Attorney General Curtis Fabus's Speech to the World
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 05:12
Speaking via the White Peoples Radio and Television Network, Attorney General Curtis Fabus of the Mississippian Federation and the following to say.
"Since December of 1984, Mississippi has had a clear and defined definition of a terrorist, any and all who would in any way, shape, or form, attempt to oppose or cause harm to the Fabus Regime, a Fabus family member, or any official or citizen of the Mississippian Federation and his Commonwealth."
"Let it be clear that this definition still stands today, and the punishment for such crimes against Mississippi is quite clear, it is swift and brutal death."
"A terrorist is an insidious foe of all that is good and right. He may seek to topple our racial policies through terror bombings against school children. He may seek to shake our deep-rooted traditional Christian faith by attacking our churches and holy sites."
"Let it be clear though, that terrorism against Mississippians, against the Fabus Regime, against any Fabus, against any government official, against any ally, will not be tolerated and will be met with such force against those who commit the acts of terror and those who shelter them, that they will wish they had never been born."
"A terrorist is one who has no honor, who hates our freedom, who hates our way of life, a terrorist is a sick and perverted warrior fighting an evil war against a pious people. A terrorist can be a foreigner, as is most often the case, or a domestic insurgent unreasonably disgruntled with delusional paranoia against a just and fair government."
"If you fit this definition of a terrorist, fear the Mississippian Federation, for you will lose your liberty."
The Burnsian Desert
06-12-2004, 05:49
OOC: Are you addressing anyone, specifically?
06-12-2004, 05:50
Very tempted to have Kaerek of Earthfall Island send a message to taunt you, but can't think of how to go about having him make an insulting message basically saying "Bring it, Ape!" without it getting cheesy...
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 06:08
OOC: Are you addressing anyone, specifically?
Ooc- this is mainly a message by Curtis to any domestic regime opponents, to watch out. If they think MS is a police state, they ain't seen nothing yet. We have things in store that will make the Thought Police systems look like a picnic. A total New World Order, an Aryan New World Order, is Curtis's goal.
06-12-2004, 06:10
OOC: Will Roger allow this?
Camel Eaters
06-12-2004, 06:15
OOC: Meh. People just stop caring after awhile.
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 06:17
OOC: Will Roger allow this?
Ooc- Roger considers his father's advice very carefully. This can also be interpreted as a warning to any and all anti-Mississippian powers to keep their citizens in check. Mississippi reserves the right to assassinate any and all citizens, military or civilians, of ANY nation (even allied nations) that speak out against Mississippi. Since late 1984, the MSAAS, and DISFB, along with RGIS, have assassinated over 50,000 people throughout the world for "threatening the stability and security of Mississippi and his Commonwealth."
New Iona
06-12-2004, 06:22
Terrosists are a danger that world must fight together and it is a just fight. However, internal terrosism can be more dangerous, because your own citizens may see themselves as patriots. Perhaps the case may be, that your ideology of a supreme Aryan race is somewhat unmodern and breeds nothing but hate and contempt. Consider teaching an ideology of hight moral stadards and unity in your nation among all people. If you breed hate, you will breed violence. I pray you humbly consider this and may your country prosper.
Secretary of State: New Iona
Jennifer Dawkins
Cabinet Member of President Joshua Burrill's Administration
Itinerate Tree Dweller
06-12-2004, 06:26
Ooc- Roger considers his father's advice very carefully. This can also be interpreted as a warning to any and all anti-Mississippian powers to keep their citizens in check. Mississippi reserves the right to assassinate any and all citizens, military or civilians, of ANY nation (even allied nations) that speak out against Mississippi. Since late 1984, the MSAAS, and DISFB, along with RGIS, have assassinated over 50,000 people throughout the world for "threatening the stability and security of Mississippi and his Commonwealth."
OOC: Then other nations may reserve the same rights.
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 06:26
Terrosists are a danger that world must fight together and it is a just fight. However, internal terrosism can be more dangerous, because your own citizens may see themselves as patriots. Perhaps the case may be, that your ideology of a supreme Aryan race is somewhat unmodern and breeds nothing but hate and contempt. Consider teaching an ideology of hight moral stadards and unity in your nation among all people. If you breed hate, you will breed violence. I pray you humbly consider this and may your country prosper.
Secretary of State: New Iona
Jennifer Dawkins
Cabinet Member of President Joshua Burrill's Administration
"Since 60% of our people in our North American possessions, and about 70% of white in colonial possessions in Africa, are members of the White Knights of Mississippi, our version of the klan, we insist you stop suggesting crap. Research our nation and have the decency to know who we are and what we are all about before making suggestions."
Czar Roger Fabus
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 06:29
OOC: Then other nations may reserve the same rights.
Ooc- We don't recognize those rights, and we reserve the right to launch "Counter-assassinations". Ie. An operative from China kills two Mississippians, we'd kill twenty operatives from the dpt of their intelligence that was behind the attack.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
06-12-2004, 06:32
ooc - Then we don't recognize your right to freely order assasinations.
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 06:34
"Mississippi reserve the right to neutralize any threat to the nation, people, or economic interests of the Federation, with the use of of deadly force. We can and we will terminate any and all threats to our stability and security. We will not tolerate foreigners preaching agitprop against our peaceful and loving nation. Nor will we tolerate criticism of our regime, way of life, and government, from even private citizens of other nations. We can and we will hunt you down. Mark my words, Mississippi is a land of the free and so shall it remain, if you wish otherwise, bring it on."
Attorney General, Curtis Fabus
Sigma Octavus
06-12-2004, 06:40
"Few things like manifest destiny can shift the international community's opinion on a nation. These claims you make are ridiculous and far overstepping your boundaries. You say that your nation is free while it is a widely known fact that white supremacy runs rampantly. That does not allow freedom for all of your people. Personally, I think that the Fabus family is near raising above the Iesus family's insanity. While it is not my nation's official stance, I think that your whole family can go screw itself."
-Ellison Chaknov
-Leader, Sigma Octavus
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 06:42
"Few things like manifest destiny can shift the international community's opinion on a nation. These claims you make are ridiculous and far overstepping your boundaries. You say that your nation is free while it is a widely known fact that white supremacy runs rampantly. That does not allow freedom for all of your people. Personally, I think that the Fabus family is near raising above the Iesus family's insanity. While it is not my nation's official stance, I think that your whole family can go screw itself."
-Ellison Chaknov
-Leader, Sigma Octavus
"Since nearly ninety-five percent of our entire Commonwealth's population is white, and one-hundred percent of all North American possessions are white, we feel it would be inappropriate to allow a small minority to dominate and oppress an overwhelmingly larger and superior majority."
Czar Roger Fabus
P.S. Kiss my white ass
OOC: Woah there Mr Ashcroft.
06-12-2004, 08:29
Asked what he thought about the recent announcement by Curtis Fabus, the king said "Ho-hum. It's just more sword waving. They do so much of it over there that one gets pretty used to it. As far as the assassination thing goes, I'd say that policy is misguided. Foreign nations will not like having their leaders assassinated. I think that unless they calm down a bit on that bit, they're eventually going to kill off the leader of the wrong nation, and then there will be a big mess. I really hadn't thought about the annoncement at all until asked about it. There are more pressing issues closer to home than more of the same from Mississippi."
In a recent poll, 85% percent of the public think that Curtis Fabus is a looney. 7% do not know who he is.
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 09:18
Asked what he thought about the recent announcement by Curtis Fabus, the king said "Ho-hum. It's just more sword waving. They do so much of it over there that one gets pretty used to it. As far as the assassination thing goes, I'd say that policy is misguided. Foreign nations will not like having their leaders assassinated. I think that unless they calm down a bit on that bit, they're eventually going to kill off the leader of the wrong nation, and then there will be a big mess. I really hadn't thought about the annoncement at all until asked about it. There are more pressing issues closer to home than more of the same from Mississippi."
In a recent poll, 85% percent of the public think that Curtis Fabus is a looney. 7% do not know who he is.
Ooc- We rarely assassinate leaders, we often go after foreign journalists that make us look bad, that present MS in a bad light. We go after prominent foreign marxists, foreign masons, etc. We go after foreign organized crime figures, and such (Well Roger does, Curtis helped the mob, Curtis was for a time, the mob)
To:Ellison Chaknov, Leader of Sigma Octavus
From: Iuthian Diplomatic Corps, Central Command, Iuthia Prima
Subject: Mississippian 'Rights'
While normally it wouldn't be our place to contact you personally on such a matter, we feel that explaining the interesting reality behind the latest claims of Mississippian 'Rights' would be amusing and within our interests.
