NationStates Jolt Archive

Open space RP, free to all

02-12-2004, 06:37
"Mmmph, what is it?"
"Sir, we're picking something up on radar... could you come to the bridge?"
Capitan Lucias rubbed his eyes, "leu-tin-ant, why the hell did you wake me up to tell me that something is on RADAR!"
"uuh sir" the leutinant said shakely, "we are receving transmissions from it"
Lucias mumbled under his breath then said, "I'll be right up".
The doors to the bridge hissed open, Capitan Lucias stepped onto the bridge of the battlesip DAUNTLESS,
the men on night watch snapped to attention.
"At ease"
The leutinant, obviusly flustered, hurried over to Lucias,
"s s s sir"
"Show me the radar son."
They walked over to the holo-display,
"Here sir"
The Leutinant pointed to the holo-display,
"Beowulf, play the transmission."
The ships A.I. sprung to life,
"Little late for T.V. isn't it"
Lucias frowned at the A.I.
"Just play the damn file already"
The A.I. disapeared into the system, then the clip started to play
"-e are the ones known as the Frall, none can stand before us, prepare for assimilation, we are the-"
"Alright, cut the transmission"
Lucias shut his eyes
"Call HQ call anyone, this is big."
The Leutinant nodded and ran to the vox-caster.
suddenly a tech from the bridge called out
"Sir, multiple contacts bearing oh-two-one by oh-five-two, energy signals off the scale!"
Lucias whirled around,
"Show it to me!"
The vid-screens flashed on-and went black as a huge shadow passed over them.
"Mother of God............"