Gay Marriage made Legal in all states.
East Coast Federation
22-12-2004, 16:43
In an shocking annoucement made today, Gay Marriages of all kind are legal, in all 23 states of the Federation. The bill was passed in congress 23 to 873.
Why would the goverment do this? Well the president tells us " It's time to stop listning to these reloguis idiots and start reforming out great nation, I'm sick and tired of "Bible Thumpers" telling me what to do. These people deserve to marry whoever they want. Ever snice the conservitives have been voted out of power by a 98% margin it's time we stopped listning to them, All Gay marriges arre legal, Gays can do whatever they want May it be work in an Corperation or Serve starfleet. This is an law that can never be overturred, the people support it and so does our wonderful goverment"
22-12-2004, 16:54
Offical Xenonian responce.
We, as a nation (Yes, I do mean as a nation) applaud you for recognising Gay Marriage. However, we caution you to respect the rights of Religions to refuse to grant Gay Marriage - you must respect both the rights of Homosexuals to get married, and Churches to refuse, as is part of their belief system.
President-Speaker Arkady Gregorovich.
Green Sun
22-12-2004, 16:59
Green Sun also applauds ECF on their new law, but does not agree with Upper Xen on respecting the rights of the Churches. Jesus didn't turn people away.
-Earnest Equanant
East Coast Federation
22-12-2004, 18:26
Marriage will be handled through an office, People can have a cermoney at a chruch if the chruch allows it.
22-12-2004, 18:41
Although the Confederacy of Lachenburg does not contain a Homosexual minority within our territories, we hope that this new law will make your country a more happy and peaceful place.
Maximilian Von Hinterguard
Direktor of International Relations
Confederacy of Lachenburg
22-12-2004, 19:46
Official Statement from the Executive Office of the President
We in the Incorporated States of Sarzonia applaud the East Coast Federation's enlightened stance toward full equality for all people, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. We believe that religions should teach their followers to love one another and not dispense hatred and we believe that government should mean that everyone is created equal.
Signed for President Mike Sarzo by
Rebecca A. Davis
Executive Secretary to the President
Incorporated States of Sarzonia
Drum Gods
22-12-2004, 19:48
We are appalled by this move by the ECF. A step backwards in rationality, reasoning and morality. A sad time indeed.
Bureaucrat of the Drum God Empire
East Coast Federation
22-12-2004, 20:18
Prehaps you should not be so close minded, We see nothing wrong with Homosexual Marriage.
We are a 300+lightyear sized Space Nation, can't we be tolerant of every body we come across?
22-12-2004, 20:25
Prehaps you should not be so close minded, We see nothing wrong with Homosexual Marriage.
We are a 300+lightyear sized Space Nation, can't we be tolerant of every body we come across?
22-12-2004, 20:49
Brad, I'm possibly one of the most liberal space nations, so this was bound to come around, besides Lesbians are hot!
yeah well than make lesbian marriege legal not ALL gay marriage and im conservative so im saying i disaprove
Terra Romani
22-12-2004, 20:56
Official Response from the People's Foreign Ministry
We in the Community of Terra Romani applaud your decision to legalize Homosexual marriage. Thanks to you yet another nation joins the march away from bigotry and discrimination and towards liberty and equality. Terra Romani fully supports you!
Marcus Aurelius, Senior Diplomat
on behalf of Consul Krois I
OOC: I agree w/ what you did, but just some advice to cover your arse from flamers - don't make a spelling error when you call someone an idiot ;)
Other than that, way to go!