As we are sure you are aware, International Law doesn't really exist in any real sense which can bind us. No one nation is bound to any such law because the only way for that law to be enforced is for another nation to enforce it upon you, something which would require international backing which it inevitably doesn't have because few nations are willing to support the idea of International Laws.
This taken into account, one has to question what a nation has the right to do, and what it does not have the right to do. This is not determined by law or rules, but simply on capability to do an action and get away with it. In some many cases the nation doesn't even need to get away with it. So in this sense we could concider that Decisive Action does indeed have the right to do whatever it likes... however whether it would be able to acheive it without retaliation is another matter.
They could attempt to assasinate whomever they please and claim they have the right to do so. However we both know that if they attempt to kill VIP's in either of our nations the likely responce if we find out could very well be one of equal or more likely, much worse concequence. We wouldn't concider it their right and quite frankly it's our opinion which matters seeing as how we respond depends on it. In your case I imagine it would result in your allies getting involved for some rather interesting responces. Assuming Curtis isn't an idiot, a hopeful assumption at best, he will know that the reaction would be dire and would not attempt to do such... lest he place himself in danger.
Basically, the legality of their 'right' to do anything is not the issue. It's more about whether they can acheive it, if they are willing and if they are prepared to face the concequences. We rate their capability as relatively low, though the rest is anyones guess. They aren't well known for their wise choices in actions.
We find it is best to not concern ourselves with their statements and instead watch their actions. They can claim whatever the hell they want, the man can call himself God for all we care, it doesn't really bother us. Their actions can be watched just incase they actually become a threat but for the time being they are just another Dictatorship taking out their anger at themselves on their populace.
Thanks for listening, I hope this clears up our opinions on such matters,
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
The Freethinkers
06-12-2004, 09:41
Official Communique
It has come to our attention that the current regime of formerly Communist Mississippi is once again making an announcement that shows the laughable lack of diplomacy and disregard for the soveriegnty of Nation states by blatantly stating that they will chase down anyone who dares criticise them, even in a foreign country.
The sheer stupidity of such a threat belies the limited and almost childlike urges of the Fabus family, they who wish ultimate power knowing deep down that it is a lost cause. Your intolerance and your stupidity will one day be the end of you, and it will be fun to see your backwater of a nation totally crushed by some true military giant.
Yours in perpetual amusement.
Sir Brian Godwall, Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, Undeveloped Nations
OOC: Bit of a risque strategy, don't ya think? I dont think many people would take kindly to having their citizens shot for expressing their views.
Well, your idea.
The Canadian Union
06-12-2004, 12:44
Official Statement by the Prime Minister
So, Mr. Fabus, by your definition of terrorism, myself, my wife Mai, most of the House of Commons and the Senate, and a good percentage of the East Canadian people are terrorists?
It is a well-known fact we find your policies abhorrent, to say the least. Does expressing our distate for your regime make us terrorists? Remember, sir, there is no such thing as a 'thought crime'.
I recommend you check yourself into a mental institution, for the benefit of your people.
Prime Minister Colin Graves
06-12-2004, 12:55
OOC: I want to make sure I have this straight, you are saying that you will assassinate anyone from any nation, yet you will ignore anyone who attacks you?:rolleyes:
Gorkonian National News, Gork-Sat Satellite Television Network, December 6th 2004, approx. 1215 Gorkonian Military Time
"Hello, this is Jenker Var reporting LIVE from outside the Palace of Monarchs. Today saw yet more ramblings from a regime increasingly referred to as 'insane' by High Command, this time from the lips of Curtis Fabus, ex ruler of Mississippi. High Command used to hold the nation and the Fabus Regime in particular in high regard, even having the first ever Gorkonian foreign embassy located within their borders. But it was only a short time after the end of The Isolation that High Command began to show less respect, even disdain, for the Mississippian government. Currently, they are listed as 44th on the Military's list of important foreign nations, a stark contrast to the lofty position of 1st they used to hold.
"This time, Fabus insinuated that Mississippi 'reserved the right' to uphold their beliefs even outside of their own borders. Commander in Chief Benjamin Greeson is expected to make... ah, here he comes now."
The woman stepped aside as a camera panned right and then up. A well-built, tall man in a grey military uniform stepped out of the large open doors of the Gothic castle. His short, neat, jet black hair showed signs of grey on the sides but he strode with the vigour of a teenager. He made his way down some steps and came to rest in front of a podium. He held his hands up to the cheering crowd of civilians and the talking crowd of reporters who had gathered in the tiled square in front of the palace, and there was silence.
"Loyal civilians, hear me," he said in a deep voice. "A high-ranking official of the nation of Mississippi has made some veiled threats against anybody who disagrees with their ways. Their government does not care about their civilians, their military does not show them the respect that your military shows you. And now they threaten to show this same disrespect to everybody else? I say that they are insane!"
He paused for the excitable group to quiet down again, then continued.
"You are safe within our borders. Nobody comes in and nobody comes out without my say so. And if you are found dead at the hands of the impure of Mississippi outside of our borders, I can guarantee you that your death will not be the only death! If you die for being what you are – for being a Gorkonian -- millions will follow as the streets of Mississippi flow red!"
The crowd cheered for a while, but stopped again as they saw he hadn't finished.
"For you are Gorkonians. Your Military values each and every one of you, and each and every one of you stands for something. Something great. Something Gorkonian -- and you should not fear anyone who sees fit to take that away from you!!"
The crowd erupted, cheering for a good five minutes and chanting Greeson's name. He held up his hands once again, immediately silencing them.
"And... I dare anybody to try," he finished quietly. "Long live the Military! Long live Gorkon!" He held up his arms, this time in victory, and the crowd roared. He turned and walked back up the steps and into the palace, two soldiers shutting the doors when he was inside. The cheering died down after a few minutes and the crowd started to disperse.
"Well that was an... energetic address from the Commander-in-Chief," Var said as the camera panned back to her. "With a growing disrespect for the Mississippian government, even using the word 'impure' for the first time just then, this reporter wonders how long it will be before High Command simply starts igoring them. This has been Jenker Var for GNN, live from the Palace of Monarchs."
The Canadian Union
06-12-2004, 21:13
I agree with the minister from Gorkon. Mississippi has no right to tell the outside world what to say and what to think.
However, by his logic, any thoughts that are anti-Fabus, and, thus, anti-Mississippi, are terrorist-related. I challenge Mr. Fabus to explain how this could be so. Man has always had the right to free thought- since when can you take it away?
-Prime Minister Colin Graves
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 21:18
I agree with the minister from Gorkon. Mississippi has no right to tell the outside world what to say and what to think.
However, by his logic, any thoughts that are anti-Fabus, and, thus, anti-Mississippi, are terrorist-related. I challenge Mr. Fabus to explain how this could be so. Man has always had the right to free thought- since when can you take it away?
-Prime Minister Colin Graves
"Free thought is not free, nothing is free. Everything comes at a price, allowing free thought must come at the price of dangerous and bad thoughts, criminal thoughts, sick thoughts, thoughts against God, suicidal thoughts, seditious thoughts. No, there is no freedom in democracy and never will be. Liberty is whatever the government will allow you to do, the right to live, the right to bear arms, the right and duty to accept Christ, the right to be racially aware, the right to serve in the armed forces. The right to occasionally think thoughts perhaps not publicly acceptable, but not rights that contradict the government's plans and the order of the new world. And again, if you fit the Department of Internal Security's definition of a terrorist, remember, fear the Mississippian Federation for you will lose your liberty."
Attorney General, Curtis Fabus
Camel Eaters
06-12-2004, 21:18
P.S. Kiss my white ass
Sure why not?
Tek Aleua
Director or Secular Studies
The Canadian Union
06-12-2004, 21:22
"Free thought is not free, nothing is free. Everything comes at a price, allowing free thought must come at the price of dangerous and bad thoughts, criminal thoughts, sick thoughts, thoughts against God, suicidal thoughts, seditious thoughts. No, there is no freedom in democracy and never will be. Liberty is whatever the government will allow you to do, the right to live, the right to bear arms, the right and duty to accept Christ, the right to be racially aware, the right to serve in the armed forces. The right to occasionally think thoughts perhaps not publicly acceptable, but not rights that contradict the government's plans and the order of the new world. And again, if you fit the Department of Internal Security's definition of a terrorist, remember, fear the Mississippian Federation for you will lose your liberty."
Attorney General, Curtis Fabus
1. There is a God, yes. However, he does not interfere with our lvives. Remember, he gave us the right to free thought.
2. There can be liberty in democracy. The government lets people have freedom, but within reason.
3. There is no duty to accept Christ. Yes, we believe he is the saivour, but people have a right to believe in other faiths.
4. There is no such thing as being "racially aware". There are many good people in other races. I know that for certain. Ask my wife.
