The Divinerline (Future Semi-Open RP)
19-12-2004, 06:09
OOC: This RP is more character-based than nation-based. So please pick your favorite character. This RP is sci-fi and fantasy, so the usage of elemential attacks (Magic) is allowed. It is also open to anybody, but the spots are limited to three people including myself so...yeah. Anyway...
Background: Hiroshiko and the Second Contact
Prior to this story, an important event took place. This event would forever shape Hiroshiko to the world it is today. It was known as the Arrival of the Celestial Ships. It was the second time the world of Hiroshiko came in contact with a celestian. However, the conflict that preceded afterwards was left in a haze. 450 years have gone by since that event. Now a new challenge arises...
Prelude: The progression to modern day Hiroshiko
It has been centuries after the arrival of the celestial ships on Hiroshiko. The second contact had been fulfilled. Unfortunately the arrival became but a myth due to the passage of time. In 450 years, the world had advanced considerably. Expansionalism, nationalism, and invention quickly took place after the Second Contact. Nations had risen and faultered. Finally, 200 years before the present day, Machiniro, the technological superpower, decided to unite the entire planet. Machiniro dissolved all the nations, including itself. A massive reconstuction process had begun. A planetary republic unified at a core city was to be formed. The new republic's name became Hiroshiko.
The population had thrived in the last 450 years. With the planet being exponentially populated, the Hiroshikite peoples decided to create orbiting space cities. Cities on the planet and in space have sprawled. Hiroshikite technology had also flourished. 450 years prior, the world was living in its middle ages. Technological advancements have progressed from lightbulbs to supercomputers to high pre-Future Tech spaceships.
In the last 50 years, the Hiroshikite peoples have decided to boldly venture into FT-space technology, a seemingly impossible task, especially on a planet still somewhat underdeveloped like Hiroshiko. But one man, by the name of Adam Nevelle, discovered the secret to lightspeed technology. In his conclusions, he deducted that one can tap into quantum matter to form energy that can alter current time and send matter into a short, but effective gravitic warp. Now with the knowledge of basic future technology, Hiroshiko can finally step into the realm beyond its Sol System...
Main Story, Chapter 1: The loner with a purpose
Who are you?... What do you want from me?...... what is that divine line you speak of?... ... ...
(BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP...) Good Morning, Today is the 344 day of 453 S.Y.
"!, (stops for a breath), what is this dream I keep having!?", says Lyber.
*Lyber is a young, 22 year old man, with a tough build. He has spiky black hair and light-tanned skin. He works at a space-aeronautics plant, a place where spaceships get assembled. He lives on an orbiting city named Kyoshiko-0105, above the planet-bounded city of Kyoshiko.
He gets dressed and gets ready for work. He steps outside of his apartment which is part of a massive complex in 0105. The orbiting city is a huge agglomeration of capsules compacted together. The central corridor leads to the grand center, much like a downtown. The grand center is where exhanges and other businesses thrive. The roof above is transparent, yet smart enough to darken when the sun shines its rays directly at the city. The objects inside the city are bound on the floor by the means of artificial gravity, a necessity when eating watery foods like Ramen.
"Man, this place's always busy...I gotta get to the plant or else the boss'll probably throw a fit and fire me..." ,says Lyber to himself.
He runs down the jam-packed corridor when suddenly, a woman, pulls on his shirt.
The woman says, "Hah!, I caught you! Why didn't you show up at the recreation complex? I wanted to play virtual games! Hmph! Your one very rude person, Lyber Takugawa!"
"Katrina!?, what are you doing here? Lemme go! I gotta get to work or else!"
"Serves you right, idiot!"
"No, its not what you think, I didn't leave you. Now, I promise to make it up by going with you, ok?" ,says Lyber.
"Fine, whatever. Just don't leave me again without telling me! Your a jerk for doing so!" ,says Katrina.
"Ok, Ok, I gotta go, I'll televid you later, k?"
Lyber runs off. He heads to the entrance of the plant, where a security system has been set up. He punches in the access code and it grants him entrance. He prepares to go to his work station.
