Tropical Island 42 up for grabs (open RP)
Tropical Island 42
03-12-2004, 00:45
The former Lord of the principality screamed in pain as his hands were chopped off. This was a punishment he had meted out many times, so the revolutionaries thought it would be a fair fate. They then threw him in a vat of corrosive acid.
After this, though, the army disbanded, as did the navy. No one paid them, and riots began in the streets. People took what they want, and choas ensued. Houses were destroyed, and people began to flee the tropical paradise of Tropical Island 42 as soon as they could. The beaches were soon littered with rubbish, and tourism profits were down 100%.
The island was up for grabs, from whoever had the slight military strength to take it...
However, 1 group had formed. The Theocratic Order of Servants of God. They attempted to take over the palace, slaughtering thousands of citizens with their automatic weapons and slowly getting to the gates. They were all fanatics, and planned to enforce the worship of God, with weapons, as soon as they took power...
OOC: My nation is up for grabs. Basically a puppet I just created, and I am bored of most traditional RP situations (War, trade, terrorists..).
Tropical Island 42
03-12-2004, 00:57
OOC: Essentially, this is a chance for someone to gain a new realm, and for me to gain something more to RP.
03-12-2004, 01:02
Military Minister of SROR: Sir,the nation of Tropical Island 42 is in political rebellion and currently is in anarcy.
Chairman CP of SROR: Really? Then authorise the sending of the nation and 50,000 infantry troops to take control and restore order
Military Minister of SROR: Very Well Sir,our nations fast ships shall be there within hours and our paratroops should be over the island in about the same time.
Red Tide2
03-12-2004, 01:03
OOC:Where is this island?
03-12-2004, 01:13
Commander of SROR 1st fleet: Report to Moscow our ships are in position.
SROR Ministry of defence: Very well the Air Foces should be in position with the paratroops any moment.
Commander of SROR 1st fleet: Very well our transports are ready to deploy the rest of the ground forces and their support vehicles.
Commander of 23rd transport group: Our Aircraft are in position and ready to drop the paratroops on your command.
SROR Ministry of Defence: Very well the ships are in place launch when at drop zone.
Commander of 23rd transport group:Troops are launching request immediate naval force support.
Commander of SROR 1st fleet:Ship to shore transports are on the way to shore will link in approx. 5 mins
Tropical Island 42
03-12-2004, 01:18
OOC:Where is this island?
In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
IC: A man was sitting at a radio, in an underground cellar. He had an antenna attached to the TV network of Tropical Island 42, and was listening acutely. However, no messages arrived. He heard a smashing of his cellar door, and the reinforced wood began to splinter. He broadcasted one last message..
"If anyone is out there, which I do not doubt, please help us. We are situated in the middle of the Atlantic, and riots are taking over the place. The Order of the Servants of God is slowly butchering its way to the palace, and I fear they have come for me. I shall soon be dead. (He then transmits the coordinates 3 times, and then a loud blast of gunfire is heard, and a few seconds after that, the radio goes dead...)
03-12-2004, 01:28
-After landing with no opposition and linking up the forces of SROR hear a radio transmission...
Commander 23rd Infantry: Men we have just recieved word that a rebel force is butchering its way through the country and is heading towards the capital palace. I will need volunteers to go ahead of the group and make sure those rebels do not get to the palace.
Commander 2nd Armored: My divison has 10 T-90s and 50 BMP-3s ready to move out with the capabillity of carrying with us 300 men
Commander 2nd Infantry Division: My division is ready to move out now we can send the 300 men with the armored and keep good pace with the remander of our 3000 men
Commander 23rd Infantry: Alright men make haste and do not waste any time we shall catch you after we take care of the rebel forces in the rear. Move out
03-12-2004, 01:48
on the outskirts of the Palace....(radio Transmission)
Commander 2nd Armored: Commander 2nd Infantry Division what is your position?
Commander 2nd Infantry Division:We are nearing the Palace encountering rebel resistance, taking light casualties, can hold out, proceed to objective of the Palace
Commander 2nd Armored:We are at the objective and are preparing defensive structures.
Commander 23rd Infantry:Commanders we are attacking the rears of the rebel group, they are taking heavy casualties and begining to retreat in your direction. Be ready to take on the entire rebel Army. Our forces shall be at the capital within an hour. You must hod the objective.
