Present Day Comatica
09-01-2005, 19:08
The following is a complete dictionary of terms that are used on NS, from n00b to IGNORE cannon. I will try my best to get the definitions right, but if not, then please correct me.
If you think that it is not complete, then by all means, tell me the word(s) that I forgot.
Anachy*-[an-ark-ee]-n The national order of no centralized government at all.(ist, anarchist) Origin: Greek. AN=none, ARCH=leadership.
Bump*--interj. An expression used to bring up a thread to the top of the first page in the forums.
[B]Capitalism-[Ca-pih-tall-ihs-um]-n The form of government privately owned by means of large corperations.(-ist, capitalist[adj.])
Closed*-[klohsd]-adj. The tag on the title of a thread indicating that only invited members are allowed to post in-character posts inside.(See Tag 1.)
Communism-[Calm-you-nihs-um]-n The economic system under the theory of common advantage to all citizens.(-ist, communist[adj.])
Czar-[zahr]-n A slavic emperor or king; autocrat. See Empire Czarina-n The feminine form of czar.
Democracy-[deh-mohk-rah-see]-n Government by the people, either directly e.g. through voting, or through elected officials.(-ic, democratic[adj.], -at, democrat)
Earth*-(NationStates)-[urth]-n 1. The planet in which all nations and people standardly function on in NationStates and in the Real World. 2. A series of projects used by NationStates members to claim certain areas of the Real World in NS. Earths include Earth II, Earth IV, Earth V, Earth VI, Earth X, and Earth DA.
Empire-[ehm-py-ehr]-n A politcal unit comprising of extensive territory or nations, ruled by a supreme authority.(Emperor, Empress[Ruler of an empire], Imperial[adj.],-ist, imperialist[n.], -ism, imperialism)
Fascism-[Fash-ihz-um]-n The system of government under the extreme authority of a dictator, and supression under terror and censorship, typically under the policy of hostile racism.(-ist, fascist)
Federation-[fehd-ehr-ay-shun]-n A joint league or nation of different states joined together.(-al, federal[adj.], -ate, federate[v.])
Flaming-[flaym-ing]-v To criticize one's ideas, values, and roleplay skills (See Roleplay), as well as out-of-character details (See Out-Of-Character(-er, flamer[n])
Godmod*, also Godmode; v 1.To, in any way, say what happens to your enemy’s forces. EX: “Your troops are dead, because I shot them with superguns.” It’s up to the opposition to determine their losses. 2. To roleplay troop numbers, or any force for that matter, that are unrealistic. EX: A new nation with a population of 7 million says that he/she has “8 million troops and 10,000 fighter jets, with 100,000 nuclear weapons.” That is unrealistic. 3. To avoid death. EX: “All of my troops have personal shields so none of them can get hurt.”(-er, godmoder[n.],-ing, godmoding[adj.,v.])
IGNORE Cannon*-[ihg-nohr can-nun]-n A weapon used against godmoders when they will not stop godmoding. IGNORE Cannons are invincible, never run out of ammunition or power, and cannot be used by godmoders.
In-Character*-[ihn kayr-ahk-tur]-adj. Writing as a character in your nation, e.g. the president. In-character is how you roleplay. (See Roleplay) ANT: Out-Of-Character-[owt ov kayr-ahk-tur]-adj. A post as yourself, not as a character. Use out-of-character when asking a question while in an IC thread.
Junta-n A small group of military officers ruling after a seize of power.
Moderator;* informal Mod*-[Mahd]-n Members of NationStates who control the forums and the game; they watch over the forum, to look for spammers (see Spam) and threads that are full of spam. They have the ability to edit threads and posts made by other users, delete threads and posts, move threads to other forums, ban users, and other things.(-ing, modding[v.])
Newb*-[newb]-n A NationStates player that is new to the game, and wishes to learn how to roleplay. (See Roleplay)
N00b*-[newb]-n A NationStates player who does not understand the concept of godmoding, and frequently does it. Usually perpetuated as an insult.(-ish, n00bish[adj.]) Orig.-Eng. New.
N00bspeak*-sometimes 1337-n The language that experienced members use to mock n00bs, and also to make a point to the n00b. EX: “1 fir3l> L00000000000000000))0000 n00ckz0rz a7 j00 an1) j00 dr3 d3ad!!!!!!1111!!!!one.”
Open*-[oh-pehn]-adj. The tag on the title of a thread indicating that all NationStates members are welcome to participate.(See Tag)
Parliament-[pahr-lah-mehnt]-n A national representative body having supreme legislative powers within the state.
