NationStates Jolt Archive

For Motherland! [CLOSED RP]

15-12-2004, 22:15
OOC: This is not because Josef Dorsal was bored. The first four posts were PLANNED RP.

Josef Dorsal was bored. So, very bored. As a result, he decided to visit the map room, and as he opened the huge steel door, the guards saluting, he admired the globe of the world. thousands of nations on one very wierd globe. Around it, span six earth's, all the same, except with different territories owned by different people. He pulled a lever, and the world span. He, at random, stopped it and picked a nation.
Doomingsland, Dark Empire of
He switched on the laptop nearby, and it booted up with a humm. He opened the Nation's folder, cursing Windoze as he did so. Searching for Doomingsland, he finally found the nation. After reading up on them, he smiled, and right clicked on the file of Doominsgland.
Open with;
He moved the cursor to Nuke, and clicked once. A panel opened up, demanding a password, and he entered the password. Some more humming, and a message.
NukeDoomingsland.n00b has performed an illicit action and must be shot down. Contact your hardware vendor for more information.
Josef hit the desk angrily, rebooted the PC, and tried again. He entered the password, and another message came up.
Do you wish to watch the nuking of Doomingsland?
With glee he clicked on yes, and a little animation came up. A crappy, pixelised, set of cruise missiles rushed towards Mount Doom, and Josef watched with anticipation.. As he waited, he opened MSN.
Saddam Has Signed In
Saddam says: Yo
JoSeFDoRsAl says: Hey.
Saddam says: how r u?
JoSeFDoRsAl says: okay.
Saddam says: cool. U seen my latest n00k?
JoSeFDoRsAl says: No.
Saddam says: omgosh.
JoSeFDoRsAl says: Kay.
A little flash ended the conversation, warning Dorsal that the missiles had entered Doominsglandian territory...
15-12-2004, 22:34
Mount Doom Facility, Doomingsland

The facility was soon filled with red light and alarms as the missile launch was detected. Everyone was scrambling to their stations in shock. It had come during a time of relative peace, so no one had expected it. Along the coast, Patriot batteries came to life, raising up from below the ground on their hydrolic platforms, quickly engaging the missiles. Hundreds of AAA sites also put concentrated fire on the missiles, knocking down all of them. Except for one. A few minutes after the launch, Mt. Doom was consumed in a bright glow and a mushroom cloud. When the smoke cleared, the mountain, as it should, was mostly intact, protecting the inhabitants. The three thousand unfortunate souls outside of the facility, however, weren't as lucky.

Doom Citadel, Doomingsland

The emperor was in a fit of rage. His nation had been savagely attacked during a time of relative peace. Intellegence reports consumed the citadel, most of them worthless statistic. However, they did point to Hogsweat as the likely aggresor.

The emperor figured they had wanted revenge from all of the times they had been utterly crushed by his legions. Well, they had recieved it, but unknowingly bit off more than they could chew.

"This is an outrage, Marius. I want full mobilization. I intend to raze those little commie FUCKS to the ground."

"Y-yes, m'lord, I'm currently working on it..."

"Well move your ass, you worthless slug, what do I pay you people for?!"

An intellegence advisor walked into the room just in with an arm full of manila folders. He plopped them down on the emperor's desk.

"M'lord, a full list of targets, as you have requested."

"Good. What would you suggest we attack first?" replied the emperor in a more pleasent tone, picking up a map of Hogsweat.

"Here, m'lord, North Chukograd, a special economic zone."

"Why there?"

"It's seperated from their mainland. We could use it to springboard an assault on Mainland Hogsweat, and it's lightly defended. In addition, it's a major factory area, taking it out would be a deadly blow."

"Hmmmmm...." the emperor examined a more detailed map of the island. Ripe for the picking... "Draw up invasion plans, brother. Those fools know not of whom they trifle with."

"Yes, m'lord."

Official Imperial Communique to Hogsweat

We will offer you this one chance to surrender before we sluaghter every man, woman, and child living in your pathetic nation. This is your one and only chance. Use it well.
15-12-2004, 22:40
Reply to Doomingslandian Oppressors (Both messages were distributed throughout hogsweat)
We shall not surrender. Your regime has lasted too long- your people wander the streets with automatic weapons and your militarisation and genocide is known to the world. Doominsgland shall fall as all oppressor nations have done before - and your emperor's flesh shall be fed to the poor, oppressed, of your nation!

Around the nation, defenses were put on high alert, and on the little S.E.Z of Chukograd, Pathfinder Team Tiger was lugging round their Pathfinding gear, the heavy rifle among other things, climbing down from Mount Chukograd. Little did they know what was to come...
15-12-2004, 23:00
Three Amphibious Assualt Groups left port, escorted by two fleets. Two Doom Legions were the ones being transported, just 10,000 men, but their extreme training made up for their small numbers. In addition to this, a para division was being prepped for launch.