Once there, he does his routine work. Then, his boss comes up, greets him and tells him to do a special job, one that will raise his salary threefold. The boss explains that they have currently finished the newest prototype. Before it is to be mass-produced, it must be tested. The boss also expains that the Prime Minister of the planet wants him to ship a valuable package to a Hiroshikite space colony. Once there, the valuable item will be placed in the hands of competant scientists.
Lyber accepts the job and gets on his way. He leaves for the colony the next day.
20-12-2004, 08:07
Chapter 2: The Momento
TeleVid Broadcast: Connected at 1.5 CG
Lyber: "Geez lady, I'm sorry!"
Katrina: "Don't you CALL me LADY!"
Lyber: "I'm sorry Katrina, I really am. It looks like I'm going to be gone for a while, ok? So sit tight. I don't mind if you hang out with other guys."
Katrina: "...Hey, I didn't mean to yell at I'm cool. Since you are leaving...I'd like to say, Good Luck and I hope for your safe return. Space can be a cruel place, so don't you go off into the void, ok? Stay on the charted trails, ok? Oh and before you go, I'm going to give you something. Its a really powerful item so, I'm going right over. See ya in a few!"
TeleVid Broadcast: Terminated...would you like to televid again?
Yes or No
"No, I don't want to anymore." ,says Lyber.
The screen shuts off. He sits and waits for Katrina. 10 minutes later, Katrina rings the door. Lyber opens it and she comes in.
"I just thought you needed something from me, I mean, I'm really going to miss you and I don't want you to forget about me. Even though sometimes I'm a pain in the ass." ,says Katrina.
"No, your not, don't say that. Anyway, I won't be gone for that long, I hope. The path to the colony's been charted and I'm pretty sure its safe. So you don't have to worry about me, ok?" ,says Lyber.
Katrina says, "Well, I'll get worried aout you if you don't take this, so take it, ok?"
She hands him a necklace. It is pure silver and the shape looks like of that of an angel's wing. A sword is embossed along with the angel's wing.
"Its a sign of courage, determination, and purity. Thats what you are, Lyber, I'm sure of it." ,says Katrina.
Lyber says, "It looks great!...where did you get this?"
"It was my father's...he always said to give to a person with these characteristics. So I guess it was the right thing to do to give it to you." ,says Katrina.
"It is said to hold great elemential power, mainly the force of lightning, but I've never really seen it do anything but sparkle. Well anyway,..." ,says Katrina
Lyber puts the necklace around his neck. He says to her
"This is a great momento, it'll remind me of you."
"Thanks, well, I gotta be going. I'm sure you'll be safe. Anyway, have a safe trip to the colony!" ,says Katrina.
Katrina walks off into the long corridor. She waves at him. After that, Lyber prepares for his trip to the colony. Before he slept though, he pondered about Katrina and him and their upcoming wedding.
20-12-2004, 08:57
Chapter 3: The Beginning of the Journey
Attention, all ships departing for colonies A105 and A570 have gained clearance to the departure tunnel. No other ship may enter the departure tunnel at this time... ... ... Attention, all ships departing for colonies A105 and ...
Lyber is at the Space Terminal, a place where all ships arrive and depart in the space city. He is sitting impatiently in the lobby, waiting for his departure clearance. The prototype ship he's using is called the Limit Breaker, which is currently located at the pre-launching sect of the Terminal. He stands up and runs to a computer.
"Hey, computer!, when can I get clearance to the departure tunnel? I've been waiting a hellava long time, ya know!" says Lyber, frustrated.
The computer responds,
Please tell me your name and your ship's docking number.
"The name's Lyber Takugawa and my ship's docking number is C-034."
Processing data... please wait
Processing data... please wait
Processing data... please wait
Processing data... Complete.
Your departure clearance will be given to you in approximately ten minutes. Please go to the pre-launching sector now.
"Thanks, dude!" ,says Lyber.
We are very grateful to have been helpful to you. Would you like to inquire about anything else?
"No, I'm all right." ,says Lyber.
Thank you for using the Space Terminal Network provid...
Lyber runs off to the pre-launching sector. He sets his ship up and prepares for launch.
"Co'mon, Limit Breaker, lets see what you've got!" ,says Lyber.
