NationStates Jolt Archive

A macabre frenzy unleashed

04-12-2004, 09:54
The fires that burned in the Tomb of the Mutilated had begun to seep out from the cracks in the large stone that cover the top to it's opening. High in the ULE Mountains a once dormant volcano named Mt. Brimstone erupted in hellish fury, throwing lava and ash into the cold air and sending it's feiry load down the mountainside. All across Automagfreek, reports of strange and unexplainable happens began to occur. Stories of animals gone mad, foaming at the mouth in an instant and attacking anything within eyeshot. Tales of the dead rising from their graves and walking the quiet streets of Racine. Rumors of a shadow as black as sack cloth in the east and a plume of mysterious smoke from the Forbidden Isle.

Something was amiss in both the realm of the living and in the spirit realm, and Lord Dreadfire could feel it. Taking a break from the butal combat in Crimmond, Damien sat in his makeshift headquarters behind his desk. Resting his mighty head in his hands, the fiery Lord began to tire and slip into the unconscious for the first time in days. With his mind at rest and his third eye beginning to open, The Destroyer began to see forhimself the horrors that were taking place....and the horrors to come.

The streets of a once peaceful town were blown to pieces and burning fiercly. Thousands of bodies lay charred in the streets and hanging from light poles. High above the broken ground below, their dried and withered entrails swayed ever so slightly in the breeze as they hung from large open wounds in their midsections. Large swarms of ravens and other birds flew overhead, swooping down and feasting on a cuisine of putrid flesh periodically. Thousands of eyeless heads sat high atop 45 foot pikes, their maws still agape in horror and dripping with fresh gore. Piles of tongues, fingers, and severed limbs could be seen everywhere as well as huge moutains of gray ash. This ash was from no fire, but it was the powdery bones of those that had been slaughtered. Crackles of gunfire still erupted in the distance as the raging infernos burned on late into the night. Tanks treads could be heard as they drove over massive piles of human skills and crushed them into small fragments, and the gut wrenching noise of bones shattering could be heard nearly a mile away. These horrors Damien did see before him, and in the midst of all the carnage, a single figure stood in the streets. It was a boy that appeared to be in his early teens, and he stood with his back to Lord Damien. Dreadfire cleared his throat upon seeing the lad, and no more than a second after he did the boy turned around, his movements jerked and almost mechanical. As he turned Damien could see that in his outstretched hands he held his own eyes that he had torn out himself. Facing Damien directly, he smiled and then opened up his mouth wide, showing the thousands of maggots inside.

Damien then came to with a literal river of sweat running down his forehead. He knew that doom and prophecy had found him yet again, and his third eye had yet to steer him wrong. Taking up his weapons and other personal items, The Destroyer made off for his personal high speed jet and flew off with great haste towards the Automagfreek mainland. Within minutes of his landing outside the Great Hall, he was swamped with stories of horror and wonders not of this world. The walls inside the Halls of the Dead were bleeding, several churches mysteriously imploded into no more than a handful of dust, cemetaries were left completely's residents once thought to be there for the rest of eternity missing.

Indeed a storm had been brewing the likes of which had never been seen before, and the atmosphere that surrounded Arda only intensified it. Damien had sent word for tribal leaders from every major region to join him in ULE City for a conference that had not been held since Dreadfire took power.

A hasty feast had been prepared under candlelight at the Great Hall, and after a few short hours Damien's guests were all present. Without taking time to eat himself, he began to address the tribal leaders as they enjoyed a piping hot meal.

Welcome brothers. You all know that I have not called upon the leaders of Automagfreek's tribes since my rise to power. The Sentinels have long since sufficed as protectorates of our Empire, and to this day they remain the deadliest infantry force in the entire world. While we have no shortage of Sentinels by any stretch of the imagination, we are however sort of active units. As it stand now, Automagfreek has 6 armies under the command of:

Lord Damien Dreadfire
Azrael the Advocate
General Brinks
Vlad Shadowclaw
Lucian Borgir

This makes up 1/3 of Automagfreek's entire military arsenal, with the remaining 2/3 of our forces being garrisons and reserves.

Damien slammed his hand down on the hard oak surface of the dining table, causing plate and cup to shake and tremble. The time has come to call upon Automagfreek's tribal leaders yet again...and I will order a FULL mobilization of Automagfreek's military. Each of you will choose the makeup of your armies, but I can tell you that they will mostly consist of our most abundant resource, Sentinels. Take your best and most bloodthirsty warriors, take your most psychotically unstable beasts that dare not be called men, take what you will. We have more than enough fleets to accomodate your armies, and if need be I will call in additional ships from our NATO and Arda allies. This should not be an issue.

Damien sat in his mighty chair and looked across the table. Four leaders had answered his call, bringing Automagfreeks's total of Warchiefs up to 10. He took a hasty chomp from a large slab of meat and while chewing continued to speak to his newly appointed Warchiefs. Prepare for a long and hard war my friends. The coming storm that I have forseen will claim the lives of millions, both of the enemy and our own. We will march across the faces of our foes and pile their bodies high as the gears of our indomitable war machine continue to turn. The time has come for Automagfreek to show it's true military might....for now in this day and age there is a need. I fear that a world war may be brewing here gentlemen, and I have forseen the terrors that await us as we plunge headfirst into the flames.

OOC: This is the first half, I still have to do character introductions and more background. Feel free to comment and TAG, but keep OOC chatter to a minimum. Thanks.
04-12-2004, 09:59
ooc: Naty rubs hands gleefully. :D
04-12-2004, 10:14
"Automagfreek wants WHAT from us?"

The aide cowered back from the wrath of his General. "Sir, we have an official communique from Lord Damien Dreadfire himself. He... requests the following be sent or placed under his command or made available for use..."

Before another word could be spoken, a calm figure, still wearing the silver cloak he was most fond of when walking about, stepped into the room.

He announced his presence with two words. "Send it."

"My Sultan?"
"My Sultan!"

A smile. "I will accept those as greetings, General, Major. Our commitment is simple.... no, don't bother, I have a copy already. And yes, I do have a full understanding of what this means where our defense is concerned."

"But... my Sultan... Sinjin...."

Another smile. "Do not worry, General. Things such as this have been long planned for; we do not worry, why should you." His attention turned to the still-shaking aide. "Major, everything on that list. See to its disposition personally. Our allies will have no reason to find fault with Vastiva."

"Ye...Y... Yes, my Sultan!"

"And do calm yourself, Erwin. You'll give yourself great trouble if you do not breathe." Another smile at the General. "All of it. And expedite it. It would not do to keep Damien Dreadfire waiting."

"Of course, my Sultan." The aide was still standing there. "Get moving, Major! You heard your orders, now get to them!"
"Yes, sir!" He all but vanished.
Sultan Sinjin Lefkowitz al-Din considered the door a moment. "You do seem to have things well in hand, Riva. Please continue your work, I shall disturb you no longer."
"Of course. Namaste." She bowed.
"Namaste." He returned it.
04-12-2004, 11:06
Koda the Dread stood alone and forlorn, shrouded in black and staring into the eternal void of space. Dreadfire's words echoed in his mind, send whatever you can. He shuddered, the deaths of millions already playing out before him in his minds eye. The Russians, he crossed himself, he only awaited their reply before he committed himself to what could well be the last war of Momanguise, and as he stared out below at the marching soldiers, young men and women neatly moving in unison to the serenading national anthem. As Koda formulated his response, he turned and with his cloak billowing behind him in the winter wind, he spoke with a command of voice purely unnatural, half bellow and half equolance.

"My people," he began, his throat choked with pride, "my people today we march. The enemy, the spectre of fascism, returns to us. And we will not flinch from our duty. Today," the voice rose into a grand crescendo, "today our blood shall spill, our bones shall break and our bodies return to dust, but we shall stand victorious! In the name of the people we shall stand by our allies, and we shall raize the lands of the transgressors and have the cities sacked and the leaders burnt by the fury of Christ, and we shall stand triumphant, for Momanguise!"

