NationStates Jolt Archive

Death of an Emperor, Rise of Tyranny (Open RP)

04-01-2005, 22:40
OOC: Thanks for coming to this topic, please read and reply, and be nice I spent days working on this! BTW I am doing some experimenting with differing writing styles for certain parts, so bear with me please.


PRIMA (the capital)

Gathered around the bed of Maradkaxa's reformer emperor, Jochim, were the Empire's greatest doctors, hoping to save the Emperor from death.

Wiping her sweating brow with the back of her hand, Anna Hartold, one Maradkaxa's first and finest female doctors, shook her head at her fellow physicians. "I am sorry but I do not think there is anything more we can do for Jochim, not at at the stage he is in"

Furiously one of the older male doctors slammed his hand down "OF COURSE YOU DON'T THINK SO!" he yelled "A women's place is not in the postion of a doctor, women do not have the mental capacity for it! A woman's place is in outfit pleasing to men, with a collar on her neck and shackles on her wrists and ankles!" The man shook his head angrily "It is obvious that Jochim is being punished for his fool thoughts, sexual equality, HA!"

The other doctors looked nervously at Dr. Hartold, wondering at her response. Finally she spoke, though so softly the others had to strain to hear her. "I understand that is the way you feel Dr. Guthram, but we are here right now as professional doctors, not in a debate room as civilians. So please until this operation is over keep your thoughts to yourself"

The doctors nodded thier agreement to Dr. Hartold's statement, even Dr. Guthram, though relusently. The doctors worked hard into the night and in the early hours of the next day Jochim, the Emperor-Liberator, died. The room was hushed as the news gradually sunk in. A tear in her eye Dr. Hartold spoke "Unplug the machines, and cover the body."

As the doctors began walk away and spread the news of Emperor Jochim's death Dr. Guthram pulled a young associate with him and the two talked in a dark corner. "I knew this would happen Axel" he said "the moment I heard that that dummkopf (stupid, slow-slowwitted) Jochim put a women in charge of his personal medical staff, I KNEW she would cause his death" Axel frowned "But why Dr. Guthram sir, after all Jochim was the one that insured the independence and equality of the women in Maradkaxa. Why would a woman want to kill her liberator?" Guthram slapped himself in the head "That is not what I meant Axel! All that women are good for is pleasure! They do not have the mental capacity to do medical work!" A 'lightbulb' went off in Axel "Oh" Guthram continued "Because Jochim did not bother to name his heir there will be civil war, mark my words Axel my boy, there will be civil war. I predict that mark my words Axel, that Jochim's youngest son, Roderick, will win" "But why sir?" asked Axel. Guthram smiled broadly "Because Roderick promises to return to the old ways, the old traditions, the whole of Maradkaxa's aristocracy will side with Roderick, you mark my words Axel, Roderick will be Emperor in mere months, weeks even!"

News spread far and wide through out Maradkaxa that Jochaim, the legendary Emperor-Liberator, was dead at the young age of 49. Maradkaxan society soon became polarized in regards to the late Emperor's sons: the eldest, Constantine, was like his father in his way of thinking and in his way of governing. The common people and the women of Maradkaxa supported Constantine. While the youngest son, Roderick, was much more conservative in his policies and beliefs. The aristocracy and other landowners supported Roderick. Under normal circumstances the eldest son would succeed to the throne, but the aristocracy was so fed up with Jochim and his politics that they used their considerable power in the Imperial Senate to stall Constantine's taking the throne for as long as possible. For two weeks they stalled, until Constantine burst into the Imperial Senate in a rage.......

In the Imperial Senate the day's deliberations were just starting when the doors flew open and in stormed Prince Constantine, his face crisom with anger. "Why do I not have the Imperial Crown on my head Senators!" he yelled "My father has been dead for two weeks, I should have been crowned by now in accordance with my father's will! Now you shall arrange for my coronation today! No more stalling!" Constantine stared at each senator in turn before facing the speaker.

Speaker of the Imperial Senate Alfred Ducha stood up slowly staring at Constantine with a look that matched the prince's in anger and rage. "Imperial Prince Constantine, you will cease and desist in your yelling. You maybe prince, but you will show respect to us, your elders" when Constantine did not reply Speaker Ducha continued "In any case My Prince the Imperial Senate has uncovered of recent evidence that you are not fit to succeed your father. Therefore we of the Imperial Senate in accordance with the ancient laws set down by King Dakad, founder of Maradkaxa, do hereby request that you submit to us until we ascertain whether or not you are a suitable heir"

Constantine erupted with anger "WHAT?!?!?! I will most certainly NOT old man! You are all out of your ever loving minds!" The Imperial Senate then erupted into a mess of yelling and arguing. "QUIET!!!" yelled Speaker Ducha "ALL OF YOU QUIET DOWN NOW!!!". As the senate quieted down again Speaker Ducha stood up "Imperial Prince Constantine Handsacar, this august body finds you guilty of all charges of unfitness to rule, based upon your Princely Highness' recent actions" But before Constantine could reply he fell to the ground. Stepping into the light of the senate hall were two soldiers "Did we do good sir?" Speaker Ducha nodded "Yes, you did great"

In a matter of hours the news that the Imperial Senate had declared Constantine unfit to rule spread throughout Maradkaxa. Numerous protests arose but all fell on deaf ears. Within days the aristocracy had managed to dupe the Imperial Senate into proclaiming Roderick Emperor of Maradkaxa.

Roderick completely changed the country in the following weeks, he abolished the Imperial Senate, replacing it with a body of aristocrats and other conservatives called the Council of Princes. He also created two secret police forces: the Red Rose Society, a force dedicated to re-enslavement of all women, and the Black Hammer, a force dedicated to putting down of all dissent against Roderick and his government. These two forces were brutally efficient, they almost eliminated all resistance......

