NationStates Jolt Archive

USRANL closes the Panama Canal to RWC

Aztec National League
15-12-2004, 08:58
.::B R E A K I N G ~ N E W S::.

Premier Quetzalcoatl has signed an Executive Order, with the support of the Soviet Congress, to close off the Panama Canal to RWC members and other ex-RWC members.

Executive Order - General Order #229

This order, which shall become effective immediately, hereby orders the Panama Canal to be closed to all members declared as enemies of the allies of the Union. This order shall be enforced through all means deemed necessary and proper to the security of the ANL and the security and friendship of her allies. The Soviet Congress will be responsible for the funding of all necessary programs to ensure the success of this endeavor.

In addition, some of the more aggressive Congressmen are urging the Premier to take a more supportive stance for Dr_Twist and her allies.

More information will be relayed as it happens.

OOC: I'll post a list of nations prohibited from transversing the Canal.
The Phoenix Milita
15-12-2004, 09:20
In response TPM, although taking a neutral stance in the situation, has opened the just completed Nicaraguan Canal ( to the world
The Merchant Guilds
15-12-2004, 10:34
OOC: :rolleyes: Another closure... suprise suprise...


We are saddened by ANL's move, and would ask them on what grounds they have to close the borders when no aggression towards Dr. Twist or the NWO has been forthcoming from the RWC.

However, we would like to ask TPM if they would make their canal available to RWC and ex-RWC traffic.


The Shadows,
15-12-2004, 10:51
We congratulate and thank our friends in the Aztec National League for this gesture, as it surely can only lead to world peace. The Phoenix Militia are warned that should the RWC deliberately use the Nicaraguan Canal for strikes on NWO or Allied assets in either the Atlantic or the Pacific, actions may be taken to prevent further RWC shipping from using the Canal.
15-12-2004, 10:54

We of Neethis request access through the Nicaraguan canal. We are currently escorting nuclear waste from Neu Calafornia to processing plants just outside Caracus.
Thank you,
Ardex, Cheif Of Carribbean Affairs, neethis
The Merchant Guilds
15-12-2004, 12:17
We congratulate and thank our friends in the Aztec National League for this gesture, as it surely can only lead to world peace. The Phoenix Militia are warned that should the RWC deliberately use the Nicaraguan Canal for strikes on NWO or Allied assets in either the Atlantic or the Pacific, actions may be taken to prevent further RWC shipping from using the Canal.


We would note that the RWC has made no offical aggressive moves towards the NWO and would state matter of factly that this current chain of events is an NWO conspiracy to drive the RWC into having to attack their positions, thus making us look the aggressor, when the evidence presented shows the NWO to be far the more obvious aggressor especially in light of this concerted campaign by the NWO to close all major canal routes.

We condemn this statement from McLeod most strongly in that the RWC have a right to freely trade and move their shipping (non-military and military around the globe) when not directly threatening the persons controlling those assets. Now please indicate to us how we are directly threatening you... you are simply de-stablishing the situation and running the world on the rocky course towards war.


The Shadows.
15-12-2004, 12:42
All NWO actions are purely defensive after several HUMINT sources revealed potential threats to NWO positions in Europe, and a deep rooted hatred of the NWO by certain members of the RWC. This, including the recent belligerence of several ex-RWC nations still believed to have strong ties to the RWC, has forced our hand into making some seemingly rash decisions.

If we are indeed the aggressors, please show where RWC members have been attacked by NWO forces without any provocation? I think you will find that any confrontation has been brought on by RWC or ex-RWC members. You may not be directly threatening the controllers of these assets, yet the NWO has many friends across the globe who know what it is to be honourable, and to support each other in times of need. As far as my agents are aware, the NWO has not demanded these recent closures, but they have been freely carried out to prevent any RWC military forces moving where they are neither required or desired.

King Michael McLeod
The Merchant Guilds
15-12-2004, 12:59
All NWO actions are purely defensive after several HUMINT sources revealed potential threats to NWO positions in Europe, and a deep rooted hatred of the NWO by certain members of the RWC. This, including the recent belligerence of several ex-RWC nations still believed to have strong ties to the RWC, has forced our hand into making some seemingly rash decisions.

