15-12-2004, 19:05
for all of you non-punkswhocakcah, you better read this. im going to give you all a head start to join the Alliance of punkswhocakcah. you can do this by joining our region of the same name. if you refuse i will be forced to hack your region and/or nation and take control over all who resist.
that is all
punxfullofhell :D
15-12-2004, 19:18
OOC: You must be begging for the attention of the MODS if your threatening players nations and regions. I won't be supprised of you get banned for this.
The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom doesn't take threats lightly. We REFUSE to join your region, as well as refuse to join your allinace. Good day sir.
The King of All Cosmos
15-12-2004, 19:46
Deep within the heart of the Alliance of punkswhocakcah headquarters came His voice, quivering in the backdrop of whatever lame Ramones album was playing at that particular time.
Hail Comrade!
Have you ever been to The Island States? It is Our other home. A lovely place. Yes, We go there often.
But We were talking about something important? Oh, yes, of course. We were talking about your threats--idly uttered from a wicked and lazy tongue. Do you not feel the love of all the cosmos as We in Our glory feel issuing through our veins at every moment of Our splendid existence? How can you pretend to have such capability as to force Us to do that which We do not wish to do? How can you presume to control the stars, the cosmos, the sky? Oh yes! All things are Ours and We are one with them in love!
We are hungry. We will answer you by saying "No," and you will do nothing to Us because of it except for join Us in the love of all things!
Yours in love,
The King of All Cosmos
The Burnsian Desert
15-12-2004, 19:50
Official Statement
Come and get some.
President-General Michell Craig
President of The Burnsian Desert