The Fall of Rotovia (Part I)
An attractive female reporter stands outside a large Victorian-era building, from which a series of variations of the Rotovian flag fly.
"Good evening, I'm Natasha Sunders reportering Rotovian National News, from the Athenian Courthouse. Where the Supreme Court of Rotovia is expected to squash the Rotovian Opposition Party's motion to overturn the re-election of President Bacchuss of the Liberal Party.... sorry... we're crossing over live for the verdict...."
The shot fades into a large marble courtroom of impressive visage.Resembling more a romansque cathederal than a modern courtroom the voice of the Balliff echoes off the the high roof.
Balliff: "All rise for the Honourable Justice Thomas Greenville, the Honourable Justice Melissa Pattissa and the Wright Honourable Justice Fredrick Knowles"
The room fell to silence as the aging Justice Knowles approach the imposing judicial bench, which stould him easily four meters above the gallery.
Knowles: "Save the parties, you may be seated..."
Muffled sounds of chairs scraping could be heard of the dull crackle of the microphone as Justice Knowles adjusted the already positioned microphone on his desk.
Knowles: "This lawsuit is of the most extreme nature and one for which has never, to my knowledge appeared before a Rotovian Court.... and one for which I am thankfull to have heard...
Dispite the majority holding of the Liberal Party of Rotovia and the Rotovian Republican Party, in coalition, it is apparently and adundently clear that the Allied Conservative Party holds sufficat votes for a minority government.
It is therefore my ruling, with great plasure, to order His Eminency President Dionysus Bacchuss to step down from the role of President and that Senator Maxwell Powers assume the Office of the President of the Constitutional Republic of Rotovia...
So ordered!"
The gallery erupted into anarchy with screams of terror filling the massive room, outside the courthouse the wall of reporters are knocked asside as outraged government supportes flood the courthouse steps.
Generic empire
24-12-2004, 06:39
Nova Hope
24-12-2004, 07:01
(OOC: Looks like you gotta change your sig)
"And we're crossing over live to Natasha Sunders in Attica City..."
The emaculately dressed reporter stould in an ironic foreground to the angry protesters behind her.
"Good evening John, behind me is a Rotovian first. A massive crowd of angry locals have blockaded the motorcade of the newly appointed President from entering the City...."
"Natasha, what is the mood like down there?"
A few short seconds gawking down the camera and her reply came.
"Well it is so far peaceful, yet hostile. The crowd is not impressed and appears to be growing..."
"Is there a high likelyhood of rioting or civil unrest in the air?"
"So far, however that question is best answered by the protest leader, Henry Mode"
A man in an inexpensive bussiness suit steps into shot and galnces nervously between the camera and the reporteter before replying.
"We have no intention of violence, however we are here to protect our City to the death!"
He quickly turned to the crowd who roared in support, however the slack in the conversation was quickly picked up by Natasha.
"This is likely to be what can be expected accross Rotovia in the comming days, especially with support for former-President Bacchus at high nationwide and an astounding 87% in Attica City before the Supreme Court ruling..."
Her words are cut off as the bellowing of amred gaurds can be heard.
The scartchy megaphone is even soon drowned out by a defiant crowd chanting the motto of the early Liberal Party; "Freedom to March, Freedom to Stand, Freedom to Speak, Freedom to Us!!!!"
OOC: Hey, haven't seen you in ages Rotovia. Looks cool...
"The Liberal-Republican Cabnet today evacuated many of it's members from the mainland to the Island of Crete, delcaring themselves the Government in Exile.
Notices have been sent to many friendly nations to denounce the Conservative Party Government in favour of the Bacchus Administration, which was yesterday stripped of office.
Dispite assurances from the President-Elect, Senator Powers, many Rotovians are outraged and there have been calls in many local Legislative Assembly to seceed from the Allied States and the greater Republic.
Many have refered to the government's heavy-handed tactics with protestors as unacceptable and un-Rotovi----"
This transmission is in violation of Executive Order: 505-251-3211-A
"The prohibition of inflamitory and potentional harmful ideology"
As ordered by President Powers
Emergency Broadcast
"We interupt your normally scheduled veiwing for this important announcement! Attica City today denounced the Central Government and the Power Administration.
The news sent shockwaves accross Rotovia, with the State of Athens and the State of Theopolis following suit just shortly afterwards. With the Senate not set to convene until the end of the month, President Powers cannot order the states to into line... short of declaring them hostile territory...
We're crossing over live to Mayor of Attica, Anthony Aptiva..."
Outside a large Greco-Roman styled building a middle-aged man stands proudly behind a podium. With a finely cut navy suit and bright pink tie, he delivers a stern look of determination to the crowd as he begins to speak.
"I am Anthony Herold Aptiva, and I am Rotovian... this means above all that I am a free... and it means that all of you are free... and it means that as the leader of the City of Athens I am charged with protecting that freedom as my first priority...
It is for this reason, and no other, that I cannot support a government not elected by the people... but by a group of men who donot represent the soul of this nation.
This why we must denounce this corrupt government, this is why we cannot allow the Office of the President to become perverted and defiled by acts of treason. I call upon our secesion from the Republic and our rejoining with Rotovia, the true Rotovia...
Our Rotovia...."
02-01-2005, 06:21
Posting will come later, after some other stuff is taken care of.
Aztec National League
02-01-2005, 06:53
.::B R E A K I N G ~ N E W S::.
The Soviet Congress of the Aztec National League has just passed unanimously a resolution denouncing the verdict of the Rotovian courts and the government selected by Justice Fredrick Knowles. The Premier, Vice Premier and Foreign Affairs Minister have also added their names in support of the resolution. We switch now to Premier Quetzalcoatl's office in the Grand Union Chambers, Tenochtitlan, where he will read the resolution:
(The scene switches, and the Premier begins to read the resolution..)
"The United Socialist Republic of the Aztec National League has long had the best of friendly relations with our ally of Rotovia. It has been a pleasure working with the popularly elected government of Rotovia. However, this disturbing verdict has uprooted the popularly elected government of President Dionysus Bacchuss and the will of the Rotovian people. However, it appears the seeds of tyranny are sprouting in Rotovia. Communications are being cut off and censored and unlawful police actions are suppressing the will of the majority. With this in mind, the Soviet Congress and all others signed to this resolution here by declare the following:
-The Union hereby stands with the true government of Rotovia, President Dionysus Bacchuss and his officials
-The Union hereby stands with the dissenters and fully supports this cause of freedom
-The suppression of the Rotovian people's rights are unacceptable.