As the storm of applause broke upon him, aides urgently took these words and translated them into what they knew they meant. Total mobilisation. The war was to come to Momanguise, and the RWC would feel the fury of a thousand bayonets before the blood of the fallen would extinguish the fire of war.
04-12-2004, 13:09
The Jonothanian Head General had just received the message:
"Prime Minister, Damien wasnts troops. He's carried out a full mobilisation and...he wants us to do something similar"
"Well. Now is the time for us to prove our loyalty to NATO. We shall order a .6 mobilisation. How many troops will that be?"
"Erm, 3.6 Million."
"Then that will be done. Those troops will be mobilised, ready to be sent anywhere. See that that happens. Oh, and try to hush it up a bit."
"Right. With all due respect sir, that will be rediculously hard, and would waste time. Lots of it."
"I see. I will address the nation. Good Luck."
"Oh. And you might want to replace them with newly trained reserves?"
"Let's see. How many of them are there. It must be accumilating a bit."
He did something on the computer he was standing at.
"5 Million sir. 7 million in training, and 1 million in the latter stages of the Cadet initiative."
"Put all of them in. Jonothana should be fine."
"So it should."

He then went off, preparing for the major national address, which would occur in 5 hours. People were already speculating what it could be about. Some were smart enough to point a finger at AMF, others decided that Jonothana was leaving NATO, or declaring several wars.
The Island of Rose
04-12-2004, 16:32
President Sergei looked at Lord Damien's speech. "He's mobilizing his entire military, is he Alexander?"

Alexander, his Minister of War, nodded. "Yes, every damn last one. I suppose we should mobilize?"

Sergei sighed. "We just recovered from aiding a Revolution. I don't know..."

Alexander glared at Sergei. "This is our best chance to improve our image. And further relations with Automagfreek. Also, it could lead to peace."

Sergei chuckled. "Peace, hah. We need to have a major war to have one decade of peace, then we have a Cold War. Peace, hah."

Alexander smirked. "This isn't the optimistic communist I know."

Sergei sighed. "I suppose the Presidency is getting to me. So many things to do, thank God it'll be over soon."

Alexander smiled. "You were a great President. So should I mobilize?"

Sergei stood up, looking out of his window. The scene was sunny, the scene was full of optimism. The scene was a normal day, the scene was very much normal. "Mobilize 20 fleets, and the 1st and 2nd Army."

Alexander was taken aback. "Sergei..."

Sergei turned to Alexander. "Do it. I don't care how, I'll even pay for it. Just mobilize them. Call any fleets back, load the men on the ships. Just do it."

Alexander gave the Rosian salute. "Yes Mr. President."

Sergei sighed. "At least we have the Home Fleet to protect us now."

To The Freek War Ministry-From The Rosian War Ministry:

We request that a port open up for the Rosian ships that are mobilizing. The
Island of Rose is currently voting to help you in the long term. But for now, if
the vote passes, we will at least have a port to stay in... if you allow it. Thus,
again, we request a port open up. We also request that you don't fire at any
Rosian ships heading towards your vicinity that is going to honor Lord
Damien's request. That is all.
Alexander Roska
Rosian Minister of War

Official Statement from The Proletariat Commonwealth of The Island of Rose:

We will support Automagfreek and his request. That is all, thank you and God bless.
Rosta Einvach
Rosian Minister of Foreign Affairs

((OOC: You can RP the massive armada arriving at AMF if you want =/))
Scandavian States
04-12-2004, 19:04
An aide rushed into Emperor Alexander's study, "You highness, a message from Lord Dreadfire."

"Let me see it." Alexander took the message and read it, his brow creasing steadily more as he read the message and the very end he whispered, "Send everything you can."

"Your majesty?" The aide asked, seemingly for clarification.

"A war. Damien has mobilized everything he has and he's asking us to do the same, or as close to it as we can manage." Alexander I Larsen answered.

He turned the paper over and jotted down some notes and then held the paper up to the aide, "Send mobilization orders to every one of those commands and put everything that's left on full alert. If we're going to do this, let's jump in with both feet."

Note even bothering to look at the list the aide nodded and practically sprinted out of the room. About an hour later every command in the Imperium Armed Forces was moving to full alert and some were going a step further and preparing for deployment. For over 250 divisions and several special operations regiments, nearly a thousand ships, and six full air forces this had the potential to be a very long and bloody war, but however bloody it would be for the Imperium it would be much more so for its enemies.
04-12-2004, 19:39
The papers fell from the A4 folder in Byrnashty's hand. An aide knelt down to pick them up. Ferdinand looked at the President's figure. It was as still as still could be.

"Is this a practical joke, Neils?"

"I wish.."

"My God!.." Byrnashty studied Ferdinand's complexion. The latter's usually cheerful grey eyes were staring directly into his soul. They were not cheerful. They were cold. "At the time being, we can only give them transports."

"No Army units?."

"No. Not right now. Initiate GCAS-109. Prepare a division or two. Don't deploy anything yet."

Back in his office, Ferdinand called Admiral Frank Estral. Greenmanbry will be involved in a new operation, Estral was told. A big operation. Estral was ordered to direct over 500 warships to the mainland of a nation no Greenmanbry ship has ever sailed near to: Automagfreek.

Even Estral, the most intimidating military figure in Greenmanbry's history, felt his spine tingle and his arm's hair stand on end when Ferdinand told him that the GMB Navy will soon re-inforce the ranks of Automagfreek's enormous military might.

Estral was not comfortable with the thought of having regiments of Sentinels aboard his ships, let alone an AMF warchief or one of Automagfreek's commanders.

He breathed heavily before getting out of Ferdinand's office and heading over to Port Blessed, where the ships will soon set sail... their destination: the Excessively Armed Empire..

A communique was wired to Lord Damien Dreadfire. Greenmanbry's contribution towards this campaign was on its way to his lair.
04-12-2004, 20:30
Senatorial Parliment, Romenko City, Sarctic.

"You're crazy! 5 saras a pound of meat is ridiculous!" The overreacting Senator Georigio face was a total red apple, sweat glistening on his face. His latest yell brought the room to a yelling spree again. Mics were turned off over an hour ago, but order still hadn't been restored.

It was National Pricing Day. The most dreaded day of the year for Larf, leader of the free Sarctic.

He was slumped back in his chair, hand across his face when the messanger had moved through the doors and wound his way through the shouting Parliment members. The messanger moved right to Larf and set a folder on his lap, moving to whisper into his ear.

"Straight down the NAtO communication lines..."

With a sudden renewed vigor, Larf opened up the folder's red tape with the letter opener in his pocket. By now the messanger was away, through the shouting and fighting again. His a second of hesitation, Larf opened the folder, which held only a small packet of papers pertaining to the interest at hand. He scanned the lines before going through it fully.

Lord Damien called full.....

Allies responding with own full mobil...

...engagment moving to a full war..

By time the President was done, a hasitly scribbled sticky note was sent off to the Military Deployment Room.

On Request of President. Mobilize standby Spec Ops divisions to Naval Spec Ops force. Send communique to Freek administration for admittance of Sarctian Ships.

OOC: A small carrier force is being sent to help. It's only comprised of a carrier, 2 cruisers and patrol boats, but its one of the new refit "Spec Army" divisions that Sarctic's military is totally comprised of.
04-12-2004, 20:42
OOC: Oh cra.... Why have I got a feeling this is something to do with MAcbees, RWC and NATO. Anywhoo, treat this as a TAG.
Camel Eaters
04-12-2004, 20:53
Jaygus was in ecstasy. Giving the craziest military leader on the face of the Earth the chance for war was not a good idea.

"My liege what is it you require?" A tiny green man asked. The bloodlust dimmed just enough to let the blunt sword of reason slash through his mind.

"SpecOps Sylph and first Maggot. Let them have the Bludsuth Love battle carrier. More to come later."

"Yes ma Lord. Anything else?" The small man asked backing towards the door.

"Send in Dresh'mala." Jaygus smiled as his Advisor fetched his favorite concubine. "Ah," he sighed remembering bygone days, glancing at his metallic legs he said "Dresh'mala did you know I lost my legs in an orbital jump?"

"Yes. I've heard it many times. Shall we commence?"

"Of course." Jaygus said pulling out a chessboard.

OOC: You dirty minded people.
04-12-2004, 22:39
With the feast nearly done, Lord Damien looked around the faintly lit table and and continued his discussions late into the night. Having told his newly appointed Warchiefs of the current situations that what his third eye showed him the day before, there was not much left to do but have the Warchiefs share their thoughts and choose their armies.

The hour grows late my brothers, and soon we will be leaving our beloved homeland for Valhalla. I believe that the coming conflict will be so long and so fierce that it will either claim the existence of Automagfreek itself....or put us on top. Either way my brothers, I am ready to die.

The sound of a tankard slamming down onto the table and a loud Here Here! could be heard from the man on Damien's left. A grizzled and fierce looking man he was indeed, standing nearly as tall as Dreadfire himself. Wiping the ale out his beard and belching loudly, Vidimir Breathstealer leaned forward across the table with a devilish smile on his face.