The engine shakes violently, also shaking the momento from Katrina, around his neck. A screen pops up in the cockpit. It reads,
Clearance Granted
Lyber takes off with an incredible speed. The ship was shaking as it exited the departure tunnel. Now the view of the planet of Hiroshiko can be seen. The blue planet glistened in the sunlight while the other half lay in darkness, dotted by the artificial lights of the mega-cities. The Limit Breaker is set into auto-pilot mode. Lyber, curious, decides to check on what the cargo actually is.
20-12-2004, 09:35
Chapter 4: The Legend of the Galactic Divinerline
"Hmm...I wonder what they wanted me to deliver? Must be government documents and crap." ,says Lyber.
"I know I'm not supposed to open it, but the trip to the colony will take a while, and well, I'm bored. Besides, a small peak won't really hurt, would it?" ,says Lyber.
He inspects the box. The box looks like an ordinary, black, protected container. It has a security device attached to it. Lyber, being an engineer, carefully examines the security device. Though it seemed inpenatrable, a small faulty niche, commonly associated with the device's model, was found. He short-circuted the device and opened the box.
As he thought, they were papers. They looked somewhat government-related. He browsed through an endless amount of written research. Finally, he stumbled upon an old, old book. The book was about 500 years old for it can be identified by the type of writing.
"This must be a Terminan book...the symbols look Terminan." ,says Lyber.
He snickers to himself and says, "I thank the heavens for the language translator."
Then, he sets the book gently down on the computer scanner. It scans the book, page by page. In about an hour, the process had been complete. Lyber relaxes and looks up at the screen. The screen read,
The Legend of the Galactic Divinerline
"Uh...sounds interesting..." ,says Lyber.
The Galactic Divinerline, by Terminan folklore, is the boundry line between the heavens and the earth, between our people and the celestians. The Divinerline is located in the farthest reaches of the sky, only destined to be reached by our descendants. Whoever goes there shall attain power beyond imagination. If a person is good, he or she can enlighten the universe though it, but if the person is evil, he or she can plunge the universe into darkness.
He pauses for a moment, then goes off to read the rest. Then, the siren goes off. The computer announces,
Warning... Warning... Warning...
"Aww, what now!?"
An unknown spacecraft is approaching... An unknown spacecraft is approaching...
Huh!? Spacecraft? Could it be a Hiroshikite spaceship?
Analyzing unknown ship
Data Analysis Complete: Spaceship unknown
"Aww great...this is great. I should've known traveling into deep space would result an alien encounter..." ,says Lyber.
Then Lyber says, "Can you tell me if they're hostile or not?"
Processing request
Not enough data for a probable answer.
20-12-2004, 18:38
Chapter 5: The Capture and Escape (Part 1)
New reports indicate it is a Hiroshikite spaceship. It has no serial number. It is likely to be a space raider ship.
"Oh, great, just great..." ,says Lyber...mumbling to himself.
The opposing ship was slender and long. It looked bright as if coated with titanium. The ship itself was small, most likely accomodating five people.
"Send a transmittion signal immediately! I don't want a fight!" ,says Lyber.
Processing Request... Please Wait
Processing Request... Complete
TeleVid Broadcast: Connected at 1.34 CG
Man:"What brings you to our territory?"
Lyber: "I'm here on a government mission, if you interfere with my mission, the Hiroshikite government will condemn your actions and hunt you down."
Man: "Hmm... I see. But intruding into our territory...well, I can't let you go..."
Lyber: "Wait...Wait...don't go!!!"
TeleVid Broadcast: Terminated...
The opposing ship looms past the Limit Breaker. The sound of Quantum torpedoes hits the Limit Breaker, then the opposing ship drags the ship and attaches it to the star board. The people on the other ship start to move in...
"Computer, lock the doors!" ,exclaims Lyber.
Command cannot be accepted. All commands have been disabled.
"Damnit!!!" ,exclaims Lyber.
The people reach the Limit Breaker. They intrude inside and capture Lyber. Lyber tries to resist but, they capture him regardless of his resistance.
