Fascist Rebels Shot, under neuvo rican communist government
Neuvo Rica
03-12-2004, 10:31
Atario Vasquez- the Neuvo Rican Defense Minister today anounced that the remnants of the old fascist government had finally surrendered:
"Today; after the Neuvo Rican communist flag was raised over Concepcion in the North of the country, it marked an end to fascist rule. No More shall we be imprisoned by the fascist pigs. Here begins an age of freedom and equality for every person from every background in Neuvo Rica".
"From this day forth Neuvo Rica can be considered a free communist state"
"Those enemies who were captured when the Jager units stormed concepcion have been sentenced death. We captured 6000. 5500 of those are to be shot. The other 500 comprise mainly of officers - and the ex leader himself. They will receive a much worse fate."
"The executions shall take place in 2 days time"
Intelligent Neighbors
03-12-2004, 13:36
We will have to intervene in this matter, if you are going to kill the rightful leaders of your nation.
We believe that it is inhumane, and so we demand that the said 6000 people, including the leader, be transfered to us. If this order is not complied with, action will be taken by the Empire to restore the 'evil' fascists to their rightful place at the head of your nation.
If you transfer the men to us, without harming them in the slightest, we will part as neutral nations.
Yours Sincerely,
Reg Chuu, Advisor to the Emperor.
Psychopathic Warmonger
03-12-2004, 14:14
The Fourth Reich of Psychopathic Warmonger completely agrees with the view expressed by Intelligent Neighbours.
We also will aid in the restoring of the fascists to the head of your nation if the executions are not prevented.
Fuhrer Tom, leader of Psychopathic Warmonger.
Red Tide2
03-12-2004, 14:23
Official Reply from Red Tide
"In response to this atrocity we are executing the leaders of the (rather small) communist movement in our country."
The Merchant Guilds
03-12-2004, 14:25
OOC: Watch out Red Tide, Hogsweat's about :P (You know what I mean Hogsweat :D)...
We are not bothered by these events, however any attack on Intelligent Neighbours shall be met with force by ourselves. We hope we are understood.
The Shadows,
Red Tide2
03-12-2004, 14:30
OOC:Meh... My defenses need a test.
The Party has issued a statement strongly condemning the actions taken by Nuevo Rica. The Federation will offer support to any resistance movement in Nuevo Rica, and shall gladly accept any refugees from the so called "evil" fascist government.
The Party has also decreed that the Federation will support foreign intervention in Nuevo Rica, should other nations decide to put a stop to these barbaric and deceitful actions by the rebels in Neuvo Rica.
FCD Foreign Ministry
Neuvo Rica
03-12-2004, 15:42
Any Invasion would soon turn Into your own Vietnaam. The Fascist government committed its own atrocities during its time in power. 12 of those who are to be executed have been let off under grounds of being too young.
The Executions of the Others are to go ahead on Sunday.
Blood Wolf tribe
04-12-2004, 04:11
Insted of executing your prisoners, you could get use of them by forced slave labor.
Sel Appa
04-12-2004, 04:17
Sel Appa applauds the work of the rebels, but wishes that those to be executed be imprisoned for life. We may supply soldiers if NR is attacked.
04-12-2004, 04:25
NR has the full support of the communist nation of the Soviet Republic of Russia. And any attack on this nation will result in a full intervention of SRoR and our entire region
-Chairman,CP of SROR
Intelligent Neighbors
04-12-2004, 15:57
Any Invasion would soon turn Into your own Vietnaam. The Fascist government committed its own atrocities during its time in power. 12 of those who are to be executed have been let off under grounds of being too young.
The Executions of the Others are to go ahead on Sunday.
Ha, my own vietnam? Somehow I doubt that. First of all a central(ish) US government fought in Vietnam, so were not very ruthless. Second, the US were restrained when it came to using WMD.
I am a very right wing government that has no qualms about turning your nation into one huge crater. I will burn down your forests, flatten your mountains, slaughter your children and pollute your waters if those people are executed.
I would think twice, after all, all we want is for the facists to be handed over to us, there does not need to be any bloodshed.
Intelligent Neighbors
04-12-2004, 15:58
NR has the full support of the communist nation of the Soviet Republic of Russia. And any attack on this nation will result in a full intervention of SRoR and our entire region
-Chairman,CP of SROR
Forgive me for not quaking.
