NationStates Jolt Archive

How huntaer moved to FT/Magic tech

20-12-2004, 20:32
As I had stated in my world book entry of Huntaer, it was descovered by an advanced race that crashed landed and lost all future technologies. If this is too unrealistic, or if you think I need to change something (ie: story, spelling, punctuation) please speak. There is nothing like constructive critisism.


Elite General Noonien Shing Khan walks out of his office with a heavy sigh. He knows it’s been 31 years to the day since the Imperial class I.S.S. Devastator (Imperial Star Ship) had crash landed upon the new found land of Huntaer, named after their planet, Huntaria. He knew even though his people had magical powers (more commonly known as “The Force”) which could help boost communications with Huntaria Earth and Huntaria, it would take at least another 100 years before they even get a faint response.

Even with the technology Kyanges, and Upper Xen had provided Huntaer, Khan knew it would be pretty much futile to continue his search.
He will make the decision and announce to his 137 million subjects that they will be staying on Earth permanently. He doesn’t like the idea of giving up for it was against Huntarian tradition.

As soon as Khan leaft his office, a small beeping noise comes through his portable communicator. It was Sergeant Trynak, head of Huntaer’s special communications projects.

“What is it Sergeant?” Khan asks.

“Sir, I think that you should come here.”


“. . . We’re receiving a signal from just above Earth’s moon, sir. The receiving signal is outputting the same setting you told me to search for. Could it be. . .”

“Now Sergeant lets not be presumptuous here. It could be a malfunction with in the computer system.”

“Sir, the transmition is specifically requested toyou!”

Could it actually be? Could our people have finaly found us??
“Transport me over to your position Sergeant.”

Khan stands still as a brilliant red/yellow column of translucent light apear around him. Moments later he arives right behind Sergeant Trynak.

“Sir, they are awaiting your answer.” Sergeant Trynak said as he hands Khan the head set.

Khan sits down at the primitive, yet useful, computer. He starts to sweat nervously. “This is Elite General Noonien Shing Khan. Go ahead.”

“Khan? This is you! Ha ha! This is Lieutenant General Deshoonde, comander of the 5th division of His Majesties Fleet. It’s been too long old friend.”

Khan smiles a wide smile, glad to see his old friend. “It has been too long Deshoonde. What’s happened the last 31 years?”

“I’ll tell you as soon as everyone on huntaer has boarded the Armageddon to be trainsported back to home.”

“I’ll be looking forward to our encounter. Khan to Armageddon , ready to trainsport. . . .”
21-12-2004, 21:42
22-12-2004, 20:15
double bumb.