In the Beginning (tales of myth and legend)
ooc: Every nation in the world has a rich history of legend and myth, upon which the foundations for modern society are built. This is an attempt to create such a myth for Wolfish. I’d invite other nations to post their own NS national myths here.
The wind blew relentlessly – cold daggers stabbing into his body – adding to his exhaustion – hastening his almost certain death.
His body was broken from months of grueling travel – the hides covering his body were ripped and worn….and yet the destination was still out of reach.
A year earlier – he’d heeded the call of his god. He had taken up the Spirit Quest – and prepared himself for the journey. He had journeyed over and under mountains – crossed raging seas – suffered for lack of food and tainted waters…but he had lived to this point. But now – wished only to die.
He laid his head on the hard ice and closed his eyes. The wind whipped around his body as his mind drifted back to his childhood – a small village…a fishing boat…a pretty girl – he drifted far from the field of ice where his body lay – drifted towards warmth and security….
He woke, bathed in light, warmed by a fire….alone…but not.
A figure, wrapped in fur walked from the shadow, and stepped into the pool of light.
“My child.”
He looked up at the towering figure – words failing him as he tried to rise to his feet.
“Rest,” she said. “Rest.”
Tears welled in his eyes as he took in her beauty. She stood as tall as a fir tree in the forests of his home – her hair grew in tangled braids – smooth and flowing like the waters of a wild river in Spring – her face shone with the warmth of the sun…while her body pulsed with energy underneath her heavy fur cloak…but her eyes – her eyes captured his soul and held it tight. Breath failed him as he stared into her eyes…they told the story of a thousand deaths – of ten-thousand births – of love, and hate – conflict and harmony.
His ears rang with an unheard song of victory and torment…he covered his head with his hands – trying to block the overwhelming sense of being in the presence of his god.
He stuttered…”My…My God….How may I..I serve?”
“You have done well. You have journeyed far…but you have stopped before the end,” she said, her voice like music – both grand and terrible.
“I have tried – but my body fails me. I cannot find the land of my…of your…I cannot find the goal of my Vision Quest.”
She gazed down in pity, tempered with love for this creature.
“You have come far – and have trusted me…You have done well. The land of your sons and daughters is near. The land that shall grow and prosper with fields of wheat – and riches from the earth is within your reach. You have traveled alone for so long. I will now send a guide to help you complete your journey. Rest. For when you awake it will come. It will guide and protect you. It will give you food when you are hungry, and direction when you are lost. Forevermore it will serve you and your kin.”
The traveler slumped by the fire – weariness overcoming his terror at being in the presence of his god.
He woke on the ice. The sun shone in the east, while the moon waned in the west. The camp – the fire – were replaced by snow and pillars of ice jutting from the frozen sea upon which he’d traveled.
And there it sat, just as she had promised.
The wolf was massive. Larger even than the traveler. Its black coat shone in the early morning light, its eyes were wild, but its manner tame.
It stood and walked ten metres before turning to watch.
He followed.
It walked for miles. The man worked to keep up. When he fell in exhaustion, it stopped. Disappeared. Then returned, a freshly dead hare in its mouth.
He ate.
For weeks the man and beast journeyed across the broken ice, till winter turned to spring and the ice began to thin.
The wolf brought wood – the man built a raft. And still they journeyed.
Finally – on the third year – late in the night – the raft stopped. Waves crashed around the man and beast – both gazing up…forest…river…mountain…a great and beautiful land opened up before them.
He stood, the beast at his side, as the God stepped from the forest.
“This is the land for which you have sought. This is the land that will sustain your life – and the life of your kin for ten-thousand generations. This is the land of Wolfish.
And he wept.
Camel Eaters
06-12-2004, 19:35
The men were thirsty and they rested. The men were hungry and they slept. The men were dying and they did. Only one man remained and he drank the blood of the dead.
His eyes were opened to the desert and he found water. The desert became an oasis under his tutleage. He learned the magic of the sands and of blood. To the west however a scorpion ruled the land.
The man made his tiny desert home into a great and mighty rolling land and then the people came. He met a woman and they were married a daughter was born of them. She was taught the magicks of blood and sand and the man died. She took his place and the people prospered.
Though in the west the scorpion still ruled. She took him for a husband. Their children were many and they ruled in the west. Then others came. The green and mighty forests reminded them of home and they settled with the people.
Many went to the west and offered their magicks to the blood and sand and it was so that the nation was rich in magick.
Then the demons came at the behest of those that were fleeing from the twelve century empire. A man named Gahlan rose and his armies were mighty and the demons vanquished.
Gahlan ruled and our land was made.
06-12-2004, 23:51
Rebeled Elves
07-12-2004, 00:39
The great city of Elves United was a beautiful kingdom.Unfourtunatley the day of April 14 at 1:01 pm a bomb exploded on the marvelous city.
Then enemy troops stormed the city and many near-bye allies rushed in to save the city but none prevaled.
In the bottom of the city there was a passage-way leading to other nations.
Only about 1 million people escaped.The last of the great kings made his child leave instead of stay and fight.
The chiled weaped and left.
10 years later he called upon the people of the city that had escaped.
Only about half of the people that escaped came to the meeting.
King Tony IXV made an alomst exact city of Elves United.
Then once the great city was in the pride of its time.They declared war on Earth 2.
They called upon his allies and anybody that would help.
The nation that would help sent a nuke to Warring Barbarians to help against Earth 2.
It exploded but luckily 500,000 people escaped towards allied nations.Then suddenly 100 more nukes exploded on the land!