Republic-[ree-puhb-lick]-n A political order that is not under the authority of a monarch of any kind, usually under the leadership of a president.(-ic, republican[n])
Roleplay*-[roll’-play]-v To act out a story, or play a role, on the NationSates forum. EX: If you want to start a war, you will not just say, “We are going to war, who will join me?” Instead, you could play the role of your leader, telling your nation that they are going to war. This makes the thread more interesting, and more people will be inclined to post there. A Roleplay n A story told through roleplaying.(-ing, roleplaying,-ed, roleplayed, RP, RPed, RPing)
Socialism-[soh-shall-ihs-um]-n Any of the various systems of organization in which the producing and distributing of goods is controled by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.(-ist, socialist[n, adj.])
Spam*-(NationStates spam)-[spam]-n Any degree of useless posts that are either in the wrong place or do not hold any real meaning. To Spam-v The act of spamming.(-er, spammer[n])
Sticky*-(NationStates sticky)-[stih-kee]-n Useful threads that appear on each page of a certain forum, usually helpful with roleplaying certain things, such as wars or terrorism. They are placed there by the Moderators. (See Moderators) To Sticky-v The act of stickying a thread.
Storefront*-[stohr-frunt]-n An In-Character thread set up by a NationStates user, in which varying items are sold to other nations. EX: A nation could set up a storefront selling military items, and another could set up one selling torture devices.
Tag*-[tag]-interj. 1. An exclaimation used by a member expressing that he/she is interested in the thread, and will post later. 2.-n Added on letters to a post or thread title that expresses the way it should be interpreted. EX: A post with the Out-Of Character tag (OOC) at the beginning should not be read as a roleplay. (See roleplay) However, a post that has the In-Character tag, or no tag at all, should be read as a roleplay. EX2: A thread title with the “Open” tag indicates that the entire thread is open. But a thread title with “Closed” added on indicates the entire thread is closed.
Tech Level*-[tehk leh-vul]-n The level of technology that a nation’s military operates. Different tech levels include: Past Tech (PT), Pre-Modern Tech (PRMT), Modern Tech(MT), Post-Modern Tech (PMT), and Future Tech (FT).
Theocracy-n A government ruled by, or subject to, religious authority.
Note: Definitions not marked with the asterisk (*) were provided by The American Heritage® Dictionay of the English Language, Fourth Edition.
Note2: Parts of the definition for Godmod were taken from Euroslavia’s What Godmoding Is (New Version) ( Sticky.
If you think that it is not complete, then by all means, tell me the word(s) that I forgot.
Anachy*-[an-ark-ee]-n The national order of no centralized government at all.(ist, anarchist) Origin: Greek. AN=none, ARCH=leadership.
Bump*--interj. An expression used to bring up a thread to the top of the first page in the forums.
[B]Capitalism-[Ca-pih-tall-ihs-um]-n The form of government privately owned by means of large corperations.(-ist, capitalist[adj.])
Closed*-[klohsd]-adj. The tag on the title of a thread indicating that only invited members are allowed to post in-character posts inside.(See Tag 1.)
Communism-[Calm-you-nihs-um]-n The economic system under the theory of common advantage to all citizens.(-ist, communist[adj.])
Czar-[zahr]-n A slavic emperor or king; autocrat. See Empire Czarina-n The feminine form of czar.
Democracy-[deh-mohk-rah-see]-n Government by the people, either directly e.g. through voting, or through elected officials.(-ic, democratic[adj.], -at, democrat)
Earth*-(NationStates)-[urth]-n 1. The planet in which all nations and people standardly function on in NationStates and in the Real World. 2. A series of projects used by NationStates members to claim certain areas of the Real World in NS. Earths include Earth II, Earth IV, Earth V, Earth VI, Earth X, and Earth DA.
Empire-[ehm-py-ehr]-n A politcal unit comprising of extensive territory or nations, ruled by a supreme authority.(Emperor, Empress[Ruler of an empire], Imperial[adj.],-ist, imperialist[n.], -ism, imperialism)
Fascism-[Fash-ihz-um]-n The system of government under the extreme authority of a dictator, and supression under terror and censorship, typically under the policy of hostile racism.(-ist, fascist)
Federation-[fehd-ehr-ay-shun]-n A joint league or nation of different states joined together.(-al, federal[adj.], -ate, federate[v.])
