OOC: Please, stop it with the Earth threads!
07-12-2004, 08:51
My current pet hate, is all these stupid earths. Now I look at Earth or Earth II, and see lots of RP's in them, and detailed rules, and guidelines. I look at Earth VII or VIII, and its just "come and grab some land which you'll never use". Somebody can come in and claim the USA, China and Russia if they wanted, and they would keep it, because nobody ever declares war on anybody from these threads.
The first earths were ok, but now its just degenerating into spam, its wasting space on II. Everybody who doesn't have territory on an earth instantly goes and starts his own earth so that he can get the best land.
II can be good without making up tens of earths that are all the same. Look at Auction Earth, and Earth BC. Interesting, and new ideas, instead of the same thing all the time.
So come on guys, stop it with all the earths. NS has enough earths, those that don't have space, tough. I don't either, i'm not going to go and start a new Earth. If you do start an earth, first check whether people want it, if the idea is original. Opinions welcome.
07-12-2004, 08:53
I agree. If you want to RP as that land, just be like British Federation and do it in your own sphere. It's just pissing me off seeing all these Earth threads were creators have put little or no effort in making them and keeping them active.
07-12-2004, 08:54
yay! Im useful! :cool:
[creator of earth BC]
The Phoenix Milita
07-12-2004, 09:00
i say abolish earth 1 through 534353 and keep the ones with the special rules and what not and everyone use mine :)
Itinerate Tree Dweller
07-12-2004, 09:09
I propose that nations swear to occupy no rl parcel of land. I have made this promise time and again.
07-12-2004, 10:16
Barring those with special rules or themes, 'seperate earths' are stupid; we got along fine for nearly two years with the whole quasi-paralell multipule-copies-of-everything-and-some-stuff-we-just-made-up-existing-on-the-same-planet deal, and we liked it, we did! Now we've got folks cutting the NS community into little parcles.
It's pointless and silly.
...I feel old
Evil Woody Thoughts
07-12-2004, 10:40
OOC: That, and it makes it infinitely harder for a newbie to figure out what's going on...ok, what earth is this nation on again? It's gotten to the point where I just ignore the Earth threads because I just can't keep up.
07-12-2004, 10:46
...I feel old
*looks at registration date...*
you are old, you old fogie!
The Phoenix Milita
07-12-2004, 11:16
we got along fine for nearly two years with the whole quasi-paralell-multiple-copies-of-everything-and-some-stuff-we-just-made-up-existing-on-the-same-planet deal, and we liked it, we did!
hmm thats basically the concept of my earth, mind if I add that quote to the title pagge of thread
Pfft... I've made a habbit of ignoring any actual claim over real life teritory where I can with expection to those which you actually claim as your main nation, in which case the land is called your nations name (for example, Knootoss is recognised as being the same as Holland, however it's not called Holland, it's called "Knootoss").
If more then one nation has a real life nation as their main nation then they both have similar terrain to that nation, the same maps and so on, however they are different nations in different locations with these real life nations being named after them to seperate the two.
Personally I like having my own land mass which is Iuthia and not a copy of a real life nation (actually the map looks a little like Africa but it's been modified to such an extent that you can only just see bits which look like it).
I've never really understood real life teritories.. it seems like a cheep way to fight some NPC-enemy which you can annex without having to RP against someone.
Of course, out of all the Earth threads, this one (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=348544) is my favorite. Remember kids, you can claim any land mass as much as you want and you don't have to worry about the pesky inhabitants who will automatically surrender to your might. Earth N+1 ruled because it mocked the silly qualities of all the other Earth threads, most notably how people usually created a new Earth so they could take land which some git already claimed in a previous thread and won't accept you RPing your own version. But also how people RPed the lands people accepting annexation by your nations without any trouble or with so little trouble that it's embarassing.
07-12-2004, 11:59
EarthAuction is still in the prefases. I just want to know if people are interested. So far though, I have come up with nothing because people just don't reply.
Whether this is good, because they have nothing to add, or bad because no-one cares? I don't know. I'll have to take a guess...
The Imperial Navy
07-12-2004, 12:05
All these seperate earths... It's NS Earth, for gods sake! Just make a new landmass shaped like to one you want and take it!
Them silly fools... making their own worlds when they can make a landmass!
07-12-2004, 15:16
Or do both:
Celtayoshi, my own little (actually big) NS land
Canadian Celtayoshi, my own chunck of Canada Earth II
and keep both seperate :)
07-12-2004, 15:49
Barring those with special rules or themes, 'seperate earths' are stupid; we got along fine for nearly two years with the whole quasi-paralell multipule-copies-of-everything-and-some-stuff-we-just-made-up-existing-on-the-same-planet deal, and we liked it, we did!