We pass this resolution with an heavy heart, as we know this will stress the relations with Rotovia. However, we feel that we must stand against tyranny by minority and we must speak out against this action against democracy.
-Signed by the 102 members of the Soviet Congress of the Aztec National League,
-Dr. Darius Wellington, Foreign Affairs Minister,
-Vice Premier Coyotepec Xoxoctic,
-Premier Quetzalcoatl Nochtli"
The Premier then made another comment...
"I, on behalf of the Aztec National League, offers safe haven to any Rotovian who maybe persecuted due to this new power. This includes all the government officals of President Bacchuss."
"The people of Rotovia owe a great debt to the government of The Aztec National League and all those nations whom still support the right for democracy to triumph over tyranny.
We will not be intimidated by our oppressors and will continue in our struggles to support our goverment-in-exile!"
Dr Sarah Hours
Acting Party Chairman
02-01-2005, 09:49
[tag for posting]
"...leaving oil prices in the region at an all time low... Meanwhile in local news leaders of the city, states and colonies that have recently seceeded from the Constitutional Republic of Rotovia met last night in the City of Athens.
Representatives of the Powers Administration condemned the meeting as a act of treason and are reportedly considering charging the group with conspiracy to commit terrorism.
I believe we will be crossing over live to President Powers who is still in his home state of Spartapolis, unable to enter the national capital due to continued civil unrest...."
Inside a large hotelroom a makeshift press room is set up. A podium partially draped in a Rotovian flag appears to read Palace Hotel.
"Ladies and gentlemen... the President of Rotovia"
The ominus introduction is met with suprising boos from even the most conservative reporters.
"The people have spoken! And I will not allow decent to sweep accross this nation and rip it limb from limb... we will fight these traitors and we will win! Rotovia shall not fall back into the hands of those who have sought to destroy the most sacred institutions for which we are eternally loyal.
Those who trample on family values and who are lax on border security, those who will destroy our way of life in order to remain politically correct. And those who dare to defy the central government and seceed from the Republic!
This will not be tolerated! As of this moment.... I, President Maxwell Powers declare the these traitors members of an extra-terrirtorial threat and under Section 45 of the State Powers Act declare war upon this group... no question!"
08-01-2005, 08:56
Statement issued from the Imperial Government;
"The people of Rotovia have spoken; they have spoken for President Bacchus. They have not spoken for this traitorous usurper, the self-styled President Powers.
The statement of His Imperial Majesty's First Minister, Her Highness Elgiva deMa'iska is correct; Senator Powers only holds power due to a constitutional coup d'état. We continue to recognise President Bacchus as the one true leader of Rotovia, and condemn in the strongest possible language the illegal attempts of Senator Powers to take control of Rotovia.
Furthermore we find Senator Powers' illegal declaration of war to be disturbing in itself; he has not defined who his enemies are. By being so vague, it is possible that he has issued a declaration of war against the rightful government of President Bacchus.
We will not treat with usurpers and traitors, pretenders and warmongers.
And therefore, as a result of this, it is decided that upon this day, and in this place, and before these witnesses, the Privy Council of the Holy Imperial Kingdom does officially pass a MOTION OF CENSURE against Senator Powers and his illegal regime.
And it is set by my hand and with the Seal of The Privy Council of Macisikan.
Duke Louis Si'Anak, Lord Chancellor of the Privy Council.
[Great Seal of the Privy Council]
"The Council of Military Affairs will no longer support the usurper Senator Maxwell Powers and pledges it's full support of President Bacchus and the Government-in-Ex...."
The speaker lurches forward over the podium as blood drips froma chest wound. A group of soldiers in black uniforms enter from the right and begin rounding up the journelists present.
"This broadcast is over!" is bellows at the cameraman from someone out of shot.
In the same room as the previous speech by President Powers a man in a medium rank military uniform addresses Rotovia and the international community.
"As of on hour ago Rotovia is in a State of War. As such suspected traitros have been detained in a nation-wide blitz on potential threats.
I remind the international community that noone has been arrested so there will be no contact allowed to the accused, they will be held as Prisioners-of-War for the duration of this threat.
Furthermore we request anyone who knows the location of Dr Sarah Hours to come forward. As of now she is considered and enemt combatent and a reward of $1 Million has been offered for information leading to her capture.
I must stress to everyone in this time of uncertainty a need to remain calm and rally behind the one true government of Rotovia...."
08-01-2005, 11:13
Statement by the Ministry of External Affairs.
"We cheerfully concede Senator Powers' spokesman's statement that no-one has been arrested is true. From what we have seen, they appear to have been shot instead. This is simply appalling, and such actions are doing little to endear Senator Powers to His Imperial Majesty's Parliament.
His Imperial Majesty's Government wishes to clarify our position; President Bacchus and his administration are recognised as the legitimate government of Rotovia. Senator Powers and his supporters are declared an insurrectionist regime engaged in military activities against the Rightful Leadership. In short, we hold Senator Powers to be leading a rebellion.
We therefore cite Article 2 of our Non-Aggression Pact; while this crisis lasts, we may not support in any way the rebellion, considered a third party to the treaty. Therefore in accordance with this, all trade with the rebel-held areas is suspended, and all goods belonging to the rebels within Imperial jurisdiction are hereby frozen (but not confiscated).
In addition, we recognise that Dr. Sarah Hours, as an official representative of President Bacchus' Administration, has Diplomatic Immunity, with all the rights and protections pertaining thereunto. If the rebels apprehend or harm Dr. Hours in any way, we will consider them to have violated diplomatic immunity.
Furthermore, we request that the rebels, no later than 24 hours from now, furnish this Ministry with what we deem to be adequate evidence that all Macisikani Citizens in Rotovia are safe and unharmed."
We of Farmina, were at war with Rotovia under our previous leader. However in negotiations Bacchuss showed leinence, even kindness. Thus we shall return the favour.
Farmina offers the true President, Bacchuss, and his entire administration refuge in our territory. If Senator Powers tries to prevent this, he shall incur Farmina's wrath.
We have stood against you united, but you are divided now, do not encourage us to take advantage of this opportunity.
09-01-2005, 03:13
OOC: Before I start posting, Rotovia which map of your nation do you use right now? If you still used the Eropid map I'll be able to RP as your neighbor to the south.
