NationStates Jolt Archive

Annor Stamps on Left

05-01-2005, 10:52
“…and they will be hung until their necks break…”

Today has seen the long expected executions of all members of the Annorian Socialist Party as well as the People’s Communist Party. Their crimes include treason, murder, aiding and abetting criminals, inciting decent and failure to respect the Poor Laws, which have since been eased. National debate is now festering about whether President Michael Snake has gone too far, or not far enough. Many left wing critics have described this as a blantant attack on political freedoms.

LISA COLLINS: It is clear that with a looming election President Snake has taken out his main rivals. This nation is a democracy and we should not have parties we want to vote for banned and hung.

However commentators on the right disagree.

JASON MOORES: President Snake has acted well within the law. One cannot allow lawlessness, even if the criminals happen to be political rivals. And the argument that he was destroying his main political rivals is absurd; these parties would be lucky to get five percent of the vote between them. I would even say that Lisa Collins and her sort are committing civil disobedience by opposing a government action.

A very summarized argument from both sides. Perhaps one of the strongest criticisms of President Snake’s actions is that his laws allowed the whole of the two parties to be hung. In response President Snake has given a press confidence condemning socialism and communism.

“Greetings, fellow Annorians, you may be aware of what this small book is.”
President Snake put the book before the camera.
“The Communist Manifesto; the book of socialists and communists.”
His face looked as though he had tasted something most foul.
“I would ask how many are familiar with the words of this text.”
He proceeded to open the book and read aloud.
“The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.”
He paused, before letting out a mild, tame laugh.
“The first line is inaccurate foolishness through to the last. History in fact is full of national struggles, where classes unite in one nation against those of others.”
The President gave the camera a serious glare.
“Marx wrote little more than a joke book, which short sighted fools and greedy men use to bring benefit to themselves.”
He moved his finger along a passage and laughed loudly.
“Get this. ‘The workers will control the means of production.’ That’s what we have stock markets for. He is right but for the wrong reasons. Some of the lines in hear are classic. I bet Karl Marx also did stand-up comedy.”
President Snake put the book down, walked across to his deck (followed by the camera) where a pile of books rested.
“Capital. The greatest of Marx’s works. Pure misguided foolishness. Bad economics combined with worse politics. Lies hidden in detail. The only value is that of a paper weight.”
Again the President looked straight into the camera.
“Those who hang, were not only criminals, but truly mad. Should they have controlled even 15% of chamber there would be untold disaster. Thus the threat to our nation had to be culled and the law enforced. We must protect ourselves in these troubled times; and only the Market Liberals have the sight to do so.”

That was the President and now to our second story, about the continuing war in…