The Knife's Blunting (Meeting)
Diplomacy Room B, Presence Tower; Raptior, The United Pysiers of Truitt
The Lead Generali of the T-Boat Fleet walked into the room. He sat at the farther end of the fine redwood table awaiting his guest. He started to twidle his fingers in confusing formations, this alliance and agreement could mean a resent rivalry could end and come out friendly.
06-12-2004, 02:20
Coming onto the scene, would be a somewhat tall naval officer. He wore a leather black trench coat, and the regular admirals attire. His hat was black, standard officers' with a grey roap on the front. He was acompanyed by two gentalmen in grey suits. One held a breifcase with a handcuff attached to his wrist and one to the breifcase. The other held a larger object covered in a black cloth.
"Greetings to you, Admiral. The trip over was a relief. The last time our ships were even close to these waters we were at war, my people extend a gartitude that, that war was resovled peacfully in the end with all sides giving up on the war. Also, or fascist dictator was over thrown, so you can expect to talk with someone who is sane."
The long object was placed onto the table. The cloth was removed. There sat a model of what looked like a Yamato Class battleship, yet it looked diffrent. It had a diffrent style of propulsion, and much of the upperdeck was diffrent, it looked like a submarine version of the ship.
"The new way in naval combat, a submarine that can engage surface ships and underwater ships very effectivly. The underwater dreadnaught."
The Lead Generali looked up at the Admiral. "'Sup?" The Admiral looked at the Ld. Gen. oddly like he could not belive he would be addressed that way. " have 'er a good ol' sub that has big guns ehh? We could help yeah wit' that." The Lead Generali obivously was from Portshire with this odd acsent.
"So, exactly what would this big ship be? A Yamato that can sink an' come back to life?" He took a glass of what looked like scotch next to him and took a drink, awaiting the Admiral's responce.
06-12-2004, 02:31
The Admiral looked alittle puzzled for a moment.
"Think of it this way, all battleships are vaulnerable to air attacks right? Think of a battleship that could submerge and protect itself from air attacks. And at the same time strike back with underwater anti air missiles and such? And say if a bomb were to hit it, it would strike the outshells, the battleship would slowly submerge and appear to sink, yet when the aircraft turns away to go home, the battleship sends an underwater surface to air missile at the aircraft and shoots it down without the pilot being the wiser. Basically we make a warship that can engage surface targets much easier and underwater targets equaly the same."
The Lead Generali rubbed his hairless chin for a moment and then replied "Well, this is interesting, very. Is there I chance yeah could give me some detail on the weapons used on the ship? This whole sink and surprise idea is gewd, but it sounds hard and expencive."
He took an other drink from his glass before calling the Secretary with two taps on the table. "Mrs. Sanderson, may yeah plees bring me a medium-rare sirlan stek and some more scotch. Plees bring the Admiral here a....what would yeah like sur?" He asked the Admiral as if this was a normal lunchen.