NationStates Jolt Archive

Omerta (mafia role play?)

11-12-2004, 01:17
Go here:

You can register and start playing instantly!!!
Dracun imperium
11-12-2004, 01:25
i am very interested..
11-12-2004, 01:27
ooc...this is right up my alley. Can we have mafia names? such as "Tony Two Toes" ? And how about "Family" names?
11-12-2004, 01:33
Yes, you basically create your character, give him is name and familly name. Perhaps the nickname could come in newspaper articles and not by the player himself (as are most nicknames). So feel free to ask more questions or make a short description of your character.

BTW, the city will be named NewTown and is basically modelled like Chicago of 1920. It's America, 1920, city called New Town.
Dracun imperium
11-12-2004, 01:35
ooc: maybe we should start our own forum for this? it could be more organized and could make the thread less confusing?
11-12-2004, 01:45
Tony leaned against the wall outside Stracci's Deli. The cigarette dangling on his lip and the shades gave him appearence of a gangster, which is what he was.
He was reading the Chicago Tribune, and specifically the article on last night's killing of a leading socialite and her husband. It so happened that they were in the way of the real target, Nicky "the Snake" Deniro. Deniro got away...this time.
Tony allowed himself a small grin. He read that that he was the suspect in the shooting, even though 4 people had already sworn he was miles away in Joliet. And the article had even given him a new name. He was now known as Anthony " Ala Carte" DiNucci. Ala Carte because he never let a good meal pass him by.
Dracun imperium
11-12-2004, 01:55
oOc: Im Creating the forum now. If you don't want to use it, that be fine. Im bored anyway lol
11-12-2004, 03:39
Stanchu Oslovoski (OOC: This is loosely based on my family history. The names have been slightly altered and the story is jazzed up; I am thinking the Oslovoski family is starting in a small town based on Racine WI, in the 20's; unlike my family, they will expand to Chicago) stood outside a barn in front of a lanky farmer, baehind a bright red barn. He spoke in a thick Polish accent. "What about the stuff? You got the stuff? I thought we had deal."
"Yeah. I got it. I hid it in the barn. Come on." The two walked inside. "Stan, let me see the cash.' Stan complied and set down the money on a work table. The farmer pulled some jugs out of the floorboards. Stanchu went to take them, when a figure came out of the shadows. A man in a thick Russian accent spoke. "Stanchu. You may have escaped the Russian army, but you are far from fleeing Russian grasp." two more Russians came out with sub machine guns. Stanchu raised his hands. the Russian reached inside Stanchu's trenchcoat. The Russians began to take the booze and left a stack of bills much larger than Stanchu's on the table. The farmer grinned a bright, but dirty snear. "Kill him. He is no good now." One of the Russians said. The man with the gun turned to the others and began "With pleasu-" but was cut off by Stanchu's fist exploding into his face. The Russian collapsed and Stanchu grabbed the Russian's pistol. The other two attempted to carefully set down the valuable jugs, but unwittingly became easy targets. Stanchu picked them off and grabbed the illegal booze and both stacks of cash on the table. He turned around, went to the still and smashed it so booze poured out, and then dropped a match, which ignited into flame. He faced the corpses against the orange glow, touched his fingers gingerly to his forehead, then the center of his chest, and both sides, first left, than right. he scrambled out the door to his car, carefully poured the alcohol into the fenders of his car and threw the jugs back into the blaze and sped off.

---------Meanwhile, at Bell City (The original name) Ink and Enamel---------

John Oslovoski stood at the counter, where the workers lined up. he personally signed each check, and after every man had left, he returned to his office.
Mary, mother of God, will you take forgiveness of me for what I do to see my family prosper? I thought this was land of opportunity, but they still try to step on us as in old country. he thought as he drove home. At his house, he saw another car. Stanchu he thought. Inside came the smell of meat and the kids were at their plates eating hamburgers while Maria was ranting, half in English and half in Polish. Stanchu, John, and the eight kids sat at the table watching, some giggling. Maria concluded her speech with a loud "Aagh, Russians!" and a momentous sound originating from her throat that resulted in a large glob of phlegm which made an interesting percussion sound on the wood floor. All the kids were giggling. "Now, mya angelas, always remember, Never trust a Russian " John and stanchu went into the basement and enjoyed their illegal beverage. Stanchu explained what happened. John just sat, not emmiting a sound. John looked at his desk. A telegram was there, from his son Wade. It read:

Dear Family
Have found job in New Town. STOP.
Pays well. STOP.
How is family? STOP.
Come down here for visit. STOP.
-Wade Oslovoski

"Perhaps we prosper better in this city." Stanchu mused. "your mother, she will not leave this farm. I can't sell the shop. All the many young men there do just as I did when I first come to America. The streets are not paved with gold, Stanchu. they are paved only with the men you walk over. If you not walk over a man, you have no more road to travel."
11-12-2004, 05:03
ooc: nice to see people here! Nice stories so far! Dracun, could you post the link to the forum pls?


