Hakurabi Vs The Emperor Fenix [CLOSED]
08-01-2005, 09:56
(E) This is a [CLOSED] thread for the capital ship showdown for Hakurabi and The Empire Fenix. Feel free to watch and comment, but do not attempt to join. Dissenters will be fired upon by a ridiculous amount of high-yield nuclear weapons.
(n00b) no1 is invitd excpt me and emperor feniks, or u wil be atakd by 9850169516 n00kzorz
("leet") No. Just no.
Sorry about that. couldn't resist. Anyway, let's get to the matter at hand.
IC: "Captain!" "What is it, Goodman?" "There's a huge metal ship showing up on our radar 6Mm away!" "Have you tried hailing it?" "It's not responding to any of our hailing frequencies!" "Very well. Get back to your post." "Yes Captain."
As the exasperated communications officer left, Captain Hisabumi turned to the bridge crew. "Close to 5Mm and fire all weapons. Detatch the PDFs." "Yes sir." "Aim for the large bi- er... protrusion" "OK, Captain."
The massive turrets slowly turned towards the great metallic shape as figures on the underside of the Millenium detatched and took up positions on either side of the vessel. The barrels of the plasma cannons glowed - but only for a moment, as glowing balls of hypercompressed matter were flung from them, heading at startling speed towards the monstrous hulk.
OOC: Millenium (or "Milly" as the crew have nicknamed her) is currently 6Mm from Crassus, and each of the 12 hits, should they not be intercepted, would cause 3kt damage (going to a maximum of 36kt). The third or so time I post the Millenium will be 5Mm, and will cause 4kt damage per hit (max. of 48kt). Please note that I'm approaching from the broadside, and the plasma balls, as they move at about 1 Mm per minute, will impact around your third post. For simplicities sake, let's say a post is 10 minutes.
The Emperor Fenix
08-01-2005, 18:58
OOC: Well its difficult to do a character RP for Crassuss as is mind is so infinitly superior to a human one, but ill see what i can do.
Nuetral Target, distance 6Mm, status, non threatening, weapondry, unknown, affiliation, unknown, possibly dangerous, lack of information prohibits response.
Nuetral Target, distance 6Mm, activity, high energies activity, on intercept course at high velocity, probability that this is weapons fire, high. course of action:
Evasion, impossible, interception, inefficient, armour will withstand impact, prepare for repairs, prepare for retaliation.
Constuction Status: low changing to high, all ships deploy.
All along the length of the construction pit the tiny ships that acted as Crassuss' defense dropped from their resting places, and the giant blast furnaces and equipment began to heat up. From underneath the World Eater began to flow a multitude of sparkling tentacles of ship as they snaked their way in the direction of the now enemy ships.
From the ships themselves came a myriad of different incomprehsable signals on every frequency they could manage broadcasting a cacophony of sound.
08-01-2005, 23:13
As thousands of dots suddenly appeared on radar, the bridge crew almost went hysterical and the poor communications officer went deaf. "We need reinforcements, sir!" "Oh my god... Concentrate fire on the spot where all those blips appeared. Call for destroyers." The bridge was silent as the crew struggled to stay calm...
The cannons began firing more rapidly now, having warmed up (OOC: now at full firing rate), sending another 12 blasts every minute, as the Faiths began rotating their Gatling Mass Driver turrets.
OOC: The PDFs are not rotating the turrets, they are actually spinning the barrel without firing anything, to prepare it.
And the reason for the fairly fast fire rate is that it can simply draw its ammunition straight from the reactor. (precisely why I had a fusion reactor)
The ships that will come into play next post:
Yes, I know that the Rangers have less crew than the Faiths, but that's because they have more equipment and less space.