Doom AFB, Doomingsland

The men of the 3rd Airborne Division had been through many battles, yet nothing had so infuriated them as the nuclear strike on Mt. Doom. There were 15,000 of them, highly trained, elite paratroopers, along with their top-of-the-line equiptment. Tanks rolled onto their C5 transports, and the infantry marched aboard the C17s. Several hundred fighters would be escorting the air armada. Little did the Hogsweatens know, this very division was the one responsible for the Everone Massacre in Sovieten, in which several hundred Hogsweaten soldiers who had just exited their transports were sluaghtered by paratroopers in concealed positions around the airbase.

Aboard the transports, the men grew thirsty for Hogsweaten blood. The leader of 3rd Platoon, Charlie Company, 4th Battalion, 1st Brigade, Lt. Julius Decimus, who had been present at the Everone massacre, was talking to his men,

"As you all know, two days ago, a Hogsweaten cruise missile carrying a nuclear tipped warhead was successfully launched at Mt. Doom, killing three thousand of our brothers and sisters. Men, we will not stand for this. The Emperor has commanded us to spread the blood of the Heretic over the land of Hogsweat."

"WE SERVE THE EMPEROR!" they repeated in unison, confirming Julius' hope that his men wouldn't have a problem with the slaughter they would commit.

"Then it is settled. Take up the sword! For tommorow the blood of the Heathen shall fertilize the land of Hogsweat!"

The men stould shouting, pounding their chests with their weapons, and raising them in celebration.

Two hours later, the first of the transports flew off into the black sky, towards North Chukograd.
16-12-2004, 20:18
It was all relatively quiet at Listening Station Stable. Comrade Engineer Sentelokovosky hadn't bothered to look at the radar at all- had he have, he would have seen the massive air fleet coming towards his positon. Instead, he was awakened by the huge red blaring klaxon and the screaming of the speaker. He jolted upright, and checked the radar - to his horror he saw the huge air armada just outside his station. He pulled the warning lever, and stepped outside. As he looked into the air, the massive planes blanketed the sky...

Pazantinov Airfield - Pazantinov Hill 253
Comrade Commodore Pazantinov finished his coffee just as the alarm klaxons in the command post started up. As per orders, he timidly sent out a patrol - planes were short, and it looked like a big enemy force.

The five Mig 29's shot up into the air, inbound against the Doomingslandian craft.
16-12-2004, 20:33
The first wave of the armada was 50 F35C JSFs, all equiped with two HARM anti-radiation missiles each. They sept across the island, each one quickly finding a SAM site or radar station, and quickly loosing a missile, which would then home in on the radar signal being generated by the target.

The second wave were the transports and fighters. The fighters- 200 F/A25Bs- quickly engaged the MiGs that had come to challenge them. 5 of the fighters launched two AXRAAM AAMs each from 200 miles away, all targeting the incoming fighters. The missiles would approach at mach 5, guided by an E767 AWACS, and use their vectored thrust to easily hit the planes.

Meanwhile, aboard the transports...

"RED LIGHT! On your feet!" yelled the jumpmaster as the C17 neared the DZ. The men stood, picking up their M27 bullpup rifles. "Yellow light, check your partners!" The men hooked their chutes to the static line, and checked the man next to him to see that he was properly hooked up. Finnaly, the moment of truth...

"Green light! Out the doors!"

100 men scrambled out of the side doors of the transports, into the black abyss below them. They were suddenly jerked upwards as their chute opened.

Lt. Decimus and his platoon quickly linked up, and easily found the rest of their company thank's to the navagation equiptment of their VEPR suits.

15,000 men, 150 RM-31 Viper LBTs, and 600 HMMWVs had landed that night.
16-12-2004, 22:25
Josef continued his MSN conversation.
[b]Saddam Says: Lets invite sum buddies
JosefDorsal says: whatever.
George Bush Has Been Invited to This Conversation
George Bush says: I PWNT SADDAM!!11
Saddam says: LIAT!!1
JosefDorsal says: Shutup.
Osama Bin Laden Has Been Invited to This Conversation
George Bush says: omg its u!!
Osama Bin Laden says: hahaha homofags u luze!
Osama Bin Laden has left the Conversation
JosefDorsal says:...
Saddam says: bi
George Bush says: wot a nub
Hitler Has Joined the Conversation
Hitler says: Dam i dyd
Saddam says: Yo Adolf
Hitler says: HIYA
John Kerry has joined the converrsation
George Bush says: PWNT
John Kerry says: OMG
Hitler says: LOL LIBRLE
John Kerry says: stfu natsi
Hitler says: ROFLZ
John Kerry says: :'(
Hitler says: ROFL MADE U CRY U NUB
JosefDorsal says: Okkaayy
John Kerry says: I LAG U ALL U MEENIES!1111
John Kerry has Left the Conversation
Saddam has Left the Conversation
Hitler has Left the Conversation
George Bush has mispelt the Conversation

At that moment an aide knocked on the door -

"Come in"

The aide poked his head pensively through the door.

