NationStates Jolt Archive

DB Fleet Ships (FT Comments and Advice Needed!!!)

Dark Brotherhood
18-12-2004, 01:09
ooc: Keep in mind please these are the first ships I created myself. Please give your advice on my ships politley. Also, dont go and call my a god modder, just list what is wrong with my ships thankyou:)

Flag Ships
Ragnos Class Flag Ship
Short Description: Flagship of the Dark Brotherhood, the Ragnos Battle Cruiser is the ultimate capital ship. Participating in a number of Campaigns in the Unknown regions the Ragnos Battle cruiser is the symbol of Sith dominance in the Unknown Regions.
Length-4 Kilometers
Shields:6 Generators Heavy Deflector Shields
Armor: Heavy
Hyperspace Speed: 1.2
Crew: 60,000
Troops: 15,000 With assorted ground vehicles
Turbolasers: 121 XX-9 Class Turbolasers
66 H-9 Class Heavy Double Turbolasers
49 Ion Cannons
80 Laser Cannons
23 Quad Cannons
40 Ion Cannons
100 Missile tubes
Fighters:10 Squads of Sith Interceptors
4 Squads of Vanguard Bomber
Number In Service: One is currently being built will be finished in 10 years (When I reach 100 Million)


Kun Class Quick Strike Frigate
Short Description: Small hit-and run type tactic is employed by the Kun Quick-Strike Frigate. Lightly Armed but extremely agile, the Kun Quick-Strike Frigate is the only frigate in service as of now.
400 Meters
Shields: Medium Deflector Shields
armor: light
Hyperspace Speed:0.8
Troops: 200
10 XX-9 Class Turbolasers
4 H-9 Heavy Double Turbolasers
10 Ion Cannons
10 Laser cannons
14 Quad Cannons
6 Missile tubes
Fighters" 1 squad of Sith Interceptors
Number In Service: 10

Ulic Class Deceiver Cruiser
Short Description: The mainstay of the fleet, and the symbol of Brotherhood Might, the Deciver is the ultimate Cruiser. The Cruiser is a heavy hitter as well as fast runner. Being that it has become the most prominent and most produced ships int he production lines,
1,600 Meters
Shields: Heavy Deflector Shields
armor: medium
Hyperspace Speed:0.9
Troops: 2,000
60 XX-9 Turbolasers
20 H-9 Heavy Double Turbolasers
15 Ion Cannons
30 Laser Cannons
18 Quad Cannons
20 Missile Tubes
Fighters: 4 Squads of Sith Interceptors
3 Squads of Vanguard Bomber
Number in Service: 1

[i]Revan Class Destroyer
Short Description: The Revan, is a ship only recently released into production has yet to prove itself, though it's expantantions should be met. Though it is actually a test ship, meant to test out new weapons. Such weapons as a Gravity Beam, and Electro Launchers have been equipped to them.

Length:1,000 Meter
Shields: Heavy Deflector Shields
Armor: Heavy
Hyperspace Speed:0.8
Armament: 30 Triple X Turbolasers (Ex)
20 h-9 Double Turbolasers
20 Electro Launchers
31 Quad Cannons
30 Missiles Tubes
5 Gravity Beams
Fighters: 2 Squads of Various ships
2 Squads of Vanguard Bomber
Number in Service

Crusader Class Carrier
Short Descrption: The Crusader is the only carrier in the DB fleet. But it is sufficient. Able to defend itself alone, and carry quite the amount of ships, the Crusader is the dream carrier.
Length-800 Meters
Shields: Heavy Deflectors shields
armor: light
Hyperspace Speed-0.7
10 Turbolasers
20 Ion Cannons
20 Quad Cannons
10 Laser Cannons
6 Missile tubes.
Fighters: 10 Squads of Various ships
4 Squads of Sith Interceptors
2 Squads of Vangaurd Bomber
Number in Service:3