In a small town in the Maradkaxan country side known as Feura Kine a group of men and free women gathered in a barn, with sentries posted to keep an eye out for BH (Black Hammer) troopers and RRS (Red Rose Society) slaver teams. On a platform at the head of the room was older man who had thus far had managed to keep his voice low "..... And now my friends the tyrants in Prima have used their evil influence to dispose the rightful heir to the throne and put their puppet into place instead. They say WE are traitors to Maradkaxa, well my friends it is THEY who are the traitors to our nation. My friends we must do something, we must fight back, but I am not the one to lead our righteous movement” the man took a pause then continued “I hereby nominate Dr. Alexander Leandro and Kira Rojas to be our leaders!” A silent roar of support erupted from the crowd as the two stepped up onto the platform.

Dr. Leandro was not a large man by any stretch of imagination, he was also a very scholarly man and this coupled with his rather large glasses made most people doubt he could fight, let alone lead a rebellion. But the good doctor was a very able fighter; the movement would be in good hands. As for Kira Rojas she was the defacto leader of the Womens' Rights Organization despite her young age of 19, but in Kira’s case it paid to have Kali, the leader of the famous Palace Slave Rebellion, for a mother.

Dr. Leandro spoke first "Free people of Maradkaxa, I have observed for too long now the opression of Emperor Roderick and his aristocractic friends in the Council of Princes. While my station has allowed me to avoid most of the opression that the common person has suffered, I still ache inside because my fellow Maradkaxans suffer at the hands of an unjust government. I believe that we are the last hope Maradkaxa has for the restoration of our rightful heir to the throne. For these reasons I do hereby wish to form the National Army of Liberation from the assembled people and I also encourge all of you to share this news for like minded free peoples in Maradkaxa. I have discussed at length by war plan with Miss Rojas, now I would like her to tell you about it, Miss Rojas?"

Kira nodded and took the mike "Thank you Doctor Leandro. Guys the Doc is right we are the only hope Maradkaxa has, the war plan he was discussing with me is thus: Doc believes that the most effective way to get our point across is by hitting them with unconventional warfare. In order words what we are planning to do may get us branded as terrorists" a murmur passed through the crowd then settled down. "I ask that all of those who have the skills to meet me backstage please"


All was quiet in Prima, a seemingly unalienable quiet had settled over the mountain metropolis.


When suddenly a horrific blast destroyed most of the Imperial Palace! the shockwaves either severly damaged or outright destroyed several buildings near the palace. Police (public and secret) as well as firefighters converged on the palace, the only veihcle to actually leave the area, was a blue van.....

"I can't believe it guys!" yelled a triumphent Kira Rojas "We actually blew up the Imperial Palace, and got away with it!" Kira shook her head and laughed. At the one of the door slits a male member of the team spoke up "Miss Rojas I think you spoke to soon, we have two police cars tailing us, and I think a BH heli too!" "What?!" Kira was in a panic, then she turned and shook a sleeping Kat Thermopolis, the small arms expert. "Get up get up get up! Thermopolis! Take a gun and shoot those Policemen while we get away" Kira then climbed into the front of the van as Kat got up, picked up an Soviet SVD and aimed at the police through a door slit. The chase continued for 20 minutes, with the police learning a heathly respect for Kat's abilities before the van unexpectedly crashed into a wood barrier.....


" '.......In conclusion I hereby ask this august body for all the power that I need to put down the terrorist scum, power which I shall return once the crises has abated' These historic words were spoken today by Emperor Roderick at the Council of Princes when he was questioned on what he is going to do about the recent rash of terrorist attacks." The young reporter smiled and drunk a glass of water "On another note the Emperor has requested the following be boardcasted, lets take alook.... 'It has come to my attention that the terrorists consider themselves freedom fighters, fighting for freedom from the so called fascist opressor. They have requested aid from the international community, harking back to world war II. This action has prompted this message. I am no fascist, I am only man, trying to do what is right in his country. These terrorists are just that, do not listen to thier propoganda, but many have fallen for the terrorist lies. I am faced with a task that I feel I cannont do alone, so I am asking the international community to please lend me aid in stopping these terrorist manipulators once and for all' " the reporter wiped a tear from his eye "Moving on the police have issued a statement asking for all good people to pitch in and report any supusicious persons....."
04-01-2005, 23:40
OOC: I believe that a BUMP is in order folks!
05-01-2005, 02:29
Ooc: Bump
05-01-2005, 03:49
OOC: :( Please reply to my thread people! I know you are reading it! I am really that bad? Maybe I should make another IC post?....
05-01-2005, 04:20
TAG For Future post

I like your RPing
05-01-2005, 04:38
Emperor Norakari Toshiro began to reign his trusted beast in as he made entrance into the great city. It had been so long since he had been in a town, it was almost overwhelming, almost.He drew more then one strange look as he and his followers came to a stop and took in their surroundings. He addressed his troops.
"I would like five of you to explore this city and find the best restaurant for us to dine at this eve. The rest of you come with me. We are to find where the new emperor is residing seeing as the palace is now mostly incomplete"
With this the five men slip off as they were ordered to and the emperor begins his search through the city.

Norakari Toshiro ( , Emperor of Stromland
05-01-2005, 17:42
OOC: Thanks Siap, like I said I worked for days on that first post, I hope some of the bigwigs of NS come in here!



Emperor Roderick reclined comfortably in his chair in the makeshift palace on Sturm Street. Hopefully that nasty buisness of these terrorists will be resolved soon he thought. "My Emperor! I bring news to you!" the sudden voice snapped Roderick out of his thoughts, he looked ahead and noticed a tall thin sickly looking man in white body armor standing in front of him. Roderick got up and smiled "Ah..... Jose my favorite trooper, what brings you here?"

With Jose Hauptmann appearences could be decieving on a deadly scale. Dispite his sickly appearence Jose was, as the commander of the Red Rose Society, a exceptional fighter and master tacitatian. He was not to be underestimated under any circumstances.

Jose smiled and bowed deeply " I had my men on the crash site of that mysterious blue van in mere moments. Most of the occupants were dead, except for two females..." Roderick held up a hand and interuppted "Were there any identifaction on them Jose?" Hauptmann grinned "There was some indentifaction on them sire. There names were Kathrine Thermopolis and Kira Rojas."