"Ahm sir.. those nukes hit Doomingsland"

"Oh. I knew I should have just played Civ3. Dang"
16-12-2004, 22:41
The emperor, being as annoyed as he was, got on MSN, and decided to spam Dorsal.

HellDawg109 has Joined the Conversation
HellDawg109 says:WTF is rong wit j00???!111
HellDawg109 says:WTF u n00k me 4?11
HellDawg109 says:FECKING N00BB!!1111111
HellDawg109 says:UploadingDorsalVirus.n00b
17-12-2004, 20:45
HellDawg109 has Joined the Conversation
HellDawg109 says:WTF is rong wit j00???!111
HellDawg109 says:WTF u n00k me 4?11
HellDawg109 says:FECKING N00BB!!1111111
HellDawg109 says:UploadingDorsalVirus.n00b
JosefDorsal says: ahem.
File: UploadingDorsalVirus.n00b has been denied access to Government Computer 6A
JosefDorsal says: : D
Hitler has joined the Conversation
Hitler says: Yo helldawg


The unfortunate Mig 29's were hit by waves of missiles, and only one pilotmanaged to eject before the advanced technology smashed into the planes and annihlated the whole wing. His name was Anton Smazesky. In the city of Chukograd, soldiers had already started to mobilise and had started digging trenches around Chukograd. Heavy Machine Guns and tanks rolled into position outside the North of the City, ready to defend it at all costs. The perimeter of the city, some eighteen kilometres, was defended by a massive line of guns, tanks, artillery, planes, and soldiers of the Republic. General Alexei Chukiov, direct descendant of Stanislav Chukiov, leafed over the reports he had.

56th Army is in position...

13th Tank Army is ready...

29th Guards Artillery have their guns warmed up...

55th Army is in position...

He had heard much about Doomingsland. He knew that this would be a hard battle.. but it could be won. He assumed he had numerical superiority... but Doomingsland used top-of-the-line technology. His forces would have to battle hard. After some consideration, he picked up the phone receiver, and spoke into it;

"Yes. Uh huh. Yeah, straight down the front. Okay. I'll be there"

Chukiov adjusted his coat, pulled his Ushanka on, and jumped into a waiting staff car ready for the front...

56th Army:
119,000 Riflemen ; Non Conscript
55th Army:
119,000 Riflemen ; Non Conscript
29th Guards Artillery:
3400 Guns: 80 MM- 120MM
1250 Guns: 120MM - 250 MM
800 MRLS: 300MM
13th Tank Army:
2,244 T80UM Tanks
1,829 T90 Tanks
1,200 BMP3 IFV's
17-12-2004, 21:15
Alpha, in position.

Charlie, in position.

Affirmative, how about Bravo?

In position.

Good, move out to waypoint alpha.

The platoon moved silently through the forest, constantly aware of their surroundings thanks to their VEPR suits, the latest models, which included a direct neural uplink, allowing for data to be processed instantly. The platoon's objective was to silence a howitzer stationed along the slopes of Mt. Chukograd.

The rest of the company, 200 men total, were advancing up the slopes under the cover of friendly mortar fire. Two battalions had been assigned to hit Mt. Chukograd, 2,000 elite soldiers equiped with the latest in battlefield technology.

Lt. Decimus was leading his men from the front. They had moved in perfectly silently, making sure there were no enemies. Finnaly, they spotted their objective,

Alpha, right flank, bravo, left flank, charlie, center.

Waypoints appeared to all of the soldiers as floating images, as it was transferred directly into their minds. Decimus had ordered two squads to advance on both flanks, while a third made a distraction.

OICW up. he heard over the radio.


Four airburst grenades had been fired into the area of the howitzer. They bursted a few meters above where the crew would be, and hopefully hit the ammunition supply. The forward group opened fire from cover, while the other two silently advanced.


Meanwhile, the city was recieving a major pounding. F35s flew over the city, dropping JDAMs on hostile vehicles and buildings, dropping cluster bombs on the masses of infantry, and napalm on anything that looked cumbustable. There were a total of 200 F35s performing strafing and bombing runs, each one holding up to four JDAMs or cluster bombs. In addition to that, 100 F/A25Bs launched small diameter bombs (SDBs) from 40 naughtical miles away. The bombs then deployed winglets, allowing them to glide the entire way to the city. They were small munitions, but large enough to take out a tank or BMP, and capable of penetrating several meters of concrete, so buildings weren't exempt either. When used on infantry, the bombs would airburst 30 feet up, easily flattening the men to the ground. However, due to the bombs small size, up to twenty of them were carried by each fighter.

In addition to this, strategic bombing was carried out by 20 B2s, which targeted the harbor and factory facilities, each one carrying 40 JDAMs.

