Nemh bans Shania Twain
It has come to the conclusion of the Thanes and the Overlord that somehow we received some kind of sick and twisted torture device disguised innocuously as a music cd. In order to prevent causing further terror, we have decided to ban all cds, dvds and other material pertaining to this Shania Twain immediately. Anyone caught smuggling this horrendous weapon of mass derision into our country will be executed immediately."
OOC-My mom has a Shania special on...the horror...the horror...
"I would complain this is a violation of civil liberties, if not for the fact that being subjected to Shania Twain's music is a crime against humanity"
President Dionysus Bacchus
(Offhand remark)
27-11-2004, 05:18
That don't impress me much!
Anger and Mortality
27-11-2004, 05:21
In order to protect the sanctity of free speech, I would suggest recinding this ban immediately, otherwise my Queendom of Anger and Mortality may be forced to go to war with your country.
Nemh launches a goat in Ryanania's direction :D
Transmission from the Fiefdom to the Queendom:
There is free speech, which Nemh has exemplary laws protecting, and then there is this sadistic elevator music. If you gotta go to war with us, then by all means, please-put us out of this Shania misery.
-The Overlord and Thanes of Nemh, wearers of the steel ear plugs
"Lemh is hereby under the protection of The Consitutional Republic of Rotovia, any assault upon them, is an assault upon Rotovia soveriegn"
Senator Julia Aptiva
Rotovian Vice President
Acting Minister for Justice
Anger and Mortality
27-11-2004, 05:39
I hearby subject you to warfare of the ears: Shania Twane, Garth Brooks and CHER.
Listen well, Bwahahahah
This is an outrage. JRV calls for Nemh to be bombed flat and its people liberated. We have sufficent intelligence to suggest that Nemh contains weapos of mass destruction and is a direct threat to our national security. We call on all nations to make a stand and join a coalition of the killing - I mean willing.
okay, all you idiots throwing threats willy nilly are going to get screwed in this game
The Emperial Goverment of the Alexian Empire fully supports this banning of the sadistic attrocity that is called music by the evil worshipers of Shania Twain, and feel that all who disagree are rather disturbed.
Transmission from Nemh:
We do?Erm-uh_YES, WE DO! We have Weapons of Mass destruction and we plan to use them! Pheer us!
Eroc, after typing the message, looks at the gathered Thanes, "What is a weapon of mass destruction?"
They look at each other puzzled, then Gorsedd speaks, "Um...maybe a ballista with more than one bolt?"
Krakhas scratches his head, "Catapulting sick goats maybe?"
"I think we need to examine the phrase word by word," Arfal, the Archdruid, explains, "Maybe we can figure it out that way..."
"Maybe it's the Shania Twain cds we are holding", Thorkell adds...
Today has been announced 'Official Shania Tawin cd incineration day' by the government.
27-11-2004, 06:09
Today has been announced 'Official Shania Tawin cd incineration day' by the government.
Here here! We too in AMF have marked this day on our calendar.
Minister Hartman
-Minister of Foreign Affairs-
Anger and Mortality
27-11-2004, 06:10
I have decided to quit my war for now. I simply lack the resources to wage it.
I am not a proponent of Shania Twane, but I must protest banning her. No I do not like her music, but does that mean no one else is allowed?
Can't we all just get along?
Uh, I meant "Twain", not Tawin.