Roderick's eyes widened suddenly "Wait a minute..... Rojas.... you don't think?..... she is?...." Jose smiled "She is majesty..... I took Thermopolis as my personal serving girl, but Rojas has not been messed with, of that I made sure Masjesty." Roderick grinned and put a hand on Jose's shoulder "I will leave for the dentention compound immeadiatly, thank you my friend...."

((OOC: More later, I had a really great post planned but I lost it when the fourm logged me out))
05-01-2005, 18:13
ooc: I cant think of anything to reply atm,lol, is the complex within the town?
Neo Cannen
05-01-2005, 18:30
International Relations and Intellegence section
Second Tabanacle
Neo Cannen

The news reports had been flooding in all day. In Maradkaxa only a few hours ago now, a bomb had gone off. No one had any idea what kind of bomb, whether or not it had any toxins or radioactive elements in it, but whoever it was who did it had done their job well. The Imperial palace was destroyed and though the police had located some of the group responsable, Ambassador Midian, head of the IRIS was fairly sure it was only the tip of the iceberg. He dialed a number into his office telephone, whilst reading over some of the latest reports of the explosion

"Get me CAIN senior commander"

"Call sign please" the female computer voice asked

"Authorisation Midian 9 1 7 Omega 5 Sieria"

"Cleared" she replied

"Midian, we got the IRIS report, whats going down"

"I think we need a full briefing" Said Midian

IRIS crisis confernce room

"Whats happening" Jacob Israel asked

"This morning, a few hours ago now, a bomb went off in Maradkaxa's capital city, Prima. This bomb destroyed the imperial palace but it would apper the Emperor suvived" Ambassador Midian explained

"Who is the emperor?" Israel asked

"Roderick is his name sir. He wasn't supposed to be emperor at all. His older brother Constantine was due to take the throne but their seemed to be some kind of shake up at the top by the upper classes and they have managed to get the younger brother in power. Since his asscention, he has reintroduced the old slavey of women laws, we think thats why the wealthy classes supported him" Samuel explained

"Coup de tar?" Israel asked

"Most likely" Midian said "though we arnt certian. The rumour is that Constantine was declared unfit to rule and then killed"

"So whats this terrorist attack? Who's behind it?"

"We dont know specificly yet, all we do know is that the group called itself something like the national liberation army. They want to see Maradkaxa return to its previous, more modern ways."

"Ok, so can we assume that this was the tip of the iceburg then? Yes"

"That would seem to make sense. Its hardly likely that the entire group consisted of those who carried out the bombing"

"Alright, given the actions of the current government, its my decision that we need to do all we can, unoffically to support these rebels. I will talk to Saul. Ill see we get people out there" Israel said.
Neo Cannen
05-01-2005, 19:30
05-01-2005, 22:31
OOC: Okay I am back now and ready to post what wanted to earlier, oh and Stromland the complex is in Prima.



Dr. Alexander Leandro took a deep breath before climbing the stairs up onto the podium. "Friends, fellow Maradkaxans, I have recieved word that all but two of our operetives have killed. The survivors were Kathrine Thermopolis and Kira Rojas, our info tells us that they have been captured by the RRS.... It is too risky to mount an rescue effort..... All we can do is hope they will not tell the Imperials our secrets."

A roar erupted from the crowd "WE MUST rescue Miss Rojas, Dr. Leandro!.... The Imperials will not treat her kindly, they will not treat like a human being!.... Please Dr. Leandro!" Dr. Leandro closed his eyes at this, trying to block out the pleas... then he spoke quietly "I know how you feel friends, but a rescue is not within our capabilities at the moment. In the meantime will section admins please meet me in my office. Thank you"

Later all of the section admins were cramped together in Dr. Leandro's spartan office. "People, my latest reports tell me that the Imperial military is conducting a full sweep of all of Maradkaxa. Because none of the mass desertions we hoped for happened all of Jochim's best generals are still in Imperial service, for this reason I feel that we must abandon this base quickly, and to a place were we can safely hide from the Imperials. Does anyone have a suggestion?" One man stood up "I have a suggestion....

General Tom McAllister is the priemer general of the National Liberation Army. For the better part of his life Gen. McAllister relied on his hulking frame to get his way, but since a life changing event in his 30s McAllister has gone about absorbing every bit of knowledge in his path. He is held in high regard by most of the High Staff for this.

I believe that we should go here..." At this point McAllister produced a map "to the caves of Keal Vorm in the Heldorm Mountains." a woman suddenly rose up in protest "What that is insane! The Imperial army is sure find us there!" Gen. McAllister shook his head "I must disagree you, I was part of the expidition that explored the caves, we officers had to threaten the soldiers that we would tan their hides so badly that thier mothers would not reconizge them.... I do not think they would of changed much since then" Suddenly Dr. Leandro spoke up "Then it is settled, we move out at dawn, prepare your people ladies and gents. I feel the ride will be very bumpy."
06-01-2005, 00:50

Emperor Roderick entered into the Dentition Center loudly "SOLDIERS!! Tell were is the woman?!" The soldiers realizing that the Emperor himself had come into the center got to attention quickly, then one broke rank to adress Roderick. "Your Majesty which woman are looking for, there is several here in this center sir, you will have to be a little more specific." Anger rose in Roderick, but he kept it down, "I mean where is one called Kira Rojas" the soldier smiled "Oh her! Yes well right this way my lord we have had quite a time with that one, it took five men to finally strip her and put a slave dress on her..." Roderick ignored the man and instead thought about how to best question Kira when he was interuppted

".... A'ight sir here is her cell" the soldier took a key and inserted it into the lock, opening the door. "SLAVE!" he yelled "The Emperor himself is here to see you! So get on your knees and show respect!" Roderick then entered into the cell, he was shocked when he saw Kira, he had not expected such a beautiful woman to be the Kira Rojas, the one who bombed the Imperial Palace!

Clearing his throat Roderick spoke up "So you are Kira Rojas, daughter of Alexi Rojas and Kali the Revolutionist, I did not expect you to be so beautiful.... but then again you have the blood of the finest Imperial Flower.. OOOWWW!" Kira had gotten on her feet and slapped Roderick hard "don't you DARE degrade my mother like that you sexist PIG!" Roderick rubbed his face "And don't you DARE slap me again you impudent WITCH!" bit out Roderick.