5. People have a God-given right to think what they wish. That's the beauty of man- independent thought.
6. So I may fit your definition of a terrorist. If standing up for the rights of free men everywhere makes me a terrorist, then, by God, I'm guilty.
-Colin Graves
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 21:24
1. There is a God, yes. However, he does not interfere with our lvives. Remember, he gave us the right to free thought.
2. There can be liberty in democracy. The government lets people have freedom, but within reason.
3. There is no duty to accept Christ. Yes, we believe he is the saivour, but people have a right to believe in other faiths.
4. There is no such thing as being "racially aware". There are many good people in other races. I know that for certain. Ask my wife.
5. People have a God-given right to think what they wish. That's the beauty of man- independent thought.
6. So I may fit your definition of a terrorist. If standing up for the rights of free men everywhere makes me a terrorist, then, by God, I'm guilty.
-Colin Graves
"You're a race-mixing piece of trash, and probably a drunk also."
Attorney General Curtis Fabus
Evil Woody Thoughts
06-12-2004, 21:26
OOC: What is the worst terrorist attack, in terms of lives lost, that has ever occurred in DA? The Prime Minister is writing a speech to give to the Parliament, and the rest of the world, tonight...
About sixty NS years ago, terrorists successfully detonated a nuclear weapon in Great Woody City (my national capital), killing 9 million people. So we take this sort of thing very seriously.
06-12-2004, 21:31
P.S: Kiss my White Ass
Sir, if you'd like to simply ask your countrymen that, we here in Samtonia are absolutely sure that quite a few would not only take you up on it, they'd ensure that you wouldn't be able to walk after waht they did to you.
Oh, did we insult the Mississippians? Did we make them get angry? Are they sad now? Are they going to label us terrorists?
We'd suggest they don't. Any attack against any samtonian citizen, anywhere around the world, will be seen as an immediate decleration of war against Samtonia and responded to as such. We suggest you watch what we and certain allies are about to do to Zarbia. It'll be worse when we do it to you.
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 21:36
OOC: What is the worst terrorist attack, in terms of lives lost, that has ever occurred in DA? The Prime Minister is writing a speech to give to the Parliament, and the rest of the world, tonight...
About sixty NS years ago, terrorists successfully detonated a nuclear weapon in Great Woody City (my national capital), killing 9 million people. So we take this sort of thing very seriously.
"The worst terrorist attack occurred on June 12th, 1995, when eight foreign operatives, along with twenty-six domestic marxist terrorists, involved in a plot, destroyed the Mississippian Ministry of Finance building, killing over sixteen thousand people and injuring forty thousand more. They used over ten tons of C4 explosives to accomplish the mission. However, two weeks later, we assured such attacks could never happen again with the passing of the Crime Fighting Act of 1995."
Attorney General Curtis Fabus
Crime Fighting Act of 1995- Allowed that the government could detain indefinitely without notifying anybody, those deemed a threat to national security. Also allowed that if the person detained was a threat to national security, the government was under no obligation to allow them to contact anybody. Signed into law by Arthur Frick.
All my laws can be found in my factbook (link in signature) critics of Mississippi claim that before the Crime Fighting Act of 1995 was passed, we were still only semi-free, having lost what few freedoms were gained back from the 1984 Civil War, shortly after Curtis realized in 1985 that to hold onto power he'd need to be a dictator. But after 1995, we were totally a police state, 1995 solidified us into a police state, the Crime Fighting Act that is, but that never would have passed had the DISFB not blown up the Ministry of Finance and then blamed it on communists.
06-12-2004, 21:36
The United States of Shalrirorchia again today branded the Mississippian Federation a "fascist state engaged in perpetual abuses of human rights" and announced that Mississippi would remain on the U.S.S. International Blacklist. The M.F. has consistently made the Blacklist since its' introduction ten years ago.
President Gistarai, recently re-elected by the people of Shalrirorchia and emboldened by an increase in his liberal margins in Congress, angrily denounced the policies of the Fabus Regime in a speech to the International Council For Human Rights, which is based in the U.S.S. capital of Shalcoria.
"As usual, the Mississippian government has chosen a platform of race-hate ideology, pseudoscience, and outright naked appeals to religious extremists as the official policy of the Federation's government." Gistarai said. "It is the duty of the Free World to contain destructive regimes like the Mississippian Federation, and to seek to overturn them if necessary."
The Council passed a resolution condemning the government of the Federation by a vote of 9-1.
"With our allies the Shalrirorchians, we implore the minorities of the Mississippian Federation to peacefully protest the continued policies of the Fabus Regime, and to call for unbiased national elections." the Council statement read.
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 21:40
The United States of Shalrirorchia again today branded the Mississippian Federation a "fascist state engaged in perpetual abuses of human rights" and announced that Mississippi would remain on the U.S.S. International Blacklist. The M.F. has consistently made the Blacklist since its' introduction ten years ago.
President Gistarai, recently re-elected by the people of Shalrirorchia and emboldened by an increase in his liberal margins in Congress, angrily denounced the policies of the Fabus Regime in a speech to the International Council For Human Rights, which is based in the U.S.S. capital of Shalcoria.
"As usual, the Mississippian government has chosen a platform of race-hate ideology, pseudoscience, and outright naked appeals to religious extremists as the official policy of the Federation's government." Gistarai said. "It is the duty of the Free World to contain destructive regimes like the Mississippian Federation, and to seek to overturn them if necessary."
The Council passed a resolution condemning the government of the Federation by a vote of 9-1.
"With our allies the Shalrirorchians, we implore the minorities of the Mississippian Federation to peacefully protest the continued policies of the Fabus Regime, and to call for unbiased national elections." the Council statement read.
"There are no non-whites in any of our North American territories, and those few non-whites still alive in our African possessions are either arabs and for us, or are other groups that only rebel and don't know what peaceful means."
Attorney General Curtis Fabus
06-12-2004, 21:43
"And yet that does not answer our charges of the Federation's thoroughly immoral and corrupt government system. The policy of the U.S.S. remains unchanged...we seek regime change and the arrest of the Fabus family for crimes against humanity, to be tried in the United Nations International Court."
Vice-President Dean, United States of Shalrirorchia
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 21:48
"And yet that does not answer our charges of the Federation's thoroughly immoral and corrupt government system. The policy of the U.S.S. remains unchanged...we seek regime change and the arrest of the Fabus family for crimes against humanity, to be tried in the United Nations International Court."
Vice-President Dean, United States of Shalrirorchia
"Mississippi without the Fabus family would be unimaginably horrible. Anyway, Roger has never done anything that could be considered war crimes or crimes against humanity. I consider the only member of the Fabus family possibly guilty of these so-called crimes, to be myself, but I think they were all necessary actions at the times I had them carried out."
Attorney General Curtis Fabus
06-12-2004, 21:53
"Look, all these threats and preening and posturing have not resolved the situation. The President, despite his words earlier, has indicated interest in visiting the Mississippian Federation along with Secretary of State Toku Myers and National Security Advisor Jennifer Benson. Would the government there be interested in hosting informal talks?"
Vice-President Dean, United States of Shalrirorchia
06-12-2004, 21:54
The Great Leader Li laughed, he looked up at the television screen again and laughed again, then he excused himself from his office and went to a quiet place until he stopped laughing.
Great, he thought. More yokels and unenlightened jackasses in this world. Oh well, MassPwnage kept mostly to its own business, except for some slaving expeditions. He wanted to mail the Mississipians a dead chicken with a satanic runestone lodged in its mouth just to spite him. But then again, the government of The People's Republic of MassPwnage was avowedly atheist. The white thing sort of bugged him though, it was minor, but WHAT AN IDIOT the ruler of that nation must be, he knew capitalist reeducation camp dredges that were smarter than that, assassinating foreign nationals was the quickest possible way to cause hostilities.
Oh well, no need to worry too much, the actions of Mississippi had almost no effect on The People's Republic of MassPwnage, but still, the words of Curtis Fabus made his day. He decided to ask Curtis something.
Question: So, without quoting or making referrence to religious scripture, what makes Caucasian people superior to other humans or human/other lifeform hybrids?
06-12-2004, 21:59
" The Nation of zackaroth laughs at this attempt to scare other nations. Your people cant say whatever they can in your country thats fine but saying any other nation who says something bad is automactically a terroist nation. Well we have had a couple of reporters say some bad stuff about your nation and we dont care because we run this nation NOT you. This is also the reason we banned and burned all those crappy little gospels that Roger made. They made very good fire starters. Does the riots in the street protesting your Roger's so called bible count as a terroist inducing act?? If any attempt is made to kill reporters or citzens of Zackaroth we have the right to declare war on you for mudering of innocent people who are allowed to express there opion in a safe manner."