OOC: Before I start posting, Rotovia which map of your nation do you use right now? If you still used the Eropid map I'll be able to RP as your neighbor to the south.
OOC: Yes, I am still using the Eropid map. However I haven't been able to find a copy recently.
Nowhere Place
11-01-2005, 03:47
The Democratic Republic of Nowhere Place stands by President Bacchus. Rotovia helped us in our time of need; now it's our turn to repay the favor.
-President of the Democratic Republic of Nowhere Place, Mark Dulane
President Dulane. So Farmina is not the only nation to enter a new era. I hope Farmina and Nowhere Place can co-operate on this issue.
-Office of the High Priest of Farmina
OOC: Long time Nowhere Place, how are you doing?
Nowhere Place
11-01-2005, 04:06
(OOC: Farmina! Hey, hey! Sorry I left the Sinear RP without telling anyone. I haven't been active for months. I've been too damned busy.)
Message to Farmina:
Nowhere Place feels the same way as Farmina. May we put the past behind us.
- President Mark Dulane
"Behind me just moment ago a group of protestors supporting the Bacchuss Administration and the so-called Alliance of Rotovia, formed from the seceeded states, entered the city centre of Ro'cista.
The large providential town has begun in recent days, a military stronghold of the Powers Administration... seemingly to the dislike of the local populace who have taken in the streets in one of the largest protests ever seen inside Rotovia.
The group appears to be protected, rather than blocked by local police in rather besire scene. Though this is in keeping with many government offices supporting the Alliance over Republic government.
I don't know if you can see this... but behind me the new crack team of military marksmen being called the Repulican Gaurd by President Powers in an early press release, appears to be taking up positions on blaconeys.... it's al very strange.
We had expected them to block the groups passage but... oh my God! Oh my God! They're shooting at us! They're actually...."
This transmission is in violation of Executive Order: 505-251-3211-A
"The prohibition of inflamitory and potentional harmful ideology"
As ordered by President Powers
Nowhere Place
11-01-2005, 04:25
To President Bacchus:
Nowhere Place is willing to send troops. Just give the word, and we will have forces there ASAP.
- General Marcus Garland
"On behalf of President Bacchus I would like to announce that we gladly call upon the international community to deploy troops within our borders to restore order to those cities held in th e tyranny of the Powers Government.
With perticular regard to our friends in Nowhere Place the Nineth Fleet and Homeland Fleet have been ordered to stand down so as to all your troops to enter.
I must stress to our loyal supporters this is a temporary measure only to combat the evil within our nation with whatever tools are on hand. We will have freedom returned!"
Dr Sarah Hours
Nowhere Place
11-01-2005, 04:45
Message from Marcus Garland:
Roger. We thought you would. The 2nd Fleet has already been dispatched, with 500 troops as a preliminary force. More will be dispatched not long after.
-General Garland
11-01-2005, 04:54
National Priority Broadcasting System
This is a Priority Broadcast from the Office of the Prime Minister
"Ladies and Gentlemen of Hamptonshire and the world, I come to you tonight under unfavorable circumstances. Our close friend, neighbor and ally Rotovia is at this very moment consumed in internal turmoil. The Government of the Grand Duchy fears that civil war may be imminent. While Hamptonshire does not seek to interfere in the internal matters of a sovereign nation, we cannot stand by idly as an allied nation falls into dispair. We can also not stand by while a nation that is less than 700 miles from our shores faces destablizing civil war.
Earlier today the Cabinet, Privy Council and Grand Duke held a joint meeting to discuss possible courses of action reguarding the current Rotovian Crisis. We have come to a firm and resolute decision. In the interest of peace and security for both of our two great nations, we ask Mr. Powers and Mr. Bacchuss to come to Hamptonshire. If either side refuses our request to mediate, this Government will consider said faction as a danger to the national security of the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire.
At this time the Royal Armed Forces of Hamptoshire have been placed on Hightened Alert. Royal Army and Royal Marine divisions in northern Hamptonshire have been placed on a two hour deployment alert. HomeFleet has been ordered to ensure the continued security and sanctity of our territorial waters. The Fifth and Eighth Fleets have been recalled to bolster our northern defenses should we be forced to act.
I want this to be made crystal clear- The Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire will not act without provocation. We are dedicated to the security and safety of ourselves and our allies. There can be only one government of Rotovia. A government supported by and responsible to the people.
Thank you and may God bless the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire.
Dr. Chester Olendorf, Ph.D
Prime Minister
Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire
The High Priest Justinian, wishes to send diplomats to discuss the current situation with both of the rival administrations.
He is dedicated to peace and wishes get first hand accounts of the situation.
OOC: I'm up to something, but thats no surprise.
11-01-2005, 10:41
Press Release
President Bacchus is currently enjoying the protection offered by Imperial Political Asylum. Should he choose to attend these talks, we will naturally respect his wishes.
But until he leaves our territory, he enjoys all the benefits we offer to those who have sought asylum.
We will not choose sides in this dispute, as it is right now a strictly internal matter, but we are bound by the terms of our Non-Aggression Pact not to engage in any activities which may be perceived as contrary to the interests of what we have formally recognised as the legitimate government of Rotovia.
However, we will, with the permission of the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire, send delegates to this conference that has been called.
The Grand Duke is to be applauded for this move, seeking to solve the problem with words, not weapons.
- Ministry of External Affairs.
Secret IC:
Office of the Cabinet, Houses of Parliament, Arn-Macisika
"Of course we won't choose sides," Lady Justina Valdir, Minister for External Affairs leaned forward and stirred cream into her coffee. "We haven't chosen sides in any foreign matter in the last four hundred years, and I don't see any reason why we should start doing so now."
"What about this "conference" business? Like it's going to work." snapped the Defence Minister, Katerin Palir. "Powers is looking less like a legitimate president and more like the leader of a coup. I'd bet that while this conference is going on, he attacks Bacchus in every way he can."
"Katerin, there are times your cynicism is most disheartening. Of course it will work... just not in the way most people are thinking... remember Prosse?"
The Defence Minister nodded. The collapse of the Prosse talks had destroyed the prestige of First Minister Dettaine, paving the way for the current First Minister, Elgiva deMa'iska, to take the reigns of power after the death of the last of the Electors, Akti Saniril.
