NationStates Jolt Archive

Disease Breaks out in Chinlanikistan (Earth III)

17-12-2004, 04:15
Renin Nin is walking down the streets of Chinlin, Chinlanikistans capital city, when he sees a man, no younger than him, sitting on the corner, throwing up his entire lifes meal. The man coughs so much you would think his throat would rip open, and his nose is clearly stuffed up. Renin walks over to him

"Excuse me sir, are you alright?"

"HELP ME!!!!!"

The sick man launches himself onto Renin. Renin screams and runs towards home. He dies before he makes it home, he is just running and his heart stops. Similar cases are reported at an alarming rate throughout Chinlanikistan. The Disease seems to be highly contagious, as it quickly spreads as far as Tehran and Baghdad.