Well, I for one was beginning to grow tired of this fucking life. Gods be praised for the tides of war! The southern tribes are more than read to support you Lord Damien, and entire clans have pledged their full support. Though not as savage as the clans of the west, we've got some pretty badass mother fuckers ready to do some killin'. I'd prefer to mix my own men in with the Sentinels I will be receiving, but I'll be keeping them in groupd of hundreds, maybe thousands. Sounds good?
Vidimir Breathstealer
-Warchief of AMF Forces-

The Breathstealer was obviously intoxicated as his jet black eyes crossed wearily from person to person, pausing every minute or so to take another long pull from his tankard. The man sitting next to him began to nod his head in agreement with Vidimir, removing the long pipe from his mouth and blowing smoke into the air.

I agree with Vidimir. The Freeks of the eastern territories are sick and tired of this shit, and they want in more than anything. Many, many moons it has been since the Freeks have seen war, and they thirst for it as much as Vidimir thirsts for more ale. I know a good crowd of Freeks that aren't scared to die. Count me in.
-Warchief of AMF Forces-

The man directly across the table from Shagrath was a man that stood out at the table. From Panteran decent he was, and the blood that flowed through his veins was that of pure Reaver. It was obvious just from looking at him that he was ready to plunge headfirst into battle and death. Th broadsword that was still slung across his back was forever stainded with crimson gore, a testament to a life of grizzly macabre.

Hail Lord Dreadfire, even now the Gods favor you. The western tribes are up in arms, openly declaring their support for you and whatever crusade you lead them on. You have not steered us wrong yet, and the Winds of War blow ever hard. Being a Reaver myself, I await Valhalla.....but refuse to be sent there without being cut down to pieces in a hail gunfire. My blade thirsts Damien.
Count Anderton
-Warchief of AMF Forces-

The last man at the table spoke not, but merely raised his right hand ever so slightly. A strange man from the mysterious north he was, and without so much as moving his head or clearing his throat, everyone in the room knew his place. Death Dealer he was, and he spoke to 4 other men telepathically.

I will stay behind and defend our mainland if any heathen dare bring war to our island. Grant me my men and my fleets, and I will summon forth a legion of Death Dealers the like have never been spat out of the Tomb of the Mutilated. Something is amiss Damien, the fabric of this realm and the next is growing ever thinner and weaker. The Death Dealers are not blind to these activities......and they suggest a far greater evil than makind can ever imagine.
The Vile
-Warchief of AMF Forces-

The Vile's words hung heavy in the air, and for nearly ten minutes there was no discussion. Each man had heard what Dreadfire had seen in his rest, and each man could feel the spiritual turbulence inside their bones. Strongly connected to nature and the Other Side the Freek were, and this was taken very seriously.

I will depart now for the Westwind Citadel and visit the remnants of Dawn's Cathedral. Although Azrael burned it down for his own doing, the alter still remains in the basment of the fortress. I take leave now to pray to my ancestors and the Gods for guidance. Thee is no doubt that Automagfreek will come out on top in the coming war, but I only pray we are not wounded mortally in doing so. Go now gentlemen, tend to your armies. Our allies are prepared to follow us to whatever end, and more flock to our banner by the hour.

Sleep Now In The Fire.

All four men raised thier fists into the air and screamed HAIL! loudly before getting up from the table and exiting the Great Hall, leaving Damien alone and by himself. Thoughts of doom and prophecy continued to race through his mind as he prepared himself for the long walk to Dawn's Cathedral.
04-12-2004, 23:12
OoC: I'm bored, consider this a stylish and long tag.

Tallarn Naval Station.

Grand Admiral Ulas of the Royal Navy, Field Marshall Talas of the Armed Forces and General DeMarcus of the Royal Airfoce where all present at the meeting. The Emperor was on his way to Tallarn and had issued a statement that all troops where to be mobilised for his arrival and Talas was downing a cup of coffee after his 23 hour flight from the Macabees.
"I have six divisions on the parade ground and the 8th armour is now forming up near the side." Talas rested his eyes for a second. "What have you got Ulas?" The aging man was decorated with more then his share of medals. "All of our carrier fleets are currently preparing to set sail and I have two divisions of marines formed up. Also, two brigades of Royal Navy Stormtroopers are ready to escort the emperor to the command bunker." Ulas stirred his cup of tea as he dropped in two lumps of sugar as he nodded to DeMarcus. "I have all air-wings on current stand-by and the 1st paratrooper division is ready for inspection." Demarcus was probably the one with the least experience with actual warfare, she was only twenty-four but already in the position to order the legions of airwings under her command and the recent conflict with Tailva had proven that.
Talas stood up and stretched out his arms, he was dead tired by now. “Best we can do for now, more divisions will be ready tonight and by early light.” He glanced at the LCD screen imbedded into the war room table, its blue runes indicated that right now over three million troops where ready all around the country with more being mobilised.

Parade ground, Tallarn City.

The trio of commanders patiently waited as the emperor and his retinue of councillors made their way towards them. They passed between massed ranks of paratroopers, marines, regulars and the fiercely dedicated naval stormtroopers.
Vespasius approvingly inspected his troops, stopping here and there to make a short chat with someone or give a pat on the shoulder. He was impressed with the forces available in the darkest hours of the night to him and he finally made his way to his commanders.
“My lord.” The three said as they bowed in unison and none dared to speak first and Vespasius was taken aback by their postures. “Arise, all three of you. Its damned cold and you keep kneeling for me every time! Wish you’d stop doing that though…” The three commanders arose, dusting off their uniforms as they regained their composure.

Vespasius then turned around to face the bulk of the forces present as his voice boomed over the parade grounds.

We all remember the words of our ancestors, the promises they made, the oaths of loyalty to this land. Today we will make those oaths anew, as true warriors and rulers.

Never give in. Never, ever, ever, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy for you are the warriors that defend these lands, by your weapons does our nation stay free and again that nation calls for you. Will we go down, quietly, into the night that is Automagfreek?

Screams of No, Never! Could be heard from the ranks as Vespasius drew his sword and slammed down his armoured boot on the pavement.

Then let it be known that the forces of the Empire stand ready once again against any foe, no matter the size or nature of our foe. Brothers in arms, Imperial councillors, commanders, will we stand against the coming tide?

The roar of Yes from the troops filled the grounds as they clashed rifle buts and boots with the cold concrete of the parade grounds.

Vespasius grinned as he turned on his heel and took in the scene around him, basking in the cheers and clatter of weapons.

Then let us go to war!
04-12-2004, 23:24
Rather than rush off, heedless, as so many of Dreadfire's chaff allies seemed to be doing, the Evenstar waited. There was no sweeping mobilisation or resounding call to arms. Casually, almost lazily, ships stole out of port. One by one they slipped away, too numerous to go unnoticed, too few to cause much speculation among those who knew no better.

Gradually they reformed, not as a whole fleet, but as a swarm of smaller battle groups. South they steamed, out of Panteran waters and into those claimed by Dreadfire and the nation of Automagfreek. In the vanguard of the screen of ships came the Evenstar's own Seabitch. The behemoth warship sliced through Damien's waters with Caval the Warhound at the helm.

The old Reaver left his battlegroups well behind and slid into a port in northern Automagfreek. Here, he took to the skies and swept toward ULE City, and Dreadfire. By the time the Hound touched down the creeping, almost sleepy Panteran mobilization had come to life. Near a million Reavers had been called up and would, over the next days, board transports or be ferried south, into AMF itself.

Behind them would come another great swarm of Panteran ships, these transports laden with Reavers and enough supplies to sustain them throughout the campaign. In the southern Panteran port of Keenan, a third fleet, the largest so far, was forming and would set sail three days hence.

This iron bludgeon of Reaver might would be wielded, expertly, by the Warhound. The enemies of Dreadfire were enemies of the the Evenstar, and Pantera.
04-12-2004, 23:32
Rather than rush off, heedless, as so many of Dreadfire's chaff allies seemed to be doing, the Evenstar waited.

ooc: That hurts deep man, real deep.
04-12-2004, 23:34
05-12-2004, 00:19
Damien sat in his highback chair in a curled up position, his forehead sweating heavily and his eyes bloodshot. Word had been sent to him of the Warhound's arrival, but Damien did not make preperation. Things were fucked in Automagfreek the way they were with all the spiritual turbulence and unexplainable events. Dreadfire's servatns notified him when the Hound was mere minuted away, but still the feiry Lord did not move from his chair.