But for a time it looked as though the talks, hosted by Macisikan, would be the only hope for the fledgling nation that had angered the mighty.
Prosse was only a name in textbooks now.
"The outcome is immaterial." That voice belonged to the First Minister. With a heavy sigh, she continued; "if Rotovia folds in on itself, we do what we have always done. If Rotovia turns into a fascist dictatorship, we do what we have always done. If Rotovia becomes a land of milk and honey, we still, do what we have always done.
"We adapt accordingly."
The men and women of the cabinet smiled without any humour at all.
“I have called this session with regard to the crisis in Rotovia,” said the High Priest.
“An opportunity not to be missed,” said the Supreme Commander, “Once we finish off these Marine bastards, we will be free to take full advantage of the situation.”
“Perhaps, but if we make too many enemies, they will come back when the time is right,” said Grand Chancellor Vernis.
The Supreme Commander gave Vernis a stern look, “Rotovia and Nowhere Place are already our enemies. We need to kick them as soon as possible. A weak enemy is a good enemy.”
“Can’t the military see beyond its own nose?” asked Vernis, “If we attack, and we win the will still come after us eventually. What if it happens to be the same time another nation like the Crazed Marines comes after us?”
“And they will be weaker due to our actions, minimizing the future threat,” barked back the leader of the military.
“ENOUGH,” commanded the High Priest, “God’s face is sour as you argue like school children. However both of you speak with merit. I have a plan, it is not to make enemies, but friends.”
“Nowhere Place will never befriend us,” retorted the Supreme Commander.
“I would tend to agree with the militaries sentiments,” said the Grand Chancellor.
“What if we can set Rotovia against Nowhere Place?” asked the High Priest.
That left the other two men silent.
The High Priest continued, “I have put in place plans to create negotiations between us and each of the rivalling factions. We shall choose a side, if not both when the time is right.”
“Do you suppose we run guns into Rotovia?” asked the Supreme Commander.
“It is a distinct possibility, but we shall wait and see,” said the High Priest.
11-01-2005, 13:44
OCC: About time i got involved!
“This is an outrage!” President Elayeth Wren stormed into his office in Veskaland’s High Command building.
His team of advisers was silent as Elayeth sat down at his desk as the Ambassador to Rotovia bursts into the room. “This is an outrage!” He yells.
“Not you as well!” said Elayeth’s political analyst. The ambassador nodded.
“Well since Ambassador Farad was declared ‘persona non grata’ we can not use diplomatic means to rid our closest ally of this scourge.” Elayeth pressed a button on his desk. “Send StarFleet Admiral Benjamin Buck, NavalFleet Admiral Kira Norental, Field Marshal Gregory Tirana and Air Chief Marshal Fredrik Michael in immediately.”
The door opened and each of the officers came in stood to attention and sat in four chairs brought in for them.
“Gentlemen, and ladies our greatest ally, Rotovia, has had their government smashed by a corrupt rebellion, so we must act!”
Nowhere Place
11-01-2005, 14:46
[OOC: Farmina, is there ever a spare moment when you're not plotting against me, lol? :rolleyes: Part of Rotovia is already against me; as I threw in my lot with the "government-in-exile". Kind of hard to polarize things further, especially when both countries know that your High Priest lies like a rug.]
More drop ships landed. By this time, there was a full "expeditionary force" of 1,300 troops either on Rotovia itself or in the country's waters. They simply waited for directions from President Bacchus' people. General Garland spoke to his commanders.
"So far, only that damned Farmina, possibly Veskaland, and us have pledged support to Bacchus militarily. Hamptonshire and Macisikan are question marks. Therefore, we have to play this diplomatically. I don't want any incidences that make the Bacchus government look bad to the international community. Therefore, we're mainly going to be performing a 'police action' until such time as Powers decides he wants to lead troops in. He may never, but that will just make our job here easier."
Major Creden Braska, the commander of Team 1, spoke up. "How many of these nations can we trust, sir? Can we even trust Bacchus?"
Garland seemed to consider the question before answering. "At this time, only Bacchus' Rotovia is reliable, at best. The situation may change, even though they are our allies. We know next to nothing about Veskaland, and the Farminians would as soon stab us in the eye as work with us. But don't worry, I've got a way to keep those bastards on a tight leash. They won't interfere with this situation any more than they have to. I'll make sure of that. Now get me line to Foreign Minister Bart Markin."
Message to President Bacchus:
It has become public that Farmina has decided to join in this struggle. However, both of our governments know of their past treachery. The Democratic Republic of Nowhere Place would like to suggest a pact of loyalty and non-aggression between the nations of this coalition that will be in effect for the entirety of this conflict. Any power-grabbing by any one of our parts will only result in the weakening of your position, and that is something we cannot afford.
- Nowhere Placean Ministry of Foreign Affairs
11-01-2005, 18:02
Secret IC:
---Foreign Minister's Office, White Palace, Obsidia---
Several members of the Senior Cabinet gathered together to further discuss the conference and plans for the immediate future. The Prime Minister was back in Hamptonshire City meeting with members of the Royal House of Representatives. It would be difficult for him to find the funding for yet another military action but unlike in recent times, he fully believed in what he was trying to do.
"...and do we actually think Powers will come to the conference?" Dr. Berkstein, the Health and Domestic Security Minister, asked.
"Of course not." Senator Ziller answered, "If you were Powers would you come here to discuss the future- No. I'd promptly round by the supporters of the previous administration and ignore all foreign nations until my power was consolidated."
"Then why did the Grand Duke offer the Conference?"
Fleet Admiral Kirkssen stood up and began to pace the room, "Because, Leonard, if Bacchus accepts and Powers rejects we can rightfully involve ourselves. It's all good and well that several foreign powers support him but we are their immediate neighbor to the south. Given the proper motivation could move in tens of thousands of troops within forty eight hours."
"What if Powers accepts?"
"If he accepts then when way or another he won't be leaving the Grand Duchy."
11-01-2005, 23:01
Senator Powers, the time frame in our original request has expired. We demand that you furnish this Ministry with what we consider to be satisfactory evidence that all Macisikani citizens in areas under your control have their persons and possessions safe and secure. You will also give us what we consider to be satisfactory evidence that none of our citizens are being held as prisoners-of-war.
You have 24 hours to comply.
Our patience is running out.
Ministry of External Affairs
OOC: I stop plotting against you when I go to sleep Nowhere Place, lol, no not even thats true.