At the corner of 10th and 29th streets, in the heart of little italy, was Ciro Cuzemano; a young 19 year old man who wanted to make a name for himself. However, he was constantly being harassed and beaten by the "pugni del ferro" (iron Fist) gang that had corner 10th & 29th as their territory. Their leader was Giovanni, 18. He was always found near the "Guiseppe Garibaldi" tavern, doing business.
One day, after a beating by one of Giovanni's men, Ciro decided to take action. Along with two of his friends, they made their way towards the "Guiseppe Garibaldi" tavern, armed with knives hidden in their pockets. Seeing them come, Giovanni smiled, even insulting them: "So Ciro, you want another hit?" Has he laughed, Ciro who had closed in on him got his knife out and stabbed Giovanni right in the chest. He stabbed him 4 more times while blood was spilling immensly on the sidewalk, with bystanders walking away quickly.
Giovanni's bodyguard came out of the tavern, seeing his boss getting killed, but at his first step outside, got stabbed by CIro's two friends. The three of them then ran away. In a minute, a new gang had taken over the 10th & 29th. The New Town Police Department never received support from witnesses as there were none who came forward to testify.
Dracun imperium
11-12-2004, 16:58
I will start rping, in the forum
Independent Hitmen
11-12-2004, 17:02
OOC: Anybody mind if i join???
Dracun imperium
11-12-2004, 17:10
ooc: I'm sure he wouldn't so come on the forums and register:)
11-12-2004, 22:36
ooc: no problem. Come on in. Start the rp! :) Nice forum Dracun, thanks!
Independent Hitmen
11-12-2004, 23:21
12-12-2004, 04:36

All those interested in playing, go to and register, new players are always welcomed!
13-12-2004, 01:52
13-12-2004, 19:54
14-12-2004, 03:53
14-12-2004, 05:44
Tony leaned against the wall outside Stracci's Deli. The cigarette dangling on his lip and the shades gave him appearence of a gangster, which is what he was.
He was reading the Chicago Tribune, and specifically the article on last night's killing of a leading socialite and her husband. It so happened that they were in the way of the real target, Nicky "the Snake" Deniro. Deniro got away...this time.
Tony allowed himself a small grin. He read that that he was the suspect in the shooting, even though 4 people had already sworn he was miles away in Joliet. And the article had even given him a new name. He was now known as Anthony " Ala Carte" DiNucci. Ala Carte because he never let a good meal pass him by.

"Hey, Tony, whatcha doin'?" Tony turned and saw his old buddy, Sammy DiNunzio..........Sammy six-guns, as he was known in the Family.
"I'm goin' down to Talageri's for some cannoli. Comin'?"
" Nah...can't. Chuckie has me pullin' guard duty tonight. Y'know, after the scare last night."
" Scare?" Tony said. He knew what Sammy was sayin', but he couldn't let him know that it was he that instigated the hit.
" didn't hear? Someone tried to hit DeNiro, but got a couple of civilians. Cops are really pissed this time. Y'know, your namr came up."
"Yeah, figgered it would. But I was across town last night."
15-12-2004, 02:49
"Hey, Tony, whatcha doin'?" Tony turned and saw his old buddy, Sammy DiNunzio..........Sammy six-guns, as he was known in the Family.
"I'm goin' down to Talageri's for some cannoli. Comin'?"
" Nah...can't. Chuckie has me pullin' guard duty tonight. Y'know, after the scare last night."
" Scare?" Tony said. He knew what Sammy was sayin', but he couldn't let him know that it was he that instigated the hit.
" didn't hear? Someone tried to hit DeNiro, but got a couple of civilians. Cops are really pissed this time. Y'know, your namr came up."
"Yeah, figgered it would. But I was across town last night."
register in the forum and conintue there...I am interested...