Ranger class guided missile destroyers "Longbow" and "Arbalest"
Length 500m
Height 100m
Weight 5kt
Armour 10kt
Reactor Fusion
Acceleration rate 940kmph
Top speed 2000kmph
Crew 20
Piloted Plasma Missile launchers x 8
Utilising flight training simulator technology and multiple control frequencies, this missile can be literally piloted by the trained fighter pilots in the simulators located at the rear of the craft. Whilst expensive to produce, it also allows for precision targeting. It carries 2 missiles per launcher and must have an accompanying ship to reload. The missiles themselves can be fitted with different warheads. Plasma warheads are easily manufactured from the reactor, but others must be supplied.
Courier class logistical freighter
Length 1km
Height 500m
Weight 10kt (empty)
Reactor Fusion
Top speed 1000kmph
Armour 50kt
Crew 4000
Payload (8kt)
1,000 Piloted missiles
50 Fusion warheads
50 Sonic warheads
100 Flak warheads
100 EMP warheads
And before you try it, no, the controls also have encrypted data-keys (each is unique and encoded with 20 different sequences in different orders. Wouldn't want my missiles suddenly turning around and blowing up my ships, would I now?) required to control the missile, and I assume yours has too.
The Emperor Fenix
10-01-2005, 19:17
You could almost hear space creak as the massive craft slowly turned on itself to try and make sure all impacts hit its colossal spine, tendrils of crafts now twisting their intricate ways toward the enemy, from within their arcs came the occasional explosion and a small ball of energy would hurtle toward an enemy craft. Already, before the battle had even begun in earnest a small trickle of craft had begun to return to the Crassuss with a cargo of scrap metal.
OOC: Yes a few craft are destroying themselves to fire at you :P, inefficient, but the only thing I can do to you at the moment. I’m not sire where your shots are supposed to be now. They hit next post don’t they?
11-01-2005, 02:57
OOC: Wait... Isn't it considered godmoding to declare that you have begun dismantling my ship? Or are they collecting space debris? And could you declare the speed of the swarm? The plasma cannons are firing constantly now, at 120 per post. 12 will hit this post, and 120 more every post afterwards. As this turn I've closed in 1 Mm, and wave that hits two posts from now will effectively as powerful as 160 of the 3kt shots.
2 possible outcomes here...
If swarm is within 1.5Mm...
IC: "The tentacles have closed into PDC range!" "Very well... Fire!"
The already rapidly spinning turrets began firing a stream of glowing metal, shredding through the long lines of automated craft, slashing through their vital systems. The point defence lasers and rockets of the Millenium, on the other hand, were tracking the energy balls, ready to fire when they came close.
(OOC: start here if the swarm is still out of range, and assume the PDCs are tracking it)
Behind the Millenium, there was a faint red glow for a moment, and three ships emerged from seemingly nowhere. (OOC: The ships I described last post) As they loaded their weapon systems, they recieved news about the massive ship and the long tentacles it was extending to destroy the ships.
OOC: The crew still don't know that it's a long line of mass-produced ships.
The Emperor Fenix
11-01-2005, 17:37
OOC: Theyre returning the blown up remains of destroyed WE ships, but pretty soon theyll be dismantling you :P.
IC: As massive blasts hit the Crassuss, melting the spine causing crater like dimples in its smooth surface, missles ripping into the lines of ships. By now metal was merely being passed down the line to return to the foundrys, whilst a trickle of ships of new ships was exiting the World Eater already.
Increased fire from the enemy was hampering the ships progress as the were being destroyed in large numbers, every hit a fatality. As one of the lines of ships neared an enemy a curious thing happened. Starting at the begining fo the line a blue flash worked its way dpwn with incredible speed, cultimanting in the explosion of those ships at the head of the line and a strong blast directed toward the enmy.
12-01-2005, 00:04
OOC: Missiles? I've fired missiles? I'm only just firing them now! Last post they were fitting the warheads.