Mt. Chukograd was also recieving a good pounding. The battalion mortar section, consisting of 10 120mm, and 20 81mm mortars, rained fire from the heavens down on the peak. In addition to this, a squadron (21) of F35s, armed with underwing rocket pods, strafed the mountain top, and provided close air support to all who needed. The rockets were flechete armed, meaning the warheads contained hundreds of tiny, high velocity flechete darts, capable of ripping through flesh, bone, and body armor. Perfect for anti-infantry. However, the F35s also carried four 500lb bombs to assist in their air support.


Meanwhile, the invasion fleet steamed towards Chukograd, only 10 hours away.
17-12-2004, 22:13
Boris was typing away on his MSN, a message screen popped up:

JosefDorsal says: OMFG
KingofPwn says: What?
JosefDorsal says: Th4t n3wb! He iz inv4d3 my MOUTANIN
KingofPwn says: Right. Anyways, I'll send over some SARTF ok?
JosefDorsal says: WTF why?
KingofPwn says: We have an alliance you nob.
JosefDorsal says: LOLZ. I forg0t.

120 SARTF soldiers are currently being assembled in Artitsa, and will congregate at a closed airfield. A C-240 will take them to Hogsweat, escorted by four Su-52's. 30 SARTF Soldiers had Igla-S2 SAM's, 30 had RPO-A's, 30 with Kanuck ATGM's, and a final 15 with 82mm Mortars. The other 15 would assist the Mortar crews, and also carried M-220SR Sniper Rifles. Every soldier except for those 15 carried M-220 Rifles, and were equiped with the M-180 Combat Suit.
18-12-2004, 00:50
OOC: at the top of the mountain is an airfield. Circling on the mountain, 250 metres below the airfield, is a ring of bunkers. There are eight redoubts {bunker complexes} set out like an octagon around the airifeld. each has three 120MM Howitzers, one 2S6M Tunguska, and around two platoons {about 60 men in total}. At the top there are about twelve 120MM Howitzers, eight 2S6M Tunguskas, 6 AS 85's. anda bout 500 infantry. there are 8 Ka50 helicopters, Eighteen Mig 29ks, and about four Ka60 transport helicopters. There are 75mm anti air stations dotted all over, as well as anti air stuff.

Corporal Tuleov squinted. Apparently there was an invasion. If there was, he hadn't seen it. How weird. As a Komsomol member, he was supposed to -
Tuleov's world went red. There were screams, and two more explosions. Finally, in pain, he ripped his eyes open, and he could see the howitzer he had manned was burning and his crewmates dead. all dead. He could barely scream alert - but there was no need. Two Ka50's from the airpad were already off and in the air, spraying what Tuleov guessed were enemies with cannon fire. He looked around, and there was gunfire spraying. One of his comrades ran past, and another, their D055/44's (PPSH43)'s lowered to their waists blazing. Tuleov strained to look up more, but he couldn't, and all he could hear was his comrades being cut down. He could look to his side though, and he smiled as a Tunguska rolled past, it's .50 HHMG shooting at the Doomingslandians. Some more soldiers ran past, their submachine guns raised and this time shooting accurately.

Another four Ka 50's took off, their 30mm cannons raking the Doomingslandians attacking. The whoosh of the Vihkrs could be heard all over the mountain as the rockets sped towards the Doomingslandian attackers. eighty millimetre Mortar fire rained down from light support on the airfield, trying to catch the Doomingslandians off guard. The mountain was steep, and by doing such methods they hoped to stop the advance, at least only temporarily.

Sergeant Alasolev ducked as a missile flew past and destroyed an outpost behind him. His worries were turned around as a Tunguska turned it's cannon and missiles and blew a F35 from the sky, and then another. The 75mm's opened up too, tracing light through the sky attempting to hit the invader's aircraft. However, there had been a fair amount of damage done to the airfield, as seven Mig 29's were out of action and the airfield was sufficiently damaged. The remainder of Migs were able to get up into the air however, and began to engage the Doomingslandians with cannon and rocket.

Three 75MM stations, 120 infantry wounded, 80 killed, three howitzers destroyed, 7 migs destroyed, two tunguskas, and one AS 85.
Two Tunguskas, 70 men wounded, 34 killed, 8 Howitzers destroyed

will post losss for city after.
18-12-2004, 01:04
As the enemy helo's took off, each one had an AMRAAM flying up its tailpipe from an F/A25, which then closed in, and strafed the survivers with cannons. The Tunguskas were dealt with by Javelin missile teams, concealed in the woods, able to launch a missile from 1,000 meters away, and take cover, the laser guided missile doing the rest as it shot off into the sky, and down onto the turret. The MiGs, like before, were quickly engaged by twenty superior fighters, who launched AXRAAMs and AMRAAMs. The F35s flew over the mortar section, raking it with rocket pods, the tiny flechetes shredding the men manning them into tiny pieces.

Enemy artillery was quickly found using counter battery radar, and soon, each one had a maverick missile heading towards it from an F35.