Lyber is thrown into a cold passenger room of the opposing ship. Lyber sits there...waiting patiently. He inspects the room and finds a small, but sizeable ventilation shaft.
"Yeah, there's always a ventilation shaft in a room! Woot!" ,smirks Lyber.
He stealthily makes his way to the ventilation shaft. He carefully breaks the side s of the ventilation cover and crawls into the shaft. He then places the ventilation cover back slowly. He crawls to the end of the shaft. There was light in the end of the shaft. He looks down and sees two people conversing.
"Hey boss, we're really lucky today, it looks like we caught a big one." ,says one man.
The boss replies, "What is it? It better be credits."
"Its something better than credits. Its research regarding the Galactic Divinerline. Its a government project or whatever."
"Great, Great! You've done a good job there. Tonight, lets party." ,says the boss.
"But, what are we going to do with the captured guy?" ,says the man.
"Kill him, Nuff said." ,says the boss.
20-12-2004, 19:00
Chapter 5b: The Capture and Escape (Part 2)
The shaft begins to starts to shake a bit and begins to wobble.
"Uh oh..." ,says Lyber.
Immediately the shaft gives way and crashes on the boss and the other guy.
"Aww...dude, I'm sorry...but I gotta rush!" ,says Lyber, sarcastically.
He looks around the room. He sees the black box and takes it. He rushes out the door and locks the room from the outside.
Two people see him running. They holler at him to stop. Lyber doesn't care. He starts rushing to the connector, the place where both of the ships are connected together. Then, he remembers that the ship overrid his ship. So he looks and squanders to find the mainframe computer. He ran in a room and sees a young, teenage looking guy is sitting at the computer. He looks at him kinda strange. He then asks,
"Are you the one we captured?"
"Uh I'm going to hurt you if you don't let me use that computer there." ,says Lyber.
"No, I won't stop you. I actually want you to take me along with you! You see, they captured me while I was on my way to a colony. They killed everyone but me. They asked me to work for them so I did." ,says the teenager.
"Ok, Ok. I'll take you with me. Just break the control over my ship and I'll take ya with me." says Lyber, impatient.
"Woot!!! I was hoping you'd say that!" ,says the teenager.
The teenager punches in a crash code. The computer is set to crash itself in 1 minute and 30 seconds.
"Oh, I forgot, there are the weapons, take the sword, its made of titanium and some other stuff, quite useful if you ask me." ,says the young guy.
"K, and what'll be your weapon?" ,says Lyber.
"Oh, I use symbology." ,says the teenager.
"Symbology? I thought I've heard that somewhere before..." ,says Lyber
The teenager replies, "Co'mon! We don't have time left!"
Lyber and the teenager run to the connector. There were two people there impeding the way to the Limit Breaker.
The teenager says, "Stand back, watch what I can do."
He holds out a symbological signal of water. Immediately, water gushes from the symbol causing the two to fall on the floor, conconcious.
"Lets go!" says, the teen.
Lyber is amazed. He's only heard about symbology in his classes and how the ancients used it. He's never seen it done in real life. The two get on the Limit Breaker. The program crasher was initiated and the ship was free from grasp. It was not long though before the opposing ship redirected itself online. The ship then started to chase Lyber and the teen.
Lyber says, "Lets see what this puppy has in store."
He activates Gravitic Warp mode, and instantly it soars over innumerable speeds.
"Woh yeah!!!" ,says Lyber. "We got away easily!"
20-12-2004, 19:20
Chapter 6: Into the Unknown
"Well, we got what now?" says the teen.
"I don't know, we're lost actually. Hey, kid, you didn't introduce yourself. What's your name?" ,says Lyber.
"My name is Nicholas, but everyone calls me Nick. I don't have a last name..." ,says the teen.
Lyber replies, "Why don't you have a last name?"
"My parents, my biological parents... I don't know them. I'm an orphan."
"Oh...I feel bad for you kid. You can hang around me, k? Where were you going to go anyway, before those raiders decided to capture you."
"I was bound for colony A165...they needed more workers there and well since I didn't belong to anyone else, the government decided to send me there..." ,says Nick. "But, now that its impossible at this point, I'm going to stay with you, if thats alright."
