Ozone hole repair project
28-11-2004, 08:56
As you can see from this image, the hole in the ozone layer is 3 times the size of the U.S.
In order to rectify this problem, we are going to build the worlds tallest smokestack. Tha's right a massive smokestack, 18miles (30km) high, with an opening of 8 inches at the top. The base will be over 2miles (3km) wide, tapering up until it reduces to 8 inches. At the base we will have a massive ozone generator which combines oxygen atoms and send the gas up the pipe via massive, powerful turbines. The top of the pipe will be partially supported by massive helium filled balloons, to ease the load.
We expect this project to take several decades and several trillion dollars to complete. By the time its finished, and after we pump raw ozone into the stratosphere for about 5-20 years, we may make plans to lengthen it so that
reaches low earth orbit, and construct a sort of space elevator.
Donations of money and manpower are welcomed.
UPDATE: The tower has been completed and has been pumping ozone for several years now, conversion into a space elevator is underway.
28-11-2004, 08:59
Thats going to need alot of protection. That will be a perfect target to hit, if anyone should want to hurt you and the world. Also all it will take to destroy it is a storm.
28-11-2004, 09:01
I will however give you $5.3 Trillion Dollars to use in making it SAFER, and the money will be used for ONLY that.
28-11-2004, 09:05
Why on earth would anyone want to destroy this? They would only be harming themselves in the long run.
This is going to be built in the center of the south pole, in the heart of our territory, behind many thousands of anti-aircraft batterier of Antarctica123. It is not really aa risk we consider.
we will hover utilize the funds you have donated to increase its resistance to high winds and storms, even though antarctica is a desert and recieve veery little precipitation.
28-11-2004, 09:18
Why on earth would anyone want to destroy this? They would only be harming themselves in the long run.
Hey, some people are dumbass's
28-11-2004, 09:30
Building and running this will, of course, use a huge supply of power - but you can happily cheat.
One proposed method for cheap power generatrion is to build a 1-10 mile tall hollow tower and (iirc) sprinkle a little water in at the top. Due to a lot of factors that I don't know (temperature difference, expansion etc) this will start a powerful downdraft which can be used to generate power (turbines at the bottom). So far as I know, Israel is the one country currently looking to build some of these.
So build yourself a few of these and run the Ozone pipe up the side (and on above) and it will provide some of the support and all of the power needed.
Good luck!
28-11-2004, 09:32
We would help with man power but most of my over-seas construction teams are over helping with the Garbage Blimps, and in Irondin helping with oil field construction. As soon as we get some back I'll send them you way. You will however like everyone else will pay their way and provide housing.
28-11-2004, 21:02
We will happily donate ten billion USD a year from our environment budget to this wonderful and selfless project. Thirty engineers, scientists and architects have expressed an interest in helping, many in planning but several on-site, as have over two hundred hippy labourers. Most wish to commit for several years, although we fear the bitter weather may cause a percentage to dishonour this.
Japanese Antarctica
28-11-2004, 21:18
The Empire of Japanese Antarctica is strongly in favor of this and will show it's support by donating $2 Billion in materials and possibly send manpower in the future.
28-11-2004, 21:21
i am depleting the ozone layer intentionally. i allow PSDs and shit, so i am going to war with all u :mp5: :mp5:
i am depleting the ozone layer intentionally. i allow PSDs and shit, so i am going to war with all u :mp5: :mp5:
ooc: The hell?Before you invade ANYONE, it might be a good idea to read the posts marked STICKY at the top of the forum display. These should give you an idea of how to RP.
It might also be a good idea to run your posts through Microsoft Word, or a similar program, so that your posts are spell-checked and grammar checked. While you are no-where near as bad as some people I have seen, you might find it helpful.
If you get really stuck, try telegraming someone known as being a good RPer, and asking for their advice. While they might not have time to help out, they could give you some tips.
Also, don't use so many smilies. It's annoying and it makes you look like a n00b.
Finally, don't start declaring war straight away, because some superpower is going to take offence and ram your small country down your throat. Believe me, it has happened before. Get a little more well known (and a little bigger) before you try anything like this. Maybe join in other people's RPs, or stick to peaceful ones, for the time being.
IC: We will assist you with this obviously worthwhile project to restore the ozone layer. We will send one thousand construction workers, along with all the machinery they need. Don't worry, they use hydrogen power, so they won't be polluting as they work.
Random Kingdom
28-11-2004, 21:52
OOC: Are you future tech? If so, are you in the same time and place as Random Kingdom (modern tech 2000's)?
IC: Once we are sure that we can contact Antartica123, we would be happy to send the entirety of our Environment budget ($109,056,646,367.76) to this great project. Also, though Antartica123's tech level may render them obsolete, we would also send nerds to help with the computer control. They are eager to learn new skills and save the environment.
28-11-2004, 21:56
Zimbergia advises you, if that the Ozone just gets worse, Consider building satellite city’s?
Zimbergia is working on a project like this right now. So far we havent recruited enough people to live inside the satellite city enviroment.
