NationStates Jolt Archive

For Your Money's Worth

18-12-2004, 03:01
How can you tell how much money you have for your country to spend?
18-12-2004, 03:04
You look at a thing called....Stickies.
18-12-2004, 03:04
I wish to buy a naval force of which I can safely control my borders
18-12-2004, 03:04

this is a good site
Penguinia Root
18-12-2004, 03:04
Orange state
18-12-2004, 03:12
Everyone looks at military like it's shopping. It isnt.

You have to maintain stuff. BUt it's fair to say if you have a certain budget you can probably run just over four times that worth of stuff, replace broken stuff and a few other things. This wouldnt include logistics units or research or other defense items like sattelites.

Anyway ingore the GDP calculators. You would have about 5-10% of your GDP to spen on military items. Which means your army shouldnt exceed 1% of your population if you actually want to equip them with weapons and transport them places and stuff, and that wopuld be for a infantry based defence. If you have a large navy, or airforce the numbers of men are probably less still. If you use super troops like my crude powered armour or AMF's sentinels, you should probably have even less. As $80000 per man isnt much if you want fighter jets and stuff. Remembering this should keep overspending in check.

Anyway what is your GDP? It's your population multiplied by your per capita rating.

It's up to you. But for an economy of powerhouse or bigger 30, 40 or even 50 thousand dollars per person is reasonable (a powerhouse would be the USA or Japan). For "thriving" to "strong" think various Western European nations, with the richer ones being the higher ratings. For "good" "fair" etc, it probablt Eastern European or one of the weaker Asian economies. And for lower scores, think Africa.

Do some reasearch and be reasonable.

When spending money bear in mind men need training and equipment and wages every year. You could treat them like any other equipement for budget purchases as they might not need mechanics to fix and new parts and occasional refits, but medicine, food, and new recruits are needed all the time. As is ammo.

I hope that helps you.

In short.

5-10% of GDP, ignore the calculators, for budget purposes they have HUGE deficiencies.
Orange state
18-12-2004, 03:14

this is a good site

yes but not for budgets. Same for pipian. Oh and they make the foolish assumption that the USA is the richest a nation could ever be. Ever, in a sci fi world like this even less so.

Anyway. I have said it so many times before, don't rely on them, they aren't right.