I applaud you on the removal of a facist goverment. However, I do not believe all of the people that were captured, especialy just the soilders, need to die. My suggestion is that you kill the leader and his top men, but don't execute more then 50 people. I believe this would be a sutable agreement for all nations in this situation. If war does, however, break out, we will remain a nuetral party unless me or my advisors see a reason otherwise.
-Cathrine Soma, President of The United Socialist States of Monoma
Intelligent Neighbors
04-12-2004, 16:37
Monoma, and others, support whom you like, but should you harm the facists, or my soldiers, we will wreak havoc upon your nations.
Neuvo Rica
04-12-2004, 16:41
We stand by the ruling of our supreme court. Those who are to be shot are traitors to the people of the Neuvo Rican peoples republic. The leader has imposed a reign of terror for many years.
We are now to unleash the red terror in our battle to rid neuvo rica of the past evils.
The ex - leader is to be shot Tomorrow morning (ooc: or whenever I come on here) Thos nations who suggested alternate methods:
We cannot use slave labour - we made all the other rebels we captured slaves.
Imprisonment is out of the question. It would place an already unwanted strain on my economy.
The Neuvo Rican war office released this statement in response to the message from intelligent neighbours:
Very well attack us. You have bitten off more than you can chew. For every one hundred neuvo rican citizens killed one bomb of spore shall be released in a major city of yours.
We have mobilized 4000000 militia. More armed reserves are being called up.
Intelligent Neighbors
04-12-2004, 16:48
Very well, you have chosen your course. We will begin amassing an army to put a stop to your violent bloodletting.
Expect an assualt soon.
OOC: I look forward to RPing with you, but it will have to wait a little while, as I am already involved in two wars.
Neuvo Rica
04-12-2004, 18:22
ooc: ok Thanks for letting me know.
04-12-2004, 18:32
The USSCT fully supports your actions to remove this fascist swine. We will be willing to help you if any idiotic nation takes action against you.
Vladamir Medvedev, Leader of The United Socialist States of Comunisticturkey
Vasily Zaitsez, Minister Of War
Sasha Parlenova, Minister Of Foreign Affairs
Georgi Kostantavich, Minister Of Trade And Commerce
Viktor Stulukast, Minister Of News And Entertainment
04-12-2004, 18:38
"I congratulate your victory over those too weak to kill you when they had the chance, even if you did use your victory to install an inherently weak system. Use your victory as a learning experience, however: somebody may look to follow your example and attempt to prove their own strength by removing you from power. It is how I attained total power over the Ghargant Imperium, at least. Do not allow your strength to falter, or they may succeed."
Ghargon Gorbgan IV
Neuvo Rica
04-12-2004, 19:59
The Peoples republic of Neuvo Rica thanks you all for your support.
Communist Louisiana
04-12-2004, 20:38
The entire nation of Communist Louisiana supports the crushing of the facist rebels in Neuvo Rica. Any nation trying to force their own nations laws upon the nation of Neuvo Rica will face forces from the empire of Communist Louisiana.
Attacking this nation because of its laws is a intrusion on Neuvo Rica's soverenghty(sp?). I will say again, any attacks on Neuvo Rica will be treated as an attack on Communist Louisiana and will be dealt with through force.
Premier Daniel Dufour
Premier of the CCP of CL
New Orleans, Louisiana, CL
TO: Neuvo Rica
FROM: Communist Louisiana
We would like to airlift some of our military equipment to deture any possible attacks on your nation. We would also be willing to help you build up your coastal as well as arial defense programs.
Psychopathic Warmonger
04-12-2004, 21:58
My nation would like to re-affirm its stance and to inform Neuvo Rica and any other communist scum that if the executions are not called off then military action will be undertaken.
My nation has already begun building up reserves and bringing aircraft and ships to full readiness in order to take its place in an assault on your nation.
Fuhrer Tom, Leader.
Blood Wolf tribe
04-12-2004, 22:52
Regardless of the fact that i see these excecutions as a complet waste of man power, i totally support NR if aid is needed. Untell then, i am confident that this fine nation will have no trouble fighting on its own.
Communist Louisiana
04-12-2004, 23:36
We would be willing to allow you to deport the rebels here where they will be sentenced to death.
Premier Daniel Dufour
Premier of the CCP of CL
New Orleans, Louisiana, CL
Neo-Soviet Russia
05-12-2004, 00:40
To: All nations Concerned
From: United Socialist States of Neo-Soviet Russia
The USSNSR would like to propose a way to avoid a conflict between anit-communst forces and Neuvo Rica. Our thoughts are that Neuvo Rica could deport a decent portion if not all of the prisoners that served the facist government. This would rid Neuvo Rica of what it considers criminals to its own population while also appeasing those calling for war simply due to a nation ridding itself of facism and turning communist.
