06-12-2004, 06:53
Welcome to CNBS, I am Sister Jacqui Sanchez, and this is the Chrisforternal National Report.
The final two members were elected to the Council of Esteemed Brethren today after a long week of controversy surrounding the application of a female priest. 29 year old Lela Baurani applied several weeks ago for the final seat on the council under the name of Baurani. Impressed by her credentials and believing her to be indeed another brother, they accepted her ballot entry.
The elections came to a halt when she showed up for a series of interviews, and her gender was revealed. Allegations of deceit were piled upon Ms. Baurani, and she was deemed 'scandelous' by the oldest member of the council when she showed up in a skirt that exposed a shocking amount of leg.
Ms. Baurani denied all charges of purposefully not stating her gender, declaring that she just honestly didn't think about it. All charges were dropped yesterday after the council came to the decision that Ms. Baurani would be a valuable asset to their organization given her intelligence, charisma and youthful optimism. Baurani was sworn in with Thomas Rennings this morning at the National Cathedral in Josephstein.
Not only is Ms. Baurani the first female to serve on the council, she is also the youngest ever to be elected. She spoke today at a press conference about her feelings related to her election.
*Slender attractive Caucasian/Indian female who appears in her twenties comes onto the screen, speaking at a press conference*
This nation is already weighted down with the weights of traditional oppression, given the face of religious requirements. If being female sets in stone a path to true religious freedom, then I am honored to be the first female elected to the Council. I hope that those skeptical of me taking this seat, will someday see me as just another intelligent and blessed creation of God, doing my best to help in the tending of this small plot of the Global Garden that we call Chrisforternal. Thank you.
In other news, the ban of cosmetics has been lifted, giving way to strict laws. The Vanity Control act, had previously restricted any citizen of Chrisforternal to purchase, use, or trade facial cosmetics. Thanks to several unnamed activist groups and the Actress Dorien Namoir, who is known for her controversal role as a reformed nun in the movie 'Seek', it has been lifted and the use of certain cosmetic products such as lip gloss and mascarra is now prohibited. For a detailed list of approved items, please contact the Council Headquarters.
War and Peace were the topic of this afternoon's Council meeting. Several concerned military officials met with Head Brother Hanz, Brother Jenkins and Sister Baurani to discuss their concerns of national security. General Joshua Oprin, Head Protector of the Chrisforternal Army raised military pay issues as well as border control issues. The region of The White Divide is a non hostile region, however the government's concerns were not about the countries within the region but those outside of the Divide.
Dismissing and denying accusations of believing that a higher power will and does protect the nation, Brother Jenkins was quite adament in his objection to the rumors of such a belief.
*a red headed man in his late thirties, stony and grave yet mildly attractive features along with a goatee, comes onto the screen, speaking before a microphone, Baurani and an old white haired man ( Brother Hanz) on either side of him*
For a nation to expect to be purely peaceful, everybody would have to be dead and in heaven. We may be people of faith, but we live in reality and that reality is that the world is constantly at war. The rumors that this council does or has ever believed that military forces are against our principles of faith, are false and have never and will never be true. We are a nation, and so we have every intention of acting like and as a nation.
We have met with military officials and have other officials constantly updating us on Global events so that we can always be on guard and prepared for any potential threat. We are funding several new Military based projects developing new technology and warfare related items that will aid our country in being as well protected as it can be.
Sister Baurani is working with other goverment officials to organize treaties and gain allies. She is reaching out to other nations, extending the support and resources of our own nation in hopes of creating friendships and bonds that will benifit both parties of said arrangements.
We have no desire to be a private and harshly religious nation looking down on other nations and being, for lack of a better word snobbish. Again, we may be people of faith, but we live in a world of diverse belief systems and we accept that for just what it is.
And that ends are report for this evening. For everyone at CNBS, I am Sister Jacqui Sanchez, may you have a blessed week.