After a few moments Roderick spoke again "I came here to try to be your friend Kira--" he was suddenly cut off by Kira "Friend? HA! More like you came here make yourself my master... Mother taught me how to reconigze that in a man" "Regardless of why I came" continued Roderick with a hurt expression "You will tell me what I want know, because if you don't I will use this..." Roderick pulled out a small Electro-Shocker "on you to make you feel my displeasure". Kira was silent as she watched Roderick switch the thing on and smile, a smile of evil pleasure. "Now we will start with something easy... where is the terrorists' primarily base of operations?" Kira stared at Roderick and crossed her arms defiantly, sighing in mock sadness Roderick jabbed Kira with Electro-Shocker.

Kira's eyes opened wide as she screamed and doubled over in pain from the shock of the Electro-Shocker's charge. "I did not mean for the shock to be that bad Miss Rojas... Opps looks like I set up too high..." Roderick smiled evilly at Kira. "You're vile Roderick!" she splat "Vile? Vile?! I am not VILE Miss Rojas! You and all the other terrorists have forced me to play hard ball with you!" Roderick humphed indigently "I can be quite compassionate Miss Rojas when my subjects behave.... Just tell me were the base is and I promise you will treated better..." Kira turned away from the Roderick's sickeningly sweet smiling face and crossed her arms. Roderick was just about to shock her again when a voice interuppted "My Emperor you are needed urgently back the Estate!"

Roderick rose unhappily and left Kira with out saying a word to her. but before he left the room he turned to a guard "I want to you to get the answer for every question on this list Captain.... and use the shocker sparingly, I don't want to kill my prime prisoner" Then he turned and left....
06-01-2005, 09:16
Norakari Toshiro and his remaining fifteen men began moving down the street in military order. For once in his life the emperor was not entirely sure of where he was heading for. It had been a long week and when he had heard that an imperial palace had been bombed he couldnt help to come and pay his respects to the emperor. He couldnt help but wonder what steps the emperor had taken to catch those that had done this unspeakable thing, if it had been his palace the criminals would already have thier heads on spikes outside the main wall. As they began to cross another street one of the men he sent out to find a resturant rode quickly up to him.
"Have you found what i sent you after?" Norakari asked the soldier
"No my Lord, but I have found where the master of this land is. He has gone to visit a prisoner in a detention camp here in the city"
"Lead the way and hope that you arent wrong about this"
Norakari's soldier begins leading the way to the detention center.
06-01-2005, 16:41

The area surrounding the enterance to the NLA base was like an anthill in the activity surrounding it, as the NLA soldiers, staff, and other personal was trying to evacuate in a hurry as discreetly as possible.

Watching the activity like a hawk was General McAllister, "Watch that crate Les! Keep a eye out for Imperials everyone, prepare to hit the dirt if need be! This is a peaceful evac everyone no need to be acting like headless chickens!" These and more were some of the things yelled about as people and supplies made for the trucks.

On a small hill was Dr. Leandro, looking out on the horizon, it was still dark technically, but there was engouth of the pre-dawn sun-light to be able to see. "Only a few hours left Doc?, I suppose we should probably hurry, right?" Dr. Leandro nodded "You are probably right Sam... you are probably right"

Samantha Hardcastle is one of the NLA's top computer hacking specialists, if something needs hacking, Sam Hardcastle could get in it. At 23 Sam is of typical hacker age, but her good looks make most doubt her abilites. That is until their computer crashes because of her.

Sam took a seat beside Dr. Leandro and smiled at him. "Oh come on Doc, I am sure that everything will be okay" "Will it Sam? Maybe I should have started the evacution during the night, then we could have been under way by now!" Dr. Leandro covered his face with his hands. "Well if means something I think you did the right thing" Sam smiled and patted Dr. Leandro on the back. "But by the time we get moving Sam it will be daylight, we'll be sitting ducks!" Dr Leandro shook his head sadly. Sam just smiled "Hey it may be daylight but by the time the sweeps begin we'll be at or new home!" Sam then got up and left

A few minutes later Gen. McAllister walked up and saluted "Sir! We are ready to begin our journy" Dr. Leandro nodded "Everythings loaded? You didn't forget anything?" McAllister shook his head "Nothing was forgotten sir" "then let's get this show on the road"


Emperor Roderick stepped out side the dentention center. "This had better be good captain, I was just getting started on interrogating that woman!" The captain strached himself nervously "It is my lord, I was contacted an half hour ago by General Rustom--" Roderick raised a hand "General Rustom contacted you?"

General Vladmir Stefanovich Rustom is Roderick's cheif general and the Director of the Black Hammer secret police force. Rustom was known and prasied quite often for his military leadership by Emperor Jochim himself before the illnesses started, though the two never got along because of Rustom's ruthless personality.

The captian nodded "Yes sir General Rustom contacted me and told me to tell you that he has a good lead on the location of several terrorist bases. He also says that the counter-infomation campaign is a success. General Rustom believes that despite the deaths of innocents these terror attacks are boon for us, as many of the people are coming to the Imperial banner!" Roderick smiled brightly at this "Well that is most important news captain! It looks like prehaps these terrorists will provide something good after all with thier evil..."
Neo Cannen
06-01-2005, 18:04
On one of the main border linking roads a civilian jeep was making its way down towards one of the border control sections into Maradkaxa. Well it appered civilian. In fact it had been modified with many concealed weapons to make it a car James Bond would have been proud to own. Of couse he wouldnt be seen dead in a jeep, where as Alexander Rameius didn't have a problem with it. In fact he rather enjoyed four wheel drives. They had a sense of power and strength that you didnt get with other cars. He was CAIN's opprative that had been sent to Maradkaxa to make contact with the resistance there. Unless you searched the inner working of his engine, you would also detect that he was smuggling in a great deal of weapons and explosives to help them. But he had scramblers installed to prevent there detection. He got to the border behind a line of cars and prepared to flash his passport to gain entry

OOC I would appricate RPing of the border controllers
06-01-2005, 18:18
OOC: Right away!