And surely you know that if anyone can make a simple fight into a mess its me. New goal: get both Rotovian factions hating NP.
"Though there is no evidence of harm against Macisikani citizens two nationals are being held for questioning by the Republican Guard. For security reasons their names have not been released.
We cannot confirm the status of the other nationals as they have been either been transported to Crete or are being hidden by supporters of the Bacchus Administration.
It is our current understanding tha Mr Bacchus is illegally using his personal funds in Crete and Switzerland to shelter these people from our nessacary interveiws with all foreign nationals.
It is demanded that you instruct your citizens to cease unlawfully accepting funds, transportation and personal security details that are being used to hinder our investigations by the so-called Alliance of Rotovia, terrorist group."
Senator John Ki'aNell
Minister for Internal Security
(Yet to be comfirmed by Senate)
13-01-2005, 02:19
Senator Ki'aNell, with all due respect, your statement is not satisfactory evidence.
Perhaps your misunderstood our request; the requirement was that you furnish this office with what we consider to be satisfactory evidence, and you appear to be unable to provide what we have requested at present. But you should be aware that those of our citizens on Crete are not your concern as they are in areas not under your control.
And we would remind you that you are not the legitimate government in our eyes; such favours as the one you have asked for are done at His Imperial Majesty's Pleasure. Right now, His Imperial Majesty is rather upset with you. You would do well to correct this.
You have 12 hours left to comply with our request.
Lady Justina Valdir, Minister for External Affairs.
In Attica city
“Ma-am,” began the Farminan Ambassador to Rotovia “Let me make myself very clear. If you do not let me meet Senator Powers this instant I will send a report to the High Priest advising this regime’s immediate destruction.”
In Crete
“I’m Lesser Chancellor Brie,” began the recently arrived man, “I’m Farmina’s representative and I should have a meeting with Dr Hours.”
Aztec National League
13-01-2005, 03:34
Tenochitilan, Mexico, Aztec National League
6:08 PM
ANL Military Command Complex
Several prominent figures heads of government gathered around a table. It had been ages since the War Room was last used, but it might receive much use now. Several monitors flickered to life, displaying satellite imagery, Rotovian communications, and ANL military positions.
Premier Quetzalcoatl Nochtli read over a new report about the current state of affairs. He was intrigued by the Republican Guard bit. "Hmm, changing the army's name to the Republican Guard? Makes me wonder if Mississippi is involved?"
The Generals and Ministers looked at the Premier, stunned. Almost non-chalantly, Quetzalcoalt said "Hey, in today's society, everything's a possibility. Alright, let's get the fact down, what's new?"
Fernando Garza, the AIA Director said "Well, we have word of extreme military suppression. Although we do not have any spies in Rotovia, yet, we have intercepted communications from the nation." He grabbed and remote and pushes a button, one of the TV screens displays video.
"The Council of Military Affairs will no longer support the usurper Senator Maxwell Powers and pledges it's full support of President Bacchus and the Government-in-Ex...."
The speaker lurches forward over the podium as blood drips from chest wound. A group of soldiers in black uniforms enter from the right and begin rounding up the journalists present.
"This broadcast is over!" is bellows at the cameraman from someone out of shot.
In the same room as the previous speech by President Powers a man in a medium rank military uniform addresses Rotovia and the international community.
"As of on hour ago Rotovia is in a State of War. As such suspected traitors have been detained in a nation-wide blitz on potential threats.
I remind the international community that no one has been arrested so there will be no contact allowed to the accused, they will be held as Prisoners-of-War for the duration of this threat.
Furthermore we request anyone who knows the location of Dr Sarah Hours to come forward. As of now she is considered and enemt combatant and a reward of $1 Million have been offered for information leading to her capture.
I must stress to everyone in this time of uncertainty a need to remain calm and rally behind the one true government of Rotovia...."
Garza quietly said, "It gets worse."
"Behind me just moment ago a group of protestors supporting the Bacchuss Administration and the so-called Alliance of Rotovia, formed from the seceeded states, entered the city centre of Ro'cista.
The large providential town has begun in recent days, a military stronghold of the Powers Administration... seemingly to the dislike of the local populace who have taken in the streets in one of the largest protests ever seen inside Rotovia.
The group appears to be protected, rather than blocked by local police in rather besire scene. Though this is in keeping with many government offices supporting the Alliance over Republic government.
I don't know if you can see this... but behind me the new crack team of military marksmen being called the Repulican Gaurd by President Powers in an early press release, appears to be taking up positions on blaconeys.... its al very strange.
We had expected them to block the group’s passage but... oh my God! Oh my God! They're shooting at us! They're actually...."
This transmission is in violation of Executive Order: 505-251-3211-A
"The prohibition of inflamitory and potentional harmful ideology"
As ordered by President Powers
The room was silent. This was more then a power grab, more then a coup or revolution, this was a fascist uprising. Premier Quetzalcoatl looked back at the stunned officials and said, "Alright, time to prepare for action. Warrior-General Zazanilli, have the military ready to go at a moment's notice. If it comes to war, then the Navy and Air Core will be used to soften them up. The JWIs are to make the first incursions, followed by the Red Guard."
Warrior-General Tlanextic Zazanilli said, "Yes, Premier."
Premier Quetzalcoatl then said to Dr. Darius Wellington, the Foreign Affairs Minister, "If the government does anything more, cut off both diplomatic and trade relations immediately. I also want you to declare our support of the seceded states and their allies."
Dr. Wellington nodded.
He then turned to Fernando Garza, the AIA Director. "Begin in earnest an espionage program for Rotovia. We need good intelligence. Also, find a way to contact Sara Hours." He then turned to the ISPA Director, Chairman Uetzcayotl.
"Two words, counter espionage."
Premier Quetzalcoatl then turned to the Vice Premier, Coyotepec Xoxoctic. "As the Vice Premier, you are the leader of the Soviet Congress. Declare this session an Emergency Session and get them to do something in favor of the true government of Rotovia."
Coyotepec nodded.
Premier Quetzalcoatl finished by saying “This might be a dark hour, as we will be fighting our closest ally. I hope war can be averted, but Rotovia will not be undermined.
In Crete
“I’m Lesser Chancellor Brie,” began the recently arrived man, “I’m Farmina’s representative and I should have a meeting with Dr Hours.”
