NationStates Jolt Archive

Gotta Love Our Soldiers

30-12-2004, 09:29
I am a member of the US Air Force Auxillery, now quite recently my Squadron went to talk with some returning soldiers from Iraq, and I gotta say listening to these guys, is amazing. As much as you may hat the war in Iraq, you have to respect out troops and what they do. Most of the soldiers I spoke with hated something very muhc, it wasnt the president, hell most of them loved Dubya, the one thing most of the troops hated were the media. The media has tooken it upon thereselves to make it appears as if our forcesa arent doing anything in Iraq, and by doing so, they have swayed the populace into hating our troops. One of the soldiers (Staff Sgt Hanock I believe was his name) told a group of us that as he was exiting a local airstrip after retuning home, he was actually booed by someone in a lot nearby. He said he asked himselve, how could this be, how could they despise me after all I have done, the man spent more then a year defending our rights just to be booed when he got home. But how could you despsise our troops, you werent there. You can gripe, but 90% of you wont take the time to get off your ivory towers to look beyond what the media has told you and finthe truth. Hanock, really let us in on how wrong the media is. Did you know that not one military vehicle leaves an Iraq base without armor, was this reported? No! One of the soldiers got to go to Abu Gharib, did you know that 90% of the men gained wieight, hell, he said some of the men were trying to stay in jail after there terms were over. The prision is now controled by the Iraqi Judical Branch, which is operational, is this reported, NO. One of the soldiers was wounded, and he wished he could go back to defend our country, these guys are heroes, yet the media donest report on this do they. One solider I met, knew another soldier who everyday made candy, and handed it out to the Iraqi children, was this repoted, NO. It seems to be overshadowed, but did you know that 16 out of 18 of the Iraqi Provinces are self suficient? Surely information like that must have made the media, nope. I mean, the soldiers told us that the iraqis dont love us by any means and want our occupation to leave but they understand its neccesarry to ensure there peace. Our training of the Iraqi National Guard is going great, there actuallt taking on mission by themselves, although sometimes they still ned our troops to hold there hands, they have performed nearlky 48 succesful missions by themselves, is this reported, nope, all we here from the media is how we arent training them fast enough our how they never do anything. Poeple who disagree with me, I ask you to remeber that I talkied to them firsthand, and listened to theres storys without a political thought in my head, and if you could lean just what they were doing, man you would just be so proud, I feel its our duty to appreciate our troops, every time I see a man in uniform, I say thank you for what they do.

To all our troops: Come home safe. We reap the rewards of what you sow, you deserve to reap the rewards yourself. You are defending a great country that loves you, let us show our appreciation to you by you returning home safe. God bless you and thanks for what you do.

Also to be poeple who will bitch for facts, Sgt Hanock told me that the entire time he was in iraq, he never saw one reporter, so, im going to have to believe the guy who lived it over some guy who stays in a hotel room all day reporting about stuff he doesnt know.
30-12-2004, 09:33
Wrong forum.
30-12-2004, 09:36
I just realised that, I got through all the wrokd to post the dam thing, and I daid it to II instead of General. grrr, Thank god for Copy and Paste.
30-12-2004, 09:37
Good read though. :)
30-12-2004, 10:29
A. Wrong forum

B. I dont have to love anybody, including United states soldiers(whom I assume you are talking about as our)

C. You are obviously at least partially for the war, so you aren't a great source. I might take this in more if you were an unbiased source.