how should the rapists die in neoma (poll)
Over growing debate on whether rapists should be executed or imprisoned in neoma had come to a 50/50 split so Neoma wishes to ask the international community on what they think...We also wish to let the international community know that we hear in Neoma believe that rape is also seen as murder because most times you take the spirit of the person which we believe is the same as murder...
02-12-2004, 01:43
I believe I speak for all in Slaytanicca when I say imprisonment. But then we don't have prisons in Slaytanicca.. maybe you should give them the choice?
02-12-2004, 01:54
Rape is detestable. Why should a nation have crime anyway? What the hell is wrong with your people?!?
The Great Sixth Reich
02-12-2004, 02:00
What kind of Rape? The Roman theory (where the "victim" is kidnapped and kept with her abductor as a secret marriage) or the modern theory?
Both are legal as long as the victim and defendent are under 23 in our country. But the "modern" are punished by three-hundred years in prision if that age limit is not obeyed. The Roman is punished by one-hundred years if the victim and/or defendent are over 50.
02-12-2004, 02:02
i dont think that they should be killed.. i think they shouldbe kept alive as long as possible but in extreme torture!
02-12-2004, 02:08
Crime is a failure of the government and of other humans to properly indoctrinate all citizens.
Dyelli Beybi
02-12-2004, 02:26
A quote from someone wearing a straw hat, not at all connected to the Dyelli Beybian Government, while accompanied by the sound of 'dueling banjos'
"They should all be put to death, h'yuk, h'yuk! Pa, that man is tampering with the mail box again!"
The Great Sixth Reich
02-12-2004, 02:29
"Impression them"?
That means make them join the navy then? Remember the War of 1812? "Impressment".
Dyelli Beybi
02-12-2004, 03:43
I thought it meant give them a bad impression of prison.