If though Neuvo Rica continues to choose to stay by its decision and execute all of the facists held, then Neo-Soviet Russia shall provide support/aid for the nation. Why, you wonder? This is an internal affair between warring parties of Neuvo Rica. This is not an outside affair as some would like to think. Of course we also feel that war is also being considered on the grounds of Neuvo Rica's being communist when the people have apparently chosen communism over other systems of government.
Adin Estridge
Premier of the USSNSR
Havana, Cuba, Neo-Soviet Russia
To: Neuvo Rica
From: United Socialist States of Neo-Soviet Russia
We would like to strongly suggest that your nation hears us, as well as others, out and find a way to advert war while still ridding yourself of the facists. Be it complete deportation or partial combined with the executing of a number of the hierarchy, letting those unimportant free while those that trully comitted crimes against the Neuvo Rican people shall go punished.
If war does though occur we will find ways to aid your nation, though we hope it doesnt come to that.
Adin Estridge
Premier of the USSNSR
Havana, Cuba, Neo-Soviet Russia
(OOC: Intelligent Neighbors, don't you think the threats if nuking are a little noobish?)
05-12-2004, 00:49
We support our new comrades of Neuvo Rica and congratulate them on their glorious victory. If any action is taken against Neuvo Rica, I will deploy troops to assist them.
Premier Cheeser12
Neuvo Rica
05-12-2004, 11:37
The entire nation of Communist Louisiana supports the crushing of the facist rebels in Neuvo Rica. Any nation trying to force their own nations laws upon the nation of Neuvo Rica will face forces from the empire of Communist Louisiana.
Attacking this nation because of its laws is a intrusion on Neuvo Rica's soverenghty(sp?). I will say again, any attacks on Neuvo Rica will be treated as an attack on Communist Louisiana and will be dealt with through force.
Premier Daniel Dufour
Premier of the CCP of CL
New Orleans, Louisiana, CL
TO: Neuvo Rica
FROM: Communist Louisiana
We would like to airlift some of our military equipment to deture any possible attacks on your nation. We would also be willing to help you build up your coastal as well as arial defense programs.
We Gladly accept your offer. Communist Louisiana can be considered an ally of the peoples republic of Neuvo Rica.
From: Neuvo Rican Interior Commisirat.
1000 Of the lower ranking prisoners have been deported. They are waiting at an airbase outside Concepcion for deportation.
Meanwhile Central Courtyard - Concepcion (Regional Capital of North NR)
The First set of 4 prisoner are escorted out into the central courtyard. They are lined against a red brick wall. At the far end of the court a group of 10 Jager units (Elite Infantry) stand poised with Loaded NR 48 Assault rifles.
*automatic gunfire*
A second set are bought out. This group is larger (Shooting 4 at a time might take a while) about 20 men. The Jagers open fire again.
The bodies of the executed are put in a mass grave outside the city.
After all of the prisoners are executed the ex leader is bought Into the court.
The Army General Overseeing the execution has a different fate in store for the ex leader.
General "Are the gallows ready"
Jager Captain " Yes sir they are ready. A large crowd has gathere to watch the death of the tyrant".
General " He is to be hung"
JC: "Yessir"
General "Take him to the gallows"
Neuvo Rica
05-12-2004, 20:23
My nation would like to re-affirm its stance and to inform Neuvo Rica and any other communist scum that if the executions are not called off then military action will be undertaken.
My nation has already begun building up reserves and bringing aircraft and ships to full readiness in order to take its place in an assault on your nation.
Fuhrer Tom, Leader.
Prepare for war then.
Meanwhile in the government building -
Army Officer: "e - er s - sir"
President: "Yes"
Army Officer: "The Drakensberg region has risen in revolt after the executions earlier today about 25000 people"
President: "WHAT!"
Army officer: "They are demanding political reform Sir"
President: "Send in the army - this is the last thing I want right now. We are facing invasion and those ungrateful good for nothings rise in revolt".
Officer:"Which Divisions?"
President: "3rd and 4th militia units about 500 00 men should do the trick. Oh and the airforce. Bomb all the villages. Kill every rebel in Drakensburg no miscreants are to be left alive - Understood?"
Officer: "Yessir".