Meanwhile, Decimus' bravo squad had been wiped out from the air strikes, but they watched with glee as the fighters dealt with the helos. His men were hiding completely behind cover, making use of their gun cameras to simply pop their guns over the cover, and mow down the Hogsweatens without having to expose themselves.

Total losses-21 dead, 50 wounded, 2 F35s shot down, pilots dead
18-12-2004, 01:14
OOC:Last post continued


Meanwhile, the infantry took on the bunkers. The OICW men launch airburst grenades through the windows, hopefully eliminating any men inside. SMAW gunners also made use of their HEDP round to punch holes in the bunkers. After that, an F35 would swoop in, and fire a burst of cannon fire. That's how bunkers were cleared.
18-12-2004, 04:02
"Golden Package, this is Guardian Angel 1. Ascend to drop height and drop package. Runway destroyed. Repeat landing zone void."
The Su-52 was almost side by side with the giant behemoth, carrying 120 Special Operations soldiers. Communications between the Su-52's and Hogsweatian military command had revealed that the airbase was critically damaged. The soldiers would have to paradrop. Unfortunatly, there was an extreme Air presence as well. F-35's were doing significant damage to Hogsweatian Ground Forces, but the F/A-25's were more important. Between the four Su-52's they had only 64 missiles total. Their guns could maybe down another two aircraft each...

"Hogsweatian Control, this is Guardian Angel 1. Relay message for me?"
"Aye, Guardian Angel 1. You are clear for message relay."
"Galway AFB. In requirement of two squadrons; Fanatics."
"Alright Guardian Angel 1, your message has been recieved and their giving the thumbs up. "

In order to prevent the F/A-25's from intercepting Golden Package, they flew in a large box around the C-240. Their powerful radars combinding to form one very large bi-static radar. Information was relayed back and forth to Hogsweatian command. Each Aircraft readied its 8 AIM-123 Divinebolt NGLRAAMs ( for long range interception. Hopefully the stealthiness of all five aircraft (including C-240) would help in preventing early detection until the C-240 reached its destination.


Back in Galway AFB, Artitsa. Two Squadrons of Su-52 Fanatics and 6 Su-55's were being prepped for the sortie to Hogsweat. They would be refueled by 4 KC-240's, and onto fight Doomingsland Aircraft. They would then land deep in Hogsweat to rearm and refuel.
20-12-2004, 20:53
A nearby E767 picked up the five aircraft as they made their approach, and vectored in 20 F/A25s. At a range of 100 miles, each fighter released two AXRAAM AAMs, which accelerated to mach 6, and engaged their 3d vectored thrust, making escape for the lumbering cargo plane all but impossible. The Hounds then closed to 20 miles, unleashing 4 AMRAAMs, and engaging their optical camoflage (uses thousands of tiny photocells to project a general color scheme of the surrounding area). When closing to use sidewinders and cannons, they would be extremely difficult to hit, because of their low IR, radar, and visual signature. Their 3D vectored thrust and helmet mounted HUD, which alowed them to lock an aircraft and loose a missile simply by looking at it, would help tremendously.
20-12-2004, 21:06
Of course the poor Doomingsland aircraft had never heard of the 200 mile range NGLRAAM. Each Su-52 carried 8. Their NGMRAAMs had a range of 100mi, and their NGSRAAMs had a range of 50mi, having 4 of each. As the F/A25's closed in, thinking they would get the drop, the massive phased array radars of the Su-52's picked them up. Each fired off their 8 NGLRAAM's, for a nice total of 32 missiles. Each missile feature AAW wings, mission adaptive wings, NSI anti-active stealth systems, 3D Thrustvectoring, and forward reaction jets to move the nose of the missile in any direction. Their guidance package included Active and Passive Radar, LIDAR, and Thermal.

Each plane in the group, including the C-240 turned on its Pallas Athena active stealth system. The planes began to emit RWR signals at the same frequency as the AWACs and approaching aircraft. The Artitsan planes would not appear to be in different locations. The Doomslandians seemed to be very happy with their outdated HUD's and what not. They used a form of visual stealth for their missiles that wouldn't help at all. RADAR, LADAR, LIDAR, and Thermal will easily pick them up, and as a general rule of thumb you do not engage enemy missiles by merely looking at them. Each Su-52 mounted a Bugzapper Laser system, to engage enemy missiles.

Should any of the F/A 25's make it to their 100mi range, both nations would launch more missiles.

ooc: Would you like links to the Su-52, dubbed the most advanced Interceptor in the world?
20-12-2004, 23:21
OOC:Yeah, a link would be good. BTW, I thought you were over the island already (which is 20, so I didn't use the full range of those missiles (which also happens to be 200 miles).


The F25s were caught off gaurd by the sudden missile launch, but quickly reacted by loosing their AXRAAMs, which made use of their full 200 mile range. The AXRAAMs would be guided with a combination of IR and LIDAR, with the AWACS helping. The 100 AXRAAMs all flew towards their targets, using sheer numbers to hopefully overwhelm the enemy fighters.