"Of course Chancellor, right this way"
A young woman guided the Chancellor into a large Victorian-era room, and inclined her hand towards the woman seated behind the desk.
"Mr Brie, I presume? Sarah Hours... it's a pleasure"
She offered her hand, rising from behind the desk and placing a telephone receiver down carefully.
In an unimpressing room the most important men and women in Rotovia gathered around a table, in Macisikan.
"If we don't act we risk lossing the ability to retake the nation..."
"But if we do we will appear aggressive and just as tyrannical"
The group became to argue back and forth before the familiar ice glare of the Vice President shot accross the room, silencing those arguing.
"You forget the most important fact, we still hold the capital. And unless Mr Powers wants to directly violate the Constitution by being the first man in two thousand years to enter the capital by force things will stay that way.
The most important thing right now is co-ordinating the forces already within our borders to take strategic points and border towns. We may just be able to stop this war..."
13-01-2005, 07:29
OOC: Rotovia, I need some sort of response form one or both of the two rival factions in order to proceede. Just a friendly reminder.
Aztec National League
13-01-2005, 07:32
Several hours later...
Vice-Premier Coyotepec sat at his desk, preparing for the end of the day. He stared blankly at the fax machine, waiting for any last minute notifications. It had been hours since the last word of any plans for meeting Sara Hours. Finally, thinking he was safe, he got up and walked towards the door. Just as he grabbed his coat...
The fax machine lit up, and began to print something.
"Damn." Coyotepec walked back to his desk and read the fax. It was from the AIA:
We have reason to believe Sara Hours is in Crete. As general director of the Aztec Intelligence Community, I ask for your support in the initiation of Operation: Crowley.
Minister Tonahuac,
Intelligence Ministry
At the bottom was a dotted line. Quickly, Coyotepec signed the document and faxed it back. He then walked out of the office.
Minister Tonahuac looked over the fax. All he needed was the Vice-Premier's signature...and he got it. He then called up the AIA headquarters and said the codeword "Begin OpCrow."
An agent then pushed some buttons at a computer. The message was sent by satellite to an AIA operated submarine. The submarine, which was in the Atlantic, then transmitted the encrypted message to where the AIA believed the Rotovian resistance was headquartered in, Crete. The message read:
The Aztlan Intelligence Agency (AIA) has noticed the struggle for freedom of the true Rotovian government. We would like to send in some of our AIA agents to access the situation and possibly support your movement. We would like to meet with Dr. Sara Hours. We can send as many operatives as you may need.
13-01-2005, 07:57
You have less than six hours left to get us what we want.
Failure to respond will consitute non-compliance and we will proceed accordingly.
Our patience is wearing thin indeed.
Office of the Cabinet, Arn-Maciska
"... in the name of the Living God, amen."
The men and women of the Cabinet crossed themselves, then sat.
"There is only one item on the agenda; Rotovia." Deputy First Minister, Anton de la Valdir said.
"How long until the deadline expires?" Defence Minister Katerin Palir asked the External Affairs Minister.
"Less than five hours. They won't make it," Lady Valdir replied with a tight smile.
She looked around at her colleagues.
"It's all been arranged."
The smiles that she got in reply had too many teeth in them.
"Dr Hours, I'm sure your well aware that we of Farmina see the administration of Senator Powers as highly corrupt, and so far he has show no interest in even talking with us."
Lesser Chancellor Brie paused, "We can't supply our entire military contingent due to Farmina's ongoing war with the Marine menace. However we can provide 1 million men, fully armed, to defend Crete against any Conservative invasion."
Again he paused, "We can't launch any direct attack however. I realise this is problematic for you, as it is no assistance in ridding Rotovia of Senator Powers. However we also advise you against a direct attack. What if Farmina could smuggle weapons and elite trouble makers into heartland Rotovia? It would make things more difficult for our foes."
Nowhere Place
13-01-2005, 19:59
(OOC: I'm also waiting for an answer to my last post, but don't worry about that.)
Dulane looked over all the intelligence that had been gathered on the situation in Rotovia. He knew that Farmina's seeming hand of friendship was false, even though he had responded with similar false sentiments. They most likely knew this, too; it was the way of diplomacy. Now he had to figure out how to help Rotovia and still block Nowhere Place from any Farminian attacks. In the room with him sat his Defense Minister, Albert Cochran, and his Intelligence Minister, Frank Newhart.
"... We've put ourself in a very delicate position. The only way to get out of this one is to play by ear."
"Agreed, Mister President," chimed in Cochran. "However, we can possibly minimize any foul play from another nation by setting up shop in Powers' waters."
"No. Then they'd simply use a false allegation of arms running. We must appear to have nothing to do with them."
Newhart, who was known as a quiet, constantly scheming man, finally said something. "Fight fire with fire?"
"What did you say?"
"I said 'we should fight fire with fire'."
"You mean...?"
"Yes. If they want to scheme, they can scheme. Meanwhile, we find their schemes, and use them to our advantage."
"A good idea... But I'll add to it. What if we made up a scheme?"
"Even better."
"Good. I've got just the idea."
The three men went to work on their new plan: Use Farmina's own Grey Catholic system against it...
FROM: The Desk of The President
TO: The Hamptonshire Embassy in Rotovia
SUBJECT: Peace talks
I send my warmest greetings to our friends in Hamptonshire and wish your nation peace and prosperity. It is with this notion of friendship in mind that I will agree to send attend talks in your personally.
Please bare in mind that I do this solely based upon the friendship our two nations share and the trust I can place in that to ensure the best for my nation.
His Imperial Eminency, President Bacchus
FROM: The Rotovian Ministry for Foreign Affairs
TO: Hamptonshire Embassy in Rotovia
It is not currently believed foreign intervention is needed in what is essentially and internal matter. Therefore we shall not attend.
His Lordship, President Powers
In Attica city
“Ma-am,” began the Farminan Ambassador to Rotovia “Let me make myself very clear. If you do not let me meet Senator Powers this instant I will send a report to the High Priest advising this regime’s immediate destruction.”
"Sir, His Lordship is not taking any vistors at present. So if you will kindly remove yourself from the building we will contact you when and if he is..."
Slumped rather un-stately in an evening chair Dr Hours was clearly begining to show the strains of running Rotovia almost single-handedly. The warmth of her hand was gently melting the ice of what was once a scotch on the rocks as a man in a black military uniform burst into the room.