Commander 2nd Infantry Division:Yes Sir,holding
Commander 2nd Armored: Sir,holding as well
03-12-2004, 01:49
"And finally, Sir, it would appear a group of revolutionaries have seized power in a small nation known as Tropical Island 42. Population estimated at 5 million. Fairly large tropical island, as the name might suggest. Some smaller islands surrounding, mostly uninhabited. Little power of which to speak."
"Tell me something I haven't heard before." The Minister for Foreign Diplomatic Relations sighed. He had heard stories of revolutions of all kinds, a hundred and one times before. It was always the same, and never anything to act upon.
"Well, Sir. It seems they have little control over the country. There have been numerous broadcasts calling for salvation from the so called "Order of the Servants of God. The former Government has no power, at all. It would seem the citizens are desperate for anything, rather than this Order in power."
"And the Order's response to this?"
"None that we know of."
"That is odd. Normally in these situations, the rebels crack down immediately. Establish some form of makeshift Government. And you are sure this is not the case on this island?"
"Certain, Sir. It's as if the island is looking for a saviour."
"And we may just be that saviour. Contact the Minister for War. Have him send some troops. I believe it is very much in our ad their interests to....step in here, don't you think?"
"I agree, most heartily, Sir" With a smile at the thought of being involved in what could be a great action for Falastur, the aide turned and hurried to reach the War Minister.
The country was already in a state of readiness, due to the war with Dregruk. It took the 294th Infantry Division mere days to ready themselves for naval insertion in Tropical Island 42. Within a week of hearing of the event, the Division would be landing, and the clean-up operation against the so-called Order could begin. And then it would be a simple task of taking control of the island.
OOC: Sorry for the bad's late and I'm tired. Anyway, what opposition (mainly Order, I'm thinking) can I expect on the island?
03-12-2004, 02:03
face to face meeting between commanders over the success of the battle....
Commander 23rd Infantry: Very good job men we have taken the objective with the loss of 100 men and the wounding of 700 rebel losses are unknown but expected to be very high and the number of prisioners is to be at 2000.
A nice vistory I would have to say we now control over 50% of the island.
Commander 2nd Armored: Can we expect any other opposition in taking the rest of this nation? Will the rebels lay down arms now that we have taken the capital?
Commander 23rd Infantry:We have no knowlege of what the rebel forces will do. And we expect heavy resistance in taking the remainder if the island if the rebel forces do not surrender.
Commander 2nd Infantry Division: Commander! we have just discovered the body of the former leader of the Nation.
Commander 23rd Infantry: Well i guess that throws out the hope of finding the ligitimate leader of this nation alive.
Commander 2nd Armored: Sir who will command the nation?
Commander 23rd Infantry: We have not recieved word from Moscow until then we shall keep the nation under marshal law. Alright men we move out after 5 hours rest. Dismissed.
Commander 2nd Armored: Yes Sir
Commander 2nd Infantry Division: Yes Sir
03-12-2004, 02:27
Landing on a remote stretch of the coastline, the 294th Infantry found no resistance facing them as the landing craft beached themselves, spilling out their contents of men and equipment onto the island. They hadn't expected any resistance. By the sounds of it, the Order was very much a popular uprising - there would likely be urban warfare, and little else, at least for a short while. As infantry created a beachhead around the area they had landed on, larger transport ships moved up from inside the fleet that had transported them, opening their huge doors to allow their contents to emerge into the shallow waters and onto dry land. Chinooks flew overhead, carrying vehicles and guns, laying them to rest on the ground behind the infantry lines. The whole operation was one textbook example of the perfect beach-landing.
Within hours, the Division was formed and ready to move. A brief meeting in the Major-General's HQ had sorted out the plan of action. As the 1st Brigade of the Division prepared to move along the coast, capturing ports and coastal settlements and securing the coastline, the 2nd and 3rd Brigades headed inland, expanding the Falasturian area of control, attempting to locate pockets of resistance, and then to isolate and eliminate them. Off the coast, a Nimit Class Carrier sat waiting, ready to deploy its fighter-bomber complement on precision raids against resistance hotspots. The campaign should be quick and effective. With any luck, the actions of the Falasturians would have the citizens in the streets, welcoming them for driving out the Order. And then the process of restoring control and order could begin.