IC: The Point defence lasers and missiles began intercepting the rapidly advancing beam, with moderate success, however, they could not keep this up forever. The energy beam was slowly but surely advncing towards the Millenium, as the crew frantically tried to move it out of the way. From the destroyers erupted brief bursts of plasma, as the missiles began their flight, weaving their way towards the construction bay, the plasma in their cores already beginning to fuse. (OOC: Essentially they are fusion warheads, not plasma as the plasma is allowed to begin fusion.) Bright lights appeared near the frigates at they attempted to use their high-powered shields to block the beam, with a somewhat reasonable level of success. But the batteries would not last forever, and they would soon be forced to move.
A grim reality hit the crew - They could not hold off the "tentacles" indefinitely. They had to destroy the ship. Even as the Destroyers began recieving more missiles, the thrusters began firing at full force again, making a desperate rush for the construction bay. Even now, a freighter laden with more ammunition was being called for, as the were noticably being expended at an alarming rate. Even marines were being sent in. But this would take time.
OOC: Essentially they are using full engines to try and get into the construction bay. Since the missiles are piloted remotely, and are not simply programmed, treat them as fighters. That explode. I'm going to drop the crew part until the end. I'm fairly sure I can move my ships out of the way, seeing as you've detonated all the ships and thus cannot change the beam direction until the line moves back up to me.
The Emperor Fenix
12-01-2005, 00:30
OOC: Sorry :P, explodey things are all a like to me. I think its time for these tentacles to break down.
IC: As the enmy vessels began to move the tentacles collapsed wierdly, splitting apart like mist. Among the cloud came the tiny blue flashes, the ships desperate attempt to blast pieces off the ships. Those craft nearer began the descent onto hull plating, from there they would be able to physically take the ship apart. Despite the constant bombardment Crassuss felt sure that some could get through, he was losing ships fast so he had to act now.
Inside the construction bay foundrys began to dump molten metal out into space, leaving slowly drifting hundreds of thousands of tiny spheres of rapidly cooling metals this would heopfully make the area difficult to navigate and scan, as signals would bounce between the thousands of metal shards.
12-01-2005, 08:47
OOC: Waittaminit... I thought it was hard enough to navigate with my frigates (together) firing 12,000 small metal lumps a second! You realise I'm out-chaffing you, right? -.-' The plasma warheads essentially get more and more powerful, then eventually their power begins to wane. But that distance is just over 20Mm.
IC: The missiles began closing in on the metal craft, small robots picking away at its exterior, and as they encountered the hundreds of glowing globs of metal, their armour finally failed and the warheads detonated (essentially, the missile is all that's keeping the fusion bomb intact). As they quickly erupted into flames, another set of flares emerged from the destroyers, this time aware of the globs.
The Millenium was beginning to have its armour picked away at, as the point defense systems were unable to stop all of them. But as they left the ship, they were almost immediately picked off by crew members in vac-suits, holding the outdated, but still highly effective gunpowder-based rifles. (OOC: They are wearing mag-boots, of course, but they have to aim well, as they lose it every time they shoot from the recoil) The figure of the massive ship began looming as the three ships (the others are further back, due to speed limitations) began advancing towards the construction bay.
The Emperor Fenix
16-01-2005, 19:24
OOC: you’re shooting at the only purpose built defence ship in my nation, its not only the last line of defence it’s the first, I was hoping it would put up a fight against a couple of frigates, however what will be will be. Ships destroyed, a good thousand I shouldn’t wonder.
Enemy targets, advancing. Danger, high. Response, concentrate all ships too attack. Other responses available, none.
Omega. Activated. Database. Transferred. Okyto City Status. Secure.
Begin countdown.
16-01-2005, 23:04
OOC: Did you just activate a self-destruct? So you're destroying the cons. Bay, right? Because you didn't mention any other form of self destructing, even mentioning that the engines and reactors could NOT overload... I'll just assume the Construction bay is going to blow. Might as well fast forward a bit, to when my ship gets around 2Mm. The Faiths are also purpose-built defence craft, just that they are using Point-Defense weapons.
Missiles weaved their way between the thinning swarm, now fitted with EMP warheads, and detonated themselves against the largest groups that could be located, disabling them.
