Orbital Defense Platform Completed
In space above the Malkyeri colony Haleon IV, a massive space station hangs in orbit. Admiral Lucius Parries stood on the bridge of the Fairbanks, watching the final Fleet ships prepare to depart the system. With the station completed, the Fleet ships were no longer needed to protect the planet. Of course, one cruiser and a wing of fighters would remain to act as a rapid reaction force, but the station could handle just about any threat by itself.
I hope, Parries thought. I won't trust this thing until it's combat tested. theorectially, the station's Aries cannon but put a round through a capital ship at 500 miles. Still, the station could only engage targets it could see, and it could only see half the planet at any given time during orbit. Damn. Luckily, that station was synchronized to stay above the main settlement on the planet, Gaidal. At least those million or so people will be safe. About a quarter of million lived in the city, with another 750,000 living within a hundred or so miles. Than there were about half a million living in other towns and settlements in the outback.
Fleet Command had wanted this station finished so that they could spend resources on exloring other worlds for colonization. Parries expected to hear about another colony being founded soon. Bright times, he thought.
Picture of the Fairbanks in orbit:
Crazed Marines
06-12-2004, 03:05
We applaud Malkyer's breaking of the 1963 Space treaty and wish that more nations would follow suit. Ortiller's such a beatiful thing that we have dozens of systems in our posession.
06-12-2004, 03:07
We applaud Malkyer's breaking of the 1963 Space treaty and wish that more nations would follow suit. Ortiller's such a beatiful thing that we have dozens of systems in our posession.
I already have, as have a couple of other nations.
Crazed Marines
06-12-2004, 03:10
I already have, as have a couple of other nations.
You mean 3/4 of the forum? I broke that treaty day...?five?...I think...
And yes Malk, you broke a treaty between most of the world, the USSR, and the USA. The thing is, nobody here enforces that particular treaty.
06-12-2004, 03:15
~Electronic Communication to Malkyer~
Good thing we scan before we just enter orbit these days. Getting shot by that thiing would hurt.
We congratulate you on this endeavor and believe this effort to be worthy of praise. We have also built orbital platforms, though we took the "platform" part literally, and believe all nations should take this innitiative towards protecting themselves. If you wish, we can provide some advice on add-ons to help the efficiency of your platform.
-Dictator Enigma
~End Communication~
And yes Malk, you broke a treaty between most of the world, the USSR, and the USA. The thing is, nobody here enforces that particular treaty.
OOC: Oh, so it's an RL treaty? Anyway, DLE, you don't need to worry about getting shot; I'll only do that in self-defense.
Dictator Enigma,
Please do not concern yourself with being hit by the Aries cannon. It is only used in self-defense; and even so, we only have one such orbital platform, above our colony Haleon IV. However, we would greatly appreciate any advice you have on improving the design and effiency of our station.
King Dayan I
The Phoenix Milita
07-12-2004, 00:45
We applaud Malkyer's breaking of the 1963 Space treaty and wish that more nations would follow suit.
Seeing how no NS nation existed before 2002, none of us ever signed that treaty ;)
Crazed Marines
07-12-2004, 03:29
But it still applies to most since they're US, USSR, or European break-offs.
The Phoenix Milita
07-12-2004, 03:56
You are aware the US has since backed out of the treaty or at least is planning to?? I think after they annouce it there is a waiting period or something.....
ONI Concordiat
07-12-2004, 04:03
Welcome to orbit, Malyker. There are several nations that broke the treaty. You are no exception. That platform looks nasty...very good defense.
07-12-2004, 04:16
~Electronic Communication to Malkyer~
First, install a system to where they have to send a certain signal to get past your defensive cannons. Of course, you can always guide them in.
Second, install an antimatter reactor and use that to fuel plasma cannons. Nothing like hot plasma to make a ship's life hell.
More to come as I think of them.
-Dictator Enigma
~End Communication~
07-12-2004, 04:38
OOC: This IS an rp right? We could, in theory, attack your cannon and attempt to invade the planet, right?
07-12-2004, 04:39
OOC: I wouldn't advise it.
OOC: This IS an rp right? We could, in theory, attack your cannon and attempt to invade the planet, right?
OOC: I wouldn't suggest it. Even if you destroy the platform (which you could probably do if you're determined enough), you'd have my ground forces to fight...and my fleet...etc.
Dictator Enigma,
I thank you for your advice, however I fear anitmatter weapons and the like are still years ahead of us. However, I do appreciate your advice concerning a way to guide ships in without destroying them; my scientists have already placed IFF beacons on all ships produced by Malkyer. As of yet, though, we are still completeing the defensive alert network, so the cannon must be target manually (it's that way anyway, but once the network is complete it will be able to identify all ships entering the planet's gravity well). MOre advice will be appreciated.
King Dayan I
Crazed Marines
08-12-2004, 01:36
Message from Lieutenant General Jack Murphy, head of CM R&D
We would be more than willing to help show you a few of our methods for railguns and magnetic acceleration cannons, if you would like such. Send the word and we shall have the designs and engineers at the ready.
I would greatly appreciate any help you have to offer. Any technicians, engineers, and the like will be very welcome. I can assure you, they won't need to worry about an accidental firing of the Aries cannon.
Crazed Marines
08-12-2004, 02:08
The Technicians are on their way.
-Lt. Gen Murphy
Eugoria IV
08-12-2004, 02:15
OOC: This IS an rp right? We could, in theory, attack your cannon and attempt to invade the planet, right?
And, since it's technically in my system, I wouldn't be too happy with any none-Malkyeri visitors.
09-12-2004, 00:48
OOC: I wouldn't suggest it. Even if you destroy the platform (which you could probably do if you're determined enough), you'd have my ground forces to fight...and my fleet...etc.
OOC: It really wouldn't be that hard to engage the single ship you left to defend the platform on the far side of the planet, put a MAC round through the command center or reactor from out of the platform's range, bombard military bases on the surface and deploy Marines to mop up survivors, but I don't feel like pissing anybody off so I'll leave you in peace and suggest you get more ships in-system and more platforms to form a network over the planet.
OOC: It really wouldn't be that hard to engage the single ship you left to defend the platform on the far side of the planet, put a MAC round through the command center or reactor from out of the platform's range, bombard military bases on the surface and deploy Marines to mop up survivors, but I don't feel like pissing anybody off so I'll leave you in peace and suggest you get more ships in-system and more platforms to form a network over the planet.
...You probably could destroy the platform, and seize the planet. I simply don't have the resources to maintain a huge defensive force there. You could take the planet...and then you'd get to fight me, my allies, and probably Eugoria, since it's his space.
Crazed Marines
09-12-2004, 03:10
Ok, so your objective is to destroy this cannon while my guys are on there? My new objective would then be to glass you into submission. Any questions?