A squad of soldiers in the gray uniforms of the Maradkaxan Imperial Border Guard saw the jeep pull up and stop. "Alright civilian we need to conduct a check. Standard procedure you understand" said the captain of the squad "I need to see some I.D. and a passport, as well a permit for this vehicle. Ever since those terrorists bombed His Imperial Majesty's palace in Prima security has been high, I am sure you understand" the captain turned to the rest of his squad and nodded "I also need to have my team inspect your vehicle, need to be sure that this thing is legit, but you understand of course. Right?"
Neo Cannen
06-01-2005, 18:31
"Thats quite alright officer" Said Alexander. He got out of his jeep and took a bag out of the backseat. Out of this bag he produced a Neo Cannenite passport, his birth certificate and his permit for the jeep. These had all been made real and perfectly legiamate by CAIN and unless the soldier was extremly good at his job, he wouldnt suspect anything. "My names John Starn, I'm an independent reporter off to cover the recent attacks, I hope while inside I will have freedom to roam. I trust Maradkaxa is a nation that permits freedom of the press, even in these hard times". The passport had the false name on it too, along with the birth certificate and the vechile reg. The smuggled guns would be undetectable, as they were in self assembly peices scattered throught the car in various hiding places. "If you look in the boot you'll find my cameras and my laptop, I hope those are ok to go in?" he asked the officer. "I wouldnt want to report back that I had been denied freedom of the press now would I?" he said, and smiled. The journalist trick, while old, did work well for getting past millitary officals. Media, politics and the army were working more and more togther these days. For his good as a CAIN opprative, if no one elses.
06-01-2005, 18:43
The captain looked over everything and listened to a report by his sergeant "Well everything seems to be in order Mr. Starn, you're free to pass through this checkpoint. Here is a Pass for you to show to any Imperial Army trooper you run across, wouldn't want anyone thinking you are a terrorist now do we?" the captain laughed at his joke and lifted the barrier of the checkpoint so that the jeep could drive through.
Neo Cannen
06-01-2005, 19:02
"Thank you very much officer" Alexander said and drove on through. His primay objective now was to reach the capital, to contact this resistance movement. How, he did not know. He had one lead though. Two members of the group had been captured by the government already. Kathrine Thermopolis and Kira Rojas. His plan was too attemt to locate them, rescue them and hopefully they would be able to lead them to where the rest of the resistance was hiding. He had the equipment, all he had to do now was find where they were keeping these people. He didnt have too look too far. There was a newspaper stand a few miles past the checkpoint. On the front cover was an aritcle about the bombing and the capture of the two women.

OOC: I need too go now, but can you RP the article, IE what it says about where these two are being kept etc?
06-01-2005, 20:17
OOC: I sure can Neo Cannen! More fun for me!

The Imperial Star


Two members of Palace bombing team found alive!

by: Adrinae Kastiun

Early yesterday tragedy struck Prima when terrorists blew up the Imperial Palace. Immeadiatly following the blast Prima Police captain James Doughtry noticed a blue van streaking away from the palace. Capt. Doughtry following his instints followed the van, two more cars would follow Doughtry and eventually a army helicopter joined in. For a total of twenty minutes police and military followed the van, despite heavy fire coming from it. After those twenty minutes the van crashed into the wooden fence of Prima resident Thomas Bag. Mr. Bag had this to say when interviewed:

"Well I was outside at the time wondering why the ground shook so badly before and there it was a big blue van and crashing into my fence! Well I explored the van and found most of them fellas in there too badly wounded to move. Except for these two women, I was dragging them out of the van when the police showed up!"

We talked to Capt. Doughtry over what happened next:

"When I saw that van crash I stopped my car and got out, two of my men followed me and we found old Mr. Bag dragging out these women. Well I told Mr. Bag to drop the girls and me and my boys checked them out. One seemed knocked-out but alive and the other seemed semi-awake. I hog tied them both and checked out the others in the van. They were alive but the injuries were so severe I didn't want to take the chance of killing them. I then called my old pal Colonel Hauptmann in the RRS to help identify the women."

Unfortunatly we were unable to interview Col. Hauptmann, however we were able to get a good idea of the events from the Colonel's preceptive from his office's statement.

After recieving Capt. Doughtry's call Col. Hauptmann hurried over to the site with a team of RRS specialists. Soon after arrival the Colonel was able to identify the two women, their names are: Kathrine Thremopolis and Kira Rojas. Below are pictures

(OOC: Just imangine a picture of a beautiful brownheaded girl, Kathrine and a beautiful Hispanic, Kira, side by side with their names under them)

Both women have classified as extermely dangerous by Col. Hauptmann. The Colonel's office has been kind enough to provide more infomation on the girls. Miss Thermopolis, age 21, is a feminazi sniper and Miss Rojas, age 19, is the daughter of Palace Slave Revolt leader Kali.

Because of the danger presented by these women they have been locked up by order of the Emperor himself. Col. Hauptmann has decided at great personal risk to himself to take the Miss Thermopolis as his personal pleasure slave and Miss Rojas is being held in Imperial Dentention Center Korgas, awaiting interrogation by Imperial Inquisitors. Colonel Hauptmann has discouraged visits to these women, but reporters have been allowed in to get pictures.

((OOC: Imangine two more pictures of Kathrine and Kira here, this time in miminalistic binki like outfits))

For the Imperial Star's Prima station this is Adrinae Kastiun writing for YOU!
06-01-2005, 20:49
Norakari Toshiro and his soldiers had almost reached their destination when a newsboy ran up to him and offered a paper. Norakari took it and tossed a golden ziblat to the young carrier. He couldnt help but slightly stare at the beautiful brown-headed women on the front page of the paper. He would pay almost anything to have her as his own serving girl.
"We must make haste my men! Let us double our pace to the detention center."
With those words Norakari stirred his cross-breed beast(Panther and horse) on to a fast trot and they quickly made their way down the road.
06-01-2005, 21:16

The guards outside of Imperial Detention Center Korgas could not help but scream at the sight of the panther-horse approaching them.