From the desks of the Bishops of Zackaroth
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 22:00
"Look, all these threats and preening and posturing have not resolved the situation. The President, despite his words earlier, has indicated interest in visiting the Mississippian Federation along with Secretary of State Toku Myers and National Security Advisor Jennifer Benson. Would the government there be interested in hosting informal talks?"
Vice-President Dean, United States of Shalrirorchia
"I don't see what we could say in person we couldn't say over a phone conference. Quite frankly, given your rabid anti-Mississippi and anti-Mississippian racist policies and tones in previous messages, I don't feel safe near your people."
Attorney General, Curtis Fabus
06-12-2004, 22:06
"I don't see what we could say in person we couldn't say over a phone conference. Quite frankly, given your rabid anti-Mississippi and anti-Mississippian racist policies and tones in previous messages, I don't feel safe near your people."
Attorney General, Curtis Fabus
"We are willing to travel there, if you will not risk coming to Shalcoria. The President is keeping up appearances at home, but privately we have decided to offer negotiations as a solution to these important questions. We believe that if these problems can be resolved in a satsifactory way that the U.S.S. sanctions and blacklisting can be removed in Congress. So you DO have an incentive to at least meet and talk."
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 22:10
"We are willing to travel there, if you will not risk coming to Shalcoria. The President is keeping up appearances at home, but privately we have decided to offer negotiations as a solution to these important questions. We believe that if these problems can be resolved in a satsifactory way that the U.S.S. sanctions and blacklisting can be removed in Congress. So you DO have an incentive to at least meet and talk."
"Only if your men are first stopped over in Tennessee and thoroughly given a full body search."
Attorney General Curtis Fabus
06-12-2004, 22:14
"Only if your men are first stopped over in Tennessee and thoroughly given a full body search."
Attorney General Curtis Fabus
"I am the President of a modern, industrialized, peaceful nation. I take it as a personal affront if the Mississippian Federation does not even trust a diplomatic envoy sufficiently to allow them in without searching them. If you want to run us through routine metal-detectors, I can understand that. Our Secret Service detail can leave the 9mms on the plane. But I will not allow my entourage to be humiliated like THAT."
President Tarumigan Gistarai
06-12-2004, 22:19
The Minister of Foreign Affairs sat at his desk filing through the last weeks briefings. He paused at the transcript of the speech from the Attorney General of the small nation of Decisive Action.
He read it, chuckled and put it in the bin labeled 'Ignorant foreigners' , suspiciously the bin looked like a garbage bin.
Honestly, why do people even bother taking some of their time to respond to all this crap that comes out of Mississippi? Her leaders will always do whatever they want, regardless of world opinion. They think they're better then everyone else.
High Lady
Alasse Órecalo
06-12-2004, 22:20
*Transmission to President Gistarai* I suspect that the inspectors at the border gain erotic pleasure from inspecting the body cavities of the security agents, especially the male ones- The Great Leader Li. *End Transmission*
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 22:26
"I am the President of a modern, industrialized, peaceful nation. I take it as a personal affront if the Mississippian Federation does not even trust a diplomatic envoy sufficiently to allow them in without searching them. If you want to run us through routine metal-detectors, I can understand that. Our Secret Service detail can leave the 9mms on the plane. But I will not allow my entourage to be humiliated like THAT."
President Tarumigan Gistarai
"Then we will not allow them into the nation unless for each of them present at the conference, we have ten SRG snipers with their rifles trained on them via laser sights. So if they so much as make a sudden movement, boom. We need to assure our security you know."
Attorney General Curtis Fabus
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 22:27
Honestly, why do people even bother taking some of their time to respond to all this crap that comes out of Mississippi? Her leaders will always do whatever they want, regardless of world opinion. They think they're better then everyone else.
High Lady
Alasse Órecalo
"First of all, our nation is a he. Secondly, we know we're better than everybody else. Thirdly, nothing but crap comes out of our nation, eh? Well guess what, the world is our toilet then."
Propaganda Minister Joseph Mladic
Decisive Action
06-12-2004, 22:27
*Transmission to President Gistarai* I suspect that the inspectors at the border gain erotic pleasure from inspecting the body cavities of the security agents, especially the male ones- The Great Leader Li. *End Transmission*
"We will not be shamed into not performing proper security by accusations of our guards being perverted. We are going to assure all who enter our great land cannot cause any harm to our citizens, our leadership officials, and especially our Czar and Czarina."
Foreign Minister, Paul Stahlecker
Itinerate Tree Dweller
06-12-2004, 22:33
"First of all, our nation is a he. Secondly, we know we're better than everybody else. Thirdly, nothing but crap comes out of our nation, eh? Well guess what, the world is our toilet then."
Propaganda Minister Joseph Mladic
Secret Ic:
There were giggles and chuckles throughout the Imperial court today when they overhead "...we know we're better than everybody else..." on the digital video screens. Soon the entire room was filled with laughter,
06-12-2004, 23:47
Ooc- We rarely assassinate leaders, we often go after foreign journalists that make us look bad, that present MS in a bad light. We go after prominent foreign marxists, foreign masons, etc. We go after foreign organized crime figures, and such (Well Roger does, Curtis helped the mob, Curtis was for a time, the mob)
OOC: Yes, but the response was meant to be a fairly typical response from my government, as they're quite likely just to dismiss anything short of a declaration of war from Mississippi offhand.
Good plans Roger, I may have to follow through with the same.
King MacDonald
07-12-2004, 00:26
Heh, you're THAT paranoid huh? I'm betting the people that want you dead are your own citizens. How does that feel, to know that you don't have a 100% approval rating like I do? How does it feel to know that you're such a poor leader, that you leave your people with hatred in their hearts instead of admiration for their leader?
Ooc: I can safely say that I have a VERY HIGH approval rating (the Leader is inflating his numbers just a bit, approval ratings stand at like around 99.5-99.9%), the people adore me. Besides, my nation hasn't had even a pickpocketing for the last 1000 years, crime is totally unknown here.
Decisive Action
07-12-2004, 00:28
Heh, you're THAT paranoid huh? I'm betting the people that want you dead are your own citizens. How does that feel, to know that you don't have a 100% approval rating like I do? How does it feel to know that you're such a poor leader, that you leave your people with hatred in their hearts instead of admiration for their leader?
Ooc: I can safely say that I have a 100% approval rating, the people adore me. Besides, my nation hasn't had even a pickpocketing for the last 1000 years, crime is totally unknown here.
Ooc- I'd call that godmodding and would NEVER accept 100% approval. Even my nation, where people who don't conform are detected via brain scans, and loyalty is taught from day 1 to the last day of their life, we have about 1% of the people who are opposed to the general policies of the government, and about .01% of people who are actively engaged in trying to do subversive things. Having no domestic opposition is just a lame godmod. Hell we've had a few civil wars before, nothing too serious though. Crime is so rare here, nobody remembers the last robbery, murder, rape, etc. Not counting when the intelligence takes your stuff, kills you, and rapes your female relatives to set an example to others.
07-12-2004, 00:39
Official Statement from the Office of the Executor
"How many times must I explain that the words of madmen have no impact on the policies of Tyrandis? Your son, Roger, tried the same shit with me earlier, claiming that 'God' let him decide the laws of others nations. I let him live after forcing him to apologize. This latest screed from the mouth of an inbred is yet another example of DA arrogance and contempt for the sovereignity of foreign states.
While the leaders of smaller states may quake in fear of Mississippi, I know for a fact that the vile system and nation you defend is nothing but a paper tiger.
From this point forward, Tyrandis has shifted our foreign policy position towards the current government to one of Active Hostility. You would be well advised to sit down, shut up, and drink your milk."
Executor Xavier Davidson
Executor of the Imperium
The Island of Rose
07-12-2004, 00:56
Official Statement from The First Lady:
Oh seriously now, the best? I would like to say that Rosians are better at making love, I have Sergei to testify for that. I think in my opinion, you need to stop pretending to be better then us. Curtis, honey, use Viagra like the rest of the oldies. And please hun, stop showing your penis around, it's not much to see anyway.
Diane Ilyanov
First Lady of The Villa
((OOC: Yes he's OMG UBAH SEX GOD in your opinion. But Diane don't know this @_@))
Decisive Action
07-12-2004, 01:05
Official Statement from The First Lady:
Oh seriously now, the best? I would like to say that Rosians are better at making love, I have Sergei to testify for that. I think in my opinion, you need to stop pretending to be better then us. Curtis, honey, use Viagra like the rest of the oldies. And please hun, stop showing your penis around, it's not much to see anyway.