"Sure, no problem." ,says Lyber.
"I'm going to calculate the distance we've trekked. I'm not sure how we can get back to the main course..."
"I'm sure we'll find our way." ,says Nick. "What colony were you headed to Lyber?"
"Well, I'm headed for colony A450. There's a science research facility there. I need to take a special item there." ,says Lyber.
"A450...A450... I've never heard of that colony." ,says Nick. "But, then again...I've never heard of a bunch of other colonies anyway."
Nick looks at the necklace around Lyber's neck. He then says,
"Where did you get that?"
"I got it from someone dear to me, someone very dear." ,says Lyber.
"That is the symbological sign of light." ,says Nick.
The two talk amongst themselves a bit longer. The ship is currently drifting across an uncharted area...a place in the unknown...
"Hey lets get some sleep, k?" ,says Lyber. "I get the top bunk, you can stay on the bottom."
"Ok." ,says Nick.
20-12-2004, 19:42
Chapter 7: The Sign and Discovery
Who are you?... ...what do you want... ... the Divine Line?...what of it?
A stange, well-clothed woman steps into a dark, hazy room. The room contains many books...each to its own author.
The woman looks pale and her eyes closed. She says to Lyber, you are the key to the divine line...
Lyber answers back, "please what is the line you speak of?"
The woman does not respond. Lyber thinks to himself...
"You mean the Divinerline!?" ,says Lyber.
The woman opens her eyes and a strong wind pushes him across the room.
"!" ,replies Lyber.
Lyber awakens from his dream.
"What a weird dream." ,he thought.
"Hey, breakfast is ready!" ,says Nick.
"Cool, I'm comin." ,says Lyber.
They eat their breakfast and converse amongst each other. Nick says, "Do you think we'll get to the colony?"
"Yeah, I hope we get there eventually." ,replies Lyber.
They continue discussing when suddenly, the siren sounds.
Unknown system found... ... Unknown system found...
Lyber says, "...Thats weird. I didn't notice any system around. Computer analyze the system for plantery conditions and possible life."
Scanning Please Wait...
Scanning Please Wait...
Scanning Please Wait...
Scanning Please Wait...
Scanning Complete
Data results indicated a habitable system. Life is evident and is listed as intelligent. Technological capabilities vary from being similar to or higher than Hiroshikite Technology. Atmospheric pressure, similar to Hiroshiko...
"Ok, I hope they're not hostile or anything says Nick."
"How far is the system, computer." ,says Lyber.
The system is approximately 3.67 H.M. away from the ship.
"Let us go there. Maybe we might find someone there to help us." ,says Lyber.
Course for new system is set.
The Limit Breaker heads towards the unknown system.
Vice Admiral Melanie Porter is laying sound asleep in her stateroom...... Moments pass and she is awoken by a steady beep... Standing up, and looking around, walks over to her desk... Pressing a button, a screen lights up.....
Pressing some buttons, she opens the message.... A wisened old Admiral is on the screen before her....
"Sorry to bother you. Admiral Porter" says Fleet Admiral Warner.
"It's no bother, sir..." VADM Porter responds. "What's going on?"
"We've had sitings of a ship entering your system, unknown, though readings seem similar to the Hiroshikite...." remarks FADM Warner.
"I didn't think they had space travel since our first encounter... From what I remember of studying the Titan's logs years ago." VADM Porter says.
"Well, they might have attained it... And we want you out there for first contact... Or, maybe second in this case... At any rate, we want you to intercept the ship at the edge of the system..." commands FADM Warner...
"Sir, the Shiva is on trials, I don't even have a full compliment......" VADM Porter complains.
"Your the closests ship available, we have a portion of the fleet out looking for the TRSS Tiamat still..." says FADM Warner.
"Aye sir.... Shiva out...." says VADM Porter, who then shuts off the screen.
She slips into her uniform, and then bolts down the hall to catch the lift to the bridge.... Upon arrival, she surveys her bridge crew... before sitting in her command chair...
"Helm," she commands" set a course for the outter rim.... you should find a ship out there... Put us in her path...."