500,000 people split up because they either didnt like the way we lived or didn't want to have to escape their homes one more time.
2 nations emerged from this Rebellion.
"Rebeled Elves" and "The great city of Elves United"Even though the nations live next to each other there is much conflict along the borders.
Rebeled Elves
07-12-2004, 00:45
The great city of Elves United was a beautiful kingdom.Unfourtunatley the day of April 14 at 1:01 pm a bomb exploded on the marvelous city.
Then enemy troops stormed the city and many near-bye allies rushed in to save the city but none prevaled.
In the bottom of the city there was a passage-way leading to other nations.
Only about 1 million people escaped.The last of the great kings made his child leave instead of stay and fight.
The chiled weaped and left.
10 years later he called upon the people of the city that had escaped.
Only about half of the people that escaped came to the meeting.
King Tony IXV made an alomst exact city of Elves United.
Then once the great city was in the pride of its time.They declared war on Earth 2.
They called upon his allies and anybody that would help.
The nation that would help sent a nuke to Warring Barbarians to help against Earth 2.
It exploded but luckily 500,000 people escaped towards allied nations.Then suddenly 100 more nukes exploded on the land!
500,000 people split up because they either didnt like the way we lived or didn't want to have to escape their homes one more time.
2 nations emerged from this Rebellion.
"Rebeled Elves" and "The great city of Elves United"Even though the nations live next to each other there is much conflict along the borders.
Legend has it theat if you go to the island of Elves United you can still hear the screams of the people dieing.And if you go there at exactly 1:01 pm on Aprill 14 you can see the ghost of the king looking onto his beautiful kingdom!
The Abomination
07-12-2004, 01:24
The world turned. Ever and at any time one side was dark, and ever and at any time one side was light.
And people came, and prospered, and rose up great works of their hands and set their feet upon the world. And ever and at any time one half of man is dark, and one half of woman is light - for man encompassed the duality of nature - destruction and creation.
Then the people grew decadent, and lazy, and no longer sought to build or make. Instead of balancing the darkness and the light within them they split apart, and fragmented, and were weak. Some decried the work of mans hand, and sought to pull it down and return to the way of beasts, others slew others for the others choice of significant others. And creation was thrown into imbalance in the world, for natures way was chosen over all, and creation led to stagnation and decay.
Then one arose and embraced the Dark Awakening. And he was named Abomination.
Where there was peace, he brought war. Where there was love he brought hate. Where there was apathy, there was action. The people lifted up their hands in lamentation and he fed upon the pain, the suffering, the chaos and the conflict. So mankind was reborn as cattle for the Abomination - and so they lived, and survived.
So sing of agony and fear. Sing of hatred and war and bring death to those you call foe. For your conflict is pleasing to your master, and strengthens him that you need no longer fear death, nor cold, nor suffering. He has taken such pains upon himself that you need no longer walk the path of such terror.
- Extract 6.11.6 of the Greater Glories of Destruction
Nice! It makes it interesting when Chaos gets to win every now and then.
07-12-2004, 15:12
Read the bible! (Of course, we don't call the bible a bunch of tales and myths)
07-12-2004, 15:35
OOC: I'm confused are any of these stories connected?
OOC: I'm confused are any of these stories connected?
No. Basically this thread is to give Nations an opportunity to explore the mythology of their nation. It adds another dimension to your nation to have a history of mythology and legend.
See u Jimmy
07-12-2004, 15:50
We are people of the northern wastes.
We are the dead
We fight, drink and carouse
This is the mantra of the Jimmy's named after their legendary warrior rulers, who came from the frozen waters of the norther pole. Unusually there were two, one male on femail who are given equal credit for founding the nation. The people treat these two charecters as demi-gods perculiar in the respect that the men will call on the female "Michelle" and the women on the male, the original "Jimmy".
Like Jimmy all are blue in colour, the men are thickset, none are over 6' tall but none are under 4' wide. Like her the women are a light tan colour and 7' have a willowy figure.
A right of passage must be undertaken by all that reach their 16th year, that is to drink a pint of "earch" the ancient potent alcohol before fighting two enraged sasquatch's using thier cerimonial axe. The survivors (98% of this hardy race) then go on to choose thier first mate. (this ceremony is the main reason for the complete lack of underage pregnacy on the planet).
Only in recent times (lasts 1000) years these warriors have turned the intelect to invention. And so in a short space of time have moved from axe to bow to gun to phase rifle and now they are looking to the stars.
Thier current rulers (allways known as Jimmy and Michelle) are bound to follow the original charter of "peace and love to ours, death to outsiders" although they tend to kill through thier violently passionate lovemaking. They do not belive in slavery except to the group known as the "taxmen" or "revenue", who they mercilessly work to death.
The Evil Overlord
09-12-2004, 19:34
Men- and things that were not quite men- moved across the face of the Earth. They struggled and toiled, and many of them died. The few men who remained learned from their mistakes and the mistakes of others. Families grouped together into tribes, to better protect the young. Tribes begat specialists- men who were not good at hunting, but made superior weapons, or could call forth the Gods. The greater harvests of game animals from cooperative hunting allowed the tribes to survive with such specialists among them.
Tribes met other tribes as the numbers of men grew and spread across the Earth. Many such meetings were occasions of curiosity and wonder, but some were not. Tribes that would not or could not cooperate fought with other tribes. Some smaller tribes were absorbed by larger ones, while others banded together to make clans. Clans and tribes of men grew ever more numerous, and men traveled across the Earth in search of more game, or places where other tribes would not bother them.
