Zarbia issues a warning to The Burnsian Desert
Transmission to TBD
From Zarbia
We have been observing the actions of the Burnsian Desert recently and a certain issue has disturbed us. We view your "White Codes" as a threat to white citizens and we will not tolerate them.
The government of Zarbia condemns these new laws and is demanding that the Burnsian Desert abolish them immediately or face the consequences. We will use force if we must to get our point across.
End of transmission
23-12-2004, 04:57
The Zarbian state would do well to remember that TBD is an International member, and is entitled to defence by the members of said organisation.
23-12-2004, 05:01
You know, you're wrong in quite a few ways in this latest travesty of rational thought from the trained monkeys over in Zarbia. I'll go over this nice and slow, so you can understand. Oh, wait, your leader can't, so I'll go over it nice and slow for his simian advisors to.
One. You cannot ignore TBD's sovereignty simply because you don't like a law he has passed. If he randomly kills whites, fine, intervene. However, he has given whites ample warning, expressed ways in which they can obtain means of going outside, and firmly stated the intensions of the law- to rpotect from DA.
Two. You are weaklings. You are puny excuses for a wimpy nation, with a GDP the scariness of Zanzibar's and a military that is little better. Your country can cause no one to quake, not even the blind, deaf, and neutral state of switzerland whose aged territorials could kick your army's ass any day of the week. You, sirs, should be afraid of TBD, not the other way around.
Three. You can't threaten militarily. Well wait, you can. If you want your homeland invaded with no way to defend it. Samtonia has a long memory. WE remeber your running scared from AMF, ourselves, and Pantera. Your time will come and it will come very soon. Maybe you shouldn't worry about what happens in other nations but what will happen in your nation.
Word of advice little ones. Don't draw attention to yourselves anytime soon. The world's a big, nasty place and you've managed to make a great deal of it angry. Sleep nicely in the Fire that has been promised to you.
We'll keep that promise very soon.
Minister X, Leader of Samtonian Council of Thirteen
1) That's BS, he is oppressing whites, many countries have gone to war over stuff like this before.
2) Um..ok.
3) I didn't run scared from you, I just really really really DON'T want to RP with you 3. You know why? Because all you want to do is tell a story where you win. You say that RPing isn't about number wanking and specific tech stuff and that it is about telling a story. Well, how the hell am I supposed to defend myself if I don't know what I'm fighting against? Basically you guys plan to win from the beginning, that's stupid and I'm not going to RP like that.
Thanks for your concern though.
Green Sun
23-12-2004, 19:35
4) Screw with TBD you screw with The Empire of One
Sirens of Titan
23-12-2004, 19:54
The Secret Society is amused by your appearance. It feels like we are listening to a CD played by you but recorded by Automagfreek.
Samtonia your nation is perhaps an even bigger joke than your taskmasters Automagfreek and Pantera. You continue to ridicule yourself by calling others "puny". Look at yourself, you serve the bidding of your slavedrivers only to feel secure? Jokes are meant to laugh at, we are doing so now.
-Anonymous letter sent to Samtonia government from an unknown place written by a mysterious person.
Rebeled Elves
23-12-2004, 19:58
The Merchant Guilds
23-12-2004, 20:01
To: Samtonia
Your comments as regards our friend, Zarbia are disrespectful and to be frank downright ignorant. We ask you take them back, this situation is between Zarbia and TBD not yourselves, who have no interest in the matter.
We would remind you many nations have gone to war over such laws before, and many for far less.
If you wish to pick a fight we are more than able to teach your military how to actually fight rather than wander around aimlessly screaming for their mothers.
The Shadows,
OOC: Just for the record I am FT but my Alpha Colony (Earth) is MT.
23-12-2004, 20:05
The Holy Empire of Albinoism will help TBD if war is to break out.
23-12-2004, 20:27
How about this. Instead of wasting millions of dollars and thousands of lives over a needless war, make a negotiation such as: TBD ship out the Whites to Zarbia.
Because I think it is funny how ppl have so many wars when in reality, it'd take years to rebuild and reform citys and armys and etc before you could enter another war...oh lets say a couple of days after you lost/won in a war.
OOC: No one post in this thread, I'm working out something with TBD.
Also, Zarbia would not accept the whites, they are not pure Zarbian. We just feel it is necessary to stand up for white people cause we're all ultra fascist.
23-12-2004, 23:35
1) That's BS, he is oppressing whites, many countries have gone to war over stuff like this before.
2) Um..ok.