"Dr Hours?! We have world from the ANL!"
"Don't you people knock?"
"No ma'am, we don't" Standing to attention as he said it.
"Well that will soon change, what is it?"
The man hands her a red manilla folder marked Classified.
The Aztlan Intelligence Agency (AIA) has noticed the struggle for freedom of the true Rotovian government. We would like to send in some of our AIA agents to access the situation and possibly support your movement. We would like to meet with Dr. Sara Hours. We can send as many operatives as you may need.
A gentle wave of her hand is delivered as she replaces drinking glasses for reading glasses.
Hastily unzipping a breifcase she hastily types a reply a finishs by encrypting the document, placing it in a similar red folder and handing to her secretary as she leave the office.
!!!For the veiwing of the Aztlan Intelligence Agency Director only!!!
---EngimaII v1.2 Level 28 Scramble---
In downtown Tenochitilan there is a Rotovian dshfjahjk* owned bussiness trading under the dsafhdsajk name Trans-Global Corp, Ltd. Send your team of agents there with sufficant identification and arrangements589 will be made to transport them into Crete.*
For fluency reason this conversation with the Farminan Chancellor happens before the other replies
"Of course Chancellor, I will advise the President of these matters and await his response... you know... Farmina should consider estabilshing an embassy in Rotovia..."
"Welcome back to Night Chat, tonight we have Harold Closäge prominent reporter for the Thebes Chronicle... Good evening Harold"
"Good evening Sam"
"Well let's get right to it shall we... You recently wrote a commentary on the mannor in which the Bacchus supporters have structured this new Alliance of Rotovia group... care to ellaborate?"
"Well firstly it's quite amazing that the moment something like this happens the Liberal turn tail and run... amzing, but predictable..."
"In all fairness Harold there are warrents out for there arrests and even though I live in a secure neighbourhood I don't fair my chances with the Republican Guard..."
"That may very well be Sam, but placing Dr Sarah Hours in charge is rediculous. From secretary to leader of a nation?!"
"Now come now Harry, she was Secretary to the Office of the President. Not an Adminstrative Assistant. I mean in that capacity she liased between the President's Office and varius government branchs as well as external offices. She was in essence the enforcer of the President's authority so I would h ardly call he just a secretary..."
"Maybe you wouldn't but I do, she files, she photocopies, she makes coffee, she's a secretary..."
"I file, I make photcopies and I make coffee, by you logic I'm a secretary..."
"You're twisting my words..."
"You ever make a cup of coffee Harold?... you might be a secretary... anyway we'll continue after this word from our sponcers..."
14-01-2005, 15:16
Attention Senator Powers:
Matters have now progressed to a critical stage; Parliament's very limited supply of patience is exhausted, and they have acted.
By measure of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Representatives, with Advice and Consent of Deputies, in Parliament Assembled, it is decided to hand the Powers leadership in Rotovia a final note seeking surety for His Imperial Majesty's Subjects...
At the end of the time frame specified, His Imperial Majesty's Government is authorised to use all means at their disposal to seek such surety...
- His Imperial Majesty Constantine Augustus deMakra, King-Emperor of Macisikan
I have the honour to inform you sir, that, no later than 12 hours from now, unless satisfactory assurances have been given by the Powers Administration that all Macisikani citizens in areas under the control of the Powers Administration have their persons and possessions safe and secure, AND that satisfactory assurances have been given that no Macisikani citizen is being held as a prisoner-of-war by that administration, or being held in a situation similar to that of prisoner-of-war, then His Imperial Majesty's Government will seek to use force to secure the safety and security of our citizens.
The Lady Justina Valdir, The Most Hon. The Marchioness of Valdester, M.P., His Imperial Majesty's Minister for External Affairs.
<all communications between the Powers Administration and Macisikan have been blocked by the Secretariat of International Telecommunications; a direct response is now impossible>
In the House of Deptuties, a number of rather angry men and women were gathering. Their one item of business; to nominate Dr. Hours for the Order of The Coin. Dr. Hours would be the first foriegner in over a century to be nominated by the Deputies.
The First Minister of Macisikan, the leader of His Imperial Majesty's Government, had once been sitting in that chamber, had once led that chamber.
"From Secretary to leader of a nation" was a rough but accurate description of her career path.
And now her old parliamentary fellows were gathering to recognise one of their own. A foreigner, yes, but still; in Dr. Hours they saw another Elgiva deMa'iska, Her Highness the Duchess of Maciska, M.P., First Minister of His Imperial Royal Majesty's Government, Member of the Imperial Household.
The view was shared by the other two Houses of Parliament.
Within an hour, a nomination had been dispatched to the King-Emperor.
Secret IC: Communication
[Imperial Seal]
From the Desk of Crown Prince
to the King-Emperor of Macisikan
To His Imperial Majesty Constantine Ausgutus we send my long overdo greetings and admirations from not just myself but a nation of patriots. The word Augustus means blessed and divine, a reputation you have thus far lived up to in the eyes of the world and our eyes here.
It is because of this that my task is a difficult one, however I write to you directly as a fellow patrician who must balance the rights of freedom with the duties of a monarch.
At the time of writing this letter it is my knowledge that Senator Powers is holding between four Macisikani nationals under the pretense of "detention for questioning". I assure you this is wholelly illigal and something most definately not tolerated under my administration.
Though you are a tempered man, Lord Powers is from the House of DuVelle who has for centuries attempted to usurp the Jazzeutte Bacchuss claim to the throne and state. In this quest he is relentless and likely to pay no heed to your warnings.
I will do m best to ensure the safety of your citizens as if they were my own children, however I will submit to the judgement of princes of this matter and encourage you to act in accordance with you conscience, however it may guide you.
May the light of the Ancients be with you always,
His Imperial Eminency,
Crown Prince Dionysus Bacchus
Aztec National League
15-01-2005, 00:14
AIA Director Fernando Garza looked out his office window, overlooking Tenochitilan International Airport. He watched as a plane took off into the blue sky, heading to some foreign land. He began to day dream of being on that plane. Oh, it's been so long since he had a vacation. However, his little day dreams was interrupted...
-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP- The communications console began chirping; he looked at it and noticed the EMERGENCY/URGENT light was flashing. He pushed the button and said "Alright, what's new?"
A young military officer's on the other side of the line said,"We have a reply from Rotovia, encrypted telegram. Shall I send it to you?"