If we are indeed the aggressors, please show where RWC members have been attacked by NWO forces without any provocation? I think you will find that any confrontation has been brought on by RWC or ex-RWC members. You may not be directly threatening the controllers of these assets, yet the NWO has many friends across the globe who know what it is to be honourable, and to support each other in times of need. As far as my agents are aware, the NWO has not demanded these recent closures, but they have been freely carried out to prevent any RWC military forces moving where they are neither required or desired.

King Michael McLeod

OOC: OOC info IC? Or am I wrong... well it might just be the wording...


We would challenge you to produce evidence of the hatred of the NWO by certain RWC members. We were betrayed by the NWO when it went directly to NATO in spite of our then close ties with you at the time. Thus certainly you have earned a bad reputation amongst the RWC but nothing close to hatred.

The recent actions by several former RWC nations were based on the principles of the honourable self-defence the RWC instills into all its members. This was against the very aggressive stance of Automagfreek and his coalition who despite our then member Macabees bending over backwards diplomatically refused any recompense. The members involved volentarily severed their connection with the RWC and left us on amicable terms. They have no offical connection to the RWC but most maintain strong relationships with many ardent RWC nations. We would challenge you again to provide proof of offical RWC sanction for their actions.

We are not stating you are being aggressive in the form of war, but your members actions are causing massive de-stablisation of the current balance of power, whereby only a war or last minute settlement can take place. We wish to avoid war with the NWO but the supposedly volentary closure of the canals can only drive us into finding alternatives, this is an example of this de-stablisation.

I would have you note that you have threatening The Phoenix Milita for possibly allowing RWC and ex-RWC to use their canal. They are a neutral country, we remind you than an attack on a non-related country is an act of naked aggression. They are only serving their commercial interests not their military ones... thus we see no reason for such acts of aggresion by yourself or the NWO.

As for the Canals, we suspect that it is an unoffical campaign by the NWO to try and force the RWC into a weaker position to allow the NWO an advantage in their planned campaign against the RWC and it's honourable nations.


The Shadows,

OOC: Sheesh... that took a while :D
15-12-2004, 13:09
OOC: No, it was a blatant IC lie actually, but there we go.

And if I'm not mistaken, it took you 12 minutes (ish) to write.


As I have already stated once, the NWO has not called for these canals to be closed. These actions are purely voluntary. Thus, I ask you to retract your statements accusing the NWO of attempting to de-stabilise the situation. Indeed, we are simply ensuring the safety of our honourable alliance from attacks by rogue nations. It seems the RWC has a terrible problem controlling its members, and that indeed some of its members have had problems controlling their own forces, and their egos.

The Macabees situation was an unfortunate incident, however it seems that it was all, and this you must understand is pure speculation, was a little too convinient. A rogue submarine happens to find itself in AMF waters attacking a fleet of neutral ships? The Macabean government has no chance, or perhaps, no incentive, to warn Dreadfire of the approaching submarine, and allows it to attack him without warning. His immediate major scale mobilisations, as well as those of certain RWC or ex-RWC nations, served only to de-stabilise the situation further.

As for your misunderstanding regarding the Phoenix Milita, I did not mean to threaten him directly. However, should rogue or loyal RWC forces use the Nicaraguan Canal for supporting attacks on NWO or Allied shipping, actions will be taken to close the canal, either diplomatically, or by simply sinking RWC ships in the middle of the canal, clogging it up. This is, of course, an undesirable situation, and one that the NWO wishes to avoid, in order to maintain peace where possible. Indeed, most areas of the world are peaceful, except for those near to RWC influence. Co-incidence? I think not.

King Michael McLeod
The Merchant Guilds
15-12-2004, 13:27
OOC: No, it was a blatant IC lie actually, but there we go.

And if I'm not mistaken, it took you 12 minutes (ish) to write.


As I have already stated once, the NWO has not called for these canals to be closed. These actions are purely voluntary. Thus, I ask you to retract your statements accusing the NWO of attempting to de-stabilise the situation. Indeed, we are simply ensuring the safety of our honourable alliance from attacks by rogue nations. It seems the RWC has a terrible problem controlling its members, and that indeed some of its members have had problems controlling their own forces, and their egos.

The Macabees situation was an unfortunate incident, however it seems that it was all, and this you must understand is pure speculation, was a little too convinient. A rogue submarine happens to find itself in AMF waters attacking a fleet of neutral ships? The Macabean government has no chance, or perhaps, no incentive, to warn Dreadfire of the approaching submarine, and allows it to attack him without warning. His immediate major scale mobilisations, as well as those of certain RWC or ex-RWC nations, served only to de-stabilise the situation further.