Psychopathic Warmonger
06-12-2004, 12:06
Prepare for war then.
Correction, it is YOU who will need to prepare.
OOC: I'll look forward to RP'ing with you then :)
Intelligent Neighbors
06-12-2004, 13:04
OOC: Neo-Soviet Russia: Don't worry, I wont nuke anyone, that is just a silly way to win a war. Who wants to conquer a radioactive crater?
Psychopathic Warmonger: I'll make a thread soon, and will TG you the link. Lets get ready to kick some ass.
Communist Louisiana: Consider yourself an enemy of the Empire as soon as you harm the innocents you have taken in from Neuvo Rica.
Neuvo Rica: Your actions have condemned thousands to death, prepare for all out war!
Internal Intelligence Centre, Intelligent Neighbors.
"Sir, there are reports of a rebel uprising in the Drakensberg region of Neuvo Rica, there are reckoned to be around 20-30 thousand people massing. Satellite pictures indicate that there are troops mobilising, heading for the area. They are probably Government forces, heading to put down the rebels."
"This is good news, while they are distracted... Get General Alvus Tyrin on the line, now! Tell him to mobilise his fleet, get ready to sail. Also inform Gesellschaft of the situation."
The Merchant Guilds
06-12-2004, 13:44
We have considered our position on the issue with the involvement of Communist Louisiana and the request from Intelligent Neighbours for a contract in this war, thus consider our Earth Forces involved. We will do as honoured in our contract to Intelligent Neighbours.
We suggust you pray to whatever gods you worship,
The Shadows,
Intelligent Neighbors
06-12-2004, 13:47
OOC: Our thanks to Merchant Guilds.
Psychopathic Warmonger
06-12-2004, 16:06
IC: *Telegram released by Psychopathic Warmonger Foreign Office*
Great nations of the world,
The Fourth Reich of Psychopathic Warmonger would like to publically announce it's declaration of war upon Neuvo Rica.
We would also like to appeal to all right-leaning and fascist allies to come to our aid in repelling the communist threat from our midst.
Yours sincerely,
Helmuth von Seeckt, Foreign Minister.
*City of Psychopaths FuhrerBunker*
The Fuhrer handed his most trusted of Ministers a white piece of paper ready for transmission to the nation's armed forces, before heading from the room to relax in his personal quarters. The white piece of paper was the beginning of the mobilisation of the Fourth Reich for total war and it's conclusion would, as the General Staff confidently predicted, make a splendid Christmas present for the great leader.
The message was soon circulated down to all levels and the preparation, that had been secretly started some days earlier, was given it's official blessing. Operation Zitadelle II would begin the arduous task of ridding the world of the 'Communist problem'.
At the Fuhrer's request, the nations defenses were brought to full readiness, the 1st and 2nd Naval Fleets + 1st Transport Fleet were brought to readiness, the entire Fourth Reich Luftwaffe and respective branches were similarly brought to full readiness and finally the 4th SS Panzer Army was mobilised and ordered to begin immeadiate embarkation of materiel and men aboard the ships of the transport fleet.
This was only the start of things and the next few days would bring more mobilisations and alerts until there wasn't one member of the nations armed forces that wasn't prepared to do his duty for Fuhrer and for Reich. As the Neuvo Rican envoy so delicatly put it, PREPARE FOR WAR.
OOC: Intelligent Neighbors (and others), great to have you on board :)
More details to come too.
06-12-2004, 16:15
I'm stuck. On the one hand, killing is wrong whoever is doing it and whoever is suffering from it. But on the other hand, I don't exactly feel sorry for the fascists. So instead of issuing congratulations or condemnations, I'm going to issue you with condemnlations, because, quite frankly, I'm stumped.
Prime Minister Jack Daniels
The Confederacy of Mattikistan
Neo-Soviet Russia
06-12-2004, 23:27
A pair of Dommar class Spy Satellites hung in the simple blackness of space. Untouched by man since their departure from Earth, and being lucky enough to have been shot down or come in contact with debris of somesort, they were more than capable still of servering their purpose. Of course, serving their purpose was what was occuring at the very moment for their cameras combined total of eight cameras were scanning over Neuvo Rica in visible, infrared, and x-ray light wavelengths.under their gaze was a mix of forests, rivers, trees, and other typical things one would see as well as the man made cities, roads and damns. Something else though was noticed, something manmade and unexpected. Fires seemed to ravage over couple dozen plots of land. Something unnatural in even the strangest and most extreme of conditions. Other cameras spotted what seemed to be a massing of troops, of armies that would typically go against invading forces yet their were going for something that to all knowledge showed little signs of outside sources.