It was in those days that a stranger appeared among men. He was never seen, but he spoke to men alone in the darkness. He whispered to women from the forests as they gathered food. Among some of those to whom he spoke grew an awareness of their power. They began repeating the words of the stranger in the clan councils. “Why is it that we who are strong should travel in search of new game and new lands? Could we not take good hunting lands from others and make them move on?”
The men of the tribes who spoke for the Gods answered that it was wrong to take from other men by force. Those who listened to the words of the stranger agreed with the words of the God-men, but asked, “What of those who are not quite men? They live in rich hunting lands. They have good places to live, and good sources of flint. These things we could have, for we are stronger than they. Can we not take these things from them?”
To this, the God-men had no answer, for the Gods did not speak to them of the not-men. So men forced the not-men away from their hunting grounds and took them for their own tribes. At first, the not-men would simply move away when men moved into their lands. Soon, however, the stranger’s followers grew more violent in the taking, and the not-men fought back.
The men who listened to the words of the stranger went to their councils and said, “We must kill the not-men.” The men of the Gods were troubled by this talk, and went to the high places to pray to the Gods for guidance. But the stranger whispered to the God-men as they waited in vain for the words of the Gods.
“When the great lions hunted your people, the people gathered in strength and hunted the lions in turn, until today lions turn aside when they smell men nearby. When the great bears came down from the hills and attacked the people, you gathered together and slew them in their caves. Whenever the people are in danger, it is right and good that the danger be destroyed.”
Since the Gods did not speak, some of the God-men heeded the words of the stranger. The men and sons of men went forth and killed many of the not-men, driving the rest into the unknown wild lands far from the hunting grounds now claimed by men.
Years passed, then generations, and those men whose fathers and mothers had listened to the stranger’s words begat many children. The not-men were driven farther and farther into the wilderness until they were no more than a memory. And the men whose fathers had heeded the stranger grew numerous.
Clans and tribes soon learned to make permanent settlements, where more and more specialist workers could make things to help make men’s lives better. Villages and towns sprang up along streams and rivers. Tribes and clans merged and disappeared, and the sons of the sons of the sons of those whose father’s fathers had heeded the stranger’s words were soon scattered across the Earth wherever men lived. Though appearing as normal men to the eyes of other men, those whose ancestors had heeded the stranger’s words were a breed apart. Men and women descended from those who had first listened to the stranger were more likely to be soldiers, or thieves, or the priests of dark Gods. Men feared them for their power and the violence that often erupted from them, but they were useful to those that desired power. Men whispered among themselves that it was good that such dangerous men were on their side, for the descendants of the followers of the stranger were mighty warriors and clever spies, and many villages and towns were spared from disaster by their efforts.
And soon a voice began whispering to those whose ancestors had heeded the stranger. Many of those descendants refused to heed the whispers, but those who did grew more clever and crafty. They learned to disguise their differences from those around them, and many disappeared into the great cities as they grew. Others went to the men who still roamed the wastelands, who later came to the lands of the cities with great destruction. And the followers of the voice in the darkness learned a new route to power … that of the power behind the throne.
The followers of the voice grew in wealth and influence, and controlled much power behind the façade of the kings and priests. They were secretive and crafty, and concealed their power in many cunning ways from the men around them. And often, the voice would whisper to them from the shadows before sleep, or in the midst of a crowd, and the destiny of nations would be swayed thereby.
Across the centuries, the followers of the voice in the darkness spread to every land. Their influence was felt in every courtroom and every palace. They would meet in secret conclaves to share information and assist each other. Many followers created or usurped religions and held their conclaves under the guise of a church. Others created secret societies for the same purpose. Many such organizations existed, the vast majority of their adherents unaware that their activities were merely a cloak for the activities of the followers of the voice in the darkness.
Over time, the followers of the voice- all of whom were distantly descended from those who had first listened to the voice in the days of ice and stone- grew vastly outnumbered by those who did not heed (or had not heard) the voice in the darkness. As kingdoms grew into nations, their wealth and influence were no longer enough to actively direct the course of history. So from the darkness of house and office and bath, new words were whispered to those who would heed them. The followers of the voice engaged in the business of deniability for the powerful rulers of nations.
As nations grew larger and more powerful, and technology improved over time, the followers of the voice appeared before rulers and offered help against a rival. Temporal and religious leaders grew to depend on the advice and discretion of the followers of the voice, and many nations were destroyed or checked thereby.
In the earliest days, the stranger spoke directly to those who would heed him. As men grew more sophisticated, so did the voice from the darkness. Obscure symbols became written notes became encrypted letters became encrypted radio messages. The followers became more and more organized as their power and influence grew among nations. Great fortresses were built in secret in hidden places across the Earth. Fell deeds created staggering profits for the followers of the stranger, and the secret fortresses became centers of great power among world leaders who knew of them. A nation wishing to make war on a rival nation might pay dearly for the assistance of the stranger’s followers, which could mean the difference between victory and defeat. Other nations, threatened with the masked power of the stranger, might negotiate for terms.
Nations grew into super nations, and wars threatened to rage unchecked across the Earth. And the followers of the stranger received new instructions. Many of the secret fortresses were dismantled or destroyed. Others remained, but with reduced functions. The followers of the stranger consolidated their vast power and wealth into a single massive project. While the great powers of the Earth grew increasingly oblivious to everything except the imminent wars, hundreds of thousands of followers descended upon a large continent in the Pacific Ocean.