The massive TRSS Shiva, at just over 3 kilometers in length, bolts from her orbit.... and plows into the emptiness of the system, approaching the comming vessel....
"Send out a message to the approaching vessel, Commander Thompson..." commands VADM Porter...
"Yes mam," responds Lieutenant Commander Thompson.
She then speaks...."Unknown vessel, this is Vice Admiral Melanie Porter, commanding officer of the Tekanian Republic Stellar Ship Shiva, we send our greetings, and ask for your identification...."
21-12-2004, 03:05
Chapter 8: The Response
"There's a ship approaching. I don't think its a Hiroshikite vessal either." ,says Lyber.
"What do you mean, not a Hiroshikite can't possibly be saying...its extra-terrestrial!?" ,exclaims Nick.
"I'm just saying it doesn't look like anything Hiroshikite. The computer analyzed it and couldn't match it with anything. Besides, the computer did say that there was intelligent life on this system. So maybe its the locals?" ,says Lyber. "This is interesting cause an account like this has never occured in Hiroshikite history."
"Your forgetting one thing...remember the Second Contact?" ,says Nick.
Lyber replies, "The Second Contact...wasn't that some medieval fairytale some ancients made up to appease the crowd? I don't think think that was true..."
Nick replies, "Well, I think it's true. The professor who taught me symbology says so. Its even in some book, but, hey I believe it happened. You don't have to."
They wait a moment. Nick goes to the back and sits at a computer. Then something catches Nick's attention.
"Hey, Lyber...I think the computer's picking up something. Look over here!" ,says Nick.
The screen is displaying erratic electromagnetic waves and pulses.
"This has gotta be a transmittion of some sort. The pattern is unique." ,says Lyber. "Computer, please locate the source of this pattern."
Tracking source...
Tracking source...
Tracking source...Complete
Identifying frequency...
Converting electromagnetic signals...
Converting electromagnetic signals...
Converting electromagnetic signals...
Converting electromagnetic signals... Complete
View Now?
"Yes." ,replies Lyber.
TeleVid Broadcast: Connected at unknown CG speed
Woman: "Unknown vessel, this is Vice Admiral Melanie Porter, commanding officer of the Tekanian Republic Stellar Ship Shiva, we send our greetings, and ask for your identification...."
"Tekanian?" ,replies Lyber. "I know I've heard that word before... I just can't remember..."
"Ah! the Second Contact!" ,exclaims Nick. "Yeah, I've seen that word somewhere...Tekania...that was the name of a celestian race! Its in that folklore story, "Celestia."
"Well, at least you know your trivia." ,says Lyber, sarcastically.
Nick replies, "Hey just answer them, ok? We might piss them off for not answering."
"Ahem, alright...alright... Turn the translator on, will ya!"
To Melanie Porter, who is visible on the screen:
Lyber: "Greetings...I am very sorry for intruding into your system but we are in desperate need of direction. We hail from the sol system of Hiroshiko. My name is Lyber Takugawa and my friend's name is Nick. Although I call him Ryusen."
"What!? Ryusen? Why!?" ,exclaims Nick.
"Cause you're a little know-it-all and Ryusen, according to folklore was a know-it-all too. Now sit there and let me finish." ,replies Lyber.
Lyber: "We bid you no harm. We would just like to rest in your system for a while, if it is allowable for you. If not, then we will leave."
"Transmission from the alien vessel, mam...." says Lt. Thompson.
VADM Melanie Porter responds, "Let's hear it Commander...."
Greetings...I am very sorry for intruding into your system but we are in desperate need of direction. We hail from the sol system of Hiroshiko. My name is Lyber Takugawa and my friend's name is Nick. Although I call him Ryusen.
We bid you no harm. We would just like to rest in your system for a while, if it is allowable for you. If not, then we will leave.
'Hiroshiko!' VADM Porter thinks to herself... 'Hot damn... Fleet Admiral Warner was right... I hope I can remember all the detains of the original contact....'
She then composes herself..... and commands LCDR Thompson to send another message....