Other Dommar class satellites were watching over the nation of Intelligent Neighbors and ships in port. Cameras caught sight of trucks and men, of supplies and and opened up ships taking in ammunition.
Others still watched over the Fourth Reich of Psychopathic Warmonger. Already the call to war was known. Already though was the knowledge that forces were on the movie there as well.
All this info was being processed and taken in. All this info was also being sent down to Neo-Soviet Russian intelligence installations, particularly the headquarters for intelligence, SIB.
Soviet Intelligence Bureau - Imagery Divison - Satellite Section
Sancti-Spiritus, Cuba, United Socialist States of Neo-Soviet Russia
Jason Halverson gave a small groan as he shifted in his seat, stretching. First arms, then legs, then raising and stretching back and all else. The man then gave a pop to his head from both sides. His head stayed near his shoulder as eyes watched the blinking red light. The computer had noticed something out of the usual. This of course could've been anything from military exercises to a forest fire.
Blessed is technology....damnit.
The thought passed as the man of twenty-something took a seat then went and clicked on the proper icon before giving a few keystrokes. Seconds passed as verifications were made then images downloaded to the PC's harddrive. A main image arose on the screen, a map of Neuvo Rica with a few red squares spread across. Moving the cursor, Halverson gave a click wondering what could be the big deal now. Three seperate images arose, one for normal view, one for infrared, then a third for X-Ray. All three showed something that was off though the IR few showed it the most brightly. 'Son of a bitch...' was the line that game under his breath. The image was that of the villages burning, of crates, of even bombers in mid flight doing their prescribed task.
Elsewhere other employees were looking over the fresh images, though this of Intelligent Neighbors, and anothers of Psychopathic Warmonger. The time before between the first and last report of something seriously wrong was less than fifteen minutes
(OOC: IN, just makin' sure. Never know with som and when I hear nuclear threats...yub.)
Communist Louisiana
07-12-2004, 00:16
We wish for this not to turn into an all out war. It is a waste of good soliders and workers for all nations involved. We will however protect Neuvo Rica if she comes under the threat on invasion and we will involve other large nations if all nations do not back down from war mobilization.
We warn all nations involved that if Louisiana soliders come under fire from foreign agressors, we will push the war and flaten such nations capitals and make such nations satillite republics of Communist Louisiana.
Premier Dufour
Premier of the CCP of CL
New Orleans, Louisiana, CL
TO:Neuvo Rica
FROM:Communist Louisiana
We have our C-5A/B Galaxy in the air being covered by 6 F-4G Advanced Wild Weasel's and 4 AC-130U Spooky. Our ETA will be 1 hour.
Premier Dufour
Premier of the CCP of CL
New Orleans, Louisiana, CL
Neo-Soviet Russia
07-12-2004, 03:10
Soviet Intelligence Bureau - Imagery Divison - Satellite Section
Sancti-Spiritus, Cuba, United Socialist States of Neo-Soviet Russia
"So, what the hell's going on down there?"
That was the voice Robert "Ironman" Cordero, one of the higher ups of the Satellite Section of Imagery Divison.
"Truthfully...it seems a massacre's about to occur and it'll be by the Neuvo Rican government. Estimates are around 50,000* troops moving in plus what seems to be round the clock bombing, evidence being aircraft captured in flight as well as the craters and whatnot."
Images came up via a projector showing enlarged and cleared up shots of villages, fires raging as noticeable pits ran through the Earth. Eyes also noticed two or three bombers seemingly hanging there. D'Artagnan Greene gave a small whistle then shook his head.
"Looks like someone made one mistake too many. Wasn't a revolution finishing up not too long ago?"
Halverson nodded then gave a small breath.
"Yes sir. Communists taking power over the Facists. Best myself and a few others can figure a decent number of those still loyal to the facists decided to riot and whatnot after executions."
"And the Ricans are going about it via the hardliner way...that's going to make people happy...Not too bright."
With the fresh line of sarcasm out, D'artagnan reached foward then took a sip from a glass of water.
"Tell me one thing, what about mobilization of other forces for defense."
"At this moment, sir...we're not seeing much of anything noticeable."
A nod came from D'artagnan before giving Mr. Halverson permission to sit down and calling forth Mark Huggins. Standing, the man walked to a table and withdrew a USB flashcard then slid in one of his own. With a few moves of the cursor and a few clicks an image of port cities within Intelligent Neighbors arose.