"ha--ha--ha-halt! and identify your self citizen!" yelled one guard. "And I hope that beast is a registred transport" said the second. "If it is I have never seen anything like it" wispered the first.
06-01-2005, 21:34
Norakari looks at the men for a moment before noding to one of his soldiers to dismount. The soldier walks forward to the men his left hand is resting near the hilt of his blade, there is also a button near it on his seemingly incomplete armor.
"We are here to speak with your lord and master the Emperor Roderick. Please fetch him for us or step aside and let us pass."
06-01-2005, 21:41
The two guards looked at one another nervously.... finally one of them spoke up "Who are you? We can not let you see the Emperor Roderick until your indentity is confirmed" the second nodded his head in agreement "Yes until we know who you are, the Emperor Roderick you can not see"
06-01-2005, 21:48
"You are in the presence of the great Emperor Norakari Toshiro. Ask no more questions."
With this the soldier turns his back on the men and remounts his panther beast totaly ignoring the men.
06-01-2005, 22:09
The two soldiers looked to each other and and the second one ran off quickly "Terribly sorry for this Imperial Majesty, it is just that everyone is very jumpy what with the terrorist attacks and all. You are very lucky Emperor Roderick was just about to leave to his temp-palace"

A few moments later Emperor Roderick himself walked up "It is always a pleasure to meet a fellow Emperor" he said with a controlled smile "I am Roderick, first of the name, what is it that you wish to speak to me about?"
06-01-2005, 22:23
Norakari road forward past his soldiers. He directly addressed Emperor Roderick.
"I am glad to make your personel aquaintance. I to am glad to meet another emperor that holds some of the same values i do. I am here in support of you and to help with your terrorist problems."
Norakari tilted his head to the side and spoke a few words into what seemed thin air.
"I have just authorized the transfer of moneys and weaponry to your nation from mine. This should be a start of good relations for our two empires. I also have a reasonable force sitting outside of your borders in case anything happens which is untoward."
06-01-2005, 22:31
Emperor Roderick smiled brightly "Thank you very much Emperor Toshiro, you have my gratitude. Hopefully between us we can crush these terrorists once and for all!" Roderick nodded at the statement and turned to a guardsmen "Tell Gen Rustom to make the preprerations for the start of the clean sweep of the nation" "Yes Sir".

((OOC: Everyone I am going to leave my comp for a bit so do not worry I do not reply to your posts, thank you))
07-01-2005, 01:27

Dr. Leandro could not believe it. Dispite it all, the close calls and breakdowns they had managed to make it to the caves, now as all of the unloading was nearly done Dr. Leandro walked briskly to the makeshift confrence room.

"Now that we are all here I call this meeting to order" he began. Gen. McAllister stood up "We are safe here from the Imperials, thier sweeps will not notice us. I believe now is the perfect time to begin a guerilla war against the Imperial war machine. I have here a map showing all of the targets we should hit in the next several days, I would perfer hours but Doc has convinced me otherwise" at this moment Gen. McAllister unfolded a large map and everyone looked at it. "This is insane! We should focus on smaller targets! McAllister has lost his mind!" was the reaction of some. Dr. Leandro stood up "Regardless of the insaness I have already approved this plan. Our first target ladies and gents is the Army Base at Doorigen, I have already talked to Mai and Lex, they'll take the job"

Mai and Alexandra were Dr. Leandro's ace up the sleeves. Smart, fast, and intelligent the terrible twin duo were expert theives until Dr. Leandro found them and took them in. Since then Mai and Lex have been like daughters to Dr. Leandro, and they have stuck together ever since.

"Not to offend Doc but I am not certain Mai and Lex could do a job like that" said Samantha "I mean a military base is kinda big step up from they are used used to". Dr Leandro was silent "I have faith in my girls, if anyone can infiltrate that base it's them.... besides who else do we have?" When no one spoke up Dr Leandro smiled "I thought as much, listen I do not mean to worry everyone but I truly think Mai and Lex can do it. Well in any case we will know when we do, alright you are all dismissed, now go get some shut eye and that is an order" Dr. Leandro smiled and left the room. Gradually so did everyone else, it seemed that perhaps the rebellion could succeed, if their luck continued into the morrow....
07-01-2005, 02:20
Norakari continues to address Emperor Roderick.
"Are there any good places to have a classical dinner in your town? I have a few men out looking but they have yet to report back to me."
Norakari walks back to his panther beast and begins to rummage through his satchel.

ooc:sorry couldnt think of much to write this time around,lol
07-01-2005, 02:49
OOC: I understand I have trouble coming up with stuff myself at times, my semi-stuffy head sure doesn't help either


Roderick thought for a few moments then decided "The best resturant is in my opinion is the Golden Rose, it is just down the street, you can't miss it." Then he started to turn "Now if you excuse me Toshiro I shall take leave of you and return to my residence. If you want you can enter the dentention center and interrogate the female terrorist we captured. Maybe you'll have better luck then I..."
07-01-2005, 04:28
OOC: Just your friendly neighborhood BUMP. To give people that have not posted yet a chance to see!
Neo Cannen
08-01-2005, 11:48
The Imperial Star


Two members of Palace bombing team found alive!

by: Adrinae Kastiun

Early yesterday tragedy struck Prima when terrorists blew up the Imperial Palace. Immeadiatly following the blast Prima Police captain James Doughtry noticed a blue van streaking away from the palace. Capt. Doughtry following his instints followed the van, two more cars would follow Doughtry and eventually a army helicopter joined in. For a total of twenty minutes police and military followed the van, despite heavy fire coming from it. After those twenty minutes the van crashed into the wooden fence of Prima resident Thomas Bag. Mr. Bag had this to say when interviewed:

"Well I was outside at the time wondering why the ground shook so badly before and there it was a big blue van and crashing into my fence! Well I explored the van and found most of them fellas in there too badly wounded to move. Except for these two women, I was dragging them out of the van when the police showed up!"

We talked to Capt. Doughtry over what happened next:

"When I saw that van crash I stopped my car and got out, two of my men followed me and we found old Mr. Bag dragging out these women. Well I told Mr. Bag to drop the girls and me and my boys checked them out. One seemed knocked-out but alive and the other seemed semi-awake. I hog tied them both and checked out the others in the van. They were alive but the injuries were so severe I didn't want to take the chance of killing them. I then called my old pal Colonel Hauptmann in the RRS to help identify the women."