In the space of a decade, the followers had wrested control of half the continent from the indigenous people. Great cities were built. The people who had once ruled the continent fought bitterly to regain their lands, but other adventurers arrived to take yet more of the continent. The followers were often seen on both sides of the resulting conflicts, ensuring that none could succeed without the assistance of the new land under the sun and cogwheel banner. The term Overlord came to be associated with the dark figure who controlled the destiny of the continent now known as Forlorn Hope, and the indigenous people added the epithet, Evil. Crops were sown, mines were dug, and soon ships bearing the banner of the sun and cogwheel began sailing to every port on Earth. Men all across the Earth began hearing of a massively-armed mercantile nation ruled by a mysterious figure who was never seen, but whose power stretched into every seat of power in the world.
They called him the Evil Overlord
09-12-2004, 21:35
Hallowed Scrolls of Chephebe, Cebe MMXXXLVIIIHZSDQJWY
Many years ago, before the allmighty Sultan was born, the Chlank Desert was inhabited by two gigantic beings, Capitalizt and Communeist, from the west. They were known as The Chitans. The Chlank desert was raged in sandstorms and suchlike for years in their massive battles, and they were feared greatly by Nomadic Travellers. For many years their deafening roars were feared among men, women and the odd scorpion.
"Commie bastard!"
"Selfish consumerist!"
"Equal Rights? More like EQUAL RANTS!"
"Ha! Capitalism ruined Christmas!"
"Errrr......communism farted!"
"Capitalism wet my homework!"
"Communism ate my bed!"
"'re all stuck-up prats!"
"Well you're a..a...a...POO-POO-HEAD!"
"Well, actually, I travelled back in time 9 trillion-billion-bazillion years and killed you dead!"
"You have an Imploded Economy and no military budget!"
"So? I'm killing you!" :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :mp5: :mp5: [more obscene amounts of smilies]
"'re nothing in front of my super-dooper-mega nukes! Launching in 54321 BANG you're dead!"
"But I killed you 9 trillion....summat-or-other ago!"
"I hate you. I thought you were my friend."
"I'm not you're friend, I killed you! You're dead! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
"I'm telling my mum of you."
"Be like that."
"I said yeah first!"
"I said it second, HA!"
"I'm complaining to the UN!"
"The UN won't listen!"
"Fine then, I'll blow up the UN with my super-mega nukes! BANG BANG BANG!"
"Shuttup you fucking godmodder!"
"You're a godmodder!"
"Am not!"
"Shut up, GODMODDER!"
"You shut up!"
"No, you shut up!"
"Communism's still better than Capitalism!"
"Commie bastard!"
These rants continued each terrible day until one day the Chinkian hero Maklofesees decided that the Chitans must be dealt with. He let himself be taken into Capitalizt's loming cave and trapped. As he was very wise (and an ancestor of the current Sultan, praise be to Sultan) he realised that the cave was square-shaped, and so purchased a Chicken Tikka Masala from the corner shop and dipped a large stick in it. When Capitalizt entered the cave Maklofesees stuck the stick into his eye.
"Aaaargh! The overly-red food colouring! I'm BLIND! Who did that!?"
"Errr....everyone." Maklofesees replied.
"Everyone...Communeist's gives EVERYONE equal rights and income! This must be his doing!"
At this Capitalizt stormed out of the cave, bashing into the wall every now and again. That day he met Communeist in the Chlank desert.
"Scheming commie!"
"What did I.....ouch!"
"That's for my eye!"
"Yeah, that's right, my eye!"
"No, OI! I'm telling my mummy about you!"
"You don't have a mummy, we may be anthropomorphic personifications but we ARE supernatural beings."
"Well.......I've got my MEGA-NUKES!"
"I time travelled!"
" :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: "
Meanwhile, the cave entrance having been left open, Maklofesees snuck out into the desert where he saw Communeist and Capitalizt fighting and arguing. He pushed between them and, looking up at them, he put his master plan into action.
"I am a Sultanate messenger! I bear news - a Sultan has been enstated in this area!" lied Maklofesees.
"I'm gonna nuke him!"
"Not before I nuke you with my mega-nukes!"
"Anyway," said Maklofesees hurriedly, "the new Sultan has announced that he will favour a CENTRIST DEMOCRACY!"
"Nooooooooooo.........." cried the two Chitans, falling to their knees. Suddenly, the two giants crumbled into ashes, until only two pairs of smoking boots remained, as some things always stay the same in every story - for neither of them could bear to live with such a compromise.
Afterwards Maklofesees enstated himself as Sultan, and it is said that the Chitans are waitin just underneath the fabric of reality, arguing and waiting for the fall of a Sultan. And sometimes, just sometimes, one can make out "Commie bastard" in the eye of a sandstorm...
The Victory of Shea and the death of Momart
In modern Wolfish, two grand mountains face each other – ragged edge to ragged edge – across the might river Nemor…
In the haze of time – before history began – great giants roamed throughout Wolfish – devouring whole trees and drinking from lakes so cold that they would freeze a human heart.
Of those giants none was feared by the ancestors of the Wolfish more than Momart – whose hatred of humans and their beloved Wolves knew no limit.
On a particular winter night, Momart grew more restless, and more hateful than every before – so vile that he stole into the city, and, in a single night broke down ten dozen houses, and snatched crying babies from their mothers’ teet – devouring them whole, before returning to the darkness of the forest…leaving the city in grief-driven torment.
It wasn’t long until the King heard of Momart’s deed – and ordered that a hundred brave men should journey to the forest and battle Momart – returning only once his head was removed from his shoulders.
And so it was that they journeyed into the heart of darkness – seeking the giant – seeking his death.