An hour later...
"The Premier's not going to be happy."
"About which fact, that a communist nation's about to have war on its hands or the fact that said communist nation's throwing an offensive against its own population without even trying to negotiate?"
Cordero eyed D'Artagnan. His eyes seemed to say 'what the hell do you think?' though he remained silent for a few moments.
"Both, as well as the fact that some of our forces may be seeing action sooner than later simply to assure nothing happens within our little piece of the world."
"Think he'll still aid the Ricans?"
"After going headlong against 25,000...we'll see. We need to get this info the advisors to give to him though..."
Blood Wolf tribe
07-12-2004, 04:04
The advisors to our great king would like to know if NR would except 7000 of Blood Wolf tribe's deadliest spicial ops units.
Communist Louisiana
07-12-2004, 04:12
As the C-5A/B Galaxy began to land, the other support aircraft continued to circle in the air above her. Ten Red Army Troops hurried out and the large plane began to turn around to take off. The troops hurried the prisoners onto the plane and rushed back into the plane, within 3 minutes, the aircraft were back into the air over Aztec National League territory making their way up back to the motherland of Communist Louisiana.
Psychopathic Warmonger
07-12-2004, 15:56
*Private Residence, FuhrerBunker, City of Psychopaths*
The Fuhrer wiped crumbs away from the edge of his mouth and set down his dinner plate as his eyes scanned the copy of the telegram sent by Communist Louisiana. Looking up at the officer who had delivered it, still rigid and stiff in his salute, he smiled and handed him the paper back.
"Relax, Lieutenant, as you were. So, this is the name of the game eh? Throw your weight around and then back down and whimper when someone dared to stand up and challenge you"
He spat on the floor and asked the Lieutenant to fetch some paper while he dictated a memo.
"Assault to go ahead as planned, war to be persued ruthlessly against Neuvo Rica. Units are ordered to disregard any other hostile nations units apart from Neuvo Rica's unless fired upon, in which case you have immeadiate permission to persue military activities against said nation. Good luck and God speed."
The memo was sent out to all officers at senior level and so the preperations went on.
"There, if the other commies don't want a war then they won't get involved will they?"
*Throughout the nation*
As those words were being spoken the last regiments were boarding their troopships and the last vehicles being packed up ready for unloading at the other end. The total number of troops now preparing themselves for the impending conflict in bases all over the nation was staggering.
As the date for the commencing of the invasion was set for tomorrow at dusk the troops now had a period of contemplation and of thought as the results of their actions were now clear.
Final preperations were being made to vehicles and battleplans and defences stepped up nationwide, especially around the invasion fleet. As the night drew in and as sentries drew their greatcoats tighter around their bodies, as missile and ICBM defences secured in place and as the screech of interceptors punctured the clear night air, everyone was united in their wish for morning to come sooner.
Mental lands
07-12-2004, 16:55
OOC: Thanks Psychopathic once again I am dragged to war to defend you from attacking strong bad guys.
We have received reports of an attempted communist uprising in the country of Neuvo Rica. Normally we would not care much about what is going on. But we have received a request from support from our allies Psychopathic Warmonger. In response to his request we have begun to mobilise a large force to assist. As of now a state of war excites between Neuvo Rica and The Naval Dominion of Mental lands. Oh and tom STOP DRAGING ME AROUND TO YOUR WARS!
Rys Bloom (NDoML Foreign Minister.)
The Second fleet is now mobilising along with the 5th, 8th and the 13th army divisions. Also our long-range B-1B squadrons are being loaded up for air raids.
Intelligent Neighbors
07-12-2004, 19:35
*hits RP Pause button*
Whoa! Lets wait until we have worked out a plan. The RP will suck if we all just jump in. Anyone have MSN?
07-12-2004, 20:19
OOC: I would like to join this RP. I don't know if you would concider my nation Facist or not though. I'm a Corrupt Dictatorship. I have an Emporer but there is a Parlimentary Body that makes some of the laws (Civil Rights and Political Rights) that are passed. The rest (budget laws and Tax Laws) are made by the Emporer. Would that make me a Fascist or something else?
Mental lands
07-12-2004, 21:00
*hits RP Pause button*
Whoa! Lets wait until we have worked out a plan. The RP will suck if we all just jump in. Anyone have MSN?