He heard the doors of the Great Hall creak open, but still he did not move. Come in Warhound, there is much to discuss. The fire that burned in the large fireplace raged and crackled, but oddly enough no heat filled the room. Large icicles began to form high above in the rafters regardless of how well heated the Great Hall normally was.

Again Damien spoke to the Warhound but did not move from his seat. Warhound, it is good to see you have come to Automagfreek. What is the will of the Lord Reaver?
05-12-2004, 00:39
As the grizzled old Reaver glanced about the room he gave a sniff of distaste. The fabled dogshead helm was there, dangling from one hand, the ornate handle of his sword poked above one shoulder. All in all he was a hero out of storybook, a Reaver in shining chain and platemail. Both man and mail seemed out of place in this modern world, but beneath the steel and wrinkles writhed something terrible, something unstoppable.

His grey eyes were shadowed as he took a seat, uninvited. Hooking a leg casually over the arm of the chair, he glanced to the flames of the great hearth. They crackled crackled merrily, he noted, but failed to take the creeping chill from the air. The strange fluctuations of the environment might have unnerved another man, but the old Reaver had seen far, far too much to be alarmed simply because the heating in Dreadfires halls was off.

His breath frosting the air in front of his face, the Hound considered Dreadfire's question for a long moment. What was the will of the Evenstar? His response was simple,"Blood and Fire, Damien. As always."
05-12-2004, 00:43
05-12-2004, 00:44
President Kenny Williams was woken up at 2 in the morning when news of the AMF mobilization came to him. His cabinet was ordered to his office and a meetint was to take place.

It took over 75 minutes for everyone to assemble. The President went around the room talking to each man and giving them specific orders.

The 1st man he talked to was not a cabinet member, Admiral Joseph Jacobson was the CinC of the IDF Navy. His ships were deployed to protect AMF.

"I don't want your ships taking offensive action," said Williams. "I want them at THREATCON Delta and on increased alert. Their mission is to defend the AMF coastline. I don't want to fight an offensive war now and we won't." The Admiral agreed, he was going to send more ships and submarines, including the now 9 subs (6 Scorpions and 3 Halibuts) that had the new Pebblebed reactor. They would be working far perimeter for the group. The North Pacific fleet was doing nothing at the time and had been ordered to join to help AMF. Elements had been ordered to help escort supplies. The Charles de Gaulle class CVNs travelled with the larger convoys.

Next came the SECDEF. The orders to him were simple. He had to send out merchant marine ships to help ferry food and other supplies to support AMF. Oil would be shipped from the Haifa pipeline at a price 10% below market price to help their ally. The Secretary of Economics approved this measure.

SECDEF also told all of the mobilized troops for the Negev excercise to prepare to deploy to AMF for defensive duties.
05-12-2004, 00:51
"Jason! so good to see you!" the Chairman Exclaimed as he saw the somber looking man waliking through the door.
"It's good to see you too, fellow brother, but I bring word of sobering news."
"come, lets talk for a few minutes, tell me what's wrong brother" the chairman said
Jason whispered something inaudible to all the bugs in the room.
"Oh, well that does seem sobering, come to my private quarters we can talk privatley in there," the Chairman said his always bright smile going away. Little did he know, it would stay that way for the rest of his life.
After walking down the numerous hallways and riding the numerous elevators downward, they finally reached the Chairman's privaate quarters.
"you mean to tell me you have forseen this impending conflict coming?"
"yes, you are probably the only one who knows about the special power that was bestowed upon me by Kell, and you also know that this power guides Illior only when it or one of it's closest allies or in peril. Today, it is one of our oldest, maybe one of our closest, the Freekians."
"you gotta be bullshiting me." the CM said aloud knowing the answer.
"they normally could take care of themselves but they will need us as the time comes."
"may Heironeous and Hextor help those in need," the CM Recited the ancient prayer. "Jason, my brother, what are we to do?"
"from my extensive knowledge about Damien(He was a history teacher at Corellan peninsula, And AMF, be honored, most world leaders in NS don't have people majoring in them;)) he will also have forseen this. The best thing we can do is tell him we know and we will help. I will go straight to him, no delays. send word that I will meet him ASAP."
"yes my brother, what else shall we do? mobilize any units?"
"yes, get all naval forces activated for 'training' and mobilize all fremen and Hell jumper units for 'practice jumps and landings'."
"Yes my brother, that I shall, I shall also activate the 3rd Arm. Army and get Johan's pilots flying more hours, the people that we send will mostly be green you know."
"Yes, but our NCO's will take care of them, they all are exceptionally well trained and conditioned, they will be fine, but now, I must make haste. If all goes well, tell our friends at RSIN that we'll need quite a bit more ships."
"right away brother."


Damien, my bother needs to consult with you on an urgent matter, he has boarded a plane and is being escorted by 4 interceptors to your airspace as we speak. He truly needs to speak with you as soon as possible. May the gods bestow their grace upon you.

INGC Chairman

Eric Kars

05-12-2004, 01:47
Word of mass mobilizations among the entirety of NATO reached the Comrade of Euroslavia. It seems that Euroslavia's former alliance was preparing for something...

The leaders of the nation, including the Comrade, the Ministers, and their Advisors were called in an emergency meeting.

"We have been gathered here today to discuss Euroslavia's course of actions in the next few days, due to the mobilization of NATO forces. We aren't exactly sure what they are proposed for, though, so we need to decide if Euroslavia should get involved."

Defense Minister Gregory Shleptman stood up immediately:
"We shouldn't get involved in this war at all. NATO has thrown Euroslavia into a lot of uncomfortable situations that we should have never been involved in. I suggest we concentrate on homeland defense, in case there is a planned attack on us."

The Foreign Relations Minister, Sarah Greyson, rebuked:
"But majority of these nations are still our allies. We would still, in a sense, be betraying our allies if we don't get involved in this mobilization. We need to support them, despite our withdrawal from NATO..." She also whispered under her breath..."I never supported our withdrawal in the first place...".

Finally, the Economics Advisor stepped up, and made a response:
"If we do get involved, obviously, the money used to mobilize our troops will be costly, but during every time of war, having involved Euroslavia, our economy has thrived. This could be a chance at raising our economy to new heights. Plus we'd be supporting our allies. In my opinion, it's a win-win situation. But the thing is, we shouldn't have to rush everything. AMF already has a huge amount of support from our NATO allies. We need to make sure all of our equipment is functional and fully ready to be used, in case of all-out war. Just give the military time to mobilize to the most efficient way possible."

"My thoughts exactly," replied the Comrade. "It is decided. We will mobilize for the aid of our NATO allies, but there will be no rush of troops and weapons off to AMF. We will take the time that we need to make this all work out. But at the same time, if one of our allies is attacked, we will not hesitate to send our mobilized military out immediately to defend them. I suggest that we send audio of this meeting to AMF, for him to see our stand-point on this situation."

All of the Ministers nodded their head...even the defense minister, despite the fact that his face was turning red in anger.

A copy of the audio for the entire meeting will be sent to AMF and his NATO allies, for clarification of Euroslavia's stance.
05-12-2004, 02:13
"It seems NATO is preparing for war, sir."

"Good for them. Whoever loses, we win."

"What about the Oublier? Its still in AMF waters."

"Retreat all naval craft from NATO allied waters, including the oublier, unless they are strong allies of ours as well."

"All good sir. What about the situation?"

"What of it? Send Damien a muffin basket, and have it wish him luck in the blood-bath."

"Yes sir..."

The president sat in his chair, as news briefings flashed on the various screens. He was quite relaxed. It felt good to no longer give a shit.
05-12-2004, 02:48
Bastion of Capitalism

"My god." whispered a disturbed Executor Xavier Davidson as he read over the communique from Automagfreek. It was midday on one of the hottest days of the year, and yet the message from Dreadfire chilled him to the bone.

A war of titanic proportions was about to begin, and the forces of the Militant Imperium were to be embroiled in the thick of it. The lives of thousands, perhaps millions, would be lost in this most terrible of conflicts.

Xavier tread slowly to the Silver Office as the crack of his boots echoed through the lonely dwelling, populated only by himself and the AI that maintained the building.

He lifted the glass that concealed a black telephone, dialed a number, and swiftly made for his automobile.



Executor Davidson arrived at the entrance to Tyrandis Central Command at 1300 hours for the emergency session. He drove his Lexus through the numerous security checkpoints, past the Ceremonial Guard detachment, which saluted him deftly before going back to their drills, and finally to the doors of the massive complex.

He quickly presented himself for the ID and retinal scan, then made his way through the blastproof doors and into the top-security elevator.