28-11-2004, 22:05
can you even invade anyone?
Random Kingdom
28-11-2004, 23:20
can you even invade anyone?
Look, Adabamus, threaten Antartica123, its project or anyone else concerned and I will declare war on you.
29-11-2004, 02:09
can you even invade anyone?
OOC: Sure. But sort of like real life, people will pile on you if you've not got a good reason. And there are lots of nations a lot bigger than yours.
Exetor Incorporated
29-11-2004, 02:20
can you even invade anyone?
The nation of Adabamus has declared war on my country via telegram. Looking at general information on both of our nations, I am quite sure they will be crushed.
The Voltarum
29-11-2004, 03:35
As a member of the great region of Antarctica, The Voltarum supports this effort, and further pledges monetary and defensive support.
Premier Xerco
30-11-2004, 15:42
1. I thank everyone for thier donations.
2. The orbital ignore cannon has been fired at Adabamus.
3. I'm modern(ish) tech (2005-2015)
We are pleased to annouce the base of the tower is nearly completed and we will begin erecting scaffolding in 3 days.
30-11-2004, 17:07
Ok I'm now able to send around 200 to 300 men to help work on construction. If you want this you will pay for their trip and also provide housing and food and water.
01-12-2004, 10:07
01-12-2004, 10:50
Being a small nation but one that is still dedicated to the environment we will do the best we can in sending half a million dollars and a team of 100 skilled labourers.
The Imperial Navy
01-12-2004, 10:59
Why on earth would anyone want to destroy this? They would only be harming themselves in the long run.
If they're not an earth nation, they may try to screw up earth by destroying it.
03-12-2004, 16:49
When will the construction start?
07-12-2004, 07:58
It has already begun as I have already stated. The first 20 stories of the tower are completed already :)
07-12-2004, 08:31
During the excavation and construction, we have been encountering a new breed of killer ant... yes ants. They are very strong and are 7 centimeters in length, we believe they migrated from the now defunct nation of Save The Penguins. Over 20 workers have been injured by these ants and we advise all foriegn personnel to be on look out for them,
07-12-2004, 08:43
Being a fairly small nation looking for both future allies and more importantly a future, we will help protect the ozone layer by supporting your project as well as we can. We also will donate half a million dollars and a team of 100 skilled labourers.
07-12-2004, 09:04
We too have heard tales of these super frozen ice-ants, but dismissed it as yet another hippy rumour. We will warn all our workers to be on their guard, and will help you in any way against this menace to humanity. If we may, we will send a crack suicide team of insectologists to try to acquire a sample of these ants, so hopefully we may derive a way of combating them.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
07-12-2004, 09:27
The empire will not support this proposal as there is no profit in it. It is not fiscally sound to pour money into a program that has an overwhelming chance of failure.
Just seed the upper atmosphere with gold....Gold causes O3 to form and creates a new ozone layer
Nation of Fortune
07-12-2004, 09:46
The Nation of Fortune, will not support this because it is a great waste of natural resources, time, and money. The ozone depletion is completely natural and would happen regardless of weather or not we used greenhouse gasses such as CO2
07-12-2004, 10:01
The Nation of Fortune, will not support this because it is a great waste of natural resources, time, and money. The ozone depletion is completely natural and would happen regardless of weather or not we used greenhouse gasses such as CO2
Just seed the upper atmosphere with gold....Gold causes O3 to form and creates a new ozone layer
Perhaps we can use this procedure to supplement our current plan.
We thank you for you donations ***
Random Kingdom
07-12-2004, 12:05
During the excavation and construction, we have been encountering a new breed of killer ant... yes ants. They are very strong and are 7 centimeters in length, we believe they migrated from the now defunct nation of Save The Penguins. Over 20 workers have been injured by these ants and we advise all foriegn personnel to be on look out for them,
OOC: And we thought we had animal control problems...
IC: We are shocked to see that such a great project hindered by such devious creatures. How can we help?
The Phoenix Milita
07-12-2004, 12:07
We can help!!!!
We will air drop them by the crate if you need, we ca also rig up some super-soakers filled with liquid RAID!!!!!!
Nation of Fortune
07-12-2004, 17:01
I'm not saying that Ozone depletion isn't happening, i'm just saying that it is a Natural thing. The reason it is natural is because currently we are in an Ice age, and it is earths natural cycle to move past this and into an age where the climate is wamer. These are Direct statements from my AP Biology teacher.
08-12-2004, 11:46
Sometimes teachers can be wrong.
I recall my political science professor stating that the whole issue of cuban missile crisis,was thrt the Russians had no way of delivering nuclear warheads to the United States. (obviously not, since the russians had both missiles and bombers which could reach the united states) This was in a well known university....
did you even read that link....
How does ozone depletion occur?
It is caused by the release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-depleting substances (ODS), which were used widely as refrigerants, insulating foams, and solvents. The discussion below focuses on CFCs, but is relevant to all ODS. Although CFCs are heavier than air, they are eventually carried into the stratosphere in a process that can take as long as 2 to 5 years. Measurements of CFCs in the stratosphere are made from balloons, aircraft, and satellites.