Hear, hear!
Huzen Hagen
07-12-2004, 16:15
having earth is useful in one respect, it gives people reference points. Make upi your own landmass is what everyone should do but whne it comes to rps you just have to say "I sail to your country". Using the Earth 1 allows you to have blockades (if you hadnt noticed there was recently a rager large issues over the closing of the straights of gibralta.
07-12-2004, 16:20
A map makes it harder to godmod. Distances are more precise. The attacker can decide where he/she wishes to attack. That kind of stuff.
There's no excuse for the large amount of Earths though. It kind of de-realizes it again.
A map makes it harder to godmod. Distances are more precise. The attacker can decide where he/she wishes to attack. That kind of stuff.
There's no excuse for the large amount of Earths though. It kind of de-realizes it again.
Exactly. This is why I don't RP in NS Earth. This is due to two major reasons.
First, the distances you would need to travel would be very difficult, if not impossible, to do on conventional ships and jets. Oceans would be 100x larger and deeper, so the Pacific Ocean would be 800,000 miles across instead of 8,000 on standard Earth. It would take a ship well over a decade to travel that far. In addition, don't forget the requirements for fuel and food supplies for a 10 year sea voyage.
I do realize that there can be landmasses in the middle of the mega Pacific ocean, but again, the distance would be prohibitive. It would be extremely difficult to invade nations over 50,000 miles away or more. It would be a logistics nightmare, and destroy any element of surprise of an Blitzkrieg invasion. It will also cost far more to invade as you'd need to provide a 10 year supply of food, water, and fuel for the invasion force. By the time the invasion force arrives, then the defender would have developed new technologies in the 10 years time, making some invasion stuff obsolete.
The second issue I have with NS Earth is that it's impossible to form naturally. All the rock and solid matter in the center of the NS Earth would generate a gravity force far greater than on Earth. Something that weighs in about 40 - 100 pounds on Earth would weigh about 4 tons or more on Jupiter, and NS Earth is larger than Jupiter.
That alone would make terrestrial ecosystems impossible to form, as creatures would need impossible amounts of muscles and strength to exist in Earth-like forms like bipedal and quadruped forms. Birds wouldn't be able to fly because they would be weighing in at 1 ton each while on Earth they would weigh at like 10 pounds.
The only solution that a terrestrial eco-system may form on NS Earth is if they are 100x times more taller and wider than on Earth. Humans would need to be 100 feet tall to have enough muscles to counteract the crushing gravity force.
This will bring us back to square one. Things having to be scaled up 100x to resist Jupiter-like gravity would make NS Earth just like real Earth (in terms of proportion distances and such).
Thus, me only RP'ing on Earth sized planets and such. Parallel universes are much more plausible than normal humans and Earth ecosystems existing on a Jupiter sized Earth (with the humans and ecosystems keeping their Earth sizes, like 6 feet tall humans and 10 pound birds).
There, I've said my piece.
The Evil Overlord
08-12-2004, 01:00
OOC: That, and it makes it infinitely harder for a newbie to figure out what's going on...ok, what earth is this nation on again? It's gotten to the point where I just ignore the Earth threads because I just can't keep up.
That is exactly why this is a lousy idea. I automatically ignore all of the EARTH "fill in the blank" threads for those reasons. Listing a thread with an EARTH "fill in the blank" label means it gets treated worse than a closed RP. I often read closed RPs, especially if it involves some of the players whose writing I respect. The proliferation of EARTH "fill in the blank" threads (and the resultant group-ignore thereof) probably means that I miss out on some good reading, but I can live with that.
08-12-2004, 01:08
Earth III has been quite successful, many rules to ensure you dont claim large lands, maps already up, and RPing is successful. So :P
I'm kind of sick of seeing Earth threads of any kind.
I plan to start my own region and forum where we'll have a planet and divide land politically, but it won't be earth. I'm going to have strict membership rules, too, so everyone and his grandmother called Donutf***ers or whatever dumb names people give their countries don't get the right to be an actual place.
08-12-2004, 05:18
*looks at registration date...*
you are old, you old fogie!
Respect yer elders, ya young whippersnapper! :P
hmm thats basically the concept of my earth, mind if I add that quote to the title pagge of thread
Eh, go ahead.
First, the distances you would need to travel would be very difficult, if not impossible, to do on conventional ships and jets. Oceans would be 100x larger and deeper, so the Pacific Ocean would be 800,000 miles across instead of 8,000 on standard Earth. It would take a ship well over a decade to travel that far. In addition, don't forget the requirements for fuel and food supplies for a 10 year sea voyage.