From there, Xavier descended some ten floors to the lowest level of TCENTCOM, the Secure Conference Hall.

Xavier wasn't particularly surprised to see his generals already assembled before him; after all, a great number of the leaders lived in the tunnel complex.

He took his seat at the head of the table. A copy of the AMF dispatch was then distributed to each and every person at the table.

"What you see here is a secure communication from AMF, sent to my personal line this morning at 1230 hours." said the Executor as the others quickly realized what the request meant. The twelve faces quickly turned visibly white.

"As you can see, gentlemen," said Xavier, "it is time for us to honor our commitment to the New Alliance Treaty Organization.

However, we must not act rashly and hastily, lest our exertions be wasted. I thereby have called this meeting to discuss strategy for the campaign ahead.

But, we will not be totally unprepared when the shit hits the fan. Admiral James Genedy has already received orders to activate the 1st Mediterreanean Fleet, to link up with AMF and other NATO naval vessels."

As this planning session continued, the massive juggernaut headed by the Admiral was already being prepped for immediate mobilization...
05-12-2004, 02:59

Eredron has established no official stance to the mobilizations occuring, nor taken any action.
05-12-2004, 04:04
[OOC-Glorified TAG. Post later]
05-12-2004, 05:53
Damien glanced at the Warhound with his tired and strained eyes, and as the words Blood and Fire were uttered from the old Hound's aged mouth, the Great Hall began to tremble. The fire that had been burning brightly suddenly ceased in the blink of an eye, with not even so much as smoke rising from the once burning firewood. The walls inside the Great Hall began to bleed from the floor and errily enough began flowing upwards towards the ceiling. The thousands of large candles in the next room suddenly erupted with life, their once mellow flames now several feet tall. Moans and footsteps echoed throughout the old building, and the shadows of strange figures passed briefly by the doorway to Damien's den.

You see Warhound, there is something amiss in the Empire. Something is happening that even I am not aware of.....and through it all the words of the old crone still ring through my head, even though it has been many long years since I spoke to her last. I wonder what she would say to me now.....

Dreadfire was cut off by a strong breeze that shuffled papers around the room and caused a chill to run down his spine. He glanced out of the closed windows only to see that the leaves on the trees outside were not moving.

Strange times indeed Hound. Either this marks the end of Automagfreek entirely, or this is the beginning of a new era in the world. Either fate will have us fall in the coming conflict, or we will stand in glory atop the millions of dead that we will leave in our wake.

Blood and fire.....doom and prophecy.....
05-12-2004, 05:54
*Tagged, response to come*
Sigma Octavus
05-12-2004, 07:15
The sun was just setting over the dunes, a haze of sand kicked up by wind turning the entire horizon a burning red. Ellison stood alone, watching the scene. She loved coming out here, but there was something ominous about the horizon.

The sound of an engine pulled her gaze from the fiery view. A single vehicle pulled up next to her own, a dozen feet away. Out stepped her most trusted general, Jacen Hidachi. Jacen walked forward to stand next to Ellison. "El, bad news."

Ellison looked back at the horizon. "War, right?"

Jacen nodded then sat down on the dune. "Damien and almost all the rest of NATO are mobilizing. Reports are that the Reavers are also with Damien. This is gonna be big."

Ellison also sat down." Jace, you remember when you used to take me out here when you were charged with watching me?"

Jacen smiled and laughed a little,"Yeah. You'd always get come back with sand everywhere."

Ellison looked at the sand between her legs. "I wish it could be like that again. Peaceful. No worries."

She stood up and started walking towards her vehicle. "I'm gonna want you setting this up. Assemble your old unit. We can use them in the near future."

Jacen remained sitting. "Okay El, I'll do that.....El?"

Ellison stopped and looked back. "Huh?"

"After this is over, we should come out here again to enjoy the sunset."

Ellison didn't reply, and the sound of her vehicle leaving soon followed. Jacen sat for a few minutes before getting into his vehicle and heading back towards Thresh. There was much to do.
05-12-2004, 07:17
Aside from a slight discomfort, the Hound again made no great reaction to the strange occurances. He merely shrugged his heavy shoulders and said," I know little of the Crone. She leaves me alone. But... Is this not always the way, Dreadfire? Doom and desolation, or the careless peace of a long summer? It is why you and I are alive, Damien, to defend our People and live by the sword, so that others may enjoy our Peace. Remember that. Do not become lost to despair. We shall triumph and Automagfreek will endure alongside Pantera, now and through the Long Night to come..."

Running his hands over the steel folds of his cunningly wrought dogshead helm, Caval grunted,"I have much to attend to, Damien. I would love to philosophise on the meaning of the flame and the 'why' of warfare, but much needs tending. My fleet is arriving now and will continue to stream in for almost a week. We could sail at half-strength at a moment's notice, and then play catch-up if need be, but my Reaver vanguard will only be at full readiness by dusk tomorrow or dawn of the following day...'

"Other than that, we are prepared to bring the flame to your enemies. A moment to catch our breath and then we're off again, eh?"

The old warrior was a veteran of a hundred campaigns, and cared little for Damien's orders. He and his Reavers knew their business and would do it well. But, they did sail at Dreadfire's call, so the Evenstar had ordered him to advise and apply himself when necessary, but allow the Warchiefs and Allied Generals the overall Command. At least, for now.

He respected Dreadfire, but knew his own worth far better than any of these craven bootlicks who would be participating in the campaign. Fodder. He thought as he watched the Sentinel.
05-12-2004, 08:37
The strange happenings no longer had any effect on Damien. His mind was worn to the point of not even caring, and as the Hound prepared to leave Damien became distracted by a skinless face smiling at him from the window. Being just an apparition he shrugged it off and rose from his seat, and as he did his back cracked from sitting in his chair for too long.

Aye, Warhound. Tend to your fleets you must. My forces are still being assembled as well, and I predict that we will be at full force at roughly the same time. I must steal myself now and walk to the Westwind of the ruins of Dawn's Cathedral. Things have never been this spiritually turbulent in least since as far back as I can remember. My Sentinel executioners have fled the Halls of the Dead. Things inside there have gotten to the point where even they cannot handle what is going on inside.....which tells me either the Tomb of the Mutilated has been thrown open, or the Vault of Souls is in chaos.

He walked over to his desk and took up the Relic's Sword, placing it at his side. He bowed breifly to the Warhound before dismissing him for the evening. It is good to see you again old friend, and the next time we meet we will be engulfed in a sea of death and gore. See you then.

As Damien started off for his trip to Dawn's Cathedral, he overheard on the TV that a church in Nuellsville had been turned upside down......literally.
Independent Hitmen
05-12-2004, 11:29
05-12-2004, 16:49
OOC: AMF, don't know if you missed it or just decided to ignore it, my last post concerned someone meeting with damien, just thought I'd bring that to your attention.
The Silver Turtle
05-12-2004, 19:02
Tag, IC response later.
05-12-2004, 19:28
Grand Marshall Poli slept peacefully in his bed at his cottage on the Mediterranean Coast. Soon a phone rang, jolting him from slumber.
"mmmm..what is it?"
It was General Parks
"What is it General?"
"Automagfreek has completely mobilized."
"They've mobilized, this could be the big one."
"Bloody Hell!"
"What should be done?"
"Get a press conference ready in Bravia, I'll be there in half an hour"
"Yes sire!"

A black sedan pulled up to the curb of the Administrative building in the Harbor town of Bravia, out stepped Marshall Poli, in full military splendor.
He briskfully walked up the cobblestone steps into the the building, he was greeted by the press. Making his way through the cameras, he stepped onto a podium.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press"
"It has come to my attention that one of out NATO Allies Automagfreek, has completely mobilized in wake of the current threats from the RWC alliance."
"This is troubling"
"As Commander-in-Chief of the Inkanan Military, I have come to this decision."
The Room stood still, and remarkably quiet as the Old Leader gathered his thoughts
"I am mobilizing the Military, also."
"It will not be as drastic as AMF's mobilization, but it will still be large."
"Effective immeditaly, the One Million Armed fighting me on leave, or on Reserve status, will be called into active duty.
"The mobilization will also include the mobilizing of our colonies of Turkey and Syria, adding our Army output to 2,600,000."
"Are there any questions?"

Lisa Cournellis of Inkanan News Network stood up.
"Will Inkana go to war with the RWC?"
The Marshall awnsered.
"We will watch the situation intentivly, then make our decision."
Having said that, there were no more questions, for that was what was on everyone's minds that evening.