Time past and none heard the cry of victory from the hundred – and so the king sent an army of one thousand to follow – to kill the giant and save the hundred.
But silence was the only sound.
And the King was disillusioned, and said one day to his nephew Shea, “What now am I to do…my armies have failed to slay the giant Momart – his hands have crushed the lives of over a thousand brave men…should it come to past that Momart threatens the kingdom – I have no means to stop him.”
And Shea turned to this uncle, the King, and said, “Sire…allow me to slay the giant Momart. My hand is steady – and my mind swift.”
And the King laughed aloud. “Boy – what do you know of combat? What do you know of the way of giants? How whilst thou slay Momart when a hundred and a thousand have failed?”
And the boy Shea replied, “My king – I need not know the giant to slay him – I need but know myself.”
And so it was that the boy Shea left the keep, and journeyed into the depths of the forest seeking the giant Momart.
And many days past and still the boy hunted. And finally he came to a spot where the forest ended and a mountain rose. And so Shea, climbed higher and higher to better view the forest and find the giant Momart.
Where the mountain leveled, Shea set his camp – and woke each morning to survey the land…and one morning he finally spotted the giant…and so he called out, “Momart – I have come to take your head to the king. Whilst thou fight me?”
And the giant Momart laughed, and the sound caused part of the mountain to collapse upon itself.
“You boy would face me – and challenge me – when the mightiest Generals of your nation cower in fear – you must be daft.”
And Shea stood bravely, staring at the giant. “I fear you not killer of babies. For I am more powerful than any army.”
At this the giant grew angry and tore a tree from the ground and hurled it at Shea. But Shea was quick, and stepped out of the way.
“Boy,” said the giant, “You buzz around like a wasp – but have no sting. How is it that you will draw the least spot of blood from me?”
“I shall climb this mountain to the very top – and there is where I will destroy you.”
The giant laughed, “Then I shall eat the mountain – and you along with it.”
Shea lightly skipped up the side of the rock till he stood on the very peak – now having to look hard to see the giant a mile below.
“Giant?!” he called, “Giant you look so tiny from here – I don’t believe you can even reach me!”
And Momart grew angry. “I have had enough boy. It is time for lunch and you’ll set my appetite.”
And the giant began to climb the rock and stone – hand over hand towards the boy – every higher until he past the clouds themselves – but still the boy was out of reach and the giant was panting from the work.
The boy waited, sitting now, a small stone in his hand.
“Giant – have you forgotten? You meant to eat me for lunch – and now it is almost dinner!”
And the giant grew angry and climbed higher and higher until he was well upon the mountain and couldn’t see the ground below.
“Boy – you have no where to run, and no means to harm me…why don’t you climb into my mouth and be done with it?”
And Shea laughed aloud.
“Giant…why don’t you jump from the side of the rock and save me the trouble of killing you?”
With that Shea held up the stone in his hand.
“Giant – you say I cannot hurt you – let alone kill you – and yet I will slay you with this tiny rock.”
“Boy,” said the giant Momart, “If that rock struck my eye – it would be as a speck of dust in yours.”
But the boy wasn’t swayed or feared.
He lifted the rock over his head – and simply dropped it at his feet.
The giant looked puzzled from far below.
The rock struck the ground and caused a second rock to move. Those two rolled into a third, and then a fourth. Soon a dozen rocks rolled down towards the giant – but he didn’t understand. Another and another and another – within seconds boulders and pillars of stone cascaded down the hill…before long the whole side of the mountain moved – and with it the giant.
Tumbling and crashing down he went to the very bottom.
And the boy Shea followed, treading lightly over the broken rock. When he reached the giant’s broken body he took out his only weapon – a small knife – and with it removed the giant’s head.
The Cleansed Ones
28-06-2005, 18:25
Thee History of The Cleansed ones Tales and Myths, taken from thy ancient scripts of thy Tower of the Pure.
On a dark night, the Final hour, final minute, and final second of the Reku festival, when the 7 moons we all aligned on the planet of Zyar III, a boy was born. He wasnt anything special from far away, just another typical Zyarian. Light blue skin, jet black hair, deep green eyes. Only closer inspection would reveal the odd white mark of the very small Reku flower on his hand.
In another time, another galaxy, something stirred.
The boy grew, and was named Cylias. Over time, he became so knowledgeable of everything in his world he started to discover the shifts of time and thought itself. He knew these powers were great, but refused to manipulate them. But everyone has a price.
They came. They were merely vessels of energy, in its purest form, only messengers for Him. He knew what this boy could do, and it was what He was looking for. Another planet to twist, another world to destroy. And so he took the minds of a few people Cylias knew and killed everyone dear to Cylias.
In a fit or rage in its simplest, rawest form, Cylias bent time, and traveled back so that they would Live. But they wouldnt truly Live, because their souls had already departed, and so he became so full of rage and despair that he took the minds of everyone on the whole planet, every animal and every child, and controlled them, so that he could see and hear every single thing they said or did. Cylias became so paranoid that he locked himself up in a giant citadel, and ruled from there with an iron fist. Only after every last person was under Cylias'es control did rename them. They could not think, therefore they were cleansed. And so the nation became The Cleansed Ones.
And He, the Dark one, laughed.