"Welcome vessel of Hiroshiko.... My mentor at the academy was part of the group who made first contact with your people some years ago. We were not aware your people's had attained stellar capability as of yet. This is not our system, well, not totally... This system has a protectorate colony of the Republic on the 4th planet. And we've been here for a few weeks making adjustments to our systems, this vessel is on Trial-Run... And we do not even have a complete crew. She was just launched barely a month ago... I'm sure provisions can be made for you at the colony... I'm afraid our knowledge of you is limited to the contact we had before you gained stellar flight... So feel free to inform me of any cultural particulars you are in need of...."
21-12-2004, 04:38
Chapter 8b: The Response (Part 2)
To Vice Admiral Melanie Porter:
Lyber: "We thank you for accepting us into your colony system. Please pardon us while we stay in your region. We will not cause any trouble or interference while staying in your colony. Again, we thank you."
TeleVid Broadcast: Terminated
Lyber looks at Ryusen. (Nick) He is amazed at the confrontation with the Tekanians.
" they know our civilization?" ,remarks Lyber. "Maybe that myth is true...and her of the people who discovered our world...would make him about 450 years old! This isn't right, its illogical..."
"Time is a flexible I think." ,says Ryusen. "Maybe when you jumped into gravitic warp..."
"How can I faulter!!! Its just jumping into gravitic warp!" ,says Lyber, angrily.
Ryusen thinks for a while. He then says,
"Remember Adam Nevelle's theory of Gravitic Warp? Well, didn't he say that that a person can tap into quantum matter to form energy which can alter current time and send matter into a short, gravitic warp?"
Lyber replies, "Don't talk about that science crap..."
Ryusen says, "We'll lets just think for a moment. Gravitic warp alters time, right?... to quickly get to one point to another. This ship's a prototype, correct? Isn't it likely that something could've gone wrong ON this ship. It probably sent us about 400 years in the past. Hiroshiko could NOT have attatined interseller space flight, yet even primitive space flight. Plus, we're talking about Adrimal Porter's is highly unprobable that he could live 450 years...according to Hiroshikite medicine."
"So...your saying that we're back in time, 400 years!?" ,exclaims Lyber, puzzled.
"I'm not certain for sure...lets just go to the colony. Maybe we might find an answer." ,says Ryusen.
"Sure, lets go." ,replies Lyber.
The ship begins to move and heads to the colonized Tekanian planet.
VADM Porter set off on commands.... had the massive Shiva turned around, and headed back to orbit the colony as well...
Her chair squeeked abit... this ship was still so new.... But, she can remember back 40 years ago on the bridge of the Ra.... squeeking chair then too.... Always the new ships chair squeeks..... why? Do the shipyards do this on purpose?... She then shrugged off the thought to prepare to meet the crew of this ship.....
Giving out some final commands to her XO, Commodore Richardson...... such a young fellow.... he only celebrated his 100th birthday a few days ago.....
She headed down to the transporter room, to beam down to the colony.
21-12-2004, 05:08
Chapter 9: The Descent into the Colony
The Limit Breaker, due to its sleek, small size, descended effortlessly into the planet's atmosphere. The bright light from the solar sun made an intricate pattern on the surface of the planet. Cities were quite evident on the planet for one side of the planet was illuminated with bright lights and on the other, full of visible signs of intelligent construction.
The Hiroshikite ship lands on the surface. The surface is covered with magnificent flora. The sky seems untouched by pollution. Ryusen and Lyber both come out of the ship. They stretched for they have been in that ship for days. The fresh scent of the planet almost made them just sit and stare at the sky.
Suddenly a woman, somewhat indistinguishable at first, appears at a distance.
"Who is that?" Lyber exclaims.
"I don't know, but lets meet her. I think she's a local." ,says Ryusen.
"You know, your pretty intelligent for a kid your age." ,says Lyber.
"My professor always taught me to be vigilent and resourceful."
"Your too resourceful if you ask me." ,says Lyber. "Anyway, lets go and meet her."
The two run off. When they get closer, they recognize the figure. It is Vice Admiral Melanie Porter. The two greet her enthusiastically.