Subjective geography.
Alternativly, oocly agree to your relative geographical placment at the start of the RP.
Simple, and you don't confuse the newbies; and newbies are important to the survival of any large online community.
08-12-2004, 06:13
Exactly. This is why I don't RP in NS Earth. This is due to two major reasons.
First, the distances you would need to travel would be very difficult, if not impossible, to do on conventional ships and jets. Oceans would be 100x larger and deeper, so the Pacific Ocean would be 800,000 miles across instead of 8,000 on standard Earth. It would take a ship well over a decade to travel that far. In addition, don't forget the requirements for fuel and food supplies for a 10 year sea voyage.
I do realize that there can be landmasses in the middle of the mega Pacific ocean, but again, the distance would be prohibitive. It would be extremely difficult to invade nations over 50,000 miles away or more. It would be a logistics nightmare, and destroy any element of surprise of an Blitzkrieg invasion. It will also cost far more to invade as you'd need to provide a 10 year supply of food, water, and fuel for the invasion force. By the time the invasion force arrives, then the defender would have developed new technologies in the 10 years time, making some invasion stuff obsolete.
The second issue I have with NS Earth is that it's impossible to form naturally. All the rock and solid matter in the center of the NS Earth would generate a gravity force far greater than on Earth. Something that weighs in about 40 - 100 pounds on Earth would weigh about 4 tons or more on Jupiter, and NS Earth is larger than Jupiter.
That alone would make terrestrial ecosystems impossible to form, as creatures would need impossible amounts of muscles and strength to exist in Earth-like forms like bipedal and quadruped forms. Birds wouldn't be able to fly because they would be weighing in at 1 ton each while on Earth they would weigh at like 10 pounds.
The only solution that a terrestrial eco-system may form on NS Earth is if they are 100x times more taller and wider than on Earth. Humans would need to be 100 feet tall to have enough muscles to counteract the crushing gravity force.
This will bring us back to square one. Things having to be scaled up 100x to resist Jupiter-like gravity would make NS Earth just like real Earth (in terms of proportion distances and such).
Thus, me only RP'ing on Earth sized planets and such. Parallel universes are much more plausible than normal humans and Earth ecosystems existing on a Jupiter sized Earth (with the humans and ecosystems keeping their Earth sizes, like 6 feet tall humans and 10 pound birds).
There, I've said my piece.
Or you can just think simple and, in the RP you're in, it's the size/mass/etc of the normal NS...
08-12-2004, 06:35
Yes I too agree that now there are just too many Earths and aside from II and I, nothing is realistic. I've seen people claim multiple countries, enough to fill a continent, and have a population of some 6 million, it's ridiculous. And yes Earth II is currently VERY active right now, very...
08-12-2004, 07:06
??? I do not understand what all the commotion is about.
08-12-2004, 07:14
I dont have a problom with new Earth Threads, but I do have a problom with all the sudden "Carbon Copy" Earths that have been sprouting up. If you can think of an Earth that has some origional new idea that will make people want to play it, then all the power to you. I think of the Earths as basically one Large RP, with several small RPs inside it.
As long as it has a somewhat origional idea behind it, be it new way to limit Land claims, Time Era, whatever, then I dotn have a problem with it. Like Earth BC for example (SHAMELESS ADVERTISMENT ALERT), which is based in Roman times. It has its own unique way of calculating population, and there are several well respected RPers that are currently in it. I created it because I was sick of seeing so many normal Earths that just copy the other more sucsesful one. Like the other day, I seen some December Nation (not to bash the noobs) create EARTH 8 and his origional post consisted of this:
"...I could not find any Earths with the countries that I wanted still available, so I am making a new one. Claim what you want. I claim Countries X, Y, and Z..."
Subjective geography.
Alternativly, oocly agree to your relative geographical placment at the start of the RP.
Simple, and you don't confuse the newbies; and newbies are important to the survival of any large online community.
Or you can just think simple and, in the RP you're in, it's the size/mass/etc of the normal NS...
In response to these comments, I have to say this.
First, I understand what you mean regarding geography. However, this brings up an issue. What if Nation X is located on a side of NS Earth, and has well established geography. Suppose Nation X is AMF or DA or whoever that has RP'ed their geographical location.
Then Nation Z is on the opposite side of NS Earth, or well outside AMF's or DA's geography. That'd be over 10,000 miles.