Once there were two lands that were the greatest of enemies. One was named G-Land, and the other X-Land. They had been at war for generations, and no end was in sight. :gundge:
Another nation, whose name has been lost to history, saw these two feuding nations and saw opportunity. Both nations were weak from the conflict, but they both had large uranium deposits. :sniper:
The powerful forgotten nation simultaneously invaded both G-Land and X-Land. The invasion lasted only a week before both lands were beneath its heel. However, the armies of the two lands had both formed seperate resistance units, and caused the large nation pain wherever they could. :mp5:
Meanwhile, the powerful nation had created a large wall that seperated the two small lands. Both resistance movements had coincidentally decided to destroy the wall on the same day. The events that followed were considered legendary. The resistances dug underground to plant explosives under the wall, and dug into each other's tunnel. It is unknown what conversations went on, but they decided to join forces to destroy the wall, and destroy it they did. :p
After such a successful mission, they decided to form one whole resistance movement. Over the next two years, they continued to oppose the large nation, until it decided to pull out. Nationwide apologies were made to both sides, and the two lands were united under the flag of GX-Land. :fluffle:
The Cleansed Ones
28-06-2005, 19:11
From the excerpts of The Time Before Purity, also known as the Golden Times by the Unchained.
Before the takeover of Cylias, Zyar III was a large and prosperous world. The people of Zyar III had light blonde hair, blue skin and black eyes. They were excellent swimmers, and their main choice of food was aquatic animals. But one day, in the large city of Kyrana, the fish and seals and other animals stopped coming to the shores. They simply did not show up. And it was then, that the great monster Pyrothia came, demanding sacrafices.
His reason for this was that, for so many years, the people had become ungrateful for the gifts of the water that every day was bestowed upon them.
He stated that, if the people of Kyrana did not give up their most valuable possesion, then he would destroy everything in all of their lands. And so a great council was called forth to decide what the most valuable possesion was.
One member said "Our wonderful silks" for the nation of Kyrana made the most softest silks. But then another said
"Our treasuries of gold" for they were vast and plentiful. But then another said
"fools, we all know what we are avoiding. The most beautiful and valuable possesion of all is our hair, which is like gold and silk."
And so they gave him their hair, and he crafted the Sun Belt from it, giving the world light, but also making it so that the people of Kyrana would never be able to gaze upon their wonderful hair because it was so bright they would go blind from looking at it. So this is the reason that the people of Kyrana have jet black hair, and always feel the torment of the sun.
The Sword and Shield of Tyra
Each and every leader of Wolfish – from the earliest kings, to today’s President, have possessed an item of limitless worth.
If you walked into President Todler’s office today, you’d find that item – an ornate sword and shield – hanging on the wall behind his desk. The sword’s name is Tyra – and its history is one with the nations.
The Four Kingdoms
There was a time when Wolfish was not one nation – rather split into four regions. And each region was ruled by a king – though not always a good king.
The Northwest was ruled by the wise and ancient Jarvis – the South by Lord Camden the Just – in the Southeast and the Island Lucanon the Golden – and in the Northern Reaches Necor the Black.
At it came to past that these kings took to war – each trying to defeat the others, and unify Wolfish under one house.
The battles were fearsome – men and wolf fighting brothers and cousins – sword tearing flesh – fire scaling skin.
Force drove force – army clashed with army – and none could gain victory over the others.
So finally the exhausted and spent armies met on Terror Island – and talked of peace and unity.
But deception lured amongst them.
During the night, while they slept and dreamed of a peaceful nation…the Necor the Black rose silently and with his dagger slew the other three kings – Camden, Lucanon and Jarvis.
There life-blood flowed from their wounds – soaking the ground…and outside the tent – the armies of Necor slew the sleeping armies of the kingdoms to the man and beast.
The lifeless kings were tossed into the river so their spirits could not haunt the land.
And the nation wept.
Necor took up his crown – and had built on Terror Island a castle – dark and foreboding like its master.
And those who looked upon that dark stone fell ill and wept for the nation.
So it was for many years….
Until one day…
On the bank of the river terror, near to where the fresh water mets the ocean – lived a poor family.
And that family had a son named Tyra.
Tyra loved to play in the forest near his home…and so it was one day Tyra ran through the forest, till he came into a clearing…and there sat a family of Great Timber Wolves.
And Tyra was afraid.
But the Mother Wolf – sensing his fear – said, “You are Tyra…We’ve been waiting for you to come.”
And Tyra, every the curious boy, asked, “Why?”
“Because you are the one who will form a new nation – and right will give peace to those three that lie restless in their grave.
Now, Tyra thought all this talk was quite strange…but he was much too polite to say so. So he merely asked, “But how am I to do this – I am but a boy.”
And the Wolf mother said, “Come – and drink from my teet – and you will grow like a wolf – powerful of leg and arm – quick of hand and fleet of foot – wise…and just.
And the boy did. And he spent much time growing and learning from the Wolves.
There came a day when the boy was grown that the mother wolf, now old and nearly blind, took the boy back into the depths of the forest and paused in the very clearing where they had first met – and she took him to the spot where he first stood when he saw here many years before.
And she said to him – dig into the soil of this country – dig deep and find your destiny.
Tyra did as he was told, and dug with his hands into the dark earth – and there he came upon three crowns…and within those crowns were chains of gold and silver and other precious metals - and below those – jewels: sapphire, ruby, diamond and emerald.
As he dug the Wolf mother dragged wood from the forest – forming a massive pile – and when she was done a bolt of lightening struck the pile and burst it into flame.
“Now my child,” she said to Tyra, “Take the stones and metals and throw them into the fire.”
And he did as he was told, and then sat on the ground and watched as the fire burned late into the night.
Eventually the boy fell asleep – and still the fire burned. As he slept, the Wolf mother sang softly to him – she sang of the land and the sky – of right and wrong – of justice…and of death and life. She gave to him all the gifts that the land had to bestow.