Yep i got MSN its Scaryshit275@hotmail.com
Intelligent Neighbors
07-12-2004, 21:06
Shazbotdom, I don't think you are facist. You may be able to join the RP, have you got any examples of your work?
07-12-2004, 21:27
OOC: I've been part of a few RP's. But a great deal of them i have left or they were closed down due to others godmodding. I just recently left one because the people involved declared victory over the nation they were invading when the invadee never replied to the thread, which is blatant godmodding.
Neuvo Rica
07-12-2004, 21:35
The Neuvo Rican war office today Officially anounced its declaration of war against Psychopathic warmongers, Intelligent neighbours and their allies.
All guerilla forces have been sent out from the major cities into the jungle areas of Neuvo Rica. On the edge of the Drakensberg region, 63000 of the Neuvo Rican armies best troops are preparing to storm the region, under command of General Katana...
Trinidade (Neuvo Rican city on the edge of the Drakensburg region )
General: Commander? ... What is our current status?
Commander: The Third Jager Company is slicing through all resistance from the rebels in drakensberg... we dont know how many of the enemy are dead ... initial reports from the units radios are contradicting, but we know that civilian lives have been lost.
General: Oh well ... a price must be paid ... what about our own ...
Commander: 69 dead, around 350 civilians.
General: Do we hold the cities? We need them under control. Unless the enemy are attacking from the sea then they are coming through Drakensberg to get to the fortified strongholds of the south. We must hold the cities here...
Commander: Drakensburg is 3/4 ours... the airforce is obliterating the other quarter...
In The Capital (Sierra Argento) The Premier and the top generals stand around a map of the nation ...
Leader: They will come from the sea ...
General: They wont ... attacking by sea would mean sailing straight into the big guns of Kicevo and Rakvere.
Leader: And the eastern sector?
General: There is a small force at Nordangger ... It cannot hold out for long in the face of assault.
Leader: Send reinforcements ... The 10th army and several Jager battalions.
General: Ok ...
Admiral: That doesnt tackle the problem they wont attack from the sea ... not all the time that our battleships are sailing the coast.
Leader: Massive assault from the sea is possible ...
Marshal: What about the air... you havent even thought about that ... paratroopers could wreak havoc on us ...
Leader: They wont, not all the time that our SAM batteries receive a ready supply of ammo. And make sure our ABMs are in place.
ok sir...
ooc: sorry I didnt reply for a couple of days couldnt get on my PC
Neo-Soviet Russia
08-12-2004, 06:02
(OOC: IN, I've MSN. cokefiendjew@hotmail.com .Also have aim, name being cokefiendjew.)
Psychopathic Warmonger
08-12-2004, 10:52
*hits RP Pause button*
Whoa! Lets wait until we have worked out a plan. The RP will suck if we all just jump in. Anyone have MSN?
I agree, we need to concentrate our strength and attack as one force with maximum effect. Mental Lands and I are both ready so we shall wait for confirmation of our other friends and allies.
Fuhrer Tom.
No problem, Paddles, what are friends for eh??? :p
But Intelligent Neighbors, I'm sorry but I don't have MSN :(
Neuvo Rica
08-12-2004, 20:33
ooc: I do have msn - but I dont take emails - hotmail is the easisest way for trojan horse viruses to get on my PC.
I am strudel_nacht@hotmail.com
wierd but hey...
Intelligent Neighbors
09-12-2004, 10:09
Ok, I'll contact you later,
The Merchant Guilds
09-12-2004, 12:08
Well if you feel the need to contact me since my Mercanery forces are working with IN.
Psychopathic Warmonger
09-12-2004, 13:01
OOC: I hate to interrupt the noble art of swapping contact names/numbers :(, but when is somebody going to create a thread to get this whole 'war thing' off the ground??? :D
Neuvo Rica
09-12-2004, 20:07
ooc: I started this one, so I will make a war thread - better make it an invite only one so we dont get flooded.
Intelligent Neighbors
09-12-2004, 22:00
yep, just the people here.
TG us the link when done please.
Mental lands
09-12-2004, 22:22
yep TG us plz
09-12-2004, 22:31
Don't forget to drop me a TG with the thread link. I'll wing this RP due to my schedualing conflict. But i will say that i won't be on during the weekends and nights (after 7:00pm Central US time) so don't say that you nooked all my troops when i'm gone or something.
