NationStates Jolt Archive

Seeking War Allies/War Enemies

Hawaiian Islands
21-12-2004, 01:34
Hawaiian Islands is grown too much in military, and the military is grown too much. We have a Military Population of 12 Million Soldiers, and it out of terroritories to produce more. We are seeking War.

3,240 Battleship Class Nitron
5,604 Battleship Class Brickist
3,039 Battleship Class Esclade (super dreadnaught by Hawaiian Islands)
2,980 Destroyers
5,009 Anti-Submarine Frigates
1,293 Crusader Crusiers
2,093 Nuclear Submarines (equipped with Nuclear Torpedoes)
1.3 Million Marines

5,364 MiG-31s
2,939 F-12s
1,045 Cat-16s
200 Highly-Armoured HI-Class Bobcats (better than Tomcat version)
6,157 MiG-21s
2,359 Hornets
3,000 Chinooks
500,000 Paratroopers

Army Infantry
10 Million Infantry
230,000 Tropical Elites
60,000 Armed Snipers (armed w/Commandos)
3,200 NightWatch Troops (armed w/M4A1 Cabine. Silent Mode)
32,000 BodyGuards (incase someone special goes somewhere) (Armed with Krieg 3200 Snipers)

40,000 Humvees (Heavily Armed with Wheel Well Protections)
9,854 Abrams (with Farther BodyHeat Radar)
12,000 Transporters (with Inside Machine Guns)
1,200 Overlords
5,100 Troop Crawlers
3,120 Technical Backup Trucks
23,000 Nuke Cannons

Missile Backup
320,000 Missile (guided by radar)
30,698 Nuclear Missiles


War Allies

War Enemies
21-12-2004, 01:44
The freedom-loving workers of Redrevolutiavania despise warfare in all of its entirety. However, we will gladly open diplomatic relations with your nation.
21-12-2004, 01:59
We find your bloated military statistics amusing, especialy for a 2 billion nation. This is proof positive for all the whiners about 'newbie descrimination' that even older nations can be n00bs, or at least, newbs.
Now, listen.
Nearly a million nuclear weapons? Even if it is possible, WHY would you want that many? What possible purpose could one million nuclear weapons serve? Not only is it damn near impossible, ITS IMPRACTICAL! How much do you think each of those missiles costs per year to maintain? LOTS! Silos, crews, FUEL, fuel for nuclear missiles is HUGELY expensive, and you have to replace it on a regular basis to keep it from setting inside the missile and blowing it up on launch.
The same (Sort of) goes for all your battleships, planes, tanks, trucks and 'nuke launchers'.
HOWEVER, your actual troop numbers are more than acceptable, 12 million troops is GOOD, just readjust your stats so that 12 million is the total of all branches in your military.
21-12-2004, 02:04
OOC Not wanting to pick holes or anything, but that amount of battleships alone would take up about 15 million sailors - thats 25% more servicemen than you claim to have in your entire military.
Hawaiian Islands
22-12-2004, 00:56
Okay, edited. Now who wants to declare war?
22-12-2004, 01:00
Just because you don't declare war, doesn't mean your military continues to grow! In fact, in peacetime most militaries DECLINE.
22-12-2004, 01:01
Okay, edited. Now who wants to declare war?
it would still cost far too much to maintain tens of thousands of large battleships...
22-12-2004, 01:04
divide you're entire navy by 10, then atleast the navy will be verging on acceptable..
22-12-2004, 01:32
22-12-2004, 01:49
Okay, listen.
The most nukes to exist in the WORLD (The RL world :P) was about 16,000, including US, Soviet, UK, French, Indian and Pakistani and all the rest. 30,000 nukes is still over the top. I would say you dont need more than 1,000, if you were extremist, go for maybe 7,000, since your pop. is bigger than the US.

I think the most of any class of battleship the US has ever had was abou fifty, battleships are BIG and EXPENSIVE, in money and crew.

And you have WAY to many tanks. An M1 costs something like 1.2 million bucks to build, and God knows how much to maintain.
The Evil Overlord
23-12-2004, 21:22
Hawaiian Islands, TG me with your email address and I will be happy to send you the various military calculator spreadsheets I have available.

You need to check your math, because the numbers don't come close to adding up. You claim to have a 12 million man military, but just the crews for all of those ships will come to more than 20 million. This does not include support personnel (which will quadruple the manning requirements at minimum).

Judging by the list of ships you posted, I'd say you really need to move the decimal at least two places to the left in every single category.

Quick rule of thumb for annual military equipment maintenance: it will cost 10% of the purchase/build cost to maintain the equipment for one year. If you have a billion dollar warship, it will cost $100,000,000 per year to maintain (including fuel, munitions, spare parts, food, etc). You also seem to be missing aircraft carriers of any sort. Does your navy go to war without air support?

Another thing you don't seem to have available is support equipment. I don't see any airborne refueling planes, no supply ships, no oilers, hospital ships, amphibious assault ships, or even LANDING CRAFT (how are those marines going to get from their bases to the enemy beaches?). You did list support vehicles for the ground forces, but there aren't enough of them to haul all of those troops around, much less carry fuel, food, water, spare parts, ammunition, wounded troops, etc.
23-12-2004, 21:27
Okay, listen.
The most nukes to exist in the WORLD (The RL world :P) was about 16,000, including US, Soviet, UK, French, Indian and Pakistani and all the rest. 30,000 nukes is still over the top. I would say you dont need more than 1,000, if you were extremist, go for maybe 7,000, since your pop. is bigger than the US.

I think the most of any class of battleship the US has ever had was abou fifty, battleships are BIG and EXPENSIVE, in money and crew.

And you have WAY to many tanks. An M1 costs something like 1.2 million bucks to build, and God knows how much to maintain.

You're wrong. Right now Russia and US both have near 30000 each and thats already more then 16000.
23-12-2004, 22:01
Personally, I don't even see how you can fit all that on the Hawaiian islands!
23-12-2004, 22:08
Personally, I don't even see how you can fit all that on the Hawaiian islands!

Good point.
Hawaiian Islands
28-12-2004, 02:48
Well... This is a Simulation Game. So probably the Hawaiian Islands is like.. 5-6 times bigger?
28-12-2004, 02:56
Well, the UPT is about the size of the United States, with all island sput together that is.

As to those military calculators and such, I am in the middle of updating my military (came back from a long break and have a 500 million pop military for a 1.350 billion pop nation).

I have also changed a lot of my weapons, and some how I came up with 46 million men in my military, not troops.

Anyone willing to help me out a bit will be rewarded (got a jar of cookies!)