Melanie Porter, her blue skin and red eyes flushing, is excited too.... This is the first time she has ever been part of a first-contact, of sorts.... Not totally first... But, besides the limited contact from 4 centuries ago, almost half a century before she was born, little else is known about the path Hiroshiko had taken since then. The Republic lacked the full resources to keep constant vigilance over their planet all those years.... And even with the upped production, the fleet is still spread thinly over several galaxies...
"Greetings.... Sorry if I may seem abit brash, but... how long has your civilization been in the stars? Or is this first time any of your kind has left your home system? What ever became of the different factions? Did they maintain peace after my predecessors contact?... Sorry, I know I must be rambling... But after initial contact, we had very little resources to maintain any follow-up..... The Republic is just spread so thin...."
The Servants of Purity
21-12-2004, 06:15
OOC: I'd love to join in this one if you will have me.
21-12-2004, 09:48
Chapter 10: The Meeting
"We made it safely to your colony, Vice Admiral Porter. Its a very beautiful place, might I add." ,says Lyber. "About our civilization's history... um...I don't really know my history that well...I kinda did poorly on my history subject at school. (He scratches his head in embarrassment.) If you want to know about our history, talk to my friend Ryusen here. Co'mon buddy, tell her what you know." ,says Lyber.
Lyber softly nudges Ryusen, notifying him that it is his cue. Ryusen speaks up and says,
"Well, according to our history, there was a Second Contact, about 450 years ago. Of course our race doesn't live that long, so our accounts of the event became blurred over time. People, like Lyber, believed its just some stupid fairytale..."
"Hey, cut that out!" ,replies Lyber.
"Well, I'm only telling the truth! Truth hurts, live with it!" ,says Ryusen, sarcasticly.
"Anyway... About 200 years after the Second Contact, the nation of Machiniro sought to pursue a bold idea. And with their idea, they unified the entire planet into one. Of course a world war had to be fought, but the results drastically modernized Hiroshiko to the point it is today. Our civilization has been in the stars for about a century. Only in the last fifty years did we use the theory of gravitic warp to actually travel around the universe. It is only now that we have met up with another intelligent life-form."
He continues.
"The factions did maintain peace after the Second Contact, but like I said, there was an attempt to unify the entire planet. Therefore, peace among the factions have been terminated. Today, culturally, everyone is getting along. And, yes we have extended beyond our system...but only recently. I only know a few colonies outside the system. I barely know the ones inside. The reason why I don't know them is I was raised on the planet itself. I'm not too accustomed to anything in space."
He pauses for a moment and says,
"Well, ma'am, thats all I know. I do have one question though...does your civilization know of anything called the Galactic Divinerline?"
21-12-2004, 10:01
OOC: I'd love to join in this one if you will have me.
Yeah, you can join. I'm not sure how you can integrate right now, but I'm sure I'll work somehow. Maybe you can come in during some future event.
The Servants of Purity
21-12-2004, 11:48
OOC: Well, my first idea had been a deep space exploration attempt at finding new civilizations. Something small, probably a light cruiser or possibly even a destroyer.
My other idea was that your ship passed right through the detection range of a long-range scanning station, and that I sent a Corvette or two to investigate the unidentified ship.
But in the end, its all your call. Your thread, your decision.
OOC: Exploration is likely to work, stumbling on this colony, and as a result the Hiroshiko.
(I'll be posting more later)
22-12-2004, 02:24
OOC: Sorry I haven't replied so long...I was kinda busy. I might continue tonight...if I have time.
22-12-2004, 08:00
The Meeting (Part 2)
"Oh I forgot one thing, Vice Adrimal, if I may boldly ask, how old are you?" ,says Ryusen, cautiously. "I don't want to offend you or anything. In Hiroshikite customs, it is ill-advised for a young person to ask an older person his or her age. I guess I'm breaking my custom."
Lyber says, "Yeah, me and Ryusen were having an argument...and maybe it can be solved if we found out how old your race lives..."
Lyber and Ryusen begin to ask some questions, though they are not that significant. Afterwards, Lyber asks Vice Admiral Porter were they can stay for the night.
26-12-2004, 10:17
26-12-2004, 10:34
OOC: This is a very important change in regarding the RP. Servants of Purity hasn't posted'm opening his/her spot to anyone else interested.