For example, if the Nation Z located in "South America" decides to RP with AMF in AMF Greece, or a nation in "India" wants to RP war or trade or whatever with DA in Mississppi North America on NS Earth, it would be messy. AMF might have RP'ed having neighbors 1,000 miles or so away, and / or DA having Parthians and such as neighbors in Africa and Middle East, but the Nation Z in India doesn't have Parthians as neighbors (Nation Z is in another India altogether).
Then distances would be impossible to measure, and then accusations of GOD-MOD! will appear, as troops or ships magically traverse over 10,000 - 50,000 miles in 3 days or so.
However, if there are imaginary landmasses, I'm willing to accept that as long as distances between the two landmasses do not exceed 8,000 miles (to avoid 10 year ship voyages of 800,000 mile crap).
Second, what's to prevent a nation or newbie from saying "I own a continent 20,000 miles across and 10,000 miles wide." Or a 300 million nation claiming a landmass the size of Asia and Europe combined?
In NS Earth, that would be shrugged off because of the 100x land and such, but in the Earth Series (Earth I through V as I don't recongize Earth 6 onwards), it would be rejected outright. Invading a continent the size of Europe and Asia would take years, if not decades if the defenders are entrenched.
RL Earth's have far more realistic limitations and much easier to control god-modding and crap. NS Earth RP's would have to rely on the responibility and reputation of the RP'er "promise not to god-mod" which can be very difficult to follow in war RP's. Many people hate to lose something in war, or be conquered, leading to god-modding to preserve themselves, like Hataria and Seph.
09-12-2004, 05:40
Earth III is picking up, everything is realistic, no super claims or nothing, RP's are starting to pick up a bit...
We should have an official earths thread, with links to the only official earths allowed, each one is gone over by a council who verifys it, and if you want to make another one you have to apply. Its up to the NS mods.
A Few Rich People
09-12-2004, 05:56
GO multidimensional nation. I just see the "earths" as a little sect of people that said "for within our group we are the world". And in a sense its like an alliance (being a group of players who roleplay together) w/o the alliance!
Well said. No offense to anyone intended, but I think rl claims show a lack of imagination. I've always felt that the most rewarding aspect of NS was creating my nation from scratch, it's culture, it's history, and it's appearance on a map.
09-12-2004, 06:13
Well said. No offense to anyone intended, but I think rl claims show a lack of imagination. I've always felt that the most rewarding aspect of NS was creating my nation from scratch, it's culture, it's history, and it's appearance on a map.
Most people dont copy existing nations, just its location - sometimes its history, like my nation - it broke off of Iraq during a civil war, now it has its own culture and stuff, but most nations just claim the land that its in, but create an entire new nation.
Most people dont copy existing nations, just its location - sometimes its history, like my nation - it broke off of Iraq during a civil war, now it has its own culture and stuff, but most nations just claim the land that its in, but create an entire new nation.
I respect that, but again, my point was that I, myelf, enjoy NS to create everything I can about my nation.
One of my favorite part of NS and having Pantera is describing the features of the various portions of my nation. I created the frozen northern hell of Pantera, and the lush plains and tropical paradises of the southern portion, 'Sunspear'. Connecting them is the five-hundred mile Vale and its Burning Gates, walled on east and west by the vast heights of the Seeker Range and the Dawn Peaks, respectively. I imagined the swirling, silty-red depths of the Bloody Bay, encircled lovingly by the two curves of the crescent of the Panteran mainland....
That is why I like creating my own nation, even if it is just the land itself. Taking something off of a map would cheapen it for me, I guess...
But, if you asked me exactly where on earth it was, I couldn't tell you anything except,"Somewhere...."
09-12-2004, 08:14
Well said. No offense to anyone intended, but I think rl claims show a lack of imagination. I've always felt that the most rewarding aspect of NS was creating my nation from scratch, it's culture, it's history, and it's appearance on a map.
That's why I have one side of my nation for NS Earth, and one side for Earth II, so that I can still have my own made up map, culture, history, etc etc.
09-12-2004, 08:27
I personally have my own NS nation that I have created since its inception. However, recently I've joined up in Earth III so that I could have more RP possibilities. In NS Earth I tread carefully in what I do, aware that it'll have repercussions on my nation. Now in Earth III (sorry for those who consider it more 'serious') I consider my claims as more of a side shoot, an alternative that I can do anything I want, without having to worry about what the rest of the internation community will say - I'll only have to worry about those that play Earth III, and of those, onnly those around my nation's claims.
In conclusion, I find that my Earth III claims area way for me to play me evil side, and not have to worry about it affecting my 'proper' nation in NS Earth. Although I too hate the number of Earths around, currently only Earths II and III are fairly active with Earth V appearing now and again.