NationStates Jolt Archive

Thalglade's Refugees and Indigenous Populace Form Kadjusha

12-12-2004, 11:16
Years ago, Thalglade's Prime Minister Paul Wisely, having suffered many health problems, was pushed out of power by a marxist military coup that shattered the nation. Government services that existed went into shambles, and Thalglade soon became simply a geographical term for the wartorn landmass, as no central government had control long enough to ever be recognized. Although the Holy Order of Capitalism tried to help stop the socialist coup, the movement was so twisted internally it became impossible to find the relatively few conspirators, as they hid their identities well until after the deed was done.

Mostly moving to the colder, southern regions of former Thalglade, loyal citizens who recognized the former government and former government officials fled from the marauders and marxists who were after them.

Matters in south weren't as affected by the coup as up north. The populace was so overwhelmingly strong in it's scorn for marxism that the movement did not plan on taking the area as part of it's new government. After the fall of Thalglade, the southern people, refered to as the Kadjush, simply banded together and formed non centralized, but coexistant, trading, and peaceful city states.

A new age has now arrived in the Holy Order of Capitalism and in Kadjushan history. Refugees of Thalglade's collapse have inspired the previously isolationist people of Kadjusha to join and stand in support of freedom for the entire globe. The area has become centralized and united. Newly elected Premier Grigori Antonov has pledged to support a small federal government for the new country. Kadjushan people have formed from the ashes of Thalglade into something better than could have ever been imagined.

Kadjusha. It's Safer Here.

((Culture is very much like real world Russian, with the exception of the strong capitalist history. If you like HL2 references in motto and flag or point them out, you get two cookies with teh whipped cream.))
Lady Saint Celestine
13-12-2004, 01:08
Kadjusha I am the holy Saint that guides My land the former chatamaran. And this I say to you marxism has taken route in all of the holy order. Few of us are reforming I ask your alliship in pushing back and destroying the infidel marxist scum. For the emporor and the Primarch
13-12-2004, 01:59
The Office of Premier Grigori Antonov expresses it's relief at word from former Chatamaran. Elements of the same group must be at work. Following their complete outing and cleansing, the Holy Order will be brought back to it's previous strength.