Unfortunatly we were unable to interview Col. Hauptmann, however we were able to get a good idea of the events from the Colonel's preceptive from his office's statement.

After recieving Capt. Doughtry's call Col. Hauptmann hurried over to the site with a team of RRS specialists. Soon after arrival the Colonel was able to identify the two women, their names are: Kathrine Thremopolis and Kira Rojas. Below are pictures

(OOC: Just imangine a picture of a beautiful brownheaded girl, Kathrine and a beautiful Hispanic, Kira, side by side with their names under them)

Both women have classified as extermely dangerous by Col. Hauptmann. The Colonel's office has been kind enough to provide more infomation on the girls. Miss Thermopolis, age 21, is a feminazi sniper and Miss Rojas, age 19, is the daughter of Palace Slave Revolt leader Kali.

Because of the danger presented by these women they have been locked up by order of the Emperor himself. Col. Hauptmann has decided at great personal risk to himself to take the Miss Thermopolis as his personal pleasure slave and Miss Rojas is being held in Imperial Dentention Center Korgas, awaiting interrogation by Imperial Inquisitors. Colonel Hauptmann has discouraged visits to these women, but reporters have been allowed in to get pictures.

((OOC: Imangine two more pictures of Kathrine and Kira here, this time in miminalistic binki like outfits))

For the Imperial Star's Prima station this is Adrinae Kastiun writing for YOU!

Alexander read this and was disgusted with the way these people were treating these women. He had to find them soon. His first task would have to be to get there and assess the layout of the place, make sure that there was a reasonable exit and enterence position. He reasoned that since he could only rescue one of them, he had better try Miss Thermopolis, since it is likely that a mans house, even a general's one, would be less hevely guarded than a detention centre. To find this man, he had an idea. He drove on to where there seemed to be some kind of millitary instellation marked on the map. He had a plan. When he got there he was again stoped by the millitary offical guarding the baracks.

(I need you to RP the barrack officer again Maradkaxa)
Northern Empire
08-01-2005, 12:34
The Northern Empire was shocked to hear of the terrorist attack.
General Jon Benkestok, the Emperor summoned his military council immediately as everything concerning the nation were settled here.

"What is the background for this attack?"
Admiral Kuznetsov stood up and replied: "the women are complaining abou slavery by the Emperor Rorcerick. I am not saying he is not enslaving them, but it seems as this resistance know its way around, and know how, where, and when to hit. i think we ought to support one of the sides. but which?"
the Supreme Commander of the 4th army Echelon, who's task is to defend the capitol, Geneal Jarkeld stood up."i think it would be wise to send in some light amphibious armor and some SOA(Spec Ops Abroad) units into Maradkaxa and scout the place out."

General Benkestok: "Very well, but how many do we send? my best guess is about 10 tanks and 150 men, since a force this small will not be noticed." we'll send them across the western border in 4 days. take the men out from the "nemida" Echelon."

4 days later, a small Northern Empire task force entered Maradkaxa. they set up camp in the mountains and sent 10 men to the capitol to find out more about this conflict.

offtopic: what does OOC and IC mean? im kinda new to this. also, what is an approximate size of Maradkaxa's army?
Neo Cannen
08-01-2005, 13:11
offtopic: what does OOC and IC mean?

OOC = Out of charachter
IC = In charachter
08-01-2005, 15:44
OOC: Alright! Oh and Northern Empire, the apporixmate size should be somewhere near 500,000. But I am not very good at this stuff!

A military captain dressed in the green uniform of the Imperial Army stepped out of his guardhouse and approached the jeep. "Alright here civilian I need some identifaction, I also need to have a team check your jeep. This is all standard procedure you understand, We can't let just anyone into our military bases now can we?"
Neo Cannen
08-01-2005, 15:51
A military captain dressed in the green uniform of the Imperial Army stepped out of his guardhouse and approached the jeep. "Alright here civilian I need some identifaction, I also need to have a team check your jeep. This is all standard procedure you understand, We can't let just anyone into our military bases now can we?"

"Ah officer, you don't understand" Alexander said, in the best innocent civilan persona he could muster "I'm a journelist here to speek with Cornel Hauptmann. Is there a phone number I could use to contact him? I dont want to enter the base if its too much trouble. I was hoping for a private interview"
Northern Empire
08-01-2005, 16:07
The Soldiers of NEPA(Northern Empire People's Army) who had entered the capitol spotted the jeep near the military base. "who's that? a civilian jeep trying to enter a military base?"

"seems like it, now what do we do?"

"ill say we wait here, and sees what happens, he might be a reporter trying to talk to Miss Thermopolis. if he does, we'll have a few questions ready for him when he gets out."

The troops unsecured their sidearms and stationed themselves within view distance of the camp. their main weapons were at the camp in the west, due to public safety they would not carry firearms in public.
08-01-2005, 18:38
"You want Col. Hauptmann's number for an interview?" asked the captain. "Well alright all bases are required to have his number, to report any illegal free woman sightings you know". The captain then dissapeared into his guardhouse, coming out a few moments later. "Alright civilian here is the Colonel's number and Prima address. You'll probably get a slave when you call, but the Colonel always has time for reporters asking to interview him"
Neo Cannen
08-01-2005, 23:46
"Thank you very much" Alex said, took the card and drove off. If he was going to meet Miss Thermopolis straight away, he had better get something ready to get her to contact him. He got out a tiny two way radio. It was the size and shape of an ear-ring. He took out a piece of paper and wrote on it

"My name is Alexander Rameis. I am an agent of the Cannanite Army Intellgence Network (CAIN). I am here to make contact with the resistance. This earpiece will allow you to contact me. Keep it concealed."

when he had written this, he took the earpiece and wraped it in the message paper. He drove to the address that he had been given and made his way to the front door. He pressed the doorbell, carrying his digital camera under his right arm and the message and the earpiece in his left outer jacket pocket. He hoped the guard had been right that she would come too the door first.
Neo Cannen
09-01-2005, 11:10
Bump (just to see who else is interested in this)
Northern Empire
09-01-2005, 11:39
as the jeep left the camp, the NEPA soldiers tried to follow, but they lost him..
"now what?"