3) I didn't run scared from you, I just really really really DON'T want to RP with you 3. You know why? Because all you want to do is tell a story where you win. You say that RPing isn't about number wanking and specific tech stuff and that it is about telling a story. Well, how the hell am I supposed to defend myself if I don't know what I'm fighting against? Basically you guys plan to win from the beginning, that's stupid and I'm not going to RP like that.
Thanks for your concern though.
[OOC- WEll, I'll reply to the others IC, but as this post seems like a merge of IC and OOC attitudes, into the OOC bins it goes.
1. Fine. But my country calls YOUR BS. Simple RPing. We support sovereignty, no matter what. Up until genocide, etc... that is.
2. Okay right back. Again, IC attitude.
3. Now when did I tell you I only wanted a story? Did you even read the OOC thread? I was the first or second person to give numbers in that thread. Take up your compalints against AMF or Pantera, not against me. I came to RP but it appears you didn't. Fine with me. Congratulations. You've picked up your first IGNORE for:
1. Blatant techwanking.
2. Blatant numberwanking.
3. Ignoring points that go against your carefully constructed complaints to attempt to give reasons as to why you don't have to RP.
So bye bye. I may just even use this forum's ignore function. You'd be the first, just so you know. A real honor.
So yeah, parting words of advice. If you can't handle the heat, don't go into the kitchwen. Check the RP styles of others before declaring war on them. Try to work it out with the other side, not expect them to drop everything and do what they tell you. And try to get evidence before you make meaningless accusations.]
23-12-2004, 23:44
1) That's BS, he is oppressing whites, many countries have gone to war over stuff like this before.
2) Um..ok.
3) I didn't run scared from you, I just really really really DON'T want to RP with you 3. You know why? Because all you want to do is tell a story where you win. You say that RPing isn't about number wanking and specific tech stuff and that it is about telling a story. Well, how the hell am I supposed to defend myself if I don't know what I'm fighting against? Basically you guys plan to win from the beginning, that's stupid and I'm not going to RP like that.
Thanks for your concern though.
OOC: For the love of everything holy, stop confusing IC and OOC please.
24-12-2004, 00:33
I can only imagine how the world would react if I was oppressing blacks...
24-12-2004, 00:37
If you take this action to a declaration of war, an embargo, or anything else with the slightest amount of hostility past a "warning", the Empire of One will intervene.
As a member of the alliance, The Witzgallian Empire and its Empirate States will gladly protect their ally and attack you.
[OOC- WEll, I'll reply to the others IC, but as this post seems like a merge of IC and OOC attitudes, into the OOC bins it goes.
1. Fine. But my country calls YOUR BS. Simple RPing. We support sovereignty, no matter what. Up until genocide, etc... that is.
2. Okay right back. Again, IC attitude.
3. Now when did I tell you I only wanted a story? Did you even read the OOC thread? I was the first or second person to give numbers in that thread. Take up your compalints against AMF or Pantera, not against me. I came to RP but it appears you didn't. Fine with me. Congratulations. You've picked up your first IGNORE for:
1. Blatant techwanking.
2. Blatant numberwanking.
3. Ignoring points that go against your carefully constructed complaints to attempt to give reasons as to why you don't have to RP.
So bye bye. I may just even use this forum's ignore function. You'd be the first, just so you know. A real honor.
So yeah, parting words of advice. If you can't handle the heat, don't go into the kitchwen. Check the RP styles of others before declaring war on them. Try to work it out with the other side, not expect them to drop everything and do what they tell you. And try to get evidence before you make meaningless accusations.]
1) I don't really care. There is nothing wrong with my aggressive stances towards his laws. I don't know what you're getting all worked up about.
2) I think you've already been told by SoT and TMG. ;)
3) Oh yeah, I apologize. That was AMF and Pantera.
You're threatening me with an ignore? Oh shit, I'm scared. Good, at least I won't have you following me all the time with your annoying banter.
The funny thing is that I never declared war on either you or Pantera. I said I would defend Macabees and I said that to AMF. I guess AMF can't do anything by himself cause he always has 17 buddies hanging on his balls all the time. Whatever.
24-12-2004, 06:30
The funny thing is that I never declared war on either you or Pantera. I said I would defend Macabees and I said that to AMF. I guess AMF can't do anything by himself cause he always has 17 buddies hanging on his balls all the time. Whatever.
OOC: I rarely ever disrespect another player, but if you're going to make inane statements like that, then the gloves are going to come off. Please do not go there.