When the enemy missiles came close, each of the fighters activated their electronic disturbance pods, which sent surges of electricity through the air, screwing up the guidance of the incoming missiles, and continued to maneuver. As a result, none were shot down.

OOC:I can TG you full specs to the F/A25, but I doubt you'll be able to evade 100 missiles.
21-12-2004, 00:30
ooc: You doubt wrong. Oh, and can you explain to me how LIDAR works... and also explain this electronic disturbance pod. Oh and here: Su-52 (

ic: The NGLRAAMs used a form of NSI, hopping frequencies at such a high speed, that no active jammer could stop it. The missiles were able to perform 40G turns - much more than any fighter could withstand. These missiles would simply not give up that easily.

The approaching enemy missiles were not as good as the Doomingslandians thought. The Su-52's used their AAW alierons and elevators, plus 3D thrustvectoring and forward rotating canards to perform insane maneuvers dipping in low and pulling left and right. Dozens of enemy missiles were destroyed by the ALW "Bugzapper"'s mounted on each Su-52. NGSRAAMs were launched to intercept the long range missiles of the enemy. But someone was noticed before they launched. The enemy missiles were disintigrating. The poor fools were using a mach 6 missile with thrust vectoring... but no technology to alleviate the extreme amount of pressure placed on the missile. Even then, they were having trouble locking onto the Su-52's, their LIDAR rendered ineffective by the flickering skin ( and blended edges ( not to mention the Advanced Signature Reduction systems. That effectively took care of both guidance systems of the Missiles. Especially since the Su-52's were releasing advanced flares.

There was roughly a dozen enemy missiles left, and the Bugzapper lasers continued to hum and slice through them, as the host aircraft weaved and pulled high G manuevers. Missiles would shoot past, and begin to turn at Mach 6, only to shatter into thousands of pieces. However, one missile detonated near one of the Su-52's, sending shrapnel piercing the aircraft. The fly-by-wire system cutout, and the plane began to dive. Several missiles immediatly jumped on the obvious target, as the pilot ejected - only to have a missile hit the cockpit as he pulled the handle, vamporizing him instantly. Now over the Island, it was do or die time. Any further missile launches would be rendered null by the Pallas Athena as the planes would not be able to find the Su-52's and C-240.

The C-240 was a Stealth BWB, and also a Mach 1 aircraft, purchased from Zoogiedom. They were great aircraft and could mount upto 8 NGSRAAMs on wing pylons... which would be needed. However, they controllers were heavily considering dropping the cargo now, rather than land.
22-12-2004, 16:36
OOC:Wow, this thread died. The electronic disturbance pod works by generating a small surge of electricity in a small area where the missile would be flying through. Basicly, when the missile goes through, the electric field fries the guidance systems.


After seeing that only one aircraft had gone down, the fighters broke off their engagement, and headed to provide close air support to friendly forces. As the aircraft came over the island, they were spotted by ground troops, who then radioed their position to command. Several Avenger HMMWVs loosed 20 stinger missiles, hoping to get lucky. A nearby Viper LBT also looked up, spotting the fighters and transport. The tank was perched on a hill, giving it an excelent view of the inbound aircraft. It trained its 105mm ETC gun at the transport (the obvious target) after it had flown over, and quickly emptied an ammunition clip (six rounds). The gun's 5 mile range would give it somewhat of a chance to hit it; it was a pretty large plane, after all. However, the distance required for the plane to be at for the gun to elevate on it had to be around half that, that coupled with the sheer speed of the transport would make for a difficult kill.
22-12-2004, 18:40
ooc: You are a very good RPer Doomingsland!

ic: 105mm shells exploded all around the C-240, as it maneuvered this way and that. Two soldiers were killed by unsecured objects and a few others injured. One round exploded incredibly close to the fusalauge ripping open a 1x1m hole. Three soldiers were sucked out, the rest hanging on for their lives. They attached their rebreathers, sealing the system. The plane began to wobble, and the pilot would have to bring it down about 1,000ft to ease up the pressure. Stingers were evaded easily enough, some damage occuring on Guardian Angel 2 and 4. Three had been downed, and 1 had damage from the earlier missile strike.
They could see the airfield now, only a minute left.

The 24 Su-52's and 6 Su-55's were flying in low and hard towards the island, high above three EB-15 Arkbirds flew, one playing the AWACs role, the two others carrying UCAV's. 25min before they would be within engagement range. The AWACs would pick up any other AWACs or JSTARs or what not, since its RADAR inside was the size of a smaller AWACs plane.
22-12-2004, 19:11
OOC:Thanks! (wait, that wasn't sarcastic, right?)


"Sir! It's a hit!"

"Good shot, corporal, I owe you a drink."

"Thanks sir." replied the gunner of Light Horse Two, the tank that had hit the transport. The men all watched with glee as the plane limped toward the airfield. This would end up going into a documentery sometime, they all thought.