Meanwhile the Millenium and her escorts were feeling the effects of the horde, their armour being picked away by the second. The Faiths were so far luckier, only losing one to two cm, but with their extremely thin armour, this 2cm comprised one fifth of their armour. The Millenium began firing into the construction bay, *enter your own results here*. The point-defense lasers had been destroyed, and only two of the Point-defense missile launchers still had ammunition, as teams of gunners from the laser systems raced to cycle the rockets to those who needed them.
Several technicians holding titanium sheets from unnecessary wall paneling and steel plates from empty storage bays were jumping to the faiths, frantically trying to attach replacement armour before damage became critical. The Faiths were the only thing holding back the tide of ships trying to pick apart the Millenium. Even missiles were being stripped of plating to reinforce the armour. Whilst it was inferior to the Carbon nanotube armour normally used, the enemy craft picked away at mass, not strength.
OOC: Right? My main ship is picking away at its interior to try and keep the Faiths in one piece, as the Millenium can survive the trickle, but the Faiths can't.
The Emperor Fenix
17-01-2005, 20:14
OOC: I started the Omega, you'll have to wait and see, itll be fun.
IC: explosions ripped through the construction bay, mi;les of piping detonated and tons of still molten metal poured out in random directions. Chain reactions of explosions began to scour the walls of the world eater clean.
Course of Action, dive ships.
All the tiny craft, some themselves no bigger than car began to plummet from their various directions toward the attacking crafts, whilst many were in turn engulfed in flames as tons of oxygen poured out from stores filling the area wtih a rapidly expanding cloud of oxygen.
Omega System: Begin
17-01-2005, 23:16
As the ships hailed down, now more intent on causing damage than taking the trio apart, it became a lot harder to repulse them. The frigates began to wear down and on one of them, even an engine was broken off. From the engine, several small dots, no larger than a bicycle, ejected from the burning debris of the former engine, and made their way towards the freighter. As another wave of missiles detonated against the burning ships, more technicians were stripping the valuable carbon nanotube armour off the wreckage (of the engine), to reinforce the armour of the rapidly failing ships. The Millenium began firing one of its turrets at any paticularly large clump of ships, alleviating the pressure on the rapidly draining ammunition supplies. Only now did a small logistical skiff pull up to reload the frigates, but alas, it was caught in the burning fury of a hundred small ships, exploding and leaving its drums of valuable metal shards floating in a rapidly expanding cloud.
More of the crew, even comms officers now, began jumping to rescue as many of the precious ammunition supplies as possible before they floated too far out and dissapeared into space. Even the Millenium was showing visible signs of damage now, as one of the turrets retracted into the hull for emergency repairs, and several of the missile launchers were disabled. fortunately, the armour was designed to withstand impact, minimizing damage, though that wasn't saying a lot.
The Emperor Fenix
18-01-2005, 01:12
OOC: So now it comes to it, who will survive longest... i have one last trick up my sleeve :P. But you'll have to wait and see. (next post coming soon)
24-01-2005, 22:01
OOC: Tick... Tick... Tick...
The Emperor Fenix
25-01-2005, 20:24
OOC: So sorry :P, ill get to it right away.
IC: From across the intricate patterns carved onto the outer surface of the Crassuss came a flash of pale blue as the omage system activated. The light snaked its way down the length of the body all the wy to the tip of the tail when it blinked out of existance leaving behind the faint glow off the myriad of lines just illuminated.
The construction bay began to crumble to pieces, the furnaces and smelters and pounders and moulds, those that were left from the barrage all fell away from the surface of the pit.
From the throne room re-appeared the blue light, as the enormous wide glass windows finally broke the light billowed out into space like a beam from the mouth of the Crassuss. Ever so slowly the two sections that made up the hood of the Crassuss fell away, revealing a rapidly dintergrating main body. Within in half a minute the engine column was exposed its glowing blue fading suddenly as it turned clear and shattered dinely into a glass like power. Yet the blue light still remained deep inside the dust cloud as the massive ship improbably disingtergrated into space.