"Sure, go ahead."
He got up and walked over to the right wall of his office and opened a small door in the wall. Just as he opened it, a vacuum powered relay system sucked the telegram, enclosed in a bottle, right to the office. He took the tube and opened it and sat back down. He read the telegram:
!!!For the viewing of the Aztlan Intelligence Agency Director only!!!
---EngimaII v1.2 Level 28 Scramble---
In downtown Tenochitilan there is a Rotovian dshfjahjk* owned bussiness trading under the dsafhdsajk name Trans-Global Corp, Ltd. Send your team of agents there with sufficant identification and arrangements589 will be made to transport them into Crete.*
He remembered Minister Tonahuac sent out a telegram to Crete. Garza then pushed a button on his console. A few seconds later, someone answered,
"Yes, Director Garza?"
"Yes, Garza here, this communiqué is top secret and is in regards to Operation Crowley. Prepare a team of 6 agents and send them to the Rotovian owned buisness Trans-Global Corp, Ltd. Transport arrangement will be made from there. Also, make sure they have the appropriate paperwork and identification. I hereby authorize you to execute By-Law 229, located in Article 3, Section 1, Paragraph 9."
The other man on the line said, "Yes, sir, the JWIs will be notified we are drafting one of their soldiers on this mission."
OOC: I'll post a follow up in a couple of hours.
"Sir, His Lordship is not taking any visitors at present. So if you will kindly remove yourself from the building we will contact you when and if he is..."
“This is an outrage,” yelled the Farminan, “I shall have you know, this is Mr. Power’s final mistake.”
Upon making this statement he stormed out.
"Of course Chancellor, I will advise the President of these matters and await his response... you know... Farmina should consider estabilshing an embassy in Rotovia..."
“Thankyou for seeing me, Dr Hours. It was a pleasure. And I’m sure Farmina will accept your embassy offer. We do however have some concerns about Nowhere Place…but another time. Goodbye, I hope we meet again soon,” and with that the Farminan left Dr Hours in peace.
15-01-2005, 04:55
[OOC: I'll be posing my "action" post within 12 hours, just putting that out there so I don't get left behind in the action.]
15-01-2005, 04:57
Secret IC:
The Throne Room, Imperial Palace, Arn-Maciska
In a circle before the throne were gathered some of the most influential people in the Empire; among them were Duchess Marie deIntan, the highest judge in the Empire, Duke Louis Si'Anak, the Lord Chancellor of the Privy Council, and Duchess Elgiva deMa'iska, the First Minister.
On the throne itself, silent and watchful, was the young figure of the King-Emperor.
The grouping was discussing Bacchus' most recent message.
"So it's could be a spat about the royal succession..." Si'Anak said thoughtfully, highlighting the fourth paragraph
"Well, we know how to deal with that." deIntan replied. "What you do is, you send those bloody rebels to the Tower, damn their souls, burn their houses, and sow the ground with salt." each sentence was accompanied by a wave of the hand.
There was a silence.
"That's a little... well, extreme, isn't it?" Sir Octavus Madarn, leader of the House of Deputies, asked.
"No. Not really. Until recently it was death, over a period of time, in a variety of ways." Si'Anak replied.
"I somehow feel that President Bacchus doesn't have that option." Justina Valdir, External Affairs Minister, interjected.
"They'd do well to restore their monarchy. This situation would never have happened here." the others looked around; they were the first words that deMa'iska had spoken since the meeting began.
"True, true," Si'Anak's eyes darted to the King-Emperor. The boy had neither moved or spoken since it began; but his eyes were bright and alert.
"How long do we have left?" deIntan asked, changing the subject.
"Less than one hour." replied Valdir. Her eyes met those of the Defence Minister, Katerin Palir, who nodded slowly.
"We are authorised to use whatever means necessary to secure the surety of our citizens," Palir said, "and as far as I'm concerned, that includes neutralising Mr. Powers."
No-one objected.
"What of the rumours of electoral fraud?" Si'Anak asked.
"We've yet to come across hard evidence, but the amount of circumstantial, anecdotal, is overwhelming," deIntan replied. "I have little doubt myself that Powers rigged the election. And probably bribed the court. We just don't have anything concrete."
"A bit of a problem," Valdir said.
"Yes, and no," replied Madarn. "It's only a matter of time before we do."
The First Minister turned to Palir.
"Prepare your men. We will use non-lethal methods."
She paused, then continued softly:
"For now."
The King-Emperor smiled.
Still Secret IC:
To His Imperial Eminency,
My wife and I send our greetings and our most fervent wish that you are well, and thank you for your kind words.
We thank you deeply for the action that you have taken to ensure the safety of my subjects; it will be remembered. As will Mr. Powers' infractions. We are an ancient people, and have a very, very long memory. We remember our debts, and award them accordingly; friendship with friendship, violence with retribution.
The matter of what action we will take is not my decision to make; it is that of my Parliament. All that I can do is select from the options they present to me. I can tell you that they are less than amused with Mr. Powers' antics; more than one M.P. has suggested that we "remove" Mr. Powers from the equation, so to speak.
Parliament's anger is difficult to contain. So far we, that is my Aunt the First Minister, her cabinet, and myself, have managed to delay their wrath, but this will not be for much longer. The longer we delay the storm, the worse it will be when it hits; but it may not take the form that others are expecting.
We are a patient people, and have learned how to wait; if by some miracle Mr. Powers survives this affair, he will not die a peaceful death if one of my subjects is harmed.
I can make this suggestion to you; our intelligence indicates that several of your allies may be considering military action. While we do not know for sure, and while we do hope that the Peace Conference works out, it would be a good idea for you to seek to co-ordinate any military actions, so that we are not working at cross-purposes.
It is my personal belief that, one way or another, you will be returned to your rightful place.
May the God of your People watch over you and your people in this time of great crisis, and the Blessings of the Living God of my people go with you.
His Imperial Royal Majesty,
The King-Emperor Constantine Augustus deMakra, First of that Name.
Nowhere Place
17-01-2005, 20:00
(OOC: Christ... As soon as I come back, I have to leave again. Sorry guys, I'm withdrawing for an undetermined amount of time. Personal stuff.)
(OOC: Christ... As soon as I come back, I have to leave again. Sorry guys, I'm withdrawing for an undetermined amount of time. Personal stuff.)
OOC: Bye, again.
Guess I have to scheme against someone else.