NationStates Jolt Archive

Multiple Tech War

White Dwarf
04-12-2004, 17:59
Would anyone be interested in doing a rp between countries of different techs and time periods.

I've been in one before and they're fun to do.

If you would like to, post your tech level/time period here. If enough people join i'll start the rp in a different post.
Mutant Dogs
04-12-2004, 18:01
Ok my race are The Kin led by Al'Aruth.

They are extremely powerful but very few in number. They posess phsyic powers but only use them for what they believe is right.
White Dwarf
04-12-2004, 18:13
Come on people, doesn't anyone want to do this RP
The Fedral Union
04-12-2004, 18:23
04-12-2004, 18:24
I'll tag this, and wait until someone who interests me joins up.
Central Facehuggeria
04-12-2004, 18:46
I'll tag this. Can't join due to IC reasons, but it should be fun to read.
Harmonia Mortus
04-12-2004, 19:03
Maybe...magic versus technology...sounds good ^_^
Flying ships and F16's and mile long star cruisers...
04-12-2004, 19:08
Maybe when the basics are explained a little more I'll know whether it would even be possible for the Ghargant Imperium to be involved. Note me down as 'possibly interested but unconfirmed'. Oh, it's well-established space-tech.
04-12-2004, 19:24
We might join (I also want to know what the 'basics' are). I am modern/ bordering on future tech.
The Horned Rat
04-12-2004, 19:29
I'd like to join, mine would be "future" tech(it's pretty scrude future tech)

White dwarf, I apologize for my posts waaay back in the day, those are a very bad mark on my record, so I apologize for that....
White Dwarf
05-12-2004, 07:19
Basicly, what happens is each nation that's doing this is transported to a period in time (future, present past) and from there what ever happens happens. You could work with other nations or fight for your own survival. So either way your either trying to get back to your own time or your going to stay where you are and fight.
White Dwarf
05-12-2004, 07:20
I'd like to join, mine would be "future" tech(it's pretty scrude future tech)

White dwarf, I apologize for my posts waaay back in the day, those are a very bad mark on my record, so I apologize for that....

Its OK rat, it'd be good to have someone form the old RP in this one
05-12-2004, 07:21
Maybe, I love these kinda things
White Dwarf
05-12-2004, 07:26
Well, who ever wants to join in, i've started the RP in another post. As you can see, all you have to do is say how you where drawn to the point in time (I'm not sure of what point in time it'll be, If anyone wants to make it their present, go ahead)