And the light began to move out into the open, and as soon as it was free of the debris it could be indentified. It looked like a trimarang its middle section part of the engine coloumn itself twice as long as the other columns it stretc into a sharp point and glowed the same brilliant blue.
As it whirled around it fired. From the very front un furled guns lie crabs mouth parts twisting from their conpression and spurting out the shots.
This is the Omega, the only mannable fighting ship produced by Okyto [data-out-date].
26-01-2005, 01:31
The three ships began circling the omega, attempting to stay near its engines, (OOC: How big is it?) and all four cannons (the other one had been repaired) began pounding at the thrusters of the trimarang. The ships began moving significantly faster, as the retrobooster were turned off, and it could no longer stop at a moments notice. The stream of ships had finished, though.
The plasma missiles began to aim for the guns of the ship.
The Emperor Fenix
26-01-2005, 01:42
OOC: Im sorry ive no idea how large it is :P, i was going to finish the design but the whole things obsolete now. Thus is life, less than a KM i should well think, some couple fo hundred metres at most probably.
IC: As shots hit the front of the omega, send brilliant blue spraks arcing out to hit space debris the guns at the front began to wip themslevs into a frenzy trying to hurl out more shots. But more blasts hit the front of the craft, long shatter lines spread themslves across the front away from the guns protecting them from the potential damge.
26-01-2005, 05:12
OOC: But my close range ships are flying round it trying to hit the engines - the destroyers that are still in the distance are pounding at the guns.
There was a gaping hole in the front of the Millenium as the bridge exploded. Only a single shot. And now the Millenium was but a lifeless wreck.
Lights blared red as crew members panicked, now without a leader or a way of communicating with the rest of the vessel. All of a sudden loud message came across the supposedly destroyed intercom - "This is KP-ST4792. I am assuming the position of interim captain until the bridge can be rebuilt and fresh bridge crew can be assigned. We are to proceed with the plans. I have called for a Kirov strike, and it should be here in approximately 1 hour. We must win. FOR MARCEL!" As the crew were envigored by their resident AI, they resumed their duties with a renewed determination.
The ships continued on, and, without the normal retroboosting, had reached the rear of the ship, and were firing upon the engines, trying to kill it's maneuvering capabilities.
OOC: Marcel = former captain.
Siege Cruiser "Kirov"
The only ship in the entire Hakurabian Armada to employ Antimatter technology, the Kirov was originally designed to combat orbital battlestations, and has since been employed against ships larger than dreadnoughts. It carries four huge bomb the size of destroyers, and can produce them at the rate of 1 every three weeks onboard the cruiser. It accelerates at approximately 300kps (very LARGE engines) and flings them one at a time in a process somewhat similar to a fighter attack run. When all 4 have been fired it returns to the nearest starbase to rearm. Due to the size of the missiles, you probably should treat them like destroyers.
Missile Yield: 50Mt (REALLY BIG BOMB)
The Emperor Fenix
06-02-2005, 19:07
OOC: Sorry to keep you waiting like a bajilion years for a response, but basically you have won. You cant bring anythiong else to the battlefield, but the omage cannot survive the hits and will destroy itself if it tries to hide in the debry of the Xaxoss. Consider this my admission of defeat.
07-02-2005, 08:42
OOC: Okay. I'll just wrap it up.
A cheer rose from the crew of the ship as the Omega erupted into flames. Suddenly, everything fazed into nothingness, and everyone found themselves floating in a huge room. As gravity slowly returned, they all floated to the ground, and left the room for debriefing.
As the doors slid shut, massive computer banks recorded the battle for later reference.
The Emperor Fenix
07-02-2005, 20:06
If we ever meet again, dont expect the next battle to be so easy. :P
08-02-2005, 07:48
Obviously it'll be a much greater fight, as most capital ships are supported by fleets that balance out their flaws.