He woke early the next day. The fire had burned every last scrap of wood – and still the ground smoldered and smoked. He looked for the Wolf mother, but she was gone.
He rose and walked to towards the blackened earth…and in the middle saw something glint in the morning sun. He picked it up – its surface warm – but not hot enough to burn.
It was a masterful sword and wondrous shield – crafted to perfectly fit his hand.
And so it was that he knew his destiny – and he knew his future was tied to the future of the nation.
He journeyed far and wide over the next year – visiting towns and cities – raising hope for a new dawn.
Eventually he knew he’d have to face the King and his army – but first – the people must know that hope exists…
Finally, once he’d traveled the land, he made his way to Terror Island – as he arrived he saw the armies of King Necor camped between the landing and the castle…and so he said to the Captain of the Army, “I seek audience with the King.”
And the Captain said, “You may see the King – for he wishes to see you – but first, you must hand me your sword and your shield.
At that Tyra laughed, “Neither you nor your King may take these from me – for I am one with them as they are one with the air and soil and water of this land.”
The Captain then drew his sword – but Tyra, possessing the speed and agility of the wolf was quicker and killed the Captain of the Army.
It was then that the whole of the army rose up with a cry – and blocked Tyra’s passage to the King.
And the boy laughed. “What are you but mere men – while I am the heart of a people – the heart of a nation.”
They cried out against him – and raised their voice as one, drawing their weapons in anger.
But a louder cry broke out…causing the army to turn – for during the commotion a thousand, thousand wolves from throughout the land, had swum the river – and now set upon the army – killing them and driving them away.
And Tyra walked without trouble to the castle.
But the door was blocked and secured – so he called out to the King. Necor the Black…your nation is here to seek justice. Would you denied it access?”
The King replied, “You are not justice…you are death.”
Tyra smiled and raised his sword. “I am both.”
He struck out with his sword at the heavy door – shattering its hinge…again he struck and the door blew inward.
The King, armoured in gold stood amid the splinters – a crossbow pointed to Tyra’s heart. He cryed, “Today then, Justice dies.” and pulled the trigger, loosing the bolt.
In a blur of motion the shield rose catching the bolt even as Tyra jumped towards the evil King – his sword high aloft, sweeping down through the armoured head and splitting Necor into two….
The peace that followed lasted for 300 years – as Tyra and his sons ruled with wisdom and justice. Each passing along the tribute to the first Kings of Wolfish – the three forged into the sword – the fourth marking it with his blood.
02-07-2005, 17:51
ooc: national myth... hmmm... how's this.
Oh Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story,
Of the man who forged our nation that we
Call Bonstock. Sing of his voyage across
The wine dark oceans to found a house
That now rules all of us. Begin while he
Was tried and harried by the stormy sea;
Let us hear the tale, that we might see
How we all began...
There once was a man whose name was Sigmund
He was young, but son of a great chieftan
In the far off northern realms of the Geats.
His father, a man named Wiglaf, had gone
On a journey across the wine dark sea
In search of fame, plunder, and new found lands.
But one day, the day Sigmund came of age,
Returned did his father's ship crew, and brought
With them did they, the sorrowful tale
Of how the great chieftan had been granted
Quarter by a great king across the sea,
But had been betrayed, and murdered by him.
They brought his armor and his sword as proof.
And so Sigmund, the son of Wiglaf, spoke,
"It is now my duty, that I must go,
And slay he who slew my father. He will
Die by my hand, and mine alone, none else."
But Wiglaf's first mate, a man named Halfgeat,
Responded to him. "Sigmund, Wiglaf's son,
You must stay here, and take your father's throne;
I will not allow you to go and die.
I will gather my own crew, and sail
To avenge your father in your great name."
But Sigmund retorted, "You will not stop
Me from going. I will gather a crew
Of twelve strong men and I will go to do
My rightful work. Give me my father's sword
And his armor. I shall be off at once."
And thus Sigmund took his father's long sword
And placed his helmet on his noble head.
But Halfgeat responded, "Then I will draw
My sword. If you can best me at swordplay,
I will let you pass."
And so Sigmund took his father's sword, and
Halfgeat unsheathed his. And thus they battled.
Though Halfgeat's arms were strong, Sigmund had wits
And, when Halfgeat left his sword arm exposed,
Sigmund struck the hand, and Halfgeat let drop
His sword. Halfgeat kneeled, and said, "Sigmund,
Grant me mercy. I am disarmed and beat."
Sigmund relented, and spoke to Halfgeat
"Now I will sail. I will gather my crew
At once. I fear no dangers of the sea."
Halfgeat stood up. "Soon you will learn to fear
The mighty sea. Your ship will sink at sea."
Sigmund took no heed. He went to twelve doors,
And knocked, and gathered twelve strong men to go
With him to avenge his great father's death.
They built a boat with a sail and oars
And set out across the wine-dark ocean.
For near a year they rowed across the world,
Round continents and islands, to where they
Could find this land and its treacherous king.
But, a year into their voyage, a storm
Hit them. They rowed on, but waves and winds hit.
The mast and sail were blown off and
The waves washed oe'er the ship. Sigmund shouted
"Hold fast, men. We'll see this one through, and live."
But the ocean had other ideas.
A wave knocked the starboard side of the ship
And it was split in two. Sigmund's crew drowned.
Sigmund awoke on a sandy white beach
He looked around. The storm had passed, but there
Was no sign of his ship or crew. But then
A voice spoke from behind. "Hello" it said.
Sigmund drew his sword, and whirled around to see
Who it was that spoke. It was a dwarf man,
Who quickly said, "Stop! I mean you no harm!