Diane Ilyanov
First Lady of The Villa
((OOC: Yes he's OMG UBAH SEX GOD in your opinion. But Diane don't know this @_@))
"You're an ugly bitch, and I can't see how anybody could ever want to fuck you. I've fucked damn near 2,500 in my lifetime, only 3 of them mattered to me, but anyway, I don't need Viagra, I'm damn near 10 inches long and could probably break a wood board if I put my mind to it (well put my head to it, other head though) anyway, you're ugly, get over it, deal with it. Nobody likes you except your zombie of a husband. Mississippians do it better because we're just better at somethings, especially because we do it more often and thus have more practice to refine it into an art. You're ugly as sin, drop dead bitch."
Attorney General, Curtis Fabus
"Please don't take everything my father says too offensively, he is just trying to comment and get his opinions across, he didn't mean to say anything too offensive though. Although I can't see why you want your husband or he wants you, I guess ugly people just attract other ugly people, and ugly people are attracted to other ugly people. As for Alice and I, it's proof that beautiful people attract and are attracted to, other beautiful people."
Czar Roger Fabus
07-12-2004, 01:12
"Please don't take everything my father says too offensively, he is just trying to comment and get his opinions across, he didn't mean to say anything too offensive though. Although I can't see why you want your husband or he wants you, I guess ugly people just attract other ugly people, and ugly people are attracted to other ugly people. As for Alice and I, it's proof that beautiful people attract and are attracted to, other beautiful people."
Czar Roger Fabus
OOC: Just a minor note... I took a look at that Roger pic you posted earlier. The guy had a unibrow.
The Island of Rose
07-12-2004, 01:14
Official Statement from The First Lady:
Mr. Curtis, the fact that you talk about your penis suggests that you have a phallic problem. I suggest that you speak to a psychologist, the days of the woman bending is over. Mr. Roger, just because I don't have double D size breasts doesn't mean I'm not attractive. I swear, you men never put thought into a woman's mind. Nope, it's the size of her breasts. Men, bah. And Roger hun, you're not that good looking. Curtis, you'll scare a busload of children fro Church, except in Mississippi The point is, you're going to be humbled one day, and I will laugh when that happens.
Diane Ilyanov
First Lady of The Villa
Decisive Action
07-12-2004, 01:14
OOC: Just a minor note... I took a look at that Roger pic you posted earlier. The guy had a unibrow.
Ooc- That's just the best representation of him I could find, really I'd have to take the image I get of him and Alice out of my mind, and make a person to fit that, for you to get the idea of how I picture them. Besides, pictures can look different than the person actually is, and anyway, that was a picture of him at an earlier age, problems like that can be fixed. And another thing, don't post unrelated OOC stuff in my threads that really doesn't matter. Either make it IC and related, or keep it out for clutter reasons. Really, I only seem to have to tell this to certain people, you're making IC remarks OOC, learn the difference. Arghh...
07-12-2004, 01:34
Attorney General Curtis Fabus,
I hope that only blessings fall upon you and your nation today. Today, I am speaking on the bahalf of the brothers of our council, and please do not let the fact that I am indeed femal color your judgement when you read our concerns. Following the progress and events in your nation, we are at a loss of what to think about your most recent speech. We listened and will continue to listen with an open mind, but your views where it comes to Religion and Women are questionable to say the least. Your most recent threat to those who may oppose you, seems as if you desire to play God or the hand of God amongst nations, but from all we can tell you are not Israel, therefore it did seem a bit pompous and an attempt to use intimidation to protect yourselves.
Also, the way that we have seen you address women outside of perhaps those in your own family or home, border on disrespectful. However we will not jump to any conclusions about your personal beliefs. We are curious in receiving more information about how women are treated in your nation and perhaps a brief overview of your international policies.
We do not wish to view your nation as a threat, but at the moment are as I said before, at a loss on how to exactly view your nation.
The Lord Bless you and keep you and we wish only hope and peace to you and your people.
- Sister Lela Baurani
The Council of Esteemed Brethren
The Nation of Chrisforternal
Evil Woody Thoughts
07-12-2004, 02:01
OOC: This is being broadcast on the Evil Woody News Network; people in other nations can watch it via satellite. Check out my sig for info on the "unique technologies that Evil Woody Thoughts holds in the realm of geology" in the speech. Though it's not completely unique--two other nations that I know of hold similar tech.
"Members of Parliament, it is because of the rantings of a madman that I have called you into special session tonight. The Attorney General of a racist nation known as Decisive Action has threatened to impose its overly draconian antiterrorism laws upon the rest of the world.
More specifically, Attorney General Curtis Fabus of Decisive Action has defined any opposition to his regime, domestic or foreign, as terrorism. The following is excerpted from his hate speech:
Since December of 1984, Mississippi has had a clear and defined definition of a terrorist, any and all who would in any way, shape, or form, attempt to oppose or cause harm to the Fabus Regime, a Fabus family member, or any official or citizen of the Mississippian Federation and his Commonwealth.
Let it be clear that this definition still stands today, and the punishment for such crimes against Mississippi is quite clear, it is swift and brutal death.
In a follow-up hate speech, Attorney General Fabus continued:
Mississippi reserve the right to neutralize any threat to the nation, people, or economic interests of the Federation, with the use of of deadly force. We can and we will terminate any and all threats to our stability and security. We will not tolerate foreigners preaching agitprop against our peaceful and loving nation. Nor will we tolerate criticism of our regime, way of life, and government, from even private citizens of other nations. We can and we will hunt you down. Mark my words, Mississippi is a land of the free and so shall it remain, if you wish otherwise, bring it on.
We have, from time to time, condemned Decisive Action's segregationist policies. However, we remain an isolationist nation, and we have only intervened militarily when we were directly attacked or when it was necessary to evacuate those who were slated for genocide by their government. We have never interfered with the internal affairs of Decisive Action, nor any of its territories or possessions, with the exception of speeches and diplomatic press releases to condemn that government's latest hate policy.
Yet, despite our isolationism, and the fact that our census counts not one Mississippian citizen among us, Decisive Action still defines us as 'terrorists.' This can only serve to show how loony the people that run the government over there really are.
Attorney General Fabus claims that because of terrorism, the government of Decisive Action lays claim to the right to murder anyone, anywhere, that it deems to be a 'terrorist,' without presenting even the slightest evidence as to why. A free nation that values its sovereignty cannot accept this. We have our own antiterrorism concerns, but we do not even try to extort other nations into giving us these extraterritorial rights. Therefore, I am announcing a new security doctrine:
1)The extraterritorial rights that Decisive Action has laid claim to shall not be recognized as valid within the country of Evil Woody Thoughts, the protectorates and territories thereof, nor recognized as binding upon the citizens of Evil Woody Thoughts;
2)Should the government of Decisive Action make any attempt to enforce its proclaimed extraterritoriality upon Evil Woody Thoughts, or the protectorates, territories, or citizens thereof, such actions shall be construed as nothing short of a Declaration of War upon Evil Woody Thoughts, and
3)In the event of war against Decisive Action, the Ministry of Science and Technology shall be directed to immediately militarize the unique technologies that Evil Woody Thoughts holds in the realm of geology, and shall also be directed to research ways to use this technology against foreign enemies.
We do not seek war. If Decisive Action refrains from using the doctrine promulgated by Attorney General Fabus to infringe on our national sovereignty, there will be no war. However, the government of Evil Woody Thoughts will not allow its citizens to be disappeared by a fascist regime in the name of "preventing terrorism."
I would further remind the government of Decisive Action that we have our own unpleasant experiences in fighting terrorism. Sixty years ago, ultra-right wing Christian terrorists, calling themselves "Falwellians," detonated a large nuclear device not two miles from where I stand today. Nine million people were killed in that blast. Less than a year later, the Falwellians were utterly crushed, as was the government in Elveshia, which knowingly harbored them. We deal harshly with terrorism, yet we do not persecute those who disagree with us in the vague notion of preventing terrorism.
The largest terrorist attack Decisive Action has ever suffered, in contrast, was only 1/160th the scale of the terrorist attack upon Great Woody City. It is ludicrous to allow such a nation to dictate our anti-terrorism policies to us. It is further ludicrous when a fascist, Orwellian police state asserts a right to summarily assassinate the citizens of a nation universally recognized as free, all in the name of preserving freedom.
*thunderous applause from the MP's*
We would not even consider asserting extraterritorial rights over the citizens of any other nationstate. We expect the same in return. To the Fabus family: We'll respect your national sovereignty if you respect ours. Good night to all."
