Harmonia Mortus
07-12-2004, 02:10
As many have noted the population of non-native animals is rapidly mutating in Raths highly charged magical atmosphere, a few of the species native to Harmonia on Earth have, in fact, changed into entirly differnt species totaly incapable of breeding with the 'normal' examples. This has occured within six to seven generations and shows no signs of slowing down.
The field does not seem to affect intelligent life to a large degree, studies of Harmonias Goblin population show slight mutations (Shifts of skin pigment, changes to blood composition, and other things to make life in Raths somewhat differnt atmosphere, coloration and gravity easier).
Smaller changes have been noticed in humans, similar to the goblins their skin tone is shifting towards a blue-grey, their hair is thickening (Rath has a thin ozone), and their skin has thickened. There are no noticable changes to the brain or basic physiology (Theys till have iron-based blood).
The only real major change is that almost half of the population now shows magical potential, the ability to control the planets vast supply of Mana. As it is we are forced to employ laws forbidding the teaching of magic without state sanction in order to stop magical duels from taking place in the street. This talent was formerly rare enough that little or no regulation was required, a mere %7 of all Harmonians showed any magical ability at all.
Now, to the important bit.
Harmonia is asking for the other Rathi colonizers to help in research into this phenominia, hopefully it can be controlled, and maybe even turend to the common good. If this is not possible a way to stop it may need to be found.
We assure all the govornments of our fellow colonists that there is no immidiate danger to anybody on the planet. So far only one person has exploded and we think that was an accident.
The field does not seem to affect intelligent life to a large degree, studies of Harmonias Goblin population show slight mutations (Shifts of skin pigment, changes to blood composition, and other things to make life in Raths somewhat differnt atmosphere, coloration and gravity easier).
Smaller changes have been noticed in humans, similar to the goblins their skin tone is shifting towards a blue-grey, their hair is thickening (Rath has a thin ozone), and their skin has thickened. There are no noticable changes to the brain or basic physiology (Theys till have iron-based blood).
The only real major change is that almost half of the population now shows magical potential, the ability to control the planets vast supply of Mana. As it is we are forced to employ laws forbidding the teaching of magic without state sanction in order to stop magical duels from taking place in the street. This talent was formerly rare enough that little or no regulation was required, a mere %7 of all Harmonians showed any magical ability at all.
Now, to the important bit.
Harmonia is asking for the other Rathi colonizers to help in research into this phenominia, hopefully it can be controlled, and maybe even turend to the common good. If this is not possible a way to stop it may need to be found.
We assure all the govornments of our fellow colonists that there is no immidiate danger to anybody on the planet. So far only one person has exploded and we think that was an accident.