OOC: Another rush post, sorry. Basically my Division is moving inland, to take control of as much land as it can. Assuming you do want to RP the Order, TI42, then I will make some post tomorrow about going into some city, where I can encounter the Order, or somesuch. It'll all work out in my head when I'm writing it :)
03-12-2004, 22:38
Commander 23rd Infantry: We shall begin movement into the remaining liberated lands. The lead divisions, already far ahead of this position, will be capturing a large industiral center 30 km west of this position
(Radio transmission)
Commander 2nd Armored: Command Center this is the 2nd armored division reporting in to assert you of our success in the industiral center in taking it with little need of force. Scouts have also reported the presence of a foreign nation appearing to be moving up the coast...How shall re react to this movement?
Commander 23rd Infantry: Very nice work on your mission. As of the nation encountered attempt to make contact with them and treat them with peacefulness
Commander 2nd Armored: Thank you Sir. And very well foreward scouts have been sent to the last known positions of the foreign force in attempts to make contact.
Tropical Island 42
03-12-2004, 23:08
OOC: Essentially, the Servants of God are fanatics who act sort of like an Inquisition. They all can fight, and use maximum force in any situation. The Order is not only islanders, but many, many different nationalities. Current forces estimated at 55 000. However, they are poorly armed, and stand out quite easily, so the numbers are probably the only worry.
IC: The Order forces, which had not yet fully gathered, began worrying about the Russian presence. One young man, yelled out "Why should we let these dogs take over our homeland. We shall fight them to the last!"Saying this, he picked up a large submachinegun, and ran off, towards the palace.
Meanwhile, about 12 km from the Palace, Order forces had begun setting up 3 mortars. These were to be the openers of the palace gates, in order to retake the computer filing systems, the top-secret information.
OOC: The Order will stop at nothing. Has anyone ever read the Wheel of Time series? There are people called Whitecloaks, and they took over another country. This is what the Order attempts to do. Holding a tropical island in the middle of the Atlantic, and being able to manufactre weapons and the like from there would give their organization a huge booststart.
IC: About 2200 people in the inner city began quietly moving back to their homes, to get their weapons and uniforms....
Also, in the nearby industrial complex (where the Russian forces are heading), Order fanatics had aquired about 55 anti-tank mines, and 200 landmines. They placed them in strategic positions, knowing that the Russians would expect no resistance...
OOC: Basically, the Russians have come across minimal resistance so far, so the mines should come at a complete surprise. Also, the industrial complex manufactures boats, engines, and lots of plastic goods for beach use.
03-12-2004, 23:57
Commander 2nd Armored: We hare experiancing heavy resistance. Enemy fanatics are numbered around 2000 we are taking losses of around 20 men 6 of which went down with 2 tanks, and 200 wounded, we need re-enforcements and evac of our wounded
Commander 23rd Infantry: We are also experiancing heavy attack here but we are not taking many losses. Air support will be called in and Marines will be sent in from the fleet on MI-9s which will also evac your men to the hospital ship with the fleet. ETA 5 mins
Commander 2nd Armored: Yes sir we will hold out until then. out
04-12-2004, 00:21
Against minimal resistance, the Division had advanced around 50 miles from the landing point, but the run of good luck could not last. The 4th Regiment, ordered to secure the coastal city of Fethlas, had only advanced a short way into the city, from various entry points, before it came under attack. Bursting from all around the lines of tanks and infantry transports, lightly armed citizens appeared, guns blazing, attempting to cut down any Falasturians in their path. Almost instantaneously, several tanks were devastated by RPGs, grinding to a stop in their tracks as they moved down the streets, blocking vehicles behind and engulfing the areas in clouds of black smoke and flame. The few infantry at the head of the convoy attempted to cut down the Order rebels, but with so many around, it was hard to fire off a shot without having to duck behind cover. The rebels seemed poorly trained and lightly armed, but still they were effective in numbers, and their steely dedication made them formidable opponents. As machine gunners on Humvees attempted to mow paths through the raiders, more fire came in from windows of the buildings lining the road. It was chaos. Tanks further down the convoy took calculated risks, firing shells over the other vehicles in the convoy to the general area of the attack, but with no real way of ensuring accuracy, shots were hit and miss, and several hit the devastated hulks of the destroyed Falasturian tanks further up the road.
Finally, the Falasturians managed an advantage in the situation, driving the Order soldiers into cover where shells callously buried them under the rubble of the walls they crouched in front of, and machine guns and rifles managed to pick off others, but the victory was hard won, and at a cost. Only around 50 Order soldiers had been involved in the attack, and a number had managed to flee, but it had claimed the lives of perhaps three times that number of Falasturians in dead and wounded. It was a sign that the campaign would not be easy.
As radio reports came in from the island, and casualty lists were formed, it quickly became apparent to the Falasturian Military Command that Tropical Island 42 would not be cleared easily. Reluctantly, the order was given to mobilise a further 1 Armoured Division and a Mechanised Brigade.
OOC: Tropical Island, do you want to RP the Order troops, or should I continue making posts like the above?
04-12-2004, 00:39
Reports from the front say that with the air strikes and re-enforcements the forces of SROR have taken the Industrial center losses are around 50 dead and 300 wounded.Also the assult on the Palace has been beaten back with casualties low,30 deaths and 150 wounded, 3 morter positions were also captured. Losses on the Order's side are unknown but expected to be high.
Moscow reports the sending of 2 more Infantry groups numbering 100,000 and another armored tank division with 50 T-90s and 100 BMP-3s. Also reports are of the establishing of a temporary supply depot and naval center on the coast of the Island. Moscow also reports that the enemy is very determined but poorly armed and the complete conquest of the island should be completed soon but losses are expected to be high because of the fanatical attitudes of the Order
04-12-2004, 01:31
complete conquest of the island should be completed soon
OOC: Remember that I have a good number of troops there, taking over large portions of the island, too.
04-12-2004, 02:06
OOC: Remember that I have a good number of troops there, taking over large portions of the island, too.
OOC: Yes I was speaking of the un-controlled lands (that was a Moscow media report)
04-12-2004, 02:23
I'll post again when I've got a response from TI 42.
Transmission to Soviet Republic of Russia and Falastur:
"My name is Michael Hearte and I am speaking on behalf of the Siapian business coalition. Unfortunately it seems we have gotten in a little too late to be of any military assistance, but I was wondering if you be willing to make a business proposition: We can offer both of you up to $200 billion for support in conquering this island, provided that we are granted some sort of economic concession, for example the corporation Consolidated Fruits inc. needs more land to grow its exotic fruits, or Cheap Plastic Crap Ltd. would be willing to open a factory on this island. I eagerly await your response."
04-12-2004, 02:50
OOC: You joined within the last 72 hours and you're already bored of it? Wow...
04-12-2004, 02:54
To: Michael Hearte, Siapian Business Coalition
From: Gregory Aletsin, Ministry for Foreign Diplomatic Relations
We have given serious thought to your offer, and have decided it is a very reasonable offer, with numerous merits, and could do wonders for restoring the economy of this area. We are very willing to allow you the space for either of these such ventures, and quite probably land for any other business venture which you decide to propose. However, these ventures are never without cost, and though we are very much pro-business ideals, and therefore we ask for very little, it has been decided to ask that the following conditions are adhered to:
*All land given to Siapian businesses is given under permanent lease. Falastur reserves the right to remove land ownership from any business which is granted land, but will only do so if it is provoked into just such a response by the business in question or by Siap itself.
*A total of 2% of all profits will be given to Falastur as payment for the lease of the land, as well as a one-time sum upon confirmation of the lease of $100/sq foot of commercial property or $10,000/acre of agricultural land.
*Any and all Siapian citizens who move to the leased land may do so at their own will, and will be issued a free visa as proof of identity and authority. However, all citizens much adhere to Falasturian laws during their time on Tropical Island 42, whether on leased land or not.
*Any citizens immigrating with the primary intention of working on leased land may live on sovereign Falasturian territory for an unlimited time, and will be exempt from Falasturian taxes exception of VAT on purchased items. They will, however, have to purchase their own land (although this may be done on their behalf by a Siapian organisation, and will not be exempt from any other costs (ie they will have to pay to use public transport, etc). Residential land will not be leased. To avoid tax fraud, if any citizen becomes unemployed for any reason, they will immediately become subject to Falasturian taxes, unless they accept the Falasturian Government's offer of free return transport to Siap.
These terms are negotiable. Feel free to offer amendments, if you feel something needs to be changed.
04-12-2004, 02:56
OOC: You joined within the last 72 hours and you're already bored of it? Wow...
OOC: Errmmm.....what? Who was that to?
04-12-2004, 03:03
OOC: To the Tropical Island Guy. His join date says Dec 2004. It's only December 3rd.
04-12-2004, 03:07
To:Michael Hearte
From: The Communist Nation of the Soviet Republic of Russia
Though your offer is very reasonable we cannot allow foreign nations to have industry on our soil as it violates our communist doctrine. Though we can have the products grown by our workers in our fields and then sell you the products at cost of goods so no profit will be made on our part but no losses either
To: Michael Hearte, Siapian Business Coalition
From: Gregory Aletsin, Ministry for Foreign Diplomatic Relations
We have given serious thought to your offer, and have decided it is a very reasonable offer, with numerous merits, and could do wonders for restoring the economy of this area. We are very willing to allow you the space for either of these such ventures, and quite probably land for any other business venture which you decide to propose. However, these ventures are never without cost, and though we are very much pro-business ideals, and therefore we ask for very little, it has been decided to ask that the following conditions are adhered to:
*All land given to Siapian businesses is given under permanent lease. Falastur reserves the right to remove land ownership from any business which is granted land, but will only do so if it is provoked into just such a response by the business in question or by Siap itself.
*A total of 2% of all profits will be given to Falastur as payment for the lease of the land, as well as a one-time sum upon confirmation of the lease of $100/sq foot of commercial property or $10,000/acre of agricultural land.
*Any and all Siapian citizens who move to the leased land may do so at their own will, and will be issued a free visa as proof of identity and authority. However, all citizens much adhere to Falasturian laws during their time on Tropical Island 42, whether on leased land or not.
*Any citizens immigrating with the primary intention of working on leased land may live on sovereign Falasturian territory for an unlimited time, and will be exempt from Falasturian taxes exception of VAT on purchased items. They will, however, have to purchase their own land (although this may be done on their behalf by a Siapian organisation, and will not be exempt from any other costs (ie they will have to pay to use public transport, etc). Residential land will not be leased. To avoid tax fraud, if any citizen becomes unemployed for any reason, they will immediately become subject to Falasturian taxes, unless they accept the Falasturian Government's offer of free return transport to Siap.
These terms are negotiable. Feel free to offer amendments, if you feel something needs to be changed.
This sounds entirely reasonable. I would appreciate to know when I can begin renting land
~Michael Hearte
Siapian Business Coalition
04-12-2004, 03:09
OOC: he created this nation just so he could RP and lose. he has another nation that he uses
04-12-2004, 04:44
Tropical Island 42
04-12-2004, 06:01
I just spent the last 35 minutes typing up a HUGE, possibly pagelong post.
Just pressed del, which sent me back a page. Crappy Internet Explorer didnt save my post.........
I can't type that again...... Í'll get round to it later.
Basically, the capital city is well fortified, and the order has killed 3500 people inside the city. They have taken the Central Admin, and are transferring info to another base. They are also kidnapping rich and influental citizens, and taking them (by underground tube system) to Island Camp 4432B.
I hate Microsoft, and their crappy program...
04-12-2004, 06:12
04-12-2004, 09:18
Tropical Island 42
04-12-2004, 10:01
OOC: My reply
IC: The casualties for the Order were surprisingly light, given the circumstances. Elijah Proskaa smiled. His Order of The Servants of God was progressing just fine. He had managed to aquire more Order troops, from other island complexes. He opened the e-mail the commander of the troops occupying the city had sent him... (OOC: All email here are on a security cable network basis, and not on the standard phone line)
Email Content:
My Lord. We have secured the City, and have completed the following fortifications:
14 EMP Shockwave Mounted Cannons
1044 mounted Autoguns. (Essentially poweredupmachinegunonastick)
24 Anti-Tank cannons
75 Flak Cannons
15 Anti-Air Missile Systems
3 Radio Jamming Systems (Only most wavelengths. AM and a few selected FM channels are unjammed)
The following troops also occupt the city:
15 000 Order Devotionists (Decent Troops)
7 000 Order Priests of Regret (melee troops who are extremely vicious)
Also, we have executed approximately 17 000 civilian heretics, and burnt 1576 witches. Bookshops containing evolutionist theories and any heretic materials have been doused with petrol and burnt. We have all the printing presses producing the Bible. 5 Cruise Missiles are prepared to fire at any enemy fleets approaching the harbour, and 3 submarine ocean craft are being repaired, in readiness for the launch. Unfortunately, most ocean-going surface craft were stolen by heretics who wished to escape our most glorious reign.
753 civilian businessmen and 127 former government officials are being taken by submarine to Island Complex 4227BXT6. They will then sign over the deeds to their land, and give us any information we might require. Also, a message is being broadcast to the enemy.
The factory complex, which the Russians have taken, is going to be blown up by remote-control. We have the explosives in the correct places, and the complex will be no more within 15 minutes and 52 seconds.
Email End.
The Lord smiled, and went back to deciphering the data codes that hid the names of some of the worst heretics in the State.
Radio message broadcast to Falasturian forces: You are interfering with the rightful sovreignity of this island. Leave now, lest you be burnt as heretics. You have our permission to return to your boats, and leave our glorious Realm.
Radio message to Russian forces: You damned communists. You do not follow the One True God. We give you the chance to return to your boats, or we will open fire. Also, you will not stand trial as heretics. You will not receive a trial. You will all die by fire and the sword.
(note the fact that the messages sent are on FM frequencies, and is on the civilian radio unblocked channel)
OOC: The taking of this island will not be easy. The Order had its sights on it for waaay too long to give it up now.
04-12-2004, 23:23
OOC: Siap, you can start leasing land as soon as this war is over. T'would be a bit stupid of me to lease out land that either I don't have or I might lose. :)
IC: A message was returned on unencrypted channels and broadcasted over Tropical Island 42, in the hopes it would be recieved by the Order.
To the troops of the Order. Be careful who you call heretics. You have risen up in this nation, have removed God's mandate to it by eliminating its Government. You have committed grand acts of sin and vice in your actions here. We come only to purify this land from your heinous actions.
The 112th Armoured Division had reached land along with the 573rd Mechanised Brigade, and immediately they went about their tasks. The Armoured Division had been ordered north towards the capital, and Mechanised Brigade instead turning east to advance up the coast, securing land and cities in the area.
Meanwhile, the 4th Regiment in Fethlas was finally linking up, having secured only a third of the minor coastal city. Losses had been heavy, but the troops were quickly learning how to overcome the Order attacks. Nevertheless, completing the campaign would not be easy.
04-12-2004, 23:37
IC: Responce to message on unencrypted channels
The communist nation of the Soviet Republic of Russia has no intention of leaving this island in its curent state of disarray and in responce to any deaths of prisioners from my nation, any Order members captured will be eliminated.
100,000 Re-enforcements have arrived,after a brief interdiction in Angola,at the coast of Island 42 and have established a position south of friendly held territory and began and advance into the interior. Ships armed with cruise missiles stand ready to fire on order strongholds
Tropical Island 42
05-12-2004, 01:48
Order Message to Falastur: The previous ruler was a foul heretical tyrant. He was eliminated for the good of all. We are the rightful rulers of this island, and will be dealt with according to Order law.
Order Message to Russian Forces: Very well. You shall be obliterated. Any Order troops captured will be martyrs. Your threats fall on empty ears.
The Order troops had made no more progress, but were securing the farmlands around the capital, and stockpiling food higher and higher. Another 17 000 civilian heretics had been executed, and the purging of the Order lands became more and more fervent.
Email to High Priest from 3rd division commander:
My Lord. The facility the Russians have captured is being detonated as we speak. The captives are secured, and 1200 children are being taken to Training Camp 0071X. They will be raised as Order troops.
Weapon manufacturing is up, and the city is being secured doubly. Heretics attempting to steal weapons have been burnt to death, as per your order. The information from Admin Networks 0XL7 to Admin Network 55TY has been transferred. The remainding 64.332% of the information is being transferred as I speak. (OOC: The information contains just about everything you could want to know about property, sewage plants, anything on the island is probably in here. Everyone's names, everyone's statistics, age, money...)
Email end.
Tropical Island 42
05-12-2004, 01:56
IC: Responce to message on unencrypted channels
The communist nation of the Soviet Republic of Russia has no intention of leaving this island in its curent state of disarray and in responce to any deaths of prisioners from my nation, any Order members captured will be eliminated.
100,000 Re-enforcements have arrived,after a brief interdiction in Angola,at the coast of Island 42 and have established a position south of friendly held territory and began and advance into the interior. Ships armed with cruise missiles stand ready to fire on order strongholds
"So.... the foolish communists advance further in to my strongholds..." The High Priest mused. "it is of no conqesuence, they will be obliterated. It is God's will"
"Nonetheless, the 3 missile systems that are prepared to destroy sea invaders are very handy....."
The High Priest flicked a switch, and 5 missile ports opened inside the city. 2 of them were clogged, and no missiles were inside. However, 3 of them had missiles prepared to fire.
OOC: I am trying to make it so a frontal assault will waste potentially half a million men. I would like to be involved in a bit of espionage, which is also quite strategic..
05-12-2004, 02:20
After detecting a missile launch on the fleet with the use of AEGIS the fleet was put on alert with radar guided surface to air missiles and all but one was shot down the impact of the missile that was allowed through hit a destroyer causeing severe damage and the death of many men.
Moscow News- Troops on Island 42 have reported a massive counter attack by the order forces,who have announce that they will show no mercy if Russian troops are captured. Also reports from the fleet stationed off the shore state that the order forces have launched a missile strike which has had little effect as all but one missile was shot down. The missile that made it through the fleets AEGIS system struck the destroyer Leningrad causing a death toll numbered around 300 men.
An attack against all order positions has been ordered and a cruise missiles equipped with chemical warheads has been fired in order to destroy all foor sources around the capital
06-12-2004, 01:50
*Official News Release of the Government of SRoR*
The chemical weapons strike on Tropical Island 42 was at no risk to the general population, as the chemicals only act to destroy plant life and as long as the plants are not digested there should be no human death toll.
06-12-2004, 17:04
OOC: Don't have much time for a long post, hopefully I can make a good one later/tomorrow.
By the way, what is the name of the capital? Just so I don't have to fill my posts with "the Capital".
IC: Finally, Fethlas had been secured, but the fighting there had been brutal, and losses had been heavy. In other parts of the island, Falasturian units entered other cities to similar defenses, but gradually the Falasturians were learning lessons, and were becoming more efficient at their tasks. The land under Falasturian control slowly expanded, the citizens living within them being offered safety from the appalling genocides of the Order, while being encouraged to report any Order agents that they knew of.
The 112th was only around 50 miles from the capital city of the island when radar and surveillance units reported the firing of 3 cruise missiles from inside the city. It was only hours before the forces of SovietRepublicOfRussia were reported as having returned fire with a mostly harmless chemical agent encased in a missile. It seemed the war was rapidly approaching its climax. NBC suits were prepared for the soldiers of the 112th Division, which had come to a halt at its position around 40 miles from the city. Reportedly, a further Armoured Division and two Brigades were en route to the island, to prepare for counter-attack and to help secure cities, but they would not be helping the 112th. Eventually, feeling prepared, the Division began movements towards the Capital once more. The planes of the Nimitz Class carrier off the coast of Tropical Island 42 had been readied for action, and it would be mere hours before the Division prepared to meet their fate.
Transport ships of the Branadian 4th army closed on a small line of beaches on the southeastern expanse of the island, the marines of the 9th division quickly secured the beaches and pushed inland. the marines of the 12th and 6th divisions landed behind them, shuttling the combat engineers to the beaches to prepare for the landings of the 4th army, the marines began setting up defensive positions along the areas around the beach, as the emplacements first line is completed the tanks and artillery of the 45th armored division make landfall, the rest of the 4th army begin their landings, in a critical first phase of the island invasion.
OCC: I know it's a touch late but the war must be fought to gain anything
06-12-2004, 23:41
the 3rd,22nd,and 50th armored divisions, in accordence with the 22nd,45th,70th infantry divisions, posted a counter-attack against order forces pushing them inlad 50 miles capturing 3 cities and the lands around the capital, losses in this push were posted to be 3000 wounded and 200 dead.This counter-attack is experiancing heavier resistance as it advances inland, though commanders report the advance will contiune. More news from the front to come...
Tropical Island 42
11-12-2004, 09:50
The Order general in the field swore. The amount of armor, personnel, and assorted weaponry the 3 enemies had in the field was vastly superior to their own. He had no choice but to leave the field. He entered a small building, pressed a button, and opened video linkup with the High Priest.
"My lord. Within 36 hours we will have suffered unrecovereable casualties. I do not believe we can take the entire island. I wish to retreat to the 3 fortifiable cities and activate AETHER. We should have enoguh AETHER to cleanse the entire island, and escape with our lives, and grant the heretic savages nothing."
Elijah;s face appeared, although mostly blotted out by static, and he replied. "Do as you think best, commander. I am gathering the faithful here in Hailen, the capital. Take all you can, and retreat to the nearby cities. The wrath of God (and here, the capital was very clear in his voice) will soon descend upon our heretical foes.
OOC: AETHER is basically chem warfare. Thing Agent Orage in the Vietnam war, although it is delivered via pipes in the country. As soon as soldiers, civilians, or anything drinks from the infected pipes, it will ruin their throat, and kill them within 5 minutes,