As Poli walked back down into his car, there was a deathly silence. This was a bold move on the part of Inkana, the growing nation was now at risk.
05-12-2004, 20:03
OOC: AMF, don't know if you missed it or just decided to ignore it, my last post concerned someone meeting with damien, just thought I'd bring that to your attention.

OOC: Yes, I know. It will be in my next post.
05-12-2004, 20:14
Grand Marshall Poli slept peacefully in his bed at his cottage on the Mediterranean Coast. Soon a phone rang, jolting him from slumber.
"mmmm..what is it?"
It was General Parks
"What is it General?"
"Automagfreek has completely mobilized."
"They've mobilized, this could be the big one."
"Bloody Hell!"
"What should be done?"
"Get a press conference ready in Bravia, I'll be there in half an hour"
"Yes sire!"

A black sedan pulled up to the curb of the Administrative building in the Harbor town of Bravia, out stepped Marshall Poli, in full military splendor.
He briskfully walked up the cobblestone steps into the the building, he was greeted by the press. Making his way through the cameras, he stepped onto a podium.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press"
"It has come to my attention that one of out NATO Allies Automagfreek, has completely mobilized in wake of the current threats from the RWC alliance."
"This is troubling"
"As Commander-in-Chief of the Inkanan Military, I have come to this decision."
The Room stood still, and remarkably quiet as the Old Leader gathered his thoughts
"I am mobilizing the Military, also."
"It will not be as drastic as AMF's mobilization, but it will still be large."
"Effective immeditaly, the One Million Armed fighting me on leave, or on Reserve status, will be called into active duty.
"The mobilization will also include the mobilizing of our colonies of Turkey and Syria, adding our Army output to 2,600,000."
"Are there any questions?"

Lisa Cournellis of Inkanan News Network stood up.
"Will Inkana go to war with the RWC?"
The Marshall awnsered.
"We will watch the situation intentivly, then make our decision."
Having said that, there were no more questions, for that was what was on everyone's minds that evening.

As Poli walked back down into his car, there was a deathly silence. This was a bold move on the part of Inkana, the growing nation was now at risk.

OOC: The RWC is aainst this war and is not involved. Mac IS NOT an RWC member. Just thought Id let you know.
05-12-2004, 20:15
OOC: The RWC is aainst this war and is not involved. Mac IS NOT an RWC member. Just thought Id let you know.

ooc: Its a good thing you quoted that whole long post to emphasize your one liner. :rolleyes:
05-12-2004, 20:19
OOC: Your welcome
05-12-2004, 20:24
OOC: Your welcome

OOC: Keep your OOC comments out of here.
05-12-2004, 21:03
The flight back to his Seabitch was a long one. Not that it had taken any longer than the flight down had, of course, the Hound simply had more on his mind. The events in Damien's Hall had shaken him. He had seen millions die, oceans boil and whole lands scorched...

But this had been different. What terrible sins had these Sentinals committed to anger the gods so? What other dark horrors were lurking in this strange land? He would fight any living foe and fight it to the death, teeth bared... But again, this was different. You could not fight Death itself. It came for all men, yet these Freeks seemed to court it. Bastien had loved and admired Dreadfire, but he knew that the Evenstar was not so loyal. He respected and would uphold the Blood Pact, but would not defy the Gods.

The Evenstar had to be told. That much was certain... The rest he would deal with himself.

He had kept his cool in the Hall, he felt, but inside was another matter. With the Underworld apparently rocking the Living World in AMF, he had to act quickly, lest word of the terror spread to his own Reavers. First things first, he would quarantine his own men aboardship. They would not like it, and many would question, but in the end they would obey. He had that kind of authority.

When his plane finally reached the northern coastline of AMF, he was relieved. He could see his Seabitch rocking gently at anchor a mile or two offshore. Aboard was a bottle. He looked forward to that.

He also looked forward to the wench his squire was ordered to have found him. He knew that the next weeks would be filled with rape and plunder for his Reavers, but as commanding officer these were spoils that were denied him. After all, how would it look if he savaged the defeated women of his enemy? It would look poor, especially alongside his own men.

No, no rape and plunder for him. He would reseve for himself an Officer's pleasure, rather than the cleansing fire and frenzied frolics of the front-line Reaver. He would report to Dayne, bed his whore, drink his bottle, and try his hardest to dismiss Dreadfire's evil from his thoughts. Yes. He would try.
Schultaria Prime
05-12-2004, 22:06
The Schultarian Intelligence Directorate fell still as the three Directors made their way through the building's polished and pristine hallways. A normally busy place full of idle chatter and the constant hum of distant technology, the quiet commanded by the Schultarian heads of state made even the most stoic of individuals quiver with fear. Everyone knew about the situation that had unfolded; it was impossible to escape the constant live news of escalating troop movements and deployments. Nonetheless, like the very halls of SID-8, the Schultarians had been unusually silent about the whole affair.

Filing into a spacious white conference room, Directors Haarvekord and Covey took their seats at the right hand of Central Director Schultz. Although they expressed disdain and caustic discontent on the outside, each and every one of them was distraught to the point of violent illness. They had every right to be; the qualifications of the Director's were not militaristic in any form. Central Director Schultz was only one of them who had had ever fired a weapon in anger, and even then not to kill.

And now the consideration of going to war, and losing tens or perhaps hundreds of thousands of military personnel loomed over their heads.

Central Director Schultz, chin firmly planted in his hand, let out a labored sigh while the rest of the party filed into the room. Nearly everyone that mattered to the Schultarian government and its defense forces had been gathered for this impromptu meeting, and all of them were ill at ease with the topic of discussion. War was a subject not taken very lightly by the leaders of the nation; even though the nation had not seen anything remotely like this in four generations, the Central Director knew that Schultarians could be a brutal and callus people if given the justification. "War is not a logical enterprise," is grandfather told him at his twentieth birthday, "because logically the most prudent thing to do is kill everything, and that would be a terrible waste of human potential."

"Human potential..."

"We all know why we're here and what we must do to insure the safety of our nation," Schultz said to growing collection of generals and government officials, "what I'm asking of you is something that our nation has not had to do in over 120 years. Joan, Sarnow, and I have debated the issue thoroughly and see little alternative for us; we implore you to consider mobilizing the Schultarian Kamor Collabraci... for war."

In an instant, the room let out a tremendous gasp which pierced the air. The very idea of sending Schultarian combat troops to war had never even been toyed with by the Schultarian nation since the Democratic Revolution. Sharing the sympathies of his peers the Central Director continued onward, "Now I know that it is policy that war can only be officially declared through a 60% vote in general referendum, so I want at least four war referendum drafts to be passed through the National Assembly by four this afternoon. Until the ballots can be printed up for a unilateral war proposal, it is within the Directorate's power to call up at least five divisions for emergency response purposes, is that correct?"

A middle aged general replied, "Yes... Yes sir, that is correct."

"Good, then it is by the power vested in the Central Directorate that we mobilize a small strike force designed for rapid conflict mitigation. We request that Frontal Assault Division 6 and Hardpoint Division 2 be ready to transport by the end of tomorrow with Artillery Division 5 ready to go by the end of the week. In addition, have Otkron Divisions 1 and 15 ready to air deploy by tonight if necessary; speed and thoroughness is the key."

Saluting, the generals acknowledged the order and began making calls to their general staffs. The divisions that the Directors had ordered were designed for rapid response and were trained extensively in urban combat. Of course, there would be the problem of organizing the necessary naval transport support, but that would be limited to the armored units. If the three directors had any thing to say, the members of the Otkron would be in ULE City for lunch tomorrow afternoon.

"Get me a secure video line to Automagfreek, high security landline please" the Central Director flatly ordered, "preparations must be made for the Otkron's arrival and their logistical necessities."
Scandavian States
05-12-2004, 23:33
At two points on the globe ships, Imperial Navy warships, were congregating.

At Helsinki, two entire Assault Fleets were being loaded with division upon division of tanks, IFVs, artillery, and men. Not more than a hundred miles away three Expeditionary fleets were being pulled together and prepped for escort and combat duties. Two of the three fleets were being loaded to the brim with weapons optimized for shore bombardment while the third was destined to take on any comers from the see or the air.

In the Arabian Sea, just south of the Gulf, three more Expeditionary Fleets were coming together. For them there would be no pounding the mud. For them there would only be turning enemy aircraft into chaff and makng the seas run crimson and black from the lifeblood of men and ships.