Communist Louisiana
09-12-2004, 22:52
The plane landed in Lake Charles in the Louisiana Territory of CL. The other aircraft then seperated and flew to their own home bases. An armored bus pulled along the large cargo plane and some 25 armed Red Troops exited the bus and marched to the planes door. A Red Trooper stepped out the plane and instructed the prisoners to follow into the bus. This took a total of 15 minutes to do so. Not much resistance would come from people who had more than 70 automatic weapons off safety and pointed at them. The plane was pulled from the runway as the bus drove off. Once the prisoners were on the bus, they were handcufted to the bars in the bus and a Red Trooper pulled out a parchment paper with the seal of the empire on the left hand side of it. He looked at the troops and cleared his voice.
Red Trooper #7- Official statement from Premier Dufour of the CCP of CL. He has stated that your death sentences have been downgraded to life in prison with chance of paroll after 40 years. You will serve your turn at Angolla State Penitentury(sp?). He sends his best regards and a jobs well done to us Red Troops. That will be all.
The man smiled as he cleared his voice again
Red Trooper #7- By the way, Premier Dufour says he hopes you enjoy your stay in Communist Louisiana.
The driver and Red Troops began to chuckle as the prisoners looked in amazement at their guards. The bus drove some 45 minutes to what seemed to be an abandoned railroad depot. The Red Troops exited the bus and they were followed by the prisoners. As they stepped off the bus, the prisoners looked at the massive Electric Locomotive as its engines purred. The Red Trooper cleared his voice again and began to speak.
Red Trooper #7- This will be the end of your time of seeing the countryside of the Communist Louisiana. You will be escourted to specialized holding cells on this train and you will be tranferred to Angola where you will spend a majority of your prison sentences. The rest of you will be moved to other places throughout the territories. Again, welcome to beautiful Louisiana.
The prisoners were escourted to their holding cells in armored train cars. The guards patrolled the highspeed train and did the final checks as the train blew its loud whistle and began to move
Psychopathic Warmonger
10-12-2004, 12:06
I think its spelt 'Penitentiary', I checked on Google. :)
Also 100th Post!!! *Does a little dance*
Neuvo Rica
10-12-2004, 19:38
ooc: Heres the link
I havent posted a lengthy intro - i gtg somewhere now...
anyone who posted on this thread is automatically invited into it.
Psychopathic Warmonger
11-12-2004, 12:52
OOC: Ok, thanks.
I'll see everyone there!!!
26-12-2004, 19:52
Count me in as the last nation aiding Nuevo Rica.
Intelligent Neighbors
28-12-2004, 00:58
I'm sorry, too late now, the war has begun (petered out though). Also, there are already 6 nations aiding Neuvo, and that is the limit.
The answer: NO.
28-12-2004, 01:31
The other thread says there's only 4 =/
Neuvo Rica
28-12-2004, 10:50
Petered out is a little harsh ... I was merely waiting for PW to post losses.
Intelligent Neighbors
28-12-2004, 13:25
No, it says five, then below another nation (Hallad) joined. Sorry.
Yeah, didn't PW say he was busy over this period? Also, how do we want this war to end up? I say we overthrow your government, then establish a new neutral government, and we remain there as peacekeepers. We also get to keep land in the drakkensburg region, as the people are friendly to us and we vowed to protect them. Is this a good end to work towards?
Neuvo Rica
28-12-2004, 19:26
How about this... Rebels in My country assassinate the communist leader and overthrow the regime, with your support. After my leader dies Neuvo Rica undergoes a change of government (in a poll in another thread). So if I RP my leaders assassination, and then my defense crumpling you can remain as peacekeepers. Further points can be discussed when conflict ends.
Im fed up with being communist ... they are an unfriendly bunch of bastards.
Psychopathic Warmonger
29-12-2004, 14:13
Okay, I'm back now and posting normally again.
NR the war is back up again and the losses etc are posted. Lets get this show back on the road.
Psychopathic Warmonger
30-12-2004, 15:59
How about this... Rebels in My country assassinate the communist leader and overthrow the regime, with your support. After my leader dies Neuvo Rica undergoes a change of government (in a poll in another thread). So if I RP my leaders assassination, and then my defense crumpling you can remain as peacekeepers. Further points can be discussed when conflict ends.
Im fed up with being communist ... they are an unfriendly bunch of bastards.
As for the RP's end, this seems good to me :)
Neuvo Rica
30-12-2004, 16:35
okey dokey ... after you enter the capital further agreements can be reached
Psychopathic Warmonger
30-12-2004, 17:12
okey dokey ... after you enter the capital further agreements can be reached
Done and done. . .