As for your misunderstanding regarding the Phoenix Milita, I did not mean to threaten him directly. However, should rogue or loyal RWC forces use the Nicaraguan Canal for supporting attacks on NWO or Allied shipping, actions will be taken to close the canal, either diplomatically, or by simply sinking RWC ships in the middle of the canal, clogging it up. This is, of course, an undesirable situation, and one that the NWO wishes to avoid, in order to maintain peace where possible. Indeed, most areas of the world are peaceful, except for those near to RWC influence. Co-incidence? I think not.

King Michael McLeod

OOC: Lol... I am work so forgive the relatively long response time... oh right thanks for clearing that up :D


We will retract the statement about the NWO de-stablising the world situation, if you will retract the statement about the RWC members being unable to control their forces and their egos.

The Macabean incident was indeed unfortunate and maybe viewed by suspicious minds as convient, but we can assure the world it was purely a train of unfortunate events, which the Macabean Government has already apologised profusely for.

We would also remind you that the NWO also performed large scale mobilisations around this time as well as certain RWC members were doing similar.

We remind you it is illegal under international law to attack even enemy ships in neutral nations territorial waters. This would have to be regarded as an unprovoked attack on neutral territory by the international community and we would warn you against it. But we will of course leave the decision up to Phoenix Milita as to whether he allows us to use his canal.


The Shadows,
15-12-2004, 13:35
OOC: Hmm, I'll let you off then.


You may consider the statement withdrawn. The NWO's mobilisations were part of a long planned exercise to investigate how long it would take to mobilise as a part of the defense clause of our alliance. I would have thought your 'intelligence' officers may have told you that.

If the Phoenix Milita knowingly allows ships to launch aggressive strikes on NWO shipping from his waters, and allows for supplies and arms to be brought through his canal for the sole purpose of attacks on the NWO, then in my eyes at least, they have renounced their non-belligerance, and voided their neutrality. Actions taken would purely be for the purpose of protecting NWO nations from attack. Do not stoop to leture me on international laws sir, I am fully aware of your slavery trade. Is that legal under international law? I don't think so.

King Michael McLeod
15-12-2004, 14:23
In response TPM, although taking a neutral stance in the situation, has opened the just completed Nicaraguan Canal ( to the world

As a good customer of TPM we are glad to see our bases in the Caribbean won't go without supplies because of blatantly stupid actions taken by several nations.

Besides, we left the RWC, and if we left, we left, we expect to be treated that way.

Alfarius Damocales,
Imperial Councillor,
Minister of Defence.

TACCOM TROOP STATUS: moved 58th carrier escort group to Nicaraguan Canal to ensure safety of free passage.
15-12-2004, 14:33
The Phoenix Milita
16-12-2004, 00:26
To: The World, The canal is open to any nation regardless of political affliation, unrestricted amounts and types of cargo vessels, oil tankers, unarmed naval and pleasure craft may transit the canal at any time.

Foreign naval vessels up to the size of a standard nuclear aircraft carrier may cross from dusk till dawn, with night time crossing only being allowed to allies.

Submarines are not permitted to cross at all unless they are from an allies' government.

We will not discrimiate.

To: Neethis, If you wish to traverse the canal you must pay a
security depost which will be returned to you after your ships make it out of the canal safely. If ther is any leak of waste you will be fully responsible for the cleanup and your security deposit won't be returned.

To: McLeod03, if you would like to prevent RWC shipping from making it through our canal, you can do it the old fashioned way and sink thier fleets, as long as you stay 12 miles off our coast. Attacking ANY ship under ANY banner which is traversing the canal which is INSIDE our territory will result in a violent response from The Phoenix Milita, so we implore you to not interfere with free trade and transportation. Any ship RWC, or otherwise, which attempts to launch an attack on anyone while they are in our canal, will be destroyed by coastal defenses.

ooc: station a few subs on either side of the canal 12+ miles out, and sink all the RWC ships you want, just stay out of my waters
Aztec National League
16-12-2004, 04:33
OOC: Aye, yi, yi, lots o' posts


The ANL government has stated the closure of the canal is only a temporary measure. The closure was not an order from the NWO, as the ANL is not a member of the NWO.

Considering how both parties are sending naval forces, we ask that neither group fires upon each other.
Aztec Lands
16-12-2004, 04:36
Not like we need it, anyway. Just take the long way.