman Serbia
JAG Court Judge: Nicolae Rădescu (56 year old, IQ145). from Bucharest,Ottoman Romania
JAG Court Judge: Qin Octavianus (43 year old, IQ 194). from Vienna ,Ottoman Austira
JAG Court Judge: Sulejman Tihić (53 year old,IQ 145) from Sarajevo,Ottoman Bosnia
JAG Court Judge:George Papanadreou(64 years old,IQ 156) from Athens,Ottoman Greece

They were all seated, then JAG Court Head Judge: Saad Al Hafez nodded for JAG Court Judge: Qin Octavianus to rise and gave the judgment of the JAGs

Judge Advocate General Qin Octavianus ( ) rose up to give the Judgment of the JAGs , he began to speak
“ The JAG courts of the Ottoman Empire have heard the arguments of relating to the vote of Confident. We have made our decision on base on these facts; the Ottoman Government cannot be destabilize or If it is destabilize this could harm to the States stabile to maintain herself. Also the Parliament must work out her different for the good of the empire, yet we also order that Praetor Neil Sedaka to step down and allow a new Praetor to be elected within the parliament. Always remember, the JAG will always strike down any vote or any idea that will destabliize the state. We are the vanguard of the State, the protectors of the Ottoman Empire. With this all out of the way I will give the judgement of the JAGs “ He pause

“We, the Judge Advocate Generals of the Ottoman Empire, here by over turn the no confidents vote on Praetor Neil Sedake. Yet he is order to step down in favor for new election by the parliament for a new Praetor, all Judgements by the JAG are final.”

The Ministers looked at each other, they decide this was best for the empire and return tot the Parliament to vote for a new Praetor of the Ottoman Empire.

Next up the Meeting of the House of Viziers and the election of the new Praetor.
Ottoman Khaif
15-01-2005, 02:45
Next up the Meeting of the House of Vizier and the election of the new Praetor.

1400 hours meeting of the House of Viziers

Sultan and the Grand Vizier began the meeting of House of Vizier with the Sultan making opening speech

Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II ( began his speech to the House of Viziers “ My members of the Ottoman Government, we become paranoid and have began accusing ourselves what’s happening to the Empire. We must show our unity at all times, or the signs of disunity will show to our enemies that we have become weak. Never again will we be call the Sick Man of Europe, We must not fall in madness of disunity. After how hard we worked to rebuild the empire and reform her to keep the her alive, I will not allow her to fall apart!”

Vizier. Murad Al Bin Asad rose up to speak “ How can we have unity, when we disagree on almost everything relating to empire affairs? We bitterly argue over how should we run the empire, yet you ask us to maintain a sense of unity when all we do is fight with each other, how can this unity be done. “

Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu ( rose up to speak “ We must show our unity or face the attacks from our enemies, if we do not show our unity to the State…other powers will see it as their chance to attack us or wreaked us in anyway. Like they did during the 1800s to 1900s, where they always attack our nation and try to destabilize our empire. Yet we barely manger to hold on and began the reforms that save the empire from here death. We showed our unity to the state, we show them that Ottomans were not the bloody sick man of Europe, today we mock them for insulting us and calling the a state which would not last another day. Look at us now; we have a strong and powerful nation. If we show signs of disunity, they will take the moment to attack us. We can not allow this to happen for the good of the state, we must show our unity!”

Vizier Harun al-Rashid Bin Abbasid rose up to speak “ Sir, in the best interest of the Empire, we must show the unity of the state. Therefore the Parliament and House of Viziers must show their support and unity of the empire, if we do not. Our foe will attack us, why you may ask, why are we so paranoid toward the outside world. Because the outside had attack us, try to take our lands, they try to break the loyal of our people and they try to turn our own people against us, this is why we are paranoid. Because of what the west has done to us, they try to kill us and destroy our way of life. This is why are paranoid for the well being of the state”

“True for the good of the state, we must maintain a sense of unity. We must act for the good empire; we must support the empire, for the good of the empire. Meaning if we want peace, we must be ready for war. The time as come for us to strike fear in the hearts of our foes. Let them know the we not the sick man of Europe, we have return to destroy them for revenge, sweet revenge of those years of them trying to kill us off for their good of their empire. No more the time of payback is coming we will get our revenge, yet we will wait for that time when we get our revenge. First we will take down the Manchu-China when the time comes…intill then we will wait in the shadows for that time.” said Vizier Salah al Din Yusuf Ibn Ayyub II

“Agree in till that time we will wait and see.” Added Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu

“Yes, we will get revenge the revenge we wanted so badly for nearly 100 years we have been waiting for …yet we must wait for the right time to strike them..”said Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II

“The Ottoman forces must began building up for the coming wars against the Europe, The Hans, and Boars states, we must be readily for the Grand Jihad. In one massive attack on mult fronts we will crush all those who stand the Ottoman Empire.” said Vizier. Murad Al Bin Asad
“In till that time comes we must began enlarging our forces to handle the coming massive war, we must be readily for the coming times of war against the Manchu-Chinese and Boer African States, we must take them all out for the good of Empire.” said Vizier.Yazid III Bin Umayyad

“Soon everyone will fear the Ottoman Empire and soon we will crush all those who stand in the path of the Empire, for the Ottoman Empire and death to our foes!” said Vizier Harun al-Rashid Bin Abbasid

An Ottoman Officer enters the meeting to give new to Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu, after hearing the new. He smiles and rose up to tell everyone ” My Vizier I being you new that the Parliament as voted in a new Praetor, it is Reformist Minister Hiren Tiberius Claudius now Praetor Hiren Tiberius Claudius. We control of the Parliament , the JAGs and the House of Viziers, let us began our plans of enlarging the arm forces for the coming goals for the empire and other major goals.”

“ This Crisis been a great favor for us, we now have a reformist party or unionist in highest portions of Government. We must to be sure that we have maintain power in the government to have our policies go unchallenged.” Said Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II

Vizier Mustafa al- Nahhas Pasha ( rose to speak” Soon every nation on Earth ,will fear the name of the Ottomans. They will tell their children that Sublime Portal is coming to get them; soon everyone will speak of the Ottomans with respect and fear. Soon the entire world will fear the Powerful Ottoman State. Soon we will get the respect that we always wanted from the world and the revenge that we so badly want!”

The Viziers yell out in support of what Vizier Mustafa said

Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II and Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu ended the meeting of the House of Viziers; they had cements their goals for the future of the Ottoman Empire. Theirs goals were of Revenge and other hidden agendas they had planed for the future.