*Thunderous applause. Prime Minister Woody II bows to the members of Parliament and leaves the podium.*
Decisive Action
07-12-2004, 02:05
Attorney General Curtis Fabus,
I hope that only blessings fall upon you and your nation today. Today, I am speaking on the bahalf of the brothers of our council, and please do not let the fact that I am indeed femal color your judgement when you read our concerns. Following the progress and events in your nation, we are at a loss of what to think about your most recent speech. We listened and will continue to listen with an open mind, but your views where it comes to Religion and Women are questionable to say the least. Your most recent threat to those who may oppose you, seems as if you desire to play God or the hand of God amongst nations, but from all we can tell you are not Israel, therefore it did seem a bit pompous and an attempt to use intimidation to protect yourselves.
Also, the way that we have seen you address women outside of perhaps those in your own family or home, border on disrespectful. However we will not jump to any conclusions about your personal beliefs. We are curious in receiving more information about how women are treated in your nation and perhaps a brief overview of your international policies.
We do not wish to view your nation as a threat, but at the moment are as I said before, at a loss on how to exactly view your nation.
The Lord Bless you and keep you and we wish only hope and peace to you and your people.
- Sister Lela Baurani
The Council of Esteemed Brethren
The Nation of Chrisforternal
"Silence woman, we are True Israel, the people of the house of Jacob Israel. We destroyed the false devil nation of Israel in 1990 when we helped the arab and muslim coalition armies overrun that stain in the Middle East. Our roadmap to piece was a map to Tel Aviv."
Attorney General Curtis Fabus
07-12-2004, 02:11
No offense was meant by that particular comment, but much offense was taken by your response. The only man who may instruct me to be silent or to speak would be my husband, and seeing as I hold a position where I am not to participate in any mating rituals or matrimonial activities, the only other person with the right to silence me would be God himself.
But please note that our message was not centered around your nation being Israel or not, but an interest in your international policies. That is all.
Many blessings to you,
- Sister Lela Baurani
- The Council of Esteemed Brethren
Decisive Action
07-12-2004, 02:17
No offense was meant by that particular comment, but much offense was taken by your response. The only man who may instruct me to be silent or to speak would be my husband, and seeing as I hold a position where I am not to participate in any mating rituals or matrimonial activities, the only other person with the right to silence me would be God himself.
But please note that our message was not centered around your nation being Israel or not, but an interest in your international policies. That is all.
Many blessings to you,
- Sister Lela Baurani
- The Council of Esteemed Brethren
As to your most recent letter, when men are talking, women are listening, and when men are telling women to "silence" they are complying, without question. So remember, woman, "Silence", and know your place.
Attorney General, Curtis Fabus
The Canadian Union
07-12-2004, 02:18
Mr. Fabus,
Why must you insult my integrity? I have no desire to argue with you, however, I shall.
1. My wife is Asian. Big fucking deal. She's one of the most beautiful people I've ever met- inside and out. Skin color is irrelevant. I make no apologies for marrying Mai- I love her.
2. You call me, a respectable and upstanding fellow, trash? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black..
According to my sources, you have:
1. Fucked and or raped over 1,000 women
2. Married your sister (Incest)
3. Ordered the execution of millions who need not have been killed
4. You drink and smoke incessantly
5. Drawn up stupid, useless laws to enslave your population.
The list goes on and on.
Mr. Fabus, with all due respect, go fuck yourself. Leave me and my wife alone.
-Colin Graves
07-12-2004, 02:21
The Great Leader Li continued to laugh. This was getting funnier and funnier, Roger probably kept that dumbass father of his in power because he felt sorry for him.
He began to draft a letter to Curtis.
Dear Dumbass (scratched out), asshole (scratched out), Dipshit (scratched out), Sir (intact),
Sir, I just wish to ask you something. What the FUCK is running through your mind? Do you have ANY idea on how to properly run a nation, or do you just wander through life smoking crack and copulating with one of your african servant girls occasionally? Your son declared himself a saint, you're the most foul mouthed, ignorant jackass this side of Jerry Springer to appear in public. You think you're Israel, even when you massacred the Jews, you worship a false god, corrupt the original teachings of the founder of your religion, who preached tolerance for all, and declared yourself superior because you and your drooling, inbred government were born with peach-toned skin. Again, what the FUCK is running through your mind Sir?
-The Great Leader Li.
Decisive Action
07-12-2004, 02:32
Mr. Fabus,
Why must you insult my integrity? I have no desire to argue with you, however, I shall.
1. My wife is Asian. Big fucking deal. She's one of the most beautiful people I've ever met- inside and out. Skin color is irrelevant. I make no apologies for marrying Mai- I love her.
2. You call me, a respectable and upstanding fellow, trash? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black..
According to my sources, you have:
1. Fucked and or raped over 1,000 women
2. Married your sister (Incest)
3. Ordered the execution of millions who need not have been killed
4. You drink and smoke incessantly
5. Drawn up stupid, useless laws to enslave your population.
The list goes on and on.
Mr. Fabus, with all due respect, go fuck yourself. Leave me and my wife alone.
-Colin Graves
Ooc- Sevaris, how can your puppet know about stuff RPed between Sevaris and DA?
"I've never raped any woman, I have had sex with over 2,000, but it was all consensual. You'd not believe how many women in Mississippi considered it an honor to accommodate me."
Curtis Fabus
07-12-2004, 02:34
Because Curtis, you jackass, you'd kill them for not consenting, i'd call that rape.
Hopefully, you recieved my letter, now go back and fuck some more african call girls you inbred freak.- The Great Leader Li.
The Canadian Union
07-12-2004, 02:35
Ooc- Sevaris, how can your puppet know about stuff RPed between Sevaris and DA?
"I've never raped any woman, I have had sex with over 2,000, but it was all consensual. You'd not believe how many women in Mississippi considered it an honor to accommodate me."
Curtis Fabus
OOC: Graves knows because Mannerheim leaked all those things about Fabus to the press. Information travels fast, you know.
I'm willing to bet that you have. And, If Mississippian women consider it an honor to jump into bed with you, then Mississippian women must generally be retarted and or blind.
-Colin Graves
07-12-2004, 02:41
Oh and your comment on humans from the continent of Asia.... first of all, there's nothing wrong with Asians, the human/hybrid population here is Asian, and of course, they're just like any other citizen of this nation, not stupid and inbred like folks from Mississippi-The Great Leader Li.
Sigma Octavus
07-12-2004, 03:07
"Maybe not so much insane as delusional and not very bright. IF we wanted a Mississippian dead, we'd do it. We would be perfectly protected from any foreign retaliation. My beloved nation is one of the most heavily defended in existence.
It's all hypothetical though, since I don't consider you very much of a threat. The great Mississippi, underminding the NATO ultimatum at every turn. The great Mississippi, land of God's chosen. The great Mississippi, where manifest destiny over the earth seems to be the reality. The great Mississippi this, the great Mississippi that. If my father was still alive, he'd crush you. Luckily, I'm a bit more compassionate and accepting than my father. Not that I accept what you do.
And don't start bitching about the ultimatum. NATO is far too busy for the likes of you.
It's not like me to interfere with other nations unless they directly affect me and my land, so I now leave you to your own doings. But remember, you touch a single Sigman and I'll crush you into the ground."
Ellison Chaknov
Presidential Address, Office of the President, Presidential Complex
Victoria - Capital City, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Federal Republic of Canada
President Wittrock stood up nicely, straight and appropriate for his address to his people and the international communities' new stance of the Federal Republic of Canada towards Mississipi's Fabus Regime, "Good morning, day or evening where ever you are listening to the radio broadcast or watching it on television. Today we announce our new Foreign Policy in the regards of the recent course of action in Mississipi.
"At one point we had a mutual military alliance agreement between our people to build two naval bases on the coasts of Fabus Island and off the coast of Florida. However we have terminated our relations and are placing high political pressure on the corruptive racist religious bigots.
"Pardon my harsh words, though I purely speak the truth. Mississipi under the Fabus Regime has gone through oppression and people are suffering from paranoia and depression. We recieve over one hundred and fifty foreign refugees that sneak out of Mississipi for their lives.
"People of different colour are sexually, spirtually, physically and emotionally abused by the Imperial Mississipian Guard. We, the international community cannot allow The Fabus Regime to continue their Ku-Klux Klan idealism and bring forth basic international rights to the Mississipian people.
"If the Fabus Regime continues their neglection of allowing people right of colour, religion and even sexual orientation to live harmony as they should, we'll call for a coaliation force to come together between the nations that have came to speak of these atrocities to humanity! That is all for now, and thank you. Be prepared, Fabus."
The Canadian Union
07-12-2004, 12:40
I fully agree with President Wittrock's statments. The Fabus regime's crimes have become too great to stomach. He may like to paint pictures of Mississippi as a paradise, but this is not true. Were it true, then we wouldn't see all those displaced peoples seeking asylum.