I just wonder, who are you and why come
You here?"
Sigmund replied, "I am Sigmund, the son
Of Wiglaf, a great chieftan who was killed
And betrayed by a host, another king."
"Ah, Wiglaf you say, your father he is.
I know who it was that betrayed and killed
Him." Sigmund replied,
"Please, direct me to him, so I can kill
Him and avenge my father's death." But then,
The dwarfed-man replied,
"Powerful enough to defeat him you
Are not. But train you I can to defeat
Him, the King of Isa. But first, let's eat."
But Sigmund replied, "Why should we eat now?
Should we not train so I may do my deed?"
"Patience, you must learn," was the dwarf's reply.
"We will eat now, and then we start training."
Sigmund walked with him to his house, and there
The dwarf shouted in, "Yuko, make dinner,
A guest we have today." Sigmund asked him,
"Who are you speaking to?" The dwarf replied,
"In there, my daughter is. You'll know her soon."
A sweet, feminine voice inside replied,
"Yes, father. I have dinner ready now."
The dwarf-man and Sigmund entered the house
And there at the table, was a young woman
With hair and eyes darker than night
She smiled at Sigmund, who could manage
Only a simple smile in return.
The dwarf said to Sigmund "Sit down, and eat.
Tell us both of how you came to here now."
And so, Sigmund, eating, told his story
Of how he was going to avenge his dead
Father, and how his ship was wrecked at sea.
Hours drew on into the night, and then
The dwarf said to both, "Now let us sleep. At
The crack of dawn, Sigmund, your long training
You will begin."
At dawn's first light, the dwarf awoke Sigmund
And began to train him in many ways.
With meditation and combat training
Day after day, he trained the young Sigmund.
And each day, Sigmund would smile at the
Dwarfman's daughter, who he now knew to be
Named Yuko. And each day she would smile
In return. But then, one day, the dwarf said
To Sigmund, "Meditate deeply, and think
About your father. Try to reach beyond
His grave, and talk to him. Ask who killed him."
Sigmund cleared his mind of all things, and thought.
And he saw his father. "Sigmund," he said,
"Why did you flee the man who murdered me?"
"Flee him, father? I did not. I am out,
Seeking him. I wonder, who is he, and
Where might I find him?"
His father replied, "It was on that last
Voyage across the sea. I and my crew
Came across an island. The islanders
Did not welcome us. So we attacked, and
Burned their town to the ground, and stole their wealth.
I had said we'd split the booty at home,
But my first mate wanted it for himself,
He, Halfgeat, murdered me, and stole my ship
And the treasure. Now with you gone, he rules
At home, in my house, with my wife, as king."
Sigmund gasped. "I must go," he told the dwarf.
The dwarf replied, "You know now the truth who
It was. But go you cannot yet. Because,
Incomplete, your training is. Stay you must."
Sigmund, son of Wiglaf, stood up and replied,
"I must go. I did this myself. I must
Make it right. I promise I shall return."
He took tools, and began to build a ship
To sail back home. Within four days he was
Finished. The dwarf and his daughter came up
To see him off. The dwarf said to Sigmund,
"You must return. Finish your training you
Must." And the dwarf's daughter said to Sigmund
"Will you come back, Sigmund? Please do not go."
"I shall return," said Sigmund, and then he
Went up and embraced the dwarf's daughter.
The dwarf smiled, and Sigmund got into
His boat, and rowed away. For near a year
He spent going back home. Finally he
Saw on the horizon his father's hall.
He landed, and entered his father's hall
There, on his father's throne, sat Halfgeat;
And Sigmund appraoched the throne, and said,
"Halfgeat, your reign here in my father's house
Shall end today. What you won with my father's
Blood shall be repayed. You were the one who
Betrayed and killed Wiglaf. Prepare to die."
"Sigmund? You are supposed to be dead, drowned
With your crew to the bottom of the sea.
Foolish youth, you dare to challenge me now?
Let us settle this right now with our swords.
And so Sigmund took his father's sword, and
Halfgeat unsheathed his. And thus they battled.
Though Halfgeat's arms were strong, Sigmund had wits
And, when Halfgeat left his sword arm exposed,
Sigmund struck the hand, and Halfgeat let drop
His sword. Halfgeat kneeled, and said, "Sigmund,
Grant me mercy. I am disarmed and beat."
"I granted you mercy before, but you
Abused my kindness. Today you will pay
Your debts of greed with your red blood and life."
And Sigmund took his sword, and it fell on
Halfgeat's neck, and the head was split off the
Body. Halfgeat's blood poured onto the floor.
And Sigmund took the crown off Halfgeat's severed
Head and placed it on his own, and declared,
"I, Sigmund, Wiglaf's son, am rightfully
The chieftan like my father before me."
He gathered his armies and crushed all those
Who saw the murderous Halfgeat still king.
With that all done, Sigmund did as promised,
He got a crew together and sailed
Back to the dwarf's island. But the dwarf saw
Him return, and said to him, "No more from me
Shall you learn. Complete your training is now.
I am sick and old now, and soon I will
Do as all life must. But take my daughter,
Have her hand in marriage. Pass on what you
Have learned to your line. Rule you will until
The end of time." And Sigmund, Wiglaf's son
Replied, "Upon this site, I will build a
Great city, a great kingdom. I will call
It Bonstock in your honor. My line
Will rule from here. Thank you for all that
You have taught me." And Sigmund took the hand
Of the dwarf's daughter and began to build
His new-found kingdom. Thus was Bonstock born.