Now that the transport had that big hole, it lost some of its stealthyness. After seeing what had happened with the first group of fighters, a second group of 100 moved onto the wounded transport, launched their two AXRAAMs from 200 miles away, and fled the scene almost as quickly as they had come.

Meanwhile, the inbound aircraft had been picked up by an AWACS. The carrier fleet was now in range, and they had launched their complement of F/A25As, the carrier based version. There were a total of 400 of them up, all heading towards the battle. The F35s still had an hour before going bingo fuel and having to head to an awaiting KC10, but they continued to make good use of their ammunition, as was with the land based F/A25Bs.

The invasion group was now 5 hours away from North Chuckograd, and carrier based F35s began to arrive in addition to the F/A25s.

At the airfield the Artitsans were supposed to land at (in the city if I remember correctly), the F35s that were already there were bombing and strafing the runways. Several JDAMs flew into the runways, hopfully preventing any landing from taking place. However, the Artitsans would no doubt take them by surprise when they arrived...
22-12-2004, 19:59
Information streamed in regarding the airfield, the C-240 flying relatively low. The Soldiers jumped out, opening quickrelease parachutes, like one would use during a HALO exercise. No injuries. The C-240 was turning to land when several dozen missiles slammed into, spreading wreckage everywhere. The soldiers were already down on the airfield, seeking cover within. The 30 Igla-S gunners, trained their high-tech MANPADs at the F-35's. The miniature phased array radar would negate the stealth features of the F-35. The Igla-S was an incredibly maneuverable missile to begin with, but was upgraded considerably by Artitsa. With 30 missiles launched, the soldiers would flee indoors to reload.

ooc: (Im going to go with a first stike here, as my AWACs will be a tad more powerful)

The Arkbird-AWACs determined the position of the enemy AWACs with its own massive RWR. From its magazine, its rotary launcher released one KS-666 SATAN Anti-AWACs missile. It much resemebled the KS-132 Russian missile, except this one was the size of a cruise missile. Infact, much larger. The missile used a scramjet, plus the usual assortment of maneuvering equipment. It would have a tough time taking down a fighter, but an AWACs was a prime target. The lumbering ship would find it quite hard to shake a missile such as this. Should it miss, it would eject its 1st stage and resort to its second stage, which was slower, but could keep it in the air to down the AWACs. It has a nice range of several hundred miles. This would effectively blind the enemy fighters.
22-12-2004, 20:02
Searchlights scanned the dark night sky of the Chukograd, as bombs fell from the Doomingslandian planes. The huge flak guns of the city came into action, the ancient two hundred millimetre anti air guns turning in the sky, desperate partisans wheeling the handles on the guns to get them to aim properly. As a single searchlight found a Doomingslandian plane, it was almost immediately that nearly fifty searchlights were trailing its every move, the crews working desperately to keep the floodlights working. In seconds the flak guns had locked on, but to no avail - the jets were too fast and they streamed off, the flak exploding far behind them.

Citizens that had volunteered for the Defense Brigades rushed to the rooftops to extuinguish the flames licking up the city, but they were spreading too fast. As they reached the Munitions Factories, hundreds upon hundreds of dedicated Fire Brigade volunteers threw litres of water against the flames in unprecendented numbers. But it was too late. The fires were too strong, too fueled, and they hit the Munitions Factories, going up in smoke and flame, and basically setting the city alight.

North Chukograd burnt, and the whole of the leftist world watched.
22-12-2004, 20:07
The AWACS had been hit, ripping off the starbord wing, and sending it plummeting to the ground. Several more AWACS birds were in the area, and quickly pinpointed the location of the enemy formation. The 400 fighters each released two AXRAAMs at the fighters and AWACS, making for 800 AAMs streaking towards them,

At the airfield, all 6 of the F35s attacking the airfield had been hit, the pilots going down with their aircraft. A nearby F25 laden with 20 small diameter bombs released its entire payload from 40 miles away, the bombs using their miniture wings to glide to the target. All of the surrounding buildings had been targetted, with the bombs set for penetration.
22-12-2004, 20:10
Another 20 B2s arrived over the city, this time fully loaded with 40 canisters of napalm each. They soared high over the burning city, releasing their deadly payload onto any untouched areas or spots that looked too undamaged to them. Nothing was spared, they targetted everything from bunkers to factories to houses. Such was the retribution for the nuclear strike on Mount Doom.
22-12-2004, 20:32
The incoming 800 missiles were certainly a threat, but there was no fear here. ALW-5 Lasers to the rescue. Each Su-55 mounted 5 lasers, Su-52's mounted one, and the Arkbirds mounted 8. Plus the Pilots knew of the poor maneuverability of the missiles. But why take the chance? They aircraft slowed down, using their airbrakes, and made a very tight turn. Their AAW wings, thrustvectoring, and forward canards allowed the turn with minimal strain placed on the pilot. They now accelarated to Mach 3.2 and zipped off, followed by the Mach 1.3 Arkbirds. No missiles hit as within 2 to 3 seconds the aircraft were out of missile range. They would now fly CAP deep in Hogsweatian airspace and wait for reinforcements.