Look 'Zarbia', you don't know me nor do you know what happens in my personal life from day to day. Have you ever said to yourself, 'oh jeez, AMF hasn't made more than 2 posts in the past week, wonder what's up?'. Perhaps you didn't notice that I went from making almost 150 posts over the course of like 3 days in the 'Operation: Brimstone' threads to making barely a half dozen posts in a week?
Ever wonder why I have so many people help me? It's not because I'm not able ICly to do it, and it does not mean that I am OOCly 'scared' to do anything. It's because I actually do have an active life that's filled with real problems, and if you cannot understand that then be so kind as to never mention my NS name again. I was seriously planning on taking the whole lot of you on by myself, and with my schedule looking like it was going to be very free, I was quite excited to be doing Operation: Brimstone. But guess what, life took a shit on me in several very cruel ways over a very short time, and I could barely even log on and check my issues.
If you still cannot grasp this, I will share with you the gory details. Trust me, I have plenty of enough OOC reason to have assistance in this series of RP's. And your blatent disrespect is NOT appreciated in the least.
Green Sun
24-12-2004, 19:32
OOC: What's the big deal in all this? He's hostile towards TBD's White Codes act. If he does anything, let the Empire of One handle this.
See Green Sun that's exactly what I DON'T want to happen. That's what totally fucks up RPs, total dogpiling. It sucks, that's not the kind of RPs I want to have anymore unless they're fair.
I've TGed TBD and we're going to work something out, now please let this thread die.
The Merchant Guilds
24-12-2004, 19:52
Ever wonder why I have so many people help me?
No, not really.
It's not because I'm not able ICly to do it, and it does not mean that I am OOCly 'scared' to do anything. It's because I actually do have an active life that's filled with real problems, and if you cannot understand that then be so kind as to never mention my NS name again. I was seriously planning on taking the whole lot of you on by myself, and with my schedule looking like it was going to be very free, I was quite excited to be doing Operation: Brimstone. But guess what, life took a shit on me in several very cruel ways over a very short time, and I could barely even log on and check my issues.
I think we all understand RL gets in the way in large ways sometimes but I think the point is one must try and get on if one is having a large RP and try and just state that they are going to put the RP on hold for RL reasons.
Personally i'd love to see you take on me... mainly because I need a good war RP atm... well with this invasion thing coming hopefully we have a large scale proper war...
If you still cannot grasp this, I will share with you the gory details. Trust me, I have plenty of enough OOC reason to have assistance in this series of RP's. And your blatent disrespect is NOT appreciated in the least.
Isn't it only IC reason that counts for getting assistance? Of course these can be closely related to OOC reasons... but perhaps I am nitpicking :P
I believe Samtonia's IC (althougth it sounded quite OOC) disrespect of Zarbia was what started this entire sequence off. I had a hard time deciding whether Samtonia was talking IC or OOC because of the tone and language of his post... I try and use IC and OOC at all times to avoid this...
Shall we all put down our little problems and get on with Christmas now?
24-12-2004, 20:02
[OOC- Right, last time I glance at this. Merry Christmhanukwanzadan to all, just choose your holiday out of there and enjoy!
TMG, unless my post is in brackets and has OOC by it, it's an IC post. If it were OOC, i would clarify. I don't actually talk that way to people in RL, just IC attitude. Besides, with a guy like that as my leader, why wouldn't I act condascendingly superior at all times?
So if no one can differentiate between IC attaitudes and OOC attitudes, I don't know why I even try. AMF, I can see why you got pissed off enough to post that one about IC/OOC attitudes. People, again, IC means nothing personal. If it's labelled OOC, it does.
And with that, adieu.]
Green Sun
24-12-2004, 20:02
See Green Sun that's exactly what I DON'T want to happen. That's what totally fucks up RPs, total dogpiling. It sucks, that's not the kind of RPs I want to have anymore unless they're fair.
I've TGed TBD and we're going to work something out, now please let this thread die.
TEOO isn't just about military aid it's also about economical and diplomatic aid.
So? It is based on military aid though, and I don't want to get dogpiled by TEOO because it won't be fun. Plus then the RWC would say something and it would get into a huge war which would finally turn into a huge OOC and ignore fest.
24-12-2004, 21:03
I believe Samtonia's IC (althougth it sounded quite OOC) disrespect of Zarbia was what started this entire sequence off. I had a hard time deciding whether Samtonia was talking IC or OOC because of the tone and language of his post... I try and use IC and OOC at all times to avoid this...
Shall we all put down our little problems and get on with Christmas now?
OOC: This was a dead giveaway.
Minister X, Leader of Samtonian Council of Thirteen
If you have a hard time deciding if this is IC or OOC after seeing that in a post..........