Sgt Johnson, who was in command of the platoon asked around for directions of where the jeep had gone. they finally found the jeep again, and this time the jeep was empty.

they figured he was inside, so they waited by the jeep, when a BH officer approached them.

OOC: need an RP on that BH officer
09-01-2005, 22:34
As Norakari is about to enter the detention facility he address's a few of his men.
"Stay out here and keep an eye on things. If you see anything suspicous you have my authorization to follow, but make sure you arent seen. Use your plasma refractors if need be." He leaves five of his men at the gate and continues in with the remaining twenty men. He asks a guard where he may find the women that were taken and then heads to the area.

ooc will post more in a little while, will edit my post with new info if need be unless someone else posts before hand
Comunistic Scandinavia
10-01-2005, 11:39
"What the fuck! Free women?" General Ardibus of the EastArme erupted when G.R.U General Archimedes reported on the situation Maradkaxa. "This could come to us if we dont act now!" Generalisimo Richards brushed some imaginary dust of his five star uniform, looking at the seven asembled men he gave the obvious question: "So what do you propose we do general?" Al eyes were on General Ardibus and he knew that if he made one wrong move the mann in the great leather chair would have his head. "Well sire I propose we send a letter to the goverment of Maradkaxa and grant them our suport." "And what suport might this be?" "Well if I might be so bold I would propose the second Speznaz divisjon." The danger were so great you could feel it. Then the Generalisimo turned to his men and gave the final word. "Werry well It will be like you say. General Archimedes, when can you have the letter done and when will the men be ready?" General Archimedes thought for two seconds before the answer came. "The letter will certainly be ready first thing tommorow, but the troops will not be done before another day or so." "Then bring me that letter for me to sign at 0800 hours. Now you may go."

From the Community of Comunistic Scandinavia

We have a great wish to help the goverment of Maradkaxa in these trubelsome times and by doing so build stronger bonds between our nations.
We wish to lend you a specialist infantry divisjon known as Speznaz II.
These soldiers are the finest of the world and trained for cityfighting, we guarantee that these loyal troops will secure any city You choose to insert them into.

Yours sinseerely
Jonathan Richards
11-01-2005, 14:43
ooc: bump for interested parties
Neo Cannen
12-01-2005, 18:57
Bump (I cant do anything till Maradkaxa gets back)
Northern Empire
13-01-2005, 08:39
bump (same here)
Neo Cannen
14-01-2005, 14:34
Bump (again)
The Voltarum
14-01-2005, 21:02
The Great Hall, Ohm, The Voltarum

"... and finally, ministers, we have trouble brewing in the country of Maradkaxa. A few months ago, the rightful heir to the thrown was unlawfully ruled unfit, and most likely murdered. HIs younger brother, and current Emperor, Roderick, has turned the once modern nation back into her old ways which includes the total disregard for all womens rights. Currently, there is some kind of rebellion going on, and a week ago the Imeprial Palace was destroyed by some kind of explosive. Maradkaxa, and Roderick, has asked for international assitance in the help to quell these rebels."

The High Minister of Foreign Affairs sat down, as a small mumble rose from the Voltarum senate. After a few minutes, the 12 Ministers quieted as the Premier stood.

"Once again, our nation has a choice in front of us. Shall we ignore this plea, like so many in the past, or shall we chose a side?"

The Premier paused, gathering his thoughts.

"While soverignty of all nations has always been held in the highest esteem in this hall, I shudder to reflect on the tale we have just heard. Oppression of any peoples based on sex, race, or religion is something that, I feel, may warrant the task... no the DUTY, for us to intervene."

"But, like most of you here, I do not wish to become entangled in Maradkaxa's politics for years to come. I propose therefore, that a vote come to the order. Shall we commision a covert operation to aid the rebels against their oppressors? Like many in the past, the mission, succeed or fail, will not bring our name into any spotlights. As Premier of the Voltarum, Head of the High Order, I put this to vote."

With that, the lights dimmed, until only the 12 green orbs were seen that hovered over the places of the 12 Ministers. Within 30 seconds, all but one turned blue, and rose 2 meters toward the cathedral ceiling. The one decenting red orb, stayed metaphorically low. The lights slowly came back on.

The premier stood. "As witnessed by the 13, the vote has passed 11-1, with no tie break necessary. I place the charge of this mission into the capable hands of Ministry of Defense and Chancellor Selkirk. May Order rule your mind."

The 13 chimed, "Fortes fortuna adiuvat!!"

"I hereby call this meeting of the Order adjourned."

Premier's Residence, 30 minutes Later

Premier Xerco Longbottom slumped in his armchair under the weight of his ceremonial robes. He knew the last vote today would have passed, but he was unsure if it was the best thing. A servant entered, and motioned that he had a visitor. He knew who it was. "Let Avlos in," Xerco replied, pouring himself a scotch.

Chancellor Avlos Selkirk tentatively strolled in. True to his nature, he got to the point.

"Premier, I just want to know, how far do you want to go with this?"

Xerco turned, looking much older than his advancing years. "As far as we can, without compromising our anonimity, Avlos." He drank his scotch, wishing despertly that he could still taste it.

"Very well, sir. I will proceed with the plans immediately. If all goes smoothly, the operation could be a go within 48 hours."

"Keep me informed, Avlos."

OOC: Maradkaxa, does your country have sea access? if so, how heavily is it guarded?
Neo Cannen
15-01-2005, 19:22
Neo Cannen
17-01-2005, 11:39
Northern Empire
18-01-2005, 19:28
Northern Empire
22-01-2005, 15:33

OOC: maradkaxa gonna be away long?
Northern Empire
24-01-2005, 16:43
Neo Cannen
27-01-2005, 23:53

(I hope not)
Northern Empire
01-02-2005, 19:32
damn... he sure as hell have stayed away for long
Northern Empire
06-02-2005, 16:55
The Voltarum
07-02-2005, 22:59
its been over a month, i think you can stop bumping now heh