Flaming-[flaym-ing]-v To criticize one's ideas, values, and roleplay skills (See Roleplay), as well as out-of-character details (See Out-Of-Character(-er, flamer[n])
Godmod*, also Godmode; v 1.To, in any way, say what happens to your enemy’s forces. EX: “Your troops are dead, because I shot them with superguns.” It’s up to the opposition to determine their losses. 2. To roleplay troop numbers, or any force for that matter, that are unrealistic. EX: A new nation with a population of 7 million says that he/she has “8 million troops and 10,000 fighter jets, with 100,000 nuclear weapons.” That is unrealistic. 3. To avoid death. EX: “All of my troops have personal shields so none of them can get hurt.”(-er, godmoder[n.],-ing, godmoding[adj.,v.])
IGNORE Cannon*-[ihg-nohr can-nun]-n A weapon used against godmoders when they will not stop godmoding. IGNORE Cannons are invincible, never run out of ammunition or power, and cannot be used by godmoders.
In-Character*-[ihn kayr-ahk-tur]-adj. Writing as a character in your nation, e.g. the president. In-character is how you roleplay. (See Roleplay) ANT: Out-Of-Character-[owt ov kayr-ahk-tur]-adj. A post as yourself, not as a character. Use out-of-character when asking a question while in an IC thread.
Junta-n A small group of military officers ruling after a seize of power.
Moderator;* informal Mod*-[Mahd]-n Members of NationStates who control the forums and the game; they watch over the forum, to look for spammers (see Spam) and threads that are full of spam. They have the ability to edit threads and posts made by other users, delete threads and posts, move threads to other forums, ban users, and other things.(-ing, modding[v.])
Newb*-[newb]-n A NationStates player that is new to the game, and wishes to learn how to roleplay. (See Roleplay)
N00b*-[newb]-n A NationStates player who does not understand the concept of godmoding, and frequently does it. Usually perpetuated as an insult.(-ish, n00bish[adj.]) Orig.-Eng. New.
N00bspeak*-sometimes 1337-n The language that experienced members use to mock n00bs, and also to make a point to the n00b. EX: “1 fir3l> L00000000000000000))0000 n00ckz0rz a7 j00 an1) j00 dr3 d3ad!!!!!!1111!!!!one.”
Open*-[oh-pehn]-adj. The tag on the title of a thread indicating that all NationStates members are welcome to participate.(See Tag)
Parliament-[pahr-lah-mehnt]-n A national representative body having supreme legislative powers within the state.
Republic-[ree-puhb-lick]-n A political order that is not under the authority of a monarch of any kind, usually under the leadership of a president.(-ic, republican[n])
Roleplay*-[roll’-play]-v To act out a story, or play a role, on the NationSates forum. EX: If you want to start a war, you will not just say, “We are going to war, who will join me?” Instead, you could play the role of your leader, telling your nation that they are going to war. This makes the thread more interesting, and more people will be inclined to post there. A Roleplay n A story told through roleplaying.(-ing, roleplaying,-ed, roleplayed, RP, RPed, RPing)
Socialism-[soh-shall-ihs-um]-n Any of the various systems of organization in which the producing and distributing of goods is controled by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.(-ist, socialist[n, adj.])
Spam*-(NationStates spam)-[spam]-n Any degree of useless posts that are either in the wrong place or do not hold any real meaning. To Spam-v The act of spamming.(-er, spammer[n])
Sticky*-(NationStates sticky)-[stih-kee]-n Useful threads that appear on each page of a certain forum, usually helpful with roleplaying certain things, such as wars or terrorism. They are placed there by the Moderators. (See Moderators) To Sticky-v The act of stickying a thread.
Storefront*-[stohr-frunt]-n An In-Character thread set up by a NationStates user, in which varying items are sold to other nations. EX: A nation could set up a storefront selling military items, and another could set up one selling torture devices.
Tag*-[tag]-interj. 1. An exclaimation used by a member expressing that he/she is interested in the thread, and will post later. 2.-n Added on letters to a post or thread title that expresses the way it should be interpreted. EX: A post with the Out-Of Character tag (OOC) at the beginning should not be read as a roleplay. (See roleplay) However, a post that has the In-Character tag, or no tag at all, should be read as a roleplay. EX2: A thread title with the “Open” tag indicates that the entire thread is open. But a thread title with “Closed” added on indicates the entire thread is closed.
Tech Level*-[tehk leh-vul]-n The level of technology that a nation’s military operates. Different tech levels include: Past Tech (PT), Pre-Modern Tech (PRMT), Modern Tech(MT), Post-Modern Tech (PMT), and Future Tech (FT).
Theocracy-n A government ruled by, or subject to, religious authority.
Note: Definitions not marked with the asterisk (*) were provided by The American Heritage® Dictionay of the English Language, Fourth Edition.
Note2: Parts of the definition for Godmod were taken from Euroslavia’s What Godmoding Is (New Version) ( Sticky.