For the first time in history the Imperial Navy was preparing to concentrate its offensive firepower upon one nation and one nation only. Perhaps it was unfair that the nation in question would face simultaneous assault from AMF and the Imperium, but then again the world wasn't fair and war even less so.
Independent Hitmen
05-12-2004, 23:41
OOC: Hate to be the party pooper here, but is Mac aware of this thread, and if so is there a reason behind his lack of posting?
Scandavian States
05-12-2004, 23:43
[I believe this is just a thread to consolodate allies and have a reference point for mobilizations.]
05-12-2004, 23:49
OOC: I've mobilized more ships and in invading group on this thread
The ground forces were mobilized a few weeks ago for an excersize.

They are heading for AMF, currently the orders say they are heading for AMF and at this point it is true. If something happens the orders will change.
05-12-2004, 23:50
OOC: Unless preschool was fake, I'm counting 15 nations for AMF......5 for Mac o.0
06-12-2004, 01:11
The Greifan Empire had been mobilizing for weeks. The attack on the Automagfreek fleet by Macabees marked the beginning of an inevitable march towards war, and the Empress had recognized it as such. Now, the Empire was more than prepared for the great struggle which was about to begin. The first and second star armadas had just reached Automagfreek from Brass Rails and Gernalitily that morning, bearing not only hundreds of vessels, but also countless marines, armored vehicles, and artillery pieces. They were soon joined by the third star armada, a pet project of Natalya’s made up exclusively of vessels recently purchased en masse from The Silver Turtle. When the three groups assembled on AMF territory, they formed The First Greifan Army.

First Greifan Army

Star Vessels

4 Flying Fortresses
22 XMCs
32 Valkyria Battleships
40 Grand Cruisers
45 DSA2s
48 Styx Lesser Cruisers
64 Valkyria Destroyers
64 Transports
100 DSA1s
160 GDFs
2000 Doomfire Bombers
2800 Swiftdeath Fighters

Mechanized Equipment

Ubercannon: 62
War Walkers: 620
Anti-Grav Tanks: 6200
Light Artillery: 6200
Mechanized Artillery: 62,000

Total Personnel Including Marines, Officers, Teklerks etc.: 738,604

The Second Greifan Army had set out from Konigsberg port by sea, bristling with battleship/sub convoys, en route to AMF. Its crowning feature was 5 Predator class battleships courtesty of TST manufacturing, and 100 Trojan II Airborn Aircraft Carriers.

Second Greifan Army

5 Predator Class Battleships
100 Trojan IIs
2 Floating Fortresses
20 Superdreadnaughts
30 Dreadnaughts
60 Light Assaultships
20 Kraken Subs
30 Old School Nuclear Subs

Anti Grav Tanks: 1000
Mechanized Cavalry: 10,000
War Walkers: 100
Artillery: 1000
Ubercannon: 5
Swiftdeath Fighters: 3500
Doomfire Bombers: 500

Total Personnel: 78,500

And more continued to mobilize. Army Group 3 was already prepared, a million strong army group equipped specifically for homeland defense. The Greifan Empire was already prepared for all out war, and it had just begun to tap it seemingly endless resources…
06-12-2004, 01:46
The nation had been addressed. The mobilisation had been ordered.

"Sir." General Shapel was ready to notify the PM
"Yes. What is it?"
"The troops are ready. All 3.6 million of 'em"
The PM paused, and he was suddenly taken aback by the astronomical figure. The people supported him, he had even at one time worried that was not enough.
"Mr Clarke?"
He resolved that he would do something later. Conscription was constantly passing in his mind.
"It's General. General Sir." He ignored the fact that Shapel had missed out half of his sirname. But that was what he prefered.
"What happened to 'vital modesty'?"
"It went the shame bloody place military logic went!" He had become very agitated.
"Look, Sir, you gonna give them the go ahead or not?" Shapel was getting inpatient. He had never known the PM like this.
"Yes. Let them go. All of them. Look, sorry-"
"Just shut up and go conscript somebody."
Shapel disconnected. The PM had just, in his view, made the worst decision in his political career, nay, his life. But the people were happy. What did they really want?

((OOC: Enough of this, basicaly the troops are off. And I'm gonna start another thread.))
06-12-2004, 04:05
As stated through the diplomatic corridors of the world, Samtonia does decalre full support for AMF and all her policies, which are to be enacted by our armed forces.

Zarbia, so callously declaring war on AMF, will be the first to feel the wrath of Samtonia. They have been given a reasonable amount of time to either surrender or evacuate civilians. After the deadline expires, we will pursue a cleansing of the unholy and heretical, namely those indentified by the moniker of Zarbia, but more readily known by the titles heathen, heretic, and traitors.

God's light will fall upon them and God's fire will judge them. All of them. Any Zarbian left in their country. We announce a full mobilization of our armed forces. The amount being sent is at this time classified, but needless to say we have never deployed all four of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse until now.

Tremble Zarbia, The Macabees, and all enemies of Samtonia, AMF, and our allies. The Four Horsemen ride- they ride for veangance.
Minister X, Leader of Samtonian Council of Thirteen
06-12-2004, 04:23
OOC: Apologies for shite post.

IC: With the news that it was finally on, the war that all had anticipated and none had wanted, the military was ordered into action once more. This time, the experiences of ten years of hard, painful learning would be tested; the only problem would be if they were found wanting.

OOC: Mobilising...everything that I can, basically.
Schultaria Prime
06-12-2004, 17:46


For the first time in the nation's history, a state of armed conflict has been declared against any and all nations currently at war with Automagfreek and its allies. In a resounding vote of support, the referendum issued by the Schultarian National Assembly for immediate mobilization was voted by a margin of 14 to 1.

***The Buildup to Victory Commences!***

Immediately following the full declaration of war, the Schultarian Kamor Collabraci has begun a full scale drive to mobilize a significant portion of its defensive forces for international operations. All throughout the nation, military garrisons are tapping their fiscal and material reserves to supply the influx of active reserves and conventional infantry. Stockpiles of food, fuel, and ammunition have already been sent on their way to the port cities of Edgen and Heerllu in addition to the Naval Bases of Kerga-Navem and Kerga-Islandiapermex.

Every sector of the military has now been put on a state of readiness not seen in over 120 years; naval vessels have already been placed on full deployment alert to the Central African and Arabian theaters in support of infantry operations overland. All air force personnel not currently assigned to Schultarian units have been given temporary designations to supply our brave allies with the support necessary to bring a decisive conclusion to the conflict. Commenting on the significance of this action, Central Director Elliot Schultz had the following words to say in a private conference:

"Our solidarity lies within our willingness to fight for a better and more just world; this conflict is something that the world has required for too long. I would just like to give my personal support and well wishes to every fighting man and woman who will be risking quite a bit preserving the sovereignty of Schultaria Prime and its allies. May you keep the peace by any and all means necessary."

***The Results of the Referendum***

The war resolution polls received an unheard of voter turnout at over 96.5% of the eligible voting population, making this the most representative election in Schultarian history. In certain districts, such as the central city of Schultaria Prime and Edgen, people waited as long as seven hours to cast their vote in this landmark decision.

Resolution 1: Shall the United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime, in support of its international allies of NATO, mobilize its armed forces with the knowledge that they will be utilized in international theaters?"

YES: 1,086,038,571 (92.8%)
NO: 83,541,428

Resolution 2: Shall the United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime, in support of its international allies of NATO, allow for the integration of Schultarian defense forces into allied militaries during the current declaration of hostilities if so required?

YES: 1,058,586,858 (90.51%)
NO: 110,993,142

Resolution 3: Shall the United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime, in an effort to streamline the defense of the nation and provide the maximum of efficiency to our combat troops, allow for the loosening of government restrictions on the Schultarian Kamor Collabraci's modes of operation during the course of hostilities?

YES: 1,064,902,590 (91.05%)
NO: 104,677,410

Resolution 4: Shall the United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime be allowed to alleviate its current doctrine on bio-toxic weaponry, including lethal biological and chemical agents, and allow their use in offensive operations without prior attack on the sovereign territory of Schultaria Prime?

NO: 842,097,600 (72%)
YES: 327,482,400

Resolution 5: Shall the United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime be allowed to alleviate its current doctrine of tactical nuclear weaponry (of weapons with yields less than 10 kilotons), and allow their use in offensive operations without prior attack on the sovereign territory on Schultaria Prime?