Troop Carriers
Vengence Class Troop Carrier
Short Description: A ship used to transport the Sith troops throughout the galaxy the Vengeance is a powerful and excellent ship. Capable of carrying up to 10,000 Troop with over 200 different Ground Vechiles. Capable of landing on ground, or sending the troops from space the Vengeance is a very versatile ship
Length:800 Meters
Shields: Heavy
Hyperspace Speed: 1.1
Troops: 10,000
8 Turbiolases
7 Ion Cannons
15 Quad Cannons
]4 Missile Tubes
Fighters: 1 Squad of Sith Interceptors, 5 Raider Boarding ships.
Number in Service: 3
Misc. Ships
Vanguard Bomber
Short Description: A bomber of powerful design, meant to deliver large ordinances, and defend itself. Escape is a last option. Though there are admiral class version, which are given only to High Sith Lords. The Vanguard has been in service for over 10 years, being modified constantly. Serving in a number of campaigns, the Vanguard has served well.
Shields: Medium Fighter Deflector Shields
Crew:3 (Pilot, Weapon's operator, Navigator/Tactition)
4 Missile tubes (Proton, Concussions)
2 laser cannons
1 Turbolaser or Ion Cannon.
Sith Interceptor
Short Description: Fast, Deadly, and Agile. The Sith Interceptor is a more advanced version of a tie fighter. It has light armor, two laser cannons, and excellent maneuverability. Many would wonder why a tie fighter would not be used. But this one comes with a Light Deflector Shield..Very light. Only able to take 2 direct shots at the most the shield is perfect fit to the Interceptor's needs.
Shields: Extra Light Fighter Deflector Shields
Armor: Light
Crew: 1
Armament: 2 laser cannons
Raider Class Boarding Ship
Short Description: The raider stays true to it's name. Heavy Armed, Armored, and can still carry enough troops to take a light frigate the Raider is the ultimate Boarding ship. Used in a number of campaigns the Raider is essential to some Sith Lord's strategy.
Shield: Heavy Fighter Deflector Shields
Armor: Heavy
Troops: 60
1 Turbolasers
5 Ion Cannons
6 Quad Cannons
5 Missile Tubes
18-12-2004, 01:17
Pretty good, nothing really wrong with any of it as far as I can tell. How you can afford it now I don't know on the other hand.
18-12-2004, 01:22
Looks pretty good. Most of the stuff here just needs refinement and experience.
Sorry if this seems like forum-whoring, but heres a link to my ships:
(Pic intensive, watch out if your 56k :P)
Most of them are generaly accepted as 'Okay', except the Piledriver, which some people ignore because its 'OMG TEH BIG!', even though it was RPed out properly and blah blah blah.
Oh, and...
steal my ships, I breaka you legs.
18-12-2004, 01:27
This would be good if you were a larger nation, but, let's face it. Your ships have way too many crewmen. You don't have enough people!

I suggest you make a different fleet design/tactic for right now, then put the ships you mentioned before in later when your population is larger.

For Example: Make a fleet that emphasises some sort of defensive ability. In otherwords, don't expect to invade and occupy a planet any time soon. Just concentrate on defensive ships (course, defensive ships doesn't mean you can't have big weapons on them...there is always defending by attacking...)
18-12-2004, 01:36
The DA is bigger. 'Course it also hasn't been used yet. I still want someone to tell me how he's paying for this. His pop. is like 9 million right now! The ships are good, but they'll cost an arm and a leg.
18-12-2004, 01:44
Of course, 18 Piledrivers have been finished since I started making them, some of them are old, some were sold, and you can own one now...DAMMIT!
Im hijacking somebodies thread.
*beats himself repeatedly with a stick*

Yes, as to his ships, maybe he only has one or two of each (except the small ones).
hehe, he could crew a Piledriver if he wanted to have no other ships in his navy :)
18-12-2004, 03:07
Of course, 18 Piledrivers have been finished since I started making them, some of them are old, some were sold, and you can own one now...DAMMIT!
Im hijacking somebodies thread.
*beats himself repeatedly with a stick*

Yes, as to his ships, maybe he only has one or two of each (except the small ones).
hehe, he could crew a Piledriver if he wanted to have no other ships in his navy :)
That would some it up. How come I got the pain in the neck responses when I unveiled my flagship. You should consider you're self lucky.
18-12-2004, 03:14
'Cause I started making them before you existed :P
18-12-2004, 03:16
'Cause I started making them before you existed :P
Not you, I was talking to Dark Brotherhood.
18-12-2004, 03:28
I was a bit misled by the quote :P
18-12-2004, 03:31
I was a bit misled by the quote :P
I know, my bad.
Central Facehuggeria
18-12-2004, 04:00
That would some it up. How come I got the pain in the neck responses when I unveiled my flagship. You should consider you're self lucky.

Your flagship is also forty kilometers long. His ships are no more than five kilometers long.

Your flagship probably has more volume than DB's entire military.

Anyway, to get back on topic, your ships don't look too bad, DB. They're a bit large for your size, but they aren't so overproportioned with your likely production capabilities that they're godmoding. It's close though. I wouldn't suggest having too many of those big capital ships until your nation is a bit larger.

Weapons wise they look fine, although I'm not a big OOC fan of SW tech.

The main thing is crew. Your big capital ships have, for the most part, too much. Fitting 300,000 crew on a 4 kilometer ship isn't going to be feasible unless you pack them in like sardines. You should probably cut that down, perhaps to 60,000 or so. or 100,000 at the absolute most.

Edit: I see Goa-Uld also accounted for the crew problem before me. Curses. And Kudos go Goa-Uld.
18-12-2004, 04:22
*pokes CF*
I see you still post. Why arent you on the IM!?! I MISS YOU!
And so on.
I didnt see that 300,000 crew.
My Piledriver has a crew of about 50,000, and that might be overkill.
Dark Brotherhood
18-12-2004, 04:31
ah ok thanks everyone for their comments, I have maybe a few frigates and and a Ulic Cruiser, these are just my plans. Editing my crew now, thanks:)
Dark Brotherhood
18-12-2004, 16:13
bump for comment on ship numbers in the fleet.
18-12-2004, 17:05
Still kinda high.
Just to give you an example, my Millenium class battleship is just under 5km long. IT has a crew of 5,000.
You could prolly make this lower, or say part of the ship is automated. You could get away with two thosand, maybe.
18-12-2004, 17:32
Nice ships. As other people have said, a bit big for a nation your size but that won't be much of a problem.

If you're interested, my designs can be found here: