Beginnings of a war (Earth III, open)
02-12-2004, 23:25
During the confusion of the nation of Chinlanikistan, with the presidential elections coming up, the attempted assassinations. The father country, Iraq, decided it wants its southern part back. The president receives a telephone call, directing them to surrender, or be invaded. He immediatly rushes to the council.
President: I just recieved this call.
He plays the message on tape. "Greetings, This is Erik Huss, of the Iraqi government. For too long, you have been free. You are posing terrible dangers to us, and your surrounding neighbors. We have decided to Re-annex you. Disband your council, and government, and await our forces. We will take control. Any resistance will not be tolerated. Good day."
President:[i] What i wish to do, is increase military spending to 80 percent, and contact some of our other neighbors, they have incredible military stores.
Council Member 1: I oppose this. What about our other worries? Rebuilding the government, and much other important issues?
Council Member 2: Are you insane??? We wont have a government if we allow this. Of course we may increase military spending. Do you all agree?
Council Member 1: Ok, fine. But when we formed this government, didnt we say we would stay away from other nations, for it can be dangerous?
Council Member 3: What he said, was nothing matters anymore - Were going to get invaded, get that through your head! Besides, think of it, if we can get a large enough military, we can even take over Iraq, and enlarge our borders. Our country is getting crowded. We shall vote on this issue, please leave
The president walks out of the room and waits. An hour later, he is called back in.
Council Member 1: Much to my displeasure, we voted to increase military spending, and buy from other countrys. The vote was rather one sided.
President: Thank you. I shall get right on it, we have but only a few days. I shall ask you to announce this to the public, as i take care of some business
OOC: I need someone to RP the following
Saudi Arabia
a few random allies.
(You can play two parts..Iran and Saudi Arabia are going to help Iraq)
03-12-2004, 01:45
03-12-2004, 04:33
03-12-2004, 04:59
[OOC: I'd like to observe the thread and possibly referee it, but if you cant find anyone, I'll take Iran :)]
07-12-2004, 03:30
The president sits at his desk and organizes his papers. He never imagined that as a ruler, he would have to fight like this. He sighs, not many citizens were exactly loyal to the government, so not many would sign up for the military. He did have complete control, but should he make the decision he had been pondering for days. Yes, he would. He picks up the phone and dials his secretary. "Mashid? Announce it on TV, its official."
As soon as he hangs it up, it rings again. It is his Secretary of Defense. "Excuse me sir, but Iraq now has the support of Iran and Saudi Arabia"
He organizes his military information
Standardized Issue guns - CAR 22's
Supposedly after his plan, he should have an increased amount of soldiers. He makes a note to order more.
Four Sniper teams of 250 men each. Alpha, Beta, Omega, Delta. Standardized M82A3 sniper rifles. No need for any more of those.
For heavy artillery and defense, his army contained
156 M1A2 Abrams MBTs
296 M-2 Bradley Fighting Vehicles
200 M-113A3 Armored Personnel Carrier
48 M-48 Chapparral Mobile SAM Launcher
40 HMMWV Avenger Anti-Aircraft Missile System
80 Crusader Artillery
40 M-270A1 MLRS Mobile Rocket Launcher
72 RAH-66 Comanche Helicopters
The thing he needed most - an air force. He placed an order in for
50 F-22 Raptors Fighters
10 B-2 Spirit Bombers.
(OOC: Need more people! Also, the result will end in me taking over the rest of Iraq)
OOC: I will be Russia a random ally to the U.S.
IC: The Politburo sat across the huge dark wooden table. Some with vodka in small glasses thinking of the rising events in the Middle East. They were afraid of offering aid due to the repercussions that would occur but they knew they had to help a fellow ally. "All the those who approve assistance to the United States of America say "Aye", all that oppose please say "Nay" ". "Okay please begin" said the official of the Security Service. All were "Ayes" that is when he told the Russian President the results of the vote....
07-12-2004, 03:52
OOC - Im not USA, im a new country, broken off of Iraq, located in the southern part.
OOC: Okay then we shall assist your smaller country then.
IC: A knock was at President Nesmorov's door.
Nesmorov: "Please come in".
Secretary: Sir, this is the Politburo's vote outcome.
Nesmorov: "Please if it wouldnt be a problem this is information for which only I am cleared for" he said with a neutral face.
Secretary:"Of course,sir"
After she left he tore the packet open revealing a thick report. After reading it he set it down and took a quick swig of his vodka he kept in his table drawer.
He went over to his "Secure" computer and hooked a transmission to the Chinlaskistanian telex system.
Dear Mr. President,
We the people of Russia plan to lend you aid in breaking away from Iraq. Our forces are at the ready our SS-18 (Strategic Silos or our Tactical ICBMs and Nuclear Warheads are at moderate alert). We expect we will not use them but if it does come to that we will. Our forces will consist of te following:
SS-18 Silo #1
SS-18 Silo #3 &9
A force of 800,000 troops armed with X-71 Assault rifles with attached grenade launchers (M203), AK-47 and AK-74s with grenade launchers. 7,600 T-80 Tanks. 20,000 MIG-29s and Su-37s. Along with a medium sized Helicopter battalion consisting of Ka-52s and Mi-24 Hinds. Also a small force of 23,000 Spetnaz Special Forces members. Oscar, Akula, and Alpha class submarines over 1,300 of our subs and three Air craft carrier which launch majority of the aircraft I just mentioned except for the helicopters. All of the troops mentioned are fully trained and are ready to fight. We will be assisting if the time comes. I wish you luck, sir and to all your comrades.
President Oleg Nesmorov of Russia.
07-12-2004, 04:38
ooc: Not to nit pick, but there is no Russia on Earth III. RL Russia is held by Dontpissusoff.
OOC: Well my friend this is just a RP I think Dontpissmeoff would mind because the HOST of the RP which Chinlanikistan never said that certain nations could not be chosen but if he says otherwise I will change my country of choice.
07-12-2004, 04:56
OOC: Well my friend this is just a RP I think Dontpissmeoff would mind because the HOST of the RP which Chinlanikistan never said that certain nations could not be chosen but if he says otherwise I will change my country of choice.
ooc: Well, that's not the point. If you're conducting this roleplay in a specific NS reality such as Earth III, then you really should stick to the rules and influences governing that reality. I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, that's just how it is.
Here's a list of the Earth III maps:
E-III Europe ( )
E-III Asia (
E-III Africa (
Why don't you play as one of the uncontroled countries? :)
07-12-2004, 05:03
OOC: Excellent.
The president picks up his phone
"Yes, this is the president of Chinlanikistan....Yes....Your name is?...Nesmorov?....Your doing what?.....Oh, good.....uh-huh....really....Thank you, we appriciate your help."
No sooner than he hangs up the phone, a loud bang shakes the city.
"The war has begun..." the president thinks to himself.
His drafted army leaves the barracks, fresh from their 24 hour emergency training. They are equipped adequatly, and sent off to fight. The air force that just came in soars overhead, taking out artillery and tanks. So far no sign of any enemy aircraft. A reconnasiance (sp?) plane soars overheard, far above anything else. His radar picks up a large ground force coming from the west, and the north. "Iran and Saudi Arabia.." the pilot mutters. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the plane explodes. Below, where the fighters continue to take out artillery, they suddenly begin to explode one by one, as if being fired on by some unknown enemy. Ground soldiers catch glimses of black flashes in the sky, usually before a plane blows up. Soon, the Chinlani military begins to realize what happened. Stealth aircraft.
Meanwhile, back in the presidents office. He is in a meeting with the council.
"We arent doing too good. We wasted over 5 billion on Aircraft, and they are all gone. Damn stealth technology. "
"Actually, i did buy something else"
10 B-2 Spirit bombers, moving at twice the speed of regular bombers, soar around the borders of Chinlanikistan, and into Iraq. The head straight for baghdad, and unleash a flurry of bombs. The population of Baghdad, Iraq drops horribly. The bombers head back to Chinlanikistan to reload, when something goes terribly wrong, and two bombers collide. The explosion takes out two more nearby, one which had a bomb still left in it. The bomb explodes, taking out the entire force, except for one, which flew far behind the rest. It heads back to base by itself.
OOC: Oh sorry Im not very familiar with Eath III. That would be kind of difficult since were already sort of really involved in the RP to turn back now.
IC: The T-80 tanks were already being loaded up with the commanders, gunners, loaders and drivers. It was a crisp cold morning on there way to the Chinlini border all of a sudden the huge convoy of tanks stopped knowing not to dare trespass onto the Chinlini border. The commander radioed a command outpost half a kilometer away. The main commander of the convoy Cmdr. Josef Gruschov radioed the command post.
Gruschov: "Hello? This is Cmdr. Josef Gruschov of the Russian 19th Mechanized Battalion. We have told your president that we would lend support to free you of your oppresors! If your country grants us entrance we will assist you for independence and freedom! Our main airforces are sitting on aircrafts near the Persian Gulf. Our forces are standing by and waiting!".
He keyed his radio off and awaited a reply from the command station. He had fought in several wars in the past and he had a feeling that this one would be the bloodiest...
07-12-2004, 23:52
OOC: Oh sorry Im not very familiar with Eath III. That would be kind of difficult since were already sort of really involved in the RP to turn back now.
ooc: Oh, well in that case, I don't recognize this thread, meaning it will have no bearing in Earth III. Have a nice day.
08-12-2004, 01:16
One of the lieutenants inside a ragtag bunker, just built from scratch materials, hears the radio message. He looks around, and does not see his commanding officer. He looks down, and sees him with a 9mm bullet hole in his head, blood trickeling down. He answers the radio
"Yes! Send everything you got! we are being taken from all sides!!! Our Air force is decimated, and theirs is raging above ours, dropping whatever they can! We are barely holding our own! We have taken cover behind the tanks, and there arent much more of those left either!!! Just send your militia in!!!!"
Meanwhile, in the underground safe, the president hides with his personal guards. He receives word of the failing battle. Even with the Iraqi troops withdrawn back to baghdad, the Saudi Arabian and Irani are more than enough. A accident ruined their entire offensive, and one miscaculation decimated their air force. He would have to go to extremes. He picked up his phone and dialed in a handy contact.
08-12-2004, 02:33
The Iran and Saudi Arabian forces push deeper into Chinlanikistan. The tanks litterally mow through the weakly trained soldiers. Aircraft rage overhead, tearing throughh the Chinlani ranks. Most of the heavy artillery is gone. Out of nowhere, an entire airforce sweeps through, taking out enemy aircraft by surprise. The aircraft seem to come in all directions. The enemy fighters are overwhelmed in numbers.
Meanwhile, on the surface, an entire army of 15,000 soldiers march fowards, in perfect formation. Scattered throughout the army is AA guns and mortar guns, no tanks or other military vehicles, just alot of men and a shitload of guns. The mortarmen launch the mortars into the incoming Saudi Arabian force, leaving great gaps in their ranks. The men suddenly break formation and take cover, aiming their guns and shooting anything that is not Chinlani or Kuwaitian. A glimpse at their armpads, and you will see the symbol of the Kuwaitian 1st, 2nd, and 3rd divisions. Allies can come in handy. Encouraged by the sudden change in momentum, the Chinlani soldiers get a great boost of morale, and fight with a rejuvinated vigor. The combined Chinlani and Kuwaitian forces push the enemy back, close to their own border. The captians of the enemy forces order a retreat, to regroup.
Celebration breaks out in the streets, but meanwhile, the president knows that a larger, more organized force will be back. He hopes the russians can arrive in time. If they were lucky, they could even claim some land.
As the Russian brigades rolled in the beautiful site of Ka-52s could be seen overhead the sight of Iraqui tanks exploding was a huge show of satisfaction. As the Russian mechanized infantry and tanks reached the Chinlini outpost both were over joyed that enemy had been defeated. Aircraft could also be seen the advanced troops were also here with their XM8 and X-71 rifles they looked some what formidable. Sporadic gunfire could also be heard but most were the sounds of Russian and Chinilini soldiers mopping up the rest of the Iraqui troops.
The Cmdr relayed a message to the Chinlini Air Command.
Greeting Chinlini Air Command,
We have discovered a small oil field in Iraqui held terrirtory. Were planning of sending a Spetnaz and Mi-24 helicopter force to take it back and possibly use the oil for use against the Iraqis! We are planning of claiming this terrirtory for us for this war. We are planning to base more airborne assaults into Iraq. You see our Devestator and Empire class air craft carriers are out of range to launch aircraft to bomb Iraqi cities. With your permission we will assault this oil field. If you want you may send your own troops as well. A small outpost or airfield would be vital against the Iraqis. Good luck, Comrade!
Cmdr. Ivan Gruschov
It seemed so far that the Russians, Kuwaitis and Chinlinis had won this battle. As Russian tanks and supply helicopters unloading BMPs BTR-80s and other small APCs and troops the war seemed to have hope for the allies!
09-12-2004, 01:06
The Chinlani and Kuwaitian military reorganize, as does the russian military, waiting for a second wave. They dont have to wait long, as Aircraft spot an extremly large force headed towards the city, walking across the wide desert. The generals of the three armys meet. The Chinlani General Rashad Paton, the Kuwaitian General Al-Jaha Rand, and the Russian Commander Ivan Gruschov
Rashad: I have a plan.
Al-Jaha: You going to tell us what it is, or not?
Rashad: Dont let them get into the city. Use the desert to our advantage. They have nowhere to cover or hide, send our aircraft in to do some serious damage.
Ivan: One problem, their air force.
Rashad: Is not a problem at all. We shall send our combined military forces in, Tanks and mech inf up front, then Mortar guns, followed by Anti-Aircraft guns, and the soldiers.
Ivan: My air force will be unavaiable, we are attacking the iraqi oil field, remember?
Al-Jaha: I think i can handle it, plus whats left of the Chinlani air force. all we need is a surprise quick attack, in and out.
Rashad: Oh yes, and about you claiming the territory. You may have the oil field, as we have no use for it. But that is all, the rest of the country will belong to me.
The generals nod to each other, and head off to their seperate armys, to relay the news. Simutanously, the Kuwaitian and Chinlani air forces lift off, and zoom ahead. The Kuwaitian and Chinlani military mobilize, in the discussed position, and march ahead.
In the air, the pilots zooms towards their targets
Pilot 1: Enemy sighted at 3 miles ahead, no signs of enemy aircraft
Pilot 2: Roger, heading in
Pilot 3: Right, remember what we were told, zoom in, break formation, and just kill whatever you can.
The air force zooms overahead the Saudi Arabian, Irani, and Iraqi forces, and suddenly split up, baffling the enemy. Before they can react, explosions break out right in the middle of their ranks, forcing them to scatter. In the plain, open desert, they have nowhere to hide. They are unable to run in the sand, and their tanks are unable to retreat effectively. Their air force finally catches up, and chases the Kuwaitian and Iraqi air forces back.
The army finally reaches the battle scene, Mortarmen stop and load their guns, shooting the deadly mortar into the regrouping enemy. The Anti-Aircraft guns take out the air force, as the GI's rush in for combat. This would be no strategic battle, this was an all out brawl, there was no order here, no command, just people fighting to survive, and the survival of their countrys. Within hours, 40,000 lay dead on both sides. And the battle raged on still, there was no clear winner, but a deadlock. If the russian military hurried up with their operation, we could change the tides.
OOC: If you want, when this RP is over, and we win, i can set you a small sect of earth III out in the middle of iraq, for your oil feild and military base.
OOC: Okay maybe when this RP ends I guess we can make a seperate RP about the aftermath.
IC: As the Russians see ahead several aircraft explode but they ignore it and move on doing whatever they can.
------------Meanwhile in the Spetnaz barracks before the attack------------
Spetnaz Captain: Greetings comrades as you know today we will attack the oil field in Iraqi territory. We will attack with a combined air assault of Mi-24s and Spetnaz infantry. We suspect they will be using tanks such as old T-72 tanks. A recent secret flyover with a Russian U2 shows armored movement in at the oil field. We not only need this oil for economic reasons but also for the benifit of our airforces!
Spetnaz Soldier: But Captain how come we cant just use our carriers in the Persian Gulf to bombard the Iraqi cities?
Spetnaz Captain: Well soldier the reason is that our Devastator and Empire class carriers are out of range we need this air field so that we can launch attacks further into their cities!
SRLT Kidishev: Listen up men! The captain will be mobilizing troops for the battle we leave now you are all geared up and ready to go! We want the "Hinds" to move in first then when they are confused we will charge in to attack.
He suddenly shows a huge map on a screen for all those in the briefing room to see.
SRLT Kidishev: Okay here will be where Oman Team holds position to give us mortar cover. Here Alpha Team will move in they will lead the main attack. Bravo Team will give covering fire with their heavy machine guns. Charlie Team will use BTR-80s to drive in firing the 30 mm cannons at any large enemy troop formations. Finnaly, the 242nd Aviation Assault Squadron will provide air cover and transport for mixed Bravo and Alpha troops in the "Hinds" once they drop their troops they will use their machine guns and rockets to take out any armored vehicles. Even though some alpha squads will be using Javelin anti-tank weapons in the rear.
The Hinds flew over head the troops finnaly arrived after a kilometer run. It was in the late afternoon the sun began to set. The good thing was that the sun was to their backs the Iraqis would have a difficult time seeing well. The troops heard the distinctive sound of rockets exploding and machine gun fire.....the Hinds. They couldnt mistake the sounds of distruction they made. The mortar teams setup and began to fire rounds. The BTR-80s moved ahead firing killing many troops. The Captain and Kidishev were on the ground with a Alpha squad with medics, rifleman, gunners, some snipers and 2 engineers with RPG-7s. One of the engineers even had a Javelin. The team Captains all said the go-code on the radio "Rodina" was heard simotaneously on the radio at once. "HOOOOORAHHH!!!!!" was the defeaning battle cry of the Russian Army as they charged forward firing their XM-29, X-71s and AK-47s at the enemy troops. The fire kept going but sometimes it stopped briefly because the shooters needed to reload. The mortars started falling closer they were close to the oil field now. The Mi-24s soared overhead some what frightening to hear their loud cannons firing at the troops ahead of them. Most of the troops were close enough to use the XM-29's and X-71's grenade launchers and thermal sights. A pesky machine gun cut down the Russian right flank advancing but a well placed round blew the gunners head off as his body slumped over the machine gun nest the loader and spotter screamed: "INSH ALLAH!!" as a grenade launcher round stuck the gunner's nest blowing it apart. They had reached the oil field's main area. The Hinds dropped their troops and returned. The casulties were low: around 48, 342 wounded. As soon as night fell construction of a make shift airfield begun. The oil was syphoned into large gas trucks they would be airlifted to other air fields in Chinlini to assist Chinlini, Kuwaiti and Russian aircraft and vehicles. They had won this battle as soon as they were done.....the bombings in Baghdad would begin....
Gruschov: It is a beautiful night isnt it, Major.
Major Ivishov: Yes sir it is
Gruschov un capped a bottle of the finest Vodka for the Major and himself. "To Rodina!".
Telex to the Chinlini military,
We have taken the airfield we are constructing a base of operations as I type this message it fell rather easily once we are done we can base aerial attacks further into Iraq.
Cmdr. Ivan Gruschov
09-12-2004, 01:54
General Rashad receives the telegram.
"Negative! Do not attack the Iraqi cities, we are in need of help on the battlefeild, on the Iraqi/Chinlani border! over 50,000 are dead already on both sides!!! Im afraid there wont be any humans left living if you dont help! Were in a deadlock, a stalemate! If you can suprise them from behind, we can encircle them, and take them out!"
Gruschov: Goddamnit!!
Major: What is it sir!?
Gruschov: Our allies are under attack send the goddamned MIGs, Sukhois, HINDS, Kamovs, T-80s SEND EVERYTHING!!!
Major: Yes sir!!!
He fumbles with the radio and communicates all the able troops at the oil field.
The Russians were on their way to the massive battle.
MIG Leader: Flights Alpha to Delta Check in over.
MIG leader #1: This is Alpha through Delta squadrons leader we are over head now intercepting bandits.
MIG leader #2: This is Echo through Hotel squadrons we are ETA 45 seconds to the furball.
Over 6,000 newly transported T-80 tanks that landed on Hercules and LCACs on the Persian Gulf's shore were transported to many bases. The T-80s rolled on the battle field the exhausted troops from the previous battle just entered. Fully loaded they spotted a small bunch of T-72 tanks of Iraqi origin they fired their Javelins at the tanks. The tanks exploded in a massive fireball dead Chinlini troops were littered all over along with the dead Iraqi, Iranian, and Kuwaiti troops. Burning fuslages of crashed helicopters littered the battle field. Scattered limbs were also all around. The Captain and Kidishev were running for cover the troops next to them got cut down by scattered fire. They spotted a bunker with a Chinlini flag they ran into it quickly. Troops outside fired grenade launchers from their X-71s they were advanced in fact more advanced than the Iraqi's weapons. But some of the Russian regular tropps were using AK-47s with attached grenade launchers.
MIG Leader: This is Alpha squadron through Delta Squadron leader we spot heavy amount of AHHHH----
MIG Leader # 2: Alpha 1 what is your status! Damn we lost him becareful I read heavy enemy contact ahead.
MIG Pilot: Affirmative we read enemy MIG-29s ahead sir!
MIG Leader #2: Breakoff from formation! All flights break off and engage now!
MIG Pilot: I got one sir!! I got a Iraqi!
MIG Leader # 2: Quit the bragging and fly!
Su-37 Leader: Alpha through Hotel squadrons do you copy this is Gulf through India flights we are assisting close ground support keep those enemy MIGs off our tails!
MIG Leader: Copy that!
Bear Leader: This is Bear Bomber flight 104 were inbound to assist the Su-37s. We will commence heavy bombing of enemy positions we have lost about 6 bombers on the way here give us cover!
Ka-52 leader: This Alligator Flight! Were taking out tanks and enemy anti-aircraft weaponry a flight of Hinds are coming to provide transport.
Super Puma Leader: This is Tiger 7 we are proceeding to drop a large amount of troops a couple of Mi-5s are on their way.
Mi-5 "Hip" Leader: This is Zulu flight 109 were dropping APCs and several of the other Hips are going to drop over a total 178 troops to assist if your lucky we can salvage some jeeps with .50 cals and Mk-19s on them.
Telex to Chinlini Military Command
We are sending a massive amount of troops we need you to salvage whatever vehicles and troops you can. Our troops are running low we flew in a few supply helicopters but several were shot down only 10 made it but its just enough but we need a hand. Tell those Kuwaitis to assist us as well!
Cmdr. Ivan Gruschov
09-12-2004, 02:39
Rashad: Affirmitive. Sending in the reserve fighters to escort your bombers. The Kuwaitians are here, their commander is dead for all i know. I am controlling their army until they can send a backup army and a new commander.
Rashad puts down his radio and picks his M-80 back up and begins firing, a sharp shot to the chest takes him down. A group of Iraqi's encircle him, like vultures around a soon to be dead animal. With all his remaining strength, Rashad picks up the M-80 and fires suddenly, holding on to the trigger as if it were his life, which it was. Blood poured freely from his chest as he fired, his entire body shook. He took all the gernades from his chest and threw them as far as he could, hoping to take out as many Iraqi's as he could before his inevitable death. He pulled out a picture of his wife and children, while firing madly and blindly. He kissed the picture, and then took a bullet to the head.
OOC: Sorry, i just couldnt think of nothing else, and i wanted to put a bit of personal story in there, instead of one big war.
Russian Soldier: Hey look there is some Chinlini troops wait a minute there is tanks behind them!
They could hear Arabic being spoken they were sure it had that it had to be Iraqi troops.
Russian Soldier #2: Freeze or we'll shoot!
The platoon of 15 Russian soldiers advanced trembling shaking so hard their weapons sounded like loud clicking but the SRLT leading the was calm.
SRLT: Okay men easy.
Russian Staff Sargeant: Wait a minute they are Chinlini tanks! Chinlini tank commanders were screaming for help the platoon of Russians sprinted to assist.
They saw that the Iraqis through their X-71's thermal scopes.
But once they were close enough they didnt need a scope to see.
They surprised the Iraqis there seemed about twenty of them trying to take out a tank that seemed to be smoking there was a man that looked like a senior Chinlini officer on top of it dead. The Russians quickly aimed there weapons the gunfire tore a Iraqis leg apart. A grenade blew a Iraqi officer's leg off. The Russian SRLT came up to a downed Iraqi soldier he aim his AK-47 as the mans head and pulled the trigger. All that was left was his brain matter on the Iraqi sand. They saved the tanks the SRLT went up on top of the tank with the senior officer on it. He pulled his body off of it. There was a Chinlini M-80 machine gun still smoking from the rounds. The aircraft above started exploding. They were Iraqi the Russian MIGs and Su-37s had won that furball they Bear Bombers had succesfully decimated the advancing Iraqis. The Hips landed dropping dozens of troops, vehicles and then they quickly lifted off. The Ka-52s landed to a temporary command post nearby to refuel and nearby the Pumas dropped their troops as well. The area was still filled with Iraqi stragglers though.
SRLT: Rashad, eh?
Rashads head had a large hole in it most likely a AK-47 the SRLT found his familie's picture gripped tightly in his sand covered hand. He took his hand and closed his eyes.
SRLT: I will make sure I keep this safe my friend I will make sure your family gets this. I will say you died a hero.
Russian Medic: *Salutes* Comrade SRLT, where are the wounded!
SRLT: Take this one first DOA.
Russian Medic: Yes sir!
They took Rashad's body into a BTR-80 they locked the hatches and drove towards the allied HQ.
The SRLT squeezed the picture and pocketed it. He knew he would write the letter to Rashad's family later. But right now he didnt know if he would survive the war.
09-12-2004, 03:30
With the commander dead, all hell broke loose, litterally. By this time, the mortars and bombs dropped left craters in the ground so deep that they seemed to lead right into hell. The news of the commanders death spread throughout the battle like wildfire. Angered at this, the Chinlani begin brutally killing the Iraqis, in any way possible, preferably inhumane. Ammo was exausted, and knives were being brought into play. One Iraqi soldier was found with twenty stab wounds in his forehead alone, another was found with its head roughly cut off, and from the expression on its face, it was alive when it happened. Tanks were being used to run over the enemy instead of fire apon them, and the anti aircraft guns were being launched far into the ranks of the Iraqis. This battle would live forever, and veterans of all sides from the war will never forget the gory scene in the Chinlani desert.
A new wave of Kuwaitians and Chinlani appeared on the battlefield, but a lack of heavy artillery was apparant. The new Chinlani commander radioed the Russian military
"Its time to tkae the offensive to them. Use your remaining bombers, and bomb all of their major cities. Baghdad, Fallujah, Tehran, Riyadah, but do not touch Mecca, or incur the wrath of Allah!"
Meanwhile the death count of all sides involved rises to 100,000.
09-12-2004, 04:11
OOC: See you guys tommorow this RP is starting to get good. :)
09-12-2004, 06:02
On the battlefield:
The new commander Nyn Loren arrives just in time, with truckloads of ammo and guns, ready to be used. He yells out onto the field
"Alright boys! Get your fresh hot ammo here!!!!!"
Also in the supply trucks are food and water, which the surviving soldiers whom had been on the battlefield for over twenty hours, greatly needed.
Feeling rejuvinated by the sudden re-enforcements and refreshments, the Chinlani and Kuwaitian soldiers take cover behind the sand dunes, as trenches are built, much like the trenches in World War One. In a makeshift tent, the commander meets with some of his lieutenants
Nyn: Alright fill me in on whats going on
Lieutenant 1: We have been fighting over twenty hours, the russians have came and are scattered around somewhere mixed into our troops. Order has basically been forgotten, their tanks and artillery pound on us where we cant reach them, and -
Nyn: You cant reach them, why?
Lieutenant 1: They are too far away, and heavily guarded. We try to sneak one man past them, and he is dead.
Nyn: Above ground?
Lieutenant 2: Of course, your not suggesting -
Nyn: Yes i am, if you cant reach them above ground, why not dig a tunnel through underground, and take the tanks out from underground, with luck you might be able to sabotoge a few.
Lieutenant 2: Your insane. But it might work.
The commander and lieutenants disband and go back to their divisions, just in time, as the tent is blown into oblivion by a mortar. a few soldiers attempt to dig under the desert and into the tanks, And what do you know? it succeeds. but not on a large enough scale. The second wave of diggers carrys with them remove explosives, when set off at the same time would produce a horrifying effect. They plant the explosives, and begin to scurry out of their tunnel. A few tunnels cave in, and the diggers are trapped. The commander holds with him a small electronic device, with a code and a button on it. Slowly he enters in "4.....9....2...4" And pushes the button. In a startling change of events, the entire desert seems to collapse, the combined force of the mines took out more than what was expected, and now there was a crater that you could fit the pyramids into comfortably, and cover them up. Almost everybody on both sides died, from the sheer impact of the fall, the explosion itself, choking on dust, or other variables. The 24 hour battle came to an abrupt end.
09-12-2004, 22:57
The crater in the middle of the Iraqi desert would serve as a cemetary for all 150,000 people who were killed in one bloody terrible war. Scattered limbs and machine parts stuck out of the ground, and what few survivors there were began the long hike back ot their countrys.
A messenger comes into the presidents office
"Sir, i have good news, and bad news."
"Give me the bad news first"
The messenger delivers the news about the crater, and also that Kuwait has withdrawn from the war. The Chinlanikistan president sighed at hearing this news, hoping their russian allies could finish their work.
Then the good news comes in. Iraqi and Irani citizens have begun rioting against their government. Saudi Arabia citizens havent, but have withdrawn from the war. If the russians can sucessfuly destroy the targets in Iran and Iraq, we can claim their nations for our own.
IC: The Bear bombers were flying alongside the Su-37s, MiG-Fulcrums these were the fighters that were launched from the Devestator Aircraft Carrier in the PersiaBomn Gulf. They were continueously re arming in midwar with the newly purchased ST-331 refueling aircraft. With their tanks topped off they went back to base. They would return later. There were over 7,000 aircraft out of a force of 25,000 aircraft in this war and even more on the way. The newly purchased GroBes Ungeheuer strategic swept wing bombers had a massive payload. Their system's were even more advanced than the B-1 beomber. The bombers targeting systems had already had the coordinates in the flight computer. They were flying in auto-pilot but the pilots were still in control. Then over a hundred dagger shaped aircraft rose above the clouds their huge red stars on the side and wings. They were the B-11 Lacken II SuperBombers. They were a highly advanced aircraft that could actually be launched from a aircraft carrier. They were stealth bombers they were "invisible" to their fellow Russian wingman. The newer aircraft flew alongside old aircraft. The F-65 Black Vipers were the fastest next to the F-201 Nemesis. The Independent helicopter was similar to the RAH-66 Comancher in that it used a special rotor that allowed it to do manuevers any regular attack helicopter couldn't do. They flew 1,000 feet barely visible and they were too like the Lacken bombers they were stealth. The Nemesis fighters were a V/STOL fighter. They could hover like a harrier jet. The Bolt Helicopters werent flying today they were transport/fast-attackhelicopters.
B-11 Leader: Targets in sight 100 B-11s broke off to attack Fallujah. Were on flight plan correctly.
Bear Leader: Okay comrades, lets get ready.
Baghdad was below them they werent going to bomb the civil areas their targets were all designated by Chinlini military command. They released their bombs on a military district. They destroyed a local military compound and destroyed all the armories.
"Independent" Leader: This is Romeo 1-5 we have targets in sight engaging now.
The helicopters broke of attacking the tanks and ground troops. Their machine guns ripped through the masses of soldiers and light armored vehicles. Their fire and forget missles nailed their tanks and SAM sights. The mission was a success.
------------Meanwhile back at HQ--------------------------------
Gruschov heard his phone ring. He picked it up.
Ivan: This is Commander Gruschov speaking, this is a secure line. Hmm........Fine.....Excellent.............yes we'll tell them thank you soldier goobye. MAJOR GET IN HERE! He yelled out of his small tent.
Major: Major Groutowitz, sir. Reporting as ordered.
Ivan: Major tell all infantry battalions we broke through the deep Iraqi lines tell the Chinlini military we broke through if we can make one huge offensive we could get into Baghdad, our aircraft decimated the Iraqi armored lines and their armories and many of their barracks in the city. No civilian areas were hit.
Major: Yes,Sir!
The Major left the tent on his way to the the new Chinlini Commander, Nyn.
10-12-2004, 01:00
OOC: In case you didnt read the last two posts, just about everyone is dead. I havent decided if the commander lives yet.
OOC: But my aircraft are still alive they are above ground way above ground.
IC: Below them the desert seemed to explode.
MiG Pilot: What the hell is going on down there?
MiG Pilot #2: I dont know but it doesnt look good.
Base: Come back your targets are destroyed head home to all squadrons.
The planes turned back un sure of what had happend below them...
As they landed a gigantic crater remained around the surrounding area.
MiG Pilot: Oh my god.....
The scene was horrific. Everyone fighting for their countries...perished in a huge explosion. The war seemed to be over for some. Their targets were destroyed but the triumph disappeared they were horrified of what they saw. Charred bodies of the dead, the stench of death, the buzzing of flies, and the screaming of dying. This war was the worst all sides had seen. They all hoped this war would end soon.
10-12-2004, 02:39
The Chinlanikistan president sends a short telegraph to their allies.
"One of our foolish commanders ordered soldeirs to plant mines deep underground, the resulting blast came in contact with multiple rockets and other explosives, causing the crater you see today. Saudi Arabia has dropped out of the war, as has Kuwait. We are short of a population, and can send very few soldiers. We will send 5000 soldiers to the targets you attacked to take over the land. You should send some support as well, as we may encounter resitance. First stop, Baghdad."
As all the aircraft refueled and rearmed they headed out again. The old T-80 tanks were used for whatever left. The small Chinlini force was barely in fighting condition but they refused to give up. As the mixed ground force of Russian and Chinlini headed to Baghdad they were told all the military targets there were destroyed. They were also happy that the Iraqis had formed a resistance movement and that a majority of the country was in favor of a Russian-Chinlini liberation. As they entered they could see to giant statues of two crossed swords. They were now in Baghdad. The people there greeted the soldiers and vehicles with joy. The Russian planes and helicopters soared overhead. Some were even low enough to be able to read the unit numbers and insignias. Baghdad appeared so far to be in allied hands. Explosions could be heard nearby everyone was tense and alert now. The sound of a Dragunov was heard. A Russian soldier was shot in the head...killed instantly. His brain matter was smeared all over the side of a BTR-80 APC. The massive 30 mm cannon roared hundreds of rounds into the building from which the shot came from the building exploded. It turned out it was a small Iraqi armory that the Bear and B-11 bombers missed. The resistance assisted them. As they advanced into downtown Baghdad they encountered stragglers loyal to the Iraqi military but they were gunned down with out mercy. A group of Chinlinis and Russian Infantry men decapitated a Iraqi captain who interrogated and killed several Chinlini and Russian soldiers who pleeded for surrender. His head was thrown out into the street a massive T-80 tank ran over it..... This city was in allied control for sure. \
Chinlini soldier: I think I'll take a break here for a second.
He told his fellow soldiers he leaned a against a iron beam and he tripped the beam collapsed a building which inside was over 34 Iraqi soldiers with their weapons slung on their shoulders or laying around. In a millisecond of reaction time both sides pointed their weapons screaming and yelling for the other side to put their weapon's down. Instantly a small group of soldiers of both Russian and Chinlini fired their weapons the deafening sound was so loud neither side could even tell if they were dead or not. The bullets exploded into the Iraqis their heads bursted apart of the round flying one Iraqi was struck by over a hundred rounds he flew back by the force of the weapons one soldier with a shotgun nearly blew a Iraqi soldier in half. Another gunner on a T-80 tank fired a .50 Cal. machinegun which ripped apart several Iraqis. One man was sitting on a table a Chinlini shot him in the neck and several other soldiers fired more weapons at them. As soon as all of them ran out of ammunition they checked their targets. Most were dead but it seemed that maybe 3 or 5 were barely alive. One Iraqi was alive with his body torn in half just barely alive gasping and gurgling until his eye's shut and his breathing stopped the rest were executed later. With Baghdad in control they advanced to Mosul word was that Fallujah had fallen all Iraqi forces in that region surrendered to the Russian Spetnaz troops. The Iraqi army was split in half now with almost all of Iraq in control of the allies it seemed that the war was almost over. As night fell outposts were formed all over the city anti-air batteries were on rooftops but most were charred or almost just pieces of scrap metal due to the violent Russian bombing campaign.
Gruschov: Well we seem to be here.
His finger stabbed the map the Major was unsure that the Cmdr. knew where they were. But it turned out they were right. Ivan took out a red marker and colored in the map that was taken over by the allies. It seemed that the map was almost covered in red marker. The rest that was still in Iraqi control was colored in orange. But the Captain knew that soon the whole map would be red...
10-12-2004, 03:09
In the Chinlani presidents office, he recieves word that Fallujah and Baghdad are under control. The phone rings.
"This is the President."
"This is Erik, of the Iraqi government. We formally surrender. Do not kill any more of our soldiers. This entire thing was never our idea, it was all Irans!"
"Ah, good, we shall work out a treaty within the next few days."
The president hangs up and dials the Russian commander.
"Iraq has surrendered. Move to Iran before they can regroup"
(This seems to be coming to an end but it isnt, i have an unexpected twist coming up.)
OOC: Hmm a twist, eh?
IC: Celebrating was in the streets Iraq was free. But now it is heard that it was Iran's idea in the first place. The troops all headed for Iran but the outposts remained one huge bombing campaign was made on the military bases and compounds their military is crippled. The Russians and Chinlinis move into Iran but a checkpoint is a hundred meters the forces in the bunker aim their weapons at the huge mass of soldiers heading for them. But the Mi-24 helicopters over head fire rockets at the checkpoint blowing it apart they all move into Iran. They experienced more infantry they killed them all but a pesky machine gun nest remained, it had killed dozens of allied soldiers a newly purchases T-90 tank fired one shell blowing the nest and the building apart. Reports were that Tehran was blown apart by massive bombing campaign the forces of Iranians retreated most of the soldiers were shot and killed before they could get away a technical jeep with soldiers on it crashed into a check point when the driver and passgengers all got gunned down by machine gun fire. A M-80 being fired from a Chinlini tank blew the truck up causing the other trucks to explode they were able to get through the roadblock and further into Tehran soon all that was left was the capital that was almost in ruins once they made it there.....the war would be over....
11-12-2004, 04:45
The Russian and Chinlani soldiers march into Iran, and are met with almost no resistance. Just a few insurgents and thats it. It seems eeriely quiet. An unarmed man, looking to be of great prestige walks out. "This is Teh Rak of the Iranian government. We formally surrender. Will the Chinlani commander come with me. "
The chinlani commander looks at Ivan, and tells him to go relay the news to the Chinlani president. Ivan takes a small band of soldiers and leaves. The Chinlani commander follows the Irani man, and goes into a building. He keeps his gun out, on guard. He walks into a room, where he can barely react, before being seized. He struggles but two bodyguards hold him down. The Iran man who tricked him laughs in his face. He points to a corner, where two missles reach out a window, ready to shoot off into the sky. He suddenly realizes what they are.
"Yes, they are nuclear weapons. Capable of leveling you entire poor country. And your gonna launch them both into your capital. How Ironic. Chinlani Commander betrays his people, destroys his nation."
"Ill never launch them myself. You'll have to kill me first."
"Yes, you will."
The two bodyguards lead him over to a control panel, where a set of buttons lay. They grab his hand and force him to push one of the buttons. One of the nuclear missles shoot out the window.
With a sudden vigor, he punches one of the bodyguards in the face, and grabs his gun. He shoots at the remaining missle. It is forced from its launching pad, and falls straight out the window. It hits the ground, and the last thought the Chinlani commander had was that Ivan had better gotten out of the country, and can somehow stop the missle from reaching the Chinlani capital. The missle explodes on contact with the ground, and a giant mushroom cloud rises above Tehran, killing any human being within 6 miles each way immediatly, and poisoning the entire reigon, Including the leftover Chinlani and Russian soldiers
(OOC: Im leaving it up to you now, the war is over, Saudi Arabia surrendered, Iran was blown up, and Iraq surrendered. You have to stop the missle from reaching Chinlanikistan, and its over.)
Ivan's staff car was thrown 30 ft in front of him like a toy kicked by a child. Several minutes later he came out of the car barely breathing. He looked into the car trying to find the Major. He was killed. He tried to search for the gas mask he had in his truck. Lucky for him their was one. The fallout was moving away from him. Sadly the fallout was heading towards Tehran.
Ivan: May God help all in Tehran.
Lucky for him a Russian Helix helicopter landed nearby to search for survivors. They ran out with full Bio-chemical warfare suits.They picked up Ivan and brang him in the helicopter they quickly lifted off.
Soldier: Sir, we need to keep you at the aid station!
Ivan: Fine, just make sure that nothing else was launched!
-----------Meanwhile back at Radar Station Grownoitz------------
Radar technician: This is Grownoitz air command to all allied military aircraft. We have detected a nuclear missle heading towards the Chinlini capital city. We are asking for you to intercept the missle!
MiG Pilot: Dear God! How do they expect us to stop that thing!
MiG Leader: Just fly towards the direction of it! Its heading south!
The MiGs turned around they saw the bomb heading for them they all locked on and fired all of them missed except for a rookie Su-37 pilot fired a missle at the Nuclear missle it struck the booster of the rocket.
Su-37 Pilot: Oh my God! I hit the missle!
The missle started going into a death roll heading dead for the ground they were praying to god it didnt explode on the ground. The moment before it hit the ground it seemed everyone held their breath. It was 20ft from the ground then it was a dud. A couple of soldiers ran over to it. It was smoking and it seemed completely safe. A quick spark frightened the approaching soldiers they finnaly sprinted up to it and one captain knelt down. He didnt touch it but he stared at it. That was it they all thought.......that was it...... A bomb technician placed a couple blocks of TNT on it. When all troops were taken safely away from the bomb it was detonated at 8:00 ZST. The bomb lit the sky like a artificial sun. The Russians stayed in Iraq until Ivan who recovered several days later. He got up and walked to his computer and set the frequency to the Chinlini president....
Telex to the Chinlini President,
It is honor to speak to the leader of our Chinlini comrades. As you may or may not know a Hydrogen bomb was launched heading on a vector of the Chinlini capitial. We believe there were more missles but the Chinlini commander seemed to shoot the bombs to save his capital. Sadly over 500,000 Russian and Chinlini troops were killed in that hellish explosion. The rest of the allied troops remain at our main command post. We shot down the bomb that was fired at the Chinlini capital it turned out the bomb was a dud. We detonated it over 20 minutes ago from a safe distance of 20 miles. All Russian troops were taken back the same with the Chinlini soldiers. Im asking you to tell us what we should do now. Because at this time the war appears to be over. We have taken Iraq.....but Iran seems to be a wasteland probly more civilians were killed that could total up to 1 million people killed. I will await your orders of what to do now Comrade President.
Yours Truely,
Ivan Grushcov, Commander of the Red Army.
14-12-2004, 02:51
The president hears news of the end of the war, and jumps out of his chair in joy. He then sits back and sighs, thinking of all the young men and women and children who died on both sides, 20-30 year old men who had a full life in front of them, ended in a property dispute. It sickened him. The next day, he appeared on Chinlani, Iraqi, and Irani television.
"Greetings fellow Arabs. As most of you know, the war has finally ended. First off, i wouldl ike to take this moment to honor our dead. Over 1,000,000 perished worthlessly. A change is overcoming our nations, we must be united under a common leadership. We, along with the help of the Russians, will be sending relief support to Iraq and Iran, whose countrys were utterly devastated by the war. We have special teams cleaning up the radiation in Tehran, where a Hydrogen bomb exploded. That is all. Good day"
After the announcement, Iraq, impressed by the strong leadership, surrenders to the Chinlani nation. Iran is annexed by default, as their government was destroyed. Rebuilding efforts begin immediatly. In the Chinlani capital, a funeral service is held.
"Allah, please take the soul Of Rashad Paton and bless it. Never has any arab came across a more able, both physically and mentally, soldier in all of history. We gather here today to mourn the death of the most brilliant general ever. For his services, he is awarded the Medal of Honor."
The president walks over to the casket, and places a small medal across Rashads chest. Slowly, he shuts the casket, and lowers it into the grave.
Ivan and the Major's widow were at the funeral. He touched the casket one tear landed on the flag of Rodina, his motherland. He knew that would be forever moved by this war. And so ends my second war...... he thought. I hope it will be the last.....
14-12-2004, 03:45
The End
OOC: This was nice man, real nice. I liked the way this came out.
14-12-2004, 08:21
.:Official Earth III Mod Seal of Approval:.