NO: 760,227,000 (65%)
YES: 409,353,000


A little OOC addition (Just to show the mindset of the nation now, as well as a laugh too)
The Silver Turtle
06-12-2004, 23:19
The Ineffable War Machine has been activated. Ineffable armies began to move.
Across the sprawling nation of The Silver Turtle, increased activity could be seen. From port left the fourth and fifth fleets, many small vessels surrounding the titanic hulks of the supercarriers, battlecarriers, and superbattleships. Entire cities were cast into an artificial night as these behemoths hugged the coastline, before making for open seas to join the second and third fleets, already making their way to meet Freekian forces.
With the newly-departing fleets went the associated armies. There were at least as many transport vessels as there were surface-warfare vessels, and under the seas these extra ships meant half of the sixth, seventh, and eigth attack-sub fleets went with them.
This was truly a massive force, but it was not all.
Before the first ships left port, the second and third Ineffable Starnavies were arriving in-system also. The bulk of these massive fleets remained in orbit, but several of the largest vessels entered the atmosphere.
The heavy cruisers (themselves larger than the largest superbattleship deployed) took up positions above the massive armada. For the first time, Ineffable starships were being used to their full potential, their grav-drives being utilised to allow them about as much atmospheric manouverability as a Melkori gravship. Truly, when the enemies of Metus consulted their radar screens, they would know fear.
Such a massive force could not move quickly, but that did not matter. This was not a quick-strike force. That was what the orbiting dropship-carriers were for.
This was an unstoppable hammer of genocide.

OOC: Well, no-one said I couldn't use my starships. Oh boy is somebody going to regret that...
Although I must say their missile systems will be practically useless, seeing as it's mainly kinetic missiles accelerated to around .6c (this is offhand, haven't checked the figures). Whatever speed it is, it's ludicrous and they'd burn up in the atmosphere, making them useless.
However, nobody would ICly know this. All they see are massive hulks of menacing metal hanging in the air above the biggest battleships they've ever seen. Now, who can do the best RP of a character crapping themselves?
07-12-2004, 03:29
"The mobilisation of the nation for war revealed just how much had been expended during the years of naval build-up by the state. Within mere hours of the orders for Category One mobilisation, ships were already departing their home ports, the majority of them submarines, while the nation's worldwide force of AGIs was given orders to reposition itself to better pick up the noise of the enemy. Yet this exciting beginning was punctuated with a note of irony. In all the nation's long and sometimes violent history, nothing had ever happened to warrant launching an operation of this sort; now, the whim of AMF was the spark that lit the nation's fuse...

- A. Matheson, Fire and Brimstone: The Sentinels Arise, Macmillan Press, 2021.

Juliett-II SSG at sea

Captain Second Rank Robert Watt leaned into the wind, enjoying the feeling of it smacking his face and senses, feeling the salt spray on his cheeks as his submarine tore through the Western Approaches at 18 knots. This was the way to live, he thought. Action, adventure and excitement awaited him. He was young, only 29, and had never been to war before; he was on occasion disdainful of the cautionary words of older submariners, who had experienced the strife of the Liberation War thirty years ago. It his view, war had changed too much since then for their words to be any more relevant than those of the Domesday Book to modern Britons. He waved to a freighter as it chugged sluggishly past his submarine, and grinned through slit eyes as his XO leaned up through the hatch.

"-ir, -e -eed -ou dow- 'ere!" shouted the XO.

"Wha?!" bellowed Watt over the noise of water and diesel exhausts.

"I said, we need you down here, sir!!" screamed his Xo, and promptly entered into a fit of hacking and coughing. Watt followed the man down the ladder, shaking his soaked hair as he entered the trunk.

"Whassup?" he asked in an exaggerated "gangsta" voice.

"Signal from Fleet, sir." Coughing overcame the XO again. "Sorry sir, must've inhaled me sandwich..."

Watt shook his head, reading the slip of paper.

"Hey, Ivan. This is it. Combat op assignment!" said Watt, grinning. "They want us to head to the last known position of the enemy" - Watt paced over to the electronic plot - "...and conduct surveillance with three other J's and a Sierra."

"Doesn't sound too bad," muttered the XO. "Shall we dive, sir?"

"No. Not yet. When we clear the passage, we'll dive. Until then, keep everyone stood down."

"Aye, sir."
07-12-2004, 03:33
[QUOTE=DontPissUsOff]"The mobilisation of the nation for war revealed just how much had been expended during the years of naval build-up by the state. Within mere hours of the orders for Category One mobilisation, ships were already departing their home ports, the majority of them submarines, while the nation's worldwide force of AGIs was given orders to reposition itself to better pick up the noise of the enemy. Yet this exciting beginning was punctuated with a note of irony. In all the nation's long and sometimes violent history, nothing had ever happened to warrant launching an operation of this sort; now, the whim of AMF was the spark that lit the nation's fuse...

- A. Matheson, Red and Black: The NATO/RWC Conflict, Macmillan Press, 2021. QUOTE]

OOC:The RWC is NOT I REPEAT NOT involved in this conflict, nor do we sanction the actions of a handful of member nations. I know I speak for the entire collective on this matter so please refrain from using the RWC's name in this conflict as it can spread misconceptions.
07-12-2004, 03:38
OOC: Yarr, I realised just after I'd finished, but it makes for a nice title :D. I'm going to keep referring to this "book" in my posts, to add atmosphere; you couldn't help me think of a title, could you?

Just for clarification, I recognise that this is NOT an RWC matter. Nobody go around saying " it's the RWC doing this that and the other," OK?
07-12-2004, 03:46
OOC: Yarr, I realised just after I'd finished, but it makes for a nice title :D. I'm going to keep referring to this "book" in my posts, to add atmosphere; you couldn't help me think of a title, could you?

Just for clarification, I recognise that this is NOT an RWC matter. Nobody go around saying " it's the RWC doing this that and the other," OK?

OOC: Yes it does make for nice concise and simple title, but unfortunatly this confilct is far from that. I think a fitting title would be Operation Brimstone:War and Conquest on a Global Scale.
07-12-2004, 03:47
Sound good!
07-12-2004, 03:51
OOC: Look a Communist and a RWC member collaborating lets have fun while it lasts. Okay time for me to stop spamming.
07-12-2004, 04:02
<Official Announcement>

In response to the mobilisations of our allies in the CFA and the NWO, as well as in support of the new alliance between NATO, the RBA, and the NWO, McLeodian military forces have had all leave recalled, and all front-line units are being made ready for immediate deployment overseas. RAF and Border Security patrols have increased dramatically, and any foreign tourists planning on visiting the country are advised that they will be turned away unless they have a valid reason for staying.

Over the next few months, sixteen Royal Armies should be nearing combat readiness, and the Royal Navy should have at least 15 of its Carrier Battle Groups and 20 of its Combat Patrol Groups, as well as its full contingent of Submarine Combt Patrol groups, ready for war. The Royal Air Force, as befitting its role as the primary combat group of the McLeodian military, will be ready for full scale warfare inside of six weeks.


Royal Army - 16 Armies (8 Mechanised / Light infantry, 6 Armoured, and 2 Logistical Support. Infantry armies consist of 1,000,000 men including support staff, vehicles, and command. Armoured consist of roughly the same number of men, but in only 78,125 tanks, fighting vehicles, and support vehicles. Logistical Support consist of closer to 1.5 million men, solely dedicated to support roles and transport. Also includes Combat Engineer Corps and Medical Corps, as well as Military Police Corps), plus SOCOM special forces

Royal Navy - 15 CBGs (1 Ocean CVCN super-carrier, 2 Formidable class STOVL escort /light carriers, 4 Centaur class guided-missile destroyers, 8 Dauntless class destroyers, 8 Type-22 ASW frigates, 12 River class patrol craft, 4 Astute class SSNs), 20 CPGs (1 Moskva class aviation cruiser, 1 Shearwater battleship OR 1 Iowa battleship, 2 Type 45 Destroyers, 2 Type-22 ASW frigates, 4 River class patrol craft), 20 SCPGs (2 Astute class SSNs, 1 Vengeance class SSGN).

Royal Air Force - 362 squadrons of various aircraft, totalling some 6,454 aircraft/helicopters/UCAVs/UCARs of varying shape, size, and role.
07-12-2004, 05:47
Inter-country memo, sent on the Vastivan Intranet

1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Cadre members are hereby called to active duty.
4th Cadre to remain inactive at this time.

Please report within 72 hours to duty stations.
09-12-2004, 22:36
Just to let you all know Mac just broke his arm hence the reason he hasn't been on. Just in case this thread was meant for him cause the name.
09-12-2004, 22:37
ooc: Shit, I broke my right arm three times and now it is considerably longer than my left.

Anyway, send my best regards, and I hope he 'gets well' soon.
09-12-2004, 22:49
Anyway, send my best regards, and I hope he 'gets well' soon.
same here.
09-12-2004, 23:07