The time has come for the world to do something about Fabus. We can do something. The question is, will we?
Thank you.
-Prime Minister Colin Graves
07-12-2004, 13:46
Ooc: *tag*
Decisive Action
07-12-2004, 13:48
I fully agree with President Wittrock's statments. The Fabus regime's crimes have become too great to stomach. He may like to paint pictures of Mississippi as a paradise, but this is not true. Were it true, then we wouldn't see all those displaced peoples seeking asylum.
The time has come for the world to do something about Fabus. We can do something. The question is, will we?
Thank you.
-Prime Minister Colin Graves
"You race-mixing piece of shit, you know damn well it's a lie, there are not masses of refugees leaving our nation, rather millions of white immigrants pour in monthly. Just today we broke 1 billion people in our homeland of Mississippi, combined with our Commonwealth we are nearly over 1.5 billion. So fuck you."
Attorney General Curtis Fabus
Decisive Action
07-12-2004, 13:52
Presidential Address, Office of the President, Presidential Complex
Victoria - Capital City, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Federal Republic of Canada
President Wittrock stood up nicely, straight and appropriate for his address to his people and the international communities' new stance of the Federal Republic of Canada towards Mississipi's Fabus Regime, "Good morning, day or evening where ever you are listening to the radio broadcast or watching it on television. Today we announce our new Foreign Policy in the regards of the recent course of action in Mississipi.
"At one point we had a mutual military alliance agreement between our people to build two naval bases on the coasts of Fabus Island and off the coast of Florida. However we have terminated our relations and are placing high political pressure on the corruptive racist religious bigots.
"Pardon my harsh words, though I purely speak the truth. Mississipi under the Fabus Regime has gone through oppression and people are suffering from paranoia and depression. We recieve over one hundred and fifty foreign refugees that sneak out of Mississipi for their lives.
"People of different colour are sexually, spirtually, physically and emotionally abused by the Imperial Mississipian Guard. We, the international community cannot allow The Fabus Regime to continue their Ku-Klux Klan idealism and bring forth basic international rights to the Mississipian people.
"If the Fabus Regime continues their neglection of allowing people right of colour, religion and even sexual orientation to live harmony as they should, we'll call for a coaliation force to come together between the nations that have came to speak of these atrocities to humanity! That is all for now, and thank you. Be prepared, Fabus."
"Firstly, ninety-eight percent of our people are white Christian heterosexuals, and thus we will not be told that a tiny minority is to be elevated above them, not now not ever. Secondly, talk about peaceful other religions, white muslim converts near New Bir Gandus in Western Sahara are still causing us problems, but the arab muslims like us. The only people who don't like us or a small number of white muslims and some South African blacks. For the most part, even our non-whites are happy."
"Your idle threats scare me about as much as the stories of a mythical "big foot" wandering around the swamps and hills of Mississippi. Go back to Canada, if you're already there, stay put."
Attorney General Curtis Fabus
07-12-2004, 19:07
The U.S.S., angered by continued M.F. actions, has convened a council in Shalcoria for potential punitive military action against the Fabus regime in response for the continuing human rights violations.
07-12-2004, 19:19
The Fabus Creature asserts his strength. He is challenged by all around him. Will the Fabus Creature's strength be as sure as his arrogance? This is how it should be. The humans are not without potential, it seems.
Captain Grak,
Commander of 0micronis Military Colony, 0micronis Island
Decisive Action
07-12-2004, 19:27
The U.S.S., angered by continued M.F. actions, has convened a council in Shalcoria for potential punitive military action against the Fabus regime in response for the continuing human rights violations.
Ooc- You go ahead and call for people to attack for non-IC reasons, I'll just kick back, open a bottle of vodka, turn on Wagner, and give you a whole lot of ignore.
07-12-2004, 19:35
Correct me if I am wrong, but is that not why we are currently at war with Iraq? :D
And I like Wagner too, but I am more partial to Beethoven.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
07-12-2004, 19:44
The U.S.S., angered by continued M.F. actions, has convened a council in Shalcoria for potential punitive military action against the Fabus regime in response for the continuing human rights violations.
"While some nations do have legitimate reasons to wage war on Decisive Action, your nation does not." - Emperor Erik Kersk -
Decisive Action
07-12-2004, 19:51
"While some nations do have legitimate reasons to wage war on Decisive Action, your nation does not." - Emperor Erik Kersk -
"We'd like to know which nations have legitimate reasons."
Czar Roger Fabus
07-12-2004, 20:50
IC: Czar Roger, hasn't it ever occured to you that by personally offending the leaders of other nations, national leaders with the keys to their militaries, that said leaders might take it personally and take it upon themselves to vaporize your racist, misogynistic, homophobic jesus freak ass?- The Great Leader Li.
The Burnsian Desert
07-12-2004, 21:35
07-12-2004, 21:46
07-12-2004, 21:50
" We would like to know why has all these threats that you have said against the counties that speak out against you have not come to pass. We have burned your bibles, Protested against your ways and allowed reporters to voice there opions so tell me why is no one dead yet?? Isthat you know if you do kill some one you countries will band togethher and defeat you or are you just not man enough to carry them out???"
From; Aimless High leader of zackaroth
Decisive Action
07-12-2004, 22:12
" We would like to know why has all these threats that you have said against the counties that speak out against you have not come to pass. We have burned your bibles, Protested against your ways and allowed reporters to voice there opions so tell me why is no one dead yet?? Isthat you know if you do kill some one you countries will band togethher and defeat you or are you just not man enough to carry them out???"
From; Aimless High leader of zackaroth
"Shut the fuck up and get off the air you jackass. Just because my dad gets over-zealous at times and says things, doesn't mean I am going to do what he suggests or says. Learn to realize, I am the Czar, the ultimate authority, when I am not here, Alice, the Czarina, in the ultimate authority. I set the policy, not my father, not my brothers, not my sisters, I do, me, Roger Fabus, Czar Roger Fabus. So I suggest you open a fucking browser and find our government site and read where it says "Head of State: Czar Roger Fabus", "Head of Government: Czar Roger Fabus", "Head of Mississippian National Front Party: Czar Roger Fabus", I am the state, realize that."
Most sincere regards,
Roger Fabus
07-12-2004, 22:17
" Forgive us Rpger we had no idea you wrre in charge. we though your father ruled that country of yours. it was a case of m,istaken idenity. though we do not in terms like you we still hold some degree of respect for you from declaring you are not a Saint. I suggest though you " quiet" your father to keep him from causing trouble to often"
Evil Woody Thoughts
07-12-2004, 22:32
"Shut the fuck up and get off the air you jackass. Just because my dad gets over-zealous at times and says things, doesn't mean I am going to do what he suggests or says. Learn to realize, I am the Czar, the ultimate authority, when I am not here, Alice, the Czarina, in the ultimate authority. I set the policy, not my father, not my brothers, not my sisters, I do, me, Roger Fabus, Czar Roger Fabus. So I suggest you open a fucking browser and find our government site and read where it says "Head of State: Czar Roger Fabus", "Head of Government: Czar Roger Fabus", "Head of Mississippian National Front Party: Czar Roger Fabus", I am the state, realize that."
Most sincere regards,
Roger Fabus
*Private Communication*
So are we to assume that you will not be implementing your Attorney General's "anti-terrorism" proposals, then?
We believe Curtis Fabus should be, ahem, reprimanded, for his outbursts about foreign policy, though that is, of course, your decision.
Prime Minister Woody II
Democratic Republic of Evil Woody Thoughts
07-12-2004, 22:46
The Great Leader finished taping that little snatch of conversation. This stuff was pure gold. He was sure future generations would love to have someone like Curtis and Roger Fabus in their national archives.
07-12-2004, 22:49
Sercert ic to Msspwnage
give us the tape. We are going to put it on the worlds most funniest nation leaders"
07-12-2004, 22:55
Secret Transmission to Zackaroth:
Here ya' go.... (emails the tapes to Zackaroth), also, enclosed are copies of my father's letters to the Mississipians.
A sample would be: "Czar Roger, hasn't it ever occured to you that by personally offending the leaders of other nations, national leaders with the keys to their militaries, that said leaders might take it personally and take it upon themselves to vaporize your racist, misogynistic, homophobic jesus freak ass?- The Great Leader Li."
and of course:
"Dear Dumbass (scratched out), asshole (scratched out), Dipshit (scratched out), Sir (intact),
Sir, I just wish to ask you something. What the FUCK is running through your mind? Do you have ANY idea on how to properly run a nation, or do you just wander through life smoking crack and copulating with one of your african servant girls occasionally? Your son declared himself a saint, you're the most foul mouthed, ignorant jackass this side of Jerry Springer to appear in public. You think you're Israel, even when you massacred the Jews, you worship a false god, corrupt the original teachings of the founder of your religion, who preached tolerance for all, and declared yourself superior because you and your drooling, inbred government were born with peach-toned skin. Again, what the FUCK is running through your mind Sir?