When CFCs reach the stratosphere, the ultraviolet radiation from the sun causes them to break apart and release chlorine atoms which react with ozone, starting chemical cycles of ozone destruction that deplete the ozone layer. One chlorine atom can break apart more than 100,000 ozone molecules.
Other chemicals that damage the ozone layer include methyl bromide (used as a pesticide), halons (used in fire extinguishers), and methyl chloroform (used as a solvent in industrial processes for essential applications). As methyl bromide and halons are broken apart, they release bromine atoms, which are 40 times more destructive to ozone molecules than chlorine atoms.
Back to top.
How do we know that natural sources are not responsible for ozone depletion?
While it is true that volcanoes and oceans release large amounts of chlorine, the chlorine from these sources is easily dissolved in water and washes out of the atmosphere in rain. In contrast, CFCs are not broken down in the lower atmosphere and do not dissolve in water. The chlorine in these human-made molecules does reach the stratosphere. Measurements show that the increase in stratospheric chlorine since 1985 matches the amount released from CFCs and other ozone-depleting substances produced and released by human activities.
The Phoenix Milita, we will gladly accept your donation of raid and raid filled super soakers :)
I have a question.
How will you keep your construction personnel and material from falling overboard in heights in excess of 1 mile?
In Anarctica the temp. is like -100 degrees Farhenheit. In addition, the winds would be over 50 MPH or more the higher up you go. That is why it's very difficult to construct skyscrapers 1 mile tall or taller.
I'd like to know how you will be able to pull this off, with sufficient heat and anti-wind protection (so your workers aren't blown off the scaffolding).
08-12-2004, 13:06
haha scaffolding at 1+ mile high? ha we wont be using scafolding, we will be using specialized heavy lift blimps and baloons. as for the wind, the blimps have propellers which compensate for that, and a massive shiled linked from each ballon and blimp will protect the ineer working areas from the wind.
As for the cold, we have been in antarctica for deacades and have developed many artic suits which are thin enough to provide warmth but thick enough to keep the wearer nice and toasty. Plus up at higher altitudes the workers will be in a pressurized, heated cask which will inch up the pipe via helium filled stratospheric ballons :D
08-12-2004, 13:21
We will be donating 1 tonne of Pure gold to Antarctica123 to become the gold seeding to assist the rejuventation of the Ozone layer. We live in the desert and those who laugh at the idea of the world heating up from human activity do not live in a desert where only God can save us from ourselves.
God bless Antarctica123
Antarctica123, not building the Tower of Babel eh?
Alternatively, fly a fleet of planes across the area with a depleted ozone layer and find some way for them to produce artificial lighting, by making it jump from the rod of one plane to the rod of another or something. Ozone forms on its own in the stratosphere, but it requires a lot of energy, because ozone is less stable than diatomic oxygen.
It would be expensive, yes, but no more expensive than building a gigantic smoke stack, of all things, and then also producing ozone to be released from this giant structure.
currently we are in an Ice age
Nope. We just had one. It was cold, remember? Our temperature increased dramatically after that, and it hasn’t fallen since. So, how could we be in an ice age?
Nation of Fortune
08-12-2004, 16:50
Nope. We just had one. It was cold, remember? Our temperature increased dramatically after that, and it hasn’t fallen since. So, how could we be in an ice age?
Actually we are towards the end of it, were not quite out of it yet. So instead of the temperature falling it is rising.
Undria is a growing nation, but still a young one. That is why we can not seem to keep the growth if donating money to this project, but we will gladly send mapower when ever it is needed, and fully supports your project of preserving the ozon layer.
And as far as our scientists have been able to come, the ozon being destroyed is purely a product of the use of cars and other enviremental bad machines.
Actually we are towards the end of it, were not quite out of it yet. So instead of the temperature falling it is rising.
Even if that was true, it does not explain the decreasing amounts of O3 in certain regions and the overlapping increase in chlorine-containing compounds.
10-12-2004, 15:49
some images of the base station which has been finished are rerleased as well as pictures of some of the tower
12-12-2004, 02:41
31-12-2004, 17:37
Ok this is done and wea repumping gas sorry happy new years drive safe
10-02-2006, 09:15
The ozone is now 100% repaired. We are now going to turn the huge stove pipe into an elevator into space!!!!!!! we need investors!
The Voltarum
10-02-2006, 22:17
now THAT was a bump lol.... =)
10-02-2006, 22:27
I am willing to invest $400 Billion into the project.
29-04-2006, 05:09
Thank you, we think with that money we can get the elevator on a good start, I will make a new thread about it.
15-05-2006, 10:51
The Republic of Aralonia is interested to see how this goes - unfortunately, since it is located in Antarctica, the nation fails to see how any sort of structure could reach GEO without collapsing. A suggestion to obtain international land from a more equatorial region has been made.
25-06-2007, 20:39
Geosynchronous orbit is not the destination of this space elevator. The space elevator will extend directly out of the axial south pole into space.