The newely elected President Dimitri Milosavji stormed into the warroom, demanding answers. "Why would we only send 24 Aircraft? ARE YOU NUTS?"
The general response was expected "We assumed they could gain airsuperiority", to which Dimitri easily replied with "Against 400 aircraft? GET MORE UP THERE!"
He stormed out, leaving the generals stunned. That was quite weird. But they would follow orders. Six AFB's would supply 100 Su-52's, each. Gavinhood, Cork, Vampton, Longford, Jansk, and Borzya AFB's would be doing the launching, along with 29 EB-15 Arkbirds. 400 Su-55's would be sent as well, from Scotcs, Clifden, Banton, and Saratov AFB's. EF-220's would see their first combat, carrying four AM-96B Antishipping missiles each. A flight of 6 would travel south and turn east, circling around Hogsweat and the Doomingslandian fleet. They would fly extremely low to the ocean the entire time. From Breeze, 8 submarines departed. 6 Projekt-1002's and 2 SSN-2101 Stalkers. They would follow the same route as the EF-220's but would arrive much much later.

Dozens of KC-240's would lift off from allied airbases along the way, refueling the hundreds of Artitsan aircraft. EB-15 AWACs would insure first view, first attack for the Su-52's. It would be an hour before the 1029 Aircraft arrived on the scene, and two hours before the EF-220's arrived at their launch points.
22-12-2004, 20:56
Off the coast of North Chukograd, the first wave of Legionnaries was arriving...

A large force of LCACs made their way toward the undefended beaches, the ramp doors dropping upon reaching the coast, and the tank rolling off, and beinging to form up. Soldiers marched out of their EFVs after hitting the beach, and assembled. There was heavy anti-aircraft presense in the area, as it was being covered by the fleet's Jericho system. The 10,000 strong legion prepared to move across the small island, supported by 1,000 RM30 Emperor Main Battle Tanks, along with Legionnary IFVs and CFVs. It was an armored division, and was easy to tell so from the sheer number of tanks. The armor rolled across the Chukograd Taiga, towards the city, where they would continue the slaughter that the paras had started...
23-12-2004, 05:02
Two EB-15's launched their entire stock of KS-666 SATAN Anti-AWACs missiles, meaning 36 missiles were now screeching through the air towarsd the enemy AWACs. The Superior RADAR of the EAB-15 AWACs radar allowed the detection before the enemy could detect.

With the enemy supposidly blind now (if you have any AWACs left, lemme know and I'll shoot them down as well. Just consider that I have 8 EB-15's armed with the KS-666, 18 per aircraft) The Su-52's moved into position. Each loosed 4 of their 8 NGLRAAMs at the 400+ enemy aircraft which had taken off from the carriers. So now, 2400 NGLRAAMs screamed towards the enemy aircraft, each as deadily as the next. Persumably the enemy would perform evasive actions, but this is where numbers and an AWACs come in. Inside the EAB-15 AWACs, there were around 30 controllers, each had 80 missiles they COULD control. They could select a few to attack targets from various angles, setting up traps, leading aircraft this way and that, into a missile. There would be no chance that they would be outmaneuvered, since they could take 40+G turns, where as any aircraft could maybe max out at 15, if they were really really really good.

The EF-220's were flying at around Mach 1.85 along the ocean, maybe 12m above it. Two of them carried five AM-96B's, and four others carried two AM-96B's and one Mk105 Tempest Ultraheavy Weight torpedo. When 600mi away from the enemy surface fleet, they struck. The AM-96B flashed off their mountings, springing high, maxing to Mach 8. They cruised along for 100mi, then dipped back down low to 8m above the ocean. The dip down pushed them past Mach 9, brieftly but their speed began to drop, until they hit a meer Mach 4.5. Targets were identified along - Cruisers and ASuW Destroyers. The 600kg warhead of each AM-96B would be sufficiant in killing each vessel, and these AM-96B's had a special little system to them that was being tested in combat for the first time. As the range closed, at 5mi away and 8m above the ocean, traveling mach 4.5, being intercepted by enemy missiles was very unlikely. The Altitude + gravity would bring down any anti-missile missile down into the ocean, in which the AM-96B would simply pop over the plume of water. The missiles now jettisoned their SCRAMjet rockets, and deployed triple chutes and forward jets to slow down the missile to just 600mph over a mile. Now 3mi away the Armoured nosecone of the missile flew forward, fired off of the fusalage by rockets, and broke the surface of the ocean. A Small burst from the AM-96B's rocket pushed it in after it. Immediatly the exposed nose began to cavitate the entire missile, creating a pocket. Now the missile would burn off its solid propellent for the remaining 2.5mi at 600mph underneath the waves, straight into the keels of the target vessels.