-The Great Leader Li."
Be sure to read them out loud.- Alexander Li.
Decisive Action
07-12-2004, 22:55
*Private Communication*
So are we to assume that you will not be implementing your Attorney General's "anti-terrorism" proposals, then?
We believe Curtis Fabus should be, ahem, reprimanded, for his outbursts about foreign policy, though that is, of course, your decision.
Prime Minister Woody II
Democratic Republic of Evil Woody Thoughts
"Yes, that is true, I feel sorry for my father, he's getting old, he had to retire from the Premiership and Czarship due to health concerns, he is fine now, the doctors treated him, but still I'm the Czar now... He doesn't want to be Czar, he just wants to be involved with the government on some level, any level, you know what I mean? He's my father, he's always been there for me, and I love him, he loves me, you know... So he wanted to be attorney general, he is very qualified, how could I refuse? But as for matters on policy, I set policy, okay, don't worry about what he says, he just likes to rant sometimes."
Czar Roger Fabus
Decisive Action
07-12-2004, 22:57
Zackaroth, as the creator of this thread, I've already asked you to stop posting in any of my threads, so stop posting! Insulting me OOC isn't tolerable, so please leave.
07-12-2004, 23:02
Zackaroth recvies email. Makes a show hosted by Bob sagget. Its played. Everybody has laughs. the show makes lots of money. half is wired to Masspwnage .
The End
Itinerate Tree Dweller
07-12-2004, 23:05
Zackaroth recvies email. Makes a show hosted by Bob sagget. Its played. Everybody has laughs. the show makes lots of money. half is wired to Masspwnage .
The End
ooc: Get Out.
07-12-2004, 23:11
Nice. Money. I'll donate this to a good cause.- The Great Leader Li.
Decisive Action
07-12-2004, 23:18
Nice. Money. I'll donate this to a good cause.- The Great Leader Li.
Ooc- I don't see the point of this, and for that matter, most of your recent posts. You're on thin ice as far as getting placed on my ignore list goes. (Why are all these Nov 2004 nations spamming my threads and harassing me? Are these puppets of people trying to get me to flame them?)
07-12-2004, 23:21
ooc: just humoring Zackaroth.
The Burnsian Desert
07-12-2004, 23:50
OOC: Can we maybe get this dang thing started?
Just close it to peeps who aren't on the guest list.
Decisive Action
07-12-2004, 23:54
OOC: Can we maybe get this dang thing started?
Just close it to peeps who aren't on the guest list.
Ooc- Wrong thread, this is a Curtis speech thread, you want the Curtis Conference thread.
The Burnsian Desert
08-12-2004, 00:02
Ooc- Wrong thread, this is a Curtis speech thread, you want the Curtis Conference thread.
OOC: Dangit... I feel off today.
08-12-2004, 03:34
Secret IC:
In the Chamber of the Privy Council, a number of people in very high places were giving their opinions on the Fabus statements, sometimes using four-letter words to do so, but more often humorous gestures.
"Heretics," mused the Regent. "The lot of them. Heretics and blasphemers. Boy, are they going to the big hot place."
"Their "attorney-general" should put a sock in it, before he chokes on his own bile," the External Affairs Minister sneered, managing to pronounce the lower-case "a" and "g".
The Science Minister was suffering from fits of giggles muttering "Racial purity! That's a good one!"
"The crops in Mississippi must be very good," the First Minister observed.
"Why do you say that?" asked the Regent.
"Because the country's full of shit."
The others laughed.
The King-Emperor smiled as he read the rants, chuckling at points, then sighed, and finally held up his hand for silence.
"Quem Deus perdere vult, prius dementat," he said, and let the transcripts flutter onto the table.
There was a silence as people tried to work out what he'd just said.
"'Whom God wishes to destroy, He first makes mad'." the First Minister translated.
"The Mississippi Federation is being made mad..." the King-Emperor said softly, gazing at the fallen papers, "... and God's will is being done."
He raised his eyes to stare at the others, and smiled, before turning to an assistant.
"Put that-" he pointed at the dossier "-in the archives, along with the rest. Our children and children's children will want to read it... I think it will be an object lesson in "what not to say in diplomacy"..."
"And our response, O Great One?"
It was the the First Minister who answered; "They are not worth our time, thought, or effort. Let's go get coffee."
There was a scraping of chairs and an argument over where to go.
Evil Woody Thoughts
08-12-2004, 04:33
"Yes, that is true, I feel sorry for my father, he's getting old, he had to retire from the Premiership and Czarship due to health concerns, he is fine now, the doctors treated him, but still I'm the Czar now... He doesn't want to be Czar, he just wants to be involved with the government on some level, any level, you know what I mean? He's my father, he's always been there for me, and I love him, he loves me, you know... So he wanted to be attorney general, he is very qualified, how could I refuse? But as for matters on policy, I set policy, okay, don't worry about what he says, he just likes to rant sometimes."
Czar Roger Fabus
*Private Communication to Czar Roger Fabus*
"Thank you for the clarification regarding your nation's foreign policy. When Attorney General Fabus' speech was rebroadcast in Evil Woody Thoughts, none of us realized this, and I took some flak for the caution in my speech. Many of our citizens, including, somewhat embarassingly myself, instantly heard the name 'Fabus' and thought that the material in the Attorney General's speech was official policy, and rushed to judgement. I might need to ask the Ministry of Education to update its International Relations curricula...
I will keep in mind the Czar's concentration of power in the event that Fabus family members make similar speeches in the future. I understand your desire to retain Curtis Fabus in a government position, but is it really necessary to give him access to an international audience when he makes his speeches? Nations less isolationist than Evil Woody Thoughts might have declared war upon you, in the name of protecting their citizens from a pre-emptive antiterrorism strike. Hell, just three hours after I gave my speech last night, Parliament approved a doubling of the defense budget; it even gave the military $160 billion more than it asked for. This should illustrate how anxious an errant speech by a family member can make a nationstate that doesn't know better, and a more militaristic nationstate might have pulled the trigger.
That said, I am thankful I took a cautionary approach, and that you do not intend to follow through on the aggressive policies outlined by your Attorney General. As such, Evil Woody Thoughts officially considers this matter clarified to our satisfaction."
Prime Minister Woody II
Democratic Republic of Evil Woody Thoughts
08-12-2004, 07:09
Chamber of Esteemed Brethren
Eyeing the transmission with disdain, the Elder glanced down the table at the only female in the room. "Sister Baurani, perhaps it would be better if some one who attracts more respect would be best suited to serve as a diplomatic servant when dealing with other nations..."
The tall and curvacious, lightly tanned female stood up slowly, her black robes clinging to her figure attractively. "Some one who is a man." Lela stood up slowly, drawing herself up to her full height of 5'11. "I was hired to do a job, to serve as a public servant to the people of Chrisforternal, my gender has nothing to do with it."
"Despite your having taken offense to..."
Sister Baurani cut the Elder off. "It was his father, and despite their fondness for using coarse language, I am interested in honestly pursuing more information about their policies before I turn in a report on their threat level. I am sure that my next transmission will wield more positive results."
Dear Sir,
I would like to respectfully ask of you, some sort of documentation that outlines your foreign policies. Thank you.
- Sister Lela Baurani
Council of Esteemed Brethren
Decisive Action
08-12-2004, 07:14
Chamber of Esteemed Brethren
Eyeing the transmission with disdain, the Elder glanced down the table at the only female in the room. "Sister Baurani, perhaps it would be better if some one who attracts more respect would be best suited to serve as a diplomatic servant when dealing with other nations..."
The tall and curvacious, lightly tanned female stood up slowly, her black robes clinging to her figure attractively. "Some one who is a man." Lela stood up slowly, drawing herself up to her full height of 5'11. "I was hired to do a job, to serve as a public servant to the people of Chrisforternal, my gender has nothing to do with it."
"Despite your having taken offense to..."
Sister Baurani cut the Elder off. "It was his father, and despite their fondness for using coarse language, I am interested in honestly pursuing more information about their policies before I turn in a report on their threat level. I am sure that my next transmission will wield more positive results."
Dear Sir,
I would like to respectfully ask of you, some sort of documentation that outlines your foreign policies. Thank you.
- Sister Lela Baurani
Council of Esteemed Brethren
08-12-2004, 07:24
OOC: Thank you, I'm slow and timezone differences are slaying me. Thanks!
10-12-2004, 23:36