OOC: This may be turned into an RP, questions to the council may be asked here and other such things. Interaction from and with others is encouraged and desired.
The final two members were elected to the Council of Esteemed Brethren today after a long week of controversy surrounding the application of a female priest. 29 year old Lela Baurani applied several weeks ago for the final seat on the council under the name of Baurani. Impressed by her credentials and believing her to be indeed another brother, they accepted her ballot entry.
The elections came to a halt when she showed up for a series of interviews, and her gender was revealed. Allegations of deceit were piled upon Ms. Baurani, and she was deemed 'scandelous' by the oldest member of the council when she showed up in a skirt that exposed a shocking amount of leg.
Ms. Baurani denied all charges of purposefully not stating her gender, declaring that she just honestly didn't think about it. All charges were dropped yesterday after the council came to the decision that Ms. Baurani would be a valuable asset to their organization given her intelligence, charisma and youthful optimism. Baurani was sworn in with Thomas Rennings this morning at the National Cathedral in Josephstein.
Not only is Ms. Baurani the first female to serve on the council, she is also the youngest ever to be elected. She spoke today at a press conference about her feelings related to her election.
*Slender attractive Caucasian/Indian female who appears in her twenties comes onto the screen, speaking at a press conference*
This nation is already weighted down with the weights of traditional oppression, given the face of religious requirements. If being female sets in stone a path to true religious freedom, then I am honored to be the first female elected to the Council. I hope that those skeptical of me taking this seat, will someday see me as just another intelligent and blessed creation of God, doing my best to help in the tending of this small plot of the Global Garden that we call Chrisforternal. Thank you.
In other news, the ban of cosmetics has been lifted, giving way to strict laws. The Vanity Control act, had previously restricted any citizen of Chrisforternal to purchase, use, or trade facial cosmetics. Thanks to several unnamed activist groups and the Actress Dorien Namoir, who is known for her controversal role as a reformed nun in the movie 'Seek', it has been lifted and the use of certain cosmetic products such as lip gloss and mascarra is now prohibited. For a detailed list of approved items, please contact the Council Headquarters.
War and Peace were the topic of this afternoon's Council meeting. Several concerned military officials met with Head Brother Hanz, Brother Jenkins and Sister Baurani to discuss their concerns of national security. General Joshua Oprin, Head Protector of the Chrisforternal Army raised military pay issues as well as border control issues. The region of The White Divide is a non hostile region, however the government's concerns were not about the countries within the region but those outside of the Divide.
Dismissing and denying accusations of believing that a higher power will and does protect the nation, Brother Jenkins was quite adament in his objection to the rumors of such a belief.
*a red headed man in his late thirties, stony and grave yet mildly attractive features along with a goatee, comes onto the screen, speaking before a microphone, Baurani and an old white haired man ( Brother Hanz) on either side of him*
For a nation to expect to be purely peaceful, everybody would have to be dead and in heaven. We may be people of faith, but we live in reality and that reality is that the world is constantly at war. The rumors that this council does or has ever believed that military forces are against our principles of faith, are false and have never and will never be true. We are a nation, and so we have every intention of acting like and as a nation.
We have met with military officials and have other officials constantly updating us on Global events so that we can always be on guard and prepared for any potential threat. We are funding several new Military based projects developing new technology and warfare related items that will aid our country in being as well protected as it can be.
Sister Baurani is working with other goverment officials to organize treaties and gain allies. She is reaching out to other nations, extending the support and resources of our own nation in hopes of creating friendships and bonds that will benifit both parties of said arrangements.
We have no desire to be a private and harshly religious nation looking down on other nations and being, for lack of a better word snobbish. Again, we may be people of faith, but we live in a world of diverse belief systems and we accept that for just what it is.
And that ends are report for this evening. For everyone at CNBS, I am Sister Jacqui Sanchez, may you have a blessed week.
OOC: This may be turned into an RP, questions to the council may be asked here and other such things. Interaction from and with others is encouraged and desired.